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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 23, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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spots in switzerland. >> aren't these guys going 100 plus miles an hour doing this? >> you bet they are. you see them going right through the cracks in the mountain. spectacular scenery. check out this shot. a lot of the guys getting their gear together. it looks likes they are actually going quick. look at this. jumping off of a dam. look at that. this is the sight of the sheer concrete wall of this dam makes it a whole different perspective, the green valley below. three amigos all jumping together. they all have cameras on. you can see the proximity as they go down and split off in their own separate line. this whole video is about ten
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minutes long. if you want to see it, go to right this and clek on best of rtm or use our mobile app. it is a new week and in a little bit, we are giving away a new ipad mini. >> you are all going to need the buzz word to win. >> you have to be 18 or older and a u.s. resident to enter. >> stand by. a ten-year veteran of the new york police department has suspended without pay. the department says he was neglecting his duty to stop this fight you are watching. >> pay attention to the officer with the glasses. he is talking into a walky-talky. that is cortez hangton. he said during this fight, he didn't do what he was supposed to, which was stop the fight. you see the other officer getting between the two guys and he is trying to stop them. there are two girls fighting and hangton, while he is standing near him, doesn't do anything to stop him. there is more than 2 1/2 minutes
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of this. according to hangton's attorney, he was waiting for female cops to arrive, because he didn't want to hurt these girls by using his physicality. the superintendent said, they are trained to stop fights no matter who is fighting. somebody could get hurt. one gu who has no shirt on, he steps in. that's what hangton does push him away? he still does not stop him from fighting. finally, two female officers show up. >> until i saw that guy take a swing at the two women, that cop should have been on that guy and had him on the ground within seconds. he still didn't do anything. that's where i got a problem. >> he let the guy get several punches in. hangton's department brought up the new york police department is under orders because of some of the behavior they have made. he was reluctant to get physical, because he didn't want
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to get in trouble. shots ring out in a neighborhood. >> this is a drive-by shootout but it is with paintball guns. >> the nighttime game that could have ended badly. >> an and stopped and stared down by a gator. >> hey, come on now. >> nervous laughter. >> how agitating an alligator had this kayaker scared silly. ) trick or treat! mmm! thank you! mmm! m! you said in a focus group, febreze just masks the smell. find the smelliest item in your home. this is febreze free, it has no perfume. now it smells clean. it doesn't have the odor. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] new febreze free. odor elimination without masking.
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check this video out and tell me what you think is happening. oh, is it a paintball gun i hear that snap, snap, snap? >> yep, this is a drive-by shootout with paintball guns. this is in a neighborhood in miami. it is just now going viral but it was posted back in november of 2012. the poster in the video says it was shot on halloween. so it looks like these guys were having some halloween fun. but it is a little crazy. >> there is a car that drives very fast, also shooting back toward guys in this home. >> this will be a lot of fun for the people that knew what it was like a cool, nighttime paintball
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fight. for everybody else that has no clue and you hear the sounds, you are not quite sure what it is. >> that would be freaky, scary, specially on halloween. >> the most shameful thing is that a khmer roe camero was lit paint. >> paintballs hit hard. they will bruise the heck out of you if they hit you. my guess is this left little dingers in the cars. >> they are seemingly having innocent fun but they could have done this taking more precautions. a couple of tropical storms devastated the black lagoon ecological preserve in acapulco. some of the alligators got out. this is on the streets. >> people are close by. you can see them walking around trying to toss a rope on it. what they were going to do with that rope, i don't know.
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>> what? i'm amaced so many peopzed so m going to see this. >> i would go to the butcher shop and start throwing raw meat at him and get him full and happy and he will take a nap until you can take him back where he needs to be. >> until you get a boat. a boat was not a lot of protection for this guy. he was fishing in the bayou in texas and there is an alligator in the water. >> maybe i should back up. >> this alligator gets pretty close z harks. >> hey, come on now. >> nervous laughter. >> i betcha that alligator is attracted to his paddles in the water. alligators will hear that splash and think it is an animal in distress. >> if there is a body of water close by me with alligators in it, i don't think i would choose an itty-bitty paddle kayak to go
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out and fish. >> a taser is not going to work on an alligator. what kind of defense do you have? >> in water. >> he is still coming at me. i'm going to stop the video. guys, this next video tackles a very serious problem we all deal with. ♪ >> warm beers. >> oh, that is a problem. >> you want to drink a beer now. you don't want to wait until it sits in the cooler. >> how about waiting 30-60 seconds. >> allow me to introduce to you a star project called the spin chill. you'll notice it is an extension that you put on to your electric drill that you put a beer in and you spin it around in a cooler. now, these two guys that developed it, trevor and ty. >> we learned that spinning a beer in ice by hand drastically increased the rate of --
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>> it doesn't shake it up so the cash nation doesn't make it explode. >> the first question we are asked is, does the can explode? it couldn't even. >> the idea of going in the garage. >> eventually, they want to create a beer owe wet. >> it is a hands-free device, you clip it and drop it into i acooler to cool your beer in less than a minute. >> i like that better. you don't have to have your drill. >> in a minute, you could have a nic delicious, cool beer and there is nothingorsehan almost time for e bomb's world. three videos, one question. real or fake? >> you think this is a ufo. >> you believe in ufos. >> no, i don't. >> will you believe what you see? the suspicious videos are next? the buzz word you need for a chance at winning an ipad mini. ,
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here's exciting news from the inventor of hoveround, mr. tom kruse. home. it's everything. it's your safe haven... the place you belong. if you're unable to get around in your home, if you've tried everything -- canes, walkers, manual wheelchairs -- even if you've been in a power chair for years, i have exciting news. introducing our new hoveround rental program. [ male announcer ] now you can experience the one and only hoveround easier than ever. hoveround is still more maneuverable, more reliable and now you can rent one hassle free by calling us today. at hoveround we've been improving people's lives for over 20 years. [ male announcer ] that's why we're giving you this special offer to rent your hoveround. no lengthy paperwork. no waiting for approvals. just you getting back to your life. [ tom ] get back to doing the things you love. call and learn more about renting a hoveround today. ♪ ♪
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it is time for us to decide it these three videos are real or fake along with the help of matt dreidel from e-bombs world. >> hey, guys. >> in the russian hat today. >> that's what that is. >> what we would do without the russians. half the internet videos would be gone. >> that's true. let's dive into our first video. >> this looks like security footage at a rug store. >> nice rug. >> is he trying to walk out with the rug? >> he has a rug. he is locked in. >> whoa! >> it is a core yo graphed fight. you can tell there are no real punches. he is giving him the hard shoulder when he has him down. >> he is going to roll him up in a rug like a burrito.
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>> fake. >> big old "f" stamp. fake. >> what do you say? >> it can't be that easy to make a human taquito like that. >> fake. >> fake. video number two. >> an airplane. it looks like your standard 787. >> why does it look like that? it looks like a hologram. >> probably just reflection in the lousy camera. >> i don't know what i'm supposed to be looking at. >> you believe in ufos. >> no, i don't. i don't know what i'm looking at that that plane is doing besides flying. >> i think we all know it is fake here. >> we are going to go to video number three. ♪ >> wow, he is really fast. >> i think it's real. i don't think i need the iphone there to prove it. i know what they are trying to do, show you this is in real time. >> absolutely real. >> totally real. >> my question is, is it sfed up at snaul. >> it looks like it could have
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been sped up. when i slow it down, it looks real. when i watch it in fast motion, it feels like it might be sped up a bit. >> look at his hair. it looks like it is shaking. >> i'm going with real too. you say real, max? >> i was on the fence but you guys got me. >> all right. get social. #real or fake. if you watch "right this minute," you are going to notice you can see anything on a russian dance cam video like hebert. that is hebea bear chatting the the driver of that truck. obviously, he didn't get what he was looking for. he walks over. these people give him some bread. >> no. don't do that. >> it's so sad. this poor bear has now learned to go to the road to get food. he is going to get hit by a car. >> it is not the only bear.
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>> look over there. there is a bear over there, a fanlly. zi don't know if they are family but they certainly hang together. >> guess what? this bear isn't done. the people stay there. the bear is like, these people are going to feed me, i'm going to go back. >> this is so dangerous, not just for the bear, what he is learning. it is dangerous for the people. their window is rolled down. we know bears are incredibly strong. they could really cause some serious damage. >> this is dad from a lot of different angles. >> we jump over from the bearing strait to the yukon where a man is driving and he saw a bear. >> this bear wasn't looking for food but it did want to put on a show. >> it is like a pole dancer. >> a pole dancer with feathers. watch what he does with one of the bridges. it is fantastic. >> it is like a bear burlesque show. he is marking the tree. nobody gave me $1.
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i'm out. >> i thought there was more. >> me too. it's monday ipad mini giveaway time. >> you have to be 18 years old and you are going to need monday's buzz word. >> to enter on our facebook page if you are entering with your mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post on our fates book page and tab on that mobile link. >> here we go, time to reveal the buzz word for monday is trumpet. >> now, over to forward slash "right this minute" and click on the ipad mini and enter the buz trumpet for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody what if you could wear a watch on your finger? >> we've had those, right? >> we've got the 411 on theoq3e0
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[ female announcer ] breyers. together making moments.
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♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now [ female announcer ] rich, creamy quality breyers. the taste you've loved for over 140 years. ♪ right now [ perdue ] they say you are what you eat. well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. which is why we feed our chickens a 100% vegetarian diet including corn, soybeans,
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and marigolds without any added hormones...or steroids. and unlike a lot of other companies we never use animal by-products like blood and bone meal. because we believe that's what it takes to bring your family a tastier, more tender chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. we've got surveillance video from pittsburgh to somebody up to no good at a pet store. >> this is outside of animal nature. this guy is driving up on his mini van. he is going to have a brick in his hand and break into the store. >> he paces down the sidewalk. >> he has grubs on and something over his head to hide his identity. he goes right in front of the camera where you get a good look at him. >> they didn't cover their heads but it is your face that's your identifier. >> he finally breaks through a glass door and he gets in. >> with the worst ever. >> he did that underhand.
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>> goes straight to the cash register. there, you can see him kicking something in trying to get the cash out. he does. he gets the cash and the cash drawer. yes. he left with the cash drawer. >> but right as he walks out the door, bingo, we see him right close-up in the camera again. they are out $1,000 because of the damage to the door and the cash he took and the cash drawer. >> police are still looking for this guy. it is pet time for the fashion forward. i know you are going to like this parkts because you are all about watches, time pieces. what about if you could wear a watch on your finger. >> they have had those, don't they? >> that actually looks like a watch on your finger. this is the new fashion forward time piece. it is the ring clock. you'll notice down here at the bottom, a little blue light lights up for each second and each minute lights up. it is in military time. you see the 13, 14. >> to find out a little more about this, we're going to bring in our father of time. >> father of young time. >> zach.
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hey, zach. >> hello. >> this is one of the most awesome tech pieces that you have brought us yet. >> this actually started out as an online competition to see who could create an image for a product that is actually not able to be made yet but can be made in ten years. you may have seen these pictures online. they have been out for two years. the company got so many people asking for this product to be made, they actually decided to go ahead and make it. i can get this. >> i can buy one? >> you can. it is an inyogo project. the cheapest you can get this ring is $195. >> it is made of stainless steel. this ridge is water resistant. so you can wear it outside. it should be able to withstand some rain and splashes of water. your not going to want to use it inside a pool. >> i see them putting it on a base. is that the charger? >> that is the charger. it is wireless charging and you can set your clock wirelessly. the battery should last a week on average for a single charge which only takes about two hours. >> i want one. >> we first showed this video in
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august of wildfires in portugal. it scorched tens of thousands of acres. we could see how it devastated forest areas. well, now, we have a new view of that fire fight. here is a french canada airplane. we are in the cockpit watching them scoop up the water to go dump on one of those fires. >> my gosh. it is amazing how they are able to do this. they are flying really fast. they are still going against a body of water. >> it doesn't look natural to just be going down landing on the water. it just feels scary. >> it is ironic to see the contrast. you know that after he picks up this water, they are going to go to a much different scene. >> this is one of two french canada airplanes that were used to help multiple countries offered assistance to pore tu portugal to help them put the fires out. tens of thousands of acres were
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burned that's our show.
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so, um, do you want to come up for a coffee? yeah. 'kay... uh... good. so... so, uh... you make yourself at home and i'll be... yeah. right back. sure. (gasp) oh, i th... i thought we were... (deep inhale) (coffee grinder whirring) ooh... with authentic, expertly crafted roasts and legendary brews, eight o'clock is the coffee for those who put coffee first. this is nice. >> patrick: emma's fast asleep. wow. thank you. >> sabrina: you're welcome. how is she? >> patrick: she's good. her eye's not as pink as this morning, so that's a good thing. >> sabrina: i tried to get her to take her drops, but...she wanted her mom. >> patrick: i'm sorry. >> sabrina: we worked it out eventually.
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but for future reference, emma does not like eye drops, and she's not afraid to say so. >> patrick: i'll keep that in mind. so, your friend from puerto rico -- did you guys find each other? >> sabrina: um...actually, yeah. he showed up a little bit ago. >> patrick: showed up where? >> sabrina: here. apparently, he talked someone at the hospital into giving him your address. he's kind of charming that way. >> patrick: so, what's this charmer doing in port charles? >> sabrina: he said he was here on business. >> derek: carlos, my man, that was a thing of beauty. >> carlos: what can i say? i'm an artist. >> derek: no, no, no. more like a magician. sonny's ship came in, then poof! it's all gone up in smoke. what the hell happened there? >> carlos: oh, i...caught it on something running from the scene. >> derek: you're bleeding. >> carlos: it's nothing. i'll get it checked out later. [ sirens wail distantly ] come on. let's get out of here before the cops sta swarming in. >> derek: yeah, yeah. we can, uh, plan our next move at my office. >> carlos: you want me seen with you there?
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>> derek: eh, it's late. we'll have the place to ourselves. [ wailing continues ] >> anna: knock, knock. >> duke: come in. [ chuckles ] hello, my darling. what a lovely surprise. >> anna: yeah. >> duke: what do you have here? >> anna: well, it's haggis, of course. >> duke: no, it's not. >> anna: you're right. i'd rather die. [ chuckles ] >> duke: [ chuckles ] >> anna: this is a very nice office. i mean, if this is yours, mr. wells' must be positively palatial. >> duke: oh, no. alas, this is his castle. >> anna: oh. >> duke: derek just gave me the keys until my office is ready. i'm trying to get the lay of the land before my official start date. >> anna: how's it going? >> duke: well, i'm pretty familiar with the business aspect. right now, i'm just trying to find out more about the man that i work for. >> anna: and what have you uncovered about the elusive mr. wells? >> duke: well, unfortunately, nothing that we hadn't gathered before. he's a very successful businessman, he has several businesses, and he saved the life of daniel morgan. >> sam: [ sighs ] >> silas: sam, sam. wait, hey, listen. what? you want me to chase you into the street?
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>> sam: what? >> silas: give me one second to explain. >> sam: what is there to explain? you and ava jerome were kissing. >> michael: dad, i-i -- what are you doing? >> sonny: listen to me. i got to do this, 'cause i would not forgive myself if i don't. >> michael: well, what, dad? you never hurt me. >> sonny: yes, i did! i knew you and kiki weren't related. i finally said it. >> michael: wait, i'm sorry. what do you mean you knew? before kiki and morgan got married? what do you -- >> sonny: i -- you know, i swear to god, i wanted to tell you. connie told me to tell you, and i didn't. so i let you believe a lie. >> michael: why -- why would you do that? >> sonny: because i promised morgan i would. >> michael: wait a minute, dad. you -- you promised morgan? >> sonny: yes, son. i did.
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and i'm sorry. >> michael: wait a second. wait, are you telling me that morgan knew kiki and i weren't related before the rest of us?! >> sonny: yeah. morgan knew. ,, ♪ [ female announcer ] with the weight watchers app, you have the power of weight watchers. and helpful tools like the pizza cheat sheet so you can make the most of any situation. what can i get you? i'll have that one. [ female announcer ] even saturday nights. ♪ and the barcode scanner so weekend road trips don't mean losing your way.


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