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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 26, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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i'm grabbing on to this large pallet here and i'm just fine. >> unfortunately the video ends before we see what happens but it's shocking on so many levels. >> let's head over to pakista they recently experienced a 7.7 magnitude earthquake. caused a lot of homes to collapse, hundreds died. this is surveillance camera from inside a grocery store. you see a woman running away and things start shaking a little bit. but before you know it, the building, the whole store starts shaking and things start falling off the shelf. >> that's a dangerous place to be during an earthquake. you think of the tall shelves with all the items that could call on you. >> here's another view of the aisle. as soon as the shaking starts, things start falling off the shelves and before you know it, the floor is covered with stuff. >> and this goes on for an extended period of time. i'm sure it felt like forever.
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>> it's not often you see someone crash with this kind of exuberance. this is swedish mountain biking slope specialist martin. this is at the x games in munich this past june. this was posted by go-pro. >> whoa! >> whoa! i'm alive! >> i don't know what's better, the fact that he's okay or his commentary about being okay? >> wow! who said no braking? >> what happened? why did he wreck? >> he said he overshot the jump. >> when he's so far up there, i get that weird feeling in my gut like i'm that high up. >> whoa, whoa! i'm alive! whoo! >> we're giving away another
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ipad mini today. >> you're going to need thursday's buzz word to win. >> remember, you have to be 18 years old or older to enter or you have to be a u.s. resident. >> so stand by, everybody, it's the ipad mini giveaway coming up. >> time for a little blurred line and this time i'm not talking about robin thicke. we're talking about the line between video and movies. they believe that the post production process will be no re ty liehey' b abl movies like yo here in realtime. the filmmakers are able to make the movie right there and in realtime the computers are generating the costumes right over top. so once the shot is done, it's
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done. >> we've seen it with avitar. but this is new because it's all realtime. we don't see the actors but the director does. >> imagine downloading the movie to your ipad or television at home and being able to manipulate the movie yourself. you can choose the way the movie will look is one thing they'll be able do. >> how? >> just by manipulating the video. one guy changes the type of day. that changes the whole lighting scheme in wholt shot. >> this creates something new and gives them another option to sell you. >> the lines are blurring toward traditional film and new wave technology. >> something has cyrus baring his teeth. what he's after next. and it's a typical night out for
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these guys until -- >> what was that? >> the party trick one dude pulls that has everyone flipping out.
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some people can sing and some people can sing. this is 11-year-old jamie lou single. ♪ ♪
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>> i'm going to say it again, 11-year-old jamie lou! >> if you wouldn't have shown the video and just listened to that, i would never have guessed. >> you would never guess. >> she has all kinds of covers and they are blowing up. here she is singing rihanna's "stay." ♪ i want you to stay >> oh, my god! i want to take all the hits and have her sing them and that's all i need. >> how about another hit, pink's "give me a reason." ♪ just give me a reason, just a little bit to love ♪ >> i want to know what it feels like to sing like that. >> well, we can ask her right this minute via skype, we have
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11-year-old jamie lou. >> hi. >> you're only 11 years old. how old were you when you found out or discovered you could sing? >> when i was 9 i really found out i loved singing. >> are you guys a musical family? can you describe how this all came together? >> i played piano for years. my wife is a singer. so she grew up around a studio. ♪ around and around we go >> she always said i want to sing, i want to sing. i said yeah, yeah, then she sang the first time in the studio and my jaw was dropping. >> how about a little performance for us now. >> okay.
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♪ ♪ >> wow! ♪ coming through, coming through ♪ ♪ ♪ >> see how border collies try to herd sheep? >> yeah. >> well, this cat is trying to herd a border collie. viva is getting herded by this kitten. >> the thing is the cat has like the same sort of coloring and pattern as the bord collie. c y this it's a collie. >> this is quite a little power struggle. the cat seems to have the upper hand. the dog is not fighting the cat. >> no, the dog is teaching the cat. >> we move from one dog to another. this is cyrus. he lives in houston. cyrus is a rescue and cyrus
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loves rain water, particularly that rain comes off the house. it just loves the delicious fresh rain water coming off the house. >> this is really cute. i've never seen a dog do this. >> thank you. and i love how the dog goes down the stairs and goes maybe there's something better off this other part of the roof. >> upstairs. >> look at him climbing up the wall to get at it. >> cyrus loves rain water. >> recording now. >> these guys are having a good old time reveling in the streets of ireland, a couple of them have their game jerseys on, maybe having a couple of beers. think thi i think this is what you call yucking it up. now something is about to happen here. it's going to blow your mind. >> what was in that?
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>> you got to watch the finish, man. >> oh, my god. put it back in, put it back in. i can't believe it. i'm going to get this on video. >> oh, my god. >> these guys were all wigged out about some guy on the street who has this i guess parlor trick where he pops out his fake eye, puts it in his mouth, mugs for the camera and then it ain't over yet, pops it back inside his eye socket. >> i thought it was his eyeball. i get it now that it's a false eye but -- >> that's gross. >> oh, my god. >> he's the dude whose beard went viral. >> guess what, he's going to show us how to eat something else with a beard. >> now meet the man who tells us all about his beard of many
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talents. >> you know, it's just kind of -- >> and we've got thursday's buzz word for your chance at winning an ipad mini.
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>> he's got the beard that's weird and apparently lots of people like it, too, because this video's got completely viral. you saw it a few days ago on our show. mr. incredible beard showing us how to eat a bowl of ramen needs from his beard. >> this going viral. >> he's going to show us how to eat something else from his beard and you don't have to use his hand this time. you just do this. >> he's got a cup holder and a plate. >> a fries and some sort of sandwich here. this is how you do it. >> it's working! >> he's doing it pretty efficiently. his name is isaiah webb. he's joining us right this minute from san francisco.
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he and his beard are joining us. >> whoo! >> yeah. first of all, we were wondering with the ramen noodles, how did you make the bowl? >> the bowl was just a wrap around. i did do a braid around the rim just to give it a little extra structure. >> did you finish the ramen and did you eat any of your beard hair? >> i didn't finish all of the ramen. there was too much in there for me to eat and i actually didn't get any beard hair in there. >> how did you get all the ramen and stuff out of your beard? >> that was a little more difficult than putting it in. i have to clean it out, dump it out, then i had to take a couple showers after that but it was okay. >> isaiah, does your beard have a purpose? >> it all started with my wife pushing me to grow it up and then we started having some fun with it and now it's more of a symbol of certainly i like to call beard rights movement. >> after the ramen video came
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the fast food video. where was your inspiration from that? >> i had all these lists from my kids. and someone threw out fries and a shake and i thought perfect, i could have a whole meal. >> did that hurt? >> it was the process of actually shaping it. it gets a little painful sometimes. >> the next time you go to a formal event you could tie yo ea to ck tie for a botie. >> could you do a beard trick for us now? >> unfortunately not without any product. the hair itself is just kind of -- >> ew. >> that was good enough. >> i like that trick. >> this video proves that you can find fun anywhere. you don't need expensive toys and gadgets. >> aw! >> it's the old door stop. >> the old springy door stop.
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you got emma and connor. they're 11 months old. and emma already a famous youtube baby. you may remember little emma. the one who sneezes on command. >> bless you. >> right. i remember her. >> everybody loves little emma. and now her brother, connor, is getting in on the fun and everyone is falling in love with the babies playing with the springy door stop. >> that is a funny noise, even as an adult. sometimes i'll hit it by accident. it sounds funny. >> they're occupied. it's safe for them to play with relatively, as long as they don't get their fingers caught. >> you need a baby gift this holiday season? springy door stoppers for everybody. >> you two are ridiculous. you know that?
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>> it's ipad mini giveaway time, everybody. >> you got to be 18 years old and you need thursday' buzz word to win. >> you enter on our facebook page. if using a mobile phone or tablet, head to the first post and tap on that mobile link. >> it's time for the thursday buzz word. it is dashcam. >> now go to facebook and click on the ipad mini win. >> and type in dashcam for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. >> she is the latest celeb to stuff face. >> to promote the buffalo oq3e!tk0
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there's a question burning a hole in market's mind. what do eggs look like when they're breaking in -- >> super slow-mo. >> tell me you have a video to satisfy me. >> i totally do! >> they're using a slingshot, which is totally cool. >> like a marble. >> right. >> this video was in collaboration between the two guys and they're shooting these
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at frames between 639,000/24ths. >> now we see why it splatters in such a beautifully random fashion. >> next time you break one, you won't be so upset because you know it was beautiful. >> she may not look like she's ever eaten a burger in her life, but she's sure eating one in this commercial. >> katherine web, miss alabama, 2012. remember when brent musburger got a little goo goo over her, creepy, pointing her out in the crowd. well, they're going to recreate this for a commercial.
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>> the beginning plays off of katherine in the stands. >> it's all to promote the buffalo blue cheeseburger, which looks delicious. she gets a little sauce on herself. >> she's a gorgeous woman, no doubt. but here we go again. >> here's the but, ladi. >> this isn't the first one we've seen. we've seen paris hilton do it, kim kardashian. we've seen a lot of women strip down to barely nothing to eat giant burgers. >> to be a part of this i feel so special and to be chosen to be in this commercial. it's almost like a dream come true for me. >> it's advertising 101, sex sells. >> it's good. >> that's it for "right this
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minute." we'll see you next time.
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>> sabrina: uh, you know, you're, uh -- you're gonna need a doctor to look at that. >> carlos: i don't want a doctor. i want you. [ door opens ] >> patrick: sorry. i didn't realize you were with a patient. >> carlos: oh, i think i'm a little more than just a patient.
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ain't that right, sabrina? >> lulu: [ sighs ] connie, you are gonna knock 'em dead at your christening today. you're gonna be the belle of the ball. [ knock on door ] >> spinelli: [ sighs ] >> dante: [ chuckling ] spinelli. where are you going, man? my daughter's gonna think you're avoiding her. >> carly: i don't care that he's busy. let me tell you something. i am the owner of this hotel, and i have leave immediately, and i want terry to take -- >> franco: where's the fire? >> carly: "where's the fire?" why are you still here?
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>> franco: what's wrong with you? what are you so upset about? >> carly: ava jerome -- that's what i'm upset about. [ door opens ] >> kiki: oh, my god! oh, my g-- oh, my -- oh, my god! morgan, what the hell is going on?! ,, ♪ need advice on how to juggle those big family meals? this kenmore elite dual temperature double oven, exclusively from sears, can help. so you never have to worry... ...about dropping a dish. impressive! and so is j.d. power ranking kenmore elite highest in customer satisfaction.
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come celebrate kenmore's 100th anniversary and save up to 30% off all kenmore appliances. this is celebrating big. this is sears. what if we could keep that much plastic waste out of landfills each year. by using just one less trash bag each month... we can. and glad forceflex bags stretch until they're full. so you can take them out less often. it's a small change that can make a big difference. and for continuous odor neutralization... use new glad odorshield with febreze.
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so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth. it's durable. and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to bounty duratowel. you know it's not always the machine, it may be the detergent. adfinish power u to boost youdet and you'll see a huge difference. cloudiness, spots, tough stains, even dishwashebuilp --e! so don't give up. add finish power up. woah! what? it's called a smoky eye.


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