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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  September 27, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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wrestled with the officers. in all seven people were injured taking these people in custody. >> started trying to kick him in the head, gave him a couple of kicks. as the woman is taken to the grand, the man runs up. as you see, the [ bleep ] is -- >> shut up! >> and seconds later a police vehicle drives by going after the guy. >> maybe they were trying to, like, break a world record for charges. they were just trying to tack them all on to be the new world record holders. >> the guy was a gang of four. between them they're facing 31 charges all together. >> not a world record even. >> in one day? >> a valiant effort. >> the three other suspects are still at large. police say it won't take them too long to catch up with them. >> dash cam footage from canada.
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and you ain't seen nothing like this! this is in alberta, canada. from the pa control car from a member of the royal canadian mounted police, he's headed toward a call and suddenly it starts looking look daytime. is it sun rise? no way stm a meteor! just flying through the sky. a large meteor, big enough to light up the night sky. >> that moment right before it flies to the sky, would you think this is the world's fastest sunrise. >> the officer who got the call, he was called out on a guy hitting a bear. when he got there, he doesn't even have any conversation. all he talked about was did anybody else see this. >> tell me that didn't freak you. it would freak me out a little bit. >> it burns out just before it
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hits the ground. scientists are hoping some of the debris then it's a meteorite and not a meteor. >> and meteorites are worth money. >> and get this, meteors are spotted over north carolina because that witch. >> the rtm ipad mini giveaway is coming up in just a little bit. >> and you're going to need friday's tibuzz word. >> it's just about time for the giveaway. >> on a recent trip i was able to see the church, the basilica. you cannot miss the fact that it not yet finished.
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well, the team just released this video that shows what the basilica will look like once it is done. >> aw, cool. >> notice they're using digital imaging to create and give us a visual of what the project will look like when it's finally done. >> when was construction started on this thing? >> this is the master work of spanish artist anthony gowdy. believe it or not, he started in 1883 and he worked on this until 1926 at the time of his death, still under construction. it's taken such a long time because it is being built with just donations. >> you keep thinking it's done. that looks pretty. no, keeps growing. >> it's like a giant sand castle. >> that is pretty much the last of it, that very last spire you see at the very top. >> now you know when they pass the basket around at the end of mass where it's all going. >> i love they can do this digitally now and we got a sense
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and can watch like it's being done just before our eyes. >> they hope it's done by 2026, which will be the centennial anniversary of his death. >> he's the best when it comes to weigake boarding. >> and he's being pulled by a helicopter. >> see how fast he soars. >> and the amazing things can you do with that bottle of vin dpar in your cup board. >> why you'll look at vinegar in a whole new way. >> i love it! oq3e!tk0 n/
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this handsome man you're seeing here in this photo is 62-year-old fred evans. fred was recovering from a double lung transplant and then doctors diagnosed him with metastatic melanoma. so doctors gave him only months to live. now, he is a father of four, three daughters, one son. two of his daughters are unmarried. so fred, along with the help of his wife and his oldest daughter, put together a surprise for his two unmarried daughters, by walking them down the aisle to give his blessing for their future nuptials. that's his beautiful wife carla in the pew with the handkerch f
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handkerchief. >> i'm speechless. >> that was something he dreamed of as well. >> but he wasn't done with the surprises. he surprised carla with the moment to his marriage vows. >> it just talks about the kind of person he is and it talks about what kind of person they're going to have to endure being without when they lose him. >> to talk about this act of love, we have fred's daughter via skype right this minute. ladies, thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having us. >> first of all, we want to say we are so, so sorry for your loss. this is such a beautiful video. tell us what this means to you. >> to be surprised with that means the world to me that he wanted to make sure that he was able to walk me down the aisle. >> yeah, like it meant the world. i didn't even see it coming. >> describe what it was like to have your dad walk you down the
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aisle. >> i couldn't even catch my breath when i saw him undo the handkerchief and bring the flowers. >> did he say anything? >> he said i won't be able to walk you down the aisle. i lost it. >> tell us what you remember most about your father. >> his dry sense of humor. you could ask anybody. >> he would tell the dumbest jokes. now i catch myself saying things like that and i'm like i'm just like dad. >> what do you think about having these photos now. are you going back and watching them all the time? do you try not to? >> i have the picture of me and my dad. it's upstairs and it's framed. i don't watch necessarily the slide show because every time i watch it, i do get emotional. there's times i do miss him and i do go back and seep the moment that we did share together.
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>> if i pause the video right here, you see this guy wake boarding, german guy. he's the grand champ of wake boarding, won pretty much like everything there is to win. wait till up see what's pulling mr. hinterberger. that's an airplane. >> oh, wow. >> this was on the poe river in italy, and he is being dragged by a savage, which is a lightweight airplane. >> he's going really fast, probably faster than you could on a boat. >> you're right. he said it wasn't easy because the plane is going between 50 and 60 miles per hour. >> which means he's going -- >> 50 to 60 miles an hour. >> there's so much to keep in mind when you fly a plane irches
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from the water. >> yeah. >> you have to think about it as the pilot --. >> the trick here i guess is make sure you don't fall smarck face first into the water. >> never enough for you, huh? >> no, i think it's great. >> wake boarding behind a plane? >> a fisherman catches a lunker. >> instead of hooking a salmon, he hooked a duck. >> see who saved the day. and your chance to win an ipad mini. your chance is next.
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the royal national life boat institution, known as the rnli, known for rescuing man and beast. this time it's beast. we go to scotland where a fisherman was out trying to get some fish but instead of hooking a salmon, he hooked a duck. so the volunteers jumped in to save the day. well, they jumped in their boat. here's the duck. it's in the water but it's hooked up so much it can't get anywhere. >> as you can see, it's in a bind.
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>> is the hook in his mouth? >> it's right next to his cheek. and then it's next to his body. he's in a tankle. you think they're going to cut it off and all he does is unwind it. he tells them "hold the beak." this guy is probably not exac y exactly -- they put it back in the water and it's pretty quick getting out thereof. >> like being shot out of a corner. >> i love that they come out to save a duck. >> sure. >> i'm about to hack your life! today we're going to hack your life with household vinegar. >> it's got multiple using. >> first, you can use it to unclog that pesky clogged up sink are shower. >> put a half a cup down the drain and half a cup of vinegar.
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once is stops foaming, rinse it out. >> you ever get a really stinky garbage can? >> yes! >> drap grab a piece of bread and pour vinegar on it and let it soak up. when you remove it the day, the awful smell will be no more. >> are you serious? you like this one. >> especially when you're cooking meat, things like that. you know when you hate tho wrinkles in your clothes and you don't want to get out to iron, get the vinegar. >> after drying you'll see most of the wrinkles have flattened out. >> maybe put it into your drier with the drier sheet. you probably should have done that when you opened it. >> you neff when there's polts
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and sustains bottom. you have to soak it for three days. >> simply vinegar. so the amount of water. oil it for about five minutes and your cook ware will be good as new. >>. >> i have no vinegar in my house. >> now you need too get a giant jug of it. >> all right, everybody. it's fine for a little ipad mini giveaway. >> you got to be 18 years old and you have to have friday's buzz word. >> you enter on our facebook page. if you're using a mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post and tap on mobile link. >> time to reveal the buzz word for friday friday. it is "famous."
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>> and tenter it for a chance t an ipad mini. good look, everybody. >> he'll be in a suit and tie.
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this video is nabbed but try to guess what it's nabbed for. ♪ upside down, boy, you turn
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me ♪ >> this is a dancing chicken. >> the new dance craze, the funky chicken. you can't keep your head still like chickens can. >> this is actually an ad for mercedes-benz and their new body control system they put into the new s-class cars. >> they're using the way the chickens are able to hold their head still and equating that to how good their -- >> yeah, the head of the chicken is like the body of the car and the body of the chicken is like the suspension system. because as you're driving down the road, apparently you will not feel a thing. >> if i were in the pitch meeting for this commercial i would have been well, that's dumb but it's kind of effective. >> corgi in a bear suit. ♪ [ barking ]
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♪ ♪ >> whoo! ladies, do i look distinguished? >> you look dashing. >> holy moly! what happened? >> this is all part of a distinguished charity ride, the motorcycle ride where guys buck the look of the typical biker and dress distinguished to raise money for prostate cancer. >> i am in shock right now. >> you should be. >> it's in over 100 countries around the world, everybody riding in the same day from france to training america. and how videos are you'll over
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the web. the event just started in 2012. it got such tremendous support. they realize let's make certainly of it. so now in 2013 it's a much bigger deal. they're getting much more worldwide attention. >> the men look really good in their suits riding the motorcycles. >> yeah, there's something really kind of sexy. >> sexy and odd about it because you're not used to see it. all of a sudden you see this rugged motorcycle guy, which is very manly testosterone, but then you're refined. >> even you, rinick, are starti to look different. suddenly you're not nick anymore. >> is that what you're going to wear? is this your outfit? >> this is my one and only suit. >> that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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[ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. with everything. go! gooo! but instead she gives him capri sun. with absolutely no artificial preservatives.
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but instead she gives him capri sun. [ ben fusses ] >> nikolas: hey, buddy. what's the problem? huh? you missing your mommy? yeah, i bet you are. come here. come here. one, two, three. [ sighs ] yeah. she probably just needs a break from all that squawking you've been doing, you know?
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don't be too hard on her, though. she's new at this. but you know what? it gives us a chance to get to know each other. yeah? just try not to fall for me, 'cause you already have a daddy. [ smooches ] >> brad: felix, hey. >> felix: i gave at the office. >> brad: this is your office. look, i don't want anything. in fact, i've got something for you. a, um, present. >> felix: hmm. that's too bad. i have a policy. >> brad: against presents? >> felix: i don't accept them from strangers, old usines, and. >> britt: this kid giving you trouble? >> nikolas: [ laughs ] see? i told you she'd be back. here she is! >> britt: battery check. [ laughs ] i hope he didn't disturb you. >> nikolas: no, no, no, no. we were, uh -- we were just discussing his -- his likes and dislikes. >> britt: oh. >> nikolas: yes, he's very fond of that night light that you've got up there that's shaped like a seahorse. >> britt: [ chuckles ] really? that's good to know. thank you for covering my shift. >> nikolas: oh, yeah, you're welcome. it's the best conversation i've had in quite some time.
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>> britt: [ chuckles ] >> nikolas: uh, i need to go get cleaned up for connie's christening. >> britt: yeah, it's a big day for your family. >> nikolas: yeah. >> britt: maxie, not so much. >> maxie: [ sighs ] thank you for not smiting me. i know i haven't exactly been a model churchgoer. or a model person, for that matter, but i'm -- i'm trying to change. i volunteered to be a surrogate for dante and lulu. i know that didn't exactly go as planned, but i'm -- i'm trying to make that better. that's why i'm here, um, to ask for a little backup. i really need strength... to let my daughter go. please, god.
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and i know that i don't really have a right to ask for this, but if you could just give me anything to be able to accept the fact that i am going to be connie's godmother and not her mother. [ sighs ] >> lulu: tracy. >> tracy: i come bearing gifts. where's the lady of the hour? >> lulu: you know the christening's at the church, right? >> tracy: yes, i do, but the church is gonna be filled with hangers-on and gawkers, and i want a private audience. >> lulu: mmm, there's one problem with that. >> tracy: are you gonna say that we're not technically related anymore? well, who argues with a woman bringing a very expensive gift? >> lulu: [ chuckles ] not me. and i would be happy to grant you that audience as long as you don't mind waiting. dante took the baby godfather hunting. >> dante: okay, connie and i better get going if we're gonna make it to the church on time. see you in a few. >> spinelli: be there with bls on. >> dante: all right. uh, hey, just want you to know how much i appreciate you, uh,
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being there for my daughter. >> spinelli: the honor is all mine. if i complete this assignment, i will be an integral part of your daughter's life. is that something you and lulu truly want? >> dante: yeah. spinelli, would you stop it? you're one of lulu's best friends. you've become a friend of mine. why wouldn't we want you to be connie's godfather? >> tracy: spinelli?! you can't trust your daughter's spiritual well-being to that boob! by the time he's done with her, she's gonna be worshipping at the altar of spider-man. >> lulu: i appreciate your concern, tracy, but you really don't need to worry. i have faith in spinelli's moral compass. >> tracy: yes, well, let's just hope that she never needs a good p.i. >> lulu: she'll get all her seamy underbelly references from my dad when he's around to give them. >> tracy: yes. well, i'm sure luke can't wait to school his new granddaughter in the fine art of skulking. in fact, i'm sure that he is


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