tv News ABC October 9, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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h@abcabch@@ay@h@clos cirith@@jhjabc@ay@h@clos cirit@jhjh@abcclos cirit@ay@@jhj @ay@ h@ @ay@abch@ @jhj@jhjh@abc closclos circuith@clos cirit@jhjh@abcclos cirit@ay@h@abch@clos cirith@abcabc abc h@ @jhj @ay@clos cirith@clos cirit@jhjh@clos cirit@ay@@jhjh@ @ay@abch@closed circuitabc h@ @jhj @ay@abc h@ @jhj @ay@ h@ @jhjclos cirith@clos cirit@jhjh@abcclos cirit@ay@@jhjh@ @ay@h@clos cirit@jhjh@abc
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c @ay@y... osed ccuit delicious granola bars h@ngreents nate. h@clos circuabcre vley.abch@clos cirith@abcabc h@ @jhj@ay@clos cirit@jhjh@@ay@@jhjh@ abcclos cirit@ay@ h@ clos cirith@abcclos cirit@jhjh@ h@ @jhj @ay@clos cirith@clos cirit@jhjh@abcclos cirit@ay@@jhjh@ @ay@abch@abc h@ @jhj clos cirith@clos cirit@jhjh@ab ch@ @jhj @ay@clos cirith@clos cirit@jhjh@abcclos cirit@ay@@jhjh@ @ay@abch@clos cirith@abcabc
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h@ @jhj @ay@clos circuit @ay@clos cirith@clos cirit@jhjh@abcclos cirit@ay@@jhjh@ @ay@abch@clos cirith@abcabc h@ @jhj @ay@clos cirith@closed cirit @ay@clos cirith@clos cirit@jhjh@abcclos cirit@ay@@jhjh@ @ay@abch@clos cirith@abcabc h@ @jhj from persrm say. d yocan e rougut t cour the day,celeitie im bede r and e am fromcubato flida thou e he of a ark ge. > anlet'ta abouat isoingon thismorng. theds hd outo th s. mperure cong at 55 deees. and coolmoing. but is gointo a ve windda escial is afteoon. and at stemets a lile t oser us. but the ternn, stil thinthatwe stilshld stay dr arou 3:, 4:, an we ad re to ybe 00, 6:00and at'shen star to e mo rainomininto e forest r us and pecily a hea throh thernit to torrowmorng. at'shen wi gethe lk oof thrain we e ill alinwithth ar oflow presre wn off thcoasof grgia of now. but the in shie, we is we abe th. --t wellove thatwe
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artalkg abouthe caronas r toght. for nigh thshows will bere. e teerate at54 drees as we workouwainto torrowmorera ine forest a wi cooler. we are talkinout th mperure onlyroun62 gree itwillbe a prty w y taas we rk our way into thuray. w, s weo in fray, thisis at wecan expe. mo raiowerin the focastfor us, wi th mperure mingup a degrs. at es iok le tord thweekd. wi havthe reca fo yoin amatt ofmoments but right now a check of the traffic with mike. >> righnow,get ady, stenup. 5, uthbnd, osed all nes uthbnd 295,this pa roe 10 clod do, causofa cacide, th a pederianinvoed and agn, itis anpoliro at 5, sthbod, anall las clos. an youe mingt of je sup,usro rie ro anjumpn e eewatoge arou . cong up pastjessupnoh ofjessup you ha to us95this morng. d e jamm up towa 10 yondthiscras wewilllk moreabt is, and re nstrtionelat deys and e ise 83 n, alcomi up afr th bre.
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and milyatheto rember thmoth ofhreelled hos ag tesa sman i s und her artmt mueredcros fromthe squis reaura. threaura wilbrg arens toe solv cre. e wa27 athe timeof he death. yone with information is asked to call imespper >>lieunantgoveor anthy brn is respdingo iticm atthe wathe hoe has rked e rst we in marynd. c 2 ws firsport to you nely 5,00ople sitethmarynd heal nnecon.g si sin it wentve lt ek t fer th 400ave beenle to fish e procs ofgettg gnedupr inranc thlieunantgoveor aski opleho ed surae be tien >>in thfirsyeale, even withheseitch, will enro probly 150,0 rylaers o upto th int han't d acce afrdab comtitily iced althinranc soure,wemahaveumbl out e ock,but we are ivin anwe a goi toe succsful >> sthe eu tena goveor anony own isrunng fo vern antheaiest vera th woulkickin would be januy 1.epai and grad to thweb si are ntinng rht w. > the ceo starcks is puing for thgrlock shinon td and offeng freecoff to custers wh t anexample of how to do it. from today through friday, the
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coffee chaiis ofringa free ll bred ffeefoan custer, o ys other pers vera thei sh. anin memotothstaf th o says that the offer is a way to help fellow citizens support and connect with on anotr, en it r our ecteoffials dothe sa for our cotry. the mpanus thsa campgn ding e wier o 12. > a pl ple toop oth st de baltore ty, cant crosng offially openfor busiss. e ar's largt taet sre d 13otr reilerare rt of t grd eninand e delope doned ney to cal scol. so locly ned stes an staunts ll add to the x ine ture thoslivi he have been waiting fosothinli th r que so me. we ve bn wantg it to here >> sh. spd yo mone ha a eat me. d cant crsingbrin ina thsandew bs to th area. doze of tails an restrantare alsonow callg itho. >>it ok 17onthan2 miion llarbut the newl revatesenar thter is t reen. e dos ing en morr nit witha screing of jn tersir say. e baimorlandrk s been cled r renotionsinc ril of st ar. e art cko sh ace w inudesthresml caens,a staunt a re stingan the vie reeng torrow willegint 8:00ine eving. therwill a reptio >>the elenta mide
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hoolere ttinnew lo. thdesi wi bedo by stents todasixtgrads atthe scol wi wo algsid archectso co upth e new sign the -- studts wi give eir opionshat ey wod ke thr nescol lo like the scho being renovated der ltime citypuic hools 21st century building pl. les ta abt th teerates ts rnin asou hd t and abou teerates aund 51 gree lumb. an inistetownght now. hickory, 50. in nthea. an56 greerighnow in centvill ancambdge,that at 57 deees. and thbig storof e day,whenill e in g he, coursy othe ea of lopresre. is ia bier ew, yoca actuly e at gog on now. and e ra ieldall the way upintothcaronas and rgin geing onome of e ra t e tualw ju nter oftowa the st gegia as ofow. d soth at, ve a waysfoit to tracthatlow d th willcontue to tck rougut e da anen it ll gin stal out we go towas toda torrowanwithth alli efft, ll, at meanit willick oundr a whil sohat ans willhaveth in ov thene seral da fortatel becse is st ing besty tsid buwe dne thatwet weher. and heres th lo essu steme'retalkg abt.
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isoingto me e cot. d wh wee caing thisof urse a r'eaer. causwe ll e that noheasrly ow in he. d on it trac a lile bi clos to, ye aring to rn wind go thugh thday. we a taing abougust poiblyupo 2530 mile hour and c s st accute fure end es io moon ani st ouof thwato e wh isgog ond llow the me ne a lkin are out the ternn eving ti framthatwe willget lit shers in he anth avie raiwi rk s y inthroh the ernit d torrowmorng ana diy mmuttorroworni, an ssib eventh enin anw, by ursd, thin stt toimove bit but the in isout ere. thatill ling as go throh ursd, fray, and en sarday and anni toy, th mperure byluhtim minginroun gree and make sure you ke a oto. tweeus aab2 atheand the ven-y focastoks likehis,as ntin e ra andthenby sund, wh e rans play, we look much drier. a check of the traffic with mike. >> bad ne he. th isill a sty ash he, th is 295 soutoundat napos ro, colete ut downand the teamis instiging noonlyan acdentbut pestri ruckanwe ll nfirthe storof cour th th wsro. agn, u'reon ssupd jumpg on 295don'doit and u caget on29soh of annalis road alsoif yoe traving anywhere nortof jess, yo nt e 95and do n use 29becae wh yogethe
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cides th e der vestatio itoulde ng rm deal lookhow mu trafc has velod. t on thesoutoundbut rthbnd ne d yoll be gog toelk dge and lkin abt thdela beawar tha its 5 napos road. all lanes of295 soutound sh do. neaccint, ute 40at edmo reet and cal aven. 69 thebaltore naonal ke. okinpret go th e ter and yips anotr chk of-- ner loop ananotr eck oftrafc anathecomi up. ck tyo >>the la the ars nna kerrhas lcom morthan 4,00peop to r backrd untehousand hadoneit r ee. t everne aund he suppts e ary yard somesaitpos a nger trafc d crtes parkg nuance she istea cee andest der theil om montmerycoty lt ek. it de me si tomy stomh wh ha yoople tingonyoand en e u trng to a ing r e commity, hur . >>she ll aue r ca in ont of ofa jue ne week anuntith e sa e willntin preing e rd for the llown seon. > e e st succsful raceeken takepartin baimorthisweekd. cordg tothe baimor sine joual arlyll o of e ces for satuay's 13 anal btimo feival ve be so oued e and lay e soldout. and ofcialare pectg
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dog in diancolete sothinso many humans probably wouldn't even try. >> we want to intruce u boie, a mel for coetin a ha mathonov e eken sohe m up th the nner at e sttinglineand ke going. when he finished atthe fini li, none kn hebeloed to and poce nt out analer d ma pele ben poing out hi faceok. e owr fod hiat a cal animal shelter. and arneabouhis g accolishnt. i und t lateat he s all over cebo. th he harua marathon. >> yes. >> c u beeve that >> ihave a hardti, beuse keepg his - that is keeping his attention for a long time and i think he stayed on e ack for the ole me. he nosuref hewi run xt ar'srace way go,oogi wel be rht back.
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mplely ut down thisisan accint thatame out 15mites o. en ireal delopefrom ther thpederiantruc so of our urcetellg us there is a fality so apoli instigion goin agn, 5, ke alookate ja wee mmedup, ght fr 10to e pafrway. so agn, youe in ssup yogot to use th ro, ho onto t pafrway anon 295 uthbnd, d st th sue. if y're ywhe rth jess, d use 5, use 95 as alrnate. th won leyou on. d colete sh downfrom anpolirighnoh towa ute 10 al therashrkinght
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w, rte mondreet and cal aven. inrieswiththat one. and moni ad, so consucti thismorng. towds timoum, th ctio thto. antakea ok ae avel tis and sofa so go on st of t ltwa 95 uthbnd haor tnel th fo mchey tunnel, just about 6 minutes. and charley? breaking news this morning. out of oklama. pilineexodedseing flam shtingfrom 200 yards into the air and the video comes to us out of northwest oklahoma. no injuries have been reported yet and people living within two mis of that blast, they we evacted. but e flames were out just after 2:00 th moing an creware inveigatg wh mahavecaed tt exosio >>it can lo li a geer ooti overthees. that howoplescri a ssivwatemaineak in rkvie. e pe ipair is morng t a lot re fix,a lomo fix ana lot mo cleap. osevt lewichis le on the ene. how it okinout the? yesgan,the arstil a lot of problems to deal with he. yocasee behi methro is csed d ews e stl out he. thlineis fed but u ow, yowoul't exacy ca wh isomint ofthpi ear. the -in mairst ectalar shio wi war shtingnto th y puy ll enue baltimore ty ter was out he ickland ere st of e da its reirinth
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magelined rein r many is badldisoer war and ry brn wh it ouldbelearanbyruing the ter r 30 mutesor so yocan clear thpipeand fo ny fos, i jusgros >>it isoingto be a ceain ountofbudup side a pi. its bacallalmo li a ttlebiof ru ty partles. becae thcastironmainis. there and these particles will get swirled around a litt bit. and th are rfecy harmss. ling re f of putty hi aven d you are ill eingoble withyourwate yoshou callthe depament of blicwos. ght w putthi avue is stilosed and e li on ain is pair. but the road is stl gog to ke so tim beuse at ppen. wh al
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