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tv   BBC World News  PBS  March 1, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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>> "bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. the newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation.
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and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from corporations. what can we do for you?u? >> and now "bbc world news." >> hundred their dead and many more are missing. food and water runs short of three days after the earthquake in chile. it is likely to be worse where aid has not yet reached. >> this is the main road that runs the chilean capital and epicenter was several hundreds of miles away. look at a force that must have been generated to do all this
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damage. >> iran is not cooperating. the head of the un's nuclear watchdog says it cannot confirm their nuclear activities are peaceful. a just and holy war -- radovan karadzic strikes a defiant tone as he begins his defense in the hague. welcome to bbc world news, broadcast on pbs in america and around the globe. coming up later, the children of afghanistan, searching for a better life. un accuses europe of failing to protect them. >> amid the angels of palestine, a new vision is becoming a reality. >> and visions of the first ever purpose-built palestinian city.
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>> with more than three-quarters of the people in chile affected by the earthquake that struck three days ago, the country's president has had to appeal for international help. at least 700 are known to be dead but many are still trapped in rubble in the south. aid is hard to deliver. news has been coming in that a small plane has crashed while on route to the epicenter, concepcion. let's go to the capital, santiago. >> from the air, the power of the earthquake and tamales unleashed can be seen. towns and villages -- towns and villages were broken down and washed away by the waves. in central chile, near the epicenter, few buildings still stand. even for a nation used to earthquakes, this is to much to bear.
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>> and we need help to look for our father. >> father, we love you very much. >> it has been three days since the earthquake struck, but only now are rescue workers getting to the more remote areas. they are working as fast as they can to save anyone who may still be buried. this is the second city, now in ruins. residents are too frightened of after shocks to good sleep in their own bed and lighting fires for warmth and comfort. >> there is no electricity, no water, and no food at all because everything has been looted. we have nothing. >> dozens of leaders in the capital have been rounded up. curfews have been put in place in certain parts of the country.
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thousands of troops have been mobilized to try to keep order and help deliver supplies. this is the main road that surrounds the chilean capital, santiago. the epicenter of the quake was several hundred miles away from here. look at a force that must have been generated to do all of this damage. today, the pictures emerged of the exact moment that the earthquake struck. you can hear one man telling other panicked residents to come down. -- to called down. tonight, in the areas worst affected, feud, fuel, and water are scarce. -- food, fuel, and water are scarce. looters take what they can share with others. everyone is hungry, frightened and frustrated. the president has called an emergency without parallel in
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chile's history. >> the nato commander and the afghan vice-president have visited more just days after it was declared free of taliban influence. that was the main focus of the largest military operation since 2001. the offensive was centered on central helmand province. police in dubai say all 11 suspects in the killing of a palestinian hamas commander say they are now in israel. it was revealed that the man was tried and suffocated in his hotel room. police say there are 99% certain the killing was carried out by my sob. old and weak seawalls are being blamed for the violent storms that have left 50 dead and thousands homeless along the atlantic coast of france. many died when the see wild was -- and the sea wall was -- when
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the sea wall was breached. radovan karadzic, leader of the bosnian serbs during the war of the 1990's has put up a stout defense. he described the conflict as just and holy. he blames muslims for starting it. he is beginning his defense as the trial resumes on 11 counts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. we have been following the hearing from the hague. >> the international criminal tribunal is in session frequency is accused of planning and leading a huge criminal enterprise -- genocide, murder, the forced expulsion of whole populations. the biggest war crimes in european history since the not cease. conducting his own defense, he placed himself in a long and heroic national tradition. >> i stand before you not to defend the mere mortal i am, but to defend the greatness of a small nation in bosnia-
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hercegovina, which for 500 years has had to suffer. >> suffer, most recently at hands of bosnia muslims, is reckless push for independence caused the war. their conduct, he says, gave rise to our conduct. hundreds of thousands of non- serbs were driven from their homes during the war. it was the central dynamic of the conflict. thousands of muslim men were held not in concentration camps, but holding centers set to cater to non-serb refugees. there was no organized campaign of ethnic cleansing, he insisted. >> we are going to prove there never was any intention, and the idea, let alone plan to annex all muslims. -- to expel muslims. >> a mortar landed in a crowded marketplace of sarajevo killing 69 people and lead to a nato ultimatum against the serbs.
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but there was no serb bomb, he says. he says the muslim faith the whole thing, using the bodies of shoulder -- using the bodies of soldiers. he called it more trickery. -- war treasury. >> a former president of bosnia has been arrested. he was a member of the wartime presidency in bosnia as the former yugoslavia broke up. he later served as the bosnian president. he was arrested at heathrow airport this afternoon. he was detained and in custody after a year -- a rehearing. the european affairs commissioner of economics says greece needs to take steps to tackle its budget crisis and it must meet its debt reduction goals. the greek government said they were announcing new austerity measures, very controversial already. the country's deficit is more than four times the european union limit. it's more than 12 flight 7% gdp.
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the president of russia's as moscow is ready to consider fresh sanctions against iran. he was speaking after talks in paris with the french president. three rounds of sanctions have failed to persuade iran to open up its nuclear program to international inspection. the americans are at the forefront of the drive for new sanctions. u.s. ambassador to the iaea has been speaking to us in vienna. >> we have worked very hard to reach out to pteron and find ways in which we could -- to reach out to tehran and find ways to reach out to them. that had asked for, could we help them modernize their control room at the reactor and we said we would be happy to talk about it, as an example. lots of efforts have been made, both in the nuclear context, but more broadly, in terms of the e- 3 +3 that resulted in the geneva
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meeting, to get some positive iranian -- have refused to engage in combat into the process. we're left to having -- we're left to draw the inevitable conclusion, that this is a country bound and determined not to live up to its requirements as a signatory of the non- proliferation treaty. >> if some people might say there is deadlocked and it's not getting any better. how do we get out? >> what we need to do, in the context of our two track policy, that is not to the u.s. policy but it is shared by the other permanent under -- part of members of the european security council and germany, is to pit off of the engagement track on to the pressure track. it does not mean engagement go away. it's possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. we can continue to try to find ways to reach out to iran, as difficult as that has proven to
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be. at the same time, we have to be true to this policy that we all signed off on many months ago that, if iran proved resistant, recalcitrant, difficult, that we would have to try to bring pressure to bear on them. that is why this effort centered in new york is important. we need to focus their thinking on the consequences of flouting the responsibility under international law, and in particular on the nuclear issue, which is so concerned. the united states, under our new president, has set out a policy line to try to move eventually toward a world without nuclear weapons, downplay the role of nuclear weapons in the world toward their eventual elimination and here we have a country moving in the opposite direction. it seems by all signs to be trying to develop the capability to build a weapon at
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some stage. we need to collectively react to that as a world community. >> it is the largest takeover in the history of insurance and it could put prudential among the world's biggest insurance companies. the british company is buying a i.t.'s asian life-insurance business in a deal worth $35 billion trade -- it is buying aig's asian life-insurance business in a deal worth $35 billion. >> this man will lead to generations of insurance policy holders. a door-to-door sales are long gone, and prudential has evolved into a multinational insurance empire. now, the boldest step, a deal with aig, the american giant bailout by the u.s. government. prudential is buying its asian insurance business. the chairman said it would
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become the biggest foreign insurer which was good for the u.k. economy. >> is a great story. for britain, it's a major development. it creates a world leading life insurance business, headquartered here in london. >> this is certainly a very big deal and here are the numbers -- prudential will pay out 23 billion pounds, more than its current market value, 15 billion pounds, to finance the acquisition. they will sell new shares, about pound sign 13 billion worth and raise borrowing. -- some were impressed that provincial shares fell sharply as others worry about the risk of the deal. >> the major risk is the quality of the assets there buying. if you look at a number of transactions down at the peak of the market in 2006 and 2007, many of those deals unraveled because of the quality of the assets were very poured -- very
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poor. >> provincial says its committed as ever to the u.k. and customers will not lose out. it wanted to be a continuing force in the budget -- in the british market. but the major overseas push, aimed at building on their existing presence in asia, says it -- shows it's looking east for the fastest expansion. >> good to have you with us. stay with us, if you can. still ahead, the shining city on the hill. the new housing project in the west bank that a little bit different. >> discover what the world is talking about. >> a study in the u.s. has found searching for new online is now more popular than reading newspapers. regular readers of traditional papers has dropped to 50%, which is led to most big media organizations to turn to the web to keep people reading. the survey shows a google news
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and aol are the most popular, along with our very own bbc news website. a 19 year-old ukrainian and had to be rescued from the steep side of a near vertical cliff in sydney after he went for a hike, got stuck, and decided to have a sleep. >> apparently had gone down to have a look at the sunrise and proceeded to go down the cliff. >> he would think the sound of a helicopter would stir him, but sleeping beauty was dead to the world. weighty weighty, rise and shine. -- wakey wakey. this may look like something from a james bond film, but some in the committee is on land, water, and there. it's the brainchild of the money spent 11 years creating this from spare engine parts,
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fiberglass, and bits of a barbecue. it works like a conventional hovercraft but takes off when it reaches 70 miles an hour. and doesn't that look like fun? finally, a colossal red granite had at one -- of one of egypt's's most famous pharaohs has been uncovered. it was dug out of the ruins of the mortuary. experts say it is the best- preserved example of the king's face ever found and is described of a masterpiece -- described as a masterpiece of highly artistic quality. >> discover what the world is talking about at >> of the president of chile has announced measures to cope with the aftermath of the earthquake that killed least 700 people. a short while ago, we get the latest from the capital,
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santiago. >> we are here in the capital, santiago, where there are very damaged areas of the city. the main that ring road has been severed in a couple of places and cars turned on end. we're getting people asking for any news or information about relatives down in the south, where things look very bad indeed. there is still no water or power down there. people in the capital cannot make contact in a lot of situations with their relatives. the president has made an appeal for foreign aid. winner stands this will start coming in over the next day or two, but a lot of roads are broken and bridges are down. it will be difficult for that aid to get to where it is needed. rescuers are doing all they can to release people who are still trapped in the rubble all over the central and southern parts of the country. >> un aid agencies are getting worried about the number of unaccompanied children migrating across europe. the u.n. refugee agency says in
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2008, nearly 4000 afghan children alone were separated from their families, made a silent claims in europe. in a moment, our correspondent, but first, let's go to kabul. >> this is a country where opportunities are hard to come by. it's little wonder that every year, thousands of afghans choose to leave in search of a better life elsewhere. this is one of them. he spent four years in the u.k. before being deported as an illegal immigrant. now, he is struggling to find his way. >> if i want to go somewhere to be safe and work, but they don't have the jobs and that is why people leave afghanistan. >> the trade in human cargo is a multi-million pound in the street, kept hidden in the shadows.
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but in a rare interview, we met a trafficker that makes journey's possible. >> he did not want to be identified, and he told me as a business full of hardship and danger, and death. he told me that people are first taken into iran and then smuggled into turkey. from there, their traffic to europe. but some don't make it that far. he accompanied a group of about 50 afghans, but only 15 survived the journey. until afghanistan develops, afghans will continue to look elsewhere for opportunities. but it can be lonely journey. one that often ends right back where it started.
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>> it's a long way from home -- he left afghanistan when he was just 11 and his parents paid smugglers thousands of dollars to get him out. they feared for its safety. six years of churning through iran, turkey, greece, finally italy. >> i came on a ferry from greece. i hid under a lorry, hanging on for 40 hours with no food, just a bottle of water. it was very difficult and i was very scared. >> he lives for now in this center for boys like him, all under 18, 5 new afghan boreas arrive every week and get a safe place to -- five new afghan boys arrive every week and it is safely to sleep, but don't get to stay. the next stop for many is calle and a desperate race for food
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handouts. it's no place for a child. where are you from? >> i'm from afghanistan. >> how old are you? >> i'm 13 years old. >> where you want to go? >> i want to go to england. >> why? >> because it's a good country. >> his last challenge on this risky journey is hiding in a lowry on a cross-channel ferry. a dangerous act fueled by an unshakable belief that somewhere life must be better. >> it's no problem motivating these boys for class. the 16-year-old and his friend, say it's one of the best things about being in britain. feeling safe. is it a flat eastern afghanistan
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when the taliban tried to recruit them. one says he refused a direct approach from two members of the taliban lawford and clothes and money to train him to make bombs. -- who offered him clothes and money to train him and make bombs trip >> i came with a repeated offer to my father and he said know. my father shouted to me to run away and i saw they had shot him. i ran away and knew i could not stay there anymore. >> it was a terrible journey. when you are walking through the mountains, it was freezing. we could see dead bodies along the way. we had to leave two of our group behind to die. the smugglers gave us no choice. >> hello. how're you today? >> the boy's social worker says the children she sees arrived traumatized, hungry, and often with skin disease like scabies.
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whatever the reasons i left home, they will be looked after, housed, and school until they're 18. but then what? officials say most are not accepted as asylum seekers. >> my strong advice to the young afghan mail trying to seek a life in the west is to not do it. the journey is a very dangerous. you are having money taken off you, you are being exploited, your chances of getting an established life are not strong. >> but these boys love afghanistan and mr. families badly. as they try to settle into a new life here, their big fear is being sent back. >> when you hear of major housing projects of that west bank, there usually is really. the building is under way on the first built purpose-driven palestinian city.
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>> breaking new ground on the west bank. right now, it requires some imagination, but this is the start of the biggest construction progress -- project in moderate palestinian history. -- modern palestinian history. space, and space for israel allows palestinians to build is at a premium. in cities like from allah, there's little room for people to breathe. -- cities like ramallah , there is little room to breathe. >> and the angels of palestine, a new reality is coming into being. >> soaring rhetoric, slick marketing, and most of all $700 million of investment, most of it coming from the government, and this is what you should get. the city will provide homes for over 40,000 people. they know the kind of people they want. prospective buyer -- this
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prospective buyer takes all the boxes -- young, professional, just married, and planning a family. >> the city should be vibrant because most of the people are newly moving and everyone is enthusiastic. that will give us a better standard of living, which we as palestinians, because of the years of occupation, have been lacking. >> that the continuing israeli occupation poses at least one big problem. the trouble is, for the moment, this narrow and but the access road is the only actual way into the city. parts of some houses had to be demolished to get construction equipment in. up to now, israel has yet to grant permission for the new access road that is essential for this project to succeed. but the palestinian developers got fed up with waiting for permission and started building anyway.
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>> is it tasty? perhaps it is. perhaps it's our only way of nicely saying we are ready, we have been planning come we have invested, we took the risk. we are starting construction. what is next? give us the road and let us move on. >> of the israeli government will only say it is working to make the progress -- the project reality. it represents a huge deal for the palestinian economy, but it is israel that holds the key card. >> thank you for being with us. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. the newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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>> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies from corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.
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