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tv   PBS News Hour  PBS  June 9, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> lehrer: good evening. i'm jim lehrer. b.p. ramped up its oil collection in the gulf today. the company is siphonning more crude to the surface, and now plans to burn some of it off. >> woodruff: and i'm bob woodward. on the newshour tonight, lawmakers questioned administration officials and others at five congressional hearings. we talked to two senators, florida democrat bill nelson, and wyoming republican
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john barasso. >> lehrer: and we wrap up yesterday's results and primary contests with dan balz of the "washington post" and amy walter of hot line. >> woodruff: ray suarez interviews susan rice at new sanctions aimed at curbing iran's nuclear programs. >> the iranians know the measures in this resolution will hurt and will severely constrain their ability to pursue their nuclear and proliferation activities, and that's why they work so hard to try to defeat it and today they failed. >> lehrer: and paul solman takes us on a summer tour of the flowers that inspired the verse of emily dickinson. >> fame is a bee-- it has the fall, it has the sting , it has a wing. she was aware that fame is ephemeral. poets are known in one err aunknown in another. >> lehrer: that's all ahead in
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tonight's newshour. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> will your savings be enough to fund your retirement? what will happen if your spouse outlives you by many years? what will happen if you outlive your savings? pacific life knows that tomorrow's questions require planning today. with financial solutions and strength, pacific life can help you and your financial professional develop a plan. pacific life-- the power to help
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you succeed. and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and... this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> lehrer: the amount of oil being captured in the gulf of mexico kept growing today, but there was also growing
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frustration in the u.s. congress about the spill, its consequences, and b.p.'s overall effort. out on the gulf, "discoverer enterprise" was filling up today. it pumped another 630,000 gallons yesterday from the blown well. that total was near the daily capacity of the cap-and-containment system, and b.p. said it's sending more vessels to capture and even burn off the crude. but a mile below the surface, oil kept gushing from the wellhead. some scientists began suggest the overall flow could be as much as 1.8 million gallons a day. that's 50% more than the official estimate. coast guard admiral thad allen addressed that issue in washington. >> we're redoubling our efforts to continually question those assumptions and get more aberacy especially as we know the flow rate and we're able to assess production. but i can guarantee you
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unequivocally nobody is low-balling anything that works for me and i will never low-ball anything. we will give you the honest data we've got and the basis for the assumptions and where that led us. >> lehrer: a government task force was expected to present a new estimate this week or next. government scientists confirmed yesterday there are plumes of low concentrations of oil far below the gulf surface, but this morning, b.p.'s doug suttles again played down that finding. >> no one's yet found any concentrations that measure below-- are higher parts per million, so i think it may be depending on how you're defining this. but i can tellue and i have looked at this data-- we have not found any significant connitration of oil below the surface. that's what everyone's data has shown so far. >> lehrer: in the meantime, the associated press reported numerous errors in b.p.'s spill-response plan. it was submitted to the government last year. on another front, new complaints surfaced about b.p.'s damage
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claims process. >> they say no claims have been denied. well, as of a couple of days ago over 50% of the claims of lost income hadn't been paid, and you have claims that have been opened for weeks. we've been asking now for weeks for access to their data to let us know how long a claim has been open and how long a claim has been processed. if somebody is not getting paid, you may not officially deny them but you have de facto denied them. >> lehrer: a all right was sent to the c.e.o. insisting on complete, ongoing transparency. >> one of the things i asked in the data was give us data on the claims processing is and make that transparent and see if there are any problems. we are getting anecdotal reports especially during the president's visit, there might be inconsistencies in the claims process. >> lehrer: criticism of b.p. echoed across the u.s. capitol today as well. >> i wonder whether the drill , baby, drill crowd ever thought about the spill, baby, spill
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consequences. >> lehrer: house and senate committees conducted five separate hearings on the spill. at one, interior secretary ken salazar defended a six-month halt to new offshore drilling in the gulf. >> it was our view , it was the president's directive, that we press the "pause" button. it's important for all of you on this committee to know that word. it's the "pause" button. it's not the stop button but it's the pause button and it's a pause button so we can make sure if we move forward with o.c.s. drilling in the outer continental shelf it can be done in a way that is protective of people and the environment as well. >> lehrer: but democratic senator mary landrieu wander even a brief pause in drilling could bring economic havoc to hir home state of louisiana. >> the consequences of this moratoria on the 33 deepwater riggs where 100 to 200 people work on each one and for every one on the rig, there are four
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or five jobs directly supporting that job , not counting the 10,000 jobs . this could be devastating. to our state. and to the gulf coast. >> lehrer: at another hearing, democratic senators called for raising the liability cap on oil companies. florida democrat bill nelson: >> we come to you with a simple little proposal, and that is that the person who makes the mistake ought to be responsible . and if the penalty is that they are going to be responsible and have to pay , they're sure going to be a lot more careful. about what they're doing. >> lehrer: but republican kit bond of missouri said it would be too costly for small companies. >> i regret to say that this bill should be calledded the big
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oil gulf monopoly bill. the menendez bill would make operating in the gulf so expensive that only big companies could afford it giving them a virtual monopoly in the gulf. >> lehrer: in the meantime, members of the house began working on their own proposals. speaker nancy pelosi asked committee chairs to draft new regulatory legislation by the fourth of july. we get some reaction now from two senators, bill nelson is a democrat from the state of florida. john barasso, a republican from wyoming sorvtz energy and natural resources committee. senator barrasso , to you first, how do you feel about the way the u.s. government, the federal government has reacted and handled the oil spill thus far? >> i think they have not done an adequate job. it is day 51. it took them much too long, in my opinion, to get engaged, and even yesterday, the report came out that the president of the united states had still not talked to the c.e.o.
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of british petroleum. it is unthinkable to the american people that the two of them haven't talked. so i think that the -- it has been delayed and much too slow, and a reaction that i think is not been fair to the people of the gulf or the people of this nation. >> lehrer: senator nelson, you're reaction, sir. >> well, my colleague from wyoming is one of the great gentlemen of the senate. he and i have differences . and this is one. i think the president has been sitting by helpless with b.p. having the technology of shutting off the oil spewing out of the well, and the federal government doesn't have that. now, going forward, the federal government should . now, when you get around to the question of the claims , are they being paid in a timely fashion? no. are the fishermen, are the people out there , are they getting paid for loss of all
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their work? and loss of their income? no. are the cleanup folks out on the beach getting those tarballs off the beach? no. so there's a lot of improvement, but the president is on it. this thing, jim, with so much oil in the gulf of mexico sloshing around , this is going to be one of the major operations that we've ever seen. >> lehrer: senator barrasso, do you believe the bulk of the responsibility and the lack of action , as you say, should go to b.p. or do you think it's now the federal government's responsibility? >> well, today in the energy committee hearing, the secretary salazar, the secretary of interior said we've been on top of this and making the decisions from the beginning. i think when the american people take a look at this in day 51 and they see the oil continuing to spew out, they're saying is
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everyone helpless? what are the best ideas? and i had additional questions for the secretary today about the moratorium because i think that's going to be a second assault on the gulf , even by the department's own recognition , that it's over 100,000 jobs that can be lost if they don't go back and continue to provide the energy for the people of the united states. >> lehrer: so you are opposed to the moratorium? >> i am opposed to the moratorium. >> and asked secretary salazar today about that. i agree with senator landrieu, even the temporary pause button will hurt the economy at a time we're dealing with 9.7% unemployment. >> lehrer : what is your view on the moratorium? >> first of all, distinguish between the deep-water drilling exploratory and the shallow. and the president has said keep doing the shallow, 500 feet or less. deep water, we sure better know
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what went wrong before we continue to do this because we sure don't want to have another one of these things go off and filt gulf up all the more. and so that's why there's this investigation. my former colleague from florida senator bob graham, is the cochairman of this. we need to know what went wrong and what we do about it so it won't happen again before we allow those exploratory wells to go deep. now, the production wells, they can keep going. we're talking about exploratory wells. >> lehrer: you're talking about the wells already in production, leave them alone, no pause, no stopping. >> there's not the drilling in those. those are already done. >> lehrer: all right, senator barrasso, where do you come down on that distinction, between those that are already drilling-- i mean, already operating, versus those that haven't been drilled at all. >> i think we ought to be able to continue all the production that's currently ongoing but we also should not be pushing the
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pause button because i think this is another assault on the economy and the impact of the people who live in this area in terms of employment , in terms of productivity . you know, the interesting thing is when you look at the b.p.'s emergency response plan, it had to do with seals and sea lions. they don't even live in the gulf but that was their regional plan for there. so to think that the administration approved that plan last july to allow them to go forward says that the administration has some explaining to do in terms of what sort of a plan for emergency response they will allow , but that response didn't have anything to do or how to deal with a tragic event like the one that's occurred. >> lehrer: what about that, senator nelson? the associated press has reported most of the them, the details of this plan, that was approved by the federal government, b.p.'s plan , would you degree with senator barrasso that just doesn't make it? >> there's a lot of explaining to do about this particular application , and that's why senator boxer and i have asked for investigation
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. have they crossed the line on purposely misleading on the application ? and that, again, will be brought out by the investigation. but you've got to give credit where credit is due. the minute ken salazar came in as secretary he went in there and started cleaning house, and oh, my goodness. what a house that was dirty. you know, jim, about all those i.g. reports back as late as 2008 that said sex, booze, trips gifts , the revolving door coming right out of the industry, going in as a government regulator, and then the door revolves again, and they go right back into the oil industry. so ken salazar has been trying to clean it up. >> lehrer: senator barrasso, what about b.p. specifically? house democrat ed markey said the other day-- and i think he repeated it again today-- that he wouldn't believe anything
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b.p. said now. it didn't matter what it was, he wouldn't believe it. do you feel the same way? >> well, first let me say with regard to minerals management, ron widen, democrat, john barrasso, republican, introduced a bill two years ago in 2008 to try to clean up the sorts of things that senator nelson has talked about. so i agree we need to do something there and some of us have been trying to do that 0 for several years. i am skeptical of what i hear from b.p. we've heard estimates at the beginning that continued to grow so i don't know if they know what the truth is on this or if they've been advised by lawyers to not talk about things. but i'm absolutely concerned about the truth and what the american people are hearing. >> lehrer: senator nelson, you've suggest, also, that there should be a criminal investigation of b.p. to see if any laws were broken, any criminal laws were broken. what's the nature of your concern? >> that's what i just referred to, jim.
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>> lehrer: that's what you meant that's criminal. >> senator boxer and i have asked for an investigation as to whether there was purposeful misleading on the application to drill this particular well. >> lehrer: now, senator barrasso do you-- first and then back to senator nelson as we finish this-- of you, you're united states senators. you're very much involved, you , a member of the vital committee. you, senator nelson, as one of the gulf coast senators, do you feel the situation is now understood and under control in any way, in a general way, adding up b.p.'s efforts, the federal government's efforts and all efforts under way, senator barrasso first? >> i don't tnk the system that it is under control, and i don't think it will be under control until we get the leak stopped and i know they're trying to drill other wells to unload, but i think at this point it is not under control. and it seems to be-- today at least from the hearings that we had with the secretary of interior, that
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the amount leak may be-- today, may be greater than it's been all the way through. >> lehrer: an ongoing disaster, senator nelson? >> yes, sir, and the sooner it's over the better. right now, we keep hearing that they are , as of this moment, collecting 15,000 barrels a day , just look at the streaming live video. look at all the oil that's still escaping into the gulf. i bet you then it's as much that's escaping as they're collecting. now, can they get all of that? i certainly hope so. jim. and that we don't have to wait all the way, as admiral allen says, until september. but that's the final date tathey can cement the well. >> lehrer: but at this point, nobody really knows how far or how long this disaster is -- has got ahead of it. >> and we don't know how much
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oil is in the gulf because we've had all of these different estimates, and we don't know about the underwater plumes. we could be seeing the effects of this for years and years. >> lehrer: do you agree senator barrasso? absolutely, i think he's absolutely right. >> lehrer: gentlemen, thank you both very much. >> thanks. >> woodruff: still to come on the newshour, primary wins and losses. new sanctions on iran. and emily dickinson's garden. but first, the other news of the day. here's hari sreenivasan in our newsroom. >> sreenivasan: dozens more people died in afghanistan today. a provincial official reported at least 39 afghans were killed by an explosion in kandahar province. the victims were taking part in a large marriage ceremony. earlier insurgents shot down a nato helicopter in helmand province killing four american troops. a british soldier died in a bombing in helmand. in neighboring pakistan, militants attacked a nato convoy just six miles outside the capital of islamabad seven people were killed.
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the assault also damaged 30 trucks transporting military supplies to afghanistan. police said about 15 militants opened fire with automatic weapons, then torched the trucks. the debt crisis in europe should have only-- should have only a modest effect on the u.s. economy if the stock market stabilizes. ben bernanke offered that outlook today to congress. >> although the receipt fall in equity prices and weaker economic prospects in europe will leave some imprints on the u.s. economy, offsetting factors include declines in interest rates and treasury bonds and home mortgages, as well as lower prices for oil and some other globally traded commodities. >> sreenivasan: the fed also issued its latest survey of regional conditions and showed modest growth in all parts of the country. that hasn't happened since the end of 2007. the economic news sent wall street higher for a time before a late-day drop. worries about b.p.'s future sent energy stocks lower and the selling spread across the market. the dow jones industrial avenue
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lost more than 40 points. the nasdaq fell more than 11 points. president obama warned today the situation in the middle east is unsustainable. he met with palestinnian president abbas at the white house and said israel needs a better approach to its three-year blockade of gaza after last week's sea raid that killed nine people. the president also announced another $400 million in u.s. aid to gaza. the israelis today eased their blockade to allow food items that had been band. those are some of the day's major stories. >> woodruff: yesterday was one of the busiest primary days of the 2010 election cycles and there were some unexpected results. from south carolina to california, and nevada to arkansas, this primary night belonged to the women. in arkansas, two-term senator blanche lincoln won the democratic party runoff gaechs lieutenant governor bill halter, who had the support of labor
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unions and liberal activist groups. speaking last night in little rock, lincoln said arkansas voters let out a message that's loud and clear. >> and that message was that the vote of this senator is not for sale and neither is the vote of the people of arkansas. >> woodruff: meanwhile, in nevada's republican senate primary, key party favorite sharon angle topped former state party chair sue lowden, and businessman danny tarkanian. angle quickly 55 ted to her general election opponent, senator majority leader harry reid. >> this campaign is about opposing tax and spend, let's make a deal, politics as usual washington, d.c. corruption that has taken a claim on our senior senator harry reed. >> woodruff: republican voters in california backed two
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former corporate executives as their senate and gubernatorial nominees, former hewlett-packard c.e.o. carly fiorina will challenge democratic senator barbara boxer. and former e-bay c.e.o. meg whitman will face off against state attorney general jerry brown for governor. in south carolina's republican gubernatorial primary, nikki haley received 49% of the vote, just shy of the majority she needed to avoid a runoff later this month. her opponent will be congressman gresham barrett. haley overcame allegations of infidelity by two men in recent weeks which she vehemently denied. she says south carolina voters had had enough. >> we said no to inside deal making and backroom politics. and this last two or three weeks we said no to the dark side of politics.
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>> woodruff: haley, an indian american, would be the first woman and racial minority to be elected governor of south carolina. and to make sense of last night's results, we are joined once game by amy walter, editor and chief of the hotline, national journal's political daley. ask dan balz, senior political reporter for the "washington post." thank you both for being back with us. a lot to cover. dan, i'm going to start with you. any overriding message out of what happened yesterday? >> well, i think in some ways the overriding message is that the overriding message that we've been following all year isn't necessarily going to prevail in every election. and i think that was certainly the case in arkansas, where blanche lincoln, who was said to be the potential victim of anti-incumbent sentiment, managed to survive by kind of turning the tables on her opponent. and we see that in a variety of places. i think there's no question, as we've said many times, this is aory that sets up much better for republicans than democrats, but there are underlying factors that make some of those races
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more difficult to predict and certainly the fall is going to be very competitive, and at some point, somewhat unpredictable. >> woodruff: hard to predict. >> well, it is, and i want to build on dan's point, which is sometimes it's getting hard now to decide who is the insider and who is the outsider anymore. everybody is trying to remake themselves as an outsider. blanche lincoln start this race clearly as the incumbent. by the time we got to the end of the campaign, she was the one under siege. she was the one being attacked by outside special interest grumz because labor is spending a lot of money. she is the underdog, and i think she did, very effectively, turn the tables as dan said and make herself the outsider. we're seeing that across the board where qhondz a couple of years ago would have been proud of the fact that they were a sitting state legislator or sitting in congress. now, they're saying, well, actually, i'm the real outsidener this case. >> woodruff: blanche lincoln turned it around. a few night ago all of us were thinking she was going to lose. >> i think there were a lot of
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people who thought she was going to lose. i think a couple of things happened. i think labor got too high a profile in the race and allowed blanche lincoln, as amy said, to become the sort of the person fighting the establishment rather than being part of the establishment. there's no question that former president bill clinton had an important role to play, and i think president obama played a more important role than a lot of people haddive goen him credit for, particularly in the african american community. and she ran a very effective primary. i talked to some labor people today and they gave her credit and said she got the jump on them during runoff and in the end they weren't able to overtake her. >> woodruff: and in the fall, amy, she's facing a tough opponent. >> she is facing a tough opponent. she's facing another person with a d.c. mailing address which in some ways is good news for her. he can't say he's part of the establishment and can't attack her for the vote on the bank bailout, the so-called tarp program, because he voted for it too. what he is going to tie her to is the obama administration
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rjs her votes that were in step with the obama administration . this is what's interesting about this primary week. we talked about this the other day, the fact that she is setting herself up as the centrist. she did that in that package piece saying my vote can't be bought. but at the same time, she had to run to the left in the primary. she was the deciding vote on health care and the stimulus. republicans are going to use that against her in the fall. >> woodruff: dan, let's move to the senate race in nevada, where the latecomer, sharron angle, favorite of the tea party, has won the republican primary. what does this mean for harry reid? >> well, if you talk to the democrats they feel much happier today than they did a few weeks ago about the way this race may play out. they had been worried the likely opponent was going to be sue lowden and in the end it was sharron angle. sharron angle, obviously, has energy and this is another sign of the tea party's power, particularly within the republican party, and she'll have a lot of
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energy behind her as she goes into the fall. but she is a more conservative candidate. she has said some things that the democrats are going to try to use to paint her as fair out of the mainstream, even in a conservative state like nevada, and i think the democrats think though harry reid is still quite vulnerable and in a weakened position, that he may have a better chance of surviving today than he did not too long ago. >> woodruff: amy, let's move to california because there are two races there to talk about. barbara boxer now knows she's going to be running against carly fiorina. as the republicanwho won the republican primary we're showing right there. what should we know about fiorina coming out of this? >> well, i think what we should know is her profile is that of someone who is a businessperson. she's going to talk a lot about the fact that she wants to bring those credentials to washington . we heard a lot in the setup piece about her would go go to get rid of politics as usual. she is going to try to be the outsider running against a longtime incumbent, barbara boxer. at the same time, i think that her tenure at h.p. is going to be a big
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issue in this race. certainly the bokery folks, democrats, are going to want to talk about her-- the way in which she left there, not under particularly good terms. she got a very nice buyout package, and in a year where voters are so frustrated right now about all the talk on wall street and the bonuses there, they're certainly going to make that an issue, and the abortion issue is also going to be a big factor there, saying this is a state that has not elected someone to senate who is not supportive of abortion rights. they're going to try to push her as far to the right as they possible can. >> woodruff : dan, this may be barbara boxer's toughest opponent so far. >> i think that's probably right and it's in part because this is a much more difficult year for any democratic incumbent to try to be running. as amy said, i think the profile of carly fiorina gives barbara boxer some things to try to fight back against her. and in many ways, i think at this point, it's still boxer's race to lose. but it will be a very competitive fight.
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and these are two very strong candidates and campaigners who are ready to go toe to toe. >> woodruff: and, meanwhile, dan jerry brown, who is familiar to a lot of people, former governor of california, is going to be running against meg whitman, with deep, deep pockets. >> this is a wonderful race, and in some ways, in my mind, the metaphor of all of 2010. on the surface, it's the classic match-up. it's the outsider versus the insider. it's the career politician against the newcomer, the novice. but if you get a little below the surface, you find there are other elements of it that the make it more complex for california voters to decide what they really want. jerry brown, though he spent a lifetime in politics, has often spent time fighting the democratic establishment and being something of an outsider. and meg whitman as a corporate c.e.o. in a year in which corporate america is not everybody's favorite friend, will have to answer about some of her ties to goldman sachs and
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also demonstrate after arnold schwarzenegger that she can make sacramento work as an outsider and not somebody with a lot of experience. this is going to be a wonderful and interesting race and as you say, one that's going to break all records for spending. >> woodruff: it's often said california may be the toughest state in the country to govern. amy, all the way across the country to south carolina, everybody was talking about the that race. nikki haley just barely missed getting 50%. she's got a runoff, but she's now considered to be the favorite. what's the lesson here? >> i wish-- well, one is , can you actually run a gubernatorial race where a candidate agrees to take a lie detector test? that, to me, was one of my favorite parts here. i think the lesson is this is a great case where the anti-establishment candidate was able to still keep that mantle even as she was being attacked. in fact, the more she was attacked, the more she grew in stature because what i think she was able to tap into was a frustration along south carolina
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voters that they'd become something of a laughing stock after the mark sanford debacle, et cetera, that they wanted to be proud of the person they elected and this looked like it was sort of a smear campaign. i think what-- the straw that broke the camel's back was the racial epithet made by a republican state senator about her on the radio and i think that is is the issue where the voters say we don't want to continue to be on comedy central jon stuart's punch line. i think this is a woman, who if she succeeds, is somebody that the republican party is going to use and -- as sort of their new rising star. i fully expect to see her in 2012 giving some sort of address at the convention, whether it's the keynote, et cetera, but she is somebody that they're going to be spending a lot of time grooming. >> woodruff: dan, finally, how significant that women, especially republican women, did so well across the country yesterday? >> i think it is significant.
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we've always talked about the year of the woman at different times during the campaigns but usually it's been about democratic women. and this is a case in which republican women have come to the forefront and have been in competitive and tough races and prevailed and as my colleague ann cornblum is writing didn't do it using the gender issue or the gender card. the republicans have struggled to try to put more women forward as candidates and now they have some very, very high-profile candidates and by november, some winners. >> woodruff: plenty of races to follow for the rest of this year. more primaries all the way to november. dan balz, amy walter, thank you both. >> lehrer: next tonight, more united nations sanctions against iran.
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>> suarez: today's vote came after months of delegate negotiations but the measure passed without the unanimity its supporters wanted. 12 of the 15 security council members voted for the sanctions, including permanent members china and russia. both have significant trade with iran. but first, the two countries forced changes that weaken the sanctions. among the final provision-- a ban on iranian pursuit of any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons. new kbaergs on heavy weapons sales and a push for ship inspections. and a near doubling of the number of companies and individuals blacklifted for doing illegal business with tehran. that last will focus on iran's revolutionary guard, the elite military force that plays a central role in supplying safeguarding the iranian nuclear program. turkey and brazil voted against sanctions. they negotiated a deal last month to ship low-enriched
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uranium out of iran in exchange for medical reactor fuel. both countries criticized today's action. >> the concerns regarding the nuclear program raise today will not be resolved until dialogue begins by adopting sanctions. this council is actually opting for one of the two traction that were supposed to run in parallel. in our opinion, the wrong one. >> suarez: the u.s. and others dismissed the fuel swap with brazil and turkey because iran would be allowed to keep enough material for a nuclear weapon and continue enriching uraniumed. in washington, president obama spoke after the u.n. vote. he said this day was not inevitable. >> we know the iranian government will not change its behavior overnight, but today's vote demonstrates the growing cost that will come with iranian intransigence. now, i want to be clear-- these sachkzs do not close the door on diplomacy.
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iran continues to have the opportunity to take a different and better path. >> suarez: the new sanctions would be the fourth set imposed on iran since 2006, but in receipt days, independent upon reporting showed the islamic republic has evaded previous sanctions by using extensive smuggling operations on banking sleight of hand. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad denounced this latest vote as valueless. he had already indicted the u.n. tuesday. >> ( translated ): the security council is the most undemocratic international organization. a few countries have the right of veto, which means they dominate the whole world. unfortunately , their wrong behavior has even raised the security council to a level above the general assembly and has enabled it to dominate the general assembly. >> suarez: iranian's u.n. ambassador insisted today no amount of pressure will make its
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country give up its nuclear program. we're now joined by the united states ambassador to the united nations, susan rice. welcome to the program. >> thanks, ray, good to be with you. >> suarez: this, as we reported, is the fourth set of sanctions against iran in this latest round. how does this take it further? what's new in this set of packages approved today? >> well, ray, this is actually a very tough and comprehensive resolution the security council passed by a very strong majority today. it builds very substantially on the previous resolutions in a number of ways. let me tell you about a few of them. the first, iran will now be banned from investing abroad in any projects that could benefit its nuclear program, including uranium enrichment, or uranium-mining activities. secondly, iran is banned from any activity related to ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear weapons, something
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of importance to us and to iran's neighbors. it is banned, also, from importing significant new categories of weapons, and there will be a much greater degree of restraint imposed on the sale of any weapons to iran. some 40 companies closely associated with the iranian regime, including 15 belonging to the iranian revolutionary guard core, will have their assets frozen, and be unable to operate. there will be a very strict reseem of -- regime of inspections of potentially contraband cargo going to and from iran that would violate sanctions, the arms kbaerg -- embargo, or facilitate its nuclear program or proliferation activities so states would be asked and
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required to inspect on their land, in their ports osea, such cargo that may be suspicious. there are very tough new financial and commercial sanctions on any transactions, including insurance, re-insurance, correspondent banking that could possibly be used to benefit iran's nuclear or proliferation-related activities. there are a series of new measures, including some additional enforcement measures, within this resolution that substantially strengthen the regime against iran and make it now , even in contrast to north korea, the toughest sanctions regime in the world today as a result of the resolution that was passed. >> suarez: well, let's talk some more about enforcement because with a steady stream of ready money from its petroleum exports iran has proven itself in the past to be able to evade sanctions that the rest of the world has put on it. >> it has, to a certain extent,
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succeeded in evading sanctions. this will tighten the noose with the new inspections regime as i just complained. new restrictions on its financing and commercial activities and the establishment of an enforcement body within the nuchd that will investigate and bring to the attention of the security council and expose and punish iran for any actions that it's caught doing that violate these resolutions. i also should mention, ray, that the united states today made an important announcement by appointing ambassador robert einhorn, who is a special advisor, senior official in the state department , and giving him responsibility for implementation of the sanctions regime against both iran and north korea so that the u.s. enforcement will be-- and vigilance will be increased and substantially strengthened. the other point to make, ray, is the security council resolution today
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was broad-based, it was comprehensive, it was very strong. but we also expect that states will take their own actions beyond the security council resolution in the weeks and months ahead that will implement this resolution and build upon it in a fashion that strengthens even further the international regime against iran. one indication of the importance of this rez luge lugz and the fact that it has real teeth and real bite is the extent to which the iranians have worked for months and months behind the scenes diplomatically, spending money, trying to buy votes and change the outcome. so as to avoid the imposition of a new set of sanctions. the iranians know that the measures in this resolution will hurt and will severely constrain their ability to pursue their nuclear and proliferation activities, and that's why they worked so hard to try to defeat it and today they failed.
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>> suarez: significantly permanent, five members, china and russia, voted with the united states, but nato ally turkey and hems fear, friend brazil did not. is that a problem? >> it's unfortunate, but it is not unexpected. turkey and brazil differed with the rest of the security council and the rest of the international community, largely over timing and tactics. they had today in the council what they have said previously, which is they share the aim of preventing iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability. that said, their leaders went out on a limb and tried to cut an 11th hour deal with iran , which the rest of the international community thought was not sufficient to address the underlying concerns of the security council and the international automic energy agency. it didn't deal directly with iran's enrichment activity. it was an effort that built on what had been a previous
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effort, confidence building, and it didn't succeed in persuading the rest of the security council that the time had come for sanctions. so having gone out on that limb, turkey and brazil made the decision to stand by their agreement and to try to , in their view, give diplomacy more time. the reason why i think it's unfortunate is because the security council has long stood by what we call a dual track approach of pressure and engagement. the security council, nor the united states, nor the other administration slammed the door today on diplomacy. they did nothing of the sort. but they said for diplomacy to remain meaningful, iran had to see very starkly the choice it faced. it could pay a price, as it did today, and face increased isolation if it continues on the negative course that it's on, or it can come to the negotiating table in ernest and deal with its nuclear program, in which case there
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is the prospect of the listing of sanctions should it suspend its nuclear activities and meet the other requirements of the security council. >> suarez: ambassador susan rice from new york. thanks for talking to us. >> good to be with you, ray. >> woodruff: finally tonight, a summertime story about the green thumb and tender prose of a renowned poet. newshour correspondent paul solman is our guide. >> in the bronx, new york, an awe sten taceous show about a famously reclusive poet, emily dickinson. so we are in emily dickinson's garden , at the new york botanical garden. >> reporter: todd forrest is the v.p. for horticulture. >> we tried to invoke the garden so inspiring to emily dickinson as a poet.
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she really was a poet second and a gardner first. she got her knowledge of nature and passion for nature, which informed her poetly through working daefr day in her own garden in amherst, massachuetts. >> reporter: she work fwhotd garden and wrote overlooking the flowers in it. from the flashy to the ever-so-humble. >> the dandelions pallid tube astonishes the grass. and winter instandly becomes infinite, alas. later she wrote to a friend, if we love flowers, are we not born again every day. >> reporter: alice quinn considers dickenson a poet, not a gardner first. though her nickname was daisy. >> so one of the essential daisy poem's of 785 poems begins has the daisy vanished from the fields today? so tiptoed many a slipper to paradise away. >> reporter: to paradise away, people who died. >> yeah.
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from a very early time time she was very conscious of death. a number of her cousins and young friends died of fevers. in fact a poet friend of mine says of dickenson that funerals were her tv. she would look from her window to watch the funeral cortege and get a glimpse of the whole village. mortality and the brevity of life was a huge subject for her. >> reporter: i felt a funeral in my brain. >> yup. >> reporter: after great pain of formal feeling comes. >> and the nerves sit ceremonious like tombs. the stiff, hard questions. those are feel that is she awakens in us because we all know what it's like to grieve or to survive an illness. >> reporter: above us, small birds pestered a hawk, perhaps protecting the nest. if nature is read in tooth and
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claw and represents the realm of mortality , poetry endures. >> essential oil are rung the atar from the rose be not expressed by suns alone. it is the gift of screws. >> reporter: a pressed rose, that is, lives on as its perfumed essence. >> the general rose decay, but this in lady's door makes summer when the lady lie in ceaseless rosemary. >> reporter: live roses die , but the perfume and poem illicit an endless summer, though the dead lady lie in rosemary, symbol of remembrance. never married or engaged, dickenson also wrote love poem. >> i tend my flowers for thee bright, absentee. my fucius coral scenes, ripped while the sower dreams. ger aniums tint and spot, rose
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daisies dot. my saktus splidz for beard to show her throat. the vulnerability that she's declaring is extraordinary. >> reporter: that's not the kind of poetry we associate with this spinster in amherst. >> no, and here the "the cactus splits her beard to show her throat." her openness, her -- the-- what's oozing out is her life blood. >> reporter: dickenson wrote about flowers and trees, birds and bees. in fact, more than 50 poems about bees. >> bees are black with gilt , buccaneers of buzz ride abroad on ostentation and subsist on fuzz. >> reporter: or more intimately... >> fame is a bee. it has the song. it has a sting. ah, too, it has a wing.
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she was aware that fame is ephemeral. poets are known one era, unknown another. >> reporter: emily dickinson was utterly unknown in her lifetime. she made do with her garden and the contentments of solitude, which prompts alice quinn's last dickenson poem, one the poetry society will soon be putting up in new york buses. >> how happy is the little stone that rambles in the road alone. and doesn't care about careers and kpeigencies never fears." it seemed like a good economic moment to place that poem on the buses. >> reporter: to remind us that the egigencies of the moment shouldn't keep you us from rolling along and sometimes stopping to fell the rotzs. >> lehrer: and gene, the major developments of this day-- b.p.
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collected more and more oil from the damaged well in the gulf but questions grew about how much is still escaping. an explosion in southern afghanistan killed at least 39 afghans and militants shot down a nato helicopter, killing four american troops. and the u.n. security council voted new sanctions on iran over its nuclear program. the newshour is always online, of course. hari sreenivasan in our newsroom previews that's there. >> sreenivasan: we updated our gulf oil leak meter with the latest information from b.p. and spencer michaels and a blog about access reporters are getting in gulf. on newshour extra, our education site, teens in arizona react to the state's new immigration law. plus , find a web-only excerpt from the miller center debate paul solman moderated recently about the internet and democracy. the topic: how anonymity and civility do or do not intersect on line. all that and more.
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is on our web site, >> woodruff: that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. >> lehrer: and i'm jim lehrer. we'll see you on line and again here tomorrow evening. thank you and good night. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> and by the bill and melinda gates foundation. dedicated to the idea that all people deserve the chance to live a healthy productive life. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and...
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this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions captioned by media access group at wgbh
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