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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  December 20, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST

11:00 pm
boss, 911 just got a call from a little girl identifying herself as riley adler. patch her through. riley? hi, sweetheart. i'm greg parker. i'm a police officer. are you okay? i'm scared. you were really brave calling 911. can you tell me where you are? we're in the drugstore. what about you, though? are you okay? (phone beeps) riley? yeah, i know she should've told me, but joanne and i don't exactly talk. yeah. well, thanks again, though. okay. bye-bye. what's wrong? dean had an accident on his dirt bike. is he okay? yeah. he broke his arm. but i had to find out through facebook. well, at least he sent you a message, right? nah, he never confirmed me as a friend. he did friend my cousin, though, and that's how i found out-- through her. if it makes you feel any better,
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clark didn't confirm me as a friend, either. yeah, but your son doesn't live 2,000 miles away. planes go to dallas, boss. she won't let me through the front door, eddie. so you bring a ram. (chuckles) right? (camera shutter clicks) (camera shutteclr icks) (shutter clicks) (shutter clicks) (shutter clicking) no...! i gave you a warning, becky, you didn't listen. you're gonna have a time-out. it's not fair! well, maybe next time mommy says no, you'll listen. i don't like you anymore! (whining) you sit here for five minutes. do not get up. (grunts, cries)
11:02 pm
woman: mm, she's got a mind of her own. (laughs) you know, i keep telling myself, someday that's gonna come in handy. i know. aaron, no biting! (sighs) do you mind? oh, here. thank you. hi! guys... hey, be careful, okay? you guys be careful. one after the other. (woman continues speaking indistinctly) one after the other. (shutter clicks) (shutter clicks) (shutter clicks) whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. is that an ultrasound? are you kidding me? no joke. (quietly): buddy! when are you due? i hate to break it to you, boss, but it's the lady that carries the baby. hm. your boys can still swim. how about that? hm.
11:03 pm
how does it feel? i'm getting used to the idea. so is sophie. clark's almost out of the house, now it's back to changing diapers and 3:00 a.m. feedings. and a husband who works all the time. it's a second chance-- time to do things differently. i'd give my right arm for that. aw... thanks, jenna. oh, no problem. becky? (groans) what's wrong? she's gone. becky! don't worry, we'll find her. (sighs) becky? becky? becky! becky! she's gone! becky! becky? (sobbing): becky! where are you? becky! becky? (sobbing): i can't find my daughter. (in distance): becky! team one, hot call. five-year-old girl, becky corday, kidnapped from bridgman park. what do we know? eyewitness reported seeing a strange man hanging around taking pictures. got an id: clarence fogle, recently released child molester, lives three blocks from that park.
11:04 pm
winnie, get his photo and his address uploaded to our pdas now. winnie: copy that. (sirens wailing) police! sru! police! sru! police! let's see some hands! boss... let's see some hands! ed: got anything? parker: nothing. spike? police! sru! police! i got a visual. we've got a runner! sam, let's go! let's go! (panting) sam, head him off. wordy. (panting) (grunting)
11:05 pm
(groans) subject in custody. any sign of becky? spike: searched every inch of the house. she's not here. winnie: boss, i got a picture of becky corday. i'm uploading it now. copy that. jules: boss, take a look at this. i guess old habits die hard. spike: wait, is that her? check your pda. that's becky corday. eddie, we found pictures of, uh, becky. looks like fogle's had his eye on her for a while. get up! (grunting) where is she?! who? you know damn well who. no, i don't. don't lie to me, clarence. does that look familiar? i've never seen her before. don't lie to me!
11:06 pm
we found pictures of her in your house. we know you've been watching her. that's your thing, right? little girls, right? no, i don't do that anymore. you don't? then what were you doing at the playground today? i wasn't. don't lie to me! don't lie to me, clarence! i'm not. i'm not. we know you were there taking pictures. we have witnesses, clarence. you have five seconds to tell me where becky corday is. one, two, three, four... okay, i saw her at the park! but i never touched her, i swear. pulled the memory card from fogle's camera. these are from today. parker: whoa, whoa, whoa. wait a minute. that picture was taken at 10:38. and becky disappeared between 10:15 and 10:25. fogle didn't take her. he's telling the truth. uncuff me. winnie, give me a couple of uniforms down here. clarence fogle's going back to jail. for what?! violating your parole, clarence. you shouldn't have been within a hundred yards of that playground. wordy, get him out of here. well, we got a pedophile off the street. yeah, well, it doesn't get us any closer to finding that little girl.
11:07 pm
jules: she's been missing for almost an hour. spike, issue an amber alert, get becky's picture to every media outlet and patrol officer within a hundred-mile radius. copy that. jules, let's talk to the mom-- maybe she can tell us who might have a reason to take her daughter. you think it's personal? right now i'm not ruling anything out. here, i-i've got lots more pictures of becky if you need them. i took that one yesterday. she loves playing dress-up-- she changes five times a day. what was becky wearing today? a white hat and a pink coat, pink skirt. (sniffles) pink's her favorite color. (sobbing): i shouldn't have turned my back. i should have been watching her. please, you have to find her! mrs. corday, we're gonna do everything we can to get your daughter back. okay. can you think of anybody who'd want to take becky? no, no one. your husband-- any reason he might take her without telling you? no. no marital problems? course not. tim's not even here; he's in montreal on business. how long has he been there? two days.
11:08 pm
what does he do? he's a lawyer. parker: okay. well, enemies you might have? someone holding a grudge? i don't know, it's possible-- he's been working on some pretty big cases lately. we're gonna need to talk to him, if we can get his cell number from you. yeah, of course. how about you-- can you think of anybody who'd want to hurt you by taking becky? i'm a stay-at-home mom. the only people i see are other parent... (sobbing) she's just a little girl. (continues sobbing) who'd want to do something like this? spike: boss, i got something you should see. okay, spike, we'll be right there. mrs. corday, that officer's gonna take you home. you try to relax, okay? we'll call you as soon as we know anything. thank you. (door opens) take a look at this. (door closes) it's another little girl. spike: no, look in the background. parker: that's a lot of pink. is it becky? parker: can you zoom in? jules: that's definitely becky. and that's our kidnapper.
11:09 pm
jules: kidnapper's a woman. woman (over p.a.): only three percent of the world's water supply is freshwater, ...agriculture, industry... isn't it pretty? ...and for recreation, making it the world's most precious resource. (quietly): okay, class. let's move on to the next exhibit, okay? come on. don't forget your coat. (children speaking quietly) okay. (children continue speaking quietly) james, your hat? you had a hat when you came in. all right, let's go. guys, walking, please. riley? hi. great show, huh? yeah. do you want to go check out the mini roller coaster? i don't know. could be fun.
11:10 pm
can i help you? oh, we were just talking. okay, riley, let's stay with the class, okay? riley: okay. let me go! no, riley, it's okay. what are you doing? let go of her! just stay back! (girls screaming) oh, my god. oh, my god! it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. just don't come any closer. captioning sponsored by cbs
11:11 pm
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11:12 pm
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11:13 pm
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11:14 pm
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11:15 pm
(sirens stop) okay, people, listen up. subject is caucasian female with long blonde hair, last seen wearing a black coat. in addition to becky corday, she's now abducted an eight-year-old, riley adler. parker: as soon as that happened, security locked down the building, so we know she's still in there. let's go. let's go. sam: does she have a weapon? she's got a knife. this place is a containment nightmare. situated on a couple hundred acres, backs out onto a ravine. it's not good. it's spread out over six levels. each one's got exhibits, gift shops. (sighs): a lot of hiding places. we need to establish a hard perimeter. sam, i need you to coordinate with the uniforms. we're gonna need help evacuating. sam: copy that. you got a containment area? spike: yeah. there's an auditorium on the fourth floor. should be big enough to hold everyone. spike, talk to security. find out where the video cameras are. maybe we can get a visual of the kidnapper. on it. this place is full of kids, guys. strictly less-lethal. no flashbangs, no cs gas. where was she last seen? right outside the theater. we're gonna start there, we're gonna work our way out. sam: okay. we're taking you to a safe area
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until the situation's under control. parker: do you have any idea why this woman chose riley? was she lagging behind, separated from the group? the woman was talking to her. she called her by name. so, riley knew her? i don't think so. she was terrified. she didn't want to go with her. what about the other little girl? did riley recognize her? i don't think so. she kept begging me to help her. the woman had a knife. i didn't know what to do. it's okay. you did everything you could. are you sure you haven't seen this woman before? maybe hanging around the school or something? no. i didn't recognize her. okay. thank you. you go with this officer. he'll take care of you. thank you. these kidnappings weren't random. let's get both sets of parents down here. maybe they can help us figure out the connection. folks, we need you to exit the exhibit, please. follow the officer in the hall. innovation center secure. sam, any sign of the subject? nothing so far. nothing on the live feed? it's a big place. a lot of areas not covered by security cameras.
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there is, however, one at the main entrance. and this footage was taken less than an hour ago. there she is. can you... isolate her face? it's already done. oh, getting a little cocky, aren't you, michelangelo? i'm gunning for a raise, boss. parker: that's great. that's great. make a couple copies. see if the parents can make an id. got it. nice. thanks. jenna: i've never seen this woman before. what does she want with our children? mr. and mrs. adler, do you recognize this woman? i'm not sure. it looks a lot like her. like who? she's supposed to be in jail. if you know who she is, please tell us. i think it's maggie perrello. riley's birth mother. your daughter is adopted? jenna: oh, my god. becky was adopted, too. i think we found our connection. yeah, this woman's trying to kidnap her own kids? spike, we got an id. maggie perrello. she's in the system. on it. why didn't you tell us your daughter was adopted? well, i-i didn't think of it. we've had becky since she was 11 months. i'm her mother.
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and you didn't know anything about where she came from? we didn't even know that she had a sibling. how did you recognize maggie? we wanted to be prepared in case riley asked questions. we were gonna tell her when she was older. she doesn't even know who maggie is. she must be so scared. do you know what maggie went to prison for? spike: armed robbery. maggie perrello was a drug addict who held up a pharmacy. she got sentenced to eight years. and the kids were put in foster care? maggie was a single parent. her husband died the year before. when did she get out? four months ago. she served five years of her sentence, paroled early. now that she's out, she wants her kids back. spike, see if you can track down any of maggie's family or friends. anybody who might give us some insight. you got it. no sign of the subject. terrace secure. maggie: it's going to be okay, girls. riley: let me go! we just have to find a way out of here. let me go! riley, stop! stop. it's okay. you don't have to be afraid. i would never do anything to hurt you. i love you.
11:19 pm
i don't even know you. don't you remember me? no! i'm your mother. look, i promise, i'll explain everything later. right now, we just need to get out of here. (riley grunting) (panting) riley: let me go! let go of me! just spotted the kidnapper with the two girls. they're leaving the exhibit hall. security got a visual on maggie and the kids. parker: where? they're heading toward the loading dock. tell him to stand down and wait for backup. subject is armed and emotionally agitated. sam? heading there now. come on. come on, hurry! oh. oh, damn it! how do we get out of here? hurry. security guard: stay where you are! leave us alone! come on, lady, let the children go. i can't do that! take it easy.
11:20 pm
take it easy, okay? you're scaring the kids, okay? (girls crying) i can't let you leave here with the kids. (girls screaming) stay back! (man groans, girls scream) (man groans, girls cry) oh, my god. let's go. let's go. let's go. the car's this way. subject is escalating. she stabbed a guard in the leg. where's maggie now? guard saw her exit the building. no visual on the subject. maintain the perimeter. (crying) where are you taking us? everything's gonna be okay, i promise. stay down! (panting) (tires squealing)
11:21 pm
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11:22 pm
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11:23 pm
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11:24 pm
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11:25 pm
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could be a rental. or she stole it. well, at any rate, we got to believe that her goal is to get those kids out of town. spike, get the make and model out over the wire. copy. sam, get a hold of airport security. have them be on the lookout for her. (engines starting) you got it. (door opens) hey, boss, this is dana dubay, maggie's friend. parker: hi. thanks for coming down. are maggie and the kids okay? we're still looking for them. i can't believe she would do something like this. how long have you known her? almost nine years. we met at lamaze. when's the last time you saw her? right before she went to prison. maggie was hoping i could take her kids, but i got three of my own. one has special needs. she didn't have any family that could take care of them? her parents are in a nursing home, and josh's folks passed away a few years ago. and josh was her husband? how did he die? a car accident. maggie and riley were in the car, too. maggie was seven months pregnant with becky. were they injured? riley was okay. maggie had to have an emergency c-section. her pelvis was shattered. after the accident, her whole life just fell apart.
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she lost josh, the house. it's a lot to deal with. maggie was in so much pain, physically, emotionally. she couldn't function without the pills. and when the doctors stopped giving her the drugs, she robbed the pharmacy. all she could think about was getting those pills. boss, maggie perrello rented a car three days ago. i got her address from her credit card. 528 brynvalley road. police! police! police. freeze. let's see some hands. let's see some hands. definitely planning to bring them here. jules: look at all this stuff. she really went all out, huh? she's trying to make it nice for her kids. riley and becky aren't her kids. not anymore.
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apartment's clear. but all maggie's clothes are gone. she's not coming back. all right, sweep the place. look for any sign that maggie may be using again. on it. hey, i found this in the bedroom. think maggie's stalking her? and as the prince swept the beautiful princess riley off her feet, he promised to love her forever, and to never leave wet towels lying on the bed again. josh: funny, i don't remember that part. maggie: well, we changed the ending a little bit, didn't we? josh: okay, stop kissing her. i can't see her face. okay, say, "i love you, daddy." i love you, daddy. say hi. we love you, daddy. jules: she seems so happy. it's just a shame... what drugs can do to a life. that's no excuse for the choices she made.
11:29 pm
i thought you'd be more sympathetic. oh, i get it. the drunk who lost custody of his kid. okay, greg, come on. you don't see me running around with a knife, trying to take him back by force, do you? maggie's been out for months. why did she wait till now? hmm. let's get her parole officer down here. maybe he can give us some answers. (sighs) okay, thanks. anything? no sign of her at the bus depot or the train station. what about the apb? no hits so far. spike, we need to get a hold of maggie's parole officer, grant levy. i'll see if i can track him down for you. everything all right? think i just overstepped a little with the boss. what do you mean? he's harsh on the subject, and i called him on it. didn't go over well? struck a nerve. should have kept my mouth shut. why start now? thanks. no. it's good. i like that you speak your mind. really?
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jules? got the number for you. thanks, spike. (sighs) okay, guys, we're here. becky (crying): is that your house? maggie: well, it used to be. when you were a little baby, we lived here together. you remember, riley? no. well, you see that window up there? that used to be your room. it had pink and yellow butterflies on the wall. and every night when i used to tuck you in, you used to hide under the covers, and i'd say "where's riley?" and you used to laugh, and then i would just tickle you until you came out. do you remember?
11:31 pm
come on. i want to show you something. it's okay. it'll be fun, i promise. you see that? what is it? it's a bird feeder. when you were little, there was a family of robins and they built a nest right up there. and they had two little babies. and you were worried that they wouldn't have enough to eat, so you used to share your cereal with them. and you and i put the feeder right up there. and we would sit right over there. and then we would watch the mama feed her birdies. do you remember that? i want to go home. me, too. i know this is really confusing for you, because you hadn't seen me in a really, really long time. but some people, they-they took you away from me, and now that we're together again, we can be a family. no. i want to go home! i want my mom!
11:32 pm
man: this isn't drug related. maggie's been clean for four years. she stopped using in prison? worked real hard, turned her life around. until today. kidnapping and assault with a deadly weapon. do you have any idea what set her off? well, the whole time she was in prison, maggie was under the impression that once she got out, she'd get her kids back. a few days ago, i had to break the news to her. i got a waitressing job. it only pays ten dollars an hour, but at least it's a start. that's great. are you still going to drug counseling? four times a week. here, i want to show you something. i'm really excited. (laughs) just wait till you see this. this is for becky and riley. i just wanted it to be perfect for when they come home. i'm sorry. you can't get your kids back. what are you talking about? becky and riley's foster parents legally adopted them. no. before i went to prison, my lawyer told me that i had a chance to get my kids back. as long as they were in foster care,
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but they've been legally adopted. but i never gave up my parental rights. you didn't have to. the courts terminated them. i want my kids back. my girls, they're all i have. please. i want my kids back. so the courts could do that? they can just... take away her kids? maggie was going to prison for a long time. social services didn't want the children to languish in foster care. kids under five, highly adoptable. looks like she was trying to stay in touch with the girls. social services didn't pass the letters on. they felt it was best for the children if they just severed all ties. so maggie spent years fantasizing about this happy reunion with her children. and now that fantasy's falling apart. looks like. riley, are you hungry? i made your favorite, banana chocolate chip. i have another surprise for you.
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you must remember him. charlie. i got him for you when you were three months old. what happened to his leg? well, one day when we were crossing the street, charlie fell and a streetcar ran over him. and i wanted to throw him away, but you wouldn't let me. you loved him, even though he wasn't perfect. and when i went away, i kept charlie with me. and every time i looked at him, i thought of you. cho...? (softly sighs) yeah. cho! you called him cho, because you couldn't say charlie. (becky coughing) maggie: becky? becky? (becky wheezing) are you okay?
11:35 pm
(coughing) do you want some juice? what's wrong with her? i don't know. (coughing) sweetheart, are you okay? (coughing and gasping) can you do something? becky? oh, my god. becky?
11:36 pm
11:37 pm
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11:38 pm
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11:39 pm
♪ home is where we are ♪ home is where i want to be ♪ where [ male announcer ] now you can know your home inside and out. introducing mylowes, a revolutionary new way to keep track of, organize, and manage your entire home. register your home at lowe's. never stop improving.
11:40 pm
there's a battery that's relied on to help bring children holiday joy. of course, children don't really think about which battery makes their toy run, but, still, you'd never want to disappoint. duracell. trusted everywhere. (becky coughing and wheezing) maggie: someone, please! please, help my daughter! (becky coughing) oh, what's wrong with her? (coughing and wheezing) i don't know. she won't stop coughing, and she's having trouble breathing. okay, i'll call 911. no! no! no! just help her. i'm not a doctor, i can't... give her something to help her breathe! has she had bronchitis or the flu or recently? (crying): i don't know. (gasping and wheezing) we'll call an ambulance, okay. no! just help her! please... just get that girl to lock up the doors
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and get over here. madelaine, can you... can you lock up and come here please? madelaine: is everything okay? just do it. (becky wheezing) (gasps) oh! just sit down. help her! do you know if she has asthma? i don't know. she was born premature, and her lungs were underdeveloped. how-how long has she been coughing? not long. just a few minutes. i-i got her some juice, but it didn't help. pharmacist: is she on any medication? (crying): i don't know. what about vitamins? maggie: i don't know! okay. i can, um... i could try a nebulizer. uh, that could help open her airway. just hurry! (under breath): okay. boss, 911 just got a call from a little girl identifying herself as riley adler. patch her through. riley? hi, sweetheart. i'm greg parker.
11:42 pm
i'm a police officer. are you okay? i'm scared. you were really brave calling 911. can you tell me where you are? we're in the drugstore. the lady who took you, where is she right now? she's trying to help becky. what's wrong with becky? is she hurt? she's really sick. okay. you don't worry. we're gonna help her, okay? what about you, though? are you okay? (footsteps approaching) riley! no. what are you doing? (phone beeps) riley? winnie: i got an address. civic drugs. 1598 victoria street. okay, we're on our way. winnie, get an ambulance on standby. copy that. please be okay. is it working? is she getting any better? i'm not sure. it's hard to tell. we have to get out of here right away! (distant sirens wailing) oh, my god. (sirens wailing)
11:43 pm
sam, i need eyes in. bone camera? let's do it. bone cam. wordy, set up a perimeter. wordy: ed, if there's any chance that little girl's hurt... we can't risk it. last time maggie was cornered, she stabbed a security guard. parker: no answer. we got eyes yet? we're working on it, boss. (door opens) we got eyes. (door closes)
11:44 pm
parker: eddie, it looks like we've got two other hostages. and they appear to be unharmed. ed: how's becky doing? doesn't look so good. huh. the pharmacist seems to have her hooked up to something. oxygen maybe? it's hard to tell. (door opens) i got to talk to maggie. find out what's going on. (door closes) parker (over bullhorn): maggie perrello, this is sergeant parker with the police strategic response unit. i will be calling you inside the pharmacy, and i need you to pick up the phone. (sighs) (phone ringing) he wants to talk to you. maggie: hello. hi, maggie. thank you for picking up the phone. i just wanted to know if everyone was okay in there.
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not exactly. riley said becky was sick. she's having trouble breathing. i don't know what's wrong with her. get jenna corday on the phone. becky have any underlying medical conditions? (whispering): got it. hey, maggie, there's an ambulance right here. if you bring becky out, we can take her to the hospital. i'm not going to let you take her away from me. okay. okay, uh, well, then, how about you let the paramedic come inside, check becky, make sure she's okay? come on, maggie, i know you love your daughter. you don't want anything to happen to her. pharmast:ci this isn't helping. becky?! she's getting worse. becky?! becky!
11:46 pm
11:47 pm
on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
11:48 pm
♪ [ male announcer ] campbell's green bean casserole. it's amazing what soup can do they're for keeping us traditiotogether.t for keeping. ♪ [ boy ] to dad, love sam. [ mom ] say "merry christmas." [ boy ] merry christmas. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. [ boy ] charlie brown spotted a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪ [ male ♪ nouncer ] it has a famous song. it rides in limos. it has a crew. it gets invited to parties with paparazzi. it hangs out poolside.
11:49 pm
it has millions of drooling fans. it knows the recipe for success. there's nothing like it. the big mac. it doesn't do interviews. and don't miss the mac snack wrap while it's in the house. the simple joy of famous flavor. ♪ we asked him to be part of an experiment to prove that febreze air effects can eliminate tough cooking odors. [ moderator ] take a deep breath and then tell me what you smell. wow. it takes you kinda to like an island. like a paradise. [ sniffs ] vanilla. [ sniffs ] i smell caramel, like a caramel candy. [ moderator ] go ahead and take your blindfold off. ah man. ♪ [ laughs ] wow man! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] eliminate tough odors with febreze air effects so you can breathe happy guaranteed. ♪ greg, this is going downhill fast. we got to get in there. maggie: becky! she's still not breathing! come on, maggie, let us help becky.
11:50 pm
let the paramedic in there. okay, please just help her. thank you, we'll be right there. (door opens) go unlock the door. pharmacist: madelaine, could you? she's unstable and she's armed. you're going to need backup. parker: okay, ready? maggie, we're sending the paramedic over there right now. just help her, please. hurry! paramedic: how long has she been unconscious? maggie: just a couple minutes. she has a pulse, but there are no breath sounds. (sobs) jules: boss, i just got off the phone with jenna corday. the only medical condition becky has is an allergy to almonds. even trace amounts and her throat will close. her throat is swollen shut. almonds-- you give her anything with almonds? uh... oh, i put some in the muffins. she's having an allergic reaction. this shot of epinephrine will take the swelling down
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so she can breathe. maggie: i'm so sorry. it's okay, you did good by letting us help her. she's responsive. bp's getting stronger. and the swelling is coming down. oh, thank god. we still need to take her to the hospital and check her out. i can take care of her. no, you need to let them go-- her and riley. i just got them back. i'm not going to lose them again. no, you never got them back. you took them from their families. i'm their family! not anymore. you lost that chance with the choices you made. i'm a different person now. see, you're still thinking about what you want, not what's best for them. greg, easy, easy. i know what it's like to lose your kids. to not be a part of their lives. i haven't been allowed to see my son for ten years.
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and the hardest part is to accept the fact that they're doing okay without you. maggie: that's not true. oh... no, we have trouble believing it, don't we? that woman at the school today-- she made becky cry and then she just left her sitting there. i understand, i heard that. jenna was just yelling at becky because she was running around the playground really fast. she just wanted her to slow down and be safe. you're wrong. no. no, we see what we want to see. you convince yourself that your kids are being mistreated so you can rescue them. it's not true. it's not true. you see... becky and her adoptive mom-- they play pretend every day, they dress up like princesses, and her father-- he's the dragon. and, uh... and the adlers tell me that riley is learning how to skate, huh?
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so every weekend they go down to the rink together and they practice. maggie... your kids are with families who love them. i miss them so much. i know you do. ever since i got out, i watch them every day. you have no idea what it feels like to be so close to your children and you can't hold them. (crying) i just wanted to start over. yeah. a second chance at being a good mother, i know. it's not exactly how you imagined it, is it? i'm sorry. but this could be that chance. this is a chance. you can do what's best for them. you can show them how much you love them. (sighs)
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you can let them go. you're really my mother? (maggie sighs, sniffs) i love you guys so much. you remember that, okay? riley, it's okay, you can come here. (maggie sobs) maggie, thank you. (screaming sobs) (crying)
11:55 pm
(guitar plays gentle intro) ♪ underneath the cherry tree ♪ i was calling out to be ♪ didn't know where i would run anymore ♪ ♪ i had nowhere left to turn ♪ wondering where it was i'd been ♪ ♪ everyone here like a gift ♪ when you came to be ♪
11:56 pm
♪ you can save my life and i'll save yours ♪ ♪ save my life and i'll save yours ♪ ♪ save my life and i'll save yours ♪ ♪ save my life and i'll save yours ♪ ♪ save my life and i'll save yours ♪ ♪ save my life and i'll save yours... ♪ you all right? the adlers offered to send maggie updates on riley-- you know, letters and photos. well, that's nice of 'em. mm-hmm, yeah. and when she turns 18, if she wants a relationship with her mother, they're not going to stand in her way. so maggie gets a second chance. so could you. ten years, eddie, ten years of sitting on the sidelines, waiting for my ex to notice that i am not who i was.
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ten years of birthdays, and report cards, lost teeth. (quavering): broken arms. ten years. i've hugged a hundred kids in the last ten years, and i still don't know what it feels like to hug my own boy. so why don't you go down there, take a ram, and bust open a couple doors, huh? (quietly): yeah. or maybe you get a lawyer. you're a good man, greg parker, and your son deserves to know that. second chances, right? it's that simple. you're right. (sighs) sam: hey, jules. jules: hi. things with you and the boss okay? yeah, yeah, they're all good. so, you got big plans tonight? yeah, huge-- going grocery shopping, doing some laundry. exciting. (laughs)
11:58 pm
what about you? i don't know, i was just gonna grab a beer and watch the game. hey, thanks for before-- you know, um, speaking my mind. yeah, well, people should, right? have fun watching your game. see you tomorrow. ♪ save my life and i'll save yours ♪ ♪ save my life and i'll save yours ♪ ♪ save my life and i'll save yours... ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh tony, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little bit whiny when you're hungry. better? better. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. hey! my back hurts. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies. [ roseanne ] now my front hurts.
11:59 pm
prentiss: previously on "criminal minds"...


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