tv BBC World News PBS December 23, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST
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if god said they could be whole in the area of healing, will i believe it? god said he wants to restore my life, will i believe it? if god says i can have more, will i believe it? >> that's all faith is. i believe what god said. now we have many doubters around the world. you probably have half a dozen of doubters in your life, people who encourage you to doubt and not believe. see? i i don't want you to be a doubter. if god said you could be healed, you cash healed. >> if dad said it would increase and be financially secure. i want you to believe that. so faith is simply confidence in what god said he'll do he'll do. but we have to believe not only that he's god. we have to believe that he is a
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rewarder. we're talking about faith, what is faith? i believe it can change your life. i believe that faith in god can change your life. in the beginning of the broadcast i said to you it was the best financial season of my life in the middle of a recession and i'm not lying for you for one second and it's been life and i'm getting ready to share a testament and i'm going to pray for what i call the breakthrough 3,000. there are 3,000 of your dear partners. in the next 30 days there will be a breakthrough, in their family, their finances and a breakthrough in their real estates and a breakthrough in every area of your life. in the next 30 days because god moves during seasons. time is critical to god. ç
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kafrlly. testimony. this pops it. get ready. what god's done for me he'll do for you but it requires faith. it requires faith. i made a decision that i was going to believe this book, the bible. let me ask you a question, if you're not going to believe the bible, what book are you going to believe? if you're not going to trust god, then who will you trust? i'm talking with you about faith, the very essence of god is in numbers 23:19. i want to you see this because it's critical and it's going to help supercharge your faith life. the bible says in numbers 23:19 man he deni. is that correct? if he said it, will he not go
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it? when we read that we focus on the fact that god cannot lie. is that correct? we forget the emphasis on that verse is not on the fact that he doesn't lie. i want to work with your faith for a moment and help you see something that's going to change you. we know that it cannot be emphasized that he is not a liar because if god says it, it becomes so. it's impossible for god to lie. he cannot lie. i've got a beautiful yellow towel. if god said it was red, it would become red. if god said it, it is so. you hear what i'm saying? the beautiful choir here, the inspirational choir is in red. if god said it was yellow, you would be dressed out in yellow with one spoken word. that's why he cannot lie. that's not the emphasis. the emphasis is that god is not
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a man. you got to get a hold of this because this is really going to help you. i am told by noted psychologists that how your father treated you as a child is how you relate to your heavenly father. but what you have to understand is that it doesn't matter how your earthly father treated you. god cannot be compared to him. why, because god is not a man. i know we were created in his image. make no mistake about it, we are not god and god is not us. he is god. he is not a man. he is not a man. why do i say that? because there's not a single human watching me in 127 countries with the right set of circumstances. you will lie. you will lie at the drop of a hat if it will save your life. now some of you are lying now.
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looking at i wouldn't, i wouldn't. you just lied. you've just proven my point. you've had humans who have done you wrong and because they've done you wrong, you now find yourself relating to god because of somebody that had been mean to you. you've grown up in families, maybe a father has been a scrooge, maybe he hasn't wanted to bless you, maybe he hasn't spoken words over your life. i was talking to a young lady the other day and i was asking her, i said what is your greatest weakness, and she stopped and thought for a moment and she said, you know my father was a man of great anger and he would snap at you immediately and he would get angry and i saw him get angry and i made a decision i would never be like my father and then me said to me i remember one time he sat down with me and had a talk to me and this is what he said to me. he said "someday i know you're going to make me proud of you."
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she said to me "i have lived with those words ever since." what i wantd you to understand is it doesn't matter how a human was related or interrelated with you. god is not a man. he is god. he is god. he is god. and there is nobody like god that you've ever met. is he jehovah. is he the first. he is the last. he is the alpha. he is the omega. he is the lord of lord. he is the king of kings, hallelujah. he is god. and when you go and interrupt prayer time with him do not for a second, for one moment think he's like any human you've ever met. he is not a man that he shall lie, nor the son of man that he shall do it. i'm talking about faith, having confidence in who, god. not your employer, not the government. who? god.
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your jehovah gyra is not the checks you get from your employer or spouse, it's not the government. i know that god uses a variety of sources to bless you but your jehovah gyra is god almighty and can he remove every one of these people from your life and supernaturally bless you like he did elijah with the raich and the brook. god doesn't need others to bless you, why? because he's god. he's god. faith, faith is confidence in god. what is faith? the bible says in hebrews dev11 that faith is now. faith is not historic. you can't use yesterday's faith for today's miracle. faith is now. now faith is. the evidence of things not seen. faith is not hope and hope is not faith. you have to have hope before you can have faith. let me give you an illustration.
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i have heard people say over and over again that las vegas was the city built on losers. have you ever heard that? give it some thought. if you think about it, nobody hops on a plane and goes to las vegas to lose money. nobody. well i've got a couple thousand dollars. i think i'm going to go to vegas and lose some money. don't misunderstand me. i'm not promoting gambling. i just want to make a point here. las vegas was built upon hope. hope. you have hope that you're going to get a job so you put in the applicati application. faith will try to strip you of your hope, tell you you can't be more than what you are, tell you things aren't going to turn around, try to get you to focus on the circumstances around you and you don't have to look very far to turn on the television, pick up a newspaper, everything
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is negative news. i decided to come back, turn that off and come back to the bible and see what god says about my circumstance, what does god say about my finances and i decided to believe this book. if god said i could have it, i could have it. god understood things were going to happen in the crisis in the world. he understands the governments and everything involved but this book is the same yesterday, today and forever and if you'll believe this book, god will give you a miracle. faith is the essence of things hoped for and things never seen. jesus said if you have the faith of a tiny mustard seed, i'm talking to you about faith, what
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is faith? faith is something that god gives you from the very beginning to every person he gives you the measure of faith. you have believing ability because god has already given it to you. you have to nurture that faith. you have to grow that faith, you have to cultivate that faith. your faith of yesterday does not work today because faith is now. faith is not historic. what god did for you 12 months ago is a memory in your mind but it is not faith. it is a testimony. your faith is what god is doing for you right now. are you getting this? are you getting this? because i know you've been praying. you've been saying god i need a miracle. i need you to turn something around in my life. you're one faith step away from a miracle. one faith step away from a miracle and he taught the disciples, if you have the faith of a tiny mustard seed you could say to the mountain be removed and cast into the sea if you'll not doubt in your heart but do those things that you say and believe it you'll have what so ever you say. jesus was not comparing faith to
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the size of a mustard seed. he was not talking about size. he was talking about potential. the mustard seed is the smallest among seeds and herbs and grows up to be the largest among trees. he was talking about your seed of potential, your faith has the potential to grow. you say how do i grow my faith? your faith is growing now. romans 10:17, your faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of god. do you want to know why you have less faith than maybe you did seven days ago? because you have not fed your faith with the bible. if you spent more time watching the negative news than you do reading the bible, you're not going to live a life of faith, you're going to live in fear. there are two forces on the earth, fear and faith. both are confidence. confidence. fear is confidence the worst is going to happen and fear is faith that the best is going to happen. i made the decision to feed my faith.
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i get into the word of god. i get into dueteronomy chapter 28. god says he'll make me the head and not the tail. hallelujah. i won't borrow money. god will bless me coming and going. god will bless everything that i touch. why? because i am in covenant with god, faith. faith. you can use your faith right now to6,(ñ endure your presence see because there's a faith for enduring your present season or you can make a decision to make your faith to exit your present season. the children of israel were enduring their present season. one day they decided to believe a man of god from moses, they decided to believe him and use their faith to exit and one day there was a design they came out of egypt with the wealth and the gold. you won't get the pink slip, you'll get the promotion, why,
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because you're in covenant with god. hallelujah. faith, faith, the force of faith, the difference in today and tomorrow is not just your believing, but it's who are you believing. it's the force of faith. are you enjoying this? the force of a seed, the force of a seed, the force of the seed. genesis 8:22, change my life. there will be seed time harvest. there at your home listen careful with me because i want to walk you through this because i want to help you have an understanding on the seed principle. the seed principle is operating in your life right now at this
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moment. you were working the seed principle, everything in your life is a seed and god said as long as there remains there will be seed time harvest. a seed can be your time, you traded your time for 40 hours' work, your time and you traded it for a paycheck, your thoughts are seeds, your words are seeds, kindness is a seed, adaptations is a seed. everything in your life is a seed. you are a breathing, walking warehouse of continuous seed. there will never be a day in your life where you're not sowing seed. you can say i'm not sowing seed. it's imknob. as long you aas you're living a breathing you're sowing seed.
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what goes around comes around. you ever heard anybody say that? they're going to get what's coming to them, why? the world understands the seed principle. they don't call it the seed principle. they use it in a negative way. if the seed principle will work in a negative way, don't you think it will work in a positive way? if you can sow bad seed and get a bad harvest can't you sow good seed and get a good harvest? everything in your life is a seed. you are a walking, breathing warehouse of continuous seed. you are sowing seed every day of your life. when you cut somebody off in traffic, you have just sown a seed. when you let somebody pass in front of you, you've just sown a seed. when you clock in early at work, you've sown a seed. when you clock in late, you have sown a seed. you say nobody's seeing you. oh, yes, he's seeing you. god sees you.
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god sees you. he sees everything that you do and there's a fifth principle like the law of gravity, doesn't matter whether you're a believer or nonbeliever. it's either working for you or against you. hear me, get a hold of this. every success principle of the earth is built on the seed principle. every billionaire today has built their empire based on a seed, a seed, a seed. everything in your life is a seed. when you're kind, that's the seed. when you're mean, that's the seed. when you sow an idea that's the seed. when you're kind and feed somebody, feed the poor that's the seed. everything in your life is a seed. you never get away from the seed principle and principal of seed time harvest changed my life, as long as the earth remains there will be seed time harvest. i want to express something, we live in a society constantly hearing about global warming, we're losing resources. we're going to run out of oil, run out of natural gas f we keep
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going the way we're going, we're all going to lose it. that's not what the bible says. the bible does not teach that. the bible says as long as the earth remains there will be seed time harvest. within the earth right now is enough resources for anything you'll ever need, want or desire. the earth is harvesting waiting for the seed to enter the soul so it will produce a harvest. as long as the earth remains there will be seed time harvest. i was sharing this in a meeting with dr. morris cerullo at the beginning a few months ago and an oil man came up to me david. discovered another layer of oil.
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when you ask god for a miracle he will always ask you for a seed, always a seed because god requires faith, faith. if you have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed, everything in your life is a seed that you will sow, and when you ask god for a miracle, he will always ask you for a seed, always, always. joshua marched around jericho seven times, seven times on sunday. jesus spat in some clay, put on a blind man's eyes, walk two miles to the poorest and wash a seed. what was the seed of the blind man, obey the instruction that jesus gave him, walking two miles and washing. remember a general, go dip in the jordan seven times.
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he was insulted, angry, dipped six times, never got healed and his servant said the prophet said seven times. he dipped the seventh time and he was healed. the power of a completed instruction, the power of a completed instruction. the power of a completed instruction. god has given you their home instructions in the past. what instruction has god given you that you have not obeyed?
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god is my source and said if i will sow seed i will reap harvest, the power of a seed, the power of a seed. number four, the force of expectation, the force of expectation. your seed is what god multiplies, your expectation is why he multiplies it. a farmer has a seed, he wants to harvest. so he sows seed into the soul to produce a harvest. he knows without the seed he cannot have a harvest so he sows his seed. he puts it in the soil and the
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harvest appears. the farmer does not negotiate with the seed. he does not say i want a harvest but i'm not going to do anything. no, because he understands logically in order for there to be a harvest you have to sow seed. there at your home i'm going to pray with you in a moment and share an incredible testimony. i want you to get this. almost nobody is teaching about the law of expectation. it is critical to your harvesting. dr. oral roberts became a near and dear friend of mine the last two years of his life. i had an open invitation to stay in his home and i did. i spent hours with him, got a book i have written with him. i'm the only human on the earth has a book authored with dr. oral roberts. something you possess can create something you want. everything in your life is a seed. i sat down with him one day and
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he said todd you hold the seed, god holds the harvest. the difference in the seed and the harvest is expectation. did you hear what i'm saying? expectation. i'm talking to somebody today that you have planted seed in the path and you have not been able to identify a harvest. that's because you did not sow it with expectation. expectation is the confident anticipation that something good is going to happen, something good is going to happen, something good is going to -- dr. roberts opened his miracle crusade. what was he doing? something good was going to happen. he was building expectation, expectation, hallelujah. boy the atmosphere is shifting here. why? because expectation is being birthed. see, expectation does not proceed your seed sowing. it follows your seed sowing. expectation is birthed after you plant a seed, not before, after. a farmer knows he wants a harvest, what does he do?
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he plants seed and after he plants seed, expectation rises up inside of him. why? because he knows he has a right to a harvest now. he gets up in the morning and he inventories his fields and looks around and sees all the seed he's sown. expectation ritzs uses up. i have a right to a harvest. expectation, expectation, expectation. ephesians 6:20, god will do exceedingly and abundantly above all you think. he is a good and gracious god, is he a giving and kind god and there's nothing too hard for him. he is jehovah gyra, the lord of the harvest, hallelujah. he is the lord of the harvest and many of you have sown seed in the past and you have not reaped the harvest. why? because you have not used the law of expectation. confident anticipation, something good is going to happen. we heard often by dr. mike
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murdock, god wanted a family so he sowed his best seed, jesus at cavalry and created a family of god. god sowed his seed of expectation for a family. in nine months a baby is born. businesses will spend thousands to strategically place an ad in a magazine, they'll spend almost $3 million for 30 seconds on a super bowl ad, why? because they have expectation that they've sown seed, they call it investment seed and they're going to reap a harvest but their expectation does not rise until after they've sown. expectation. i am ein honolulu having lunch with dr. abizini, talking about living a higher standard of living, not the world system but god's system. he looked at me and said todd as a baptist preacher i tithed and
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i gave. i saw little or no harvest. he said i would continue to tithe, help poor people but i saw little to no harvest. he said it was not until i discovered the law of expectation, when i began to sow my seed with expectation, he said i began to harvest like you wouldn't believe. the difference in your today and your harvest of tomorrow. the difference in your seed of today and your harvest of tomorrow is expectation, the force of expectation, confident anticipation that good things are going to happen. you see in the body of christ we have been taught that it's wrong to sow and expect something from god. we have been taught that you shouldn't give to get. anybody ever been taught that? it's wrong to give to get. well, let me explain something to you. if a farmer sowed seed in the
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earth and you ask farmer jones, farmer jones, you expecting to reap a harvest? nope, nope, nope, nope. nope. we would have him institutionalized because farmer jones has been out in the heat too long. no, no. no. he can expect a harvest. you no he what makes god different than any other, you no he what makes the bible different than any other? in all other religions it's what you can do to reach up to the god. only in christianity is it what god has done to reach down to us. when we could not save our yosef, he reached down to us, hallelujah. now, get this. matthew :7, god says if you want to receive you have to ask. if you knock at the door, god says he'll open it. he says if you seek, you will find. now, jesus is not going to describe himself compared to us.
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he says if you, if you being evil know how to give good gifts in your children, how much more will your heavenly father give to those who can ask? hebrews 11:6, we must believe god he is and is what, a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. when you sow seed, sow it with expectation because if you plant seed, now get this, if you don't hear anything i said, hear this. and get ready, because a break-through is getting ready to happen. i'm going to pray with you in a few moments and i'm telling you something is going to happen in your life but get this. if we rape from the seed f we strip from the seed expectation, if we take out of the equation of seed time harvest and we remove the expectation of receiving from god, we make god a taker and not a give r.
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he is no better than all the gods around the world that is taking from us but god said that he is a giver. he is not a taker. he said in luke 6:38, give and it shall be given unto you, god calls men to give unto your busom, with the measure that you give it will be measured back to you. he is a good god. he is a loving god. he is a giving god. he is a lavish giver. hallelujah. he's a giver. he's a giver. i serve a god that's a giver. i don't care if your parents were stingy. my god is not stingy. my god has more than enough streets of gold, walls of jasper, gates of pearls. hallelujah. he's a good god. he's a good god. he doesn't want me poor, broke and busted. he wants me to have enough resources to take care of my family. he wants me to have enough inheritance to leave to my
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children's children. he wants me to leave the gospel around the world. there's 127 nations watching now but it costs financial resources to preach the good news of jesus christ. expectation, expectation, expectation. number five, the force of prayer, the force of prayer, the force of prayer. the force of the prayer of agreement. hallelujah. matthew 18:18-19, where two or three are gathered together, if we agree upon any one thing is touching he will do what he said he would do. he's in our midst. don't ever underestimate the power of aagreement. one will put 1,000 to flight, two will put 10,000 to flight. listen carefully if you can, move in close to me. i want to talk with you there at
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