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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  December 23, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST

11:00 pm
thank you. there you go. s oli, thank you. there you go. i can't believe you remember that. what, are you kidding me? you singing "everybody hurts"? oh, sorry. yeah, my r.e.m. phase. well, i couldn't take my eyes off you, so... are you sure it didn't have anything to do with what i was wearing, maybe? uh, black leather miniskirt, white tank top... seriously, though, you guys were good. coulda went on the road. i don't ink so. okay, you know, i-- i got a confession. your best show, 5:00 a.m., morning after graduation, on the roof of the gym. what? you'd just got dumped by curtis at that party. god, i don't believe this. took your guitar, you went up to the roof, and you came up with this really gentle song. you were up there? you were singing... i'm sorry.
11:01 pm
it's just, after i heard that, i thought... i felt like i... knew you. you know, there's this wine-tasting thing at niagara-on-the-lake next weekend. i was thinking, you know, maybe we could go? um... i mean, we don't have to stay over, it could just be a day trip. i was just thinking, 'cause we haven't seen each other for a while. yeah, yeah. and it's been really great. i-- i just... (gunshot, faint scream) what was that? that was gunfire. (people screaming) wait, hold on. steve! wait! (tires screech, horns blare) man: hey, watch it! hey, what are you doing? jules: stop! man: somebody's been shot! winnie, it's jules. oh, hey! how are you enjoying your y off? jules: i've got shots fired inside the sultan grill, on the danforth. guys, guys! what's happening? are you okay? we're outside the restaurant right now. is the shooter still inside? jules: i can't see. someone's shot, jules. i gotta, i gotta get in there. no, steve. we need to wait for backup. the shooter might still... jules! let's go! jules, hantight! we're coming! team one, hot call! suit up!
11:02 pm
he could be dead before they get here. don't go in there! steve! winnie: shots fired at the sultan grill on the danforth. one confirmed victim down. gunman: i warned you! i asked you a simple question, all you had to do was answer. eric? now one more time! whoa, whoa, whoa. tell me where he is! i don't know! where's riyaz? i'm sorry, i don't know who that is. where are your hands? where are your hands?! no. no cell phones. okay, all cell phones on the floor, now. now! go get 'em. collect them! gunman: now! anyone caught attempting to communicate with him will be shot, do you understand me? it's gonna be okay. total communication blackout. all right? i'm a medic. i'm gonna help you. you're gonna be okay. hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! easy, easy. what are you doing? he just wants to make sure that he's okay. okay, well, get away. come on, get away! get away from him! you. lock it! lock the door! you. barricade it. tables and chairs, come on. nobody's leaving until i get some answers. all right. you...
11:03 pm
knives, forks, uh, corkscrews, any sharp implements. if i find anything that can be used as a weapon... go! come on, come on, come on! that's good. get against the wall. hands where i can see 'em. go! move! set up a perimeter. get the uniforms and keep all these people back. let's do it now! we're dealing with at least one shooter. how many hostages? ed: ten, maybe more. sam: jules? limited vantage. looks like the front doors are baicaded. maybe jules can feed us information from inside. nah, if that gunman finds out jules is a cop... all right. (whispering) hey. quiet! get-- hey-- you guys clear out of here. go! i want everyone to keep quiet. i gotta... think. you. on the floor. knees! here. hands behind the head. you know what this place is, right?
11:04 pm
it's-- it's a restaurant. ye yes, yes, yes, it looks very much like a restaurant, but do you-- (frustrated sigh) do you know what it is? (exhales) what are you looking at?! (pda buzzes) gunman: you know what it's really for? you know who meets here, and what they want? huh? where's riyaz? (pda chirps) parker jules is okay. she says there's one gunman and 18 hostages. what's the gunman want? gunman: riyaz should be here now. where is he? (pda chirps) parker: looking for riyaz. who's riyaz? hey, spike. parker: see if there's a connection between the sultan grill and someone named riyaz. on it. you told him not to come, because i'm here. didn't you? i don't even know what you mean. i gotta try to talk to him. (gasping) jules: sir? hey! you stay where you are. i'm gonna stay right here. all right. gd. my name's jules. what's yours? oh. (laughs)
11:05 pm
you're looking for somebody named riyaz? yeah. what? you know him? no, i don't. but maybe i could help you find him. oh. well, he knows him! and if he had just told me where he was, when i asked, then this wouldn't have happed. (sirenails) no... oh, no. no, no. okay. uh, everybody... go! go! everybody, against the door! go to the front. everybody! go, go, go! against the front. go. against the door. go, now! he's lining up hostages against the window. he's making a human shield. m? no vantage. i'm coming down. hey. hey! what are you doing? sir, this man is losing a lot of blood. he needs to go to the hospital. i said no one's leaving! okay. well, this is my friend steve. he's a paramedic. if you let him look at him, maybe he can help him, and then y can find riyaz. that's what you want, right? (panting) yeah. just hang in there, buddy. hang in.
11:06 pm
okay, he's rely conscious. look, i'm going to need some napkins, clean water and plastic wrap. i can get them. okay. go. stay where i can see you. comen. come on. move fast! okay. we know who we're looking for. the owner of the restaurant is riyaz fayad. good. now let's find out who's got a beef with him. neighbors, disgruntled employees? what's going on, eddie? all right. we got an air vent on the roof. might be able to fd a snake cam throh that. all right, go for it. let's do it. is eric going to be okay? he's got decreased breath sounds on the left side. what does that mean? his lung collapsed. oh, my god. look, he needs chest decompression. you don't happen to have a kit in your purse, do you? can you improvise? yeah. i need a pen. i need some vodka. a knife. sir? a knife? what do you think i am, an idiot? i promise we're going to hand it back as soon as we're done. please.
11:07 pm
all right. jules: whoa, whoa. what are you doing? if you try anything, i'm going to shoot her. (woman hyperventilating) i'm going to get the vodka. okay, go. just go! i'm going. here you go. thanks. okay. knife. mm-hmm. you got it? yep. look, i'm sorry for getting us into this. you were just trying to help. okay. (slicing, steve groans) oh, my god. (murmurs)
11:08 pm
okay. hand me the pen. okay. hand me the plastic wrap. yep. this is going to hold the pen in place. it's going to protect the wound. pass me the knife. slide it across the ground. come on. (woman gasping) okay. there. all right. all right. angle it a little to the left. i'm in. ed: spike? eyes are good. parker: all right. steve's taking care of the gunshot victim. i don't see any other wounded. there's a lot of buzz on riyaz fayad.
11:09 pm
terror watch blogs, mainstream press... they're all suggesting he's a leader of an extremist terror cell. anti-terror unit investigating? uh, the details are classified. take time to get more intel. eddie, fayad's being investigated for terrorism. you think he's connected to the gunman? i don't know. why don't you go talk to him? spike. yeah. sending the address to your pdas right now. let's move it. parker: maybe he's got the information we need to play things out. gunman: you. you! gray shirt. come here! on your knees. get on your knees.neel. parker: all right. that's it. i'm calling in. where's riyaz? (phone ringing) where's riyaz?! i don't know! i don't know. come on! we're running out of time here! (phone rings) i bet that's the police. maybe they want to help. yeah. you'd think so, but, you know, no. in the big picture, they're just puppets. there's nothing they can do. okay, but maybe you can help show them the big picture, and explain to them why you want to find this guy. (ringing continues) uh... okay, fine. answer it. (ringing continues)
11:10 pm
(phone beeps on) jules: hello? so much for your day off, huh? jules: yes. there's a gentleman here. he's looking for a man named riyaz fayad. it's very important. jules: can you help him find him? get me his name, jules. they'll help you find riyaz if youive them your name. jules: okay. it's davis lagosto. it's davis lagosto. i'll check him out. why do you need to find riyaz? riyaz fayad's using this restaurant as a front for his terrorist operations. okay, i have reliable sources. i'm just here to stop him before he strikes. tell him fayad's being investigated by the atu. riyaz is already under investigation by the atu, the anti-terror unit. aneverything they canst, to bring him to justice. no! by then, it'll be too late! what? it's-it's going to happen any day now. what's happening? he and his people. they're-they're going to be planting bombs on the subway. how does he know this? jules: okay. if you know
11:11 pm
of a terrorist act, you have to tell the police. get back! okay. i'm back. what are you doing? i thought you were helping me. i am. i'm-i'm talking to the police. lagosto: put the gun down! what's going on, jules? okay, put it down. put down the gun! i-i don't have a gun. put down the gun, or i'm gonna have to shoot you. captioning sponsored by cbs
11:12 pm
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11:13 pm
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11:14 pm
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11:15 pm
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11:16 pm
okay, good. get out. get over there, come on. come on! get back. all right, hands above . wait. he didn't hang up the phone. thank you, davis. we still have ears. spike: transferring the line to headset. what do you have on davis? substance abuse? spike: no, but we do have breaking and entering, assault... a history of violence. also served time in a psych ward. what's he been diagnosed with? uh, can't get details. i'd have to get clearance. oh, some kind of desional disorder. let's see if we can track down his family. so this terrorist attack... could be delusion, could be there's a grain of truth. riyaz fayad is being investigated. spike: still waiting on that call from atu, see if there's been any chatter. police. riyaz fayad, open the door! do it now! police. can i help you? yeah. we're here to talk to riyaz fayad. what do you want with him?
11:17 pm
we need to ask him a few questions. sorry. he's not here right now. hey! police! wordy. wait! leave him alone! police! (panting) police! stop right there! police! right there! right there! let's see some hands now! wordy: do it now! sir. don't come any closer! mr. fayad, i'm officer lane, this is officer wordsworth. now, we just need to talk, but you need to put that weapon down now. sir, we just want to talk to you. i haven't done anything wrong! mr. fayad, we have to consider that a threat, sir. i know how this works! you capture me like an animal. no lawyer, no rights. fly me off to some other country to be tortured. please, riyaz, don't. mrs. fayad, back in the house. back in the house! cashmira, stay back. mr. fayad, listen to your wife. we just want to talk here. you knock on my door with assault weapons for a conversation? we will put the guns away. please put the pipe down. please, riyaz. just help us out here. don't make this any worse.
11:18 pm
that's it. thank you, sir. wordy? drop it! drop it! right now! that's it. turn around. up against the fence. just tell me if he's okay, will you? parker: right now, he's got a gun, and he's holding several people hostage inside a restaurant. oh, my god. davis, my boy. oh! mr. lagosto, we understand that your son has a history of mental illness. yeah. he was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic when he was 15. so, he suffers from delusions? yeah. yeah. davis thinks everyone's out to get him. hey, davis, how you doing? are you okay? riyaz should have been here by now. where is he? well, the police are looking for him. yeah, well, we're running out of time. ed: we have an armed man who has barricaded himself inside your restaurant, looking for you. now, we need to know why. his name is davis lagosto. you ever seehim?
11:19 pm
no, i've never seen him before. soldiers are all out in the middle east, you know? but where are they when we need them here? why do we need soldiers here? there are terror operatives in every major city in north america. of course we need them here. sounds really scary. he thought his mother was under orders to kill him. so he came into our bedroom one night while we were sleeping with a rope, tied it around her neck, tried to strangle her. i'm sorry. that sounds terrifying, sir. (sighs) but we loved him, you know? (sighs) there are dozens of sleeper cells all across this country. it's not just al qaeda. it's hezbollah and hamas. wordy: gunman's convinced that you're planning an attack on the subway system. of course, 'cause i'm a terrorist. ever since those news reports came out, they've threatened my wife and my child. they painted hate messages on my home and my restaurant,
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all based on nothing. they could be living next door to you, and you wouldn't even know it. and you feel like it's your responsibility to do something about it. i don't have a choice! there was an anti-psychotic. really helped for a while. uh, davis managed to get through college. got a degree in chemical engineering. what, the drug stopped working? yeah. he had a breakdown after college. had to be hospitalized. all right, mr. fayad, can we take a look at those threats? gladly. wordy, uncuff him. ma'am? (handcuffs clicking) is he on any medication right now? i really don't know. i... i haven't seen my son in over a year. why not, sir? last time i checked him into the hospital, he got very angry. he thought i was trying to have him committed. when he got out, i tried to get him to come home, but... he didn't want any part of me. okay, where is he living now, do you know?
11:21 pm
he's, uh... at harmony house. it's a group home. st. george street. okay, just hang on one second, mr. lagosto. get ahold of harmony house. i'm sure he's got a social worker there. let's get in touch with him. mr. irwin? yeah. how you doing? i'm sergeant parker. thank you for coming. will you follow me please, sir? so you're davis' primary social worker? yeah. i've known him for over two years. look, this is all my fault. davis is my responsibility. look, we understand th davis has been charged with assault in the past. now, these violent outbursts-- do they happen often? he's not some kind of monster. he's sick. yeah, i understand that, sir... look, paranoid schizophrenics are prone to suspicion. if they feel threatened, they sometimes lash out to protect themselves. but davis believes that terrorists are planning an attack on the city. what did he say? he said that restaurant is a front for a terror cell. has he mentioned riyaz fayad before? i don't think so. but he's been tking a lot about terrorists lately. do you know what might have triggered that?
11:22 pm
terrorism's all over the news these days. bombings in madrid, chechnya. yeah. eric? oh, my god. what's happening? his pulse is thready. there's no breath sounds. my god... come on, eric. hang in there. oh, my god. come on, buddy. hang in there, buddy. steve... why are you stopping? help, please. tell him to keep going. why are you stopping?! i'm sorry. it's... no. man: oh, my god. lagosto: hey! is he dead? yes. oh. oh? okay, angela... that's all you have to say? eric never did anything to you. okay. he harbored a known terrorist. riyaz is not a terrorist! what's wrong with you?! okay, she's escalating him now.
11:23 pm
angela, you know what, we need to stay really calm right now. hey! all right, just shut up! quiet! shut up! both of you! you come in here on a muslim witch hunt... you're not listening to me, all right? this is a front for a terrorist operation. a front? so then what does that make me? all right. oh, my god, you're one of them. you're a black widow. so now i'm a terrorist, too. aw, crap. everybody, get back. stay back, everybody. get back! get back! davis, what do you see? all right, she's got a bomb. she's about to detonate a bomb! we're all terrorists. get down! she's got a bomb! all right... hey... (gunshot) shots fired. lagosto: why'd you do that? are you okay? i think so. lagosto: she'll take us all with her. oh, my god, steve. stay back. lagosto: nobody try anything. sam: is jules okay? it's steve. he's been shot.
11:24 pm
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11:26 pm
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11:27 pm
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11:28 pm
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11:29 pm
okay. sam, you're just covering on this, all right? she knows what she's doing. i know she does. just saying. yes, sir. we've got to stop the bleeding. (groans) it's okay. i got it, i got it. get back. get back, all of you. get back. all right, let's slow down... shut up! shut up! hands above your head. hands above your head. all right, i know that you're afraid right now, davis. all right, we're leaving. we have to find something to bind her hands and feet. we have to dismantle the bomb. she's not going to hurt you. she's got a bomb! are you bld?! oh, my god. spike: he's turning on jules. we got to find a way to get past his delusions. he said we needed soldiers here. maybe i can talk to him as one. parker: go for it, sam. but boss, this place has serious security for a restaurant. i'm looking at reinforced steel. after 9-11, a lot of middle-eastern businesses have been targets for vandals. i'm going to have to torch my way through. copy that.
11:30 pm
this brick was thrown through our window. "die, arab pig." sayid was in the room when it happened. he was terrified. "go back to the middle-east." he was born in vancouver. why didn't you report this? do you think anyone cares about death threats against a suspected terrorist? why were you accused in the first place? back in, uh... 2004, i started donating money to an islamic charity. i was told it was a scholarship fund for underprivileged kids. i found out later that the charity was a front used to fund terrorist activities including the london bombings. and from that they assumed you were the leader of a terrorist cell. i convinced a lot of other members of my mosque to donate to the same charity. we thought we were doing something good. atu dragged us from our homes in the middle of the night. they interrogated us for hours. they froze our bank accounts, confiscated our passports. once it got leaked to the press, that's when all the threats started to happen.
11:31 pm
spike: hey, ed, just got off the phone with the anti-terror unit. excuse me one second. any intel on a possible attack? no, and they checked with other agencies. no chatter, nothing. and mr. fayad? well, he's gonna be on a no-fly list for a while, but they're wrapping up their investigation. he's been cleared of any wrongdoing. okay, good to know. thanks, spike. the atu is clearing you. what? oh, my god. oh, my god! cashmira (lahs): it's over! hey, spike, a lot of these e-mail threats are being sent from the same i.p. address. i'll run a trace, see if we can connect them to davis. (exhales all right, i'm just gonna change this, okay? don't try to be the tough guy-- i know what it feels le. i've been shot before. i know how much pain you're in. soow do you like the date so far?
11:32 pm
you really know how to keep a girl on her toes, huh? wait till you see what... i have planned for the next one. (whispers): we can't-- he's st gonna start shooting again. that's why we got to do it fast, disarm him. there are a lot of us and only one of him. steve, you're shivering. yeah, the... the room... is spinning. your heart's racing really fast. yeah, i'm cold. i'm just going into shock. i'm gonna go try and i'm gonna go get your jacket. no, no... look, look at me, will you look at me? you're gonna keep talking to me, okay? i'm an idiot. you're not; it's not your fault. no, i mean i shouldn't ha waited so long to ask you out. let's save the deathbed confession for 50 years from w, okay? you gonna be there? parker: sam, let us know when you're close. hey, guys, those threats against riyaz? you were right. the i.p. address traces back to davis's group home. so he did make those threats. hey, ed, take a look at this one.
11:33 pm
okay, boss, listen to this. "with one bomb, you killed 26 people. "time for you "and your followers to get a taste of your own medicine." "taste of his own medicine"? think davis built a bomb? his father mentioned that he had a degree in chemical engineering. so why show up at the restaurant with a gun? maybe he'd already planted it somewhere and wanted to take the leader out personally. sounds like riyaz wasn't his only target. okay, boss, we're gonna head to the group home. okay, eddie, check davis's room, check everywhere-- find out what he's building and who he's targeting. copy that. mr. fayad? yes, officer? an officer's gonna take you downtown for processing. it's just procedure. i'll go with you. no. you and sayid go to the mosque. pray for eric and the others at the restaurant. okay. (whispers): come on, let's go. come on. (distorted, echoed voices) get back! sam, hostages are turning on him. get in there now. get back against the wall now! i'll shoot you all one by one! drop your weapon. drop your weapons. drop...
11:34 pm
everybody, do what the man says! (panicked screams) drop your weapons and go back to where you were! it's all right, buddy, you can stand down-- i got this area of operations contained. go back to where you were now, all of you! do it now! who are you? i'm master corporal sam braddock, special forces. i'm here to help. you knew this place was a front for terrorists? sam, don't lie to him. he's sensitive to deception. i know what it's like to feel afraid. i served two tours in afghanistan. i know what it's like to walk down the street and wonder where they're gonna strike again. you feel helpless, like you're never gonna be safe. that's what they want. all of us to live in a state of fear. yeah. that's why we got to fight back. you know about the operation... (gunshot, people yelling) (grunting, shouting) settle down. what are you doing?! you... you lied to me! sam: i didn't lie. you (handcuffs click) subject in custody.
11:35 pm
parker: good work, guys, good work. (panting) thank you. e.m.s, we need e.m.s. in here now. eddie, you find anything at the group home? ed: boss, we're in the basement. davis is building something here. and it doesn't look like any kind of bomb i've ever seen. (shutter clicks) have a look. (beeping) are those fire extinguishers? uh-huh. they're all empty. watches, pesticides? what's that on the floor? (shutter clicks) cast beans. talk to me, spike. castor beans and pesticides: major components in both ricin and sarin. nerve gas. fire extinguishers hold compressed gas. watch is a timer. he's made a chemical bomb, and it's already out there.
11:36 pm
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11:37 pm
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11:38 pm
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11:39 pm
11:40 pm
shop kmart and get after christmas prices now... at the winter apparel blowout sale! take up to 60% off... outerwear for the whole family... and up to 60% off cozy sleepwear and robes! plus get thousands of gifts under $10. now that's kmart smart parker: sam. how is he? davis? davis, i'm sergeant parker. how you doing? you doing okay? look, i want you to know that you're safe-- we're not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?
11:41 pm
but we could really use your help right now. we know that you made some kind of chemical bomb, and we need to know where it is. davis, a bomb like that could kill a lot of innocent people. i don't think we're gonna get anything out of him. get him to the hospital, regulate his meds. keep an eye on mr. lagosto-- when he becomes coherent, you question him again, okay? eddie, couldn't get anything. you need to tear that place apart and figure out where his next target may have been. let the social worker clive know that he's there, he's safe, but he's gonna need his help at the hospital. boss, the social worker's not here. boss, i got something. all right, i'm on my way. jules: i'm right here, steve, okay? i'm coming with you. nah, nah-hah, you don't have to come with me. you're going in surgery. you need somebody there when you wake up. yeah, there's a bomb out there. that team needs you. are you sure? ye. i'll be all right. okay, i'm gonna come by later. (siren approaching)
11:42 pm
(steve grunts) you better suit up. yeah. i got into davis' computer. those threats against riyaz? they're in davis' outbox, but th're not in his "sent" mail folder. what does that mean, spike? it means someone was using his computer as a proxy server. davis didn't send those threats. someone was setting him up. can you trace it? i'm running a tunneling program right now. clive irwin. his social worker. so why would clive want to frame davis? eddie? boss? clive is now a person of interest. wordy, let's get this open. copy. boss, looks like clive's been conducting his own investigation of mr. fayad. who'd you find? we got articles on domestic terrorism,
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surveillance photos on mr. fayad and other muslims. suspected cell members. clive's the one who's paranoid about terrorism. i think i know why. clive's wife was killed in the london terror attacks a few years ago. woman: clive never got over losing his wife. did he ever discuss it with davis? oh, it's funny. he never talked about it to anyone, and then a f months ago they were playing chess... when the bomb went off, the train split in half. she was thrown onto the tracks. i tried to go to her, but i couldn't stand up. both my legs were broken. i didn't know if she was alive or dead. her face was turned away. (voice breaking): i just kept calling her name. i'm almost convinced i's been a bad dream. (sobs softly)
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they say that riyaz fayad was connected to those suicide bombers. there must be a way to stop him. i mean, you can't blame clive for w he feels. okay, thank you. did you get all that? yeah. sounds like clive's been whispering in davis' ear for months. feeding his paranoia about an attack and nvincing him to build a bomb. well, davis probably had no idea his friend was using him as a weapon. setting him up to take the fall. one of the residents said they saw clive driving away 20 minutes ago. where'd he go? no idea, just said he's moving fast. well, if he was using davis to keep his own hands clean, why would he take the bomb himlf? 'cause davis can't now, and the job isn't done. it's gotta be the mosque, remember?
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clive didn't just threaten riyaz. he said "you and your followers are gonna get a taste of your own medicine." he thinks it's their base of operations. lawrence and avenue road. parker: let's go, let's move! winnie: clive's car's been spotted in the parking lot of the mosque. (man intoning prayer in arabic) (prayer continues) (prayer continues) sergeant parker? yeah? dr. zelovitsky, i'm with hazmat. how are you? i'm heading up the medical team. any idea what kind of toxin we're dealing with? could be a nerve agent,
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maybe a derivative of ricin or sarin. it's hard to be specific, 'cause it's a home brew. we need to prepare for hemorrhaging, convulsions, even fatalities. let's hope it doesn't come to that. we'll be ready. thank you. okay, spike, what do we got? looks like davis outfitted the extinguishers with artificial heads. he presses a manual detonator, and the cylinder will blow, releasing the gas. okay. can you disarm it? yeah, if we find it in time. if we evacuate, it'll tip him off; he could release the toxin. okay. absolute stealth, guys spike, wordy, you take the back. sam and jules, west. boss, let's take east. let's move it. okay, baby. you go ahead. mommy wi be right over, okay? (prayer continues) (people praying quietly) (prayer continues) um, can i he you? (prayer continues) can i help you?
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(prayer continues) masks on. yeah. sam: i have a visual. parker: where? looks like therayer room. does he have the bomb? affirmative. i have the solution. spike: sam? hold fire. if the bomb hits the floor, it'll blow. ed: spike, shut down the ventilation system. if the toxin's released, we can keep it contained. copy that. i'm going on in. police! (gasping) police! sru! police!
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right there. everybody, exit the building. everyone exit the building now. exit the room now! do it now! nobody move! or i'll set off this bomb right now! parker: clive! clive. jusput it down. put it down, and move away slowly. i don't expect you to believe me. someone has to stop them. parker: but will you just listen closely to what i have to say before you do anything that you might regret here? atu, anti-terrorist unit, fully investigated riyaz fayad and the others of this mosque, and they've been cleared. no, they haven't! don't play games with me. they have. none of them have links to the terrorists that were responsible for your wife's death. clive, you push that button, and you're going to die here. is that what you really want? is that what laura would want? (sighs)
11:49 pm
if that's what it takes. put it down. clive! (hissing) (panicked clamoring) ed: everybody clear the building! clear the building! everybody clear the building! tony, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little bit whiny when you're hungry. better? better. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. hey! my back hurts. [ grunts ]
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11:54 pm
that's it. let's go. everybody out! out! go! go! go! go! (sobbing) move it! move it! wordy, we got to get to sayid. let's go! we need these people contained. everyone needs to be sprayed down. that includes you. i hear you, doc. as soon as everyone's safe. head straight over to the blue tents. watch your step. people will be there to help you. keep going! keep going! go! go! let's go! get out of here! (gasping, cong) parker: all right, team one, full sweep for anyone left inside. sayid! sayid! sayid! come on. i got you. i got you. come on. let's go. we need some help. let's go! let's go, right here! come on! doc! oh, my god, sayid! oh, my god. it's okay. doc. cashmira: is he going to be okay?
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baby! resps are shallow. i need five milligrams of atropine. please, please, please... they're doing everything they can. they're doing everything they can. sayid, baby, mommy's right here. come on! mommy's right here, baby. come on! let's go! please. he's just a baby. finished my report. thanks, buddy. i hear you made a call on riyaz's behalf. yeah. boss, he only threatened us because he was scared. he thought we were the rendition squad. he saw what he feared the most. and he wasn't the only one today who saw something that wasn't there. hey. update from the hospital.
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five people still in serious condition, but they're expected to pull through. what about the boy, sayid? doing okay. thanks, spike. yeah. ♪
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♪ ♪ hey. w you feeling? better... now. can i just sayomething? sure. last few months, uh, doing a lot of thinking.
11:58 pm
just about, uh, the big picture. yeah, i have, too. just family. future and stuff. (clears throat) and what i'm guessing is, uh, our big pictures ar't the same. 'cause you're in mine, but, uh... i don't think i'm in yours. hey. it's okay. it's all good. the's no regrets. well, almost no regrets. what do you mean? never got to finish our ice cream. (both chuckle) (groans) shh.
11:59 pm
♪ do you hear me when i speak of you? ♪ just one favor. anything. promise me... ♪ do you feel me ...keep singing. ♪ loving you? yeah. ♪ did y see me? 'cause i see you ♪ ♪ but it's good-bye ♪ ♪ good-bye ♪ good-bye, good-bye ♪ good-bye, good-bye again. captioning sponsored by cbs


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