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tv   BBC World News  PBS  March 2, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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>> this is "bbc world news. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in global finance to guide you through the business strategies and opportunities of international commerce. we put our extended global network to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news.
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>> help is on its way for the people of homs. medical aid is allowed in as international pressure continues to mount on the syrian government. >> to make sure he is held to the crimes committed against his people and no matter how long it takes, there will be a day of reckoning for this regime. >> and welcome to "bbc world news" i'm david eades. also coming up on the program, iranians go to the polls but the main opposition is boycotting the elections. > and -- ♪ >> engelbert humperdinck in his prime. the 75-year-old krooner has now been chosen as the u.k.'s
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choice for this year's -- song contest. -- for the euro vision song contest. >> hello. thank you for being with us. a red cross convoy is headed to homs, the area in homs are conditions are said to be dire and snow and freezing temperatures and no food or heating fuel. british prime minister david cameron has condemned the syrian regime and called for it to be held to account. >> the rebels have retreated from the besieged district of baba amr. after nearly 12 months of
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violence, it's a said victory for the president's said forces who may now turn its attention to places north. at least the international committee of the red cross said it should have access. it's eager to seize this window of opportunity. >> people have been cut off from food, water, 34el8 care and medical equipment. so as a top priority we have the evacuation of the dead and ill. >> in brussels this morning david cameron said humanitarian access is vital. >> above all what i think matters is building evidence and make sure this regime is held to account for the crimes
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it's committing against its people and one day no matter how long it takes, there will be a day of reckoning for this dreadful regime. and now with prime minister vladimir putin said the u.n. approach isn't balanced. the stalemate highlights the pressing need to ensure a channel of aid for the many victims of the conflict. >> we've also heard from an eyewitness who said getting civilians out of the baba amr district must be a top priority. >> actually, now baba amr is a military zone completely. no one can exist. the army -- the syrian army is controlling the area. they are now looking through the houses and also they are
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shooting and bombing the remainder of the houses. the houses which -- now the tanks are going inside and start shooting the houses. this kind of thing against the people, no communication at all, and only 20 persons from baba amr population is -- [inaudible] almost they are run away and escape from since then, because they know the army will will bombing baba amr, and they are afraid to make against them, and we are afraid also. we are awaiting them, and we just -- [inaudible]
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>> more from the red cross themselves on their efforts to get into homs later in the bull on the. >> a baby is born two or three weeks early are more likely to have flobs life. up until now it's thought being born that late in pregnancy really made little difference. we have more. >> some babies arrive early in the world before the usual 40 weeks growing inside their mom. neo natal units look after the frailest. doctors have always known really premature babies need extra care. they can have health problems later in life. the babies born a few weeks early are regarded as completely healthy. but today's research is based on 14,000 babies, and it suggests the picture is more
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complicated. >> we found it's no longer appropriate to think of babies being born at term or premature. because we found there's a gradient of increasing health risks with increasing prematurity, but this risk stretches right up until the time babies should be born. >> this is for babies followed up to the age of five. of the babies born at 39 weeks, 15% had asthma. 37-38 weeks, just a few weeks early, 17% have asthma or wheezing and slightly more likely to go into the hospital. experts say women with babies born a little early shouldn't worry. it's a very small extra risk, and not a serious illness. but they think the information
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could be useful for doctors. so doctors may need to keep a closer eye on them. >> now the cathedral in christchurch in new zealand is to be demolished after the earthquake. the speier of the building is 13 is years old. when the speier collapsed in the february earthquake which killed 15 people, and the cathedral was damaged again in two more quakes. victoria matthews says the quakes and rebuilding the structure is not an option. for the christchurch press newspaper, he joins me now on the line. charlie, thank you for joining us. is it in a desperate state? is there a risk of further collapse? is that the view? >> yes. i think with each view of
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earthquake, there's a greater risk of more damage. i mean, the whole west wall of the cathedral has near gothic rose windows. that collapsed in the june earthquake. with each, more damage has happened, and it does seem to be a -- >> almost like a toting of nature to, as you said, have lasted through two earthquakes? >> yes. it is a very significant building for christchurch people. it's an iconic building. i think everybody feels quite sad that another key part of the city has been lost. and i think each new loss like, this each new building we lose brings home to people how much
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we have lost through these quakes. >> must be dot bear, charlie, but are there any plans yet for what will replace it? >> no. there aren't, really. it is going to take the rest of the year to take the rest of the building down. there are plans to create a prayer guard engine that space, if they can. and i think in if terms of the long-term future, what will replace the cathedral, it will take a long time before they work out what to do there. >> thank you very much indeed. well, maryam's here now with the e.u. latest news. >> yes, we have. >> the never-again treaty. it now has finally been signed by 25 of the 27 nations. what this basically plans now is budgets of different euro zone countries can't run wildly
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out of control. anyone who does make their budget run out of control will face tough sanctions. many of these countries, only britain, of course we knew -- also the important point here is to -- of course islands are holding a referendum. and they have a history of voting against these things, so it will be interesting to see how things pan out. and whether things will be -- >> now i hear you've got news on oil prices. >> we are talking about oil pricesing is been high all day. you might be surprised consider the action going on in iran. oil prices have risen to four-year highs. today we see saudi arabia denying reports in the iranian media that there's been an explosion in an oil pipeline.
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consequently we've seen crude go back to $100 a barrel. so it will be interesting to see whether or not >> thank you very much. well, iranians are going to the polls today, voting for the 290 members that make up the country's parliament. forget the oppositions, they are not even putting up candidates. so the battle is expected to be split between this man, mahmoud ahmadinejad and the supreme leader, ayatollah ali khamenei. >> for the first time since 2009, iran goes to vote. but not everyone will choose to do so. the opposition reformists are boycotting the polls. they say the government's made it impossible for this election to be fair.
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others will stay at home. >> i've decided not to participate in this round. i mean, i voted once in the elections in 2009. however, this time i have no interest in participating in the elections. >> this eelection, then, is a straight fight between the rivals within the movements. supporters of the supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei are up against the loyal supporters of mahmoud ahmadinejad. in this contest, the ayatollah holds all the cards. and there's a subject that worries most voters. over the last year, the price of day-to-day goods has gone up, and the economy is in trouble. >> i think the economic situation has become a large part of people's daily lives. the elections have lost their color because of high prices. i don't feel the elections will
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be as sensational as the previous rounds. >> i will vote. it's a national responsibility. considering the increasing prices, sanctions and economic issues, yes, our vote is very important and vital. >> and this is why the rest of the world is paying attention to this vote. iran's nuclear program worries western governments. but no one expects a change of policy following this election. the ayatollah will still have the final word. james reynolds, "bbc world news." >> i want to bring you the latest from homs again. obviously we understand the red cross and indeed the syrian red crescent are on their way. we understand they are on their way from damascus to homs, bringing medical and food supplies. let's go to the city itself. we can speak to our correspondent via skype. can you give us a sense of what it's like in the city right
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now? >> today, finally, it's like morning. after so much bombing and so much shelling, we are just hearing a few sniper shots as usual. they are trying to keep everyone inside their house and don't want peaceful restoration. outside they are preparing the -- i cannot go out and support anyone. i got injured last friday by the regime. and it's really, really bad. they collect all the guys, more than 14 years old, and put them all inside government center there. we are not sure if they were killing all of them or move them to another jail or something. to deliver some basic food and
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things for you know what i mean baba amr. >> i'm just going to interrupt you if i can. >> i -- >> are you effectively in hiding? >> yes. i'm not in baba amr. i'm in another area. >> but you are in hiding? you wouldn't be prepared to go out? >> yes. i cannot go out, because last friday, 24 of february, 2012, i got shot by the regime. shot in my left face and two police -- one on his leg and one on his neck but all are still alive. >> thank you very much for speaking to us from homs and bringing us the latest as you sy it from the city. we're going to change the theme a little bit here. aaron is here with some sport.
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world cup qualifier. bahrain versus indonesia. what have they got to do? >> score nine to get through to the next stage. 9-0. in the end they were 10-0. if that arises your suspicions, you're not the only one. >> a penalty was awarded. there were three more penalties in the match. four in total. bahrain went on to win 10-0. so they did enough. but in the other match between iran and qatar. qatar actually went through but fifa are investigating it. naturally when you score 10 unreapplied goals and you need nine and you got 10. there's -- >> a breakaway league, many of their best players were suspended by their country and as we said the keeper got sent off early on.
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>> what a result. thank you very much. thank you for watching "bbc world news." i'm david eades. ming up in a moment -- ♪ >> engelbert humperdinck as he was a few years ago, back in the frame. he is the u.k.'s representative for eurovision 2012. at the age of 75. australia's prime minister julian gillard has reshuffled her cabinet after defeating her challenger. rudd was the opposition against gillard's campaign. and they want to allow direct flights between argentina and what she calls the falkland
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islands and demanded the u.k. discuss that. and she accused britain or militarizing the south atlantic. >> and the dutch has been transferred to a hospital in london after a zi skiing accident left him with brain damage. doctors said the prince, who is still in a coma may never regain consciousness. >> you're watching "bbc world news" with me, david eades. and our main story this hour. help is coming at last for the people of homs. the international red cross on its way with food and medical supplies. catching up on the situation in iran now. they are going to the polls today, voting for all the members that make up the country's parliament. we can speak to our teheran correspondent james reynolds
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who hasn't been granted a visa but is following the story from our central london studio. this is a battle of two titans, isn't it? rather than any role for the opposition? >> yes. they have said there is no point in them contesting the election. they say there's been a crackdown against lawyers, journalists, filmmakers, making it impossible for any dis sending vote to be heard. of course in iran the ayatollah is the one who controls the system and his guardian council which approves who is able to stand and that is stacked essentially in his favor. >> so is this the beginning of the end of president ahmadinejad? >> yes. because next year he will not be allowed to stand for a third term, so in 2013, he has to step down. 34 thought this could be a
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staging post for the 2013 eelection where you have a balance of power between the president and ayatollah but because the election has been so stacked in the ayatollah's favor, -- >> do you think this will shift iran's policy approach towards the western world? >> i would guess not at the moment, because there's one simple fact, the people who are controlling and ruling iran now today are exactly the same people who will be ruling and controlling iran after the declaration of these election results, whatever those results may be. the parliament isn't the sovereign body. the ayatollah and revolutionary guard are the ones in control. >> thank you. we're on something of an electoral roll. each of the country's regions compete for a share of the
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seats, and the results of the ballot are binding for the next six years. the governing p. p.m. p. is expected to dominate after a face-off between pakistan's military and civil establishments. monitoring teevepbts in islamabad -- >> today will be a celebration for one because inspite of all the criticism of his party's handling of various crises pakistan has faced and in spite of corruption, they have managed to get to this milestone. its current parliamentarian will vote and likely lit increase its influence in the senate and that is influence he'll retain for the coming years. that's not going to help the prime minister in his survival battle of the supreme court and not going to help if in one day the army decides it's going to take over.
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what it does illustrate is his greatest achievement. that has been to survive. that in itself in pakistani politics is a rarity. >> all right. let's look at the brighter side of life. at 75, engelbert humperdinck is expected to represent the eurovision. he said it was an absolute honor to represent his country. >> his first hit was in 1967. but engelbert humperdinck is still touring and now flying the flag of britain. ♪ >> he's been krooning for decades and collaborating with some of the biggest modern-day particulars. details of his latest songs have not been released. he says his trademark side
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burns were copied by elvis and stage name comes from a 19th century person. >> the winners of eurovision 2011. >> last year they hoped this competition in may. the u.k. has performed poorly in recent years. we'll have to see if engelbert humperdinck is the right man to release it from a string of bad luck. >> it's not easy to love. it's not easy to live together. you start out as friends. end up like stormy weather. when neither's right and the other one's wrong, remember. that it's easy to love. it's not easy to live together ♪ >> i remember that. bbc.
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of course a commentator extraordinaire of the eurovision contest. interesting choice. >> yes. a surprise. no one saw it coming. possibly not even engelbert. it's still surprising to this contest, which is already bizarre being held in a place neighboring the caspian sea. and then mix engelbert humperdinck who is named after a 19th century german opera composer. >> it's possible to say the u.k. has lost the formula. >> the plot. >> possibly. yes. >> and then trying to regain the issue. >> well, it's certainly surprising. the u.k. lost its sense of eurovision a long time ago. we say we were always saying we mate with songs we don't like
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ousts. so we do display a bit of island mentality itself. >> and they are not terribly recent. >> nonetheless, what can he bring? what is his star quality? >> he has got rubber on the road. this is a man who knows how the sing and sell 150 million records. he ooh looks in the camera and is getting many to believe in him, and frankly, it just shows a bit of hootzpa. but the twins are a big favorite. >> yes. that will be the contrast. exactly. >> we shall wait and see. the contest is at the end of may. and we will bring you the results of course. plenty more on the way as you suspect about engelbert and his records.
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you will get all the main stories there. >> make sense of international news at funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in global finance to guide you through the business strategies and opportunities of international commerce. we put our extended global network to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you?
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>> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet los presented by kcet los angeles.
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