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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 3, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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>> this is "bbc world news." >> funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation,ç shell, and union bank.ç >> at union bank our relationship managers work hard to grow yourç business. special capital to help you meet your growth objectives. we offer tailored solutions for small businesses andç corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news."ç
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civilians. >> a pakistanis militant accused of masterminding the mumbai attacks four years ago.ç >> two large fires. one of them killed 15 people in a market warehouse. welcome to "bbc world news." also coming upç on the program dwr why one of the nation's leading doping scientists is concerned about athletes' biological passports.ç >> for anyone who has ever deamed to see their take-off and fly, the vehicleç lost by the dutch that was intended to do precisely that.ç
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>> hello. the head of the red cross is in damascus to secure better he wantsed red cross to be able -- wants the red cross to be able to reach those that have beenç wounded. he also wants to imimplement a daily two-hour cease-fire. jonathan head is monitoring events from istanbul and)r's me now. feels jonathan, like another tall order, but what chance do you feel he's got? >> i think givenç that the ann plan specifies that two-hour break in hostility and the fact that the syrian government has finally set up a deadline toú withdraw its forces, it is a reasonable request to make.
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despite the syrian's acceptance of the plan, the firing by some accounts hasç actually intensified. we are getting dailyly reports of intense attacks by syrian forces apparently trying to take as muchç ground back from the opposition. so it is arguably a worse time now for civilians than at any other time in the conflict.ç we have seen entire villages evacuating. all of those need treating. u.n. estimates are something like a million people displaced. and any pzoqortion of those have actually gone outside to places like turkey here for shelter. it was a key point of the discussion here in istanbul.ç we'll see how far he gets. it is there in the anian -- anan plan. making it work will be difficult. one of the things people need to remember,ç whatever the syrian
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government does with its own argument, there are many running around with people that haveç obvious command of control and not in uniform. there will be similar people trying to get them to adhere to the plan, too. because they were thereç under not any unified plan. >> and skepticism as to whether the april 10 deadline will come into play as well. if there was some successç for mr. kilenberger, how quickly is the red cross ready to step up and benefit thoseç workers? >> to be honest, i think their first job will be assessment. remember when homs was retaken, the red cross got a look in, but not the access it requires to treat people. the numbers of people who have
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disbursed, people finding where they are and where their needs are, frankly it's an enormous job. i think you have to regard this as the first humanitarian opening. i thinkç the red cross and oth agencies want to explore two things. one is just how bad are the humanitarian needs. they could be dreadful. they may not be so bad. they may be localç resources i thezz things are peaceful. how willing is the syrian government to go along with them? there may be difficulty getting them to go along with a fullç withdrawal of forces in towns and residential areas. but now they may find that they have more pressure on it, they might be more cooperative with humanitarianç agencies. of course that's the priority for the red cross. >> the united states has offered a $10 million bountyç. mohammed said.
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blamed for the 2008 mumbai attacks in india. we hope to speak to our correspondent in islamabad in just a moment or two.ç >> why did he do it? that's the question killing out on the back of another killing in the united states. seven people left dead afterç gunman opened fire in the california city of oakland. police say the suspect, 43 years oldç. from washington steve king ston has this. >> a familiar scene as an american campus is placed on lockdown. policeç arrived at the private christian university to find students and teachers running for their lives. the gunman had opened fire in a classroom, targeting one victim shooting indiscriminately. >> i heard gun shots.
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then right after that, i heard a woman scream. >>ç there were probably six gu shots. i got everyoneç out. i heard more gun shots. >> police named the alleged gunman 43-year-old juan goh.ç he fled the scene before officers arrived but was arrested at a safeway supermarket after reportedly confessing toç a security guar that he was the shooter. police received a handgun and a car. >>ç they stopped him to see ife had something he had stolen. there was no fight. >> by now it is clear manyç lis have been lost. five died on campus, and two
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more in hospital. this man's sister survived. >> he justç showed up today. he started shooting all of them. >> what did she do? >> run. she got shot because she helped one of her friends got up, so by both of them, and she got hit. >> detectives are not looking for anyone else. they hope the only suspect will himself explain what would drive himç to commit mass murder. >> a fire at a market warehouse. 15 migrant workers. the victims were from central asia. >> these pictures from the heart of moscowç as firefighters dea with a massive blaze onç a
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skyscraper still under construction. first news about the warehouse fire. >> the fire broke out this morning in the south of moscow. the blaze ripped through a two-story an exwhere a group of migrant workers had been sleeping. they had no direct accessç fro their room to the street. they were trapped inside. when emergency teams arrived, they had to cut their way into the building. we don't know how many workers have been living inç the small aspace. we don't know what caused the fire either. some sources suggest it could have been startedç from an electric fire. >> we'll get more on that in due course. as for the other one, i guess most of moscow could have seen this going up. >>ç yes, it certainly lit up t night sky. this is the federation tower. when it is finished, it will be
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the tallest tower in europe.ç a fire began on the 67th floor on the tower, possibly caused by plastic sheetingç and a spotlight. firefighters spent four hours fighting the flames. it was put out around midnight moscow time, but dramatic while it started. >> steve rosenberg. >> having a look once again at spain. it keeps making the headlines beceq it is so bad. >> it keeps breaking records one after another. but as you say, they are not the kind of records you want to be breaking. we had big newsç yesterday, unemployment across the euro-zone. let's talk about the news today. we're talking about the number of people seeking jobless benefits, joblessç claims last week. that increased by 39,000 people. that is a phenomenal number. if you plook at spain overall,
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more thanç three-quarters of a million people are looking for employment. for a government trying to save and cut costs, this isç not helping. reminding people on friday, prime minister rajoy announced the budget with 27 billion euros of cuts.ç that's going to parliament today, that budget, and they will announce where they made the cuts. the problem is, to reach the aá"ti p&one, it is make cuts of around 50 billion euros. of course there are unemployment numbers. again, to remindç everyone, th highest in the industrialized world. more than 50% of the youth don't have a job. i'll have a look on this plus a  with out-going head of the world bank.
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we'll that report in 20 minutes time. >> ok.ç thank you very much indeed. thank you for being with us on "bbc world news."ç >> a week on after record spring heat waves, there's a blanket of snow.ç >> two british crew members injured in an around-the-world yacht race have been rescued.ç the yacht they were sailing was struck by a huge wave. >> pulling into port, the cutter with two british people aboard. they had been injuredç 640 kilometers out at sea when their
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vessel had been struck by a huge wave. once spottedç, it had taken th coast card 36 hours to reach the yacht and to lower them into a dinghy. >> we had a c-130ç aircraft orbiting. we launched our small boat with a crew three, and we were able to take the injured crew members from cv-6ç into our boat, and return them to the ship. >> other sailors in the race testified for the conditions they have had to contend with out in the pacific ocean.ç >> the biggest swells are probably 8 to 12, that'sç the bottom of the trough to the wave. if the wave is steep, it can be dangerous. >> the sailors encountered the treacherous seas in the closing
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stages from china to oakland, california. jane hitchen, seen here after the rescue, had broken some ribs,ç while nick sabora had sustained a pelvic injury. as they continued to america, they became the lastç of 10 yachts to cross the finish line. bbc news.ç >> you are watching "bbc world news." the head of the red cross isç meeting with syrian forces in damascus to try to get aid to those who have been wounded. >> the united states has offered q $10 million reward for the founder of a pakistanis-based militant group. >> coming up in sports,
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manchesterç uneiletted goes ni points ahead of manchester 50. throughs on the second day of the test. and it is countdown for the masters. tiger is in town, and the expectations are high.ç that's all in sport today in half an hour. >> the colombianç farc rebels have released all their remaining prisoners as a gesture that they willç negotiate. farc has promised there will be no more kidnappings or ransom payments.ç the president welcomed the move, but he did not, however, say it was enough to negotiate a peace
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dialogue. >> the hostages are finally out ofç their jungle prisons. they are plucked from the jungle and the hands of their farc cap torse. some of the soldiers and c policemen had spent 14 years in police captivity. the farc has promised not to engage in anymore kidnappings. with the release, they haveç abandoned any hope of forcing the government into a prisoner exchange, admitting failure in the attempt to get their camp rads in jail back into the rebel ranks. theç farc are hoping that with these liberations that a sit-down talk will be accepted by the president. president santos in an address it clear more was needed. >> this release and the promise of theç farc not to return to kidnapping is a gesture we appreciate.
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we appreciate it in all its dimensions. it is a very important step0i$(+ >> the rebels still hold anything up to 400 kidnap victims for ransom. many are believedç dead. others still held are awade wathing the payment for the ransom demanded. the farc has been battered the last 10 years. their numbers halved withç the leadership decimated through area bombardments. the new farc commander needs some breathing room and theç political proantagonism that peace talks could bring. in 1999, the last time the farc and government sat down, they wereç able to ask for and recee a safe haven the size of switzerland cleared of all troops. this time it is the government which will beç setting the conditions, and president santos
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has decided the time is not yet right.ç there are hopes a resolution to the 48-year conflict is within reach. >> we will bring you news of an illness causing uncontrolled head nodding, seizures, and in some cases death as well. this swept across parts ofç northern uganda. will ross reports from theç northerly town of titka. these children have been attacked by a disease known as impairs their physical development. 13-year-old agusta can hardlyç
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stand, has frequent seizures, and rarely utters a word. with more than 3,000 cases in northern ugeç -- uganda, screening centers have been set up. cases were documented 50 years ago, but scientists are baffled. they don't know what causes it, andç most worryingly have not t come up with a cure. in the wards, badly burned children. cooking fire and were unable to move. >> some of themç have seizurest critical stages. children unable to eat, unable to walk. they are most likely to)die in some few days to come.ç
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>> driving through these villages, it is staggering how widespread the problem is. driving through town, parents said one or more of their children wereç affected. for a long time this area was ravaged by war. many parents cannot affordç to get their children to a health clinic. for those suffering from nodding syndrome, the attacks tend to kick in at meal time. as they start to eat, 12-year-oldç moses and saraa quickly drift into a trance-like state. their mother hasç seen the disease rob her of two children. she tells me, now i look after them likeç flowers in the home, knowing they are of no use to the peam in the future. people pray their own children
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do not succomb, but with noç remedy, this disease stalks the community. will ross, bbc news. >> let's go back to one of our main stories. the u.s. offering a bountyç of $10 million for mohammed sayid who is now in charge of a group seen by manyç as the front for group blamed by the mumbai attacks. joining me from islamabad is our correspondent.ç that's a hefty bill to be put on his head. tell me about him.ç >> mr. saeed founded lashkar-e-taiba, aç militant group accused of several high-profile attacks.
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he also founded a new group and has been leadifg it in pakista. he denies he has anything to do with lashkar-e-taiba.ç he says he runs a welfare group in pakistan. >> why do you think the u.s. have come up with this now?ç >> i think it is to do with the recent joining of jamaat-ud-dawa with a largerç religious groupn pakistan which has sprung up recently and is campaigning against the resumption of nato supplies to afghanistan.ç they have also been campaigning against u.s. drone attacks in the tribal region of pakistan. this is the reason the group it's sesm thinks. it has come out with a statement
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that says because of these campaigning against the united states that they might have imposed this new reward on theiç leader. >> what is the government in pakistan making of this? >> we haven't seen any official statement from the government sç far. the only reaction is from the j amarta--- theç jamaat-ud-dawa itself. earlier this group was basically focused on india and it had been issuing anti-india statements.ç it seems it has shifted its focus and wants to be a big player on the international front.ç >> thank you very much indeed for that. >> we have all experienced extreme vare yages in weather. the conditions in scottland are
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almost more bizarre than anywhere else. a few days ago we had record temperatures for this time of year. the temperature there got up to 23.6 celcius. it was the hottest place in europe, as a matter of fact. now there is snow blanketing the ground in exactly the same area. our correspondent, lauraç bick was in central scotland. laura with the pleasure of trying to work out what on earth is going on. >> i think we are all tryingç work out what's going on. we are all waking up to this. on the start of april, a week after people had their sun roofs out, their open-topç cars deciding how much sun screen to put on, we all have to dig into the back of our war drowdrobe and put on winter layers. anarch tick blastç of cold airs hitting scotland, and this is the result. almost blizzard like conditions gusting up to 50-mile-an-hour
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winds, and iç don't thitch -- think we were all sitting eating ice cream and today we're huddling trying to keep warm. >> you must have a change ofç degrees in temperatures. it is extraordinary. any idea how long this will go on? is this a quick flurry or do you have this for a bit? >> we areç promised by the weather office that this is a short icy blast that will not last too long. it is certainly lasting most of the morning, but it isç expect to clear after lunchtime. it is causing problems in the northeast of scotland. we have 4,000 homes without power. it brings them down. it is it is hoped that all these problems and all the snow will clear out by this afternoon. >> i hope you are still there will for that, laura. thankç you very much, indeed. she will walk off in a handcuff eventually, -- she will walk off
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in a huff eventually, and youç couldn't blame her, could you? >> i want to bring you to a fantasy -- well, maybe it is a reality. flying cars. it is not just james bond. they are here for real. certainly not the most attractive design on three wheels. nonetheless, it turns itself into a helicopter, charges up in the back, an off it goes. it needs a little bit of runway, but not a ridiculous amount. it is a dutch invention. the hope is that it will be use' not just by the likes of you and me even one day, perhaps, but also as a military tool. they are putting their hopes in theç reality of the flying car. there is more on that at our web site at over scotland in a moment.
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it wouldn't be looking like that. stay with us.ç >> make sense of international news at >> funding was made possibleç by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, and union bank.ç and shell. >> this is ken. about to feel one of his favorite sensations.ç at shell we're developing more efficient fuels in countries like malaysia that can help us get the most from our energy resource yefments let's use energy moreç efficiently. let's go.
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>> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet lo
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