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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 16, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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>> this is bbc world news. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. shell. and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to know your business, offering specialized solutions and capital to help you meet your growth objectives. we offer expertise and tailored solutions for small businesses and major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now, bbc world news.
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awe and final company established in this time period was called citigroup. it was a sole proprietorship that breivik established in july 2001. within this company he attempted to run various types of business activities with little success. >> but in december 2002, breivik started a website called through this website, he saw diplomas and certificates that gave the impression of being issued by various educational institutions. the sales of these documents generated with time considerable income for
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breivik. in this time period, he moved out of his mother's house in the year 2000. after that, he resident a room in oslo before he moved into a living collective in october 2001. he remained there for about two years until september 2003, and then he moved out on his own to an apartment. now, to sum up a few things, we can establish that several incidents take place in breivik's life in 2003, the sale of diploma starts generating income, he dropped out of a job he had had for almost six years, and in the autumn, he went to live on his
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own in this apartment. in january 2005, the company, e commerce group a.e.s., is established. this is a new company, the fourth one, and within that activity, now the 12 directors speak directly into the microphone, i will do that. now, we were talking about the fourth company, ecommerce group. it was established in january 2005, and within those activities, breivik carried out his sale of similar mas and certificates of study. after a while, he employed
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business full-time in norway, and he got off his premises at peters street, number 17. he closed the operations of this company in the course of the first six months of 2006. i said earlier that the sales of these fake documents generated considerable income for breivik. a lot of the income was not subjected to income. the establishment was limited a tax haven on 8 june 2004 to do money laundering of this income. this company was closed in february 2006. thus far i have been focusing
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on places where he lived, his education, and work. but there are also events in breivik's life that take place during the above-mentioned period. because of that, i will close this time period by taking some references to breivik's participation in political activities and the free mason movement. as for his political activities, breivik in 1997, while he was in the second grade of oslo, upper secondary commercial school, he became a member of the progress party youth. a couple years later, in january 1999, he became a registered member of the progress party. he had several elected offices at the level of local groups of the youth organization and the party from october 2001 to
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november 2004. the activity within this political party was closed down by him from the progress party because he had not paid a membership fee, and he himself retired as a member of the progress party. i mentioned the free masons. they're often called the pillars. he's not a very active participate absent, but he is given the third grade in 2009.
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what i have placed under the first time period, and now i'll look at the period of summer 2006. and we will talk until we get to the fourth of may 2011. the summer of 2006 indicate a new change in breivik's life on several levels. the sale of diplomas through ecommerce group has been closed. according to himself, at that time he has also left the idea of being a financial supporter of work against islamic immigration into europe. and he moves from apartment and moves into his mother's apartment.
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that's in oslo. and this is the first time we have something to show you on the screen. here you see a map of oslo. you see the park. you see the distance to number 18. the entrance is indicated here with a blue arrow. here you see breivik's room with a bed, a computer. you can see for yourself. in the coming years after this, breivik had no job within his salary, nor deceive any support from the government. he was living off his savings. now, during this five-year period, it is especially three
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topics that i wanted to comment on. he plays war of worldcraft. he writes or draws up the manifest, and he acquires several things. i will first say a few words about world of warcraft. breivik himself has told the police that he played world of warcraft, w.o.w., and often used the abbreviation full-time for approximately a year. from the summer of 2006 until the summer of 2007. in interviews, he has
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characterized this as a martyrdom gift. he also spent time on that game and years leading up to it in july 2011, but exactly how much time is spent on that time during the aforementioned period is somewhat unclear. world of warcraft is perhaps not something all the participants in the court are familiar with, so i will comment briefly on what this game is about. it's a game that is produced by an american game producer. it's a role play where many persons can play simultaneously in the same online world.
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as a consequence, this game can have a lot of participants. this game had 10.3 million paying players worldwide. it was last in november 2004, and since that, there have been three extensions to this game. this game mainly is about solving missions against a compensation, such a mission may be anything from collecting carrots to a figure within the game or gathering many co-players to kill a dragon. you can advance to higher levels of the game, and what is the top level has very little time, but now there are -- as
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per today, there are 85 different levels. we had a screen print secured from breivik's computer. here you see one of breff i think's characters in the game. you can take note of the expression. we will return to this later in the course of this case. world of warcraft has now been mentioned. i emphasize the second thing i would address, would this be a violent game with also something else than violence -- >> well, it depends on what you mean by violence.
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if we may revert to that issue later, we will go into further detail at a later point in time. the second issue i wanted to present is breivik's compendium. i told you earlier that breivik told the police that he was given a mission in 2002 to write a compendium for the organization knights at the mplar. precisely when breivik started doing this and how long it took is somewhat unclear. as i will tell the court later, the compendium was distributed on the second of july, but for now, we will just look at the
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organization of this document. this is written in english. it is titled 283 independence. when the police printed this out, it consists of 1,801 pages. it is distributed into three books. here you see the front page of book one. the title is what you need to know is other cultural -- multiculturist propaganda. breivik has called this an historical part. it is a presentation of european history with
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particular emphasis. this is listed by breivik himself. the second book is called europe burning. this is part of this book about the compendium. breivik is somewhat more present in this part of the text, but a lot of what you find here has been written by others. the third and last book is something that is called a declaration of preemptive war. this part may perhaps be best described by calling a military part is encouraged to participate in an ongoing civil war taking place in europe.
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here, breivik has, among other places, include a description of his own act and points of view linked to the preparations leading up to the actions committed by him on the 22nd of july. and when we get to the part where we will present evidence and hear witnesses at least on the part of the prosecution on a number of indications, we will present phrases from this third book. now this brings to conclusion what i want to say about the compendium thus far. i will go on to the last point under this heading, this time period, which is acquisition. not surprisingly, the expression acquisitions refers to the purchase of various objects.
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as you can see on the screen, we have divided this into four subgroups. first i will say something about uniform. after that, we will look at equipment. thirdly, we will talk about arms and ammunition. and by way of conclusion, i will present remarks concerning acquisitions of parts to make up the bomb. this topic, acquisitions, is listed as a separate point on the list of evidence and witnesses on the part of the prosecution. we will address this in june, but it is our assessment that it is necessary for the court to have a brief overview of this already at this stage to be as prepared as possible to assess breivik's statement, which will be presented in
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court at a much earlier stage. we will start with the uniform. here you see breivik. this is a photo he has taken of himself. this is taken from the compendium. in here he wears, well, we may call it a uniform, with several references to knights templar. as regards to the part of makeup, the police have traced 11 different purchases from 11 sellers in five countries. the time period for these acquisitions are between september 2009 and may 2010. then we go on to what we have called equipment.
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to give you an impression of what we have placed in this category, we will first show you a photo taken from the compendium. this is a photo that breivik has taken of himself, and it shows him wearing several items used on the 22nd of july. i pursue that the court will notice here a badge on this upper left arm. this has been manipulated into place by breivik in photoshop. it's, however, difficult to read the text, and because of that, we have a corresponding badge where the text is better visible. as all of you can see, within
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the circle, we have the following text in english knight templar, permit number 081968. multiculture hunting permit, valid for a, b, and c only, tagging not required, no bag limit. and at the bottom, 1999 to 20 83. i would like to tell you this badge is somewhat different on the point, the badge that breivik has manipulated or photoshopped of himself says norway, whereas the one we just showed you states england. but that's the only difference between the two badges.
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furthermore, we have included here a doll that has been dressed by the police with what breivik wore. and by way of conclusion, we have another photo that breivik took himself. here we see a badge. we have a badge with reference to knights templar and a badge with the police security service. the police have identified this from 29 vendors in eight countries within this group of objects. in the period from april 2010
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to march 2011, and the items were both between may and july 2010. we will now go on to sing a few words about guns and ammunition . >> the police discovered 22 acquisitions, of which four are weapons. they found 15 suppliers in four countries. the majority were made from may 2010 until june 2011. and in this presentation, we have included pictures of the two weapons that they used on the item. the pictures were taken, and it was by breivik himself. here you see this is mentioned
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in the bill of indictment, and here you see an image of the glock, which has also been mentioned in the indictment. add four components, the police have identified 43 acquisitions from the six suppliers, 22 from norway and four from other countries, and these are off the shelf products, such as -- and then we have not included -- the period for the acquisition was from september 2010 until july 2011. i am fully aware that i have included a number reference to a period -- acquisition period,
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and it may have been rather challenging to follow. therefore, we have followed a summary for the benefit of the court. the court can see that the uniform items were bought from september 2009 until may 2010. equipment from april 2010 until march 2011. weapon and apple owe from may 2010 until june 2011. and components from september 2010 until july 2011. it is time to move into a new main phrase, and on the way there, however, we need to make a slight detour to the acquisition of credit cards. breivik had 11 different credit cards.
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10 are ones he started using. the overall credit were 235,000 . the remaining credit on the 23rd of july was 27,618. the credit cards had hardly been used until april 2011. breivik ran out of funds on norwegian bank accounts on the 26th of april, 2011. most of the transactions after this date were made on credit, using credit cards. that brings me to a new main period from 4 may 2011 until 21 july 2011.
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on your screens, you will see the name on the 6th of april. breivik signed a lease to rent from the first of may 2011. the sound was 10,000 per month in lease, and he paid 30,000 in deposit. he moved into the farm premises on the fourth of may. we have included photos, and first you see a map showing the location of the farm. you see option low, and that is at the top of this image, and it's about 160 kilometers from oslo or two hours, 20 minutes drive.
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>> make sense of international news at >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. union bank. and shell. >> this is kim - about to feel one of his favorite sensations. at shell, were developing more efficient fuels in countries like malaysia that can help us get the most from our energy resources. lets use energy more efficiently. lets go.
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>> bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles.
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