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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  September 4, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions arena, i'm gwen ifill. >> woodruff: and i'm judy rude wuf we have. welcome you to the live coverage of the 2012 democratic national convention. so we begin the democratic party turns to make its case to the american voters. tonight's program will emphasize the major themes of president obama's reselection campaign captured by firstç lady michele
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obamaç and we'll bailiff you tt with -- bring you that with other speeds. >san antonio mayor julio castro plus other major speeches tonight. on-line you can find our 24 hour live stream coverage events inside and outside the hall. >> ifill: let's get started right down to the floor to ray suarez who will be with us tonight and the rest of the conventions. ray suare. >> suarez: we will hear from senate majority leader harry reid of november and house minority leader nancy pelosi of california. later on there will be video tributes, the first to fermenter president jimmy carter and one to the late senator edward kennedy of massachusetts. and of course much later tonight as judy mentioned, the keynote from the 37 year old mayor of san antonio texas, hoolian julit
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trocastroand michelle obama, tht lady of the united states. >> woodruff: mark shields and draifd brooks were with us last weak in tampa and they are here with us in charlotte. what does this line up tonight say to you what the democrats, what barack obama wants to accomplish. >> michelle obama isç obviously the mostç interesting one. just as romney needed to be, still president obama needs to be humanized a little. he's a bit ensue her. motivation behind healthcare and the turmoil to do a lot of things; even though the overall rates is high and has been phenomenally favorable, the favorable or unfavorable rated has shifted quite significantly. an abc pofl has obama's unfavorability among women going up by 11 poifnts while romney's
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favorability was going up by seven. it shifted in a republican direction even if the overall number is not. >> ifill: which are the faces we're going to see on the stain tonight. >> that's right gwen. michelle obama is most important. the two most popular figures in the democratic party are michelle obama and bill clinton. it's no cept the surprise one id tonight and one is tomorrow night. i think it's important to communicate. it's been an advantage the president has and it's had over governor romney throughout this campaign, even inspite of the abc poll, until i see further evidence will consider a bit of anouan outlier and the presidens better liked than governor romney. and romney's own people, they will never be competitive at that level with president obama. if they're going to win this race, they have to win it onç other issues,ç the economy and his perceived confidence in business. >> woodruff: what about the
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most of the mayor of san antonio, not a national name, chosen to give the keynote address. >> there was a state governor from illinois more strings than castro just eight years ago. i think it highlights not the importance over sang tony or even the great state of texas of latinos and hispanic voters in this election. i think there's a rising star in that community that's important. remember this, the democrats ranks in congress were depleted in 2010 to a great degree. so they are reaching to the mayors and the governors, the featured roles at this convention. >> ifill: four years ago -- i hate when i do that. >> i love it when you do that you've you'v.>> ifill: four yee was the keynote speaker and hardly anyone remembers that.
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>> barack obama is a bit of an outlier. most key notes come and going. the republican was a once future stars, they are always future stars. they're never present stars. but you know, this is important in the latino vote. we talked about this a little in tampa. republicans are probably going to get about 60% of the whites. to counteract that, democrats are hoping to get significant,ç maybeç 70-80% of the rising population, the rising democrat demographic of which latinos are. >> woodruff: the white vote is and we're waiting for the senate majority leader harry reid. the white vote is not something the democrats can rely on. >> not at all. white male vote is important. i mean, you can't have a convention where you just speak to everybody but white males. i mean, the democrats only get 40% or 38% of the white male votes. they need that 38 or 40%. i mean it's just like the romney
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campaign is striving to get into the 30's or upper 30's in the latino votes hoping to make a dent. so the other side of that judy, the white male vote which the democrats have to get a percentage of. they can't write it off or somehow disregard it. >> ifill: we just heard just leaving the statement right now is the mayor of charlotte, anthony quinn of the host city but now we're going to go to the floor and listen to senate majority leader, harry reid of nevada.çç [crowd cheering]
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>> my name is harry reid. [crowd cheering] >> majority leader of the united states senate. i'm the senator from sensual --h light, nevada it's my pleasure to speak about barack obama a man who has brought character to the presidency. his strength of character leads him to do the right thing even when it isn't the easy thing. some studies shouldn't save detroit but president obama made the stuff and right call to save more than a million american jobs in an important iconic industry. [crowd cheering] some studies should move heaven and earth to get bin laden but
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president obama made the tough and right call to bring the worst terrorist in the world to justice. some even said he couldn't take on the big banks that brought our economy to its knees. but president obama made the tough and right call so taxpayers will never again been on the hook for wall street's risky bets.çç some study couldn't take on the insurance companies that were ripping us off. but president obama made the tough and right call to save lives, save medicare and ensure that no one goes broke just because they get sick. [crowd cheering] his whole life, there have been so many who told them what he
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shouldn't or couldn't do. but america has a president who knows what we must do. president obama has also faced down another group of naysayers. in addition to the crowds of the couldn'ted and shouldn'ts, the republican party has become the party of the woods and th woulde won'ts. they pledged on day one, they wouldn't lift a finger to help and they haven't. in the departments of the great recession, as millions of americans we're struggling to find work, the republican leader of the senate, mitch mcconnell said, republicans number one goal was to make barack obama a one-term president. they wouldn't cooperate to great jobs. they wouldn't try to turn around
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the economy. they wouldn't do anything but stand in the way of presidentç obama. now i had a front rowç seat to watch the tea party take over the republican party. for three and-a-half years, they wouldn't govern, they couldn't lead, and we shouldn't let them take over the senate from the whitehouse. [crowd cheering] we must stop the tea party before the united states senate falls into the hands of extremists and idealogs who levees no room for reason or compromise who don't recognize common ground even when they're standing on it. and if they won't stand up to rush limbaugh or grover norquist, what would make anyone think they would stand up for
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you. [crowd cheering] you see, today's republican party believes in two sets of rules. one for millionaires and billionaires and another for the middle class. and this year, they've nominated the strongest proponent and beer es beneficiary of this rigged gain, mitt romney. never in modern american history has a presidential candidate tried so hard to hide himself from the people heç hopes toç serve. when you look at the one tax return he has released, it's obvious why. it's obvious why there's only been one. we learned that he pays a lower tax rate than middle class families. we learned he chose swiss bank accounts and came cayman islandx shelters over american
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institutions. and we can only image what new secrets would be revealed if he showed the american people a dozen years of tax returns, like his father did. [crowd cheering] mitt romney says we should take his word that he paid his fair share. his word, his word? trust comes from transparency, and mitt romney comes up short on both. [crowd cheering] you see, this is about more than just a piece of paper. it isn't personal. this is about leveling with the american people and creating a level playing field for them. if we don't know how mitt romney would benefit from the policies he proposes, how can we know if he's looking out for us or just himself. the american people are stillç
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asking, whoç is mitt romney. but the american people know barack obama. [crowd cheering] he's the leader who says we should, we can, we will. you see, he's the leader who doesn't search for the easy path for himself, but takes the right one for us. this nation has been through hard times, but those hard times have hardened our resolve. i'm ready to do the difficult work that's ahead. but i want to do that work with barack obama and not a tea party idealog. [crowd cheering] we can move america forward but we can only do it together. we can move america forward with
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a strong middle class. we can move america forward with a strong democratic majority in the senate, and together we can move america forward with barack obama in the whitehouse. [cheers and applause] >> harry reid of nevada. we're now joined by the reverend jesse jackson who.ç >> good to be with you in north carolina. the new south. >> we heard a lot last week from the republicans very critical of barack obama and we just heard from senator reid very critical of mitt romney. is that going to be enough from this democratic convention. >> we now barack obama inherited a loss of 4 million jobs.
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a war that was the wrong war and now a 4 million jobs, swinging in the right direction. very extensive war in iraq has now come to an end. a step in the right direction. the automobile industry was gone, it's number one again. working in ohio it's in the right direction. >> woodruff: my point is what we heard from senator reid is criticism of mitt romney. is that going to be enough. >> no. they are benefiting from it. the americans whose health was covered now, the message is more healthcare and the message that an unnecessary war has ended. i think if we do that andç remn positive andç remain call throh the count attack, you're not american, you're not born,
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you're not one of us it comes down to that level of k35eu7bing. >> ifill: we'll listen to some members of the house. when you look at the face on the party how has it changed since us ran for president in 1988. >> in equality, you see more women in different roles now. i think -- used to see blacks and latinos and whites and browns in south carolina. the act pulled down the walls and built bridges. you can have the carolina in that -- we have made a new america and we're not going back, we're going forward. >> ifill: is it the kind of forward that will take all the people who got into your rainbow coalition with them. >> it will. the unfinished america is positive and 53 secure and 45 million on food stamps. i hope in the campaign's last
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days are in appalachia. this is a time to sit -- >> ifill: let's go back to the floor. you can see minority leader nancy pelosi is at the podium. [crowd cheering]çç >> good evening. [crowd cheering] good evening. i'm nancy pelosi from my ... my grand children call me mimi.
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for me politics is an extension of my role as a mother and as a grandmother. for the democratic women of the house, our work is not about the next election, but rather the next generation. working with president obama, we are committed to reigniting the american dream, the ideal if you're willing to work hard, play by the rules and take responsibility, you will have the opportunity to climb the ladder of success. the democratic women of the hoe ar rea t inprestba toeraç forward. [crowd cheering]ç congress woman rosa delaura of connecticut. and we have work to do. america's women still make just
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$.77 for every dollar men earn, and it is even tougher for women of color. those pennies add up to a real difference to middle class families who are trying to pay their bills, trying to get ahead and trying to achieve the american dream. and we are making progress. the lily ledbetter fair pay act, yes, yes. [crowd cheering] the fair pay act, to give victims paid discrimination their day in court was the first bill that president obama signed into law. [crowd cheering] now, we want to pass the paycheck fairness act. [crowd cheering] real protection to ensure equal
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pay for equal wo$=. the democratic women of theç house are committed to closing the wage gap for america's families, and to move america forward. [crowd cheering] >> i'm congress woman carolyn maloney from the great great state of new york. [crowd cheering] when president obama made healthcare a right, not a privilege for all americans, that was change that brought hope to millions. now women are beginning to get the preventive services that they deserve, including birth control. [crowd cheering] if they get sick or become
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pregnant, they will not lose their health insurance. and soon for the very first time, no longer will being a woman be a preexisting medical condition. [crowd cheering]ç healthy moms meanç healthy families. when my republican colleague held a hearing about birth control and refused, refused to include one single woman on the first panel as a witness to speak for the concerns of women, i asked where are the women. where are the women? [crowd cheering] where are the women? [crowd cheering]
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where are they? [crowd cheering] we're here. now the women of america are here. and we, we are on our way to re-elect our president, president obama. he is our president. [crowd cheering] the democratic women of the house are committed to women's health and to moving america forward with president obama. thank you. [applause] >> i'm congress woman allyson schwartz from the great town of pennsylvania.ç
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moving america forward means never going backward on america's great promise of healthcare for our seniors, medicare. as a daughter who cared for an elderly parent, i know medical care is not optional for our seniors. and we will not let the republicans and the girnit guarf medicare that costs seniors thousands of dollars and endangers health and retirement security of millions of americans. americans have worked for their medicare, they've paid for their medicare. and whether you are 65 or 55 or 45 or 35, you have earned your medicare. [applause] americans deserve the security medicare provides. president obama will strengthen and protect medicare.
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he already has. and democrats will make the tough choices, the right choices to reduce the deficit and preserve medicare for this neration and for the next. the democratic women of the house know that a secure retirement moves america forward.çç [crowd cheering] >> just about 30 women democratic members of the house of representatives coming together on the stage in force, just the sheer number of themselves a lot about this party. the reverend jesse jackson. >> those congress women who have legitimate position of power, giving them a chance to perform. olympiads and congress people. >> we saw the olympic last week. >> and title 9, by the way.
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>> let me ask you a trouble making question. i remember the scene of you four years ago on election night, tears in your eyes. none of the wall street people were responsible for the financial crises has been arrested or prosecuted. there's relatively little focus on poverty. have you had some things you think the president could have done better on some of these issues. >> two things. one, i think that the beengs had to bhad -- banks had to be baild out. there was lengthing and reinvestment, so they got bailed out but homeowners remained locked out. even the act should be revived -- on the other hand as i'm going to see pick up and go right back to ohio and focus on pufferrity. as he seeks to build ohio, ohio is kind of the appea appalachia.
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it's a great time to raise that issue again. >> i heard the presidential candidate talk about the people getting up and taking the early bus they raise people's children, they work and changing the hotel beds. -- the people who are sick -- can't lie in those beds and that's why america's a better nation than that. i heard the presidential -- i hear more about contraception than about food stamps. i hear about middle class, not about 52 million americans living in poverty. the democratic party now become the party of the -- >> well that message must be revised. i share that message with the nation and it is a real delight as it was then. yesterday middle class is today's poverty stricken. those who lost their homes and went intoç poverty, those whoç lost their jobs went into poverty. the renewed focus must be on poverty as well as urban reconstruction. give you an example in
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chicago -- addressing the chicago crises urban as well as poverty. >> i don't really hear people talking about that on the floor at the convention. >> that's for the brothers to raise the issue because the voice must be put out -- i hope in the coming days that that gap, that moral gap that people gap are those in poverty are those feeling the impacts of poverty right on them. >> what does the president need to say about that thursday night? >> the fact is he has the issue of healthcare for all americans, he'll address the poor. working for women. i think more specifically this is a moment to look at -- which is medicare, which is medicaid, which is in fact social security. that's the democrat's main call and needs to be played again. >> ifill: you were in grant
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park as mentioned four years ago, we all watched that night and there was a lot of emotion awe talked to the election of this president. but things have faded at least or at least people feel they've had theirç first. the whole part of this convention isç about reenergizg that. they're asking you your advice what would you tell them. >> there's a difference between crusading and governing. you see what president obama has done and what the alternative is. i think somewhere in there you're going to -- not just in terms of commitment to him -- he's going to turn out the maximum numbers and that's why the focus is on you. the other people on credit card debt for example -- i think focuses on youth is the right focus. >> and the depression -- >> those who work -- purged in ohio and a million in pennsylvania and 500,000 in
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florida. you have to take the election -- voter suppression on america -- because we could lose or lose but win and protect the count of the vote. >> how does it play the role of president obama the last for years. >> he has been drawn enough not to wallow in it. this is tackling him-thi -- most poor people are not black, they're white, they're female and young or the food stamps. it's an honor to be a food stamps by the personç whoç nes food stamps or those who grow food or sell food -- it's also a stereotype that we deserve better. it's like quote/unquote, it's not right. >> woodruff: how has at h.
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