tv Charlie Rose PBS August 20, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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xchanged gunfire with another mma. but yytheee's no evidence to prove there ass notter gunman. defense attorneys say "fata" gavee ooflicting statements abouttwhat happenedd..bbccu se heewas on ppin- killers. (owwns) "we're pleased with the way the videece camm out, very pleased with losing rgumentt nd just going to wait to heer form the jury at this point." ury deliberations...a re scheduled to reeume ttmorrow orning. aaman who used to work t the maryland lottery has admitted to taking advantage of hhs job to steal thousands of dollarr in illegal winnings. pposecutors say mark barron hanttke stolee neerly 100 thoosand dollars worth of lotteey scratchhoff tickets from junneoff2008 to february of last yeaa. and in thht time, he cashed in ooer 67 thousand dollars in inningg from thooe tickets..toddy heepled guilty to two counts f elloy tteft.. he'll be entenced next month. a virginia teen was ssopped at bwi aarport monday.../ after... theex-ray machine ssotted a gun in his carry-on bag.
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turns ouu... the weapon... was his... air- powered pllet gun.... olice confiscated the ggn and allowed the teenntoo catch his fliggtttt germany... no word... on hy... it was... in hhs luggage.. / but olice say... there was no impact... oonairport operrtions. new chaaggssinnbaltimore county schoolssttaes learning to n all new level... initiatives include an inssructiinaa digitall conveesion.... eech student will have a diiiiaallearning deviie in hhs r her hadn and standaads wwll enssrr that each classroom has a21ss century echnolooy nnironnent.... (21:033 its going to bee bbg transiti ookiig at huue binders aad lugginn hose arrund to ust being on thh computer and siig the curriculaum that way so we're eally excited abbut thaa... (25:09) that'' wwenn eaaning and growth happen is whennwe step out of the omfort one e raise the bbrrthat's when our studentt learn and teaacers learnn.. all schools l also haae new security system which will mnitor who ets in aad who sttys out..... visttrs ill also hve to ssow a
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driverrs licenseewhich will be checced withinna national database..... aababy is delivveee on the side f highway. and a howard county 9--11 dispatchhe elped talk the father hroogh tteeroadside birth. dispaacher meghan blizard haa been a diipatcher for about 44years... .....but earll this morning.. she eccivvd a ccll.. ike no other. a man hadd stopped alonn astbouud rouue 110 near i-95.. because hhi wife as giving birrh beforeethee could make it to the hospital and he called 9-1-1 (nats uu full: "awww,,awww, aww... his eea is out." (blizard) "i was exciieddccust itts not somethinggyou get to experiece veryday. i think sscretly in bacckof our heads, anyyiie we have aa maaernity, you're like, yoo kinnd wwnt thhm to thru t with you over the phone to have thaa experience " mother , abb and fatherrare all repooted o be doing wel tonight attanne aaundee mmdical center. bad ay foo a
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los angeles teen... who apparently isn't quite as thii... a he ttought.... police found the yyung man... rapped in he chimney of homm..../ they think... he waa ryinn to... bbeak in... a... bad day foorthe homeoonerr too,.../ crews... cut... inno the wwll of thee house... to remove... the would=be.... burglar.... he'ssfacing severrl ccarges. baa dy....for a day care manager .../ of her emppoyees,... who... aren't laughing anymore, .../ after ummliattng two of the hildren... in tteir care... onnine.... taated... when an emppoyee... at the... "heavenll haven"... ddy care... in newwort ... posteddthis picttre... of... an... unhappy... tww year old... ii a high chair... thatt idn't fit... the manaaer ...tten chimed n,... aking fun of theeboy's... delayed speech... evelopment... / .... another child... was ockedd.. for the way his teeth wereecomiig in... he hillrens' mootees ...ffuud it online,.../ and complainedd... loodly.... both
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employeee... have eee ired... for violaaing the day are's privacy policy. good,,, daa to e his guy.../ sunny... ttday... the white hoouse.. is showing off ...its ewest addition.../ to thee.. obaaa family... "sunnyys"... a femaaee.. portuguese water dog... .. sunny's... justtover... aayer old... verryaffectionate... and full of eeergy... ii honor of sunny's addptioon.. the whhte housee says... the obama family... ade a donation... to the washington humaneesociety. and... a good day, .../ a....long time cominn... to the 1972 miami dolppiiss../ still the only team in the history of he nnf--... to haae an undefeated season... today, aafer 400 yearssof waati ... and... a....11 year... letter writiin one of he teammates, .../ the oophinssffnally got their o recognition at the white hhuse..../ president obama... explaied... why was important for hhm ersonally,... to welcome theseeveterann athletes. ((take sot))
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comiig up ext on the late eedtion... it will be an uneasy daa o estimony tomoorow ii the ttial oo ccused fort ood gunnan and army major nidda hhaan, as the eeendant presents his own case to the coort. more on that, when e come back. and baltimore ravens fans et graded on their purple pride. how do wwe meassreeup against the likess oo steeler nntionn tte answer's cooing up when the laae edition contiiness
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aa.. frightening cenn... at an elementary school in decatur, georgia... as childree flee froo a maa... who walked into thee buullinn.... carryinn a gunn... / the susppct... hassnot been iientified... , other... than to say... he's... ann adult male... / .school officials say... shots ere fired,.../ but police hhav noo confirmed that... / eveeyone inside ronald cnair eeementary managed o get out saaely. the prosecution has rested its case in he court martiaa off acused fort hood gunman, major nidal hasann now it'sstime for the defense to prrssnt their casee and asscasey stegall rrports... the court will hear hat efense straight froo the moott of hasan himmslf. it as november afternoon that forevee cchnge this texas army post. 13 peopllelost their ives in he attackkat fortthood. and in the last elevenndays of theeaccused gunman'' court mmrtial - we've heard neaaly 90 witnesses relate stories of horror, heroism and heartache. corn says: "from the prosecution's tandpoint, iithhnk there's abundant evidence of pre-- editationn" mmjor nndal hassn ii still serving as his
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own lawyer. udge cclonee tara osborn has asked haaan seeeral timessii e wishhs to continue down that path -- eeee strongly addises agginst it. but hasannhasn't budged. orr says: "whee you chooseeto represent yourself, youu oo't have too know hoo to be a gooo lawyerr but oo can't compllin later thhttyou ggt a bbd lawyer at trial. and that's what he's going to be tuck with n aapeal." bbcause he's repreeentinn himself ---the 42- year-old army psychiatrist has a choice on whether he'll testify. however,,hee can't make statemenns -- rather, onll ask himself questions and theenanswer them. today the court heard testimon frrmma ffrt hood poliie sergeant, credited wwth shooting haasn and endiig the attack. offiicrrmaak tood saii ittsounded like thousaadd oo rounds f fire. he sayy -- quoe -- "i shot five rounds at tte shooter..i saw he hooter wince a couple oo times, then slide ddww the elephone polee" wwich hasan was leaning uu againnt. todd continues
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iileet thee shooter in handcuufs and ii the care of medics." (on--am tag)) hasan couud teettff tomorrow. initially we wereetolddhe would call at leaat two wittesses to the stand. nnowwe're hearing that ight not be the casee f o, cllsing aagumentt will begin and then finallyyit wiil go to thhejury for deliberations. if e is found uultyyhasan faces he death penalty. at forr hooddttxxas caseyystega nees. aaforttmeade military judge wll annoonce senteecinn... for connicted wwkileaas leaker private bradley manning tomorrow. .../ aaning's attorneyss.. are askinn a judde... to sentenceehimm.. to 60 years... maaning...could ace... up to 99 years in prison... or his convictions... of leaking military seccett... to thh controverssaa webbite. onn of the reat ammricaa wwitees of crime fictioo has died todayy with dynaaic plots, quirky characters and colorful dialogue, elmore leonard kept ans turning pages over a 66 yyar arrer. his books havv bbee turneddinto
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uniieessty. you an seee he dallasscowboyy rankee number one. baltimore came in at umber 8... jjst in front of the pittsburgh steelerr. the study factored in eachhteams win-lossa opulatton and mmdian income ... to see which ffns show uu no atter whaa. ((jen vo)) f you ggt nto a fender bendee today, blame iit on he oon. souud crazy? some people saa they aae the numbers toosupport full moonnmmdness on the road. thatt toryysscomiig up..
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expect to see a few ore peoppe on theeroad next o you if you're headed out of town thisslabor day weekend. triple-a ppedicts 34 mmilion amerrcans will travel more than 50 miles ver theethree day eekend. thatts a four pprcent jump comparee tt last year, and the iihess since 2008. expertsscredittan mproving econnoy andd moreeconsumer spending for thh surge in getaway plans. eople haveebeen blamiig things on the full moon since thee beginning of time. and now a
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brrtish insurance compann ays its noticcd a 14 percent nccease in acccdent claims on nights when therr is a full moon. but expprrs here in baltimore are skeetical about theenew studd. (mr. o'leary) "mostly, what we se is that eople kind of remember selectivelyywhennthingsshaapen during full moon.. there'ssa bad acccdent oo bad weether or a lot oo births or emergency room visiti happenssto be durinn a ffll moon peopll rellte the two and think, uhh it mmss be the ull moon. but when yyu look at all the stuuies hatthave been donn for years noww there's eally no connection betwwen any of that." and ii case you are wonddring there is a full oon outtthere tonight.
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northern coast. eologists say that's mostly sttam youusee shooting into the air. the volcano has been rumbling on and off for aabut a year.. this eruptiin happened shortly ftee an active volcano n japan did tte same thing -- thoughh he mountains are about 56- hundred miles aaart. modesty appears tt have been literaaly thrown out the wwndow at this renovated bbownstone in brooklyn. exposed bricc walls aren't the onll things this hommehhs to oofer the neighbors in terms of a vvew. it lso hhs a huge glass ennlosed showerroverlookiig the backyar so not only can the shooeree look doon, anybody passsng byy an get a look in. tts not clear if the owners aae moved n yet.. but we can bet some neighbors are kkeeing a close eyy on it. time now for a last check at he seven day forecast. meteorooogist
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the late edition tonight. 'm jenniier gilbert. thanks for watching. and i'm jeff barnd. sporrs uulimited with bruce cunninghaa starts now. the grueling stretcc run oee nnt gree wwth the least, noo yet... witt achanco make up some ground in the americcn league east, tte biids, forrthe secoon night inna row, could not solvee
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the tampa bay ays...anddthey llse for the second niggt in a row...bottom of he 2nd... oos lrrady down 1-0... ryan flaherty knocks ooeeinto the gap in rig matt wieters ssores... hhrdy advaaces tt third on the ppay... gaae tied at 1... nexttinning... ben zobristt pulls one to the right fieldd corner... desmond jennings scores frrm firrt base... an rbi double by zobrist, ann tampa bay would ot ose the eeddagain... they even hung a four spot n he birds in the ninth... matt oyce doubles over the bag at firrt...two uns come in to score, and the rout was onn.. uu theebirds dii make some noiie late... botttm 9th, matttwieters witt a left, hii 19th oo tth year,,but t's not nearly enough...the rrys go on to win it 7-44. the o's hope to avood the three game sweep tomorrow nnght... across town.. the ravvns went thru their final full practice efore thursday night's pre- sseson game with the caroliin pantherssattmmt bank stadium... tomorrrw, jusrt a quick wwlk-
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through and then all will be set.. and the raaens are not giving up on liiebaccer jameel mc llin.. ouu since laat december wiih a spinal cord contusion, mc clain haa not been cleared to playyyet, but he will not go to the injured reserve liit,, wwich would endd his season.. the only starter to return in he middle, mcclain was though to e headed o i-r, but today, ead oach john harbaugh aid,,not o fast... after aa storybook, triimphhnt seaaon haa ended innhim hoisting the lombardi trophy as super bowl mvv, joe flacco, itts safe to say, as arrived... espepcially when ouuconsiidr the mammoth 120-million dollar cootraat he signed in the ff-season.. after all thaa, ssme guus mighh beetempttd to lighten up a bit in ttaining cmp...take things a littll
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that i like flying. i like those little bathrooms they have on the plane. it's like your own apartment on the plane. you close the door, the light comes on. it's like a surprise party every time you go in. standby's the worst way of flying. ever fly standby? it never works. that's why they call it standby. you end up standing there going "bye." that didn't, uh... yeah. one flight, it was this flight attendant's first day, so they didn't have a uniform for her yet. that really makes a big difference. here's just some regular person coming over, going,
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"would you bring your seat back all the way up?" who the hell are you? "well, i'm the flight attendant." yeah, well, then i'm the pilot, all right? sit down. i'm about to bring her in. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy!
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i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive. hey, guess what. this window doesn't work. i hate rental cars. nothing ever works. window doesn't work, radio doesn't work, and it smells like a cheap hooker, or is that you? give me 10 bucks and find out. so this worked out pretty good-- them giving me an extra ticket. you get a free trip to st. louis. i did my gig. you got to see your sister... and george is picking us up at the airport. get out of here! why? you know that awning outside my building? he's always bragging about his vertical leap, so i bet him 50 bucks that he couldn't touch the awning. what happened? he didn't come within 2 feet of the thing. he's waving at it. so, i told him if he picks us up,
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he wouldn't have to pay me. hey, how we doing on time? perfect. drop off the car, pick up the shuttle, walk right on the plane. wait up! wait up! sorry. wait! wait! where you going? uh, jfk. got any small bills for a tip? a 5? give me a 10. $10? we got three bags. pretty big tip. they don't get that much. let's ask him. you can't ask him. we don't have time. two seconds. excuse me? we were having a discussion. we were wondering what you usually get for a tip. depends on the person, depends on the bag. how about people like us? two people like you? i wouldn't expect much. you don't even look like you know what you're doing. seriously. since you asked... usually i get $5.00 a bag.
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what? that's right. $5.00 a bag? i don't think so. you asked, i told you. you got some nerve trying to take advantage of us. we're late. thank you very much. you're lucky i don't report you. come on. jfk... honolulu. wait up! see, never be late for a plane with a girl. 'cause a girl runs like a girl with the little steps and the arms flailing out. run like a man. get your knees up! the flight's been canceled? everything into jfk is booked. i have two seats into laguardia, but not together. it's boarding now. we'll take them. we're not sitting together? it's not that long. you'll read. george will be at kennedy. we'll call. there's no time. no time? is there time? we'll call him from the plane.
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one seat's in first class, and one's in coach. the price is the same. oh... oh... um... well, uh... i'll take the first-class. jerry. what? why should you get first class? elaine, have you ever flown first class? no. all right. you won't know what you're missing. i've flown first class. i can't go back to coach. i can't. i won't. you flew here coach. yeah, that's a point. i don't care. the plane crashes, everybody in first class is going to die anyway. i'm sure you'll live. third row, right. oh! you're in here, sir. welcome aboard. bon voyage, lainey. excuse me. excuse me, miss. i think you're sitting in my seat. what?
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13c. that's me. sorry. thank you. i never check my bags. can't stand that waiting in the baggage area. great. help me. excuse me. i think you're in my seat. oh, really? my mistake. my mistake. thank you. hey, thanks for coming with me. what made you think you could touch that awning? i confused it with another awning. man...
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so how we doing on time? i timed this out so we'd pull up at the terminal exactly 17 minutes after their flight is supposed to land. that gives them enough time to deplane, pick up their bags, and be walking out as we roll up. it's a thing of beauty. i cannot express to you the feeling i get from a perfect pickup. what are you doing? what are you getting on the long island expressway for? this is a suicide mission! relax! jeez! i had it perfectly timed out-- the grand central, the van wyck. you've destroyed my whole timing! this is the best way. if i miss them, i lose my 50 bucks. there's no traffic at this time. really? if anything, we'll probably get there early. i'll have a chance to go to the duty-free shop. the duty-free shop? duty-free is the biggest sucker deal in retail.
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you know how much duty is? duty. yeah, duty. do you know how much duty is? no, i don't know how much duty is. nothing. it's like sales tax. i'd still like to stop at the duty-free shop. ♪ i like to stop at the duty-free shop ♪ ♪ i like to stop at the duty-free shop ♪ ♪ i like to stop at the duty-free shop ♪ he says, "squeeze your breasts together." i say, "i thought this was an ad for shoes." oh, my. is that the new esquire? yeah. turn to page 146. wow! coming out of the shower. it's a good thing they gave you that washcloth to cover yourself up. what is this an ad for? see those wrinkled jeans slung over the chair, way in the background, out of focus?
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aha... how does it look on your side? yeah. oh, yeah... we'll get there. look at this. he's sleeping, and i have to go to the bathroom. maybe he'll wake up soon. what if my kidneys burst? is it worth it not to wake this man up to damage a major organ? i hope this disgusting slob appreciates what i'm doing for him. [snapping gum] yeah, make a little more noise with your gum. that's helpful. they're not here. you cost me 50 bucks. you run like a girl. run like a man. lift your knees. we're wasting our time here. we're 1/2 hour late. they probably took it off the board already. there it is. "133." and it's canceled.
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canceled? do i still get credit for the pickup? i was here. let's go check. there it is, honey. "gate 18a, 8:30." did you see that guy? no. what guy? he was standing right here. no. go to the ticket counter. i'll go pick up a copy time magazine. there's supposed to be a blurb about jerry. i think he mentioned me. i know that guy. yeah... got to get my time magazine. never miss it. get it. let's get out. hey! hey! i was going to take that. oh, gee, i'm sorry. i got here first. i don't care. i want the magazine. you don't understand. there's a blurb about me in this. a blurb? you're a blurb! check out the cover, idiot. i want the magazine! uh, no. know what i would do to you if i wasn't restrained? but you are, blanche. you are in the shackles.
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little son of a... oh, i can't wait to read time magazine. last copy, too. maybe i'll read it tomorrow in the park. supposed to be a beautiful day. have a nice life... sentence, that is. oh, you miserable... they're on a different flight. they're scheduled to land in 1/2 hour at laguardia. all right, come on. where do i know him from? come on. wake up, you human slug. wake up! wake up! i can't hold it anymore. excuse me. i've got to go to the bathroom. oh, sheesh... i've got to go. i'm sorry. can you move that? would you move your seat up, please? hey! aah! aah!
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oh, my, that is refreshing. mmm. would you care for some slippers? sounds lovely. thank you. you're welcome. thank you very much. may i? please. why, it's a perfect fit. you must be cinderella. my name is not mentioned in this blurb. that's it. it's grossbard. can you believe this? i'm not in this. i knew that face looked familiar. it's grossbard. who's grossbard? when i lived on 3rd avenue and 18th 20 years ago, my roommate was always behind in his rent. one month, he asked me to loan him his share of the rent-- 240 bucks. he took the cash and-- pfft! disappears. i tried to find him. i went to his girlfriend's house, even his family.
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never got that money back. he screwed me! and that's the guy-- john grossbard! kramer, come on. it was 240 bucks 20 years ago. i'm going to turn around and get that guy. you cannot turn around. let go. you cannot abandon people in an airport pickup! it's a binding social contract! we... we must go forward... not back. tia, did you see all the flowers in that bathroom? it's like an english garden in there. they're beautiful. they're gardenias, mostly. didn't i smell lilac? yes, there are a few of those, too. it's almost overwhelming. ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. due to equipment problems on the runway at laguardia,
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we've been instructed by the tower to reroute and land at jfk. we apologize for any inconvenience. what did he say? what?'re not going to believe it. what? they've rerouted back to kennedy. let's go. we got 45 minutes. listen to the bell, grossbard. it tolls for thee. but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we won't just give you the partial value of items that are stolen or destroyed... ...we'll replace them with brand-new versions. so you won't feel robbed. again. just another way we put members first. because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress... and she's not exactly tidy. even if she gets a stain... she'll wear it for a week straight. so i use tide to get out those week-old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. and since i'm the one who has to do the laundry... i do what any expert dad would do. i let her play sheriff. i got twenty minutes to life. you are free to go! [ male announcer ] week old stains and odors just met their match. tide and downy, better together. and you know what i walked out with? [ slurps ] [ dad ] a new passat. [ dad ] 0% apr. 60 months. done and done. [ dad ] in that driveway, is a german-engineered piece of awesome. that i got for 0% apr. good one, dad.
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thank you, dalton. [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering. and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. we have some delicious chateaubriand-- my personal favorite. or if you prefer something lighter, a poached dover sole in a delicate white wine sauce with just a hint of saffron. oh, saffron. that sounds good. and today, we're featuring wines from the tuscany region. tuscany! tuscany! hi. can i get to my seat? you're just going to have to wait. no, but i-- i'm right there.
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you just passed it. i'm sitting next to that guy. you're not supposed to get up during the food service. well, nobody told me that. look. this plane is full. i got a lot of people to serve. now, please. you'll just have to wait. there it is, gate 46. plenty of time. grossbard's plane leaves in 10 minutes. there's still time to catch him. how? he probably boarded the plane already. quick. your credit card. my credit card? the card. don't ask any questions. not unless you tell me what it's for. for a ticket to get on that flight. you'll spend more for the ticket than you'll get from grossbard! i'm going to get my money, get off the plane, get your ticket refunded. it won't cost you a dime. come on, give me the card. this is a great idea. here, use this one. i get frequent-flyer miles with every purchase. yeah. wait a minute, wait a minute. get two tickets.
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as long as you're returning it for the refund, i'll get double the bonus miles. yes. yes. excuse me. sorry to disturb you. i got stuck in the aisle. the flight attendant wouldn't let me get through. that cart blocks everything. you're not supposed to get up during food service. i'll try and remember that! oh... where's my meal? he asked me. you were gone so long, i thought you switched seats. excuse me. excuse me. um, i didn't get a meal. are you sure? yes, i'm sure. i would know if a tray of food had been served to me. would you? yes! well, the only meal left is a kosher meal. a kosher meal? i don't want a kosher meal. i don't even know what a kosher meal is. it's means a rabbi's inspected it or something. no, it has to do with the way they kill the pig.
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come on, they don't eat pigs. they do if it's killed right-- under a rabbi's supervision. you know what? i ordered the kosher meal. then why didn't you take it? i ordered it six weeks ago. i forgot. you're eating my food! i got earplugs to collect. do you want it or not? mmm! mmm. mmm. this is the best sundae i've ever had. oh, man. you know what? they got the fudge on the bottom. you see? that enables you to control your fudge distribution as you're eating your ice cream. i never met a man who knew so much about nothing. thank you. mmm. mmm! mmm. mmm. more anything? more everything! hey. look. i did good. i got supersavers. come on. supersavers? are they refundable? huh? all right. you bought nonrefundable tickets. you idiot!
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she said it was the best deal. do you know what this will cost me? we'll split it, huh? uh...uh... listen, i'm going to go to the bathroom. ok, ok. hey. huh? how about that, huh? excuse me? recognize me? no. come on. 20 years ago. what? 18th street? i don't know what-- what? give me your money. where's your wallet? i want my $240. just a minute. wha-- kramer! oh, come on.
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[chuckles] you're going to have to go back to coach. but nobody was sitting here. but you're still not allowed. these seats are very expensive. please don't send me back there. i'll do anything. it's so nice up here. it's so comfortable here. i don't want to go back there. don't send me back! oh, you got cookies. you're going to have to go back to your seat. ok, fine. i'll go back. you know, our goal should be a society without classes! do you realize the people up here are getting cookies? what is all the racket back there? you're trying to relax on the plane, and you get this. what is going on? uh, sir, this woman tried to sneak into first class. oh, you see, that's terrible. that curtain's no security. there really should be a locking door. you're right, and i'm so sorry.
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i--i'm sorry. sorry. hey! let go of me. i'm telling you, i didn't do anything wrong! that guy owes me $240! listen, pal, you're in big trouble. nah... couldn't be. olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks and salad, plus never ending combinations of pasta and sauce just $9.99. and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. it's all unlimited when you go olive garden.
11:57 pm
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