tv Charlie Rose PBS October 17, 2013 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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brunt. who is it? >> at this point house republicans but nobody came out looking good. polls for bad for everybody, president obama, house republicans took the worse of it. the last abc news poll found 74% of americans said they disapproved of the job. and they are taking most of the blame. >> hope some lessons are learned here. >> karen travers live on capitol hill. thank you. that brings us to our facebook question of the morning. with the similar showdown looming in a few months, what's your advice for congress in seeking a permanent solution to the budget crisis. join our political debate at modest gains in overseas markets now the fiscal crisis has passed. u.s. investors were optimistic with the dow up 200 points. >> our coverage continues with lana zak. >> as you can see behind me, the green behind me.
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the markets were overjoyed and for everyone who is watching their 401(k) and worried about the markets, for the moment you can breathe a sigh of relief. the markets were riding high with word the senate made a deal to avoid thursday's possibility debt default and economic calamity, at least for a few months them nasdaq, s&p and dow all surging upon word the u.s. economy may have received a stay of execution. but from wall street to america's cross roads in times square, almost no one thinks this deal resolves the core issues that led to the shut down. >> extending the deadline doesn't actually help the situation whatsoever. it is all about coming to an agreement and understanding and actually making something happen. >> no optimism whatsoever? >> no, not really. >> reporter: in fact, government dysfunction brought america's financial health to the brink. ricci brown quit her job with the tsa to become a hair dresser because of the shut down.
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>> i had been thinking of leaving previous to the shutdown. i'm going to return back to school and i have a part-time job doing hair, as well. >> reporter: as an employee she was working but not getting paid. it is america's taxpayers who are bearing the burden of america's crisis. it is clear it has cost the american taxpayers, the s&p estimates $24 billion has been lost during this shutdown. john, diana? >> thank you. for one sacramento woman the government shoutdown could be a matter of life or death. victoria was supposed to start an experiment al treatment that showed promise for a cure. when the government shutdown it shut down her hope of taking part in the treatment for months. her family can't believe it. >> i would have never even thought it would be about the government. i never would have thought it. >> it sickens me that they would let someone like my mom, who has terminal cancer to just fall
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through the cracks because they can't come to a decision. >> furloughs delayed her treatment. she will start chemo as she waits for the next clinical trial to come in the spring. a seriousuation for a spirit airlines flight. passengers flying from dallas to atlanta on tuesday said the cabin filled with smoke after an engine exploded. they are calling it an uncontained engine failure. parts escaped the housing and they say it is extremely dangerous. maejs described the scene moments after the explosion. >> some people were praying outloud, some praying quiet. >> i when the engine blup and the fire ball went by us and all of that the plane started to shake violently there. >> with only one good engine the plane was able to return to dallas and land safely. no one was injured. a baggage handler being held on $1 million bond in connection with the dry ice explosions we
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have been telling you about. police say 28-year-old dicarlo bennett planted three devices out of curiosity and for his own entertainment. two of them explode. the third one didn't. it he is believed to use the dry ice used to keep the food fresh before it is put on the planes. the boy has been ordered to live away from his family. the parents attended the hearing but the boy did not. he is too young to berged with a crime under minnesota law. o.j. simpson has found rnl behind bars. his manager says the former football great may start a career as a televangelist once he gets out of prison but that could be a while since simpson is serving a nine to 33-year sentence. and las vegas judge has yet to rule on whether simpson should get a new trial. you know that part of a wedding ceremony where the minister askst if anyone has any
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objections. in thailand one guest did and made it known in the only way he knew how. >> but this guest was an elephant. he looks like he wants to plant a kiss on the bride. instead her head inside. here we go. you are kuchlt i like you. come over here. >> the elephant handlers should be doing something. he is looking the other way. >> we don't know how or why the elephant was at the ceremony. he let her go quickly and the bride ended up with a big whiff of elephant breath. you think she had on lip gloss that smelled like strawberries or something. >> he wanted some of whatever it was. >> who do you think is seductive, diana, barry white or david beckham, not diana, but i'm asking you. >> david beckham. and a toned mother of three.
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♪ give me that wine >> famously said, i cook with wine and sometimes i even add it to the food. who doesn't like a glass of red wine every now and then. >> guilty. but for some it can turn in to a problem. here's amy robach. >> reporter: heather king couldn't wait for the end of her day. >> i felt i was having me time with my wine. >> reporter: eventually the mom of three began to hide from her husband how many times she was refilling her glass. >> i added a lot more. i would run the water in the sink so he wouldn't hear the glug glug glug of the bottle going in to the glass. >>. >> reporter: how do you know the difference between destressing and having an actual problem? >> are you looking forward to this a little too much? it is medication? it is first aid. >> reporter: gabrielle glaser wrote the book "her best kept
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secret" after she began to evaluate her own drinking habits. >> women are more stressed than ever in their lives. it is not that you set out to medicate yourself but it is easy to cross that line. >> reporter: it can come at a price? >> it can. >> reporter: dui arrests among women are up nearly 38% and the number of men decreased and the number of women seeking help for alcohol abuse tripling. women's bodies with a higher percentage of fat and lower water content process alcohol differently which makes women get drunk faster and liver and skin damage show up sooner. >> it is a sneaky addiction. it is subtle, adding a glass here and there. >> reporter: heather king decided she needed to stop completely. seeking treatment in an alcohol support group and writing, sharing her firsthand experience with other women. >> i get to be free of the obsession i had with wine. >> reporter: another approach is moderation. here in the u.s. that's one
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five-ounce glass a day of wine for women. according to the nih, if you drink four or more drinks in two hours it that binge drinking. gabrielle say shels keeps a careful mental tally never more than two glasses a day. >> be aware of where, when and why you are drinking and what the alcohol is doing to you and what feelings it might be masking. >> it is important to note five ounces of wine, that's one serving, is a lot less than most people pour. if you think you have had two glasses of wine if you count the ounces versus the glasses you have probably had closer to three. amy robach, abc news, new york. >> certainly good tips. >> good tips. no doubt about it. coming up, a mom of three that looks amazing and isn't afraid to share it with the world. why does this picture bother so many people? ahead in our next half hour, is yelling at your kids as bad as hitting them? that was our facebook question of the day and we got more than
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staying at shape with a little one at home isn't easy but some moms manage to make it a priority. >> one is under fire for showing off the results of her workouts. it is making a lot of people angry. >> it is not just the photo but the message that has moms fired up. a toned and tanned maria posing with her three sons and the question what's your excuse. >> do you think it is too
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aggressive? >> no. >> reporter: the photo has gotten 16 million views and 18,000 comments and counting. some calling her self righteous and a bully. even blaming her for what is called the body shaming problem in america. why did you take the picture in the first place. >> i wanted to update my profile pic on facebook. who doesn't, you know what i mean. >> reporter: kang swears her day is like every other mom whose routine is around three boys but the one big difference she makes no excuses for workingout. >> i didn't call you fat or lazy or say you should look like me. i never said that. >> new moms barely have time for a long shower or hot bath. the idea of finding time to work out every day is nearly impossib impossible. a lot of people are insulted by this. >> reporter: kang exercises five or six days a week, often with
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this group of sacramento moms. >> i don't think she is trying to preach to anybody. i think she is trying to inspire women. >> anyone who is going to be mad is jealous and lazy. >> reporter: a former fitness trainer and beauty queen kang once struggled with her own weight and posted this toe on facebook pointing out her excess skin. she is not making apologies for her picture or her message. >> i think i represent a mother who is healthy and can be a positive role model to other mothers. >> reporter: abc news, sacramento, california. >> diana, got any problems with her? >> i have not one problem with her. she looks wonderful. helping other women out. not only is she doing classes, but you look at her and say if i can look like that after three little ones, let me get on it. >> i look like everybody on facebook is guilty of being vain and showing off. she might be showy, a maybe a little bit but i don't think she is trying to make anyone feel
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all right "mix" time. studying dna in school may not be too cool but when you put it to a good hip hop beat it is pretty cool. this is a seventh grade teacher tom mcfadden who had his class studying dna and they came up with this. it is pretty awesome ♪ her red tear molecules in to rna ♪ doing things our way ♪ ♪ but they were in the wrong place ♪
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>> that is pretty cool. you can learn just about anything with that. they will remember that the rest of their lives. really good stuff. that's the way to do it. i learned about linking verbs from my teacher in third grade and i remember she sent that to yankee doodle and i still remember the song. good way to learn. really cool stuff. here's something adorable. i know the pets don't like it but it is so cool. it is halloween time. we have some scary pet costumes for you. they are not scary. they are adorable. this is frankenstein. up next, batman and robin. >> pretty cool. look pretty good in those outfits. here's a hipster. >> that's my favorite one, the hipster. >> the glasses are incredible. just like your glasses. are you trying to be a hipster with those glasses? >> absolutely. >> you just need a flannel shirt. >> just need a flannel shirt.
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>> and we don't like to leaf out the kitty lovers. here's dinosaur kitty. courtesy of the "huffington post." we want you to share our halloween kitty and doggy costumes. i think you would get hurt putting a cat in a costume. dogs just lay there and go like this. i don't like this. >> they all hate it. go to and we will have halloween segments. time to talk sexy. do you think this man is sexy? >> i just see you. >> put him up. there you go. sexy man. >> yeah. incredibly sexy. >> what about this guy? >> his amazing. >> you sort of hit on something there. a new study finds that women prefer barry white to david beckham when it comes to speech. women find that men with masculine low-pitched voices are
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this morning on world news now," just in time them 11th hour deal on capitol hill to end the government shutdown and avoid an immediate financial meltdown. the drama overnight and the day ahead for federal workers. we are live in washington. counting his blessings, a 12-year-old boy attacked by a shark along the gulf coast. the painful ordeal as he shares his story. flight fright. a big scare on a jet. passengers cannot forget the flames they saw and the prayers in the aisles. and singing showdown, beyonce's decision to be the charts.
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her business and creative move in "the skinny" on this thursday, october 17th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. she wants to dominate the charts more than she already dominates the charts. >> yeah, right. >> she is queen bee already. >> i'm telling you what. >> what could she do to dominate the charts even more? >> we will talk about it in "the skinny." >> you have the answers. >> i have all the answers in t packet i am i'm going to read on the commercials between now and "the skinny" on commercials. i'm pretty up on this. breaking news overnight. congress passing the bill. the president signed it and reopens the government and raises the government's ability to borrow. >> roughly 400,000 federal workers will return to their jobs this morning, and government services will ramp up. our coverage begins with abc's jonathan karl.
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>> reporter: president obama wasted no time assuring americans the crisis is over, at least for now. >> we will begin reopening our government immediately. >> reporter: the final agreement came out of the senate. the democratic and republican leaders finally coming together. >> this is not a time for pointing fingers of blame. this is a time of reconciliation. >> this has been a long, challenging few weeks for congress and for the country. >> reporter: just as senate republican leader mitch mcdonnell was announcing the agreement, fellow republican ted agreement, fellow republican ted cruz who led the fight over obama care that triggered the shutdown came to the camera to denounce the compromise. >> the deal cut provides no relief to the millions of americans who are hurting because of obama care. >> reporter: the bluster cruz i said he would not try to block the vote. the agreement will reopen the government but only until january 15th, prevent default but only extend the nation's credit line until february 7th. the final deal makes no changes to obama care.
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the republican demand that started it all. speaker boehner said in a radio interview, there's no reason that republicans should say no. >> we fought the good fight. we just didn't win. >> reporter: what did it accomplish? it delayed clinical trials for cancer research, 800,000 federal workers out of work and wreaked havoc on tourists and the businesses that depend on them an the deal is only temporary. could there be another crisis in three months when it runs out? >> we can't do this anymore for the country. american people are tired of it and rightly so. >> reporter: jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. with the deal done there will be financial impact from wall street to your street. our coverage continues -- sorry, diana. >> continues now live on capitol hill. karen travers, some markets are up this morning. what are you hearing from investors? >> they were looking at a rocky day on wall street today after a big day yesterday. the dow finished up 200 points.
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the s&p finished near a record close as wall street celebrated and rejoiced over the deal in washington. that was before it was even voted on. it is interesting if you look at the last couple of days. there have been some down days and selloffs on wall street but hasn't been any major day of panic and the sense we were getting from talking to investor and analysts is that wall street was confident that washington was going to work this out. that some deal was going to be come up with by the 11th hour and sure enough congress came through. i don't think that everyone was as confident as wall street was. >> talk about the political fallout. house republicans waving the white flag in this one kind of. >> reporter: they did. if you look at it, john, they got nothing out of this. they went in with certainly many demands. first, it was a full repeal of the president's health care law. that was never going to happen and they came up with ways they wanted to chip away at obama care. when it was said and done last
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night, none of it was there. the president got everything he wanted. he insisted he was not going to negotiate when it came to the debt ceiling. he did not and congress still voted to increase it. house republicans from, all accounts, got nothing out of this deal. john, diana? >> karen travers live on capitol hill. thank you. brings us to the facebook question. >> we want to know what is your advice for congress in seeking a permanent solution to the budget crisis. go to as federal workers return to their jobs the coverage picks up steam. look for live reports on "america this morning" and "good morning america" later on abc news. newark mayor booker will be the next u.s. senator from new jersey. he won the race to fill the remaining 15 month of the late great frank lautenberg's term. he recalled how his father who died last week taught him the values of love and hard work. a trial against five bernie
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madoff employeesas opened here in new york. they say they woef a web of deception year after year for one reason -- greed. the trial will showcase testimony of madoff's former finance chief and five other insiders who pleaded guilty to cooperate. they claim that madoff kept them in the dark about his misdeeds. billionaire businessman mark cuban has been found not guilty of insider trading. the jury deliberated a few hours before returning the verdict. the government claimed cuban used insider information when he sold shares of an internet company back in 2004. a couple of animal stories in colorado where a man is recovering after attacked by three coyotes. he had several bites, scraps and scrapes all over his body. he received shots for everything from rabies to tetanus. two of the coyotes have been killed. a boy from tennessee is back home recovering from a shark attack in the gulf of mexico.
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12-year-old zach standridge and his family were vacationing in destin, florida when the attack took place. it is believed a bull shark bit him at least twice in shallow water. zach was rushed to the hospital where he received 120 stitches. >> when i squat down, i squat down and jump over the waves. blinked and it lasted five seconds and when i opened i seen the thing flapping and looked at it. >> zach has ten weeks of physical therapy ahead of him but he says the ordeal hasn't scared him from going in the water, and his family is looking forward to their next trip to the gulf. overseas to thailand where the investigation in to a massive fire at an department store is getting underway. the flames soared hundreds of feet in the air forcing residents nearby to evacuate. firefighters are desperately
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trying to keep the fire from igniting a nearby gas station. in russia they pulled a piece of the meteorite that crash landed in a lake. it weighed 1200 pounds before the scale broke. it streaked across the sky before striking down in a shock wave that is estimated to be 20 hiroshima bombs. scientists will study the piece recovered from that lake for years. a new link between sleep and success in getting pregnant. researchers discovered that women improve their chances conceiving if they sleep seven to eight hours a night and women with regular bedtimes can boost their chances of getting pregnant. the findings follow studied of more than 600 women getting invitro treatments. to baseball we go. we will start in detroit with the red sox and tigers. detroit up early. five runs in the second and two more in the fourth.
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tigers win 7-3. the series is tied at two apiece. game five in detroit tonight. the dodgers used a power surge to get by the cardinals. four solo home run two from gonzalez sent the series back to st. louis. l.a. takes the game. they still trail the cards. game six is tomorrow in st. louis. here's a look at your weather. could be a damp day from west virginia to northern new england. scattered rain and snow showers for western part of south dakota and nebraska and most of the west is dry. another day of mild temperatures 60s and 70s. 80s coastal florida. chicago, detroit, indianapolis, close to 60 degrees. when it comes to love and marriage it is good to take your time and make sure you do the right kind of thing. >> for one couple they did that and a lot more. meet martina lopez and jose. they were married after a courtship of only 80 years. during that 80 years they had eight kids, 50 grand kids, 35 great grand kids and 20 great
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great grand kids. >> 20 great great grand kids. they did have a civil wedding several decades ago but never got around to a religious ceremony. it was held until the couple's garden. talk about ever lasting love. >> he wasn't so sure. >> see his hand on the forehead. he's like do i really have to do this. i thought i was going to get away with it. >> she told him finally if you like it you have to put a ring on it. >> and did the dance oh oh oh. >> she did the finger thing and he was like okay, i got to do it. >> love it. love it. >> he is 103 and she is 99. >> he is 103. whoa! >> she is 99. spring chickens. life is just beginning. >> just beginning. >> oh, romance. serious criticism from a saturday night live cast member about the show that made him a star. and passengers see flames and start praying. how this air scare started and
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that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. it was a wild ride for passengers on a spirit airlines flight fd to it was a wild ride for passengers on a spirit airlines flight forced to turn back after an explosion and a fire. >> yeah, for those aboard that were on the plane it was terrifying. this morning, we are hearing from passengers who actually texted loved ones to say good-bye. >> reporter: emergency inbound.
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>> an emergency in the sky. spirit airlines flight from dallas to atlanta. >> are you having any instrument difficulties? >> yes. >> reporter: a few minutes in to the air on tuesday night, passengers felt and heard an explosion coming from the left engine. >> some people were praying outloud. some were praying quietly. >> reporter: casey rogers in c-21 said he could see the fire burning outside of his window. smoke was filling the cabin and they were gasping for air. >> when the engine blew up and the fire ball went by and all of that the plane started to shake violently. >> reporter: his business partner fred edwards is an experienced pilot and sitting across the aisle. they started to text their wives. >> i said i love you and make sure my kids know that forever. >> i sent that text thinking it would be my last. >> reporter: with one engine gone, spirit airlines said the pilot was able to power up the other, enough to get control of the engine. turn it back to dallas and land safely, but it was a wild ride. like this one on turkish
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airlines in january and another on british airways in may. >> pilots know what to do. the airplanes and the engines themselves are designed not to be a threat beyond coming apart and these aircraft can fly beautifully on one engine. >> reporter: federal investigators are calling up people furloughed to come down and determine whether the engine fire was even more serious. i think broken pieces of the engine weren't contained in the engine cell like they should have been and they say that is never good. abc news, atlanta. >> can you imagine? >> no. >> you got the visual out the window. the smoke in the cabin. it is pretty much like this isn't going to end good. >> that is like everyone's worst nightmare. you always say if it happened to me what would my reaction be but they lived to tell about it. >> hats off to the crew and captain. >> luteally -- absolutely. coming up, o.j. simpson wants you to pray along with him on television.
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kenan thompson is saying he is putting his foot down and not going to play anymore black female characters. the reason you may be asking is because he's tired of there not being diversity on the show. if you think about it and i have to admit i never thought about this, there aren't any talented, which there are dozens out there, talented black, female comedians on the show. >> pretty bad when you get to that. >> when you break it down and get to that there just aren't any. he says if his co-star jay farrell wants to do it he can but he is not going to do it anymore. when snl announced the new cast members, which include no black members he didn't speak up. he said, thompson said the problem is there aren't any black comedians out there when you get to the casting. jay farrell was more local and said that is not it.ocal and said that is not ivocal and said that is not it. they are not paying attention these casters because there are plenty of them out there. >> give me a break.
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>> give me a break. turn on the television they are everywhere. >> a lot of talented people out there. >> kerry washington will host the next snl and a black woman, very talented. snl's host also lack in diversity. in the last 90 episodes since season 35 there have been two black women hosts and two latinos. >> point well taken. >> get it going, guys. beyonce is ready to lay a little smackdown on her contemporaries courtesy of the daily news. apparently she wants to release a fall release because she wants to take on lady gaga, britney spears and katy perry and miley cyrus. she wants to come out with her release after those. so everybody can know who the boss is. she will wait until early december for that single to come out after the rest release their albums and singles. she planned to put out a big song in 2013 but pushed back when she realized she didn't
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have competition on the charts. she wants competition. insiders say the track and video will land december 3rd, and we will see if she knocks the other big ones off the box. >> i don't think she will have any problem doing that. she is so incredibly talented. more talent in one pinky than most of those girls have in their entire bodies. o.j. simpson wants to host a religious tv show when he gets out of jail. he is confident this will happen soon. he has been behind bars five year and in that time come close to god. there you have it. the name of the show would be holy safari is the name of the show. he spent time in jail reading multiple versions of the bible including the koran. the converted his fellow -- his cell mate who was a white supremacist to christianity. >> that sounds like it might work. i'm not kidding. it sounds right. o.j. with a reality show, a preacher. i can see it happening.
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"lion king" is about to become broadway's first $1 billion show. almost 16 years from the day it day bud. it has $997 million in revenue on the great white way and should hit that $1 billion mark very soon. it will be the fifth longest running show of all time. running show of all time. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to bounty duratowel. the durable, cloth-like picker-upper.
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♪ you make we want to shout >> yesterday, we told you about evidence that yelling at your kids is as bad as hitting them. >> experts say yelling can cause increased risk of depression and aggressive behavior and can have the opposite effect on children causing them to act out rather than behave. >> because this topic sparked a lot of debate around here, we decided to ask you your thoughts. is yelling at children as bad as hitting them? >> we got hundreds of comments on our facebook page. here's a few. >> no. that's why kids are out of control. parents are scared of their own children.
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>> from eric, it is the same thing. you are not hurting them physically but mentally. >> and beth says sometimes words hurt more than a spanking. there are times when i couldn't believe what people said to their own flesh and blood so they yelled it. there is more to it than just yelling. watch your words. it is easier to build up a child than it is to treat an adult. >> can't argue with that one. >> miguel says today's generation is over thinking it. stick to the basics and kids will turn in to happy productive adults later on. >> and mary aided, if you have to raise your voice to your children you have already lost control. >> what she said resonates with me. raising your voice is different than insulting them, saying you are dumb. racing your voice, i think now and then you are going to raise your voice. we are all human. like i'm not fooling around but hitting, no. >> i don't know that it is the same. the mistake is when you bunch together the insulting, the putting down and yelling, that's
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a problem. >> yeah, definitely. >> that is probably just as bad as hitting, if not worse, but to say yelling is bad, i don't know that i agree with that all together. but of course there are experts throughout. >> sometimes you have to raise your voice to let them know you are mad but if you are one of those people always nagging, yelling or whatever it is it turns in to white noise. no effect whatsoever and you are making yourself crazy. having no effect on them. >> can i say growing up, i was spanked. >> i got a spanking now and then, too. absolutely. >> that is how discipline was brought about in my home and i turned out just fine. >> as far as everybody knows. you don't want to go inside the head. >> i don't know that -- this is my own personal view, i don't spank my own child, but i don't happen to think it is that big of a deal every once in a while to show who's who and what is what. >> alexis touched the stove and i wanted her to let her know you
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making news in america this morning -- done deal. the bitter budget battle there in washington over, at least for now. we are live with details on the last-minute vote that ended it all. plus, back in business. when will the agencies, memorials and monuments impacted by the shutdown reopen? and flight paejs get a scare after a plane engine explodes. >> some were praying out loud. some were praying quietly. >> we're learning more about what went wrong. and what went right. and pucker up. a pachyderm steals the show at a wedding, when gets a little too close to the bride.
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good thursday morning, everyone. we begin with the breaking news. president obama signed a bill shortly after midnight that ends the government shutdown and raises the debt limit. >> some federal programs immediately restarted. thousands of furloughed workers got phone calls overnight, telling them to head back to work. many national parks are welcoming back visitors. alcatraz island in san francisco bay, has reopened. yosemite, one of the nation's most popular parks is open, as well. >> the national zoo expected to open its doors tomorrow. the popular panda cam, that should be back some time today. >> and barricades that have blocked people from the lincoln and other memorials will come down. here's a live picture of the memorial, just one of the many tourist destinations that will be back in business. >> as for offices and benefit centers, they will resume normal hours. fda food inspectors will be back
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in full strength. women will receive their food aid through the wic program. let's learn how the 11th-hour deal came together. tahman bradley is on capitol hill for us this morning. good morning, tahman. >> reporter: good morning to you both. overnight, word went out to federal workers, they are expected back on the job today. the 16-day standoff is over. the federal government is back up and running. overnight, president obama signed the bill to end the shutdown and clear the nation of financial default, at least for now. >> we can begin to let this cloud of uncertainty and unease from our businesses and from the american people. >> reporter: the house approved the bill last night. the majority of republicans voting no, 285 to 144. speaker boehner backed down and allowed the vote. >> we fought the good fight. we just didn't win it. >> reporter: earlier in the evening, the senate overwhelmingly passed it, 81-18. harry reid and mitch mcconnell
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crafted the bill. tea party republicans are not happy. senator ted cruz, who pushed for the shutdown, vowed to keep fighting. and insisted this was a win. >> we took the house of representatives take a courageous stand, listening to the american people. that was a remarkable victory, to see the house engage in a profile in courage. >> reporter: this was a costly battle. one estimate put the price tag of the 16-day shutdown at $24 million. but these world war ii memorial visitors are glad congress ended the stalemate. it might not last. there could be a sequel to this drama. the government funding run out on january 15th. and the country's borrowing limit will need to be raised again on february 7th. john and diana? >> hope it's not like groundhog day all over again. let's talk about clear winners and losers in this one.
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it went back and forth so many times. what are your thoughts? >> reporter: certainly, john, the american people did not win in all of this. this was a fundamental failure of government. this institution failing to pas supposed to do. now, there were some individuals that maybe scored some political points or lost political points. speaker boehner, certainly people would say, did not look good in all of this. senator ted cruz, even though he didn't actually get what he wanted, raised his profile. keep in mind that he started to push for all of this last month. he appeared in "g.q." magazine. worked out for him. senators harry reid and mitch mcconnell can say they came in and saved the day. this was a clear and decisive victory for senate democrats. and for the white house, they got just about everything they wanted. they were able to get republicans to surrender without giving up much. >> abc's tahman bradley, live in washington for us this morning. thank you. now, house members are making a historic vote, some of the drama unfold
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