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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  October 22, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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>> remember when james franco hosted the oscars and it would r it was really weird? this is even weirder. >> please welcome james franco. >> last night, james fran koe went on jimmy kimmel to promote his book. he spoke for approximately 127 hours. it was part filibuster and part outtake. >> it's looking at acting as an actor in hollywood and looking at all of the specifics of that. when i say acting, it's more like life in a sense that when you're an actor, you're just interacting with other actors. life is just interacting with other people in the world. >> they handled it like a pro.
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and it's big hair and boots time. lifetime's chasing nashville premiers tonight. the reality series follows four young singers as they try to breakthrough in the country music industry. the music is good, but it has the more important element of a reality show. big dreams and obnoxious stage parents. d re warpath. it started when a reporter asked mark wahlberg about the progress of the entourage movie. his answer? as soon as those guys stop being so greedy. jerry ferrara responded he'd do the movie for free. i will sign any deal that gives all the boys an opportunity to share in the upside of success equally. just last night, kevin connolly
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confirmed the movie is a go. pop culture, hotter than ari gold's temper on the hot list. >> that list was hot. but guess what, the weather is getting cold. and a lot of people get very depressed when they feel winter approaching. >> you know what we have? a way to brighten your spirits. and it's right on the end of your fork. the leaves are falling around there's a chill in the air: it doesn't have to mean darker moods. we got a list of foods to boost our moods. >> kale is an awesome food that's gd for your health. vitamins, minerals and vital nutrients. >> and from your brain's perspective, it's kind of like eating sunshine. americans eeat lots of fat, bud the kind of fat could be the
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difference between a grouch and a grinner. that's things like wild salmon and mackerel. it really links them to mood and to cognitive function. >> swap your sedative for salmon? a bright idea. it's really at the top of the list. it has some good evidence behind then. it has other sorts of benefits like diabetes and health disease. >> mother nature has some great pick-me-ups, too. green tea and coffee. they're packed with antiox dants. and then, as everybody knows, they're a great stimlator. >> turning frowns upside down. >> i'm sorry. that was fake. but every year, americans get approximately one billion colds. you want to shake?
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that makes us sick. so we thought we'd tell you how to get your health back on the fit list. >> they're all conceived. >> having a cold? it's the worst.y the best ways to bounce you back a hundred percent from the mayo clinic. drink plenty of fluids and then sometimes, some over-the-counter supplements. >> is is 102.2. exactly what it was half an hour ago. >> i'm trying to get better. >> you won't get over the flu in half an hour. >> okay, so these tips may not get you healthy. we promise d help and vitamin c. there's some uncommon remedies ffr the common cold. like garlic. >> there is some medicinal
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properties for garlic. >> next, yogurt. >> it does contain pro-biotics. so it's thought that it can reduce the common cold. >> plus, when you have a cold, don't exercise. that's right, a doctor just told you not to exercise. the best thing you can do is relax. >> it can certainly help our immune system in fighting infection. things like that can definitely help fight off infection. >> turning the heat up on your cold on the fit list. >> colds can be viral or bacterial. but the videos we show you? pure viral. >> viralist. >> first up, cub cuteties.
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they must be working hard. they keep yawning. next, a plats pus. this guy is having the time of his life swimming around, getting a tummy rub and food. it's 12 hours a day looking for food. lastly, under the sea. the bottle boys are covering the little mermaid song with what else? bottles. this guy's head movement speed is unbelievable. alone on the viral list. >> hall weenl. it's the perfect photo opp.
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[ female announcer ] breyers. together making moments.
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♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now [ female announcer ] rich, creamy quality breyers. the taste you've loved for over 140 years.
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♪ right now
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>> you're on "the list." here's a picture of a huge cat, the prince of nigeria needs my help and oh, 500 bucks. connor looks at two ways to send e-mail. >> you need to watch your back. tech companies are making transferring money easier and a lot cheaper. square, the company start by jack dorsey, has been doing pretty well as a payment process sor. you probably signed for a purchase on a register powered by square. a way to send money by e-mail. you just compose the t amount in the subject line and cc cash square and that's it. the money goes to your debit
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account and all transactions are free. all the app does is facilitate sending an e-mail. there's a $250 a week limit. but if you verify your identity, either with your facebook account, you can spend up to 2500 a week. it's also a way to pay via e-mail. you send money as an attacent. transfers are free but debit cards incur a 2.t t t 9% fee making square much cheaper. the big concern is security. while square and google both insist their services are secure, all it's going to take are a couple of headlines about transferring or thou sants to a nigerian prince. but, for now, the reaction has been pretty positive. have you tried either service? would you? well, send us an e-mail and the money, if you feel like it, at get-on it at the list show dot tv.
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even more fun than picking up your kids' costumes, dressing um your dog, your cat, your ferret. >> you know the most popular picks? pumpkins and hot dogs. >> it's ferfect excuse to play dog gi dress up, which gives the rest of us the excuse to look at cute animals.$ he transforms into harry poter with a hiking backpack. our own photographer makes sure lola is on the list. she just can't make up her mind. >> she's kind of hyper and kind of silly. so i don't want anything too serious. >> this year, shoppers will spend $330 million at places like petsmart, working like a
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dog to brew up the perfect witch or pirate. >> the most exciting thing is helping somebody find their pet a new costume. >> there are so many to choose from, but apparently, some of the most exciting are looking for this and other ways to dress up their guineau pig. >> it's very cute. we have the hats. >> she she urges people not to overboard. >> this isn't too tight on i him. this is also adjustable straps. >> never leave pets unattended in costume. watch out for any allergies to fabric and no ma ter how calm your pet seems, be careful around children. >> so just avoid those pet peeves and you'll be ready to be
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a witch. >> for "the list," i'm ashley porter. >> it's worth staying up for. here's a list of the guests appearing on late-night tv nont. tom hanks stops by the late show witdavid letterman. the tight show with jay leno. a sit down with jimmy kimmel. ♪ i woke up to a lightbulb
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♪ every little thing is possible ♪ [ female announcer ] here's a fresh take on what to do with that chicken kraft fresh take kraft natural cheese on one side expertly blended spices and breadcrumbs on the other transforms your chicken in just 30 minutes ♪ love is a bright idea ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ [ female announcer ] fresh take from kraft. every flavor is amazing. ♪
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>> reporter: tons of beer on tap around charm city. >> the whole point of beer week for baltimore and beer week in general is to raise the level of beer culture in the community. >> reporter: this company is serving up 350 events this week from fredericks to columbia. >> there's so much diversity that you think you don't like beer, you are probably we -- being short sided. >> reporter: if you're going to have beers, you have to have -- [ cheers ] >> reporter: bacon lovers,
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baltimore is ranked number one. [inaudible] >> reporter: they specialize in a beer and bacon menu. >> we'll be doing a barken wrapped pork ring, blt fried and avocado. and bacon mac and cheese. >> reporter: and that menu helps rank them number one in this month's magazine. i'm nicki mayo. how to take the perfect photo -- next on. list. and when you get up -- can i play?
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♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. you're on "the posting pictures of ourself on social media is so popular, last week a gallery opened in london but these pictures can sometimes go horribly wrong. let's take a look at the right way to take a selfie. justin did it to show off his man bieb. but celebrities aren't the only ones going to arm's length to celebrate themselves, moms and kids are getting into the action and they are use the
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same poses, the duck face, look away and the peace sign are on the list for the most popular. it's the finest hour but instead of gazing at the reflection in the pond. we scanned 2,000 images in a folder marked me. sellfys are not going away any time soon. >> i think the most important thing that i. >> reporter: stick to is the angle -- that i stick to is the angle. >> where do i want to be? >> you want too face the light. >> face the light. okay. >> yes. >> okay. [laughter] >> so much prettier. >> one of the biggest rules you stay even. [rib audible] selfie? [inaudible] >> this is what i do.
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>> okay. >> i look at the camera and then i just hang out. >> yeah. >> okay. [inaudible] >> make it a good one. >> all right. >> i don't know. thanks for watching "the list." here's what's coming up tomorrow. you shut the shutdown was divisive. it's nothing compared to the controversy of the season. delicious or disgusting? >> love it. >> tomorrow on "the list." corn, delicious or
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oh, yes, indeed. i'm kevin pereira, the show that you can win $50,000. people from all across america they're on their webcams and they want to play. let's see who we've got today. first up, from michigan, carey. joseph. he's from memphis, tennessee, it it's ernie and from oklahoma, jill. pleasure to have you guys here. our show is incredibly simple. here's how it works. we ask americans their opinions on all kinds of crazy topics. and all you have to do is correctly guess the results of our polls and you can win $50,000. you guys ready to play? all right. let's get into it. here we go, our first question
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is worth $100. two possible answers are, men and women. the question is when it comes to getting a shot, who do nurses say are bigger babies? is it men or women? let's go to clinton township and say hello to carrie. how are you? >> how are you? i'm great. >> thank you for asking, tell me about yourself. >> i'm a private detective. i've been a private investigator for ten years and i love helping people. my favorite thing is to put parents together with their adoptive child, reuniting people. >> very cool. carey, what would you do with $50,000? >> i would go to paris, italy and belgium. >> i love it. got to start right here with $100. let's see the cards, everyone, is it men or women? show us the answer. everybody says men all around. the correct answer with 70% of the vote, you all got it, it's
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men. men is the correct answer. our next question is worth $200. here we go, the two possible answers are a rotten tomato or a fresh quarter pounder with cheese. the question is, if they were starving, which of these foods would vegetarians eat first? a rotten tomato or a fresh quarter pounder with cheese. go to grapevine, texas, and say hello to joseph. how are you, sir? >> i'm doing sensational. kevin, my man. >> you can be the president and the only member of my fan club. thank you, joseph. what's going on in grapevine? >> well, you caught me in my dodgeball corner. >> i get it. is it corner where you go when you're in time-out? >> it's for my meditation. you see these trophies back there? >> yeah. >> you need serious focus to make that happen. >> absolutely. i commend you. i cannot do anything physical
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let alone anything like that. joseph, what would you do with $50,000? >> well, $50,000 there's plenty of international tournaments, some in malaysia, some in england. i'm taking my dodgeball team across the globe. >> i love that. well, joseph, i appreciate the kind words. pleasure to have you here you got $100. lets get you $200 more. is it the quarter pounder or rotten tomato. joseph and jill say the quarter pounder, the correct answer for $200 with 91% of the vote, oh, boy. they'll pull the slice of plastic off and eat the quarter pounder. joseph and jill, you got it. next question worth $300. two possible answers are, you get to see the country or you get to sit on your butt all day. the question is, what did truck drivers say is the best part of their job? you get to see the country or you get to sit on your butt all
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day. all right. from dodgeball to dragon balls, let's go to memphis, tennessee, and say hello to ernie. how are you, sir? >> i'm doing fantastic. >> tell me about yourself. >> i've been a huge gamer since i was 4 years old. i also enjoy the stories they tell. gives me an opportunity to save the galaxy every day. who gets to do that? >> i love that. not many. this will get you $300 more. let's see the answers, everyone. you get to see the country or sit on your butt all day. let's see it. ernie says you got to sit on your butt all day. everybody else says see the country. for $300 with 62% of the vote, you get to see the country. so joseph and jill have $600 a piece, carrie in second place. the final question of this round is worth $400. more importantly, this is an elimination question. so the


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