tv Charlie Rose PBS October 26, 2013 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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voted favorite morning anchor for nearly two decades on abc's good morning america, please welcome joan lunden. [cheering and applause, ♪...] >> you all look great. welcome to our third resurgence show. how many of you had ever heard of hormonally aging skin? like, three people? we all face hormonal aging, every single woman in the world. but you know what? it doesn't have to show on your face. but what exactly is hormonal aging? healthy skin cells are like plump, juicy grapes. as we age, our estrogen levels decrease, causing healthy cells to lose moisture, becoming dry and flaky. murad resurgence lifts and removes dry skin cell build-up, infusing moisture into the skin and helps stimulate collagen production, resulting in soft, hydrated, healthy-looking skin.
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and with resurgence, you can reveal your beauty, not necessarily your age. >> i'm a stay-at-home mom and i have two teenage boys and all the stuff that comes with that, which is spending your life carpooling and sports and sitting on sidelines, and i have tried just about everything out there, and with resurgence, you'll see results, you'll feel the results and i guarantee you, your friends will notice too. >> you see all these products in the store-- you're not really sure how to take care of your skin, you read the magazines and they're blasting everything at you at once. murad resurgence is totally taking the confusion out of my process. when i look in the mirror, i see that glow back, and it's refreshing and it's enlightening and it's uplifting and all those things from one product... makes you know you should use it. >> i can't imagine that there's anyone that will not see results from this product, especially since i've seen so many people with different skin types, skin tones, skin color and different ages that have used the product
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for the last 30 days who've all seen amazing and different results on their skin. they say that your 40s are supposed to be your best years, and getting a little help from resurgence actually made it true. >> female announcer: murad resurgence-- just three simple steps for a more radiant you. >> step one is the renewing cleansing cream. this is so luxurious, you're going to love this, and this just lathers up beautifully, all over your entire face. [♪...] you're going to feel that it's gently exfoliating your skin, and the wonderful thing about this is that it also has that chamomile in it, so it soothes and it balances your skin. [water splashing] and i just love the way my skin feels after i've used this cleanser. it doesn't feel dry or tight. it just feels healthy and hydrated. all right, so step two is the age-diffusing serum. you really only need
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a pea-sized amount. and it's amazing, as soon as you get it on, right away your skin will feel instantly firmer, so it's a great feeling once you have it on. and then, the final step, is step three, the age balancing night cream and this is just so rich and luxurious, and again, it too is highly concentrated and when you put it on, you are going to immediately see how luxurious it feels, and it makes your skin feel incredibly hydrated. so that's it! resurgence is just three simple steps, and it's great for all skin types, even sensitive skin. i consider my skin kind of sensitive. i've always been very careful about putting anything on it. and this really is the most amazing skin care system that i've ever used. i am a resurgence gal for life! >> female announcer: what does it take to get skin this beautiful? just one thing: murad resurgence.
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ordinary anti-aging creams only spot treat the signs of hormonally-aging skin. resurgence is the only comprehensive skin care line specifically designed to target all the signs. >> male announcer: murad resurgence has earned four good housekeeping seals, so you can feel confident knowing that you've made the best choice for your skin. >> female announcer: step one: renewing cleansing cream. this multi-tasking cleanser kick-starts your skin's transformation by exfoliating and hydrating with natural ingredients like papaya fruit extract. this luxurious formula removes dry, flaky skin without stripping your skin of essential moisture. step two: age-diffusing serum. this is the anti-aging powerhouse. this miracle serum is packed with phytoestrogens, soy, wild yams and glycolic acid to help stimulate collagen production, clinically proven to increase skin firmness by up to 42% in just 10 minutes. and instantly lock in hydration with step three: age-balancing night cream. this ultra rich moisturizer is
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packed with retinol and shea butter to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on even the most sensitive skin. >> male announcer: it's perfect for all skin types and brings out that beautiful, healthy, glowing skin murad is famous for. >> female announcer: you could spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on painful procedures without achieving the lasting results you're looking for. >> male announcer: sold separately at retail, the regular price of resurgence is $182, but when you call now and buy direct from our warehouse, you can restore your youthful glow with a full 30-day supply of resurgence for only $49.95. you won't see this offer anywhere else. and for a limited time only, we're going to take an additional $10 off. that means you get the full resurgence kit for only $39.95. >> female announcer: we'll also send you over $65 in free gifts. the murad get the glow bonus package includes the soothing sheer lustre day moisture with s.p.f. 15 to instantly hydrate your skin and deliver that natural, dewy glow. and the renewing eye cream. this triple threat to eye area
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aging combats puffiness, crow's-feet and dark circles. >> it's like, lifted my eyes. it's kind of like a mini eye-lift. >> male announcer: but wait! here's your free offer. for the first time ever we're going to give you a two-week supply of dr. murad's brand-new resurgence firming mask, specifically formulated for hormonally aging skin. this product is absolutely free, but only for an extremely limited time, so you have to call in the next 18 minutes. >> female announcer: the resurgence firming mask just hit the shelves a few months ago and is already a customer favorite because it has the power to soften lines and firm your skin in just 10 minutes. >> i love the 10-minute mask. when i take it off, my skin feels clear and plump and very, very healthy. >> female announcer: and today, on this program only, it can be yours for free! this offer is not available in stores, so call now. >> male announcer: plus, you get an upgrade to priority shipping absolutely free, so you can start seeing that murad glow in just three to five
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business days. >> female announcer: murad products are never tested on animals, and all of our packaging is recyclable. >> male announcer: resurgence is backed by our unconditional 60-day money back guarantee. if you're not thrilled with your results, simply return the products for a full refund of the purchase price. that's how confident we are that you're going to love murad resurgence. keep the free gifts just for trying resurgence. >> female announcer: but wait! we can't offer this deal forever. if you've thought about trying resurgence, call now because this is the last chance to get this offer, and it's only available on today's program. supplies are limited, so don't wait! >> my skin literally glows. i put it on and there's a radiance, a glow to my skin that i don't have without it. >> i am absolutely blown away to see what a difference it's made in such a short time. >> in two weeks you're going to notice a difference, much less 30 days. so for the skeptics, if you've tried everything else, o.k., so add this to the list. murad resurgence, number 334, and the last. [♪...]
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call the number on your screen. [♪...] >> joan: most of us would never leave the house without makeup, let alone appear on national tv without even a drop of concealer. but this group of daring women did just that as they bared all for our cameras and for murad's state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. the women had their skin analyzed and measured for wrinkles, skin texture and hydration before and after 30 days of using resurgence. >> i can see that my lines are not as deep. i can feel my skin is smoother. but the computer also tells me that and the computer gives me numbers that are incredibly different from 30 days ago. >> what happens with hormonal aging is there's less estrogen in your body and therefore less in your skin. >> when you first came in, it was quite a bit and now look after 30 days, the difference. >> i kind of felt like the fine lines were going away around my
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eyes and i kind of felt like my moisture content was better, but when we came in and actually tested it, i could actually see the results, it was really amazing to see how far they had actually changed. >> joan: after just 30 days, an astonishing 93.9% of participants saw a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 96% reported firmer skin and an incredible 100% experienced improvement in overall skin hydration. >> i have used many, many products over the years and this is the one that i have felt, by far, i've seen the most dramatic difference in my skin. >> i will never put anything else on my skin other than resurgence for the rest of my life. and i can't believe i'm saying that on national tv with no makeup, but it's true. >> o.k., it's time now to meet the man behind the science. he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on skin care and skin health. please welcome dr. howard murad. [cheering and applause, ♪...]
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>> so wonderful to see you! >> now, it's been a little while since i've actually seen you, doctor, right? >> it has, and i have to tell you something. this is from my heart. you absolutely look fabulous. >> well, thank you. i mean, i have nothing else that i'm doing any different than just using my murad every morning and every night. i have not missed a day since i met you five years ago. >> what people don't quite understand is your skin is connected to every organ in your body. and when your hormones begin to diminish, you begin to have drier skin, more lines, pores begin to enlarge. and you just don't have that glow that you used to have. unfortunately, most of the things that are out there that are being used just focus on one thing, but the whole system has to be addressed. >> and i think one of my main complaints to you when we first met was lack of hydration. >> and the moisture is a very critical part. the one thing that happens to us when we age is we become drier, all over the body, including the skin. the real issue is hormonal aging.
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as we encourage your skin to soak in some of the nutrients that i've developed in the products, the results are amazing. >> all right, so, we have some ladies in the audience and they'd like to ask you some questions. >> oh, i'd love to hear some. >> all right, what's your name and what's your question? >> hi, my name is betty and all the products i use make me break out or are irritating. can i use resurgence on my sensitive skin? >> absolutely. we have ingredients like avocado, wild yams, soy extracts... many agents that soothe the skin and make it feel wonderful. so it really works well for somebody who has sensitive skin as well as hormonal aging. >> all right, we've got another question out there. what's your name? >> i'm davina, thank you joan and dr. murad. i see a lot of the skin care infomercials and i'm wondering what makes resurgence better than the other products that are available on the market today? >> o.k., wait a second. may i step in on this one? >> o.k. [laughter] >> o.k., because it really matters to me. it is based on one thing only: results. >> dr. murad: and really, it's not typical of
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infomercials, because it's based on years of research, years of actually looking at patients and seeing the results and looking at all the different attributes of the formula, making sure it was something that was perfect for what hormonal aging is. >> when i heard about hormonal aging, i really didn't know that much about it and it was great to learn more about it and i thought, "well, i'm 39, could i really have hormonal aging, is this what's going on?" and it was great to find a product that actually helps fight hormonal aging. >> at 48 years old, i was gonna give up. my skin was dry, dull, spotty and i started looking like my mother. sorry, mom. i thought, well, maybe this is what i'm supposed to be, i mean, there wasn't a whole lot i could do. but since i started using the resurgence product, i look younger, i feel better, i feel better about myself. i know that i'm gonna use this product for the rest of my life. >> the wrinkles have disappeared and the suppleness has returned. my husband actually cupped my
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face in his hands and said, "girl, you've never looked better." >> female announcer: now it's your turn to get skin this beautiful with murad resurgence. resurgence is the only comprehensive skin care line specifically designed to target all the signs of hormonally aging skin. in just three simple steps, you can exfoliate dry, dead skin cells, help stimulate collagen production, and lock in hydration the very first time you use it. through this exclusive television offer you can get a full 30-day supply of resurgence for only $39.95! and we'll send you murad's get the glow bonus package, over a $65 value, absolutely free. >> male announcer: for the first time ever, this bonus package includes our brand-new resurgence firming mask, but you have to call in the next 12 minutes. the resurgence firming mask just hit the shelves a few months ago and has the power to soften lines and firm your skin in just 10 minutes! and today, on this program only, it can be yours for free! this offer is not available in
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stores, so call now! >> there was a glow to the skin that wasn't there before. my skin felt firmer, and for 10 minutes, that's really amazing. >> male announcer: you'll also get an upgrade to priority shipping absolutely free. and with murad's 60-day money back guarantee, there's nothing to lose. if you're not 100% thrilled with your results, return the products for a full refund of the purchase price. keep the free gifts just for trying resurgence. >> female announcer: but wait! we can't offer this deal forever. if you've thought about trying resurgence, call now because this is the last chance to get this offer, and it's only available on today's program. supplies are limited, so don't wait! >> male announcer: call the number on your screen or go to right now and discover murad resurgence and the beautiful skin you deserve. [♪...] >> one of my main jobs as a stuntwoman is doubling an 18-year-old. i've doubled for a lot of actually kids' shows and teen shows. my skin takes a beating on a regular basis. doubling young people is my
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bread and butter, and resurgence is really gonna help me to continue to look young, and i like to take very good care of my skin because i'm still a woman at the end of the day, even though i do stunts. >> my a-ha moment when i knew resurgence was something special was when my "spa girlfriend", the one who's tried every expensive product under the sun, after i'd only been using the product one week, came up to me and went, "what are you doing? what are you on? what have you done? what have you had done?" and i go, "oh, it's the new resurgence line that i'm using." >> there's a certain point where you think, i'm just getting older, there's nothing i can do. but it's so wonderful to find something that makes it softer, that makes it easier, there is something i can do. i'm not going to look 30, i don't expect to look 30, i don't even want to-- but to look young for my age is great. thank you, dr. murad, for caring about women of all ages. >> now, doctor, i know that you and your team at murad get thousands of letters from women, but they shared one with me that i want to take a moment and just
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share it with all of you today. "being a four-time breast cancer survivor, i honestly can say, i'm very careful what i put on my skin and murad resurgence is the only thing i will use for the rest of my life. i love it and thanks again for creating such an amazing product. yours truly, carolyn." let us all welcome carolyn. [cheering and applause] so glad to have you here. >> dr. murad: thank you for that letter... amazing! >> you really are the essence of what it means to take care of yourself. >> i've been through a lot. four-time cancer survivor, but i can honestly say, dr. murad, i cannot thank you enough because the product is amazing. sick as i was, i brought all my resurgence products and i would climb out of my hospital bed and put the resurgence on. and the nurses would come in and they'd say, "you'd never know what you've been through because you look so healthy. what are you using on
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your skin?" so i said, "well, let me tell you about it." [laughter] >> it's so powerful when you get up in the morning and you look in that mirror-- >> that's right. >> and that woman looking back at you just has that glow. >> i've never felt so good. i feel 10 years younger and i cannot believe-- you're right, when i look in the mirror, i look... "wow, i look like i did maybe even 15 or 20 years ago." i said, "jeez, i feel good!" >> seriously, it created your own little personal resurgence. >> absolutely. i really watch what i put on my skin. when i read all the ingredients that was in resurgence, i thought, this is the product for me. >> being a pharmacist, the r.x. stands for recipe, so my recipe of adding all of these things together and have the perfect blend that makes such a unique difference in everybody's skin. and you're like the poster child. you're the one that looks like-- >> joan: you are like the poster child. >> in just one night, i noticed a difference. it makes you feel great. so i'd like to get it and have a whole bath in it. [laughter] [cheering and applause]
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>> joan: most of us would never leave the house without makeup, let alone appear on national tv without even a drop of concealer. but this group of daring women did just that as they bared all for our cameras and for murad's state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. the women had their skin analyzed and measured for wrinkles, skin texture and hydration before and after 30 days of using resurgence. >> woman: the number of wrinkles on your face has decreased by more than 50%. >> dr. murad: unbelievable! look at this! >> i am so thrilled. thank you so much! >> joan: after just 30 days, an astonishing 93.9% of participants saw a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 96% reported firmer skin and an incredible 100% experienced improvement in overall skin hydration. [beep] >> technician: you're at 52-- >> oh my god! 52?!
4:19 am worked! [laughs] i mean, i can't say anything-- it works! what more can i say? the numbers prove it, my skin looks good, so it works. >> i will never put anything else on my skin other than resurgence for the rest of my life, and i can't believe i'm saying that on national tv with no makeup, but it's true. >> it's just this healthy, hydrated look and i love that. >> i feel younger, i look younger-- i love how my skin looks! >> i'm 52 and i have a nine-year-old daughter, i'm an older mom, so when i go to the school to pick up, i'm probably with around 30- to 32-year-olds. i have seen dramatic results in less than 30 days. a lot of the moms have come up to me and said, "josie, what are you doing to yourself?" it's just, it's been exciting and my daughter marissa is like, "my mom's doing something really different!" it is the best product i've ever seen. >> i've seen firsthand what resurgence has done for my skin and all of you deserve your own personal resurgence, too. and on that note, i have a little bit of a surprise today
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for everyone in our studio audience. you are all going home today with a special gift from dr. murad! [loud cheering and applause] joan: aww... and to all of you at home, if you haven't already, it is my hope that you will be inspired to join the growing resurgence phenomenon that is sweeping the nation. thanks for joining us today. [applause] >> female announcer: what does it take to get skin this beautiful? just one thing: murad resurgence. resurgence is the only comprehensive skin care line specifically designed to target all the signs of hormonally aging skin. >> male announcer: murad resurgence has earned four good housekeeping seals, so you can feel confident knowing that you've made the best choice for your skin. >> female announcer: in just three simple steps, you can exfoliate dry, dead skin cells, help stimulate collagen production and lock in hydration
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the very first time you use it. murad resurgence is perfect for women of every skin type and every ethnicity, and brings out that beautiful, healthy, glowing skin murad is famous for. >> male announcer: you could spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on painful procedures without achieving the lasting results you're looking for. sold separately at retail, the regular price of resurgence is $182, but when you call now and buy direct from our warehouse, you can restore your youthful glow with a full 30-day supply of resurgence for only $49.95. you won't see this offer anywhere else. >> female announcer: and for a limited time only, we're going to take an additional $10 off. that means you get the full resurgence kit for only $39.95. we'll also send you over $65 in free gifts. the murad get the glow bonus package includes the soothing sheer lustre day moisture with s.p.f. 15 and the renewing eye cream. >> male announcer: but wait! here's your free offer. for the first time ever we're
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going to give you a two-week supply of dr. murad's brand-new resurgence firming mask, specifically formulated for hormonally aging skin. this product is absolutely free, but only for an extremely limited time, so you have to call in the next six minutes. >> female announcer: the resurgence firming mask just hit the shelves a few months ago and is already a customer favorite because it has the power to soften lines and firm your skin in just 10 minutes. and today, on this program only, it can be yours for free! this offer is not available in stores, so call now. >> male announcer: plus, you get an upgrade to priority shipping absolutely free. >> female announcer: murad products are never tested on animals, and all of our packaging is recyclable. >> male announcer: resurgence is backed by our unconditional 60-day money back guarantee. if you're not thrilled with your results, simply return the products for a full refund of the purchase price. that's how confident we are that you're going to love murad resurgence. keep the free gifts, including the brand-new firming mask, just for trying resurgence.
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>> female announcer: but wait! we can't offer this deal forever. if you've thought about trying resurgence, call now because this is the last chance to get this offer, and it's only available on today's program. supplies are limited, so don't wait! >> i am absolutely blown away to see what a difference it's made in such a short time. >> in two weeks you're going to notice a difference, much less 30 days. so for the skeptics, if you've tried everything else, o.k., so add this to the list. murad resurgence, number 334, and the last. [♪...] call or go online now. [♪...] >> male announcer: the preceding was a paid presentation for murad resurgence.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for dermawand, brought to you by international commercial television. [♪...] >> hi, i'm lisa varga. i'm 40 years old, i've never had cosmetic surgery and i'm not afraid of high definition cameras. bring them in closer, guys. closer. good. now, do you want your skin to look as youthful, fresh and line-free as it can? well, get ready, because i'm going to share with you right now something every woman should be doing and the one thing i do every single day. what is it? well, 3-1/2 years ago, i first began using my radio frequency dermawand. why? because it delivers real results. and talk about results. here's a picture of dermawand's developer, christina boves.
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to prove it worked, she used it on just one side of her face for 12 weeks. look how the eyebrow appears to have lifted and the bags, the lines, the folds and wrinkles all around the eye area appear greatly diminished. the laugh line appears minimized and cheek puffiness also appears visibly reduced. even pore size looks smaller. the side treated with the dermawand clearly shows a more rejuvenated appearance and looks more lifted, toned and tightened. this picture was taken when she was 42. now here's christina today, 16 years later ,with no surgical facelifts, looking tight, lifted and absolutely great... at 58! and you too can get fabulous results in your very own home with the dermawand. we're so confident that dermawand will work for you, we're going to show you live the type of results that the dermawand can deliver. and here to help us is dermawand skin care specialist
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stella riches. >> thanks, lisa. now, i've asked production to take still shots of each of our models so that you can see these remarkable live results. this is julie. she's been modeling in europe and in the u.s. for how long now, julie? >> over 30 years. >> 30 years, wow, o.k. first julie's going to go ahead and show how dermawand provides instant stimulation for eye lifts and then she's going to continue working on just one side of the face. so go ahead and take a look at that, julie. just keep going. [gentle buzzing] oh, i'm already seeing some results here. how long have you been using the dermawand? >> over eight years, now. and my skin is better now at the age of 53 than it was when i was 33 years old. >> wow, look at that! look at julie's eyebrow. it really appears to be lifted and then look at the whole eye area. it now has volume and it's just opened right up. i mean, look at the difference. and then look in these other areas that i want you to notice. like she doesn't have crow's feet, and trust me, if you want
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to reduce the appearance of crow's feet, you need to look at the dermawand. it's going to do it for you. i mean, look around julie's chin line and look at the cheek area. look at the corner of the mouth. i mean, her skin seems to be completely lifted. and, julie was a smoker for 20 years and dermawand has minimized the look of those little vertical smoker's lines around her lips. i mean, her skin seems to be completely lifted. so, if you take a look at julie's before shot next to her live shot, there's the radio frequency effect that is exclusively dermawand. >> look, you can get radio frequency treatments from doctors and specialists who have large professional machines like this one, but it takes multiple office visits to be effective and a series of treatments can cost over $3,500. they're just not practical for daily use. with dermawand, we've put the same radio frequency technology into a smaller unit with a lower amplitude that's perfect for
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everyday home use. it's a fraction of the cost and it will tone, tighten, lift and give you the gift of younger-looking skin. in fact, dermawand will take years off your appearance and the best part is, it only takes three minutes a treatment. >> what i do involves a lot with the skin, and it's amazing the difference that i can actually see in patients that have had the dermawand or had this type of treatment versus those that have not. >> now, i'm often asked, "is it too late for my skin?" no, it's never too late. in fact, the worse your skin is, the better you're going to love the results. here's barbara, age 65-- acute, saggy, damaged skin and an unfortunate chin and neck area. now, look at the after. see how the skin appears tightened and under and around the side of the neck and see the new look under her chin? these are the type of results that radio wave frequency technology of dermawand
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can deliver. >> i love the way my skin feels after a treatment and after six weeks, i couldn't believe the difference. remember, i'm 65 years old, and thanks to dermawand, i know i look great. all i can say is without dermawand, i'd still be hiding behind the scarves. now i don't. >> well, first of all, i'd like to tell you i'm 62 years old and i've been using my dermawand for eight years now, and i love how it makes my skin feel. my friends say i look great and i believe them. i know my skin looks great, the tone is there, i have a youthful glow and with one product i never want to be without. i love my dermawand. >> dermawand works because it delivers gentle micro current in the radio frequency spectrum. it stimulates your skin's surface at up to 168,000 cycles per second. the dermawand delivers you a gentle massage. massage helps improve your circulation, assisting to bring fresh oxygen, blood and vital nutrients to your
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skin's surface. secondly, the gentle micro current delivers thermal energy to the dermal areas under your skin's surface and increasing dermal skin temperature may help support the skin's natural, healthy look. and it gives off enriched oxygen, which bathes your skin while you're using it. now, you'll recognize the smell: it's that fresh, clean after-a-rainstorm fragrance. enriched oxygen is a natural cleanser and it helps give you a glowing, youthful appearance. >> the entertainment business is all about how young you look. and with the dermawand, i feel like i have a fighting chance. i use it every night faithfully. my skin glows. it's all uplifted. it smells good. it's just a great, fresh feeling and when i'm done, i feel that i've done the very best thing that i possibly can for my skin, and when i look in the mirror, i know i have... 'cause i just, i love it. i can't tell you enough about how much i love my dermawand. >> use dermawand anywhere you've got faded, unattractive skin--
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on your neck, your chest, the back of your arms. with a good firming cream, you'll do wonders for the back of your legs. also, if you've had cosmetic surgery or injections, you really should be having some type of radio frequency treatment as a maintenance program, and dermawand is perfect for that. and it's great to help men take years off their appearance. now look at this. here's bonnie. at only 40, gravity has really damaged her appearance. now, here she is after just 60 days' treatment with the dermawand. the depressions on her chin and lower mouth appear to have almost gone. nose-to-mouth lines look as though they've disappeared. her puffy cheeks seem gone, which makes her whole face seem so much thinner. the shape of her whole eye area appears dramatically changed. the hoods seem gone and the eye area around the top of both her eyes really looks opened up. her eyebrows appear lifted.
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in fact, the dermawand will take years off your appearance... and it only takes three minutes a treatment. >> the results i got are amazing. now that i've got dermawand skin, i'll never stop using it. >> and natalie would never be without the dermawand. [laughs] she's gonna use it not only on her eyes, but she's going to use it in the under-eye, around the cheekbone area. she's going to get those nose-to-mouth lines and go right in there. and then, natalie, go ahead and do the jawline as well. see, now i can already tell. natalie not only looks toned and tight, she looks hot, right? >> lisa: [laughs] stella, what you're doing is amazing. ladies, i am 40 years old and i feel i look better today than i ever have before, thanks to my dermawand. and i love the instant stimulation for my eye lifts, which i always do just before i go out, even over my makeup. over one million women and men have already purchased this in-home radio frequency wonder. and when you call, the dermawand you order today
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won't cost you a cent. that's right: the dermawand you order today will be yours free for 30 days. we won't even charge you for the shipping and handling for the first 30 days. use your dermawand free for 30 days to prove it'll give you the results you see in today's show. if it doesn't, put it back in the box and we'll pay the cost for you to send it back to us. ladies, that's a 100% risk-free trial. you've got absolutely nothing to lose except the appearance of your lines and wrinkles. so call or log on now and order your very own dermawand. and when we come back, we'll see some more stunning live results. now here's your chance to order. >> announcer: what if you could take years off your appearance with your own in-home radio frequency treatments? christina did on just one side of her face. look at the difference... and she was 42. now, here's christina today, 16 years later and no surgical facelifts, looking tight, lifted and great at 58!
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what if you could firm and redefine the appearance of your entire chin and neck line? barb has, and she's 65. what if you could reduce the look of puffy cheeks and nasal lines? cheryl has, and she's 58. and what if in seconds you could lift, open and dramatically improve the appearance of your eyes? well, julie did-- live-- and she's 53. and none of these women have had surgical facelifts. so how did they achieve these age-defying results? with the dermawand, the in-home radio frequency skin care phenomenon. a quick internet search will confirm that radio frequency is now considered one of the most effective non-invasive methods to reverse the signs of premature aging. and these big medical radio frequency machines work because they deliver thermal energy and stimulation, but only doctors and medical specialists can use them. and they need a series of treatments that can cost up to $3,500. with dermawand, we put the same
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radio frequency technology into a smaller unit with a lower amplitude that's perfect for everyday home use. and dermawand works because it also delivers thermal energy and stimulation. thermal energy may assist the natural regenerative process occurring in the lower levels of your skin, while dermawand's instant stimulation creates a massage effect. massage can help fresh oxygen and vital nutrients to your skin's surface. additionally, dermawand delivers enriched oxygen that cleanses and purifies the skin's surface to help reduce the appearance of pore size. creams and lotions are great and dermawand works with them all, but only dermawand has this special contoured tip for target-treating problem areas. this contoured tip delivers daily the three key elements of thermal energy, stulation and oxygenation, so you can perform a complete facial rejuvenation to help remove the look of puffy cheeks, bags, folds, lines and wrinkles, plus perform your very
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own non-surgical facelifts, saving you thousands of dollars. we've shown you live with no camera cuts, no computer touch-ups, that dermawand really works, and you heard what julie said. >> my skin is better now at the age of 53 than it was when i was 33 years old. >> announcer: dermawand normally costs $240, but you won't pay that price today, and when you order your dermawand, we'll include this handy purse for storage and travel worth $20, yours free. plus, you'll also receive this very special dvd, a $40 value. it's yours free to show you how simple dermawand is to use and how to target areas like eyes, jowls, neck, chest, arms, even the back of your legs. and christina guarantees your results. >> i promise, with my dermawand, you'll look years younger. and if doesn't do what i promise, put it back in the box, return it, and i'll refund your money in full. i can make this guarantee because i'm with you every step of the way. you can contact me online
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anytime, visit my blog and i'll personally answer all your questions, so dermawand will absolutely deliver the results that i promise. >> announcer: remember, a series of radio frequency treatments with those big machines that only doctors and medical specialists can use could cost you up to $3,500. but your dermawand treatments won't cost you $3,500, they won't even cost you $350, not even $250 and no, not even $200. dermawand is only four payments of $39.95. but wait-- if you order today, we'll drop one complete payment, making your dermawand just three easy payments of only $39.95. but wait-- there's still more! we're so confident that dermawand will work for you, if you call in the next 15 minutes, the dermawand you order today won't cost you a cent while you try it out. that's right, not a cent. it's yours free for 30 days. you won't even pay shipping and handling for the first 30 days.
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and if you're not entirely happy, we'll even pay return shipping. that's a 100% 30-day risk-free trial with the dermawand you order today. but we're not done yet. we'll also include dermavital pre-face to prepare your skin for maximum benefit from your dermawand. plus we'll include dermavital hydra support moisturizer. apply it directly after using your dermawand to prolong your dermawand results. also, you'll receive dermavital hydra infusion treatment & skin mist. just one drop is all you'll need. apply it after you moisturize, then spray on the mist and watch your skin's surface drink in this refreshing hydrator to replenish your complexion from the effects of dehydration. this clinical-quality dermavital system is specially formulated to work with your dermawand and normally costs $120, but it's yours today free when you order dermawand. just pay processing and handling. and it all comes with this guarantee: take a before picture of your face, use your dermawand for 30 days, then take an after
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picture and compare the two. if you're not convinced your skin's appearance looks fabulous and years younger with all the compliments you'll be receiving, return it for a full refund of the screen price. we'll even pay to ship it back. but keep the spa-quality dermavital skin care products as our free gift. you get the dermawand, the cosmetic bag, the watch-it-once dvd, the money-back guarantee, the dermavital pre-face treatment, the dermavital hydra support moisturizer, the dermavital hydra infusion beauty treatment and hydrating skin mist. that's a $360 value, all for just three easy payments of only $39.95. but remember, if you call in the next 15 minutes, you can try dermawand absolutely free for 30 days. that's right, you'll pay nothing for your dermawand, not even shipping and handling, for the first 30 days. if you're not entirely happy, we'll even pay return shipping. that's a 100% risk-free trial with the dermawand you order today. take years off your appearance
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and look fabulous with your dermawand. call or log on now. >> man: to participate in the 30-day free dermawand trial, call the number on your screen right now. you won't be charged anything, not even shipping and handling, for the dermawand you order today while you try it out for 30 days. so call the number on your screen now to take advantage of this incredible offer and take years off your appearance. don't miss this opportunity. call the number on your screen now. >> the dermawand is all about results, and we're here with stella riches to show you live. >> well, lisa, i'm going to introduce you to my friend, another lisa. lisa is not only a model, but she's also a licensed aesthetician and i know, lisa, you use dermawand on your clients. >> i use dermawand on all of my clients because they love the results. the nose-to-mouth lines diminished, the higher eyebrows. they love, love the results. >> and i know that it looks really good on you, but you know, if you don't tell the secret, i will. >> all right. i am the mother of a 22-year-old, all right?
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[stella laughs] and i know i do not look like it. and you know why? it's because of the dermawand. i will never go a day without it and this is why. watch this. >> stella: i mean, those are amazing results, right, lisa? >> lisa: they are incredible. >> stella: ladies, gravity is our big enemy, but that dull, slack and saggy skin that really makes us look aged and tired... well, we've got to pick it back up and breathe new life into your skin and that's why i use my dermawand in upward strokes every single day. i'm not afraid of my age-- i just want to look my best, with healthy, glowing, tight skin. so bring that camera in real close. look how tight my face is. now, come on in, come on in. close, close, close. look at my eyes. you don't see any crow's feet. none, nada, zippo. because every single day, i use my dermawand in this area. see? and look at my lips. look how my lips appear full, not thinning. again, because i wand them
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with the dermawand every day. ladies, i'm 50 this year. i've never had cosmetic procedures of any kind at all and i will never need to, thanks to my dermawand. use the dermawand's special contouring tip to help improve your appearance. you really can give yourself a new look. now, the first time you use the dermawand, simply plug it in. turn the toning dial to number three and use it on the back of your hand. get used to the sensation. try it on your face in circular and linear motions. it'll feel like little champagne bubbles all over your skin. keep increasing the toning dial, setting it each time that you use it to whatever's comfortable. it's that easy. >> one of the girls the other day said, "sally, are you using a different makeup?" and i have not told anyone at work about this at all. and i, you know, i said, "no, no, i'm not using a different makeup."
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and they said, "well, i don't know what you're doing, but you look younger." and i thought, "oh-ho," and it just made my day. [laughs] >> take advantage of this unique opportunity to purchase your dermawand. and the best part is you can try it 100% risk-free for 30 days. here's how to get yours. >> announcer: what if you could take years off your appearance with your own in-home radio frequency treatments? christina did on just one side of her face. look at the difference... and she was 42. now, here's christina today, 16 years later and no surgical facelifts, looking tight, lifted and great at 58! so how did she achieve these age-defying results? with the dermawand, the in-home radio frequency skin care phenomenon. radio frequency is one of the most effective methods to reverse the signs of premature aging. and these big medical radio frequency machines work because they deliver thermal energy and stimulation,
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but only doctors and medical specialists can use them. with dermawand, we put the same radio frequency technology into a smaller unit with a lower amplitude that's perfect for everyday home use. but only dermawand has this special contoured tip for target-treating problem areas. this contoured tip delivers daily the three key elements of thermal energy, stimulation and oxygenation so you can perform a complete facial rejuvenation to help remove the look of puffy cheeks, bags, folds, lines and wrinkles, plus perform your very own non-surgical facelifts, saving you thousands of dollars. dermawand normally costs $240, but you won't pay that price today. and when you order your dermawand, we'll include this handy purse, yours free. plus you'll also receive this dvd-- it's yours free to show you how to target areas like eyes, jowls, neck, chest, arms, even the back of your legs. remember, a series of radio
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frequency treatments with those big machines could cost you up to $3,500, but your dermawand treatments won't cost you $3,500. they won't even cost you $350, not even $250, and no, not even $200. dermawand is only four payments of $39.95. but wait-- if you order today, we'll drop one complete payment, making your dermawand just three easy payments of only $39.95. but wait-- if you call in the next 15 minutes, the dermawand you order today won't cost you a cent while you try it out. it's yours free for 30 days. you won't even pay shipping and handling for the first 30 days. and if you're not entirely happy, we'll even pay return shipping. that's a 100% 30-day risk-free trial with the dermawand you order today. plus, we'll include this clinical-quality dermavital system, specially formulated to work with your dermawand and normally costs $120, but it's yours today free
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when you order dermawand. just pay processing and handling. you get the dermawand, the cosmetic bag, the watch-it-once dvd, the money-back guarantee, the dermavital pre-face treatment, the dermavital hydra support moisturizer, the dermavital hydra infusion beauty treatment and hydrating skin mist. that's a $360 value, all for just three easy payments of only $39.95. but remember, if you call in the next 15 minutes, you can try dermawand absolutely free for 30 days. you'll pay nothing for your dermawand, not even shipping and handling, for the first 30 days. if you're not entirely happy, we'll even pay return shipping. that's a 100% risk-free trial with the dermawand you order today. take years off your appearance and look fabulous with your dermawand. call or log on now. >> man: to participate in the 30-day free dermawand trial, call the number on your screen right now. you won't be charged anything, not even shipping and handling,
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for the dermawand you order today. call the number on your screen now. >> welcome back. we're here with stella riches, who has been showing us how the radio frequency dermawand will tone, tighten, lift and give you the gift of younger-looking skin. >> you're right, lisa. we're here with my good friend claire. claire is 65 years young. claire, tell everyone why it is that you use the dermawand. >> i use the dermawand for myself-- it makes me feel younger and i feel beautiful. >> you are beautiful. look at her! and if you think these results are great, i want you to see what happened when i got these first-time dermawand users to treat just one side of their face for 21 days. watch this. >> woman: when i used the dermawand, i saw results immediately. i saw an instant eyelift on the brow. it just opened my face all up. i will use the dermawand daily, morning and evening because i can truly see the results.
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>> when i used the dermawand, my husband noticed a difference and he told me how wonderful i looked-- what did i do? it does give you more confidence, you feel more positive about yourself and um, i recommend it. >> with the dermawand, you can save yourself thousands of dollars and perform your own radio frequency treatments at home every day. remember, dermawand will tone, tighten, lift and give you the gift of younger-looking skin. in fact, the dermawand will take years off your appearance, and it only takes three minutes a treatment. >> today you have seen real, live results on women of every age group. this is your final opportunity to order your own dermawand right now. don't miss it. >> announcer: what if you could take years off your appearance with your own in-home radio frequency treatments? christina did on just one side of her face. look at the difference... and she was 42. now, here's christina today,
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16 years later and no surgical facelifts, looking tight, lifted and great at 58! so how did she achieve these age-defying results? with the dermawand, the in-home radio frequency skin care phenomenon. radio frequency is one of the most effective methods to reverse the signs of premature aging. and these big medical radio frequency machines work because they deliver thermal energy and stimulation, but only doctors and medical specialists can use them. with dermawand, we put the same radio frequency technology into a smaller unit with a lower amplitude that's perfect for everyday home use. but only dermawand has this special contoured tip for target-treating problem areas. this contoured tip delivers daily the three key elements of thermal energy, stimulation and oxygenation so you can perform a complete facial rejuvenation to help remove the look of puffy cheeks, bags, folds, lines and
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wrinkles, plus perform your very own non-surgical facelifts, saving you thousands of dollars. dermawand normally costs $240, but you won't pay that price today. and when you order your dermawand, we'll include this handy purse, yours free. plus you'll also receive this dvd-- it's yours free to show you how to target areas like eyes, jowls, neck, chest, arms, even the back of your legs. remember, a series of radio frequency treatments with those big machines could cost you up to $3,500, but your dermawand treatments won't cost you $3,500. they won't even cost you $350, not even $250, and no, not even $200. dermawand is only four payments of $39.95. but wait-- if you order today, we'll drop one complete payment, making your dermawand just three easy payments of only $39.95. but wait-- if you call in the
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next 15 minutes, the dmawand you order today won't cost you a cent while you try it out. it's yours free for 30 days. you won't even pay shipping and handling for the first 30 days. and if you're not entirely happy, we'll even pay return shipping. that's a 100% 30-day risk-free trial with the dermawand you order today. plus, we'll include this clinical-quality dermavital system, specially formulated to work with your dermawand and normally costs $120, but it's yours today free when you order dermawand. just pay processing and handling. you get the dermawand, the cosmetic bag, the watch-it-once dvd, the money-back guarantee, the dermavital pre-face treatment, the dermavital hydra support moisturizer, the dermavital hydra infusion beauty treatment and hydrating skin mist. that's a $360 value, all for just three easy payments of only $39.95. but remember, if you call in the next 15 minutes, you can try dermawand absolutely free
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for 30 days. you'll pay nothing for your dermawand, not even shipping and handling, for the first 30 days. if you're not entirely happy, we'll even pay return shipping. that's a 100% risk-free trial with the dermawand you order today. take years off your appearance and look fabulous with your dermawand. call or log on now. >> man: to participate in the 30-day free dermawand trial, call the number on your screen right now. you won't be charged anything, not even shipping and handling, for the dermawand you order today. call the number on your screen now. this has be a production for international commercial television, a publicly traded u.s. corporation. >> announcer: the preceding was a paid presentation for dermawand, brought to you by international commercial television.
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>> male announcer: the following is paid for and furnished by hair club for men and women. this station is not responsible for claims made in the following program. >> female announcer: when it comes to hair loss in women, the reasons why can be as varied as the women themselves. but there is one proven hair solution that has taken these women from this to this in as little as six weeks. it's not a wig and it's not a weave. it's their own hair, only better, thanks to the only nationwide company that specializes in female hair loss -- hair club for women. >> it's a life-changer. forever. >> eternally grateful to hair club. >> be bald for the rest of my life or go to hair club and get hair. it's like, "okay, probably i should go to hair club." >> and it has been the most freeing experience that i've ever had, really. >> for women, hair loss is an
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emotional experience and can be due to genetics, medications, hormones, and more. at hair club for women, we understand that and offer more than one solution to your hair loss. >> female announcer: at hair club for women, our caring consultants meet with you one-on-one to evaluate the level and type of your hair loss and offer a customized proven hair-loss solution that's just right for you. >> it's not cosmetic. it's not vanity. it is a necessity. >> it is. >> and we are very lucky and very blessed, i think. >> baseball hat is not an accessory. it is not an accessory. >> because they know how much they're helping people. they know how much they're changing lives. >> hear, hear to hair club. >> female announcer: hair club for women is recognized the world over as the gold standard in proven hair-loss solutions. and you won't find our groundbreaking technologies anywhere else but hair club. call our toll-free number now or visit our website at we'll send you this informative, for-women-only brochure with all the information you need to look, feel, and act younger than
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your years. and for a limited time, when you call or visit hair club today for your free private consultation, you can receive a $250 microscopic hair-and-scalp analysis absolutely free. you too can go from this to this with hair club for women. >> all: we called hair club, and we're glad we did. >> ♪ oh, yeah ♪ yeah, yeah, yea >> male announcer: hair club. we do it all. for you. >> 80% of feeling good is looking good. >> i love my hair. i love how i feel about my hair. >> hair club is the only thing that's gonna allow me to do the things in life that i want to do with confidence.
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>> i can do anything with my hair -- jump out of the shower, curl my hair, flat-iron my hair. >> i am more pleased than what i had even imagined. >> now i go anywhere, do anything, with confidence. even on a really bad day, you never, ever have a bad hair day. >> getting my hair back was the best thing that ever happened to me. >> i love my hair. i love how i feel about my hair. >> i'm 52, and i look better now than i did when i was in my 40s. >> hi. i'm tom wainman, and i'm here to talk to you today about a company that has helped thousands of people look and feel great. for more than 30 years, hair club has offered hair-loss solutions to men and women who are fed up with thinning hair, hair loss, and the low self-esteem that can come with it. hair club is the leading provider of proven hair-loss solutions in north america. although many companies on tv and the internet claim they can regrow hair with miracle cures, are focused on only one product or solution, most of these claims are either biased or
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unproven. hair club is not about one product, one shampoo, or a miracle cure. hair club is about all proven hair-loss solutions. hair club is a real company, and they guarantee their work. hair club staff includes researchers, world-class hair stylists, a network of physicians, and trained hair-loss consultants, experts. real people who love what they do and aspire to help others. during this show, you'll meet these unique individuals. most important, you'll meet real clients who, like many of you, wanted to do something about their hair loss. are you ready to do something about your thinning hair? if you're ready to act or even just find out more about hair loss, hair club is ready to help. stay tuned and you'll learn more about this unique company and the thousands of people hair club has helped to get their hair back. >> went to hair club. they made me look great. look at me. i feel good. >> i look younger. i feel younger, too. and to me, that's everything in the world. >> myself, i'm 45 years old. and, youno
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