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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  November 12, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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offended you yet? it's time for the family guy to kick it up a notch. the emperor of impert nans tackles immigration. it focuses on the family of an industrious mexican imgramt living next door to a border patrol ajent. >> and a new role for case becken sales. cnn reporter in the amanda knox movie? filming begins next week of "face of an angel." the production promises to be ripe with controversy. but the sale isn't worried about over-zealous fans. i've done three films dressed head to toe in latex. pop culture, hotter than latex pants on the hot list. >> goog lgoogle, the digital bes
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upgraded and less terms of endearment and more terms of endorsement. connor, what's the deal? congratyulelations on your new endorsement deal with google. on monday, google chaked their terms of service to allow the company to utilize google plus users names and photos. it's called a shared endorsement. but, now, instead of just being an ad for a chinese rest rant, you might also see a picture of your friend and a positive review. like a lot of the services google provides, it's a mix of help ful and creepy. eormes are only with a google plus account. even if you don't use google plus, you might have an acount. google pluses the plus sign
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pretty hard. you do have the option to disable shared endorsements. it probably won't begin for most folks until they see one of these ads. from reactions people see online, it just freaks people out. >> thank you, connor. you want to look 10 years younger? that's cra-cra. but we can make you sound 10 years younger. >> is fresh still fresh? >> we're knocking tenl years off of your vocabulary on the break down. >>. >> can you define swag? >> if my kids were here, they would. swag would be something hanging down, like a drapery. >> well, to me, swag means jewelry. >> do you have swag? >> do i? no. very little.
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>> swag is the type of style you have. the type of clothes you wear. >> justin bieber uses it and he calls it swaggie. >> i had it. i took ten-day course of antibuy o antibuyoltices and i felt fine ever since. >> how about cra-cra? >> it sounds like a type of food. >> a loot of you on craig's list are cra-cra. >> disco is straight up cra-cra. >> can you define yolo? >> oh, i've heard that, but no, i can't. >> let's go on a crazy trip to the grand connon. >> it's november and the phone is really cold.
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we're just going to go into it. the speed limit is 45 and i'm going to go 50. >> that was good. you're going to use yolo in a phrase with your grand kids. >> you only live once. do it right the first time. >> swinging the swang on the break down. >> if you want to have swag, you've got to be up on the day east most viral videos. with searched the internet and here are the day's best. >> viralist. first up, take a leak. check out this awesome video of a guy wearing a wing suit flying through the the canyon. he looks up to check on his friends. and then his parachute opens and he screams for success. next, let him tumble with other handy dandy tricks. this domino effect video shows about 25,000 pieces falling together.
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this whole video took the builders three months to compose. very hypnotic. lastly, the cat is in the cube. fooling this cat isn't that hard, especially when you have a cube hat. the kitty wants to get at that toy. but there's just one barrier in the way. finally, a little peek outside. and success. woody whiskers on the viralist. feel like your treadmill workouts right-hand turn going anywhere? we'll show you how to get more mileage running in place. and,au:mñ later, get baby soft from a can. coming um, on "the list. >> if you're looking for ways to afd by the typhoon in the fill feens, here's a list of how. the american red cross.
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the philippine red cross. un unicef.
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you, uh, here for the interview? yeah... is that...? it is! (sigh) naomi, i take it? i'm tracey. your résumé is fantastic... (slurping) with authentic, expertly crafted roasts and legendary brews, eight o'clock is the coffee for those who put coffee first. (slurp) (whirring)
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>> last week, if you didn't see every list, here's what you might have missed. >> these travel ads, you'll know as much as you can without a tour divide. how much to tip everybody on your list this season, the list. you keep watching, we'll keep making more. >> i'm matt galant and this is theresa strosser. there are only a couple things i can't stand in the world, candy corns and returning on a treadmill. squl i've got to tell you, if candy corn, it's a writeoff. but we oov got ways to jazz up your treadmill card owe. >> sick of card owe, card owe, card owe? is there anything else i can do
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on the treadmill it's so boring. >> you can get on the tread mile,me mile,ment. >> the best ways to get more excitement and more results on the treadmill. with the incline, it basically makes it harder. >> the first way to trick out the treadmill? add a lunch. we're going to lunge where we make sure we drop our knee every time and head straight. >> now i'm starting to get sore now. >> nerks, try it sideways. >> we're going to make sure we get our footing right. >> when i played for the patriots. >> there you go. walk the treadmill backwards. >> this gives you a nice spot right here. you're going to go ahead, watch, keep it sliegtly bent and keep on your toes right here. >> is anybody looking alt me like i'm nuts? >> i hope so. that means you're doing
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something to get their attention. >> kick chris up your card owe on the fit list. >> one way to get a bad workt? overpack a suitcase. it can cost extra money to fly, much of a travel burden as an uncle with bunions. >> overpacking is easy to do and expensive. >> we overload that suitcase and we just cram it shut with the scripper screaming to let loose. >> unless you are iron man, there's a good chance you don't need everything in that suitcase. bags over 50 pounds will cost you around $100 one way. >> we've seen the burden over
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the biggest bag with too much clothes and you end up with a lot of things that you don't need or dompblt use. >> the number one rule, try to get it all on a single carry on. checked back a baggage starts at $25 per bag and duos up. >> he did it by packing in compartments and folds, don't roll. also, minimize the shoes. >> with ladies, it's always shoes. they pack their biggest shoes, their biggest pair of boots. >> and pack three days worth of supplies. after that, you buy locally. >> that's part of the adventure. you go out and find shampoo. >> take some time to pack. for "the last kwgts. >> now, some guys who turn their personal baggage into our pleasure. the late-night talk show host. we watched them all and take the day's best. >> in a new interview today,
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sarah palin refused to endorse chris christie. afterwards, he told palin, thanks, i owe you one. >> this is slightly less jitter ri than the real mayor. his office ordered a thousand of these before the mayor admitted smoking crack. i don't know who decided this, but this is what it actually looks like. it appears to be a slightly husky version. >> friday, joe biden took an amtrak train to delaware and wound up sitting next to whoopie goldberg. look at that. isn't that great? biden said what's it like making millions of americans laugh every day.
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she said i was go toing ask you the same question. >> a civilian to lead the nsa? and here's the great part. if you're interested, no need to submit a resume. that he eve got all the information already. they'll call you. >> this is walk score's list of the most walkable city in the urs. number 4, philadelphia. number 3, boston. number 2, san francisco. and [ male announcer ] brace yourself
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for mcdonald's bold, new jalapeno kicker premium chicken sandwich. and the not too shy jalapeno kicker quarter pounder. the heat comes at you from layers of jalapeno crisps, jalapeno slices, pepper jack cheese... and a cool creamy sauce
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that kicks in right when you need it. new jalapeno kicker sandwiches, only for a limited time. there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. ♪ you're on "the list." justin timberlake will not leave us alone and i think we're okay with that. nicki mayo has details on his big encore around baltimore. >> reporter: at number one --
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♪ >> reporter: justin timberlake is coming around again. the singer just announced plans to brings sexy back to the charm city july 14th at the baltimore arena as part of his extended 2020 experience tour. ♪ >> reporter: so if you are looking to take back the night, tickets go on sale, monday the 18th. at number two, book lovers are buzzing about dr. wayne anderson's new healthy manual discover your optimal health. >> you are the one who is responsible. >> reporter: the book made the new york times best seller. >> what i found if i can realize health is a priority, it made all of the difference in their life. >> reporter: he says programs like his take shake for life and medifast promote mind over matter which really helps when you are fighting off all those
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ooey-gooey holiday treats. discover your optimal available is available now. at number three, better jump on buying that new home soon. according to a recent study, baltimore's housing prices are booming. they list buyers are planning on staying put in the new home for decades. so they don't mind paying extra. in the last year alone, home prices have increased 16%, spiking at $262,700 and the number of days homes are on sale is only 46. happy house hunting. i'm nicki mayo. get the celebrity glow with stuff you already have in your kitchen -- coming up next on "the list."
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>> armani, gucci, chanel, those are brands you can buy to look rich. the problem is, most of us cannot afford those. luckily for you, joni shows us how to look cleek on a shoe string -- chic on a shoe string. >> just hearing those brand names makes me feel too broke for the ball. good thing there was a new book written lou to look exsphynxive. >> i can show you how without breaking the bank.
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>> it's not expensive to make a blush sandwich. >> start with bronzer, add a cream blush and highlighter from the drugstore and soon you will glow like a star. she showed it off on a model, than me. next guys and gals can get a glow going from the inside out with a green smoothie. >> drink it every day and your skin will be glowing and smooth. >> coconut milk. it's good for your skin and hair. >> another food related tip, a green tea popsicle on your face. >> it's like using an anti oxidant. >> and a treat for the kids. >> you can't look expensive without some high-tone hair. all you need is a powder and a spray. in less than a minute, your
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many will look as -- your mane will look at beverly hills beautiful as the rest of you. >> if i can't get ahold of a green drink, does a shamrock shake count? it's green. >> it might. hey, thanks for watching "the list." here's what's much for tomorrow. snoofl in a galaxy very, very near, it's a period of battle, bastions of energy face off but only one can win. energy bar wars tomorrow on "the list."
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hello everybody. i'm kevin pereira. this is "let's ask america." you don't even have to leave your house to win $50,000. people all across america on their web cams. let's see who we have today. from michigan, it's jay. from california, it's shacara. from florida, it's aaron. welcome to the show everybody. so good to see you. you know how this works. all you have to do is figure out america's opinions on all kinds of crazy topics. and then you could win $50,000. it's that easy. you guys ready to play? all right. let's get into it. first question is worth $100.
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here are the two possible answers. voting or drinking. the question is, what recently acquired privilege did people in their 20s say that they'd rather give up? is it voting or drinking? everybody's got their answers. contestants, go ahead and flip those cards. let's see what you picked. oh rk everybody says voting. for $100 the correct answer with 73% of the vote they said drinking, guys. come on. come on. nobody gets the hundred bucks. and nobody believes the poll. we're going to move on. our next question is worth $200. so anyone can move into the lead because nobody has any money. two possible answers here are blue or brown. and the question is which eye color did people with brown eyes say is more beautiful? is it blue or brown?
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tell me about yourself. >> hi. i'm originally from detroit, michigan. i now live in california. by day i'm a famed auditor. and by night i do open mic night and karaoke. as you can see. >> can you do some for us? >> i got something for you. the best hope in the west coast, kevin pereira now rocking with contestant tikara, new car keys, trips overseas, i dare you to touch that dial because this is "let's ask america" hip hop style. >> what? if i -- someone hand me a microphone so i can drop it for you. that was fantastic. thank you. now, let's win you some cash, shall we? >> okay. >> everybody go ahead and flip your cards.
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oh, we got blue four ways. audience, do you agree? oh, for $200 the correct answer with 63% of the vote they said blue. yes, you all got it. all right. so everybody's got 200 bucks. our next question is worth $300. two possible answers here are shoes without socks or pants without underwear. and the question is, men admitted that they're more likely to leave the house wearing which of these? is it shoes without socks or pants without understood wear? all right. aaron, your background screams the manliest of men. i see power tools back there. i can name two of them myself. where are you playing from, aaron? >> what's up, kev, i'm playing from my tool room. i got tools all over the place. >> got to store them somewhere. aaron, do you use those tools? what's your day job? >> i'm a handyman by trade.
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i can fix anything, but i've also been married for five years, got a 3-year-old daughter and another one on the way. >> oh, congratulations. let's see what you picked, aaron. in fact, everybody go ahead and flip your cards. is it shoes without socks or pants without undies? the women are split. i don't know who the women have been dating, but they say pants without undies. the correct answer with of the vote is shoes without socks. you are tied with $200 a piece. this is the final question of the round which means you need this correct to stay in the game. and this is worth $400. so good luck. two possible answers here are funny or smart. the question is, what word did men say they were more likely to use to compliment an


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