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tv   News 9 at Five  ABC  October 8, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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josh: police say they have a new reason to worry about a missing manchester woman after the man she may have disappeared with killed himself. i'm josh mcelveen. jennifer: i'm jennifer vaughn. sue hutchinson and steven andrade disappeared last month, but andrade's body was found in a tewksbury motel. the two lived together on kalif road, but manchester police started to investigate after family members say hutchinson disappeared on september 20. then on tuesday, 36-year-old steven andrade's body was found in a motel 6 in tewksbury. he apparently had shot himself. manchester police say andrade was last seen driving hutch i son's silver bmw, which was found monday in merrimack. police don't yet know if hutchinson was in that motel room, but manchester police chief willard says andrade's apparent suicide makes him more concerned that something bad may have happened to her.
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>> we're deeply sorry, our condolences to steven andrade's family, and we concerned for sue hutchinson's safety. >> i hope she's still alive, but it doesn't sound very good. i've never talked to her before, but i've seen her outside a lot. jennifer: police say andrade had been dating hutchinson's daughter, although the two broke up they say there were no reported problems between hutchinson and andrade. if you have any information, call manchester police. josh: quite the scene on the seacoast as several fire departments responded to a fire at a hotel near hampton beach today. shelley walcott is here with the story. reporter: the fire shut down ocean boulevard for a while this afternoon. it happened at the beach view inn, near jay street. smoke could be seen billowing from the hotel. hotel guests and others staying nearby were evacuated. cars were redirected around the fire through the beach parking lot. the hampton fire chief gave us
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more details on where the fire may have started in that hotel. >> the main damage was to the third floor and attic, primarily, and water damage below. reporter: the good news is that no one was hurt and crews were able to contain that fire. live in the studio, shelley walcott. jennifer: prosecutors have filed their response to a request by lawyers for owen labrie to have his felony conviction set aside. the former st. paul school student was convict in august of several charges related to the assault of a 15-year-old freshman during a tradition called the senior salute. andy hershberger has more. reporter: the state's response to the defense motion to set aside the guilty verdict basically says the laws were written a certain way for a reason and should be followed to the letter. labrie was found guilty of file charges related to the sexual assault of a teenager at a concord prep school, the most serious crime was a felony of certain uses of computer
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he used a computer to lure a 15-year-old into the sexual assault. defense lawyers argue that the law wasn't meant to apply to two teenagers who knew each other. they also say the fact that labrie will have to register for life as a sex offender is too harsh. the state's response says the law isn't limited to strangers who meet online and that the statute is clear about the registration requirements. no timetable has been given for the judge's ruling. andy hershberger, wmur news 9. josh: a man accused of assaulting a chide in merrimack has pleaded guilty. police say the 20-year-old chase march dropped the baby onto the floor. he was sentenced to eight days and must attend parenting classes. the good news is the baby is expected to be okay. jennifer: the president of new england's largest family owned funeral home is speaking out about tin crease in heroin
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related deaths that they've been seeing. buddy fanuf says they've responded to 50 opioid death this is year, most of them heroin overdoses, the average age 32, the majority have been women. he says families have also been using obituaries and social media to tell others about the dangers of the drug. >> families are using a really tragic event as a way to educate the public and saying this is what happened to my son, this is what happened to my dad, we don't want it to happen again. jennifer: a recent poll listed hayley: as the number one problem facing the state. knocking the economy from the top of the list for the first time in nearly a decade. news 9 is committed to continuing coverage of the heroin epidemic here in new hampshire. you can track the issue right along with us on the air and online. follow us on facebook and twitter for the efforts under
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stories too. josh: in washington, new hampshire's members of congress submitted legislation call for the creation of a task force focused on the heroin epidemic. begin that and kuster coauthored the bill which would also reauthorize federal funding geared to addiction treatment and education. but this also comes as new poll numbers show that both guinta and kuster each have problems within their districts. >> two-term congresswoman kuster hell best policy numbers have been on election day and that's a good thing, because the rest of the year has been a struggle. >> kuster is still not popular in the second district. she has been under water in terms of her favorability year. josh: once again that is the case as kuster is four points under water weather a 29% favorable rating, 33% unfavorable. but unlike her counterpart in
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no declared challengers or the baggage of an illegal campaign contribution scandal, something guinta is trying to work through. >> guinta has been campaigning for the 2016 election as if this was going to go away, but it's not. josh: it's gotten worse since july. now a full half of the electorate agrees with senator ayotte that guinta should resign now as a result of the scandal. that is six points higher than july. and there's more evidence that would seem to make a guinta turn around a long shot at best. >> 56% say they would definitely vote for some other candidate. josh: so far a pair of democratic challengers have emerged for guinta, former congresswoman carol shea-porter is back and seven points on the plus side. newcomer sean o'connor is still voters. far as the republican primary goes and the challengers there for frank guinta, a pair of
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play, 2014 candidate dan innis appears to be all but in, while former b.a. executive is also receiving encouragement to run. jennifer: a shakeup on the hill, the g.o.p. race for house speaker goes into a tail spin after the frontrunner abruptly drops out. aixa diaz in our washington bureau to tell us how this sets up a showdown between moderate republicans and hard line conservatives. reporter: house republicans were ready to nominate their candidate for speaker today, when the man many believed to be chosen made a surprising announcement. >> if we are going to unite and be strong, we need a new face to help do that. reporter: house majority leader kevin mccarthy shocked washington when he announced he's withdrawing from the race for speaker. >> i think the best thing for our party right now is to have 247 votes on the floor. if we are going to be strong, we got to be 100% united. reporter: the next speaker needs a 218 vote majority to win the
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job. >> we need to have a lot more family discussion, because we need to find somebody that our whole body can unite behind and do what we were elected to do. reporter: mccarthy faced opposition from conservative hard liners who said they won't back him during the full house vote october 29. >> it's not going to be easy for anyone to bring all factions of the republican party together. reporter: the political analyst says the g.o.p. could suffer if it doesn't come together and show solidarity now. >> for the republicans to somehow shut their doors and get their act together and present, whether it's true or not, a united face. reporter: it could cause longer term issues for congress. >> as long as they continue to be worried about that criticism from the far right, they're going to struggle to demonstrate to the american people that they actually are suited to govern. reporter: john boehner who announced last mob he'd be resigning as speaker at the en of october says he'll continue serving in that role until his
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successor is elected. aixa diaz, wmur news 9. josh: now that maggie hassan has set her sights on the u.s. senate, a democratic candidate has already emerge forward the governor's seat in 2016, that's because this morning in man chest executive counselor van ostren made his candidacy official. he joins republican chris sununu. we'll hear from both of them tonight at 6:00. and new jersey governor chris christine continues to go full tilt on the campaign trail in new hampshire, he'll have a pair of events in manchester today and will be starting a town hall in belmont within the hour. this is day two of the three-day trip for christie. and christie was not the only republican in new hampshire today. lindsey graham is in the middle of a 10-day swing through the state, while jim gilmore meet with people in bedford and nashua today. jennifer: now getting a look at traffic, this is 293 north in
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rivers edge camera. 95.7's dick lutz joins us now. >> hello to everybody at home. it's been a tough ride this afternoon with a couple of accidents slowing you down on your thursday commute. let's go right to the map ask we'll start out on the everett turnpike where a two-car crash around exit 5 had you backed up all the way to exit 4 earlier, state police were on the scene and that should be cleared soon if it has not already. once you get past that you have the usual delays from exit s11 to the bed information tolls. 93, a fender bender in londonderry had traffic backed up to wind ham and that situation should be cleared before too long, an earlier accident on 93 southbound at exit 6, candia road has cleared, as has a two-car crash on the exit 3 off ramp in windham. no problems on 293 or 93 north of the city through the hooksett tolls. getting out of boston is a mess with heavy traffic from the
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zakim to 495. a lot of volume on route 3. lots of volume but no major issues on 101, spaulding turnpike or 95 through the hampton tolls. from the wzid traffic network, i'm dick lutz. josh: there are new evacuations in south carolina tonight as the river surges created by record rainfall move farther downstream. that story is next. >> like a tsunami, it was just like this wall of brown muck and mud just coming down the valley at us. jennifer: it's been exactly 10 years since the start of a storm dealt with washout large parts of alstead. >> i'm meteorologist josh judge, yes, it is haunted thursday and today we're at spooky world presents nightmare new england. i'm looking around, so far i haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. we'll see if that continues when we come back. josh: then at 5:30, two
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guilty, now this man is defending his actions the night a madbury teenager was killed. jennifer: then at 6:00, people trying to help heroin addicts say a key part of the state's
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josh: folks on the coast of south carolina are evacuating as more flooding is expected, overflowing rivers bringing more water to the already soaked coastlines. at least 14 dams have failed and 70 more are close to breaking. today governor haley urged people to leave coastal areas. the governor says the standing weeks. jennifer: here in new hampshire it was 10 years ago today that rain started to fall in a storm that would lead to the historic alstead flood. for one family this disaster took not only their home but also their livelihood. determined to stay exactly where they were, they rebuilt. and now a decade later, they're sharing the kindness and generosity that paved their road
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back. reporter: it was an alstead mainstay, a business decades old that took care of an entire family. everyone knew the garage. >> my father-in-law bit it in 1943, i think. so my husband grew up there, it was always part of our family. he worked there forever. reporter: from her home directly across the street, kitty heard the violent crunch of rocks tossed around in the nearby brook, the pounding rain wouldn't stop. >> like a tsunami, it was just like this wall of brown muck and mud just coming down the valley at us. so we had had both our cars ready, so my husband and i just jumped in the cars with the kids. reporter: from higher ground they watched the water tear through their valley, telephone poles swayed and bobbed, cars floated by. they stopped by the fire station, everyone desperate for news, and when it came, it was devastating. >> somebody had had a scanner
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heard them say the garage is gone. reporter: as for their house just across the street, it was still standing, but they would never live in it again. >> 10 years later and it's still hard to talk about this. reporter: for a year and a half they lived in that trailer, right next to their old house. a new garage went up across the street and eventually they moved higher up the hill, to this house, also built with too many donated items to count. >> being homeless would be a good experience for anybody, because it teaches you not to take things for granted, to appreciate what you do have. jennifer: there are so many stories of survival and sacrifice from that historic flood. join us tonight at 7:00 for a special look back, rising above the alstead flood. and there is no rain falling right now, which makes this a great night to get out and enjoy a hayride. josh: yes, you can choose the haunted option at spooky world this year.
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josh judge is on this haunted thursday. hey there, josh. >> hi there, josh. and it's a great place, never been here before when it was dressed up for october. this is the time of year spooky world presents nightmare new england, and all the rides are open, all their normal attractions and so much more, one of them is the hayride. and with me is michael who is the co-owner here. tell me, why are people all around me and where are we? >> right now we're in the spider's den, which is just one of of the scenes over 300 feet long at spooky world's new hayride this year. >> how long this is hayride? >> it a little over one mile long. and when you guys are doing this you really do it up. this is not just a back yard hayride. this is a little of everything. >> absolutely. we have a little bit for everyone.
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we call this university north as far as we're concerned. we have pyrotechnics, laser shows and an abun abundance of creatures. >> maybe you can help me get out of here. meanwhile i'm going to toss to haley, because she looks a lot safer there in the studio. hayley: i would hope so, yeah, get into safety there josh, looks a little creep i, that's the whole point there, of course. a great place to enjoy the spooks of october. we have beautiful october weather and it has been so nice over the past week or so. we had another great day today. take a look around the region, we still have brian sunshine across the state. we've had a few fair weather clouds, but that's about it. in the 50's in the area, 59 in the lakes region, 57 at the seacoast. but bright and sunny in the north country, some beautiful foliage on that camera from the littleton area. it 59 now, in laconia, and in
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63 in lebanon, 64 in manchester. 57 in portsmouth. so temperatures cooling down over the past couple of hours here. 56 degrees in boston. to the west temperatures very similar to us in albany it's about 64 degrees. 63 in binghamton, new york. completely clear skies across the area today. it was beautiful, you really start to see the foliage popping and the colors just gorgeous. notice off to the west though there is a storm system on the way for us, we've got some rain that will be moving through. as this system approaches. tonight we'll have clouds increasing, this is about 10:00 tonight. so this evening, and even until 10:00 we should be pretty much cloud-free. but then after that is when we'll start to see the clouds filling in. tomorrow morning, starting out with cloudy skies, there may be a few showers that get going, especially in the upper valley or the great north woods. but the rest of us will see the rain coming through, about midday and into the afternoon. there could be some steadier
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heavier downpours around noontime or after. then into the evening more scattered on and off showers before this system pulls out. and saturday even into sunday of this weekend looks great, with lots more sunshine and temperatures that are going to climb to temperatures in the 60's. even close to 70 by the time we round out this hold weekend. here's your forecast for tonight. it won't be as cool because we're going to have the clouds moving in. but temperatures in the 30's up north, mainly 40's for the rest of the state, 43 concord, 46 in manchester, with calm winds. now, tomorrow not the brightest of days. we'll have clouds around all day long, rain moves through midday and probably still some scattered showers by 4:00 in the afternoon. wanted to give you an update on the foliage. we are at peak in the northern portion of the state. but high color across much of central and western new hampshire. and we've got moderate color across the rest of the state, it is beautiful. for the forecast we're checking
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out the leaves, we're doing some apple picking, anything fall outdoors, we couldn't get a better weekend. lots of sun and temperatures warming up, close to 70 degrees on monday of next week. then we'll cool down a little bit. more scattered showers in the forecast for tuesday of next week, and temperatures in the low 60's. do you guys have any plans to check out the foliage? jennifer: yes, why not. hayley: even just driving around here it's gorgeous. jennifer: thank you. straight ahead, a drug bust at logan airport, we'll tell you where agents say they found 100 pounds of marijuana. josh: at 5:30, a maine woman has
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she this flu season... remember this. your immune system doesn't work the way it did when rock was young. so we made fluzone high-dose vaccine... for people 65+.
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antigen... it's significantly more effective than fluzone vaccine in preventing flu. fluzone high-dose vaccine is approved for people 65 and older. it's not for anyone who's had a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component, including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. tell your doctor if you've ever had guillain-barr\ syndrome. side effects include pain swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so, if you hopped around the clock, ask your doctor or pharmacist about fluzone high-dose.
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jennifer: a drug task force at logan airport has stopped a man from transporting marijuana from california to massachusetts. state troopers and d.e.a. agents searched the suitcases of delta passenger frank tram of san jose, they found 100-pound of marijuana. pham was charged with drug trafficking. josh: a florida man is accused of setting up fake job interviews to access applicants' personal information. gerald washington is facing charges of criminal use of personal identification information and organized
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he allegedly posted online ads for a tallahassee based job and told applicants that they were hired but the jobs weren't real. police say he stole bank information, social security numbers, as well as personal data from those applicants. and a frightening situation could have ended in a car crash, but tonight everyone is safe thanks to a 911 dispatcher. 16-year-old olivia was driving when her car started accelerating and she couldn't stop it until she called 911. the dispatcher was able to help her stop the car by telling her to put it into neutral. >> i had no idea what to do, and i was nervous and i was scared for the people around me, and i thought the only way i'm going to stop this car is if i'm going to crash. josh: her mother says the accelerator became stuck because of a piece of plastic that had broken inside the car, they're still trying to figure out exactly why that happened. jennifer: straight ahead tonight, amazon is getting into the home made market, its new
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challenge to the popular craft site, etsy. josh: and another school district raising eye brows with
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josh: a man accused of murder takes the stand to offer his side of what happened. jennifer: a confession today in another murder, as we also learn about the apology offered by mr. mcallister. hayley: a long stretch of dry weather again, that ends soon though. i'll show you the hour by hour forecast. josh: and granite staters have kicked off this autumn with efforts to help families. josh: the key suspect in a madbury murder has take ten stand in his own defense. i'm josh mcelveen. jennifer: i'm jennifer vaughn. tristan wolusky is one of three people accused of killing aaron robinson. here's what he had to say on the stand.
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cross-examination, the assistant attorney general hammered wolusky about lies he told police during the investigation about the murder of 18-year-old aaron wilkinson. wolusky admitted he tried to shift blame off of himself by creating a story about what happened the night of wilkinson's murder. he also admitted to texting wilkinson after the murder to make it seem as though he had actually left. wolusky testified that he lied to police because he was nervous, that he would be accused of murdering wilkinson because he was there when wilkinson was fatally stabbed by michael tatum and zachary pinette. the two have pleaded guilty to second degree murder in exchange for their testimony against wolusky. >> i'm okay, i know i committed a robbery. what i was not okay with was the fact that he had been murdered and i did not know how that would look, it obviously looks bad, but i did not know if they
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murdered him, because i was there. so i was trying to stay away from that situation. so i lied to everybody. reporter: wolusky says he now wants to take responsibility for his actions that night, insisting that he did not murder aaron wilkinson. instead the madbury teen was killed by tatum and pinette. suzanne roantree, wmur news 9. josh: a person accused of stabbing a woman to death in a maine grocery store pled guilty to murder today. she asked to be referred to as a woman in court, mcallister is charged with 59-year-old wendy beau drove at a supermarket in august. the state also shared two apology letters written by mcallister to the victim and her family. and manchester police are looking for the masked man who robbed a shop and go last night. officers say the man entered the story just after 8:30 wearing a ski mask and demanding cash.
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asked to call police. jennifer: it is breast cancer awareness month and even the inmates in goffstown are fighting to end the disease, they participated in the making strides against breast cancer at this facility this afternoon. about 85 inmates walked around the yard 34 times, which is about five miles. >> the last nine years they've been doing this they raised well over $3,000 for the cause for breast cancer. jennifer: today they raised $230. and also this year inmates drew special pink pumpkins, all proceeds from the pumpkins will go to the american cancer society. josh: 0 years after the flood that washed away entire homes in al spelled, new hampshire has learned many valuable lessons. work began on the cold river immediately which included lining the banks with large blocks, realigning the chan expel in some cases moving it. the engineers say it was amazing to discover that the russian
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stream beds that it actually impacted glacier settlements. >> not only did the majority of all the sycamores andry -- also almost all the top soil was taken away, the flood was so extreme that it wiped everything right down to parent material, if you will, the raw sand and gravel on the valley floor. and it's going to take a long time for that to come back, generations. josh: this is a restoration process that continues to this day. tonight we have more on the catastrophic damage in al spelled. for the first time we're hearing some of the incredible survival stories. be sure to join us at 7:00 for riding above, a look at the alstead flood now 10 years later. unitil is expanding, up next we'll tell you -- jennifer: also shoppers are
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year, but not as much as first thought. hayley: bright and sunny weather today with bare laically cloud in the sky, but clouds are on the way along with some rain showers too. josh: and a londonderry man got his chance to win a million dollars today. how did he do? find out coming up. jennifer: this week's adopt a pet is peyton, he has a lot of energy but also loves to custody expel gets along well with
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welcome to subway, what can i make for you? how about one of our reuben sandwiches? choose from tender corned beef or oven roasted turkey breast, topped with sauerkraut, melty swiss cheese and thousand island dressing. enjoy one while they're here!
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josh: another good day on wall street with the dow picking up 138 points. s&p 500 up 17 and the nasdaq up almost 20 points. gas prices nationally looking at 2.31 a gallon. significantly cheaper here in new hampshire at 2.17. new hampshire based unitil has expanded its natural gas facilities in maine. jennifer: the utility opens a new operation center in portland, its staffing has grown by nearly 35% since it bought northern utilities back in 2008. unitil is based in hampton, new hampshire and also operates in massachusetts. josh: business as apparently are bracing for slower sales growth this holiday season. the national retail federation says that spending should go up
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than we saw last year, which saw an increase of more than 4%. if this forecast holds true, would it be the first slowdown in spending growth since 2012. super storm sandy was blamed for that year's slower sales. and before christmas numbers do start adding up, we still of course have halloween shopping to finish. americans are expected to spend close to $7 billion on this month's holiday, an average about $74 per person. most of that money going to costumes. jennifer: and meantime amazon is hoping to win business away from etsy, the online retailer launched a new section of its website today called has been made at amazon, hoping to lure shoppers who prefer hand made goods to gift giving. amazon says it decided to launch hand made after customers expressed how much they wanted craft items. there was a very special birthday today, you probably haven't heard about it. josh: up next we travel back to
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20 years ago. jennifer: ahead in sports, celtics played in italy this afternoon, jamie will be in to show us how they did i'm todd from aarp riding through the mill yards to make some noise for all the real possibilities we're providing right here in our community because if you don't think real possibilities in greater manchester when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp" maybe you've caught our movies for grownups series or heard about how our fraud watch network protects families from being the victims of scams we're also helping people achieve their goals with life reimagined get to know us and see all the real possibilities at at if you work hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. but the republicans... v they want to go
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v the super wealthy they don't stand up for equal pay for women. they don't support paid family leave. they don't even really support refinancing student debt. we've got to get this economy working for the vast majority of americans, not just for those at the top. that's what i intend to do as president. i'm hillary clinton and
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jennifer: google has trademarked the entire alphabet, sort of. its new parent company, al pa bet, wants to be able to say it covers everything from a to z, so it has trademarked all 26
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in order, this is what it will look like. josh: this is a fairly new development for tv news, swapping out paper script for i pads and tablets and other digital tools. they have come a long way, today marks the 20th anniversary of the earliest days of our site could be considered ground breaking. reporter: october, 1995. o.j. simpson was just found not guilty. beverly hills 90210 was the hot tv show. and something called the internet was making its way to home computers. >> we were on tower pc's plugged into the wall, there was no laptops, there was no palm pilots or pda's or i phones. reporter: it was in those early days of the internet on october 8, 1995, a station engineer first posted on the web. >> it was a static page with really no content and no one
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reporter: chris murphy, a young production assistant at the time, took over as web master. >> everybody should be able to experience this, it's a great thing, it's interactive. reporter: we caught up with chris 20 years later to discuss the new site many doubted would last. >> as i started putting more content on, it started getting more traffic. locally and then all of a sudden around the world. reporter: mainly because was doing things never done before. reporters were now adding content on tv and the website. a 3d tour of the studio was created. tv segments were posted online, with an early version of a dvr chris made. another first, chris put the entire new hampshire sex offender registry on the site. >> it became news that we have that. reporter: by the 2000's, wez had had grown to a full blown interactive experience.
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wmur had fuel time staff updating stories. for a few years it was known as the wmur the site added full radar and more live streaming of events, allowing things like trials to be broadcast without interrupting regular programming. then live streaming of our newscast that you can watch now on your computer or mobile device. 20 years later, is one of the fastest growing parts of the station. the site and mobile app has four full-time staff members. the news source many doubted in the early days of the internet now has more than a million page views a day. i'm sean mcdonald, wmur news 9. hayley: it is very busy on our website for weather, for politics, as josh is telling me to punch in there, we welcome
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interacting with us too, social media ahuge driver as well. it's been a beautiful stretch of weather over the past couple days. and today was another beauty, look at that shot, from conway, looking toward mount washington, and the presidentials. a little bit of find there. doesn't get much better than this in october in new hampshire. perfect viewing conditions for the find. can you see a little bit there along the shores of lake winnipesaukee as well. this shot from weirs beach as the sun is going down, we've got there. enjoy it while we've got it for the next couple hours, because clouds are going to be on their way in and some showers making their way in for friday as well, though we actually really do need the rain. yet again we're at a little bit of a deficit especially in central and southern new hampshire. the weekend though looks great. so a spoiler alert, this system is going to move out quickly and we'll have one day of rain tomorrow and then the weekend looks awesome, with more sunshine and perfect conditions for checking out the find, which is near peak in the northern
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part of the state. but all of us enjoying the color. temperatures are in the 60's now from rochester to concord. 57 in laconia, about 56 in preliminary ument. we have 57 in portsmouth. up in the great north woods, already temperatures falling into the mid 50's. it's cool in berlin, 55 degrees now. with the clear skies that we have through the early evening when temperatures are going to drop off quickly, but the clouds you see by the adirondacks, that's part of a big system that is going to bring in rain for us tomorrow, that will keep the temperatures a little bit warmer during the overnight hours with the clouds in place. the rain for the most part though holds off until we get to the morning hours tomorrow and midday hours as well. so i'll time it out for you on future cast, this is 10:00 tonight, you see temperatures in the 30's up north, 40's in central new hampshire. still 50 at this hour in manchester. then as we go through the overnight most of us fall into the 40's. a few rain showers up north early tomorrow morning, but it's after say 10:00 in the morning that we're really going to start
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to see the rain filling in. there could even be a couple of downpours that come through. in the evening, it becomes more of a scattered shower type of system that moves through, and then all that wraps up by the time we go through the overnight hours and temperatures tomorrow in the overnight will fall into the 40's again. saturday looks beautiful. more sunshine, we've cleared out this system, and temperatures will be a little cooler, upper 50's, low 60's on saturday. so for tonight increasing clouds, it will be cool, temperatures in the 30's up north, 40's in the southern part of the state. the milford pumpkin festival going on this weekend, they kick things off tomorrow night. it will be a little rainy. i know the fireworks display going off tomorrow night. but the rest of the weekend looks awesome. more sunshine and we warm up close to 70 on monday, and then 60's later on next week. josh: thanks, haley. just days after a maine district suspended its school dances,
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now upset over a flier that's been sent out just before homecoming. jennifer: the flier tells girls, quote, leave something to the imagination, and then it quotes designer edith head saying, your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady. the parents main complaint, the message should include guidelines for boys too. a statewide effort involving granite state high schools will make a big difference for local communities. josh: so far more than 54,000 pounds of food have been collected as part of new hampshire tackles hunger, that's about 45,000 peoples for hungry new hampshire families. while most schools have completed the program, can you still donate nonperishable food items at the salem and spaulding game being played tomorrow. and as part of new hampshire tackles hunger program, the new hampshire food bank received a big donation check today.
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provide about 15,000 meals. >> anything we can do to give each other a helping hand when needed, i know i've needed helping hands over the course of my life, so anything that any of us can do to serve our brothers and sisters is the model excellence. josh: according to the food bank, one in nine granite staters still don't know where their next meal will come from. jamie: the season begins for the bruins, the season and home opener comes against the winnipeg jets. b's can finally put last season behind them, they missed the playoffs for the first time since 2007. the celtics continue their preseason in italy, they played real madrid this afternoon. the c's were a bit sloppy in this one, sullinger with a nice deal, but then he air mails it to the madrid coach. 15 turnovers for the celtics, many in the first quarter. second quarter, bradley loses with the pump fake, celtics up
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he scored 17. bradley will come up with a steal here, gets it back from crawford and lays it in. celtics win 111-96. they play the 76ers in manchester two weeks from tomorrow. and haley mark coast is this week's home town hero, she's a try athlete from dover who competed in the world championships in chicago, her story is tonight at 6:00. jennifer: thank you. still to come tonight, harry potter has a new look. josh: we'll tell you who is presenting the boy wiz are in a way that you've probably never seen him before. tom: at 6:00 tonight the state's response to the latest request by owen labrie's lawyers to have his felony conviction set aside that would force him to register as a sex offender for life. plus in the state's battle against heroin, the challenges treatment experts say they face when it comes to getting addicts
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we need to disrupt the old order in washington, dc. we can do a lot better by applying conservative principles we should lower rates and simplify the code to allow people to freely decide how they want to spend their money. what we need is leadership to fix a few big things... so that this country takes off and soars where people can dream the biggest possible dreams... and pursue them with a vengeance. (applause) jeb. proven conservative. real results. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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jennifer: congratulations to janet jackson who has received her first nomination for the rock and roll hall of fame. josh: she's one of several
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the others include chaka kahn, cheap trick, chicago, steve miller, and in fact eight of the 15 nominees are first timers on the list. more than 800 members of the music industry will decide who makes the cut. artists are eligible for the hall of fame 25 years after their first music is released. my vote goes to steve miller. and the harry potter books are getting an interactive makeover. new editions for e books will include more than 100 animated or interactive illustrations. you can watch the golden snitch fly across the screen, or get popup trivia about the characters. and a new hampshire man tried to become a millionaire on, who wants to be a millionaire. jennifer: james middleton of londonderry loves to play trivia, so his skills really came in handy today of he brought in his former trivia competitor to help answer the final question.
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one and i'm going to say c, final answer. >> could your old nemesis have just gotten you to $30,000, yes, he did. jennifer: you never know when you're going to need your trivia buddy, josh, remember that. middleton walked away before answering that $50,000 question, so he got $0,000. he's the father of five and says he really hopes to use all that money to build some additions in his home. congratulations. josh: you would be the call. jennifer: i would be the call. josh: it depends on the topic, sports, politics. we'll see.
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introducing longhorn' s great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. plus, an appetizer, or a dessert. only at longhorn steakhouse.
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who is it that's got the foreign policy experience to deal with what has become an increasingly complicated world at a time when america needs to emerge and restore its leadership? no one really has that experience, except for maybe one. john kasich's for us. new day independent media committee, inc. is responsible for the content of this advertising. tom: tonight at 6:00 the state is fighting a request by the defense in the owen labrie trial to set aside the felony verdict that would force him to register as a sex offender. jennifer: three people indicted
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new hampshire, plus we talk with providers who are wondering how to get immediate treatment for users. >> i'll running for governor to create a brighter future for our state and a stronger economy. tom: plus making it official, the first democrat has thrown his hat into the ring in the race for governor. hayley: rain showers move in on our friday, do they linger into the weekend? my forecast coming up. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 6:00. tom: it's now up to a judge to decide if a felony conviction against owen labrie should be set aside. >> the former student was convicted of several crimes, the one felony being certain uses of computer services prohibited. last mob labrie's lawyers filed paperwork asking that that conviction be set aside. today the state responded. wmur's andy hershberger has our top story. reporter: the states response is 23 pages and spells out why they
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