tv News 9 at Six ABC October 14, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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`2013. `two others have already been put `behind bars in this case. `andy hershberger live with more. `reporter: it was a brutal crime, `and tonight prosecutors say `justice has been served on all `the people involved. `she's the final person to plead `guilty and be sentenced in `connection with the murder of `amanda amy warf. `michelle corson was in court `wednesday where the victim's `mother confronted her about the `family's pain. ``>> amy was not trash to be `brought out. `she was not something to be `disposed of because you were `tired of her orangery at her. `amy's life was in your hands, `and you chose to do the wrong `thing. `reporter: warf's throat was `slashed and her body burned in `2013. `her ex-husband aaron desjardins `pleaded guilty and is serving `life in prison. `his wife sarah pleaded guilty to `two charges, and given a 15 to
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`corson entered guilty pleas to `conspiracy to commit murder and `conspiracy to commit hindering `apprehension. `she too was sentenced to 15 to `30 years, but that could be `shortened by six years if she `meets certain conditions. ``>> this is something that she `shouldn't have been involved in, `it was obviously a huge mistake. `reporter: corson said nothing at `the hearing. `warf's family said corson could `have stopped this crime and they `blame her more than the others `for what happened. ``>> forever we will love and `cherish her memory, and forever `we will wish that you had had `call. `forever we will wonder what if, `and forever we will remember. `was it worth it, michelle? `reporter: the victim's family `members had no comment after `today's court hearing.
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`jennifer: tonight a salem woman `is facing a child endangerment `charge after police say she `overdosed on heroin in front of `her 4-year-old and a man who was `with her used narcan to bring `her back to life. `stephanie woods live in salem `now with more on this `investigation. `reporter: salem police say that `a 911 call ended with a woman `under arrest and her daughter in `the hospital. `salem police say that a man `called them from the laquinta `hotel yesterday afternoon. `31-year-old karihoulne allegedly `overdosed in front of her `daughter. `by the time they got to the `hotel no one was in the room, `but they did find needles, `narcan injectors and kids' toys. `they later found the mother and `that she admitted to using `heroin in front of the girl and `the man with her sd he used `narcan to bring her back. ``>> it just goes to show you how `serious this heroin epidemic is
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`and that even while she's `supposed to be taking care of `her child that the illness and `the addiction just took over. `report police say the child was `taken to the hospital for a `medical emergency but that that `condition was not related to `heroin exposure. `tonight houlne is out on bail `and will be arraigned on `november 23. `josh: with heroin and substance `abuse hitting the state hard, `nashua's mayor decided to try to `address the problem by bringing `people together from all over `the region in hopes of getting `such answers. `at the day-long event called the `mayor's fall summit, all as `respects were discussed `including prevention, `intervention, treatment, `recovery, and the panelists `included businesses, those in `public health, emergency `response and elected officials. `the mayor says while she wants `to end the heroin crisis in her `city, the challenges in nashua `are not any different than the `rest of the state. ``>> it's really all relative `based on your community's size,
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`and it's a tragedy, whether it's `one or a thousand. `and we have i think the `horsepower to do something about `this. `so the people we brought to the `room are the people we think can `help us pine the solutions. `josh: if they do come up with `any solutions they'll be happy `to share them with other cities `and towns around new hampshire. `jennifer: new developments after `the turnout in the polls in `derry for the special election `last night where voters repealed `controversial budget cuts. `town councilors today said it `happened. `the money should go back into `the budget, the tax rate will be `set accordingly and the town `will send out tax bills. `they say there will now be a `smaller tax cut in the fire `station that was closed will `reopen. `josh: this week south carolina `senator lindsey graham took part `of in candidate cafe series, it `takes place over a meal at the `airport diner in manchester with `undecided voters that are chosen `of politics. `and it really goes beyond the
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`of the candidate, and graham `talked a lot about his `nontraditional childhood. ``>> we'll talk about anything you `want to talk about, anything. `let's start with me. `reporter: one thing about `lindsey graham, he's comfortable `in a crowd, perhaps the result `of growing up in a south `carolina bar and pool hall owned `by his parents of. ``>> we lived in one room and the `kitchen that served the `restaurant was our kitchen. `and the it was sort of like `cheers before cheers. `it had the same customers and `they were almost like aunts and `uncles to me. `reporter: he was the first in `his family to go to college, and `after his admission into the air `force his life turned after `losing both of his parents in a `matter of months. ``>> i'm 22, my sister is 13 and `the only thing i can tell you `that i learned in life, it can `change like that. `life is pretty fragile. `when my parents died, it was rae `tough on all of us, without `family, friends and faith i
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`but when i got deployed over to `germany was the best time in my `life. `reporter: he is still very much `a military man, and a life long `bachelor. ``>> life is funny, you wake up `and you're 60. `there was a jrl an girl i got `pretty close to, and i think she `didn't want to come to south `carolina and i couldn't stay in `germany, and that's life. `but it's okay to be single. `i've enjoyed my life, i've had `some good relationships. `if i had one thing left to do in `life before i die, i'd like to `play a round of golf with my `oldest and best friends, that `could be a good way to check `out. `josh: plenty of unfinished `business for graham. `he's wrapping up a 10-day new `hampshire swing and says he'll `continue to put a heavy emphasis `on the granite state leading up `to the primary. `jean: straight ahead tonight. ``>> it's not ours, it's `everyone's and that's what feels `really good about it.
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`sunapee is about ready to open `again, after it was leveled by `flames earlier this year. `up next we'll take to you the `ribbon cutting. `josh: the state is a step closer `to restoring hunting season for `bobcats, but it's not happening `without protest. `mike: more shower chances under `the forecast.
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`take on the colts, we'll hear` `josh: back in january a huge `fire destroyed jake's market in `sunapee. `investigators were not able to `find the exact cause, but they `believe it was not suspicious. `but now the owners have rebuilt `and are getting ready to reopen. `jennifer: kristen carosa was `there for the ribbon cutting. `reporter: january 4 was an
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`emotional day for all involved `with jake's market. `but now fast forward nine months `and the staff is celebrating a `new beginning. `it's a moment this group has `worked hard for. `and one that customers have been `waiting for. ``>> it was so much work that they `had to do, and they've done a `beautiful job and they've really `kept the character of the `building. `reporter: this was the scene `nine months ago here in sunapee. `a fire burned jake's market to `the ground. `and from that day the process to `rebuild the convenience store `nestled in georges mills on `route 11 began. ``>> to be able to get to this `point and see the store back and `the billion back and the porch `back, you know, it means a lot. `reporter: property owner says a `lot of the work was done by `robert cross, a local `contractor. ``>> the gives and takes that make `it all come together, but i `think it come out nice. `reporter: before 2008 the `building was home to the georges `mills general store for more `than two decades.
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`character as possible. ``>> tried to keep it looking like `a barn as much as possible. `doing some beans, just trying to `do as much as we could so people `back. `reporter: the floors are made of `brown maple and the countertops `and cabinets are made of an old `pine tree. `the only thing that was left on `the property after the fire. ``>> we need to bring something `back that was here. `and this did it. `reporter: and now the store is `just days away from being open `once again. ``>> it's nice to know people `wanted us back here, they wanted `karen to get the project going `as quickly as possible. ``>> everybody is very excited to `see the doors open again. `we're really happy for them. `reporter: the general manager `says the store should be ready `to greet customers by the end of `this week, most likely on `friday. `kristen carosa, wmur news 9. `jennifer: right now back to the
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`josh: after a fire at ma's and `mine restaurant, an ice cream `stand, let's go out to adam `sexton for the latest. `reporter: the flames have been `knocked down, but the hopes and `dreams of a small business `opened just a year and a half `now have been destroyed. `we can give you a look, and they `were able to save the building, `but everything inside we're told `is a total loss. `they had just close forward the `day around 3:00 and the fire `popped up this evening within `the last couple hours, and this `is on route 4, so it's a very `busy area here. `take a look at the traffic `moving by on route 4. `obviously the traffic at this `point is moving more smoothly, `but between that 5:00 and `6:00 hour they had quite a bit `of backup here. `the police say they were dealing `with delays where route 43 and `202 meet with route 4. `you can see a lot of fire trucks `on scene here, this was the `third alarm fire, they were able `quickly. `but as we were told by the
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`concord today, the fish and game `commission voting 7-3 to open `the process towards a bobcat `hunt. `jennifer: since 1989 there's `been a ban on hunting bob cat, `but studies show the population `has improved, so under this `proposal, 50 licenses would be `issued through a lottery. `more than 50 people packed the `hearing, many are opposed to `this idea claiming there are `just too few cats to justify a ``>> so we support a limited `harvest. `particularly because $200,000 of `our money was spent researching `this species, and we have the `justifications to know that `we're not harming the species. `properly. `jennifer: residents will get `their chance to speak at a `vote. `if you'd like more information `on this proposal, log onto the `escape outside section of ` `josh: this dates back to 1979, `but apparently even facebook `couldn't save it.
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`ski jump came tumbling down, `after it was deemed unsafe by an `engineer. `there was an effort on social `media to save it, plymouth is `set to host the state jump meet `in february, so organizers are `hoping that a new jump will be `built by the end of the year. `mike: times of sunshine and `clouds mixed in today. `this is the scene from warner, a `nice fall color pattern there in `the foreground over mount `kearsarge in the distance. `very little rain, those chances `of showers will tend continue `crease between now and the `middle of this upcoming weekend. `but overall not a bad stretch in `terms of storm-free conditions. `but the temperatures, yeah, a `different story. `out there today we were above `average yet again, 67 the `official high in concord. `normal high 61. `the it will be much cooler
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`tomorrow morning than it was `this morning, so get ready for `that fall chill to be in the `air. `by the end of the weekend it `will feel more like mid or late `november, and that's the type of `pattern we're talking about `moving on in. `right now clouds beginning to `thin out. `so as we go through the night it `will be clear in many spots. `looking ahead the cooling trend `does continue through the `weekend. `coldest so far this season will `move in saturday night into `monday with a few showers `friday, and yes mixed showers `not out of the question as we go `into the first half of the `weekend. `most of the mix, by the way, `clearly in the mountains in the `north country. `not much falling out of the `cloud cover right now, it is `drying up statewide, it will be `a dry stretch late this evening `and overnight and that means a `sunny thursday on the way as `more dry air builds in. `back down to 50 in the great `north woods, a good part of the `northern white mountains and `lower 50's, plymouth at 52. `57 in the upper valley in `lebanon, upper 50's and lower `60's points south and southeast `a bit cooler in the monadnock `region. `speaking of cooler, again
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`tonight will be much colder than `last night. `it does dip back into the upper `20's in the north country to `around 40 along the coastline, `and generally mid to upper 30's `elsewhere. `and again the chill is on over `the weekend. `here it is sitting just over the `border, it will be stuck in `place for the next couple days. `but eventually by later friday `afternoon, and on into saturday `and especially sunday, that's `when the core of the very chilly `air, again more like mid late `november, moves on in and it `will linger into the day on `monday before it rolls out of `here by tuesday and wednesday. `take a look at satellite imagery `showing the clouds moving out. `and future cast confirms that `skies will clear statewide. `could be a few patchy clouds up `north. `a look at sky keas over `manchester will show the same `thing with temperatures coasting `back into the 50's and 40's, the `clouds tend to thin out during `the late evening and it's mainly `clear for us, a nice sunrise `over the lower merrimack valley
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`and lots of sunshine for your `thursday. `again for tonight we've got `clearing, upper 20's far north, `30's elsewhere. `it's seasonably cooler the next `couple days, much cooler over `the weekend, especially sunday `and on into monday, could be a `few mixed showers coming in on `saturday. `and that mix of course would be `rain and you guessed it, snow, `mostly in the mountains. `josh: good day to watch a `football game. ``>> dramatic baseball going on `right now.
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it is time to deal with skyrocketingrr out-of-pocket costs. commentator: the 32-year-oldhead of a pharmaceutical company raised the priceof a life-saving drug overnight tt by 5,000%. i'm announcing a detailed plan to crack down on these abuses. commentator:rr he may be lowering it rr after hillary clinton blasted him out of the water. rr her plan would limitrrthe out-of-pocket costs that consumers have to pay. clinton: nobody in americarr should have to choose between buying the medicinethey need and paying their rent. rr i'm hillary clinton,
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` ``>> patriots back on the practice `field today gearing up for `sunday night football at the `colts. `if tom brady had served the `four-game suspension this would `have been his first game back' `but it is still a rematch of the `game. ``>> it will be an exciting game. `they've got a good team. `they have won three straight, `they've made some changes this `off season. `so they're a very confident `team. `so it's going to take a great `effort to beat them. ``>> tough injury news for the `patriots, they'll be without `their starting left tackle, nate `has a torn biceps muscle.
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`protecting tom brady's back. `both the bruins and celtics in `action tonight, b's play an `exhibition game at the brooklyn `nets at 7:30. `you'll have to stay up late to `catch the bruins, they skate in `colorado at 10:00. `the new manchester monarchs two `days away from a new season and `new era. `they're in the echl now, they `host the bramp on the beast `friday at 7:00 p.m. ``>> it different than the `portland worcester providence `same teams every weekend. `but looking forward to it. `maybe a built more miles on the `bus this year. `but it will be nice to see some `new arenas and have a few new `teams come into the verizon `center. ``>> rangers and blue jays, game `five of their plaintiff sooz, `tons of drama, rangers just took `the lead on a we're play as the `catcher lieu the ball back to `pitcher, it hit the batter's `bat. `so a lot controversy going on, `rangers up 3-2 right now. `it's a big week for the u.n.h. `football team, great wake week
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`they play at william and mary on `saturday. ``>> i think the recovery is `coming along good, i spent a lot `of time in the training room `doing my rehab. `so i don't think it will hold me `back too much. ``>> gives you an opportunity to `be able to do a couple other `things that we hadn't been able `to do because of limited play `calling, because of `inexperience, but at the same `time it gives us an opportunity `to spread the ball out a little `more. ``>> on el 9 on saturday, iowa and `northwestern. `jennifer: thank you. `right now on, as you `heard jamie just say, the pats `are face the colt this is `weekend, tom brady says he's `prepared. `but one reporter got a little `fed up with brady's careful `answer, and asked him if he's a `robot. `josh: not from our station, `right?
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