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tv   Nightline  ABC  October 15, 2015 12:37am-1:07am EDT

12:37 am
@[ cheers and applause ] ` this is "nightline." `>> tonight, two police officers `shot after a legal gun sale that `was caught on camera. `should the store be held `responsible? `>> the jury answered this `question -- `>> tonight the potentially `game-changing case triumphs and `outrage on both sides of the `heated gun control controversy. ` inside homeland. `saving the world can `seamstressful on the hit show. `>> david that chart is very `important! `>> what is wrong with her? `>> how far-fetched is it really? `tonight with the new season `ramping up, emmy-winning costars `clair dance and mandy petankin `getting real with the real news.
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` fighting for his life. `former nba player lamar odom in `a las vegas hospital, his `estranged wife khloe kardashian `at his bedside, as new details `emerge about what happened after `he was found unconscious in a `nevada brothel. `but first the "nightline 5." ` good. `very good. `you see something moving off the `shelves and your first thought `is to investigate the company. `you are type e. `yes. `investment opportunities can be `anywhere. `or not. `but you know the difference. `>> etrade's bar code scanner. `shorten the distance between
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` good evening. `with gun control front and `center at last night's `democratic presidential debate, `it's clear there's no issue more `pressing for many americans. `tonight we're taking a close `look at two controversial cases `that could have major `implications. `the first starting with the `legal gun sale that led to `life-changing consequences for `two police officers. `they were cops shot in the line `of duty. `>> when did you realize that you `didn't have a left eye? `>> i felt a lump in my cheek. `and i'd asked someone if that `was my eye. `>> reporter: the mental damage `perhaps even more severe. `>> felt like i didn't deserve to `live anymore. `and actually considered `committing suicide. `>> reporter: and for a brief `moment, their crusade for `justice as the unlikely center `of the gun control movement `raging across the country. `>> ryan norberg, graham coonish, `versus badger guns, inc.
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`a gun store be liable for `legally selling a gun later used `to commit a crime? `you're watching the security `camera. `the man jacob collins is buying `the gun for julius burton, who `at the time was 18 and too young `to buy a handgun. `>> they're what are called straw `purchases meaning where one `person is buying it for somebody `else. `>> reporter: it's a common way `guns make their way into the `underground market. `a month later, burden gets into `milwaukee police officers. `caught here on tape. `he uses the gun to shoot them `both in the head. `for years laws have hinders `victims of gun crimes from suing `gun dealers. `>> what made this case `different, there was a lot of `evidence that the guy at the gun `shop should have known this `wasn't a legitimate purchase. `>> reporter: miraculously, they `both survived. `brian norberg and graham coonich `sue the gun dealer badger guns
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`for nenlgth, claiming the store `clerk should have recognized the `telltale signs of a straw `purchase. `>> badger guns did not do the `job it was required to do when `it made that sale. `if badger guns had done its job `on may 2nd then brian and graham `would not have been shot on june `9th. `>> reporter: the lawsuit claimed `badger guns approved the sale `despite a number of `irregularities, including `collins checking the "no" box `when answering if he was the `buyer, then crossing it out and `checking "yes." `confusion. `>> he did have trouble with the `>> reporter: but lawyers for the `gun store argued there was no `intent to do wrong. `>> to believe this you have to `believe that my clients cooked `up a plan, a plan to unlawfully `sell firearms. `>> reporter: and the store clerk `denied that was his intention. `>> the last thing we want to do `is put a gun in somebody's hands `that has -- that's going to
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`commit a crime, that's going to `use it for the wrong purpose. `>> the gun collins purchased for `you at badger guns was the gun `that you used to shoot officers `norberg and coonich, is that `right? `>> as i remember, yeah. `>> reporter: after deliberating `for nine hours, the jury found `the gun store had been `negligent. `>> was such negligence of badger `guns a cause of the injuries? `the jury answered this question, `yes. `>> reporter: brett heaton juarez `was the jury federal. `>> the strongest piece of `evidence for me was the `testimony from the owners and `sales clerk that they didn't `have policies and procedures. `by law they were required to `didn't. `>> reporter: experts say this `case was unusually strong for `the plaintiff. `in part because this was not the `first time badger had sold a `weapon used in the commission of `a crime. `milwaukee authorities say that `between 2006 and 2009, more than
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`1,800 firearms from badger guns `were used in crimes. `>> got a store with a bad track `record, you got victims who are `police officers, and you have a `phony sale. `all three of those things come `together. `if that can't win, nothing will `win. `>> reporter: milwaukee's mayor `was quick to say other dealers `need to take notice. `>> they have a responsibility to `make sure that individuals who `cannot legally possess guns do `not get their hands on guns. `>> reporter: but it remains to `be seen whether this case will `actually set new precedent. `>> those who are looking for `fundamental change where victims `of gun violence are going to win `lawsuits against gun shops and `manufacturers shouldn't count on `this case. `think would still need a `fundamental change in the law, `which i don't think is happening `any time soon. `>> reporter: the verdict `announced yesterday touted as a `major victory by advocates for `gun reform is far from a final `victory. `badger lawyers are expected to `appeal.
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`and the battle over gun safety `continues to be front and center `in the national conversation. `>> i'm a big second amendment `person, believe me, the biggest. `>> reporter: from campaign stops `around the country -- `>> if you go someplace where `people can shoot you, you're `probably going to get shot. `>> reporter: to last night's `democratic debate in las `vegas -- `>> we have to look at the fact `that we lose 90 people a day `from gun violence. `>> reporter: here, gun violence `took a back seat to this issue `of liability. `>> sandy and lonny phillips are `here from colorado. `>> reporter: martin o'mally `introducing a couple who took on `that fight head-on and lost. `>> they were slapped with `$200,000 in court fees because `of the way that the nra gets its `way in our congress and we take `a back seat. `>> from the moment we got the `news, our lives turned upside `down. `and they've never righted. `norm. `>> reporter: sandy and lonny `phillips lost their 24-year-old `daughter jessica when james `holmes unleashed a hail of
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`bullets in a darkened movie `theater in aurora, colorado in `2012. `>> they left a five-inch hole in `my daughter's face. `a five-inch hole. `that was one of six wounds to my `daughter. `that's what these bullets do to `human flesh. `>> reporter: last year the `phillips sued the companies that `supplied holmes with his deadly `ammunition and protective body `armor. `>> it should bother everyone in `our country that somebody, `anybody, can go online and buy `4,000 rounds of steel-jacketed `ammo without any i.d., without `any background check. `>> reporter: but a judge in `denver not only dismissed their `case, but made them responsible `for covering the online gun `dealer's legal fees. `>> the judge thought that it was `more of a political lawsuit than `it was a public health and `safety lawsuit. `and we're left to -- with that `burden.
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`financial future is uncertain. `but their mission couldn't be `clearer. `emboldened to fight on by the `verdict in milwaukee, and the `fact that at the address where `badger guns and ammo once stood `now sits another gun store, brew `city shooters supply, still open `for business, still selling `guns. ` next, clair dance and mandy `patenkin take us inside `"homeland." `secrets of the new season. ` plus new details about what `may have landed former l.a. `lakers star lamar odom in the `hospital clinging to life `tonight. it takes a lot of work...@ to run this business. @but i really love it. i'm on the move@all day long... and sometimes, i just don't@ eat the way i should. so i drink boost to get the@nutrition that i'm missing. boost ncomplete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitaminsr and minerals, including calcium and vitamin@ d to support strong bones and 10 grams of proteinnto help maintain muscle. all with ar great taste. i don't plan on slowing downt any time soon. stay strong.r stay active with boost
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` "homeland" costars clair `dance and mandy patinkin have a `hit show and the image to prove `it. `even when it's pretend saving `the world can be exhausting. `as the flew season ramps up `they're with abc chief global `affairs correspondent martha `raddatz talking family life and `politics onscreen and off. `>> the world is about to end and `we're standing around talking! `>> reporter: her meltdowns on `"homeland" are epic. `>> no, david, that chart is very `important! `it is very meaningful! `>> what is wrong with her? `>> reporter: claire danes is `carrie matheson, the cia of a `certificate trying to keep `america safe while struggling `with bipolar disorder. `>> thank god. `my green pen is dry! `i've asked, four, five, six `times for a new one but there's `no understanding! `>> reporter: to danes' surprise, `things seem to be looking up for
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`the "homeland," heroine this `season. `>> carrie has morphed into a `happy person. `>> impossible. `>> yeah. `pigs are flying. `she's just, you know, fully `surrendered to domesticity and `having a great time with it -- `for about five minutes. `i personally, the person playing `her, a little relief at some `point. `it's -- yeah. `i don't know if she'll ever get `it, though. `>> reporter: the show's fifth `season was filmed almost `entirely in germany, and danes `told me she was eager for it to `wrap up so she could be back to `her own domesticity. `she has a nearly 3-year-old son `with actor husband hugh dancecy. `>> i get to fall into my `domestic bliss. `i have one, clair, i have one, i `want to get back to it. `to your child? `>> yes.
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`i look forward to kicking back `in new york and hanging on the `playground. `>> reporter: danes is no `stranger to intense roles. `>> why are you like this? `>> reporter: her portrayal of `teen angst in "my so-called `life" earned her a golden globe. `>> wow. `i thought it would be good to be `natural and spontaneous. `but that wasn't a really good `idea. `>> reporter: and she was just 17 `when she starred opposite `leonardo dicaprio in "romeo and `juliet." `>> saint dozen not leave. `>> reporter: as carrie matheson, `danes has won two emmys and `nominated for two more, her `"homeland" costar mandy `patinkin, who plays cia official `saul bear ren sen. `>> i'm trying to do good work. `>> you're not. `you're being naive and stupid. `something you never were before. `>> i want to ask you about your `patinkin. `you are the longest survivors on `the show together.
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`>> literally, yeah. `i love mandy so deeply. `i'm really annoyed we've been `antagonists, estranged from each `i miss him. `>> you want to get back `together? `>> i want more screen time with `my genius friend. `>> reporter: amidst "homeland's" `signature drama patinkin says `this affection is not just `offscreen but is really what the `show is all about. `>> i've always felt "home land" `for me, for solve bearrensen, is `about hope and optimism. `he's a man who will never quit, `never die, he will keep fight `the gift he feels is the human `spirit embodied in carrie `matheson. `>> reporter: a veteran of stage `and screen, patinkin's iconic `roles started a long time ago. `who could forget enigo montoya `in "the princess pride"? `>> my name is enigo montoya, you `killed my father, prepare to `die. `>> spectacular.
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`>> reporter: this place far away `from hollywood in upstate new `york is surrounded by woods and `water. `it's where patinkin has lived `over think years with his wife, `writer and actress katherine `agreeddy `grody, the perfect real escape `from his emotionally wrenching `reality-based series. `>> it's exhausting. `i don't know how guys like `yourselves and anderson cooper, `every day. `we do these stories that are all `about terrorism, fear, terror. `man's inhumanity to man. `killing people. `>> reporter: patinkin, the `writers and drours producers, pay very `close attention to real-world `events which we have seen up `close, from nuclear agreements `in iran, to isis in iraq. `the show prides itself on making `viewers think about both sides `of conflict, although patinkin `has strong views about foreign `policy, opening up to us about `his views in a surprising way.
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`people learn from "homeland." `i hope there's something being `taught about when we don't `listen, what happens. `about when we act on our own `arrogance and thinking that `we're right, what happens. `people make mistakes. ` fathers mothers ` people make mistakes holding `to their own thinking they're `alone ` honor their mistakes everybody `makes `>> reporter: this song from `"into the woods" points out that `even mythical heroes can have `flaws. `>> you killed my son. `in beirut. `>> reporter: like solve and `carrie on "homeland." `>> are we inhuman to human `beings? `we, the united states, `represented by carrie matheson, `solve berensen, are we the `enemies? `who's the enemy? `>> reporter: man's inhumanity to `man is highlighted in the new `season's location, berlin. `>> data breach.
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`>> shut it down, shut it down, `shut it down! `>> reporter: berlin, especially `relevant as the syrian refugee `crisis exploded in germany and `throughout europe. `>> you were there shooting `during the beginning of the mass `migrant crisis. `>> yes, absolutely. `i mean, boom. `a month later, it's happening to `us in very realtime. `>> that's a mistake. `>> reporter: but as for what's `coming next this season? `patinkin is as tight-lipped as `his cia character would be. `>> he's back in the game and the `stuff starts hitting the fan `right away. `then everything gets woven into `a web of endless varieties of `which i can't really tell you `very much. `>> this is such a great `description of nothing. `>> yeah, i can't tell you `anything. `>> you've told me nothing. `>> i might as well be a `presidential candidate or a `president. `>> reporter: martha raddatz for `"nightline" in new york. ` and next, lamar odom's
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` finally tonight, `heartbreaking new details about `what happened at that nevada `brothel before former nba champ `lamar odom was found unconscious `and unresponsive by two of the `ranch. `here's abc's linsey davis. `>> 911, where is your emergency? `>> we need an ambulance.
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`hearing the desperate call to `authorities for the first time. `an employee of a state-licensed `nevada brothel fearing for lamar `odom's life. `>> i need you to hurry, please, `because he's got -- blood coming `out of his nose, white stuff `coming out of his mouth, they `can't get mill to wake up, he's `almost not breathing. `>> reporter: the two-time nba `champion lamar odom on life `support in this las vegas `hospital. `>> the male had been using `cocaine. `they also informed dispatch he'd `used up to 10 tabs of sexual `performance enhancer `supplements. `>> reporter: odom found `unconscious and unresponsive `yesterday at the love ranch. `brothel owner dennis huff said `he was told by one of his `employees lamar was troubled by `a call. `>> he did get a call. `it seemed to bother him a bit, `the girl said. `something about him being on the `kardashian show. `and not liking the way he looked `or something they said. `it upset him. `but, you know, the girls worked
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`him through it and an hour later `he was drinking his cognac and `having a great time and forgot `all about it. `>> reporter: odom appeared on `"keeping up with the `kardashians." `his relationship with khloe `playing out for millions to see. `their marriage trouble also `fodder for the reality show. `>> it's not fair that like this `is even something that i think `anyone has to go through. `>> reporter: khloe filed for `divorce in 2013. `the two kept in touch. `khloe often appearing concerned `for his well-being. `>> i've been trying to call him, `his phone's been off for three `week sxwlrts lamar is surrounded `by people who care about him. `khloe rushing to his side along `with her mother and sister kim `kardashian and kobe bryant and `reverend jesse jackson. `shaquille o'neal sending a tweet `#myhearthurts. `magic johnson tweeting, i've `been praying all morning for my `good friend that god will bless `him to pull through. `for "nightline," i'm linsey `davis in new york. `>> thank you for watching abc `news. `tune into "good morning america"
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`tomorrow. `and as always we're online 24/7 `on "nightline" facebook page and ` `good night, america. v `>> announcer: the following is a `paid presentation, brought to `you by abundance edu. `get ready in your local area for `an opportunity to profit from `real estate like you've never `seen before. `the rebounding real-estate `market in the u.s. is getting `hot, creating a whole new wave
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