tv Good Morning America ABC October 15, 2015 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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` good morning, america. `and breaking news, president `obama announcing a big shift in `strategy. `extending the u.s.' military `mission in afghanistan, leaving `thousands of troops there. `reversing his plans to withdraw `by the end of his presidency. ` break overnight, system `failure. `the computers that check `passengers against the terror `watch list shut down in some of `the biggest airports in the `country raising security `concerns. `could terrorists have slipped `through the cracks? ` the dramatic 911 calls `released overnight as lamar odom `continues to fight for his life. `>> they can't get him to wake `up. `he's like not almost not `breathing. `>> the combination of drugs `found in his system and what he `was doing in the hours before he
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`was found barely breathing as `family and friends rally by his `side. ` and one of the craziest `baseball plays you'll ever see. `the catcher hits the player's `bat with a flow, a runner scores `to take the lead, even the `umpires are confused. `>> they're going crazy. `>> fans throw bottles on the `feel, benches clear not once but `twice. `we'll show you what happened `next. ` everybody, just calm down. `>> good morning, america. `talk about a seventh inning `stretch. `took 53 minutes for the seventh `inning right there. `what a crazy game. `the rangers versus the blue `jays, see that runner come home. `he was allowed to run even `though the umpire was waving it `off. `it was just an insane inning. `we'll tell you what happened. `>> t.j. will have all the `details. ` but we begin with breaking `news. `president obama announcing he `will leave thousands of troops `in afghanistan beyond next year, `halting the withdrawal.
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`abc's martha raddatz has all the `details, joins us from `washington. `good morning, martha. `>> reporter: good morning, `robin. `all of the nearly 10,000 troops `we have now in afghanistan were `supposed to be out by the end of `next year, except those at the `embassy, but the president will `now leave as many as 5500 troops `beyond 2016, their mission will `be similar to what it is now, `counterterrorism operations and `training and assisting the `afghan troops. `the commanders just felt the `afghan forces were not ready to `be on their own and as we've `seen over the last few months, `the taliban is once again on the `rise and isis is as well, robin. `>> how much does this have to do `with what happened in iraq when `president obama pulled out u.s. `forces there and only for them `to return later? `>> reporter: well, that was a `big consideration, robin. `there's been a lot of criticism `and spendinglation that if the `u.s. had had a presence, we `would have been able to track `isis better in iraq or at least
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`but today's announcement is a `big step for president obama, `who was the man who wanted to `end both wars only to find them `both flaring up again, robin. `>> all right, martha, we'll see `how this plays on capitol hill. `>> he did not want to make this `decision but felt forced into `it. ` that disruption overnight at `some of the biggest airports in `the country. `customs computers shut down `delaying thousands of passengers `raising serious questions about `security. `abc's aviation correspondent `david kerley has all the latest. `good morning. `>> reporter: good morning, `george. `dulles international airport, `one of the airports hit `overnight, a computer glitch `making it difficult to get in or `out of the country. `line, long lines all a result of `the computer system that checks `the terror watch list, the no `fly list against those who do `want to fly. `it went down meaning getting in `and out of the country was not `easy. `customs and border patrol says `it does have means to check the `no-fly list with those trying to `board planes, but obviously it
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`slowed the system dramatically. `>> it's crazy. `i never saw anything like this. `>> reporter: the department of `homeland security says there is `no indication this was a hack or `caused by terrorism. `>> they said it was a nationwide `computer glitch and we all had `to wait. `>> reporter: and wait, they did. `at international airports across `the country, all affected when `this system went down. `passengers taken to social media `with pictures of their line, one `saying, customs outage was a `blast. `the problem affected those `trying to leave or enter the `country. `overnight, customs and border `protection telling abc news, `quote, it experienced a `temporary outage and took `immediate action to address the `technology disruption. `now, temporary outage lasted `about 90 minutes. `customs and border protection `tells me they do have these `glitches often but don't `normally rise to the system `going down like it did last `night, robin. `>> quite a nightmare. `thank you. ` now to a wildfire in texas `exploding in size overnight. `thousands of acres burned.
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`homes destroyed. `dozens more threatened. `abc's clayton sandell is there `for us in texas this morning. `good morning, clayton. `>> reporter: and good morning, `robin. `you can see the sheriff here has `set up a roadblock. `they are blocking access to `these neighborhoods. `there are mandatory evacuations `in effect right now for this `fire which is now at 4200 acres `and still growing. `overnight this massive texas `wildfire blowing up more than 10 `times larger than 24 hours ago. `firefighting planes and choppers `assault. `>> the fire has been steadily `growing. `>> reporter: so far the fire has `destroyed nine homes, another `150 are in jeopardy. `>> it's quite scary. `less than a quarter of a mile `away from this. `>> reporter: flames threatening `several surrounding `evacuations. `>> i was able to get stuff out `that i couldn't get replaced `because a lot of people don't `have that opportunity. `>> reporter: firefighters have `been working throughout the
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`night desperate to keep the fire `from engulfing any more homes. `>> we're starting the operation `to light a backing fire to try `and get some containment on the `wildfire. `>> reporter: and firefighters `are making progress on that `number. `it is now up to 15% containment. `they obviously want that number `to go up but are facing another `day of hot temperatures, robin. `>> thank you, clayton. `we'll talk about that record `heat, powerful wind gusts in the `south are fueling that fire `right now. `ginger, you have more on that. `>> we could see broken records `from austin to houston, dallas, `jackson, little rock, pretty `much anybody on the map in the `okay and red there, just a few `hundred miles north and just `north of that cold front, oh, `it's cold. `freeze warnings and watches from `the northern plains by tomorrow `morning to chicago, suburbs `could see a frost and then you `go and the core of that cold air `moves to the east. `look how chilly atlanta, 44. `nashville, 37. `boston the old 32 by sunday `morning. `>> thanks very much. ` the race for president now, `"your voice, your vote." `and front-runners riding high.
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`biden after wednesday night's `debate. `donald trump packing in more big `crowds. `abc's cecilia vega tracking it `all from las vegas. `good morning, cecilia. `>> reporter: george, good `morning to you. `we now know that debate `shattered records more than 15 `million viewers, hillary `clinton, bernie sanders out `there taking their victory laps `today as you said, donald trump `on the attack but this morning `here's the big question, can `both sides keep this momentum `going? `this morning, hillary clinton `may be feeling lucky in las `vegas, but the political focus `now back on the one person who `wasn't on that debate stage, joe `biden offering praise for his `fellow democrats on wednesday. `>> i was proud of -- i thought `they all did well. `>> reporter: but no hints about `his political future, even as `clinton's campaign packs on the `pressure. `>> i think with respect to vice `president, i think it's time for `him to make the decision. `>> reporter: clinton herself `brushing off a potential biden `bid.
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`they're in or they're not in, `will have to make whatever `judgment is best for them. `>> reporter: her rival that is `in the race, making a victory `lap after tuesday's performance. `vermont senator bernie sanders, `that's him, dancing on "ellen." `>> who has better hair, you or `donald trump? `>> that goes without saying. `>> yeah. `>> reporter: that famous hair `drawing thousands to a rally in `virginia. `>> last night, with bernie `sanders and hillary and the `other three guys that nobody `even knows who the hell they `are, who are they? `>> reporter: but the donald `wasn't the only trump making `news. `ivanka saying her dad would make `a great president for women. `>> he's blunt, he's direct. `he is nongender specific in his `criticism of people. `he would be incredible for women `in this country. `>> reporter: and ivanka says she `is a close friend of chelsea `clinton and says politics and `friendship lines do not cross.
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`i want to read you what she `said. `the politics of our parents is `not relative to our friendship, `george. `i'm not sure her parents would `be able to say the same thing `today. `>> let's hope they can keep it `up. `okay, cecilia, thanks very much. `to jon karl about this and, jon, `vice president biden saying he `was proud of what he saw on the `debate stage but it comes as a `lot of democrats seem to think `the door is closing on a `possible bid by him. `he's not saying anything. `>> reporter: no decision yet `from biden but i've got to tell `you i've spoken to a lot of `biden confidant, people very `close to the vice president, `there is a growing sense even `among them that he may have `waited too long, that the `decision is being made for him. `i mean, the debate, a big `factor, as one biden longtime `friend told me he needed to be `at that debate. `this biden friend said if you're `going to run for president you `actually need to run the party `instead of seeing a wounded `front-runner with hillary `clinton out there saw a very `strong performance for hillary `clinton and much less of a
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`rationale for biden to get into `the race. `>> first deadline october 29th. `the vice president had lunch `with the president yesterday. `this could be putting the `president in kind of a tricky `situation. `what's the white house thinking? `>> reporter: well, i got to tell `you, i cannot find a single `senior staff member in the white `house, a single senior aide to `the president who thinks biden `is going to run. `the clear sense in the west wing `is that he will not run `although, george, all of those `senior officials acknowledge `that they don't know for sure `anything. ` a health alert about a `supplements. `a new study finds they are `responsible for sending more `than 20,000 people a year to the `emergency room. `many of them children and young `adults. `abc's dr. richard besser is here `and, rich, this is the first `study of its kind. `tell us more about what it `discovered. `>> the first time anyone has `taken a look to see, did there
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`the cdc and fda found on average `23,000 people every year to the `er. `2100 people every year `hospitalized from this and one `in five are young kids getting `into someone else's products `that weren't for them but `interestingly, a large group of `the adults, one in four were `young adults, 20 to 34, heart `palpitations from vitamins, `energy drinks and weight loss `products and in the elderly `difficulty swallowing from large `pills. `>> a lot are waking up and want `to reach for their dietary `supplement. `how significant is this study `and what advice do you have? `>> the industry says millions of `people take them every year so `in general they're very staph `but don't go through approval `for safety or effectiveness. `first thing, make sure they're `kept out of the reach of young `children and not required to be `in childproof containers. `the second thing you want to do, `if you have any kind of problem `with swallowing, there's no `limit to the size of the tablet, `think about gel caps or for
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`liquids and for anyone `especially thinking about taking `a weight loss or energy product, `talk to your doctor about the `possible side effects. `>> that is always good advice. `talk to your doctor and you'll `be on facebook and twitter. `>> all morning. `>> thanks, rich. ` now to new trouble at `walmart. `the world's largest retailer `announced a huge drop in profits `sparking billions of dollars `this losses for its stockholders `stockholders. `rebecca jarvis here with more on `what it may mean for your holl `shopping. `>> good morning, george. `that move affects almost `everyone with the retirement `savings account because walmart `is one of the most wildly held `stocks in the country but even `if you've never invested in the `market, walmart's struggles `today will mean deeper discounts `this holiday. `this morning, the world's `largest retailer facing a brutal `sell-off. `walmart's stock takataing `wednesday wiping out $21 billion `in value in a matter of hours. `the worst day in 27 years for `the company and it caused a
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`domino effect across wall street `taking down many other major `retailers with it. `now, all that setting the stage `for deep discounts ahead for `you. `>> the retail environment has `been very competitive lately and `i think as we set up for the `holiday season it's going to be `increasingly competitive. `>> reporter: walmart's billion `dollar 14ru6r7 is caused in part `by amazon. `all struggling to grow sales and `this holiday season isn't `expected to get much better. `the national retail federation `expects consumer spending to `increase only 3.7% from last `year. `so, retailers are slashing `prices. `>> what will you do with your `savings. `>> reporter: already offering `everything from layaway to price `matching to friends and family `discounts to get you in their `storrs and on their sites as `soon as possible. `>> i think we'll see pretty `aggressive discounts. `i think 30%, 40% off will be `pretty standard fare.
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`>> reporter: 30% to 40% off is `standard fare. `now if you're wondering why do `all of these christmas sales `have to start so early? `here's your answer. `one in four shoppers plan to `finish their holiday shopping by `the end of november, robin and `george, it means the early bird `gets the worm whether they're `the shopper or the retailer. `worm. `>> following lara's example. `>> not done. `getting there. `>> let's go to amy with today's `other top stories. `this major protest in baltimore. `>> i do. `a tense scene early this morning `in baltimore. `demonstrators protesting police `brutality occupied city hall `overnight refusing to leave `after a city committee approved `the appointment of the new `police commissioner, so far at `least 12 protesters have been `arrested. ` escalating tensions in `israel have the white house `situation. `israeli forces are sealing off `palestinian neighborhoods to `help stem the bloodiest violence `since peace talks broke down
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`secretary of state john kerry `will head to that region but a `state department comment on `wednesday suggesting that israel `may be using excessive force `could further strain `u.s./israeli relations. ` a plea deal could be `announced as early as today in `the scandal surround dennis `hastert. `he is charged with paying a `former friend to cover up past `misconduct which reportedly `included sexual misconduct even `with a deal, hastert could face `prison time. ` violent crash on a `california freeway. `a truck speeds up trying to pass `a mustang then loses control `veering off the road flipping `over and landing in a car `dealership. `witnesses say it may have been `road rage because both vehicles `tried to merge into the same `lane at the same time. ` well, some sticker shock for `commuters in denver. `this is incredible. `story. `$40 $40,
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`authorities are hoping to reduce `congestion and push drivers to `use an electronic toll pass. `i think that'll do the trick, `guys. ` finally, cue the music for `this story. ` fly like an eagle `>> look at this video shot by a `camera mounted on the back of an `eagle as it soared over london. `the city's landmarks clearly `visible. `his name is sid think and his `footage will be used in a new `video game, cool but pretty much `i just wanted to play steve `miller band. `>> absolutely. `>> can we throw in some "jungle `love." `>> moving like that. `thanks for bringing that to us. ` benches clear twice after `one of the strangest plays
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`>> back now at 7:17 with that `bizarre play in game five `between texas and toronto that `caused benches to clear not once `but twice and sent fans into a `frenzy. `abc's t.j. holmes has all the `details. `strangest plays in playoff `history. `>> a run scores. `>> reporter: and the result, `benches clear. `>> the dugouts have emptied. `>> reporter: a crowd reveals. `>> we have to get the players `off the field. `>> reporter: in the end the `toronto blue jays brought home `their first alds title in over `22 years. `>> championship series. `>> reporter: the turning point, `the 53-minute seventh inning `with a score tied 2-2. `the blue jays catcher makes what
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`to the pitcher but the ball `deflects off the bat of the `texas ranger shin-soo choo, a `run allowed to score but even `the umps don't seem sure that `was the right call and the game `is temporarily halted for 18 `minutes while they confer. `the fans angrier by the minute. `>> they are going crazy throwing `everything in this place. `>> reporter: the toronto player `tries to calm the crowd but `they're not having it. `the benches clear, that ranger's `run allowed to stand but it `served as a rallying run for the `blue jays and rangers make three `errors in quick succession. `then with the score tied 3-3, `the jays' jose bautista steps to `the plate. `>> bautista with a drive. `deep left field. `>> reporter: capping off their `victory with the bat flip heard `around the world. `you're not supposed to flip your `bat. `he tossed it in the dugout but `the ump got it right.
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`he got it wrong initially but `that throw if there's `interference by the batter then `that's a problem but the batter `innocently and it was an `accident so the ump said `initially i got it wrong -- `>> called a live ball. `can score. `beat for us. `>> i'm going to anchor `"sportscenter" now so dah, dah, `dah. `>> so much more ahead this `monday -- this friday morning -- `thursday morning. `an abc news exclusive. `high school football player who `says his life was changed `forever. ` the latest on lamar odom `found unconscious fighting for `his life. the rules. eggs and`sausage. hotcakes and butter. @morning fare right? @well mcdonald's has thrown`away those rules and opened @a new world of possibilities. @now, you're free to start`enjoying the breakfast @you love any time you wish. @no way. @yes way. @introducing mcdonald's new all`day breakfast menu.
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@it's time to start`changing when. t lowe's presents @ "how to lay down the law." @i thought i told you not to come r around here anymore. now get a husqvarna backpack blower for only $249. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. rjust like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. r and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor saidr joint pain from ra can be a sign of existingt joint damage that could only get worse. r he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. r enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, tevents including infections, tuberculosis, `lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders r and allergic reactions have occurred. r tell your doctor if you've been someplace t where fungal infections are common, r or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, `have had hepatitis b, have been
7:21 am
treated for heart failure, `or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ` don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. rask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one ` rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. r there's only one egg rthat just tastes better. @ with 10 times more vitamin e. rand twice the omega 3s. @ because why have ordinary @ when you can have the best. r only eggland's best. t better taste. r better nutrition. t better eggs. more than 5 milliont feet in the u.s. @ speak for amop\ pedi perfect. ndiscover the latest innovation: r new amop\ pedi perfect r with diamond crystals. `
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v r amop\, love every step. severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare@ was almost always on my mind. @ thinking about what to avoid, t where to go... @ and how to deal with my uc. rto me, that was normal. @ until i talked to my doctor. z she told me that humira zhelps people like me zget uc under control zand keep it under control zwhen certain medications x haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment,
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get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where t certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, thepatitis b, are prone to infections, tor have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. ` that same low pressure `system that's been hanging out `in the pacific has come back
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`around now showers and storms `especially in mountain areas in `southern california, parts of `nevada and arizona, you could `see 1 to 2 inches plus snow `levels above if you work hard,r and you do your part, you should be able to@ get ahead and stay ahead. r but the republicans... v they want to go back to letting v
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the super wealthy call the shots. they don't stand up forr they don't supportr they don't even really support@ refinancing student debt. americans, not justr for those at the top. that's what i intend to do as president. ri'm hillary clinton andri approve this message. `eri good morning. `n: a salem mother accused of `overdosing on heroin in front of `her 4 --year-old daughter. `she is charged with endangering `the welfare of a child. `a man called them from the la `quinta inn around 2:00 tuesday
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`her daughter was treated for a `medical emergency and is staying `with family. `the cost of fish and game in new `hampshire is going up. `the state fish and game `commission has approved raising `fees for the first time in 12 `years. `most licenses will cost an extra `$10. `68 years and older will have to `pay for a license. `that fee will be $10. `the unemployment rate continues `to fall. `available. `nearly 70% to employers will be `on hand from 10:00 until 2:00. `outside we go. `the sun is coming up. `kevin says 30' s as we start off `the day. `a lot of sunshine to go along `with it. `teens in mount washington.
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`nearing peak in central and `southern areas. `notice the sunshine today. `this disturbance will mean a few `showers overnight today. `temperatures falling back from `the mid-20' s to early 40' s. `very close to where we should be `for this time of year with a `southwesterly breeze. `the chance of showers will clear `tomorrow morning, setting up `partial sunshine and similar `readings for tomorrow afternoon. `showers will bring in much `colder air next week. ` ` v r
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had this amazing campus. even the walk to classt is amazing. i love the sense oft community. people actually hold ther doors open for you here. all my professors reallyr know who i am here. they genuinely want yout to succeed. i've made so manyt friends here. friends i know i'll havet for life. @ snhu is the place for me.
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` good morning, america. `and you're looking at the top of `somebody's head live at dulles `international airport. `>> this just in, robin. `>> it's one of the major `international airports across `the country hit by a major `outage overnight. `the computers that check against `the terror watch list going down `that raised some important `security kerrs. `>> david kerley is on that case. `here's some of the other `headlines. `randy quaid back in court in `vermont facing fugitive charges. `quaid and his wife on the run `for five years accused of `vandalism in california. `both being held on $500,000 `bail. ` can you imagine flying from `new york to london in an hour? `airbus has designed the `successor to the concorde
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`five times the speed of sound. `big question is will they `actually build that? `>> who needs to go that fast? `suits or something. `>> i would wear it just to get `there that quick. `they could make one my size, i'm `in it. ` also this morning, big `change coming to the way you pay `at some restaurants. `>> this could just be the tip of `the iceberg. `>> ooh. `>> have we reached the no `tipping point when it comes to `tipping at restaurants? `one of the men behind some of `the most successful restaurants, `you know, something he's going `down -- something he's exploring `and find out about that in "the `speed feed." `>> you've been hanging around us `too much. `>> puntastic. `>> i'm learning from you. ` we'll find out about that in `"the speed feed." ` we begin with new details `about lamar odom. `he is continuing to fight for `his life this morning. `we're learning the 911 and `hearing the 911 calls from when `he was found unresponsive. `abc's kayna whitworth is in las
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`vegas with the latest. `good morning, kayna. `>> reporter: robin, good morning `to you. `right now the hospital is `remaining quiet about lamar `odom's condition. `this as his friends and family `are gathering in support. `now, we've learned that this was `the first time odom visited that `brothel and now everyone is `wondering what happened what `left this 6'10" former athlete `fighting for his life? `>> is he conscious? `>> no. `>> reporter: overnight et ght newly `released 911 calls from the `brothel where lamar odom was `found unconscious. `>> he has blood coming out his `nose, white stuff coming out of `his mouth and they can't get him `to wake up. `>> the reporting part informed `the dispatch the male had been `using cocaine. `>> reporter: odom unresponsive `and barely breathing in the vip `suite at the nevada love ranch `rushed to a local hospital and `moved to a hospital in las `vegas, the 35-year-old now `surrounded by family and
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`friends. `>> at this time we pray for his `recovery. `>> reporter: the kardashian `family rallying around the `former nba star. `kris jenner sending her prayers `over instagram and kendall `jenner tweeting please don't go. `others offering prayers and `support for odom. `>> i hope that he really pulls `through. `that's really important because `he's had such a big heart. `he's helped so many people so `now it's our turn to help him. `>> reporter: staffers say he was `there for four days drinking and `taking herbal viagra they sold `on site. `>> lamar was acting like a fun `guy. `he wasn't out of his mind. `he wasn't speeding around. `he was going to bed at night, `getting good sleep. `he was eating healthy. `>> reporter: but one employee at `the love ranch saying something `changed monday night. `was there any, you know, any `sign of his kind of attitude `changing? `>> he did get a phone call and `that phone call had seemed to `bum him out.
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`the night before he was `hospitalized, you know, he had `told the girls that he wanted to `spend that night alone. `>> reporter: on tuesday morning `he was visited once at 6 a.m. `and then again midday when he `was asleep. `but when he didn't rise by 3:00, `two women found lamar completely `unalert. `>> horrifying site. `one of the girls in the last 24 `hours has not quit crying. `another girl is not available. `we don't even know where she's `at. `>> talking to lamar much? `>> i can't find him. `>> reporter: it hasn't been an `easy few years for the `basketball star and father of `two. `after splitting with wife khloe `kardashian, he was cut from the `new york knicks after just three `months and this past june, one `of his best friends died of an `apparent drug overdose. `>> lamar stuff will weigh on me `for the rest of my life. `the marriage didn't work out, `not because of me, that wasn't `what i wanted so for the rest of `my life i'm going to deal with `that and worry about him and `think about him and want just to `protect him.
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`>> reporter: now we've learned `this morning that lamar's two `children from a previous `girlfriend have just arrived in `las vegas. `also it's important to note as `of this morning khloe and lamar `have signed divorce papers but `that judgment hasn't been `entered into the court yet so as `of this morning, they're still `legally married and, robin and `george, "people" magazine is `reporting that khloe is making `all of his medical decisions. `>> i did not know that. `>> how much she cares for him `deeply. `>> she does, okay. ` we turn to those fantasy `sports sites in the headlines `again this morning. `fbi now investigating whether `some of the sites have defrauded `players and fostered illegal `gambling. `david wright with the story. `>> reporter: this probe is `reportedly in its early stages. `the justice department still `figuring out what to make of `this billion dollar industry `that for now is completely un `unregulated. `the feds want to know is it many `galing? `is it something else and whether `these companies are breaking any `laws. `this morning, the booming daily `fantasy sports business faces a
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`new legal hurdle. `>> just choose a league, pick a `team and get your cash winnings. `>> reporter: the fbi and justice `department launched an inquiry `into the practice of these `billion dollar daily fantasy `sports websites. `after last week's revelation `that an employee of draftkings `won $350,000 on a rival site, `fanduel and may have shared `inside information. `"the wall street journal" `reports today that agents from `the fbi's boston office have `already reached out to `draftkings customers. `>> combines one `day fantasy sports with winning `life-changing amounts of cash. `>> reporter: players have won `huge sums but they would insist `it's because they're good at `picking team, not because they `information. `the gomes brothers won a million `dollars in one bet and are not `investigation. `>> some are better than others `but they put more time and `effort into it and learned and `grown to that point.
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`i don't think anything is unfair `honestly. `>> reporter: new york's attorney `general is launching his own `probe demanding that both sites `share internal information and `policy. `>> it's something we're taking a `look at. `fraud is fraud. `>> reporter: both companies have `denied any wrongdoing and have `voluntarily blocked employees `from participating in daily `fantasy games for now. `draftkings said in a statement `wednesday night, it's entirely `predictable that the government `would follow up on the `misleading reports about our `industry and that they strongly `disagree with any notion that `our company has engage the in `any illegal activities." `but we reached out to fanduel, `as well, they told us no `comment. `george, robin. `>> thanks. ` coming up on "gma," we have `an abc news exclusive for you. `the parents of that high school `football player hit hard in the `head, now suing the school `district. `what they said happened to their `son. `you'll see it next here on `"gma." `come on back. @ we thought we' d be ready. but demand for our@ cocktail bitters was huge.
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i could feel our deadlinesr racing towards us. r we didn' t need a loan. @ we needed short-term funding. v fast. our amex helped ustfill the orders. tjust like that. you can' t predict it,r but you can be ready. @ another step on the journey. will you be ready@ when growth presents itself. realize your buyingr power at t from the dairyr farmers of fairlife, r this is our promise. rwe start with delicious,r creamy, real milk @ that's then ultra filtered so` fairlife has more protein @ and and only half the sugar. tat fairlife, wer believe in better. @ @ @
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` 7:41. `back now with a family of a high `school football player who says `their son is severely `debilitated from hits he took on `the field. `they're suing the school `district claiming the coach put `the junior back in the game even `though he told the too much he `wasn't feeling well. `abc's matt gutman is here with `the news, exclusive, matt, good `morning to you. `>> reporter: 17-year-old trey `enloe said he was feeling `nauseated, dizzy, had headaches. `those are classic concussion `symptoms. `his doctor said he probably `suffered a concussion on the `first play of the game, but he `ended up playing the rest of it `making that brain injury so much `worse. `this is the moment trey enloe's `life changed. `number 60, the kicker, crashing `helmet-to-helmet with that `player. `>> when he got home that day and `his life changed. `>> reporter: during this junior `varsity game last year, the `18-year-old stumbling off the
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`field asking his coach to bench `him. `his parents telling abc news `exclusive `exclusively -- `>> he was trying to tell his `teammate something about a play `and his words were slurred. `>> reporter: he was unable to `follow simple instruction `according to a suit his family `filed against the san diego `school district but his coach `allegedly sent him wobbling back `in saying, i don't have time for `this right now. `he ended up playing most of the `game suffering additional hits `and when a doctor finally saw `him -- `>> he motioned like you need to `get down here now. `that's when i knew something was `really wrong. `>> reporter: his family says `trey is now severely `debilitated. `>> he has very severe migrant `grains. `>> reading right now is very `painful for him. `he literally winces in pain. `>> reporter: the coach denied `the claims telling "the san `diego voice" it was never `communicated to me once that `trey was injured. `but the family attorney says `they have a strong case.
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`>> you've got a coach that `violated every policy and `procedure to protect our young `students. `>> reporter: researchers at `purdue university recently `concluded that brain injury `among high school football `players like trey could be `shockingly per vasistic, roughly `50% of the players examined even `ones without concussion symptoms `showed changes to the neurology `and biochemistry of their `brains. `look at this preseason brain `scan of one player involved in `the study compared to the same `player's brain after the season. `the brain activity seems `changed. `>> once you've had a concussion `the risk of additional injury is `way up. `>> reporter: trey's concussion `happened a year ago tomorrow. `and his father worries there `still is not enough awareness. `>> this will play out this `weekend on football fields all `over america. `pay attention to how real this `is. `>> reporter: now, i want to show `you those images interest that `study. `take a look on the left.
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`that's a brain of a healthy high `school football player before `the season starts. `see these orange and blue dots, `that's the circuitry the brain `is trying to use to complete a `tack. `now take a look at the right `side. `the same kid during the season, `see how those images on the `right, there's so many fewer `dots of the red and blue. `those are the ways in which the `brain has rewired itself to `complete that same task. `all to avoid using those damaged `areas and, remember, this is a `kid without a diagnosed `concussion and maybe the most `disturbing part of that study it `took up to five months for some `of those players' brains to `heal. `lara. `>> does the brain ever really `fully heal? `that's also the question people `are asking. `you played football, michael. `>> it is one of these things -- `it's this catch-22. `so many kids that want to play `and parents who want them to `play but you have to listen to `the kid. `if the kid says, i don't feel `well, these are the symptoms, `trust them they know what `they're talking about. `nothing worse than having some `kid injured over trying to win a `football game. `it's not important at all.
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`>> not worth it. `thank you. ` coming up, you will have a `tip for us? `>> oh, yeah, you know what, to `tip or not to tip. `>> that is the question. `>> that -- that may not be the `question any longer and that's `coming up in our "speed feed," `everybody. r welcome to carmax, @ the bright side of car buying. carmax makes car buyingt @ r for everyone, every... r now wait a minute, can we, can we just hold on fort a second? you know, we don't need anyt of this stuff. r look, we're not splashy. r we're not gimmicky. we're just a bunch of peoplet like jeff... good people who sell goodr cars to good people. r and that's what we mean by the bright side of carv buying. r there's only one egg rthat just tastes better. vfresher. tmore flavorful. t delicious. @ with more great nutrition. @ and 25% less saturated fat. r only eggland's best. t better taste. r
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v s s crisp garden vegetables... now we've added even moret t of them. to philadelphia gardent vegetable. @ @ rich, creamy, and delicious. r r only philadelphia . nsofter, smoother skin after justnone shower? ndove body wash with anbreakthrough formula. njust one shower gives younsofter, smoother skin. @my skin is really silky smooth. ndove body wash. nsofter, smoother skin after njust one shower. why let someone else have allvthe fun? r @ the why can't it smell like r this all the time fun. v fun. r why let someone else r t @ t
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` all right, time now for "the `speed feed" and we all love `those stories of waiters and `waitresses getting that `supersized tip but we also heard `tales of those workers being `stiffed which is not so nice. `soon that could all change. `industry experts say that diners `tip an incredible $44 billion a `year. `now, danny meyer, the ceo of a `string of high-profile `restaurants tweeted on `wednesday, friends, we've `reached a no tipping point. `total hospitality is a total `team sport and in his statement `he said that customers won't `have to leave something extra at `the table, at the bar or at the `coat check and now his eateries `will pay all of their `employeesic quitably, `competitively and professionally `so what do you -- `>> how do they do that? `they make a lot of their money `off tips. `>> i wouldn't even mind if you `raised the price of the meal as
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`are being taken care of and also `helps me because i don't have to `tip. `the 1. `we'll be right back. @ @ and off you go,x @ @ @ and off you go,x @ @ @ and off you go,x @for every step, every stride,`every start, @begin strong with the lasting`energy @of 100% whole grain`quaker oats... @and off you go. t lowe's presents @ "how to lay down the law." @i thought i told you not to come r around here anymore. now get a husqvarna
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@ flonase allergy relief nasalv spray. rthis changes everything. @ flonase is the 24 hour reliefv that @ outperforms the #1 non-drowsytallergy pill. @ when we breathe in allergens,r our bodies react by r over-producing six keyr inflammatory substances rthat cause our symptoms. @ most allergy pills only controlt one substance, @ flonase controls six. and sixr is greater than one. rso go ahead, inhale life, @ excite your senses, seize ther
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@ this changes everything. i thought activia was@ for big digestive issues. until i realized ourr body handles a lot. 1,100 meals a year... r 730 rushed snacks... @ add 300 stressful decisions... no wonder our digestive@ system sometimes acts up. tso try activia! ` enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce ` the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. @the best part, it tastes great!
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r when you're living with` diabetes, steady is exciting. @ only glucerna has carbsteady, @ clinically proven to help @ minimize blood sugar spikes. @ so you stay steady ahead. ` those wildfires and a big `change in temperature. `that picture from colorado. `the record heat will end and `look how quickly we drop off. `more than 20 degrees in oklahoma `city as we start the weekend `into the 70s. `it's going to be a lot chillier. `all of that weather brought to @ people want change, they want` reform, @they want to see something done, @ but just carping about it and ` whining about it @ and making speeches about it ` doesn't get it done. @nobody has shaken up the system`more than i have. @ i've always been unorthodox `
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`erin: good morning. `a salem mother accused of `overdosing on heroine in front `of heard daughter. `kari houlne is charged with `endangering the welfare of a `child. `a man initially said she was `unconscious and not breathing. `he gave her narcan and revived `her. `two local school principals `earning national honors for `their efforts in building and `sustaining strong schools. `they have both been named 2015 `national distinguished runcible.
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`designations this year. `outside, we will bring it to the `beach. `hampton, 40 degrees. `kevin: a lot of sunshine. `a little breeze out of the `southwest. `the cooler air drains in this `morning. `another disturbance writing and `later tonight -- disturbance `riding in later tonight. `the disturbances get cooler `behind it. `tomorrow, showers around to `start the day. `we will see the sunshine recover `into the afternoon. `it is the next system map `follows that late friday night `and early saturday. `that could have mixed shower `activity. `that should pull away saturday `afternoon. `temperatures for sunday and `monday for highs likely not out
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`sunday night, a lot of areas in `central and southwestern areas `drop into the mid-20' s. ` it is time to deal with skyrocketingrr out-of-pocket costs. commentator: the 32-year-oldhead of a pharmaceutical company raised the priceof a life-saving drug overnight tt by 5,000%. i'm announcing a detailed plan to crack down on these abuses. commentator:rr he may be lowering it rr after hillary clinton blasted him out of the water. rr her plan would limitrrthe out-of-pocket costs that consumers have to pay. clinton: nobody in americarr should have to choose between buying the medicinethey need and paying their rent. rr i'm hillary clinton, ``
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` good morning, america. `it's 8:00 a.m. `"dance moms" drama. `the tough talking reality tv `star charged with fraud and `hiding hundreds of thousands of `dollars. `the moment the judge became `suspicious. ` ` america's most famous `quarterback tackles one of `america's favorite drinks `calling out coca-cola. `>> i mean, it's poison for kids. `>> he didn't stop there blasting `frosted flakes and the companies `who make them. ` meet the cupcake queens, the `sisters with a sweet recipe for `losing weight. `>> together we lost over 100 `pounds. `>> how they teamed up to get `back in shape. `>> we didn't want to diet. `>> the easy steps they took to `get healthy.
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`still eating those cupcakes. ` jack black is with us live `and he's bringing our top five `as we say -- ` `>> jack black, good morning, `jack black. `so happy to have you in the `studio. `>> ah! `>> look at that. `>> a little "kung fu panda" `"goosebumps." `always so much fun. `>> we love it when he's here. `he brings it every time. `>> he's totally game. `he's going to do a lot in this `next hour so stay tuned. `right now you might notice that `michael is live streaming this `morning, his whole morning
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`routine, in fact, hello. `>> hey, it's just a part of our `routine. `hey, hey. `>> so you guys can watch it on `our website. `revealing his secrets to waking `up happy. `that's to tell you about his new `book and show you how you do it. `it's all happening right here. `>> only time i shut it off is `when i change clothes. `>> thank you. `or maybe not thank you. `>> i'm just saying. `i don't want to advertise `something that's not happening. `>> we're on tv all the time but `we still wave. `>> hi. `>> why does everybody do that. `>> this is really interesting `seeing it through here to see `what you really do see. `it's really great. `everybody at home can appreciate `it. `>> also this morning we have `great fall "deals & steals," `lotions and soaps from my `beloved hometown, and all the `deals are less than $20 or less. `>> with tory. `the morning rundown from amy.
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`>> good morning, everyone. `the big story, a major policy `shift by president obama. `he is keeping 5500 troops in `afghanistan beyond next year. `that is five types more than `originally planned. `this decision comes amid new `concern about the readiness of `afghan forces just weeks after `the taliban seized control of a `major city. ` well, a computer glitch is `being blamed for major delays at `some of the country's busiest `airports. `thousands of passengers entering `and leaving the country were `stuck in customs for hours when `the system that checks names `against a terror watch list shut `down. `officials say other security `layers were in place to make `sure no one slipped through the `cracks. ` well, firefighters in `central texas have a tough day `ahead of them as they battle a `wildfire that is now ten times `bigger than it was just 24 hours `ago. `the flames have destroyed at `least nine homes southeast of `austin, 150 others are `threatened. ` well, some disappointing `news in the fight against colon `cancer.
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`calcium or vitamin d does little `to nothing to prevent growths on `the colon that can lead to `cancer. `they say nearly half of patients `with polyps and other growths `who took those sumps developed `new growths. ` a reality tv star could face `a legal battle that could land `her behind bars. `the "dance moms" instructor `accused of stashing away cash `while filing for bankruptcy. `abc's linzie janis has that `story. `>> don't raise your kid to be a `sneak. `>> reporter: the tough talking `reality tv star who lays down `the law on "dance moms." `but this morning, dance coach `abby lee miller in real legal `drama of her own. `charged with fraud, concealing `assets and lying in bankruptcy `filings. `>> sometimes your best isn't `good enough anymore. `>> reporter: miller who owns `several dance studios filed for `bankruptcy back in 2010 just `four months before she started `shooting "dance moms" but `according to the indictment `instead of declaring her new
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`more than $750,000 in earnings `from her hit tv shows, seminars `and merchandise sales, in 2012 `and 2013. `>> there was a scheme to `defraud. `>> reporter: miller allegedly `sending an e-mail to a business `partner and her account `apartment with the subject line, `let's make money and keep me out `of jail. `instructing them not to raise `any red flags and don't put cash `in the bank. `overnight, miller did not `respond to our request for `comment. `if convicted, miller faces up to `five years behind bars and a `$250,000 fine for each of the 20 `counts in the indictment. `she's not yet entered a plea. `for "good morning america," `linzie janis, abc news, new `york. `>> our thanks to linzie for `that. ` finally a warning if you `ever want to take pictures of a `cola you may be subjected to the `most adorable hug ever. `watch what happened to this
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`he was not getting away `without -- `>> come on. `>> oh, a little loving hug on `the leg and that koala is known `for causing mischief in the park `and there is just no stopping `this little guy. `>> i see that. `>> when he's looking for some `love. `>> ah. `>> he's a koala-fied hugger. `>> that was top three. `>> i agree. `top three. `>> thank you, amy. ` to michael in the social `square. ` i'm still here live scream `streaming. `it's going to be hard. `on the "gma morning menu," tom `brady is tackling junk food and `taking on some of the most `popular treats your kids eat. ` how you can have your cake `and eat it too. `the sisters behind georgetown `cupcakes, share secrets for `losing weight. ` amazing "deals & steals" for `$20 or less. `we have all that and, of course,
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venergy. v focus. rhelp turn your kidsrpotential into reality. t start every day with t milk' s 8 grams oft high-quality protein. t how will you milk life? ` we have so much more ahead `this morning. `the perfect fall "deals & `steals" all for $20 and less. `you got to put that on. `we'll explain what this is with `tory and michael is live `streaming showing us how he `wakes up happy. `a way to make you happier. `put that on. `>> put it on. `>> a lot of fun here coming up. `
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` where is this going? `>> are you going to do it all `day? `>> i hope not. `my arm is tired. `>> you can see this all on our `website. `>> yes. `>> go on our website. `can you see all of this. `there you go. `>> or right here. `now it's time for the "heat `index" and this morning's hot `button, tom brady on a different `kind of offense condemning food `and beverage companies for lying `to customers calling coca-cola `abc's linsey davis has the `story. `>> reporter: this morning, `america's most famous `quarterback is taking on an `unlikely opponent. `patriots quarterback tom brady `gets heated in an interview on `weei on monday not about his `latest game but about coca-cola. `>> the fact that they can sell `that, you know, to kids, `that's -- i mean that's piecen `for kids but they keep doing it. `>> reporter: and he's not
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`also taking a shot at breakfast `cereal going after tony the `tiger. `>> that's just america and `that's what we've been `conditioned to so we believe `that frosted flakes are `actually -- is a food. `>> reporter: the 38-year-old `four-time super bowl champ `crediting a healthy diet as part `of his on-field success accusing `certain companies of false `advertising. `>> all those companies make lots `of money selling those things. `they have lots of money to `advertise. `when you go to the super bowl, `it's, you know, that's -- who `are the sponsors? `that's the education that we `get. `that's what we get brainwashed `to believe. `that all these things are normal `food groups. `>> reporter: coca-cola firing `back saying in a statement that `all of its beverages are safe `and can be enjoyed as part of a `balanced lifestyle. `kellogg defending frosted flakes `cereal for having valuable `nutrients and being associated `with lower body mass index in `both children and adults. `lately brady seems less inclined `to hold his tongue after `speculation about his marriage `to supermodel giselle bundchen
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`being on the rocks, he spoke `rather candidly in this `brand-new interview with our `partner, yahoo! `>> she's my best friend so we `get to do everything together `and especially when you're, you `know, fortunate to be in a `relationship with someone that `you love to death and you love `doing anything with them. `>> reporter: for "good morning `america," linsey davis, abc `news, new york. `>> rich besser is back. `i won't ask you to comment on `his marriage. `>> no. `>> this is kind of unusual to `see someone like brady speaking `out in this way. `>> it is. `as a pediatrician and parent i `know the issues with sugar and i `also know that the advertising `really makes a big difference of `there's been a call of banning `of advertising directed towards `kids because they know that it `sells sugar sweetened cereal and `sodas and we've been trying to `move away from that. `>> it's not fair to kid, right? `>> it's hard. `they see their heros doing this `and say, i want to be like them. `>> so break it down. `average soda, average sweetened `cereal. `graphic.
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`at it. `64 grams of sugar in a 20-ounce `soda equivalent to 16 sugar `cube, four types the amount of `sugar a kid is supposed to have `in an entire day. `it's twice what an adult is `supposed to have in an entire `enormous amount. `take a look at a breakfast `cereal. `an average bowl, 12 grams of `sugar, that's three teaspoons of `sugar -- three cubes of sugar. `it's about what they're supposed `to have in an entire day. `>> what are the effects of `sugar. `>> we're learning more and more. `weight gain, obesity but `increased cholesterol, heart `disease, diabetes, sugar is `the -- it used to be all fat. `now it's really all pointing to `sugar. `>> before you get to that you `crash what are some alternatives `for parents who may be on a time `and budget constraint? `>> there's simple breakfast. `a banana, smear peanut butter `and raisin, a little yogurt with `fresh fruit.
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`all quick, out the door in five `minutes. `>> so really do try to stay away `from cereal. `>> doesn't mean you can't ever `have sugar but kids are growing `up just living on this stuff and `not good for their health. `>> moderation. `>> how about water instead of `soda. `>> water is the way to go. `if as parents you set that `example and start off -- `>> my kids water when we go out `to eat. `>> mom, like, nope -- it's free, `too. `>> it is free. `>> yeah, talk about -- it is if `you don't buy the bottled stuff. `out of the tap, great way to go. `>> as kids we could never have `what we call them cold drinks. `drink. `>> it was a special event. `>> now i don't have a taste for `it because i didn't do it. ` next up our "heat index" ," a `sweet weight loss story. `sisters known for their `cupcakes, but still shed a `combined 100 pounds without `giving up the cupcakes. `abc's mara schiavocampo is here. `how did they do it. `>> reporter: speaking of sugar, `right, losing weight is hard
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`it when you're surrounded by `cupcakes all day. `well, these sisters say they did `it just by literally putting one `foot in front of the other. `katherine berman and sophie are `related in more ways than just `one. `co-owners of georgetown `cupcakes, stars of the popular `tlc show "d.c. cupcakes"? `good. `>> reporter: and sisters and now `the pair can add massive weight `loss to their list of things in `common. `while pregnant two years ago `katherine gained 60 pounds. `>> the weight came on so quickly `and so fast for me and my `portions were a little bit out `of control. `>> reporter: sophie found `herself getting heavier too. `putting on the sympathy weight. `>> i was basically eating as `much as katherine even though i `was not eating for two and `katherine's sister, i went for `seconds and thirds too. `>> someone eating a lot you just `naturally eat as much as they `do.
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`you're in the same surroundings `and same situation and before i `knew it, i had gained 40 pounds. `>> reporter: so after the baby `came the sisters got to work and `in nine months. `>> all: together we lost over `100 pounds. `>> reporter: necessary rest pay `to sweet success. `>> we didn't want to diet. `that's not a word in our `vocabulary as bakers so we `started walking. `that's all we did. `we walked six miles a day, five `days a week and we did it `consistently. `>> reporter: while they even `allowed themselves one cupcake a `day, they also focused on more `sensible portions overall which `experts say is important. `>> it's really important to `think about how one can balance `their diet and how that fits `into their overall lifestyle. `exercise alone is not the only `answer. `diet alone is not the only `answer. `there needs to be a real balance `and marriage of the two. `>> reporter: two baking queens `having their cupcake and eating
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`it. `love those puns there. `the sisters say the big business `partners also helped them `because they're used to working `together and supporting each `other, another thing they said `they did they weigh themselves `every day which i'm a big fan `of. `it's hard for weight to creep up `on you when you're always paying `attention so there you go. `>> diet and exercise. `thanks, mara. `>> as always. `outside to michael. `>> all right, thank you, guys `and now to big savings on tory `johnson's "deals & steals" this `morning. `items you will love that are $20 `or less. `>> that's a way to wake up `there you go. `>> let's get it started. `>> first up from sun sash i `brought these for you here. `take a look. `company. `easiest way to have halloween. `trio from minnesota. `too. `such fun. `not just for halloween but any `day. `an amazing deal. `sitewide with a big assortment.
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`normally $13, everything is `slashed in half, $6.50. `can't beat that. `>> you said every day. `i don't know if i will a walk `through times square they'll `accept that. `number two. `>> look at this. `>> this is from the pass globe `company. `we have to bring in `reinforcement for this one. `>> hometown. `loving it. `>> from robin's hometown of `lemongrass, your favorite. `not only that but the entire `assortment of products of bath `products and have their `brand-new illuminations most `gorgeous candles and a little `crackling sound in the wick when `you burn them. `really amazing. `amazing deal on these too. `give a little love to `mississippi. `$8 to $24, everything slashed in `half so $4 to $12. `>> come on. `>> pc for pass christian. `i smelled robin roberts. `she smelled good. `>> pass christian. `>> pass christian.
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`next up from seed ling. `a really small assortment. `all do it yourself arts and `crafts projects for 3 and up. `i do these with my 18-year-old `daughter. `i love them more than kids do. `so super fun to make tiaras, `crowns, stuff for boys and `girls. `make your own yo-yo. `big assortment on these. `i love this stuff. `normally $9 to $25, perfect, `perfect. `>> how many dads -- `>> slashed in half, $4.50 to `$12.50. `>> you do it for the kids. `>> there you go. `>> i love these. `i found these in "o" magazine. `this crowd is good. `big assortment. `these are great to adly little `pop of color to a fall wardrobe `in a simple, easy, inexpensive `way from polka dot, ombre, you `name it. `normally $28, all of these are `slashed by at least 64%. `$8 to 20 bucks. `can't beat that. `>> all right.
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`last but not least. `another "shark tank" company `game face. `decals and tattoos for your `face, easier than applying face `paint. `>> great idea. `>> we have a bump of them over `there. `our fun crowd is holding theirs `up over there. `those are just the decals but `you can -- they stick on to your `face or the tattoos actually go `on to your face, a ton of fun, `inexpensive. `normally $3 to $8 slashed in `half $1.50 to 4 bucks. `you can't beat that. `>> i tell you what, you can't `beat that. `you never cease to amaze me with `all these great "deals & steals" `and thanks to all these `companies for providing great `deals. `head to `on yahoo! to get the codes and `links for these bargains and `thank you, tory johnson, one `more time. `let's go over to ginger. `>> oh, michael. `we're out here making friends. `taking selfies, new friend from `minnesota and all talking about `the chill on the way. `if you are sticking around for `the weekend it is going going to get `cold here and get cold there
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`shenandoah, pretty fall foliage. `the first freeze or frost of the `weekend, hartford to `rhinelander, temperatures will `dip. `it won't stay around for that `long but make sure everybody is `well `kevin: a lot of sunshine. `temperature starting in the `30' s. `to the west, a couple of `showers. `each disturbance has slightly `cooler air behind it. `cooler air we will have today. `50' s most of the day. `a couple of lower 60' s in `southern spots. `a few high clouds drift in later `on today. `a chance to shower overnigh `>> too many birthdays to talk `about out here. `we'll go ahead and get to "pop." `>> thank you, ginger. `time for "pop news," you guys. `and get ready to have a very `murray christmas. `>> oh.
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`>> this morning we have a sneak `peek for you. `bill murray's new holiday `special. `it just makes me laugh saying it `coming to netflix. `the star has high hopes, he `actually promises it will go `down as the greatest in history. `>> wow. `>> in history from the looks of `the cast we're not doubting him. `he's got george clooney, chris `rock, miley cyrus and maya `rudolph. `>> come on. `>> to name just a few all taking `part in a variety style show. `it's an early christmas gift `arriving on december 4th. `>> i love this song. `>> i love it too. `>> and i love bill murray. `>> he's perfect. ` so george knows if you don't `know this we talk about it `the doctor away. `you have one every single day. `very healthy. `strong like bull. `that's what i think, strong like `bull. `we know that an asian pear a day `keeps the hangover away. `>> i bet you investigated this. `>> i did investigate it. `[ laughter ] `i did.
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`i did. `i tried -- i tried many `varieties of pears. `turns out the asian pear is the `key. `and we have discovered in this `"pop news" investigation or in `this have another pop `investigation, the key to `avoiding the grapes of wrath or `the wrath of the grapes, amy, `yes. `>> love it. `>> researchers in australia have `discovered that eating an asian `pear or drinking 7.4 ounces of `its juice speeds alcohol `digestion, participants in a `study -- myself included -- `rated hangover simms as much `less severe if they had just an `asian pear prior to a wild night `out. `boozers, be warned, you have to `drink it before. `it will not work as a hem di `after the fact. `>> i had a friend who said momma `love the grape. `>> momma love the grape. `>> look at that smile. `>> it wasn't me.
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`and finally just a quickie, it's `getting close to halloween so we `wanted to show you this kitten `who wants to be a goat this `year. `>> oh. `>> or could it be a goat that is `dressed up as a kitten? `you be the judge. `a little food for thought. `>> or could it be dub smash? `>> you know what, amy -- `>> don't ruin it for us. `>> okay. `i'm sorry. `>> impersonate, okay. `>> her kids only drink water. `>> i didn't say only. `>> momma drinks more than water `but her kids only drink water. `>> all right. `>> a lot more fun ahead. `jack black is going to be here. ` behind the scenes of "how to `get away with murder."
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`erin: good morning. `a salem mom accused of `overdosing on heroine in front `of her four-year-old daughter. `kari houlne is charged with `endangering the welfare of this `child. `and man called them from la `quinta inn, and said the mother `was unconscious, not breathing, `but he gave her narcan and `revived her. `her daughter is now staying with `family. `the cost to hunt and fish in new `hampshire is going up. `the state fish and game `commission approved raising fees
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`for the first time in 12 years. `most licenses will cost an extra `$10 next year. `outside we go. `seeing some clouds. `any rain today? `kevin: not looking at rain `chances today. `past wednesday night, the system `gives us a chance for showers. `the next the disturbances out of `canada brings in cooler and `cooler air. `i a lot of folks starting the `day in the 30' s and 40' s. `upper 20' s up north. `very close to where we should be `this time of year. `a light breeze out of the `southwest. `clouds moving in overnight. `a few showers by morning. `clearing skies and similar `temperatures tomorrow afternoon. `the second disturbance may have `mixed showers and a little bit `of light snow. `beyond that, the cooler air
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` right now, time to count `down "the top 5." `>> that is right. `it is time for the "top 5." `new countdown every morning `taking us to number one, the `biggest, the best, the buzziest `and you have a special guest. `>> i sure do. `none other than jack black with `us live this morning. `so we're going to talk to jack `coming up about the new movie, `fantastic called "goosebumps." `right now, though, the "top 5" `movie characters, named jack, `compiled by amazon. `jack will impersonate each one `and we will guess them. `jack, number five. `would you please impersonate `number five. `>> here's johnny!
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`>> jack nick surveillance k ckel holson in "the `shining." `>> it was just cannes. `it was only cannes. `>> are you english? `>> yes. `>> no. `no. `it was jack travian from idea `speed." `>> hit the thing and they `thought it was a baby carriage. `that was my 00 keanu. `need to work on that. `>> i thought he was scottish. `>> i'm the king of the world. `>> lee onardo dicaprio. `>> jack dawson. `>> sounds just like my other `one. `i hate these rather orange `octobers. `>> jack ryan. `>> and the last one. `>> jack sparrow. `>> wow!
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`>> way to go. `your top five jacks in movie `history besides, of course, the `one and only jack black. `talk to him coming up. `>> i, man, that was not very `good to be honest. `>> it was great. `so -- `? `wait. `give me my blue card. `i need that thing. `oh, just go over there. `>> come on over. `>> oh, there it is. `i had it right there all along. `>> we sit with jack black and `discuss the film. `>> absolutely. `>> you have kids. `this? `>> yeah. `>> i read the books to my kids. `>> it was one of the reasons `outside just loved the character `for real. `>> so tell everybody a little `about "goosebumps." `you play the author. `>> yeah. `>> stines. `>> i play,l. stins. `all the creatures and monsters i `have ever written exist in real `life and trapped inside the `manuscripts and when the `manuscripts open out come my `monsters that i've written and
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`kids trying to's capture the `monsters by running around town `trying to suck them in the book. `>> none other than,ly, stine was `on the red carpet. `>> jack black was the highlight `of the whole experience. `what an actor. `what a performance. `unbelievable. `he looks just like me. `>> that's really touching. `that was so sweet of him to say. `thanks, l. `>> all right, it was you. `what did your kids think? `i understand you got to have a `special screening. `very cool dad move at their `school. `>> i did. `i asked sony pictures if i could `screen it at their school and `they flipped. `they loved it. `obsessed with slappy, the `ventriloquist dummy. `>> i like slappy too. `>> when we went to the premiere `both of my boys wanted to be
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`slappy in the premiere. `>> so mission accomplished. `my boys love it. `>> how about you guys? `what do you like to read and `what's your favorite scary book `or movie? `>> my favorite scary book of all `time? `well, i really loved edgar allan `poe short stories when i was a `kid. `>> you really did? `>> pretty advanced. `>> that is advanced. `very dark. `>> yeah. `>> but, you know, i love -- it's `one of my favorite genres, "the `shining" is probably my favorite `movie of all time. `jack nicholson in "the shining." `>> you nailed in our "top 5." `>> that was the only one i `nailed. `>> that was fun. `>> my keanu reeves -- i don't `know. `>> so we understand that you `have also agreed to play a game `with us calling it you don't `know jack. `>> oh, good and it's basically `two truths and a lie. `>> okay. `>> and you will say them to `camera. `two of these things are true. `one is the lie. `we will have to guess which `is --
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`>> we'll see if you do know `jack. `>> okay. `here we go, everybody. `you don't know jack, begin. `>> okay. `my first truth, i cried three `times during "toy story 3." `>> truth number two. `>> truth number two. `jack black is a blackjack `master. `>> okay. `>> truth number three, my first `paid acting gig was a commercial `for atari when i was 13. `>> blackjack master, atari `commercial and what was the `first one? `>> and the first one was i cried `three types during "toy story -- `>> what do you think, what was `the lie, the crying? `the crying? `i'm going to say -- i'm going to `just say i think that you're not `really -- it would be too `coincidental to be a blackjack `master. `jack. `>> there's a lot of subtleties `to that blackjack game that i
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`three times during "toy story `3." `holding hands going into the -- `and my first paid acting gig was `a commercial for atari. `>> do you remember -- do you `remember what you did in that `commercial? `>> just last night i was lost in `the uple with pitfall harry. `>> nailed it. `>> surrounded by scorpions and `man-eating crocodiles. `it was like it was yesterday. `>> yeah. `>> you never forget your first `gig. `>> you never do. `and we can see now why you are `picture. `>> you're the best. `>> you're the best. `>> give me a hug. `>> give blackjack master. `everybody check out `"goosebumps," kids, parents `alike, it's terrific and in `theaters tomorrow. `thanks for being with us. `>> thank you. `>> back inside to miss amy. `>> chilly out here. `>> it is. `>> thank you and another jack, `jack osbourne opening up about `his battle with ms three years `ago. `he went on to finish third on `"dancing with the stars," hosted `a paranormal investigation show
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`and he and his wife lisa `welcomed another baby girl in `june. `abc's sara haines sat down with `the former reality tv star to `find out how he and his family `are doing. `>> reporter: how old is little `andy now? `>> andy is 16 weeks. `she -- me and my wife are `convinced she hates us already. `>> reporter: `>> you posted an `adorable video. `you're the reality tv guy. `is she okay with that. `>> she -- i've had to delete `pictures in the past that `i've -- videos i snuck of her. `she gets a little ticked off. `>> you don't ask for permission. `forgiveness. `>> i've learned now. `>> i could give you a tip or `two. `don't do that. `now you went on "dancing with `the stars" just about a year `after sharing your diagnosis. `was that extra special to not `only be able to do that but to `do so well? `>> i went in it being like, hey, `you know what, i'll do this and `prove a point, people with ms, `we are capable of doing what `everyone else can do and then
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`after like three or four weeks `you're just like i'm going -- `i'm winning. `i'm going to keep going. `>> i'm taking this all the way. `you've been working with a `special cane to raise awareness `and dispel maybe some myths you `mentioned. `>> i partnered up and we started `this campaign called you don't `know jack about ms. `when i got diagnosed i'd go `online and go to certain medical `websites and this and that and i `couldn't find anything that was `here's ms. `here's what it is, here's some `information on how to take care `of yourself and here's some `people's experience. `>> what do you think the biggest `myth people have about ms is? `>> i mean there's so many. `i think probably the biggest `myth that i get frustrated by is `that, you know, i think people `automatically assume you're no `longer able-bodied and i think `that's a huge thing. `you'll have to be confined to, `you know, a wheelchair or what `anymore. `there's so many treatments out `there. `>> our thanks to jack and to
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`info on the you don't know jack `about ms partnership on that `organization's website. `time now to head back outside `and ginger. `>> and, amy, all we can talk `about is the chill and then `we're starting to think, well, `let's go ahead and get warm. `but you get warm and go to south `florida, this is what's going to `happen. `you see a a beautiful sunrise but `then you may get rain and `storms. `that stationary front will stick `around. `a couple of inches of rain but, `of course a lot of those places `still wanting it after being in `the `kevin: temperatures 50' s to `lower 60' s. `a good deal of sunshine around `today. `clouds increased tonight. `tomorrow, a shower or two early `in the day. ` `>> all that weather brought to `you by amazon prime and now `michael is here with legendary `nfl tight end tony gonzalez `talking about their inspiring `documentary "play it forward." `michael.
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`and i am here with tony gonzales `and, tony, yes. `tony, everybody. `and i got to say i had an `opportunity to play against you `when i was with the giants and `you were with the chiefs and you `were with the atlanta falcons `and made a documentary with you `detailing your journey `throughout your career and life `with your brother, chris, and `how was it to see this unfold at `the tribeca film festival to see `your life unfold in front of `everybody. `>> first of all it's surreal `when you see everybody looking `at the personal side. `that's always been the football `side but i was really proud of `the story that we told like you `said it was my journey to one of `the best years of my life. `we went to the nfc championship `life but my brother's journey `and the way it chronicled our `family and how we support each `other is a side of our nfl lives `that most people don't get to `see. `it was really unique from that `standpoint watching how we `support each other and how i `supported my brother through his `journey of becoming a fireman. `>> here's a player who brings a `family with him. `your case is a little different.
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`you did bring your family with `you but it was your brother's `dream to play football and he `stepped in and did a lot of `things that a father would do `for you to make sure you made it `and how is the relationship with `your brother? `i know you two didn't talk for a `year and a half after this film `was made. `>> you know, he sacrificed a lot `of his life and his dreams to `really support mine and really `help me. `he was that confidant and that `no guy. `you have a lot of yes people but `he was that no guy. `you're not that good. `you're getting out of hand. `why don't we go home and shut it `down early. `after the doc was shot we `stopped talking and maybe that `was because football got taken `away. `that was always our common `ground. `what we always spoke about but `went through ups and downs but `we are talking today and it's `one of those things, you got to `get it wrong before you get it `right and i think our `relationship now is stronger `than ever. `>> and what do you hope people `take away from this film? `>> you know, like i debated on `whether or not to tell anybody `we stopped talking for a year `and a half after the documentary
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`because we supported each other `but i want people to take away `the family dynamic and how we `support -- we're just one story `of many out there. `but like i said in the film `it'll make you laugh. `it'll make you cry but most of `all it's going to make you cheer `not just for sports but for `life. `just chasing your dreams and `getting after it and supporting `each other. `>> it's a family film. `talk about families supporting `each other, helping each other `reach their dreams. `that's what we're all about at `"gma." `we'll send it back to you, amy. `>> all right, thanks so much. `coming up your all access pass `to speaking of family i need `some help here, how to get away `with murder. `>> murder. `>> the cast sharing their `secrets about each other next on
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`>> as you can probably tell we `can't get enough of "how to get `away with murder" around here `and our nick watt find out how `to get on the show's set `spending time with emmy winner `viola davis and the outstanding `cast. `>> reporter: murder, mayhem, `sex, more murder, more sex. `>> oh. `>> i'm sorry. `>> reporter: courtroom, bedroom, `classrooms it's addictive tv. `why? `>> i think that it has a very `intriguing leading lady on it. `that's what i think. `>> reporter: you think that's `the secret. `>> very attractive. `>> you think that's the secret. `>> yeah, i do. `>> reporter: maybe the fact that `viola davis puts in an historic `emmy winning performance, the `first ever african-american `dramatic actress winner. `>> this is criminal law 100 or
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`as i prefer to call it, how to `get away with murder. `>> reporter: davis, of course, `played annalise keating. `>> i want you to kill me. `>> i'm sorry. `>> reporter: i don't have to `come in in season two and go, `okay, we can't do this script `because you wouldn't say a, b, c `and d. `she can do anything. `>> you're a monster. `>> reporter: and she does. `legal queen bee with her hive of `associates and student hangers `on. `>> it's a closed set but they've `let us in. `they may regret this. `>> stop being so damned `sensitive and get on board. `>> reporter: today i'm taking `class. `my name is nick watt. `welcome to how to give a press `interview 101 or as i like to `call it -- how to embarrass your `cast mates. `i find you all despicable but i `can't help watching it. `>> i feel the same way about `"good morning america." `>> reporter: who is most likely `to actually commit a crime? `>> this woman over here.
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`>> reporter: in real life, who `would you choose to be your `life? `>> no one. `>> reporter: who is most like `their actual character? `>> what! `i think aja. `>> sorry. `>> reporter: my class, carla `souz have wins the trophy. `interviewee which makes you the `best. `for "good morning america," nick `watt, abc news, los angeles. `>> i spent time before season `one, they are so much fun to `hang out with as you saw. `>> like a family. `>> nick always has fun with `those pieces. `>> catch a new episode of "how `to get away with murder" tonight `at 9:00, 10:00 central part of `the tgit lineup here on abc but `coming up next on "gma," tom `hanks opening up about his wife `rita wilson's health battle and
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` do you know someone whose `home needs a face-lift? `"gma" wants to make over a room `for one lucky viewer so go now `to on `yahoo! to find out how to enter `and give someone the epic `surprise of a new room in their `home. `>> tom hanks generating oscar `buzz for his new role in "bridge `of spies." `it's a harrowing spy drama about `two superpowers on the brink of `war and missile inland anchor `juju chang spoke to him about `the role and the health battle `for his wife rita. `>> reporter: he plays james `donovan a little known insurance `lawyer turned high stakes `diplomatic negotiator. `>> he was a bad ass. `a brawler when it came down to `the finer points of the law `which he would be happy to parse
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`out. `>> reporter: asked to personally `broker a spy swap during the `height of the cold war, his `client a convicted soviet spy `for a captured american u2 `pilot. `>> he was extraordinarily great `at sitting down and brokering a `deal and talking turkey and `let's both win here. `i've read that from the secret `of other like negotiators is `that the only successful `negotiation is when both sides `win. `>> the russians want their pan `back. `we want to you negotiate the `swap. `>> reporter: "bridge of spies" `already garnering early oscar `buzz, the fourth collaboration `spielberg. `>> what he does, he either comes `in and tells you exactly where `you're going to stand and `exactly what you're going to do `and then you do that and it ends `up being one of the most `powerful moments in the motion `picture. `>> next mistake our countries `make could be the last one. `>> you're telling me your acting `is intuitive.
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`>> i read something and i know `instinctively to do it, that i `want to do it and how to process `it. `>> reporter: not a lot of drama `classes or method acting for `you. `>> no, actually the opposite. `every role i have taken has been `impacted upon by everybody else `that i interact with and i've `worked with phenomenal actors `that i've learned a lot from. `>> reporter: he's learned the `most perhaps from his life `partner, rita wilson. `>> we've been married for 27 `years. `>> reporter: i know she's had `some health challenges. `>> yeah, she was very open about `that, very smart about it. `part of it is because, look, you `know, people take our pictures `when we walk into restaurants `and she's not one to shy away `from authenticity and the truth. `>> so truth.
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` tomorrow, the amazing story `of this brave transgender teen `born into this world as a male `identical twin but they were `anything but identical. `now tomorrow the remarkable `journey, the acceptance and one `family's love on abc's "good `morning america." ` before we go a note from our `partners at yahoo! a great way `to give during the month of `october if you go to `they will donate ten cents to ` `a great organization founded by `your husband `>> that's correct. `i agree, george.
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`police are looking for the `person responsible for a series `of commercial break-ins. `someone broke into four `businesses on river road in the `span of two hours and tried to `break into another. `the salem police deputy chief `help saved a life. `james chase was leaving a `private security job when he `found a man unconscious and not `breathing. `he managed to revive him twice `before first responders arrived. `the city is no longer enforcing `its juvenile curfew after the `aclu raised constitutional `concerns in franklin. `lots of sunshine. `41 degrees. `kevin: a good deal of sunshine `today. `a few high clouds. `may be a shower up north just `before sunshine -- before `sunset. `there could be a couple of
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`showers around overnight. `pushed behind that, as we turned `sunny, we will get things cooler `towards the weekend. `mid-30' s up north while we are `in the low-end and mid 40' s in `southeastern spots. `these readings from the mid-50' s `to lower 60' s about where we `should be for mid-october. `we start with clouds and a `shower. `the final disturbance before we `get into the weekend will be `friday night, early saturday `morning. `maybe some mixed showers or a `little bit of light snow. `colder air, 40' s for sunday and `monday. ` ` if you work hard,r and you do your part, you should be able to@ get ahead and stay ahead. r but the republicans... v they want to go back to letting v the super wealthy call the shots. they don't stand up forr
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