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tv   News 9 at Five  ABC  December 2, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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in other high profile events. i'll now have dave boutige, assistant director of the fbi, say a few words. >> thank you, sheriff. the fbi is here with our state and local partners as well as our partners from the atf. we are here to essentially assure that all the woulded are extracted and ultimately public safety is the number one goal at this point. we will work as a law enforcement community to assure that we have done everything we can in our power to find, locate and apprehend these subjects. at this point i know one of your questions is going to be is this a terrorist incident. i will tell you right now we do not know if this is a terrorist incident. so we start from the beginning, working with all our local partners. we take the presumption that it maybe, it may not be, but we will work hand in hand with them from the beginning. if things change we are here from the get go, and there is no
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proceeds. at this point i'm going to turn it back over to the chief. >> so very quickly, after the initial response we have several hundred people that were in the building that are not injured. those people have been taken to a safe location, and they are part of the investigation. in addition to that, we know that this is a human incident and this is a tragedy. we know we've got a lot of folks out there that are very concerned and worried about their loved ones that may have been at that facility today. we've set up an area at the hernandez area in the city of san bernardino for family members to go for information. we will push information out to that for those family members as we can. also the sheriff's department put out the crime tip hotline number. if anybody has any information we'd very much like to hear from you. so with that i will take a couple of questions. >> do you have any information on this event that was happening and apparently upwards of three gunmen stormed in? >> i don't.
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meeting to a boy tension like a lunch-type gathering maybe for the holidays. that's not confirmed. that is very preliminary. it's my understanding that most of the people that were wounded, most of the victims, were all centrally located in one area of the facility. >> were there any weapons or body armor, anything like that been recovered? >> in terms of the employees, it's my understanding this facility has both state and county employees as well as folks that work for a number of organizations. the inland regional center serves a number of organizations that treat mental illness type issues and that sort of stuff. i don't have any idea. i know that state and local county employees work there. i do not know if any of them are the victims or who they are at this point. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i do not have any information that any children were involved. >> [ inaudible ]. >> weapons used and the number of people involved here? given what you have in the way of evidence, witness accounts and everything else would you characterize this as an organized event?
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shooting at people with? >> preliminary information indicates these are people that came prepared, that they were dressed and equipped in a way to indicate they were prepared. they were armed with long guns, not handguns. i do not know what type of long guns. >> how were they dressed? >> i don't know. >> were any weapons recovered at the scene? >> we do not have any weapons recovered at this point. >> [ inaudible ]. >> chief, could i ask for clarification? you said upwards of 14 dead? what does upwards mean? >> the preliminary number we have right now is that there are 14 people who are deceased, and our count is another 14 people that have been taken to various hospitals for significant injuries, potentially related to gun shots. we also have a number of other people that may have had some minor types of injuries. they fell down in the course of fleeing or something of that nature. but roughly about 14 that we believe are wounded. >> [ inaudible ] inside the
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>> i would imagine there are but we're not that far in the investigation yet. >> chief, would you mind repeating the nuts and bolts again? >> the whole thing? >> is there the possibility that there are more deceased or wounded inside of that regional center? >> i think that that could be a possibility, yes. i don't think we're comfortable saying no at this point. >> have the bomb technician recovered anything which is or looked like an i.e.d. inside the building? >> as the teams were going through and searching for the suspects and searching for victims, there were things in the building that were not immediately identifiable that caused them some concern. as a result of that we do have some bomb techs that are on-site that are checking some of that out. i do not know if they were brought in by the suspects. we do not know if their bombs of any sort. just simply things that as our teams were moving through said that needs to be looked at more closely. >> they haven't taken anything apart an or destroyed anything? >> i have no information on that. >> [ inaudible ].
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that you believe are related to this event? >> not they know of at this point. >> witnesses said the gunmen said anything? did they say anything? >> we don't have anything specific from those witnesses. we're in the early stages of >> [ inaudible ]. >> this is the only active scene that we're working. >> what about security tapes that may have been shot inside? investigation. point. >> can you talk about the suv? >> that's all we have. very generic, upwards of three suspects, darker suv to flee. >> suspects wearing camoflauge? >> i've never heard camoflauge. >> what were they wearing? >> [ inaudible ]. >> i have repeatedly been told the number is three. but keep in mind this is information that is flowing in as people are talking to witnesses very quickly. as we put everything together some of this may change. we know these are fluid situations. some of the information we put out now may change a little bit
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>> is there any description about these suspects? >> as far as people in the area, we're doing everything we can to keep this area safe. we are addressing other facilities in the area that we think may be similar or may be somewhere but we don't have any information or any credible cilities at this point. we're on a behind the sense of alert. we ask the public to be on a heightened sense of alert watching out for those things. if they come across information contact us and let us investigate it. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i put out what i have. just three. >> were they wearing masks, chief? >> one report i heard is masks were involved, but i don't know point. >> do you have any active leads you're pursuing for them right now? >> yes. not going to talk about it. >> did the gunmen say anything the shootings? >> not that i'm aware of. >> any sort of threats made prior to this incident? we're not going to talk specifically about that right
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>> [ inaudible ] i just want to say thank you to all the chiefs, fire chiefs and everything, all the responders. i appreciate that. >> thank you very much. >> do you have any idea how long the attack lasted? >> a few minutes. >> based on how well -- >> a lot of information there from the san bernardino police chief jared berguan about a situation that unfolded, interregional center san bernardino, california. i think we have a few more minutes. >> [ inaudible ] how are you equipping your people in the field? >> our people in the field go into the field with what they have. we have a number of officers that have high caliber weapons, them. most of the officers carry handguns. the officers that arrived on scene and did the initial work to go into that building and had.
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suspects are. >> chief, how is the fbi getting involved in this? and is there somebody a representative maybe they want to talk in detail? >> we know historically that some of these investigations can turn into a potential federal prosecution-type thing. at this point we don't know that to be the case. but it's better to have them on scene from the very beginning so they know what we know and they are an active part of the investigation. in addition to that, being from the federal government they bring to the table tremendous our job. terrorism. can you talk about that? >> we have no information at this point to indicate that this is terrorist-related in the traditional sense that people may be thinking. obviously at minimum we have a domestic terrorist type situation that occurred here. >> any description at all? white, black? >> we don't. >> [ inaudible ] in the sense they had training? >> the only thing i'm comfortable saying at this point
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is that they came prepared to do what they did, as if they were on a mission. >> how long were they inside shooting? >> i don't know specifically. several minutes. >> were the gunmen still there when the initial responding officers arrived? >> we don't know. our police officers have not engaged or exchanged gunfire with anybody. but we don't know if they were on scene when we arrived. >> chief you may have covered this or no. but were the vast majority of the dead and wounded in one centralized location in the facility? >> yes. in the same general area of the facility. >> assumption here, chief, that they had targeted that those particular people? early in the investigation to even make that assumption. we don't know what the motive is at this point. >> were hostages taken? >> we don't have any information they took any hostages. >> can you describe what types
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>> long guns is what i've been told. i think there are people that those are. i don't want to put out a specific type of gun. just saying it's a long gun not a handgun. >> what made you say they were on a mission? >> they came in with a purpose. they came in with the intent to do something. >> was there any threat made to incident? >> i don't have specifics on that. with that we're going to cut this off. we will be back every hour on the hour to provide an update, even if we don't have anything specifically we will come back to you every hour on the hour at least for the next several hours to provide an update. >> at the top of the hour. >> at the top of the hour is fine. >> jarrod berguan. >> a lot of information there from the san bernardino police chief jarrod berguan about the situation unfolding at the inland regional center in san bernardino, california, unfolded a little over three hours ago on the west coast, 11:00 a.m. pacific time, when it appears that three gunmen came into the
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14 people killed according to the sheriff, 14 people with serious injuries at the hospital right now. and perhaps the most chilling news, those shooters still on the loose. pierre thomas our senior justice correspondent, when you heard the sheriff say that you said worst case scenario. >> worst case scenario, no better way to put it, unfortunately a nightmare scenario. they don't know who they are, they don't know where they are, and they have clearly deadly intentions with more potential targets out there. >> perhaps left in a black suv. brian ross our chief investigative correspondent. the sheriff also said these people came prepared, prepared to do what they did as if they were on a mission. >> on a mission. they came not to take hostages which they didn't take. they came to kill and then get out and go somewhere else. we don't know where, they don't know where. and as pierre says, this is a highest concern. this is an active threat right now. >> what he also said, the sheriff said there's no information and he used the air quotes this is a terrorist situation. but he said at minimum a
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>> terrorism of some sort. whether these are people that have some other issue. clearly i would say from what i was listening to here this was not a disgruntled former employee or someone with a unique argument or issue with this center for the disabled. this was a group of people apparently on a mission. they came, they killed, they left. long guns, perhaps masks, body armor. >> yes. it was serious, it was planned. they left very quickly. in fact they were in and out in a short period of time. i'd like to know what sort of rounds they may have found on the floor. obviously we're not there yet. i thought the chief did an excellent job. put out the information he had. he said we don't have this. he was very concise and well delivered. >> promised update on the hour. matt gutman on the scene inland regional center. several people taken out of the building as well, still being cleared. >> reporter: apparently so, george. what we have been seeing over
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or so for the first time in the hour and a half that we've been here is officers, ambulance, fire trucks, starting to pull away from the scene. clearly they don't think that this area is of much danger. and what the chief said is that they do believe those gunmen are on the loose now. that's one reason that we've got reports that across this city, city officials are on lockdown. the courthouses. any government officials are still on lockdown. we know that the courts are being surrounded by a swarm of officers with guns at the ready. this city is very much on tenter hooks right now with those alleged possibly three now they're starting to let people come back in here. but whatever happened in there, even though they still may be the bottom line from the sheriff's office and police officers here on the ground that situation is over. of course what else is going on we don't know. >> former fbi agent brad garrett with us this afternoon.
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technicians on the site checking scene. >> that again would suggest, george, that they wanted to possible. this. it appears that they didn't go there to die. it appears they wanted to keep their face covered. they wanted to commit this act, they wanted to complicate the scene, maybe kill more people with explosives and then leave. so that then takes you to if it's not islamic extremists, where the likelihood of another event is out there, or is it some domestic extremist group? some hate group? what are the issues in reference to treating the disabled and groups that don't like that or have some issue with it? i'm just speculating here, of course. but if this is just a single event, then there has to be some issue with the individuals who attacked this place and the service they provide. >> that would be one theory, pierre thomas.
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today, the secret service have also been looking at this spate of mass shootings directed at government buildings. of course this inland regional center which takes care of the developmentally disabled does get state and local, county government funding, is a respects. >> exactly, george. everything is on the table right now. because they simply don't have enough information to go on. if you want to understand just how dire the situation is, the fact that he came out and specifically asked the public to help them and to be at a heightened state of alert. also the fact they're going to do briefings every hour on the hour tells you that they know the community is extremely afraid and they want to give people as much information as they can when they can so that the public can again be a multiplier effect in terms of eyes and ears. >> and john cohen also former counterterrorism official with the department of homeland security on the phone. it will be everything is on the table as pierre said, all hands on dex. right now they're are now they're
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location. but they have such a wide area now to try to protect. >> that's right, george. in the days ahead the investigation will tell us more about the motive behind this. but right now the top priority for law enforcement and security officials is to identify and capture these individuals, prevent them from doing another attack, increasing security around lo locations that may represent a risk. i thought one of the newer facts that came out of the press conference besides what everybody else was saying was government facility. that's potentially a very important piece of information that state and local government officials that work at this location. >> what would that tell you? >> that would suggest that the investigators are going to be looking at very carefully at whether this was targeted specifically because it had government personnel there, whether it's a domestic extremist organization or a foreign terrorist organization,
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at it is a government building could be potentially important in determining the moat. >> i have steve gomez, former fbi special agent as well. they said they're talking to the several hundred evacuated from the building. they could be the prime sources of information right now. >> so they're going to be getting all that information from those witnesses, as much as they can. and if these suspects had their faces covered and they did everything they could so they couldn't be identified, any little thing that those witnesses can provide, their physical description whether they were tall, short, big, whatever it is, even the color of their socks, whatever they can come up with is going to be very important. and as you can see, they're already looking for as much information from the public as possible. they put out the tip line. you know that they've got a number of people that are manning those tip lines right now, getting that information together and pushing that out to the investigators. but one thing i think that is very important is any kind of suspicious activity that may have occurred at that facility -- and i'm talking suspicious activity people maybe that are sitting in a car for a
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facility. this is days, maybe weeks ahead of time. they're going to be really focusing on that part of the investigation to try to see, did these guys do some kind of reconnaissance of the facility prior to this incident. >> george, you know, history has to be our guide in these situations. and people at home may be wondering why we keep qualifying. again, history is a guide. when the oklahoma city bombing took place many years ago there was a lot of speculation initially that it was international terrorism of some sort. perhaps some sort of islamic terrorism. it turned out to be domestic terrorism. and no one saw that coming initially. >> and then we heard there, brian ross, from the chief quite open about the fact that they basically know nothing. >> they just don't know. they made a clean getaway is what he's saying. three men came, heavily armed, on a mission. they killed 14, he says, 14 more injured, and they got away. they were on a mission. and as pierre says from the
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it wasn't the mid east. it was the midwest in that case. so all options are open here. there are a number of hate groups around the country. we're told the los angeles police department now is scrambling its tactical teams to protect sites that could be possible targets. >> they must do that. what we also heard from the chief, ray kelly, the active shooter protocol was put into effect as soon as they got that first 911 call. what does that mean exactly? >> it means that the officers have been trained. as i say, columbine changed a lot of things. and the primary goal is to save lives. so officers responding have to enter that location as quickly as they reasonable can, rather than waiting to construct a team. and apparently that's i think alluding to. >> brad garrett, we heard from one eyewitness that the suspects who were in the car started to leave and in a quite deliberate manner, relatively slowly.
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they may have escaped the scene, they cowl uld have gotten quite far. >> somebody mentioned earlier they could be in mexico. yes. without, you know, something beyond the suv, did they find it? is there -- do they have witnesses of getting into another vehicle? all of those -- it's like the timeline of when they left to where they are now, that's all the pieces we appear to be missing. so that's really the key. can you put that together? so finding the suv really is a doing right now. >> i want to go to matt gutman back on the scene right now. matt? >> reporter: george, only that what we've continued to see officers and s.w.a.t. forces filing away from the scene. we believe that the officers really do think that that cleared. what we do know from that press
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held in a bottom floor, that that is where most of the shooting was confined to, at least that's what the officials say. and that now they are fanning out as brian and pierre and everybody have been saying across this city, trying to find that dark-colored or black suv. government offices are still closed down. people told to shelter in place. and all of the 200 or so employees that we saw who were not injured, some of them were still crying, clearly shaken up through. but all of them filing past here out of that building and to safety were instructed not to talk to anyone. not family members and certainly not the press about what they saw and what they heard, george. >> so everyone you saw was told not to talk. but do you know if all the employees are in fact out? >> reporter: we believe that the living employees and the people who were not injured and the bodies are indeed out. that is what we are told. we've been in this corner for about an hour and we haven't seen anybody file past. authorities have been meticulously registering every
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their names, giving them water, allowinging them to go to the rest room in that needed to. it has been hours since that shooting started they have been waiting in the hot sun or waiting sheltering in place inside the building to be extricated and extracted by those s.w.a.t. teams. since then it seems that they're all out at this point. the tone here has totally changed since when we got here about an hour and a half or two hours ago. at first we saw officers running, heavily armed with assault rifles, towards that scene. now people are sort of walking about. i think what is clear the officers believe that whatever happened inside that building, that shooting, the three men coming in, gunning down 14 people, injuring 14 others, that that either 1, 2 or 3 assailants that, those people have left and they're trying to look for them elsewhere. and that's why so much of this city is still on lockdown. i'm getting text messages from city officials in the courthouse who are still texting from inside their offices. they're not even allowed to use
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that's how jittery it still is here. that's how jittery the police officers are still here in san bernardino. george. >> with good reason right now, those shooters still on the loose. pierre thomas, we've heard from your justice department colleague mike lavigne, who also covers homeland security issues. the chief there said we have no information this is a terrorist situation. he said at minimum it is a domestic terrorist situation. he did not mean that in the technical sense of the word. because in justice department parlance that means something quite specific. >> exactly. that means some sort of political motivation is assigned to that. they don't know that to be the case. he's just talking about the theory clearly being fomented. >> they've scrambled tactical teams as a precautionary measure they're putting guards around planned parenthood locations in the los angeles area. >> colorado springs last friday attacked by a single gunman on the planned parenthood facility right there, ray kelli? >> this is purely speculation.
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the u.s. into some sort of land war in the middle east. and the theory is that they want to commit these horrendous acts to galvanize the feeling here to respond. now, these victims, i think many of them had special needs. so it's particularly outrageous this type of attack. an the fact that there's three individuals, i think obviously that has to be on the table. >> the most vulnerable in our society. but brian ross, of course you cover isis. you've covered terrorism for so many years. so far at least not only do we have the police chief saying we really have no information, the president saying we have no information, fbi officials saying we have no information. but so far nothing coming up on international chatter, anything on social media? >> not at all. we've been monitoring. we haven't seen that. don't forget it was a week ago today that the president told the american public there's no specific credible threat against the homeland from isis. and that was the current state of the information.
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so if this turns out to be that, this would be a huge intelligence flaw. but at this point there's no isis. frankly, they don't know. there's no information whatsoever. >> none coming in. >> they're monitoring various hate groups that are in that part of california. they're looking at isis. they're looking at everything. as pierre said, everything is on the table. >> widest possible net right now. abc's kana whitworth at loma linda hospital on the scene. >> reporter: hey, george, we are at loma linda hospital about four miles away from the scene. it's one of the only level one trauma centers in the area. right now we have word they have received four adult patients here at loma linda hospital. and they have at least three more on the way, although that report they're saying there could be more. there could be less. but again, it's very close to the scene. and the only level one trauma center that they have here. the other thing i can tell you is that when we arrived on scene, the amount of security is unprecedented. there is the san bernardino
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but also the union pacific railroad police have been called in to help. when i talked to them they said we're here to keep any potential target safe. so they're actually standing in the middle of the parking lot with their guns ready to go. so again, here at loma linda hospital, four confirmed adult patients. there's also another hospital in the area, arrowhead hospital, that has six confirmed patients right now. here at loma linda they do have family gathering in an area of the hospital, we're told that's where family members are sort of supposed to go, supposed to congregate there. that's where the information about their loved ones is flowing. that is an area of the hospital that is also heavily guarded by police. they're taking this very seriously, george. it's still very scary at this moment. a lot of information coming in. >> and kayna, as this started to unfold over the last three hours you were in the region as you were heading to the hospital, what kind of alerts could you tell the public was getting?
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because as you get closer and closer to the scene, you have to drive along the highway. and they have certain exits on the highway completely blocked off. which in california traffic if you block off one exit you're talking about a major jam on the highway. so that's creating problems all throughout the city. then as you get closer and closer, they have a major radius around this area on completely blocked off by police officers. it was hard for even all of us in the crew here with abc to even find each other to even get there. and then there are people around the area. there's a hotel right across. and there are people there that are in the hotel. when i walked in they were kind of working, doing their normal things. so it's like people are getting alerts. they're being told to stay away. but they're also -- there was a calmness by the time i arrived. but that was a few hours later. and it was about a mile away from the scene as well. so i can tell you that they're definitely keeping people far away. they're telling people beginning to shelter in place and not letting anybody get anywhere
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>> can't be too safe right now. possibly three suspects on the loose. kayna whitworth, thanks very much. and pierre, listening to that, los angeles -- the entire los angeles region so dependent on its highways. this could create ripple effects across southern california. >> exactly. so many factors that have to be considered here. and i'm just getting word from senior officials in washington, the homeland security secretary, jeh johnson, fully engaged on this. the attorney general fully engaged. right now this is the highest priority of law enforcement in the entire country and their treating it like that. >> it's got to be. potentially three active shooters on the loose in southern california after killing 14 people at the center, 14 injured, and no one has any idea what's driving this event. >> and what the concern is that their mission is far from complete. they are hoefly armed, they are well-prepared, this was a plot obviously that did not occur on the spur of the moment.
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with the ability to get a clean getaway before the police caught up with them. simply they don't know where they are or who they are. >> and one of the things we learned after those paris attacks more than two weeks ago now far more preparation, guidance, direction went into believed. >> you have to call this a plot of some kind. and for my money that's a kind somebody planned this for whatever reason, whatever motive. >> want to go back to kabc, the mayor of san bernardino on kabc right now. >> transportation authority, and that's when i received the message. as soon as i received it i left that meeting which is held in the sante fe depot, then i headed directly to the city hall. and then got communication as soon as i could with p.d. to make sure that i was informed and made sure that we took whatever necessary steps. i've had some contact with some of the local other facilities,
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president, i've also spoke within our superintendent of schools to make sure that they were aware that they were on top and they were taking precautionary measures to make sure their facilities were secure. >> on a personal note, note, did you know of anyone personally who you knew who was involved in all of this? i know hundreds of people are in that building. and i don't know if maybe you had a personal connection to anything that might have happened. >> i'm not aware of any at this point. as you know, the chief is managing that process. so i will defer to any of the information that he puts forth. >> okay. a lot of county buildings within the city. i know you can't speak to them. but can you let us know what is facilities? i know a lot of the schools -- all of the schools? san bernardino city unified are in lockdown right now as a precaution. >> city hall is on lockdown. some of the other community schools are on lockdown. as i indicated earlier they're taking the precautions. they're staying in connection
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cal state, san bernardino, the superintendent and san bernardino valley college have been in connection with them. certainly they're monitoring the situation and taking precautions for the students and for their staff. >> not knowing whether this was a terrorist act, not knowing who might be behind this, what's your message to everyone out there not only in the city but in the southern california area and perhaps beyond with three gunmen perhaps heavily armed still outstanding to this point? >> certainly i can't speculate to the identification of those. it's a tragic incident to happen to any community. we are unfortunate to be the target at this particular emergency. as always, our p.d. rises to the
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best efforts. our community always unites and comes together during these events. they have a very resilient spirit. i'm very grateful to be here and be a part of this and observe how well our public safety >> good evening. you've been watching abc news coverage of the mass shooting in california today. you are now watching news 9 at 5:00, so let's get route to that breaking news. this is happening in southern california, at least 14 people have been killed in a shooting at a social services center in the city of san bernardino. tom: this is about 60 miles east of los angeles. amy coveno has been following all the developments there where police are searching for one to three shooters. reporter: we are more than three hours into this shooting tragedy in san bernardino, california, 200,000 people. and vast confusion continues there.
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officers have saturated the campus of a social services center that you mentioned serves developmentally disabled people, called the inland regional center. it's a very large campus that employs hundreds of people. officials believe there are possibly up to three shooters involved in this. at this hour not a single suspect is in custody. one investigator calling this a clean get away. there is clear concern here over how little investigators have to go on. they say it's simply too early to tell if this is an act of terrorism. but clearly this shooter or shooters had a plan, they were prepared. it is believed they may have escaped the scene in a black s.u.v. one witness described the shooters as being dressed in military style attire. there are some people have implied that maybe they were wearing masks, although law enforcement say they have not confirmed that. officials say the shooters were armed with long guns. at this point no weapons have been recovered.
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know who the suspects are, they do not know what the motive was. it's an unnerving and active situation that continues at this hour with those gunmen still on the loose. listen in here. >> at this point i know one of your questions is going to be is this a terrorist incident. i will tell you right now we do not know if this is a terrorist incident. reporter: a center has been set up for family members anxious to find out information about their loved ones. again this inland regional people. some people are still sheltering in place, they have not been able to clear river building yet. so they center has been set up for family members to gather to get information about their loved ones, again three this hour. we're told exits on the highway there have been closed and a set up. a number of the injured have been taken to the loma linda medical center. city, county and court buildings have been closed.
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arrived, they seem prepared to go on a mission and again they are still on the loose. 14 people dead. 14 injured. live in the newsroom, amy coveno, wmur news 9. tom: because of development here's in the states and overseas, we did reach out to the governor's office to check on what precautions are being taken here in new hampshire and here's the statement that they just released. state of emergency management and public safety officials are monitoring the situation and will coordinate with local and federal officials as necessary, including providing additional resources to make sure -- ensure security at any large gatherings. jennifer: as we monitor the situation in southern california we also want to look at some local news today, getting to that right now. a struggling water park in candia now has new owners as well as a fresh start. liquid planet was sold at auction today for $950,000. the new owners say they will reopen this park with several upgrades in the spring. the former owners disappointed to have to sell but hopes the
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wmur's andy hershberger is here now with the new plans. reporter: the new owners of liquid planet say the business will reopen and it will reopen soon with some improvements they hope will turn the water park around. with that, liquid planet was under new ownership. the candia water park plagued by financial troubles was on the auction block wednesday morning. the buyers, the company that currently runs whales tail water park and alpine adventures in lincoln. >> again it in an area in new hampshire that has a huge population, which is great. we're very tourists related, probably 90% tourists related. down here there's obviously a our tourists area but as well as a huge local population. >> it's sad when you tart something and you pour your heart into it as long as we did which was 10 years, it's painful. reporter: it took years for kevin dumont to secure the
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dream that he built from the ground up. but from the time they opened their doors in 2007, they were embattled by financial troubles. two summers of rain put them in debt they could never escape. just last month, dumoft chained himself to the water slide hoping to attract investors, who never came. >> i'm hoping that it's found itself a good home. i know i've done everything i could to try to save it, and lit go onto the next phase of its life. reporter: the new owners are vision. there will be upgrades and expansions with the doors reopening this spring. >> we intend to also add onto not just the water side of it but we also own an alpine adventure zip line company and we intend to open challenge courses here as well. >> i feel like my child got married and i'm giving her away to the new groom, and i feel pretty confident that they'll take good care of her. reporter: he says he plans on
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place warm to plan what he'll do with the next phase of his life. the new owners say weather permitting work will start the the next couple months. andy hershberger, wmur news 9. jennifer: to the weather now, some of you will see some snow tonight. in colebrook it's wet out there and it's 38 degrees, raining. but meteorologist josh judge is here now to tell us about some snow that might move in. josh: yes, is there a little snow on the way. let's start by showing you the temperatures out there, the the state. but northern new hampshire and western parts of the state in the upper 30's, as temperatures are falling a little. it's all been rain, and quite a bit of it, as you can see, still coming down. and more to go, as we look to the west and south upstream, it still going to be rain for a while tonight and we'll see on-off showers for the evening. but colder air will push in, and that will change any snow shower
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early tomorrow morning, and during the day tomorrow and here's what we could see in terms of accumulations, nothing major, but the first accumulating snow of the season for many in the mountains and points north. we'll have more in a few minutes. jennifer: as kinder morgan holds more meetings on their proposed natural gas pipeline, senator ayotte is coming out against the project. the republican senator says she cannot endorse the pipeline until the concerns of southwestern granite staters are met. wmur's stephanie woods live in rindge tonight with a preview of the meeting and both sides of this debate. reporter: as can you see, people are just trickling in now to the meeting in rindge. but this met on the northeast energy direct project is almost guaranteed to be heated. kinder underring began is holding this meeting and a series of others before they apply to the new hampshire site evaluation commission to build a natural gas pipeline, which
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southwestern new hampshire. senator ayotte released a statement today, saying that ferc and the department of energy have not properly addressed neighbors' concerns about a natural gas pipeline's impact on safety and their communities, saying, "these are important questions and new hampshire residents deserve substantive answers." we just spoke to kinder underring began vice president ford who says his company has addressed these concerns by having meetings like this and says the pipeline will be good for new hampshire. he says it will create more than 1,000 jobs and generate an estimated 19.5 million in tax revenue. we also heard from governor hassan and representative kuster, they both released statements saying they oppose the pipeline as it stands now. jennifer: the state fire marshal's office is investigating a fire in exeter. the other than of a century old home on oak street called for help just after 5:30 last night. the fire chief says most of the
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home where they believe this fire started. but they do not consider it suspicious. everyone got out safely, though one firefighter was treated for minor injuries. tom: the father of bella bond faced a judge on a shoplifting charge today. the biological father of the toddler we came to know as baby doe is accused of stealing $600 worth of merchandise from home depot. joseph amoroso claims he never tried to leave the store. today the judge ordered him to stay away from the south bay shopping mall and posted his bail at $260. jennifer: the t is getting a makeover this winter, after storms delayed commuters last year. we'll tell you what new features will help the trains stay on time this season. josh: and we'll -- i'm justificationing the computer here -- we'll be taking a look at what's going on in terms of any snow out there. tom: and mcdonald's is trying a new service including table
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what stores will test those new features. it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message.
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jennifer: let's get a look at the numbers, everything in the red. the dow was down over 158 points, s&p 500 down as well. a little over 23.
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over 33 points. gas prices tonight, nationally at 2.04, in new hampshire a little higher at 2.08. tom: after a tough winter last year the t is getting some upgrades including a new slogan. jennifer: the massachusetts bay transportation authority will spend more than $83 million to winterize its system. upgrades include replacing that third rail, those heaters there, and new snow plowing equipment, too. the better plows, snow fences and an auger to blast away the snow and ice will help keep season. this morning the massachusetts governor outlined the new way the t is going to keep passengers informed. >> the creation of that emergency operation center means you're going to have all of the folks who are overseeing all of the activities associated with the three major pieces we're talking about here, transit, bus and commuter rail, all sitting in the same room collecting data, which did not happen before, collecting data and information that can then be fed
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actually dealing with the communication issues. jennifer: the mbta promises better service this winter, with their new slogan, winter happens, but we know you still need to get there. mcdonald's is toying with a new sandwich menu and table service at some of its restaurants. for now only in southern california restaurants, you don't have to wait at the counter for your food. you order, then take a seat and the food is brought to you. also their menu, called taste crafted, allows patrons to customize their choice of beef or chicken with a selection of buns and toppings. no decision yet if these options will be available nationwide. tom: speaking of delivering and also on the lighter side, maine, harvested the most sea weed last year, the top spot with more than 17 million pounds of sea weed collected. harvesters say in addition to tin creased interest in sea weed as food, it can also be used as
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and nutrients for animal feed. coming up at 6:00 tonight, a christmas controversy in marlborough, what has upset a veteran who is working to jeb bush: here's the truth you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. it is the struggle that will determine the fate of the free world. the united states should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force.
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total destruction. we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: to defeat it. vo: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on
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down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. jennifer: getting another look at the breaking news unfolding on the west coast tonight, there are reports right now at this hour up to 14 people have been killed in a shooting.
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first call for help coming in at around 11:00 a.m. pacific time. authorities say no additional gunshots were heard after that when they stormed into that building. there may be up to three suspects involved here, as many as three of those shooters may have left the scene in a black s.u.v. we will keep you posted as this continues to develop. josh: all right, we'll take a look at the weather here, and obviously it not a very nice day out there, it's been wet and a bit raw out there. a look at manchester right now, you can see wet streets out there. people are driving home, and the temperature 42 degrees right now. winds are light most everywhere, visibility on the low side. manchester. driving. 30's to the north and west, but 40's here to the south and east. so upper 30's, lower 40's,
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the state at the moment. but the winds, as i mentioned, are quite calm. that's going to be in sharp contrast to what we'll see during the day tomorrow as the winds will crank up, gusting up to 30, 35 miles per hour or so. might not be enough to really cause a lot of problems in terms of power outages, maybe a stray one or two, but certainly on the annoying side. the wind, that is, because it will make it feel colder. here's the rain that's been off and on throughout the day. it involves the entire state, it's all been rain everywhere. however, that could change as colder air wraps around this weather system. you see the back edge here all through new york, and that continues to roll through tonight, and so we have several more hours of off and on rain showers and drizzle to go, probably up until around 10, 11, midnight, one, two a.m., is when the showers start to taper off. then colder air starts to wrap
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which will be moving over us tomorrow. you can see the counterclockwise spinning what that does is grab cold air and bring it down and that's why things go over to snow. this what is we're projecting to move not too far from northern new hampshire, but it's really the wind that it will cause, bouncing and bumping into the mountains of the north country tomorrow, that will wring out our atmosphere and cause that snow. here's the colder air pushing in that will change things over from rain to snow. we'll show it to you on future cast as well, rain continuing until midnight or so, then going over to snow. but mainly contained tomorrow, a changeover tomorrow morning to the northern and western slopes of the mountains. so generally that's what we'll be looking for, and then things drying up. anywhere from one to three inches in these areas on the upslope locations, the northern and western slopes. then the areas around them just looking for probably a dusting to maybe an inch in those locations.
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dry out and by weekend we're getting into the 50's and lots of sunshine. so the long range extended outlook, looking pretty good. tom: thank you very much, josh. we are following that breaking news out of california tonight. authorities say at least 14 people killed in a shooting at a social service center. we'll have much more coming up next. jennifer: also the father who pleaded guilty in a are crash that killed his son was sentenced today. coming up, the statement he made
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the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life.
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tom: we're following that breaking news out of southern california tonight. jennifer: authorities say at least 14 people have been killed at a shooting inside a social services center. this happened around 11:00 pacific time in san bernardino. police say as many as three gunmen have been involved and along with those 14 killed at least 14 others hurt. police believe the suspects may have fled in a dark stuff, they
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tom: right now at 6:00 we are following that breaking news from california where a search is under way for those responsible for a deadly mass shooting at a social services
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jennifer: the father who crashed while driving drunk, killing his today. >> the state can't punish him any more than he's going to punish himself for that. jennifer: the reasons why the defense says their client accepted the plea deal. josh: after a miserably wet and chilly wednesday, i'll tell you about when the sun returns as well as the chance for snow here in new hampshire. tom: it's been a tradition in marlborough for years, but the name for this year's tree controversy. vent's name that has a sponsor upset. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 6:00. tom: we do continue to follow that breaking news. police in southern california still looking for the people who opened fire at a social services facility this afternoon. jennifer: at least 14 people have been killed in the shooting, it happened in san bernardino.
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that more than a dozen other
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