tv Closeup ABC December 6, 2015 10:00am-10:30am EST
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josh: sunday on "close up," bernie sanders in studio to discuss the latest mass shooting in the u.s. and the fighting of terror groups overseas. jim gilmore joins me to talk about his campaign in new hampshire. key to his longshot presidential and joe mcquade of the union leader talks about an i' m josh mcelveen. you thought there was not going new hampshire. bernie sanders deadlocked with hillary clinton.
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s hit his peak. he is not wondering. how are things going? sen. sanders: we are feeling really good. hampshire. we has a strong organization and iowa, putting into money into nevada and south carolina. if we can win in new hampshire path to victory. there' s massive discontent in this country with establishment politics. people are sick and tired of seeing almost all new income and wealth going to the top 1% while the middle class continues to disappear. the has been defamed of our campaign and it is resonating all over the country. josh: on the campaign trail, most immediately, the tragic mass shooting in california. let me get your take. sen. sanders: he almost do not know what to say.
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a few days before we were springs planned parenthood killing. you had the shooting at a community college in oregon, you had chattanooga. the horror is it begins to look like a new normal. we cannot allow that to happen. says they have a simple solution or they are going to solve this, truth. as president obama said and he said it right, just because this is a difficult issue does not mean you throw up your hands and do nothing. you do the best you can. i believe there are a number of things widely supported by the american people. virtually everybody knows that we have to strengthen the instant background check. who believes we should -- guns people who should not have them?
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you have a gun show program that allows people to avoid the background check. we have assault weapons on the market. josh: who believes that these these weapons? sen. sanders: that is my point, guns in this country. anyone who tells you they have a the truth. we' ve got to do the best we can. out. people are wondering if this is part of a terror organization. let' s talk about isis. to the right, a lot of people criticizing you and saying you are not aggressive enough. you' more vulnerable. sen. sanders: right. being a former member of congress and a u.s. senator, i' ve heard a lot about being tough. i listened carefully to george w. bush, he was a tough guy.
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the result of the invasion was the destabilization of the region, giving birth to organizations like isis. we have to be smart to destroy isis in a way that is not counterproductive. the way you do it is listening to people like king abdullah of jordan, who is playing a heroic role in terms of dealing with refugees and fighting isis. he says of course the terrorist activity is an international issue but it is primarily an issue of the muslim countries fighting for the sould of -- the sould of islam. we need to lead the effort of putting together countries prepared to have boots on the ground and destroy isis. you have countries like qatar, which is the wealthiest country per capita on earth, they are going to spend $200 billion on the world cup in 2022. maybe they will want to
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josh: you should take your campaign there. sen. sanders: i just met with their ambassador. you have saudi arabia, extraordinarily wealthy with the third-largest military budget. our job is to be supportive. we are not going to run away. france, the u.k. and germany have got to be there. at the end of the day we need a coalition led by the muslim countries and isis is going to be destroyed. josh: you say led by muslim countries but will by the u.s.. that is a difficult case to make. sen. sanders: countries like jordan understand we had the capabilities. a coalition in which the muslim countries have the boots on the doing the fighting. isis would like nothing more than having american troops, that is their propaganda goal. they are taking our western civilization. josh: how concerned are you about the day-to-day developments?
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are you on the phone calling vladimir putin? josh: -- sen. sanders: what we have got to do is to understand that the primary goal of all that is going on, assad is a horrible dictator who has killed tens of thousands of his people. the primary goal is to destroy isis. there' s a common interest. russia lost an airliner, we saw what happened in paris. we have to bring this country' s together and work with the muslim countries in the area to get troops on the ground. that is the way we destroy isis. josh: let' s talk about why you have risen to such popularity. quite a dogfight in new hampshire and other states. some things you talk about like a stimulus package for the country. new hampshire has problems with roads and bridges, as do other states. the number you threw out there was $1 trillion.
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sen. sanders: let' s add up something else. i talk about issues that other candidates do not talk about. let' s do some audition -- addition. it' s an expensive proposition. in the last 30 years, there' s been a transfer of wealth, trillions of dollars, from the middle class to the top 1/10th of 1% who own double-a percentage of wealth they own 30 years ago. a study came out the other day, the wealthiest 20 people in this country own the wealth of the bottom 50% of this country. we have an economy rigged, middle-class people working for longer hours and low wages, 47 million and poverty. almost all the income goes to the top. i think the largest corporations in this country, some of whom do not pay a nickel in federal income taxes, are going to have
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of taxes so our kids, regardless of income, can get free tuition at public colleges and university. josh: you are talking about a reader submission of wealth. sen. sanders: i am countering what has been a redistribution of wealth in the wrong direction. i went to bring that back and put money in the hands of working families and middle-class. what do we do? we say to wall street, who we build out because of their illegal behavior, we say things are going good. you are going to pay a speculation tax. that will fund free tuition of public colleges and universities. that idea of free tuition is not a radical idea. it exists all over the world. i would say that a college degree today is more or less equipment to what a high school degree was 50-60 years ago. you want to make it in the middle class, you need a college degree. maybe people think it is a radical idea, every person that
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degree or post-high school education, regardless of the income of their family. second, real unemployment as opposed to official unemployment, is closed to 10%. our infrastructure all over this country, roads, bridges and water and rail systems, airports, are in desperate need of her-- or repair. $1 trillion over five years creates jobs. we have people working two jobs. you got to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. josh: you' ve been reluctant to take shots at people in the democratic field. some say that might be his downfall, he' s not being aggressive enough talking about hillary clinton' s e-mails or whatever it is. are you second-guessing anything you' ve done? sen. sanders: absolutely not.
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i think it' s fair to say most people did not think i could become a credible candidate. i was some fringe candidate. we have what millions -- we have let millions of people into our campaign. we have a path to victory. today if the election were held nationally we would lose. we started the campaign at 3% in the polls. most people did not know who bernie sanders was. we are going to continue to move forward. josh: how important is new hampshire? sen. sanders: it is vital. we are fighting hard and has a chance to win. josh: we have 60 days or whatever. sen. sanders: you are going to see me, like it or not. josh: there' s a great number of people who appreciate it. you managed to draw a lot of crowds. best of luck to you. come back before the election day. sen. sanders: you got it. josh: thank you.
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he may not have the name id of other candidates, but he will put his resume against anyone. former virginia governor made the more equipped than some when the world is, as the pope puts it, "in the early stages of world war iii." you been very vocal about this. give us your characterization of how things stand globally. mr. gilmore: i think we are with a world on fire. the situation is extremely dangerous. we have an international guerrilla war. we saw that with 9/11 when i was the governor of virginia and how to deal with that issue when the pentagon was struck. we have just seen paris and we know that the ongoing, the terrorist activity, is going to be a challenge. also the international challenge, the russians, chinese, koreans and iranians. this is a dangerous time. no time to put an amateur in the white house. i have the experience to deal
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curry and foreign policy, a u.s. army veteran in the intelligence community. a governor during 9/11. chairman of the commission on terrorism. this is no time to put an amateur in the white house. josh: everything you have just pointed to it is hard to put your arms around. everyone says they have a plan to defeat isis, let' s start there. mr. gilmore: we have to rebuild the military and make sure we are in a position to deter a lot of problems with isis, we have to build a coalition. i am the only one who proposed that we build a middle east nato. you build a structure with american leadership and a stake in things for different people to tamp these people down. there is no stake in a savage and barbaric organization like isis. in the bigger scheme of things, we have to get into the heads of people and demonstrate that our
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at the same time, people in the muslim faith are going to have to stand with us and condemn this. indonesia. us this election. josh: you talk about a coalition akin to nato with american leadership, sounds like a tall order. who are our allies and who is included? mr. gilmore: you can start with a presidential leadership. we have seen the presidential leadership in the iranian deal, which i think is dangerous. we should have been spending our time trying to assemble the coalition which could restrain the iranians and at the same time do something about isis. that could have been done. who is it? our allies in saudi arabia, egypt, the emirates, turkey, jordan. these are people who have a stake similar to america.
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not to say that i endorse all those countries' domestic policies, because i do not. josh: you brought up turkey and the incident with the russian jet. it was a single incident but it could be a precursor to something much bigger, depending on how russia reacts. are you on the phone with vladimir putin saying do not respond to the russian jet getting shot down? mr. gilmore: i would be on the phone with vladimir putin talking about these things and making sure there were no misunderstandings. at the end of the day it is russian interests and american interests, russian power and american power. nato and turkish membership in nato may very well be restraining the russians right now to the better. we have to therefore make sure nato is intact. i' ve proposed there be a middle east similar organization to inject stability into a rapidly dissolving situation. the engagement escalates immediately.
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i think your viewers need to understand how dangerous this is. there are republican candidates with no experience in foreign policy that are out there offering. even some that are talking about the terrorist issues, like governor christie. the background is not there that i have. josh: you talk about your counterintelligence experience. we are living in a much different world. in the cold war, you identified the enemies, the soviet union. now everybody is in a shadowy corner and we are trying to figure out where to go. is this an endeavor that is going to take immediate action or is it about forming a coalition. mr. gilmore: that is what makes it dangerous, it is also
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going on, an international terrorist guerrilla war. isis is part of that. number one, rebuild the military. get the sequester off the military budget. make sure people are equipped so they can protect us. we' ve been doing the reverse in this country. number three, make sure local responders and our local communities, in accordance with previous reports, are prepared. be prepared to fight the ideological war. these people must be stopped. you put those pieces together and we can deal with that. you' ve got a second part, you must deal with the international crisis as well, the russians, chinese, koreans and iranians. these require american strength and strong leadership. josh: clearly when it comes to the field itself, you do have name id problems. i am not sure where fundraising stands.
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there are so much noise, particularly when it comes to some of the front runners and the big names and personalities. mr. gilmore: i think new hampshire is the answer. the one opportunity for a person like me to be successful is in this state. i believe the people of new hampshire are looking for an alternative. you look at the republican candidates and i think the people would like to see another alternative. that is why the union leader, who talked about terrorism and endorsing christie, they got the right issues, they got the wrong candidate. i am the right candidate to address these issues. this is an opportunity for the people of new hampshire to speak out and pick a candidate like jim gilmore who can do the job and be president and that is why i am running in new hampshire so aggressively. josh: a lot of candidates feel and people in new hampshire
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primary is under threat. another thing on your resume. what is your take? lotteries? has done well with new hampshire being first in the nation. this is where i am states. the national press may be talking about national polls and concentration is here. i think it is a good thing. by making a deal that the networks so they pick who is in and not in the debates. i was in one debate and i have been excluded from others, so what? a lot of people in new hampshire lives. i understand that. josh: do you share the concern that things are shifting when it comes to the selection process?
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we are seeing this race turn on national polling. it means people who get all the national exposure and the press -- here' s the point, i have the experience and the credentials and threaten the to do what is necessary to protect this country to bring back our economy and secure jobs. to give young people a chance to get careers started, particularly in new hampshire. in a way that other former governors cannot. on the right person to be president and i put my faith in the people of new hampshire. today is my 14th trip to new hampshire and i will be here more. josh: thank you for joining us. we will be back with joe mcquade of the "union leader" and his endorsement of chris christie. we will talk about it. depend on a commander-in-chief with experience, who understands the
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time is of the essence. negotiation, ambivalence or delay, are not acceptable. the first with a plan to destroy isis? john kasich. new day for america is responsible for the content of this advertising. it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections.
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a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. join us for real change. josh: welcome back. if you follow presidential politics in new hampshire, you probably already know that chris christie picked up the biggest endorsement in the state, "the union leader" gave christie the coveted nod. here to talk about this is the publisher, joe mcquade. how do you arrive at this? mr. mcquaid: we are fortunate in this state to go out and see the candidates. we'
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asked them questions. all of them have been in at least twice. we get to kick the tires and ask things that maybe the national press is not asking them and see how they respond. i have a fairly new editorial editor this year, a new hampshire kid who went to dartmouth, snuck in as a conservative. he and i talked it out yet i talked to my editorial staff. i talked to people in the community and then it boils down who' s got the best chance of actually winning. josh: one of the short comings you have been asked about his christie' s stance when it comes to guns, the second amendment. mr. mcquaid: i look at christie'
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amendment and do not find it troubling. he has a states rights take on individual states, the reciprocity growth, which i do not go along with. i think second amendment, you should have the right to bear arms in any state. he says that is a state-by-state issue and i guess that is where we differ. he has vetoed when we tried to reduce the size of magazines. josh: you say christie is the best person to lead globally. into decision-making? mr. mcquaid: it is a combination of things. somebody once told me that you have to like somebody that you are going to vote for for president of the united states. some people are likable and some people you just get the vibe that for one reason or another
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republican field. we did the voters first forum last august, i sat in the second row and we had 10 at saint anselm' s and the other three were in washington. pretty deep field, which made it more difficult to choose. josh: how close was this, and if you want to give an honorable mention, feel free? ve said for the most part that it was going to be one of the governors. this is an administrative job as well as a leadership job and you have to have the experience. that limited it to the governors. a couple governors or out before we had a chance to make up our minds. i was surprised that the governor of wisconsin, walker, was out so soon. i was surprised that governor perry of texas was out so soon. it boiled down to the governors that were left, three of them --
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we think christie is the best equipped to go forward. josh: it had to be disappointing for those two. we' ve heard this a lot from the candidates on the campaign trail. it is often unsolicited when we ask about the importance of new hampshire. they will say that they have concerns about our first in the nation primary spot moving forward. washington or the parties or whatever when it comes to maintaining our place, do you share that concern? mr. mcquaid: i do. i see more and more where the national parties, in collusion with national networks, have tried to take over the spot of the first caucus state and the first voting state by using national polls the summer before anybody votes to determine who gets on the debate stage. i think dollars tend to follow
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disability. you get a guy like trumpet has a national following anyway, he is center stage. some credible candidates do not get on the main stage at all and that hurts new hampshire. josh: we' ve got to ask, was kind every consideration for the -- was trump er the endorsement? mr. mcquaid: no. josh: that is going to be a wrap of "close up new hampshire." we will be back next week. until then, be safe and go patriots. have a great sunday. national captioning institute, which is responsible for its visit] rism. it is the struggle the fate of the united states in leading a to take out isis with their aim is our total destruction. we can't withdraw from this
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