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tv   News 9 at Six  ABC  January 14, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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reporter: the hollis police chief says he was contacted by the state office of elderly and adult services back on december 31st, that's when the criminal investigation was launched resulting in the arrest yesterday. 72-year-old charles bureau faces charges. bureau had been working as a direct support professional at independent services nets work, an organization that provides daytime important for the developmentally disabled. according to the chief, the victim in this case is a 37-year-old woman, he says it was staff that reported the alleged assaults. and calls the case both troubling and tragic. >> from what we can understand, he's a caretaker, and the charges involve her inability to give consent. reporter: he released a statement today saying it was
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employee immediately terminated. this is a serious situation and we're giving our full cooperation to law enforcement and state agencies. the chief says the investigation does not indicate that there may be other incidences or victims. charles bureau is free on bail, due in court march 2. jennifer crompton, wmur news 9. tom: one man is dead after a two-car crash in hudson this afternoon. police say the victim was driving south on derry street around 1:30. his car crossed into oncoming traffic, hitting an s.u.v. the driver of the car died. a woman and two children who were in that s.u.v. weren't hurt. that crash is under investigation. jean: a judge has decided to keep a man who is set to go on trial for the fourth time in doaks a 1988 murder in jail for now. anthony barnaby is charged with killing two women in nashua. his previous three trials ended in hung juries. last year he and a codefendant
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andy is here to explain the decision. reporter: the judge said there were several reasons for keeping anthony barnaby behind bars, including new testimony that a jury will hear for the first time. anthony barnaby, one of two codefendants in the 1988 cold indication murder of two nashua women will stay hype bars pending his trial. barnaby and david caplin are charged with first degree murder in the stabbing deaths of charlene ran strom and brenda warner. they lived in the same apartment as the two men. in the 80's barnaby had three mistrials and was released. the case against caplin was also dropped. but both cases were reopened in 2010 and they were reindicted in august of last year. >> he stated that he had stabbed her in the abdomen. reporter: a former nashua police detective who resurrected the case testified about a series of
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police say he eventually crime. in her bail order, judge colburn says his statement is critical adding there are a significant number of details in his confession that only a person who was present at the time of the murders would know. but the judge also notes that no physical evidence from barnaby, such as blood, d.n.a. or scene. in her order, the judge also noted the statements of new witnesses. one woman says barnaby once told her he was going to kill two women in nashua and was going to cut them up with a chainsaw. she never reported this statement, until the case was reopened. another new witness is a corrections officer who says barnaby once threatened him while behind bars in 1989, saying i'll do to you what i did to those two. barnaby's trial is scheduled to start on september 27th.
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jean: it's quiet now, but we're watching a storm that could make the beginning of our weekend a little messy. mike haddad shows us where the system is now and when we can expect it to arrive here. mike: well off to our south right now, jean, no issues on the roads through tonight and a good part of tomorrow. that's the good news. take a look right now, this is where the storm is not, there are a few flurries drifting in from upstate new york and vermont. this is where the storm is, sitting down over the gulf coast states, it's way down there. but it's also being accompanied by quite a bit of warm air. with a that means, even though it's cold now, by the time the storm arrives it will be very ticky over central parts of new hampshire, even parts of southern new hampshire whether we get a mix or wet snow. and i think the indication here will be the higher you are in elevation and the intensity of the storm in terms of when it comes down the hardest, that will dictate when you get the as to. so the higher terrain in the monadnock region, lake sunapee stretch and into the heart of the lakes region, that's where
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up, while it will be mainly rain along the coast. somewhere between that messy mix, the exact timeline and much more straight ahead. tom: commitment 2016 now, with so many republican presidential candidates some of the focus has been take answer way from the democratic side. and the tightening race between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. when the race began, republicans seemed to be focusing solely on clinton. and often directing addresses, address egg her as the event you opponent and criticizing her policies. but some analysts say history shows what can happen. >> i think the worst case scenario for her would be something like what happened in 2008, where early losses lead to a lot of people who assume that she was going to be the nominee and were supporting her for that reason, to take a step back and maybe start embracing sanders. tom: bernie sanders is in in new
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clinton has had had former president bill clinton and her daughter chelsea stumping for her this week. jean: time is ticking down to the primary, but many of those who are undecided plan to take their time. adam sexton headed to derry, it's a big town full of independent voters who could swing the outcome of the election. reporter: when route 102 in derry is busy, it can quickly turn into a crowded mess. a lot like the 2016 primary. at this diner locals note decision time is right around the corner, but they're in no rush. >> it's been busy the past couple months. i've just haven't been connected completely with what's going on in the race. reporter: they are still looking for the right candidate. >> i'm not particularly a strong party man, i'm much more looking for somebody who is honest, integrity and is going to do what the constitution says. reporter: this military mom plans to cost her ballot for hillary clinton. >> my son is in the army.
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the ground going after isis or who ever. reporter: and master cuts business owner miguel rodriguez is tired of politicians who overpromise and underdeliver. >> only thing i can do is get a haircut, that's what i can promise, to anybody. reporter: in the barber's chair, daniel is too young to vote in the primary, but doesn't like the incendiary rhetoric he's heard about immigration. %-@p>> there's a lot of bad stuff going on in this country and you particular race. reporter: in december there were around 20,000 registered voters in derry, nearly half of them either party. what happens on february 9 will hinge on their votes. >> when i knock on doors, people are saying i'm independent or i'm not sure who i'm going to vote for. reporter: she's volunteering for bernie sanders, but understands others are taking their time. >> and people are unsure of who is going to really be able to go
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our lives basically. reporter: what the voters here decide could make all the difference. in derry, adam sexton, wmur news 9. tom: we all know campaigning in new hampshire is like nowhere else in the country, but that tradition is at stake as some try to bump new hampshire out of the first in the nation spot. this sunday wmur will show an encore presentation of our look at primaries past and future, and what the political event means to the granite state, and to the candidates. tune in this sunday at 4:00 right here on wmur for first in the nation, 100 years of tradition. and it's a good one. jean: a veteran ask his family have a new place to call home in manchester. >> go out there and help veterans. jean: the personal touch for this family and what makes this story such an amazing example of generosity. mike: plenty of changes on the way as we move into the start of
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latest track of the storm ahead. >> chip kelly is hired, he goes from new hampshire an average of ninety people are killed by guns in this country every single day. it has to stop. president obama wants to make universal background checks the law of the land. and he wants to make sure gun manufacturers can finally be held accountable when their guns are used to kill our children. it's time to pick a side. either we stand with the gun lobby... ...or we join the president... ...and stand up to them. i'm with him. please join us. i'm hillary clinton
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you got people working median family income today -- $4,000 less than it was in 1999. the bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged.
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is to demand that we create an economy that works for all of us rather than a handful if you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. jean: as expected, the new hampshire senate passed a number of measures to address the heroin and opioid crisis in new hampshire. tom: on them a bill increasing the availability of narcan and enhancing criminal penalties for those who distribute the drugs illegally. the lawmakers acknowledge it's just a start. >> there's still more to be done. we need to fund drug courts, we need to do a better job of interdicking heroin and fentanyl dealers in new hampshire. tom: these bills could make to it the governor's deck for her signature by the end of the month. joarp a u.s. army veteran ask
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a lifetime, a new home and the mortgage is 100% covered. the home was donated by the military warriors support foundation, in partnership with bank of america. as wmur's heather hamel reports, this grateful military man says it is a great step toward a bright future. reporter: rolling up in style, retired army sergeant trevor and his family came home for the first type. >> inspired by your bravery and sacrifice to our country, welcome home. reporter: he's been given this house, mortgage-free. >> i'll tell you, it is a terrific feeling of pride in what we are as an organization to bring this to a nice family. reporter: with our cameras there, the deserving family opened the door to take their first look. leadbeater is a purple heart very sip yenlt, injured while
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despite that he reenlisted and was deployed a second time. their 9-month-old son james was clearly right at home. >> oh my gosh. reporter: following his wife speechless. it was decorated with pictures dis. but the room that really struck the emotional chord with the whole family was the bedroom. >> my gosh. reporter: the bedroom set was donated by jordan's furniture and for a couple who now sleeps on a futon it caused tears to start flowing. >> i don't think i could put it into words right now. we did not expect this much, that's for sure. reporter: trevor says when he got out of the military he was lost, and this is a step in the right direction. >> it didn't sink in until we got here that we're actually getting a house. reporter: they look forward to a bright future. >> i just want to get moved in first and figure everything else
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reporter: heather hamel, wmur news 9. jean: welcome home, sergeant, so nice to see. tom: we had have a little murkiness tomorrow. mike: clouds will be on the increase, not that bad for your friday. but then we get to the start of the weekend and that storm that was trucking out to sea, it's going to come closer. new day for america is responsible for the content of this advertising. who do you like in this election? not sure yet. whoever gets something done. we've gone from eight billion in the hole, to two billion in the black. we've cut taxes and we're growing from a loss of three hundred fifty thousand jobs, to a gain of three hundred forty-seven thousand jobs. what do you think? kasich. kasich. kasich. that's a funny name. he brought back jobs both from china as well as mexico and i don't believe another
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marco rubio. he ran for senate saying he opposed amnesty... and worked with liberal to co-author the path he threatened to vote against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politician you can't trust. jeb bush. he's a leader, so you always know where he stands.
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mike: we'll start off with time lapse photos in warner today where we did have the clouds, a few flurries early. but on average it was a mainly dry thursday, with quite a bit of sun developing by late morning and during the afternoon stretch. right now it's fairly quiet out there, although there are a few flurries trying to drift in from northern vermont and upstate new york. theres a shot in the next few hours of getting a few flurries anywhere from pittsburgh points south all the way down to about waterville valley. could be a spot dusting up until midnight, that should be about it in terms of any snow chances through tomorrow evening. as for the overnight temperatures, they dip back down to two north, right now single digits are out there. but you'll notice across the country as we set the stage for what will be happening friday night into the weekend, there isn't a whole lot of frigid air sitting right over the
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yes, it is to the north of new hampshire. over a good portion of quebec and ontario. but it will sit here and not really drift on in as this storm approaches. but what will accompany the storm to the south is mild air that surges up through the mid atlantic region and up into southern parts of new england where it will be all rain in terms of this particular storm. once it gets to new hampshire, that's where the temperatures will be critical, some spots get snow, others a mix, and yet others plain rain. so the track critical here and certainly much closer than our computer models indicated yesterday. so the changes in the forecast certainly, there are many of them out there for today compared to yesterday. notice all the rain billion in the gulf of mexico. as the storm tracks up towards new hampshire it will cause an increase in clouds tomorrow afternoon and night. so for tonight, mostly clear skies will develop after the flurries end up north. elsewhere clear to partly cloudy. a little partial sun tomorrow morning, then clouds on the
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but it's a dry friday and dry tomorrow evening. so if you're traveling in new england for friday night, no major issues. notice as we advance the time frame here into friday night late, after one, two, three in the morning, predawn hours of saturday, temperatures are going to be right near 32, at many levels of the atmosphere, possibly too warm to support snow. so it falls in the form of rain, but the surface temperatures may be right at 31 or 30 degrees. so a little freezing rain can't be ruled out to the north and west, it will be cod enough for light snow showers. once we get into the mid to late morning, that's when the heaviest of the storm hits, certainly the brunt of the storm is mid to late morning up to lunch time. mainly snow white mountains, possibly down near the lake sunapee stretch. in between that and the coast where it will be all rain could be a messy mix and that will make the prediction of snow amounts fairly trick write for saturday morning. right now best call on it is
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coating at the end of the storm from manchester over towards the coast, and 2 to 5-inch eggs of wet snow to the north and west of laconia. in between, one to three, this area could change significantly up or down depending on how much cold air builds in. and speaking of cold air, take a look at the jet stream after some snow squalls move in sunday night early monday, it gets very cold in here early next week. for tonight, flurries up north, otherwise fair and seasonably chilly. a quiet friday, a messy saturday morning, weaned down -- it winds down by early afternoon. it will be dry for the pats game, breezy and cool. sunday looks good. then a snow squall early monday, then it turns frigid. tom: all right. a little concern about gronk? >> gronk did not practice today. so we'll discuss the patriots coming up.
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she's always stood strong... get the job done. hillary clinton. she stood up to china... ...and spoke out on women's rights... ...went toe to toe with russia on human rights. the drug and insurance companies spent millions against her... ...but hillary didn't quit until eight million children got health care. i've never been called a quitter and i won't quit on you. she's got what it takes to do the toughest job in the world. i'm hillary clinton and
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jamie: chip kelly has a new job, the san francisco 49ers announcing they have hired kelly as their new head coach. the 52-year-old fired by the eagles after 15 games this season after two 10-6 years with philly the eagles finished 6-9 under kelly this year. the 49ers c.e.o. announced the hiring saying they were thrilled to hire kelly, he'll be introduced next week. meanwhile, chandler jones spoke
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the patriots pro bowl defensive lineman hospitalled with a medical emergency on sunday, but has not missed any practices. he expects to play saturday. here's what he had to say. >> i want to apologize to all the fans and everyone, but this weekend is probably, i'm focusing on probably the biggest this. i made a stupid mistake and hopefully can just move on. jamie: rob gronkowski missed practice today to get a treat on his injured knee. reporter: the memorial high school hockey team is right in the division one mix with a record of 5-3. the captain is leading the charge in more ways than one. >> means a lot, i'm the role mod tomorrow the young kid, i show them, if they make mistakes i have to show them what they did. reporter: he's tied with brendan johnson for the team lead. zach has seven goals and 10
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describes himself as a play maker. >> the two lines are dominant, we work very well together. reporter: he was part of the 2013 state championship team when he was a freshman, he says each year is a new experience, but they're all valuable. >> i've seen all the kids who made the championship team and now it's a big difference, but just shows i can help the team out in that way and maybe bring them to another championship. reporter: zach has yet to make clean plans but hopes to play hockey while studying criminal justice. zach pelletier is this week's home town hero. >> congratulations to megan, for the third year in a row the cross country runner of the year, she's running on scholarship at georgetown next year. jean: good for her.
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tonight after the reality show "my diet is better than yours." jean: have a great night. cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have access to healthcare because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent. he understands that the system is rigged, and he's the only one who can bring real change. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. new day for america is responsible for the content of this advertising. who do you like in this election? not sure yet. whoever gets something done. we've gone from eight billion in the hole, to two billion in the black. we've cut taxes and we're growing from a loss of three hundred fifty thousand jobs, to a gain of three hundred forty-seven thousand jobs. what do you think? kasich. kasich. kasich.
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china as well as mexico and i don't believe another
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