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tv   News 9 Tonight  ABC  January 19, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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shelley: now at 11:00, police say masked men broke into a home in raymond. the items the burglars took one that helped with their getaway. mike: that classic winter chill lingers as the week goes on, but what about those stubborn winds. a timeline of when it starts to quiet down. tom: bernie sanders now has a commanding lead in the democratic race according to the latest wmur-cnn granite state poll. but it' s another number in support of sanders that even has pollsters surprised. shelley: you might not know their faces but they' ll be on your ballot on primary day. the debate between the lesser-known presidential candidates. tom: there' s room for 20 people at this new recovery center in manchester. and the man behind it has a personal connection to the fight against addiction. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do.
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shelley: right now, the hunt is on in raymond for two men, accused of breaking into a home on chester road this evening and then stealing the homeowner' s car. good evening, i' m shelley walcott. tom: i' m tom griffith. wmur' s jean mackin is at the scene to tell us about the struggle between the homeowner and the attackers and what they got away with. jean: at this hour, police are posted outside the house here on route 102 in raymond, also known as chester road. you can see police tape pulled across the entrance to the driveway as they investigator reported home invasion here. we talked to raymond police in the past hour and they say there is a statewide search for two men who force their way into this home around 5:30 tonight. police say the homeowner was inside. they are not saying it' s a homeowner was a man or woman. they say the suspects struggled with the homeowner before restraining the homeowner with
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lisa not elaborating on what kind of wrestling memorabilia was stolen. here is what they did say just a few minutes ago. >> we had a home invasion, two male subjects with black masks. they entered the residence and took some wrestling memorabilia and the subjects dodge charger. jean: that is a black 2010 dodge minor damage to the rear bumper from the escape. the home invasion suspects are only described as white men, no further description given. weapons were reportedly used in the home invasion. they tell us the homeowner is ok and the cert is active in statewide, looking for that lack 2010 dodge charger.
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to give the police the call. police are searching for the woman in this surveillance picture. employees at t.d. bank on south river road say she walked in and demanded money around 5:30 this afternoon. weapon but didn' t show one. she got away with cash. no one was hurt. call police if you recognize her. shelley: the wind and the winter temperatures combined for a frigid feel today. right now allied look outside to manchester where it is only 17 degrees. another cold day is on the way, but we' ll get a little relief from the wind. let' s check in with chief meteorologist mike haddad. mike: we get a little relieved, not as gusty. still gusts 20-30. that extra bite in the air and the wind chill will still have to be talked about during the day on wednesday. right now on average in the
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little bit over 6000 feet atop core of the cold arctic air is still active. it feels like run around zero in many spots, including two degrees below in concord. the north and west. when will temperatures begin to climb a little bit and what the weekend? all of that straight ahead. tom: in commitment 2016, we are exactly three weeks from the new hampshire primary, and our latest wmur cnn granite state poll shows the democratic race might be turning into a landslide. the poll shows bernie sanders now has an enormous 27 point lead over hillary clinton, 60 to 33%. among young people his support gets even bigger under the age
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. sanders has 81% support to clinton' s 17%. on the gender gap, what was a clinton strong point is now a 14 point tilt in favor of sanders among new hampshire women voters, when it comes to favorability, clinton does well with 65% favorability, but that pales in comparison to bernie sanders who has a massive favorability rating in new hampshire of 91%, shocking even poll pollsters. >> have you ever seen a candidate with this type of favorability number? >> i have never seen a candidate for any office with favoibility this high, its staggering. >> in this poll, 52% of those asked say they have yet to definitely make up their minds and former maryland governor martin o' malley only registered 2% support. shelley: a volunteer for ben carson' s presidential campaign has died from the injuries he suffered in a car crash. a van was driving in western iowa this morning, carrying three carson volunteers and a paid staffer. it flipped onto its side on an icy road and another vehicle hit it.
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treated at a hospital. carson has suspended his campaign events. while texas senator ted cruz campaigns in new hampshire, iowa' s governor gave him an anti-endorsement. iowa governors have typically stayed neutral in the caucuses, but today, republican governor terry branstad said that iowans doesn' t support renewable fuels like ethanol. texas' s oil industry. in center barnstead today cruz said the governor' s remarks are in response to his rise in the polls. >> it is no surprise that the establishment is in full panic mode. we said at the beginning that the washington cartel was going to panic more and more as conservatives unite behind our campaign. shelley renewable fuels are a : key issue in iowa where farmers grow the corn and soybeans used in them. tom: republican donald trump
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today. former republican vice presidential candidate sarah palin announced her endorsement today at a rally in iowa. trump called it an honor. ohio governor john kasich wrapped up a day in new hampshire with a town hall meeting in hopkinton. he talked about the strength of >> i was on the radio this morning and people say all you t know i think this is where the ground game really matters and we have, games they' ve ever seen in this state. s agenda for tomorrow includes addressing the new hampshire house and a town hall meeting. s a primary tradition that dates back to 1972. the crowd gathered in saint anselm to listen to the heard. high-profile debate with low-profile candidates. real. lesser-known candidates gathered at the new hampshire institute of politics tuesday for their
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first-in-the-nation spotlight. >> this is the year that people are seriously looking at other candidates the non-professional , politician. adam but even with extra : attention on the outsiders this cycle, these guys are feeling left out. >> the president should be elected and not selected. there' s a very good chance that abraham lincoln, today, wouldn' t make the cut. adam there' s a reason some here : are considered fringe andy martin started the birther movement and now has his eye on ted cruz' status as a natural born american. >> obama had two of the 3 qualifications. he was born here and his mother was an american. he lacked one. cruz has only one of them, the mother. he was born in canada and his s a tough question. adam among the 18 lesser-known : democrats candidates from across the political spectrum with messages ranging from racial. >> dignity for white people. to 60'
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>> treat everyone with love, forgiveness, mercy, tolerance. adam one familiar face we didn' t : see on the stage tonight belongs to the man with the boot on his head, primary prankster vermin supreme. >> 2-4-6-8 i would like to debate. adam: saint anselm banned mr. supreme from the debate because of what he did here in the last cycle, glitter bombing another candidate. supreme said he targeted randall terry because of his anti-gay activism. >> apparently doing that disinvited me to this here event right here, right now, yes. adam: any regrets? >> i would do the same thing, yes i would. adam in manchester, adam sexton, : wmur news 9. tom: islamic state is acknowledging the death of the masks -- masked militant known as jihadi john. the u.s. military announced back in november that one of its airstrikes had likely killed
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jihadi john had appeared in murders of hostages, including new hampshire journalist james foley. an intelligence group that tracks terrorist activity reported that the islamic state published a eulogizing profile in its english-language magazine. shelley: a new recut -- recovery facility in manchester hosted its grand opening today. while the price to live here is welcome in the city struggling with a drug problem. 10 years old. the substance abuse can really kicked in when i was about 12 or 13 and i was fully addicted to or 16. shelley: gagne has been in long term recovery for nearly eight and has devoted his life to helping other people overcome s opened this
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manchester. >> i' ve worked in other facilities, and ultimately there was just really a gap between what services were provided, and i had a particular idea of what i wanted to do. and this is where live free really was born. shelley: live free structured sober living is in a 5200 square foot victorian home with room for 20 residents. besides a 12-step recovery program, guests can also participate in meditation workshops, family support meetings. even field trips. >> the men who aren' t here today, they' re actually out on a ski trip. shelley: but this type of private care isn' t cheap. it costs more than $1700 a month. still, manchester mayor ted gatsas says the city could use more facilities like it. >> it' s wonderful. because this atmosphere is like home. and if we' re going to get people help there' s no better place than an atmosphere that feels like home. shelley: and while gagne admits the price to his facility is steep, he says he had to start the ball rolling, in a place
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becoming more scarce. >> it came to a place where privately i have to start something because there needs to be something out there. shelley: for more information on the live free structured sober living house, you can find a link on our website, tom: in the new hampshire primary, having the most votes doesn' t always guarantee you' re remembered as a winner. >> new hampshire, tonight, has made bill clinton the ' . tom: coming up on news 9 tonight bill clinton finished second but we' ll explain how candidates have won and lost, based on expectations not votes. mike: a few flakes in northern new hampshire otherwise dry for i'
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chance for snow this weekend (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. there are two democratic visions for regulating wall street. one says it's okay to take millions from big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan -- break up the big banks, close the tax loopholes, and make them pay their fair share. then we can expand health care to all,
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college education. will they like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules if i'm president? you better believe it. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. tom: belmont police managed to track an accused burglar by following his footprints in the snow. police say jospeh mazzitelli tried to break into multiple homes yesterday along forest drive while residents were asleep. officers say footprints showed mazzitelli got into one home through the garage and had prowled around the windows of another.
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shelley: in new hampshire primary, a win is not always a win and a loss is not always a loss. some candidates have found themselves with a margin of victory that wasn' t considered big enough while others have famously turned second place into a win. wmur' s josh mcelveen has more tonight about the different expectations candidates face. josh for more than half of its : 100 year history, the new hampshire primary has been a watershed moment in presidential campaigns by acting to narrow the field. some candidates move on after strong showings, those who under perform head home. but what is a winner in new hampshire? david carney of hancock, a republican strategist who' s been involved in six presidential primary campaigns, says getting the most votes doesn' t necessarily mean you' ve won. >> it' s totally about perception, and campaigns try to manipulate that perception, and really the audience that sets the expectations is the media. how they report the race. >> joe grandmaison of rye, is a former new hampshire democratic party chairman whose involvement
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of the expectations game firsthand. >> i listened to frank mankiewicz as he convinced george mcgovern that mcgovern should go downstairs to the ballroom and accept the victory. josh: mcgovern convinced the winner of the ' 72 primary despite losing to ed muskie, who had been predicted to win in a landslide. mcgovern went on to win the democratic nomination. >> bring it 20 years later, i decided that clinton ought to do the same thing. >> my recommendation to the campaign, i contacted them and harassed them with my suggestion was that clinton come down and claim the same thing at 5 minutes past 8, so the stations would go live and he would get the lead at that point in time. josh: to this day, many people still remember clinton as the winner, even though paul tsongas beat him. and while clinton was declaring victory, drama was playing out on the republican side, and carney was in the middle of it.
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night. president george h.w. bush lost the new hampshire primary by winning, beating insurgent pat buchanan by 15%. more damaging were the exit polls, some of which showed bush barely leading buchanan and others showing buchanan slightly ahead. >> it looked close during the day and the reporters started to say that it was a great defeat for the president, when in actuality on election day, when the votes were counted, bush had won. josh but the damage had been : done. >> it was like a big story, a big upset, the national reporters were all writing their stories and what a setback this was for bush. josh it brought back memories of : 1968, when an upstart u.s. senator, eugene mccarthy of minnesota, essentially ended the reelection hopes for president lyndon baines johnson. amid the backdrop of the vietnam war, mccarthy won by losing to johnson in new hampshire, 50 to 42%.
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enough wind, and therefore you lost. josh mcelveen, wmur news 9 shelley wmur political reporter : john distaso breaks down some candidates have to beat this year in a story on while you' re there, sign up to get john' s weekly column, new hampshire primary source, delivered to your inbox. >> now, chief meteorologist mike haddad with your storm watch 9 forecast. mike: when stopping off over 45 miles brow or along the coast. time lapse photos up their market square where we did have a little bit of patchy snow left over on the sides of the roads. overall not too bad in terms of road conditions out there. those gusts again over 40 at times. seven below the average, but look at the morning low today, not all that frigid.
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feel downright arctic out there. afternoon. it cold into tomorrow morning and a wind chill factor right below at times. over the next couple of days, gusty as today. already five mile-per-hour winds but we' re not expecting higher than 35 or 40. temperatures back in the mid to upper 20' s as opposed to upper s. client through friday and then we get to the weekend. the big question is where does it go after that. there will be some parts of the mid-atlantic region possibly as far north as new york city and nearing parts of southern new snow out of the storm. whether it makes it into new hampshire it is still too early to call.
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the radar and an additional 1-3 inches expected by tomorrow morning. good news for snowmobile trails and cross-country skiing across the great north woods. 10-15 on average, a few spots a little above that. driving the wind chill factor down your zero many spots. you can see it right around for above in spots, all dependent on the wind gust. 33 malls for our still in concord. the wind gusts reflected on futurecast right through tomorrow, 20 happened 35 and then thursday, still quite gusty , up to 25 miles per hour as a reinforcing shot of colder built-in and there' s a lot of that building in from southeastern canada.
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northwest, this is the energy for the weekend storm that will develop off the mid-atlantic coast line and about friday afternoon into friday night we will see that storm cranking out a lot of snow over portions of eastern kentucky, right through virginia and toward the nation' s capital. where does the storm track after that? most computer guidance takes the heavy snow south of new hampshire and we just get rushed. keep in mind tomorrow is the key day when all the computer models lock-in with the data over the united states. the energy for the storm has been over the pacific. now we will get a pretty good idea of the track overnight and into tomorrow but some models are spitting out over two feet of snow right now places like baltimore and philadelphia.
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tom: let' s find out some who
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[ horn honks ] okay, this is u.s. cellular, and this is verizon. now, same phones, but with u.s. cellular you get 6 gigs of 4g data for only $40 per month -- $20 less than verizon. and u.s. cellular's network was built to work in places like out here, here, and here. so, with all of that, why would you ever go to verizon? switch to u.s. cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for just $40 a month plus get $300 back.
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there are two democratic visions for regulating wall street. one says it's okay to take millions from big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan -- break up the big banks, close the tax loopholes, and make them pay their fair share. then we can expand health care to all, and provide universal
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will they like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules if i'm president? you better believe it. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. jamie: it was nearly upset city tonight, maine playing the number one team in the country, quinnipiac. this game had new hampshire written all over it. here in the second period, brendan robbins gets a goal to make it 3-1. his first career goal. he also had an assist. robbins is a freshman from nashua. both head coaches are new hampshire natives. bedford's rand peknold for quinnipiac, and red gendron of berlin for umaine. the game ended in a 3-3 tie. it seemed like good timing for the bruins to play the montreal
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2 straight wins for boston coming in. 4 straight losses for the struggling canadiens. let's see if those trends held true as they played at bell centre. first period, bruins in black and max talbot scores an unassisted goal. cool goal, he left canadiens all over the ice. 1-0 bruins after one. 1-1 in the 2nd. bruins on the attack, and finally on the backside, patrice bergeron is able to slide it under the montreal goalie mike condon. 2-1 bruins after 2 periods. then david pasternak gives the bruins a 2 goal lead all the way around the net for his 4th goal of the season 3-1. brad marchand added an empty netter and the bruins win 4-1. flames and devils. dartmouth star lee stempniak' s career been? he scored tonight for new jersey in the 2nd period, assisted by former monarch mike cammaleri. now 32-years-old he has 11 goals this season, with 22 assists and for his career 176 goals, and 402 points.
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high school boys basketball . newmarket mules. wilton' a three pointer. close game at the half, the warriors were up 25-24. newmarket came out firing in the 3rd quarter. cam jordan with a three pointer. a good defensive play here, steal by casey lane, and he takes it all the way in for the layup. craig hounam posts up inside for newmarket. wilton wins it 56-44 over the mules. girls high school hoops salem at , winnacunnet. salem in blue. how about this play? alexandra sirmaian with a shot, but it is blocked by meg knollmeyer, who takes it all the way in for the layup. the warriors jumped out to an 11-0 lead before sirmaian finally hit this 3 pointer to get the blue devils on the board. winnacunnet goes inside here, katie valcich to knollmeyer. valcich scored a dozen. the warriors win at home 55-35. check out the cover of sports illustrated for this week. peyton manning and tom brady are featured, with the title " the last tango."
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afc championship game on sunday at 3:00. an injury move by the denver broncos that affects this sunday's big game against the pats. safety omar bolden was placed on injured reserve with a right knee injury, so he will not play again this season. not only was bolden valuable on defense, he is also the broncos leading punt and kickoff returner. for the pats, linebacker jerod mayo went on the ir list today. he is done. tomorrow we will get more information on injured patriot as well. tom: a wish granted for a boy from vermont who has been fighting cancer for years. shelley: where he drew the inspiration for his own comic
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there are two democratic visions for regulating wall street. one says it's okay to take millions from big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan -- break up the big banks, close the tax loopholes, and make them pay their fair share. then we can expand health care to all, and provide universal college education. will they like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules if i'm president? you better believe it. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. marco rubio. he ran for senate saying
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then he flipped, and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill. he threatened to vote against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politician you can't trust. jeb bush. he's a leader, so you always know where he stands. right to rise usa is responsible for the
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tom: a wish come true for a boy in vermont who is fighting cancer. make-a-wish vermont sent 12-year-old eli straight to marvel headquarters in new york city. shelley vermont senator patrick : leahy and several superheroes delivered the finished product to eli yesterday. his dad says it now appears the cancer he has been fighting since he was two is in
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stood strong... get the job done. hillary clinton. ...and spoke out ...went toe to toe with the drug and insurance companies spent millions against her... ...but hillary didn't quit until eight million children got health care. i've never been called a quitter
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to do the toughest job in the world. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. new day for america is responsible for the content of who do you like in this election? something done. we've gone from eight billion in the hole, to two billion in the black. we've cut taxes and we're growing from a loss of three hundred fifty thousand jobs, to a gain of three hundred forty-seven thousand jobs. what do you think? kasich. kasich. kasich. that's a funny name. he brought back jobs both from china as well as mexico and i don't believe another


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