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tv   News 9 at Five  ABC  February 4, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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tonight as this february's 50-degree temperatures are about to give way to some snow. good evening, thank you for joining us. i'm josh mcelveen. jennifer: and i'm jennifer vaughn. despite the mild conditions right now, winter weather returns overnight. mike haddad is here, and some snow is going to arrive just in time for the morning commute. mike: that's right, and it's not going to be tons of snow, but it's certainly more than we've seen in some time. and shifts in our computer models driving that wave of low pressure we talked about yesterday, farther north. that means an impact on new hampshire just in time for early tomorrow morning. look at temperatures, well above freezing. no issue on the roads through the balance of the evening and first part of theover night. but temperatures will gradually fall into the third by the predawn hours of friday morning. all of that rain to the south eventually will bump into the cold air over new hampshire by early tomorrow morning. so here's a look at future cast after a dry stretch through
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see a light mix of rain and snow develop, changing to all wet snow just in time for the morning commute. right through the late morning as well. notice most of that snow anywhere from the lakes region south and east. so how much can we expect, and when does it all move out and what follows for the weekend, we'll answer all of that straight ahead. josh: now to commitment 2016, we have brand new poll numbers out tonight just in to our newsroom moments ago. our numbers track where the presidential candidates were right before the iowa caucuses and where they are tonight, in thais of likely new hampshire primary voters in each party. we begin with the big headline, republican marco rubio seeing the biggest bounce out of iowa, he is up seven points in second place now. donald trump is still on top, he hasn't moved at all, 29% before iowa, 29% now. rubio goes from 11 to 18 past, ted cruz saw a one-point bump
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the iowa contest. governor kasich, he's gone up a couple points to 12%. jeb bush also up slightly, nine before iowa, 10% now. governor christie on the other end, he went from 9% pre-iowa down to 4% only days before the primary, some troubling numbers there. freern yea -- fiorina stays the same. and dr. ben carson was at 2% before iowa, he stays the same. we'll have the numbers from the democratic side of things coming up at 6:00. donald trump also just came into our studios tonight where he sat down for a one on one interview and we asked him how the loss in iowa has affected him. retail politics? >> i do, i find value in it. the problem i have, josh, is that i would like to do small groups but if i announce that i'm coming to a restaurant, all of a sudden a thousand people
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knl get 50 in the room, then you have 950 people who go home and might be unhappy. reporter: has the process at all humbled you? we'll try to get that for you later. at this minute he's in portsmouth at great bay community college after several other stops including a visit to the manchester police jennifer crompton joins us live in manchester with more on that stop. reporter: well, he also is in exeter today, full of his trademark enthusiasm and spirited one-liners. he did take a few questions from the audience, one man asking him for specifics on how he would fight isis. his response was he's not comfortable sharing details because he believes our government needs more unpredict ability. donald trump arrived to a packed exeter town hall, jumping into issues like taking on isis. >> i have a very powerful plan,
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out of them it's going to go fast. we're going to build the wall and who is going to pay for the wall, folks? reporter: illegal immigration a hot topic including with the audience. >> they do work that no one else wants to do and for a lot less. >> who told you to be here, bernie? no no, this is a bernie plan. reporter: the only mention a republican rival in the context of education spending. >> we have countries that you education. so we spend the most and we have the least, like jeb bush. crowd. >> i have your vote, do i have people's votes in here? reporter: mid afternoon he paid a visit to the manchester police department during shift change. saying thank you to the roomful of officers. >> i am with you so much and i
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you have done a job like no other. you're not recognized properly, you will be recognized properly if i win. reporter: we talked to a few undecided voters after his appearance in exeter. most said that he made a positive impression. we did run into one clinton supporter as well, she said she found him entertaining but won't be swayed. jennifer crompton, wmur news 9. jennifer: senator marco rubio is also talking about immigration in his campaign stops. at it a town hall in portsmouth he outlined his plan for national security with the focus on rebuilding the military and protecting the borders. rubio also shared specifics of his plan to deal with that immigration issue. >> we need to finish the 700 miles of fencing and walls that we know we need. wee need a mandatory e verify system so if you're here illegally you can't get hired. and we need an entry-exit tracking system, because 40% of
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country legally. their visa expired, they stayed. we have no idea who they are or where they are. reporter: he has one more event tonight, a town hall at 6:00 in salem. store cruz is taking on an issue that's affecting new hampshire particularly hard, drug and alcohol addiction. that was the focus of a roundtable event in hooksett. as wmur's heather hamel explains now, cruz put a personal spin on this. reporter: senator ted cruz says he understands the emotional toll addiction can cause, he opened up talking about the struggles in his own family and how it ended in tragedy. >> she would steal money from me. i would save money for my allowance, she would steal money from me to go out and use it to buy alcohol, buy drugs. reporter: senator cruz talking about his older half sister miriam, speaking at an addiction forum in hooksett. he talked about how she struggled with addiction for most her life, was in and out of
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couldn't get on the right path. >> but she didn't want to listen. she wasn't prepared to change the path she was on. and then a few years ago, miriam died of an overdose. reporter: today he said there's a solution. >> it's not going to be washington d.c. that steps in and solves these problems. reporter: saying instead it needs to be a community working together. >> so how are you going to get government to support those health initiatives in conjunction with the community efforts and the peer movement? >> there's no doubt that there is a role for government and an important role for government. so i'm supporting legislation right now in the senate that would direct funds to drug treatment and rehabilitation, i think that's important to do. reporter: but cruz focused much of his speech on securing the
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the drug cartels from mexico. cruz left midway through that event, heading to another event in ware, followed by town hall in laconia. jennifer: thanks. the candidates leading the polls are also targets for the rest of the field. still ahead, the direct attacks against marco rubio. josh: let's talk about the democratic side of things now, the only candidates left standing are prepared to face each other in a debate tonight. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will debate in a few hours. jean? reporter: that's right, josh, the democrats vying for the nomination take the debate stage here at the university of new hampshire in durham less than four hours from now. some of the 688 seats will be held by u.n.h. students, others held by new hampshire voters. the name of the game, getting that undecided vote, that's what both candidates are vying for here tonight. they took to you the town hall in derry last night when hillary clinton and bernie sanders took the stage separately.
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narrow victory in iowa, both argued who is capable of flishing what's prompted on the campaign trail in new hampshire, who is a real progressive democrat. tonight it's a little different, they will be face to face on that stage for two solid hours. the democrats debate is in the creative arts center on campus. students not attending the debate are coming out to see all the excitement surrounding the new hampshire primary. tonight at 11:00 we'll bring you those memorable moments, the highlights that could really seal the deal for those undecided voters. the votes both democrats need so badly in these final days leading up to the new hampshire primary. jean mackin, wmur news 9. josh: critical days for sure, thanks, jean. republicans will hold their final new hampshire debate on saturday. wmur and abc news sponsoring that matchup which will take place at st. anselm college. our special coverage begins at 5:00 p.m. on saturday and the
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republicans are watching this primary for more than just the white house. several sources tell news 9 that they're concerned about how tuesday's outcome could affect other races in november, including the already intense u.s. senate race involving kelly hassan. john distaso has that story in now, amid all this primary campaigning, governor hassan delivered her final state of the state address this afternoon. jennifer: the governor is looking ahead to a high profile race against senator ayotte. and as adam sexton reports live in concord now, that provided the back drop to this speech. reporter: in years past we've heard the governor in this speech talk about things like expanded gambling and computer rail. and to be sure the focus this time around was definitely statewide and local, but there were mentions of things like shootings. certainly an expanded world view in in speech that did not go
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obviously the heroin and fentanyl epidemic took center stage, while also saying there is much more to be done. she believes medicaid expansion is a key part of that. senate republicans say an agreement of some kind is likely, but they're still not happy with the governor's handling of the drug crisis. >> that's one of the many reasons why we must reauthorize the bipartisan new hampshire health protection program, without clay. >> we have a drug czar in this state and he's gone, he accomplished nothing. so i think our concern is about the management of the process. reporter: underneath the troubles of the drug epidemic, there are some positives to point to. the governor did mention that the state's unemployment rate is at 3.1%, that's the lowest it's been in 15 years. adam sexton, wmur news 9. josh: straight ahead, the
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you expect,. mike: a tricky morning commute on the way as snow takes over in many spots. how much to expect, plus when it clears again. jennifer: at 5:30 tonight a nun charge forward what police say she did after a hit-and-run accident. josh: at 6:00, firearms taken from a local gunshop, police now
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they're one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown -- goldman sachs. just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. how does wall street
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millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees. our economy works for wall street because it's riggedt by wall street. and that's the problem. is bought and paid for, we can't build an economy sanders: i'm bernie sanders,
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jennifer: let's get a look at how traffic is moving around the state tonight. josh: peggy james joins us now with a live look at the road home on a thursday. peggy: good evening, josh and jen. drivers are enjoying pretty good can bees tonight, so no -- good conditions tonight, no major problems. slight slowdowns through salem. a good ride up to the queen city. 293 looking good in both directions as well. minor slowdowns at the hooksett tolls and in concord through the exits of the city of concord.
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road. the everett turnpike northbound getting busy through the merrimack stretch between exits 10 and 11. 101 east a good ride to the seacoast, and the spaulding turnpike is busy northbound. i'm peggy james. jennifer: a suspected burglar in vermont is facing charges after police say he stole a family's cat. awe competent -- he stole a cat named boots after he said he was looking for his own cat. josh: an armed robber got more than he bargained for when the man he targeted turned out to be an iraq war veteran. a robber put a gun to his back after leading the gunman to the register the vet whipped around and threw him on the floor. the robber is still on the
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mike: here we go, quite a few changes coming in down the road over the next 12 to 24 hours. there's a storm we've been tracking the past couple days that looked to pass to our south yesterday, that's going to come a little closer. that means a return to winter not only in terms of temperature but now in terms of snow. take a look at the time lapse photos out at the coast today, it was damp early, but then brightening skies and dryer conditions this afternoon, hard to imagine that snow is on the way when you consider how warm it is now, and when you look at the radar, you see green to our south. but cold air will gradually build in overnight. as that moisture builds in from the south, that will set the stage for a tricky morning commute, freps the lakes region south and east. right now still very mild. normal high this time of year in the low 30's. it's lower 40's, even up north
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southern new hampshire. gradually in time a degree here, couple of degrees here, every hour through the overnight, temperatures will eventually land in the upper 20's north and lower 30's in southern new hampshire. so when precipitation moves in along the dividing line between the cooler air and the warm stuff we've seen, it will fall in the form a mix and eventually a changeover to some snow. so let's break down the timeline. travel plans through midnight, two a.m., no issue. even when precipitation does develop after two or three in the morning, south of concord, it will be in the form of a light wintery mix. roadways will be plain old wet until about four, maybe 5:00 a.m. shortly after that time frame that precipitation will increase in intensity as temperatures hover right around freezing and that means the snow will begin to stick, especially concord, manchester, nashua. the eastern part of the monadnock region, most of what falls will be in the heart of
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afternoon. during the morning hours, snow could fall at a rate of a half inch to an inch per hour. dryer air builds in on the back side as we go into the weekend. so in terms of projected snow amounts, from ossipee back through concord and southeast of keene, points south and east a general two to four-inch wet snowfall. can't rule out this four to six-band. a spot may hit near five, but certainly enough to make it real slick on the roadways. eventually it dries out statewide in the afternoon. take a look at sky cast, it's going to tell the story during the predawn hours. the flakes will be big, with a very warm air mass in place to start, and temperatures near 33 or 34, they'll be those big monster snow flakes, it will be
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slick for the morning commute. improvement for the afternoon. weekend is looking quiet, pleasant a cool. monday a little colder but dry, and still a chance of snow on tuesday, at this point does not look like a blockbuster storm, but can't rule out some snow. keep in mind that just yesterday looked like a few flurries for tomorrow morning, now it more than that, five days out from the primary a lot of time to watch. jennifer: thank you, mike. up next, candidates weigh in on the most important personal traits for the next president. josh: at 5:30, a new alert on
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america's heroes have a message. if you've fought... you know picking a commander in chief is no small thing. you're looking for smarts... and guts. we looked at each candidate... we studied their record... we know... looked them over... we checked them out... and we chose one. there's only one. jeb bush. he's got a plan. he'll keep us safe. he's a president - a commander in chief. jeb bush. best prepared to be commander in chief. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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josh: back to commit in 2016, scwed every presidential candidate which quality about themselves will best serve the country in the white house. >> i have the experience of having made decisions, consequential decisions that you need to be held accountable for, for the last 13 years of my life. seven years as a chief federal prosecutor in new jersey and six years as new jersey's governor. every day as governor and as a prosecutor i had to make decisions, sometimes life and death decisions. you need to know how to make those decisions, not to wring your hands, not to worry about whether someone will like you or not like you because of the decision you made, but to do what you believe in your head
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the people who elected you. we don't need on the job training in the oval office, we don't need another first-term united states senator who has never run anything in their lives. you need someone who has been behind the executive desk, made these decisions and understand house to be accountable for them and what the consequences are. that's the best trait i bring to this job. >> consistency. people are tired of politicians who say one thing and do another. we're fed up with washington, and we've been lied to too much. everyone running for president says that they oppose obamacare, everyone says they oppose amnesty and supported the second amendment. it's one of the things i love about new hampshire being first in the nation is you all take seriously the process of vetting, saying okay when have you stood up and fought to stop obamacare, when have you stood up and fought to stop president obama's illegally amnesty, when have you fought to defend our second amendment right to keep and bear arms.
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the other candidates running is there are a lot conservatives that sound great on the trail, but they don't have a proven record and when they get in office, they do what the republican leadership in congress is doing right now, they get in bed with the lobbyists and special interests, they get in bed with the democrats. that's how we get an $18 trillion debt. >> i understand what leadership is. a leader makes a tough call, in tough times, and stand up and is prepared to be held accountable. a leader also knows, and i know, that their job is to challenge the status quote, their job is not to go along to get along. their job is to challenge a system that isn't working any more, and we have a system in washington d.c. that isn't working. i know the difference between management and leadership. managers tinker around the edges of problems. leaders challenge the status quo so they can solve festering problems. i know how the economy works and
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i know about the world and who is in it. i have more foreign policy experience honestly than anyone running. and i understand bureaucracies, how to hold them accountable. i understand technology, which is an unbelievable tool as well as a weapon that's being used against us. and most importantly of all perhaps i understand that leadership is not about how big your office is, or how big your is. leadership is about service to others. josh: we'll hear from more candidates in the next half-hour. jennifer: also ahead tonight, a new system is in place this year for visually impaired voters. josh: many taxpayers are waiting to find out if their refunds will be clayed after technical glitches at the i.r.s. jennifer: our u local hot shot, chewbacca and flossy enjoying the warm weather, chewbacca is
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dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' this about a boy? dad! stop, please. oh, there's tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ tires screech ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. forward collision warning and
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redesigned passat.
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josh: a minor hit-and-run leads to charges against a nun, we'll
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jennifer: decidedly different strategies among candidates trying to break out from the middle of the pack. will staying positive pay off? mike: a taste of early spring today, but that changes by early friday morning as snow moves in for some. josh: and weather creates real problems for fishermen who ran into trouble off new england's coast. a nun is facing charges in connection with a hit-and-run in plaistow. i'm josh mcelveen. jennifer: i'm jennifer vaughn there. was little damage and no one was hurt, but police say the woman did leave the scene of an accident. josh: andy hershberger has the story. reporter: police say sister rachel dumont was difficult to track down and tonight faces a criminal charge. police say it happened here in
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store on 125 in plaistow. it was december 16 when authorities say a car driven by this woman, sister rachel dumont, was involved in a hit-and-run. there were no injuries and the damage was relatively minor. but police say that's not the issue. police say when the driver of the vehicle that got hit tried to get dumont's information, she left. but that person was able to get a license plate. police say the investigating officer contacted the 81-year-old nun several times, but received no response. an arrest warrant was issued on january 20th and on tuesday police say dumont turned herself in. she faces one misdemeanor count of conduct after an accident. she was released on bail and is scheduled to be in court in april. andy hershberger, wmur news 9. jennifer: 93 in concord is back open tonight after a vehicle caught fire. several wmur viewers sent us
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you see, started around 12:15 this afternoon near exit 14. we don't know if anybody was injured there, but the northbound lanes had to be shut down for a short time to put out the fire. josh: three republican presidential hopefuls are campaigning in the granite state, governors christie, kasich and former governor bush are trying to draw distinctions between themselves and their rivals. kristen carosa joins us live with more. reporter: each of the candidates is holding two town hall meetings, we've one trying to connect with voters one talk at a time. new jersey governor chris christie started his day in keene at the elks lodge. >> mary pat is doing had her own thing now, she's now been to new hampshire 52 days herself. so she now gets to do her own events. reporter: christie has been hitting the campaign trail hard in new hampshire, his team
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>> our guys told me that 50% of the people they met were still undecided. i love you people. reporter: former florida governor jeb bush also looking to grab undecided voters. >> we need someone to start fixing the damn mess in wowed and i have the skills to do it. i don't have to talk about it because i got to do it as governor of florida. reporter: bush held a town hall in pittsfield where she harply cruz. >> the leading candidates, do they have the leadership skills, is there something in their past that would make you sense that they would make a tough decision? reporter: john kasich made a stop at concord high school, his main message was to dream big. >> have the big dreams, understand you're made special, understand that you have a mission. reporter: he says his mission during this campaign has been to stay positive, even though he's being attacked. and he says he's looking forward
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dos are we'll be hitting 100 town halls very soon, and it's, the voters will decide, but i feel very good about where we are. report governor kasich will be completing his 100th town hall tomorrow night in bedford. live in the newsroom, kristin carosa, wmur. josh: carly fiorina made a number of stops today, these pictures are from a forum hosted by franklin pierce university. the former c.e.o. will also be in nashua tonight. aa question for every candidate of course is who will get a game changing boost from new hampshire's primary. political reporter adam sexton has created an indepth look at the effects of past primaries with analysis and anecdotes from people who were there. you'll find all his pieces on our website,, the politics section. jennifer: we'll have a new system available for visually
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tablets and head phones for people who are blind or visually impaired. when you're done a hard copy of the ballot is printed out to be submitted to the voting machine. if you're not registered to vote, you can always register at the polls tuesday. you will have to show proof of identity, age, citizenship, and where you live. undeclared voters will be allowed to choose either a democrat or a republican ballot. and it is too late to change your party affiliation for tuesday's vote. you'll find all the registration rules and information on the polling sites posted on josh: just ahead, could be trouble for taxpayers after a technical glitch at the i.r.s., we'll tell you where things stand now. jennifer: also a new airbag problem recalling millions more vehicles, this is entirely separate from the problems with the takata airbags. mike: dry and mild now, but big changes on the way by early tomorrow. when snow moves in plus what
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josh: you could still score a seat at super bowl if you have several thousand dollars to spare. the numbers for super bowl 50 are straight ahead. jennifer: this week's appear don't a pet is danny, a beagle, will do best in a home with adults, he loves riding in the car and going for walks. the american people can't afford to wait sound good on paper... but will never make it the grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent... can't wait. the single mom who desperately needs a raise... can't wait. the student with a
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we can make real progress, right now for people and families who need it. p i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm
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[ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america to look for america i'm bernie sanders,
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jennifer: let's get a look at how the day went today. everything is green, which is good. dow was up 79. s&p 500 up only a bit. nasdaq up a bit over five. gas prices nationally at 1.77. new hampshire at 1.79. the i.r.s. has yet to announce whether its electronic as the system it's working again. josh: a computer failure forced the agency to stop accepting e file returns yesterday. it had hoped to fix the problem by today but hasn't said yet whether it's been fixed. you can still e file through a third party tax preparer who will submit the return when the system is working again. and five million vehicles are under recall right now for a new airbag concern. this has to do with with moisture inside the control computers, which can cause the
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honda, fiat, chrysler and mercedes have already issued the recalls, and today continental automotive systems added five million of its vehicles. a separate problem with with airbag inflaters has prompted the recall of 24 million vehicles. jennifer: least -- lowe's is expanding in canada. it bought a competitors. in will give lowe's its first stores in quebec if the deal is approved. josh: if you're looking for a way to relax between saturday night's debate and tuesday's primary, super bowl 50 is on track to be the most valuable sports event ever. nfl is expected to make at least $620 million. that is more than last year's fight between pacquiao and mayweather. the cheapest seat on seat geek
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for a spot on the -- and a commercial is going for a cool $5 million. jennifer: is there a game, so they say. one google engineer can multitask a little better now, thanks to the smart mirror he built himself, that's coming up. josh: in sports the gatorade soccer player of the year is on "chronicle." >> everybody who sees the shirt loves it, they love the message and we wanted to keep it simple while creating a positive message.
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josh: to commitment 2016 now with the final entry in our list of questions for the candidates. we asked every contender which quality about themselves will best serve the country inside the white house. >> i think real experience is the best quality that i can offer the people. i think the people of new hampshire are really looking for an alternative at this point. they've seen the other candidates and i think that they are not comfortable with where we are. they want somebody who is competent, who has real experience, real judgment, and somebody who can actually go into the white house without having to have on the job training. we've seen the first-term senators that want to be president, we've seen a first-term senator who was president. we've seen the problems that all of this creates. i'm a governor, a former
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i understand what it is to put together budgets and move policy forward in a meaningful way. but i also have the national security experience as a degree in foreign policy, a united states army intelligence veteran in europe during the cold war, someone who was asked and chaired the national commission on homeland security and terrorism for five years, and governor during the 9/11 attack. >> some people said that my greatest gift is to get people to do what they don't want to do but they know they should. and so getting people to put country first, party second, and realize their legacy is important for strengthening our country, that's a quality that i think is critical in the next president of the united states. jennifer: that's the last of the eleven questions that we posed to every candidate. you can find the entire series in the political section of, and on our mobile app. it's one of the many resources that all find there.
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details with the town hall style conversation with the candidate with the candidate cafes. and you can follow the twitter hash tag wmur politics for real-time updates from the campaign trail. four fishermen are okay after they were rescued off the coast of maine. the coast guard says a crew member aboard the fishing boat reported engine problems wednesday morning. rescue crews were unable to tow the boat due to the weather, the boat was towed into portland. all four people on board are okay. mike: temperatures jumping in many parts of the state yesterday, near 60 degrees, record highs along the coast, one shy of the record again today and all that changes as we return to winter big time late tonight and tomorrow morning. take a look at time lapse in warner for today, we started off
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developing sun, clouds tended to build on in from time to time, but it was a dry and pleasantly mild day, considering it's february and the temperatures are running about 20 degrees above the average for this time of year. here come the changes as we go through late tonight, early tomorrow morning, as winter makes a big return. a light mix will arrive during the overnight, sometime after two or three in the morning, then quickly go over to wet snow, just in time for the morning commute. the saidiest south and east of the lakes region during that time. a few inches of snow likely in many spots south and east of of the lakes region tomorrow morning as this moisture across the deep south begins to move in to marriage naturally cold air over -- marriage -- a couple spots hit the low 50's, but beginning to drop a little. upper 40's in exeter.
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through hudson and nashua. to the north and west we're starting to see that winter chill slowly easing on in, across new hampshire. we've got readings back to 37 in new london, only five shy of the freezing mark. i'm anticipating the change going over to snow tomorrow morning. the canadian border down below freezing. notice future temperatures, very critical once we get below 33, 34 snow will likely begin to stick on area roadways and during the five, six, seven a.m. time frame that's what happens, lakes region south and southeast where the steadiest will fall will be right near 30, 31 or 32. here's a look at the timeline as this moisture bumps into the cold air, we've got the clouds thickening up overnight and after one, two, three in the morning a little light rain and wet snow mixed. quickly over to all wet snow, four, five, six a.m. and just in
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morning commute, steady wet snow falling anywhere south and east of the lakes region. it will be a defined sharp northern edge to this system and will likely be over the upper and southern parts of the white mountains, then quickly all of that will move off shore late morning in western parts of the state and near one in the afternoon along the coast. back into sun as we go into saturday and sunday and seasonably cool. what about the snow amounts, a general two to four inch tally from concord points east and south. towards the coast some spots an isolated five-inch amount cannot be ruled out. but all of that is plenty in terms of making the roads slick for the morning commute. so plan on extra time, could be see some cancellations. it will be tough for delays tomorrow because the snow will increase before ending around midday. cold and bright on monday. primary day there could be snow
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snow, whether it's a little or a lot, still way too early on that. josh: hope it's a little for the voting period. google engineer has take ten concept of a smart room to a brand new level. jennifer: he's turned his bathroom mirror into a high tech screen. it shows the current date and time, the weather forecast, and the latest news headlines. even no there art ready made smart mirrors on the market, the engineer says the individual pieces were actually pretty easy to get. the mirror runs on android. >> bruins ready to start a series with the buff will sabres, they play tonight in buffalo then in boston on saturday. congratulations to the gatorade new hampshire girls soccer player of the year, gabby grummaert of the derryfield school, she's won this award all three of her high school years. she led the cougars to a 20-0
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last season. incredible stats, he scored a state record 86 goals last season with 17 assists, 15 of her goals were in four playoff recruiting nationwide for the class of 2017. and she's verbally committed to play at duke. this week's home town hero is brendan mooney, he's a three-sport athlete and an honor roll student, we'll have his story tonight at 6:00. that's sports. josh: kids and pets are usually heart warming, but one boy's best trend is really turning heads, how this duck became inseparable. tom: we have a lot more coming up at 6:00, in our 2016 coverage just released numbness the democratic race for president. we'll run them all down for you. plus these two are wanted for a break-in at a local gun store,
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from postal workers to nurses... he's been endorsed for real change: bernie sanders. endorsed by friends of the earth action as "a bold, fearless voice for the planet." the nation endorses bernie saying, "you can trust sanders because he doesn't owe his political career to the financial overlords." the nashua telegraph declares: "he's not beholden to wall street money." the valley news says, "sanders has been genuinely outraged about the treatment of ordinary americans for as long as we can remember."
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jennifer: tonight we're getting our first look at the only known
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the 7-year-old has been spotted roaming around mountains outside of tucson, arizona. only four or five jaguars have last 20 years. the people of tucson call him el hefe, which means the boss in spanish. customers in a california store were surprised to discover a sea lion shopping among them. josh: you don't see that often. the store owner says the sea lion must have gotten in by climbing a 1 45-step staircase that leads to the shore. some customers ran off as the sea lion made his way through the store, but others shot some video. and they did manage to get him back to the sea. toddlers tend to take baths with a rubber ducky. not this one. the little boy takes a real bath with the real deal, lives in texas, 19-month-old tyler,
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crime, nice hairdo, the boy's parents say they had no idea that their son would become so close with this duck when they brought it home last year. the video showing the strong bond between the two of them has been going viral ever since it was posted on facebook. >> i never in a million years thought 15,000 people would like me and my on and a duck, who knew. jennifer: apparently they're always playing together, they watch tv together, they eat together too. mom says that every bath is just as hysterical as the very first video post she made. josh: that's pretty cool. jennifer: yeah.
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jeb bush once stood tall. before his campaign sank like a rock and he started desperately slinging mud on fellow republicans. that's not presidential, jeb. john kasich did cut ohio's taxes. cut state spending. turned a deficit into a surplus. brought back jobs from mexico and china. that's john kasich, that's conservative, and that's presidential. new day for america is responsible for the content of
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tom: new numbers in the democratic race for president, one candidate has a lot of ground to make up with five days until the primary. >> i never take anything for
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jer an exclusive one on one interview with donald trump, the new lead he holds in new hampshire and his biggest threat in the republican race. mike: unseasonably warm today, but it's back to winter friday morning. when snow arrives plus how much we could see. tom: take a close look, right now police are trying to find these two men who they say stole four guns from a gun store. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 6:00. tom: off the top at 6:00 tonight, right now we are tracking an off shore storm that's going to make a big mess of the morning commute. good evening, new hampshire, i'm tom griffith. jennifer: and i'm jennifer vaughn. this will all start as a predawn mix, then the snow will start to fall during those crucial morning commute hours. so let's get right over to chief meteorologist mike haddad. mike: certainly a shift in our computer models over the past 24 hours. this storm looked to be off shore yesterday, last night.
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means a greater impact for new hampshire.
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