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tv   News 9 at Six  ABC  February 5, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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pjean: there were a lot of paccidents today as people pre-adjusted to winter driving. pthe storm seem to linger. pit caused a lot of problems for pmost of the day. pthere were accidents and cars poff the road as highway crews pworked to keep up with the pstorm. p>> we had some problem areas. pthe turnpike through exit 5, pmultiple accidents there. pwe had to close route 9 want to p-- route 193 north through plondonderry. pwe had a lot of cars slipping pand sliding. pjean: and ready for this? pthe dot has used the least pamount of salt this year since pit began keeping records back in p1968. ptom: now to our other big story, pturning now to our commitment p2016 team coverage.
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pthe carr center on the campus of psaint anselm college - pthis is the stage that 7 prepublicans will gather on ptomorrow night for the dbeate psponsored by abc news and wmur. pjean: it will be their final pfaceoff before granite staters phead to the polls for the first pin the nation primary on ptuesday. pjoining us live from the campus ptonight, political director josh pmcelveen and jennifer vaughn. pjennifer: good evening, peveryone. pwelcome inside the sullivan parena tonight on the campus of psaint anselm college. ptomorrow night this place will pbe packed with media pand then, after the republican pdebate, supporters of the pcandidates. pjosh: but breaking right now, we phave brand new poll numbers in pthe democratic race for resident. pamong likely new hampshire pdemocratic primary voters, psenator bernie sanders continues pto enjoy a sizable lead over pformer secretary of state phillary clinton. psanders is at 61% tonight, pclinton at 31%. pbut a third of voters say they phave not yet firmly comitted to pa candidate. pwmur' s kristen carosa begins our
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pcampaign. preporter: fresh off the debate pstage, senator bernie sanders pthis momentum. pthis afternoon, sanders spoke at pa rally in exit or. pdespite the snow storm, psupporters came out in full pforce. pa crowd at the final politics pand eggs event hosted by st. panselm college. pif elected president sanders psays he will raise the minimum pwage and fight for paid family pleave. phe also spoke at length about pstanding up to a corrupt pcampaign system citing he has ptaken no money from superpacs. psenator sanders: we have preceived up into this point pthree and a half million pindividual contributions. pthat is more individual pcontributions than any candidate pin the history of the united pstates of america up to this oint in the campaign. at preporter: after the rally in
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pevent was canceled because of pthe snow. pkristen carosa, wmur news 9. pjosh: thank you. pright now hillary clinton is reparing for a 7:00 event that pattend. pbut she was in portsmouth and pmanchester today. pjennifer: at her stop in the pwomen who hold powerful ositions right here in new phampshire. pwmur' s heather hamel spent the pday on the trail with her and pcontinues our live team pcoverage. pheather: there was no criticism pfor her opponent today. pshe focused on new hampshire pvoters. pshe spoke to a group of pvolunteers. pclinton says that new hampshire phas a history of electing strong pwomen, a few of whom stood on pthe stage as she spoke. pshe said that she would consider pbernie sanders a partner and pdirectly addressed young voters pwho are supporting them. p>> i know you may not be for me
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pi will be a president who is pyour futures of the top of our pnational priorities. pheather: she will be in new phampshire tomorrow, but will ptake a break from campaigning as pshe flies to flint, michigan to ptalk about the water crisis. pheather hamel, wmur news 9. pjennifer: and tonight, both pdemocratic candidates are pattending the one hundred club pcelebration. pjosh: they' ll be joined by pthousands of democrats at the pverizon wireless arena in pmanchester. pwmur' s mike cronin joins us live pwith a preview. pmike: this event will be pstarting shortly. pyou see hundreds of people are pwireless arena. pto my left, bernie sanders pclinton supporters. pthe 100 club dinner is the last pchance for party members to hear pfrom hillary clinton and bernie psanders before tuesday'
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rimary, and in addition to the ptwo candidates, state and local pdemocratic leaders are here as pwasserman schultz. pcandidates are expected to begin pspeaking around a 30 p.m. pwe will have a full recap later pon wmur. pjennifer: and now to the new pnumbers just released in the prepublican race. pjosh: tonight there is still a pclear front runner on the pchiappetta side, -- on the gop pside, but there is some movement pbelow donald trump. pafter a strong showing in iowa pmarco rubio has gained ground p, here in new hampshire with p17%. pfollowed by john kasich and ted pcruz at 13%. pamd jeb bush at 9%. pcarly fiorina is at 5%, with pgovernor chris christie at 4% pand and carson is at 1%. pour live coverage of the prepublican candidates picks up pnow pwith the marco rubio campaign. pright now he is holding his pfirst event of the day in derry p-- it' s a debate countdown rally
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pmiddle school. plive pictures now out of bedford pwhere republican candidate john pkasich is holding his one p-- 100 town hall at this hour. phe' s focused all of his pattention on new hampshire pand is hoping it pays off come ptuesday. phe brought along some star power pfor this milestone as well. ptalking about former new england atriot and 3 time superbowll p-- super bowl champ michael pvrabel is his special guest. pright now, former florida pgovernor jeb bush is taking part pin a town hall in concord. pjennifer: and he is getting some phelp on the campaign trail from phis mother, former first lady pbarbara bush. padam sexton spoke to both today. preporter: greeting a new pgeneration of granite stater' s pon the campaign trail in plondonderry. pthe former first lady stopped by pwith jeb bush, making the rounds pbefore sitting down for lunch.
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pbecause he is close to perfect, paccording to his mother. pevery new hampshire motherwell punderstand that. p-- mother will understand that. preporter: he met a presidential pcandidate and a former first plady on his first birthday. pher candidate. p>> i' m undecided, but i know pdefinitely republican, but i' m pnot sure. preporter: what do you think of pjeb? p>> i like him. preporter: mrs. bush says she is phampshire. p>> it' s good to see our friends pagain and it' s also fun to be pwith people who have the right pvalues. preporter: we sat down with pgovernor bush for a one-on-one pinterview on the bus. pgovernor bush: she looks pbeautiful, she' s in great shape, eople love her, i love her, so
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preporter: mrs. bush breaks the psnow and ice on a day that roved to be too much for the prepublican front runner donald ptrump. pgovernor bush: bless his heart, pas we say in north florida. pbless his heart. pjosh: don' t forget, on sunday pmorning, join us for a special plineup of programming, breaking pdown the debate and setting the pstage for primary week. pa special edition of news 9 pbegins at 6:00 a.m. pfollowed by good morning pamerica. pat 10:00, we' ll have a live, phour-long edition of close up. pthis week with george pstephanopoulos will have more panalysis at noon, followed by pmatter of fact. pso, certainly busy couple of pdays here on the campus of st. panselm college and around the pstate as we head into the final pweekend. pjennifer: new hampshire voters pare watching, listening, meeting pcandidates in making their final m jennifer
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ptom: barbara bush looks great, pdoesn' t she? pjean: she does. pstill to come -- ptom: a guilty plea from this pfather pthe horrifying injuries he is paccused of inflicting on his pinfant son. pmike p: after a cold one tonight, leasantly cool for the weekend pwhen that changes and even pjean: and tonight celebrating a pcolder air moves in. pjean: and tonight celebrating a pspecial anniversary of when new phampshire' s own alan shepard set pfoot on the moon. pjason: friday night hockey to ptalk about.
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there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision p above the obstacles in place and lookr to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one.
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a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an americapwhere after a lifetime of labor, there is timep for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defendsrour people and our values, but no longer carriesp so much of that burden alone. i knowrwe can create that america if we listen to our consciencet and our hearts and not to the punditstand the naysayers. r i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask for your vote. p tom: a newmarket father faces pup to 50 years in prison after leading guilty to abusing his p3-month-old son. pjean: jose orta-santana was parrested last march after the pinfant was airlifted to boston pwith head injuries.
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unching the baby in the head 3 ptimes. pdoctors discovered not only a pfractured skull and bleeding on pthe brain, but healing fractures pof the baby' s ribs, arms, legs p, and even toes. p>> he said he would get pfrustrated with the baby. pand he would start -- it she -- phe would squeeze the baby pexternally tight to his baby puntil it stopped crying. phe would squeeze extremely hard pthe licensing while he was pchanging him. pjean: the father will be psentenced in may. ptom: a judge in ossipee has pdecided not to reduce the psentence of a convicted sex poffender. pjudge david garfunkel decided to preconsider the 7 and a half year psentence of joshua baud back in p2014, saying it was too harsh. pbaud sexually assaulted girl who pwas 7 at the time. pbaud' s defense attorney asked pthe judge to consider reducing
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pthe judge is sticking with his pinitial decision. pjean: hey, february, there you pare? ptom: yeah came back.
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p hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm p hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marryr our fortunes together t [ cheering ] i've got some real estatet here in my bag
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on the new jersey turnpike they've all comer to look for america r [ cheers and applause ] all comer to look for america to look for america to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message.
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premembered today in concord. pjean: 45 years ago today derry' s p, own astronaut alan shepard pwalked on the moon. phe was part of the apollo 14 plunar mission. pthere are several displays at pthe mcauliffe-shepard discovery pcenter that celebrate shepard' s paccomplishments in the space rogram. pthe apollo 14 mission was one of pthe most significant. p>> for one thing, they brought phome an amazing amount of moon procks that are still being plooked at. ptoday we are still finding the pthings that they brought back. pjean: alan shepard is one of 12 eople ever to set foot on the pmoon. pand the man he did that with, psome sad news just into the pnewsroom, passed away. phe was 85 years old.
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pmike: really nice weather to get pout there for the penguin plunge pto support special olympics on psunday. pthere' s also the high school lunged tomorrow. pif you want to support a great pcause, check us out in hampton pbeach as we -- that' s right, pjump into the atlantic ocean pbring the weekend. pwater temperature, by the way -- plower 40' s. ptake a look at this snowy scene. pa springlike start to the month. pbut notice the time lapse shows pthe clouds clearing and pbeautiful sunshine in many spots pwith that pincus guy. pthe storm is for a single -- is pracing away. pand then early next week, a big pstorm threat continuing to pdiminish. plight snow showers or flurries pmonday into the big primary day
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pwe will have to watch out for plight accumulation during that ptime and then a classic winter pchill for a good part of next pweek and next weekend. ossible a little blast of our pcold. pright now, temperatures not that pbad. pthe snow is pulling on out to psea. pthat means the temperatures will pcontinue to fall off. pthat means any water left on the proadways will ice up. pwatch out for black ice, pespecially when you pick of snow ptoday. pdamp spots will tend to glaze pover. pa very weak system in the great plakes will move in tomorrow pafternoon in the north country. pcould be a few flurries and a pbetter chance early on sunday up pnorth while it dries out again pin southern new hampshire, or at pleast stays dry.
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pscattered afternoon flurries. pjust a little bit breezy, punseasonably chilly in the mid pto upper 30' s. pthe cool front well off to our pnorth will trigger a few pflurries in the great north pwoods, but central and southern pnew hampshire should be dry and leasantly cool. pmid-to-upper 30' s. pthen a couple notches above that pas we going to sunday with artly sunny skies. ponce we get into sunday -- low pclouds, snow showers, flurries. peither one of them may come pcloser, so stay tuned for pimportant updates as we go pthrough the weekend. pin any event, make plans -- pwhether it is by skis or on foot p-- to get to the polls and do
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ptom: maybe if these candidates ptake part in the plunge. ll be voting for you. pjason: super bowl 50, we have a
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there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision p above the obstacles in place and lookr to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an americapwhere after a lifetime of labor, there is timep for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defendsrour people and our values, but no longer carriesp
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i knowrwe can create that america if we listen to our consciencet and our hearts and not to the punditstand the naysayers. r i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask for your vote. america's heroes have avmessage. r if you've fought... you know picking a commander inrchief is no small thing. p you're looking for smarts... t and guts. p we looked at each candidate... p we studied their record... t we know... r looked them over... r we checked them out... r and we chose one. r there's only one. t jeb bush. the's got a plan. r he'll keep us safe. he's a president -r a commander in chief. jeb bush. best prepared to be commander in chief. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. p>> now jason king and news nine psports. pjason: hey, how about this shot?
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psenior captain cam richard pburries it from 3 quarter court, pit happened as time expired in pthe first quarter. psanborn ended beating raymond p67-64 in overtime. pbut that is the shot he will premember forever. pand the celtics enter the night pin 4th place in the eastern pconference, 7.5 games behind the pfirst place place cleveland pcavaliers. pthose two teams meet in pcleveland tonight, game time is p7:30. pthe celtics have won 7 of their plast eight games. pa very tough weekend for the unh phockey team begins tonight at pchestnut hill. pthe wildcats will face 4th pranked boston college tonight pand then 8th ranked umass-lowell pon saturday. pboth games on the road, unh and pbc met in durham back in pnovember. pit was a 6-3 boston college win, pbut the game was much closer pthan the score indicates. p>> it was a pretty good game puntil the last five minutes when pthey kind of took it away from pus. pwe' re looking forward to it.
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pthey are physical. pyou know they are going to be a pchallenge. pthey play good defensively. pblock shots. p>> -- jason: we are two days paway from super bowl the p50. anthers and the broncos will pmeet on sunday night at 6:30 peastern time. pcarolina is 17-1 and led the nfl pwith a franchise record 500 oints in the regular season, pbut denver has the top ranked pdefense in the league. pat last check, the panthers were p6 point favorites. p>> everything leading up to it, pall you see our panther-bronco pconversations. pit is hard to take it all in. pi keep saying it is a dream come ptrue and hopefully we get to -- pwe are prepared come sunday. p>> is a special opportunity and pi think our players understand pthat, are embracing that. pat the same time, we are getting repared to play a really good pteam on sunday. pjason: hopefully it' s a good
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ptom: stay tuned for new phampshire chronicle following pworld news. pwe will see you tonight after the american people can't afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper... but will never make it in the real world. the grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent... can't wait. the single mom who desperately needs a raise... can't wait. the student with a p r p i'm hillary clinton and i
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there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision p above the obstacles in place and lookr to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an americapwhere after a lifetime of labor, there is timep for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defendsrour people and our values, but no longer carriesp so much of that burden alone. i knowrwe can create that america if we listen to our consciencet and our hearts
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i'm bernie sanders.
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