tv Nightline ABC February 9, 2016 12:37am-1:07am EST
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p this is "nightline." p>> tonight, down to the wire. pon the eve of the new hampshire rimary -- p>> he's a total stiff, jeb bush. p>> donald trump bashing a rival pbut also voicing a surprising plack of confidence. p>> who knows what's going to phappen? p>> a once-surging marco rubio ptoday criticized to his face by pa voter. pon the democratic side, bill pclinton on the attack. p>> vicious trolling -- p>> >> plus -- p>> being here today all makes pfor a very special 24 hours. p>> fresh off his big win in psuper bowl 50, peyton manning pheads to disneyland. pbut is this his land victory plap? p would what do you i do if
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pfor chinese new year? pwe travel deep into china to pwitness a beautiful but pdangerous tradition. pbut first the "nightline 5." p p p>> the nissan rogue with the ower and performance of our pintuitive all-wheel drive. pget a $199 lease on the 2016 pnissan rogue. p>> number one in just 60 pseconds. we cannot defeat a corrupt political system but i believe we need to lift our vision p and lookr to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going where quality healthcare will be
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where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an americapwhere after a lifetime of labor, there is timep for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defendsrour people and our values, but no longer carriesp so much of that burden alone. i knowrwe can create that america if we listen to our consciencet and our hearts and not to the punditstand the naysayers. r i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask for your vote.
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pin just hours voters in new phampshire will start heading to pthe polls to provide the next ptwist in what as been a truly punbelievable campaign. pthe candidates including a psurprisingly modest donald trump pwere scrambling for votes. psome of these hopefuls know they pabc's david wright is out on the ptrail tonight. p>> this is now crunch time. p>> reporter: it may be the first pin the nation primary. p>> vote for me tomorrow! p>> reporter: new hampshire is palso a last chance for some. p>> donald trump organizes his pcampaign around disparaging eople. p>> reporter: this past week pwe've seen feuds, unexpected palliances, and attacks. p>> vicious trolling. p>> reporter: the music you palmost expect to hear as the pcandidates crisscross the land. p p>> reporter: call it "game of pthrones: new hampshire edition." pan epic battle, live free or pdie. ptune in this time tomorrow and pthere's sure to be blood on the pfloor. p>> the time is here.
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pdebate was the red wedding for pmarco rubio who came in from pcandidate. p>> senator rubio. p>> let's dispel with this pfiction that barack obama pdoesn't know what he's doing. phe knows exactly what he's pdoing. p>> reporter: chris christie pstuck in the shiv. p>> i like marco rue i don't. phe's a smart person and a good pguy but he does not have the pexperience to be president of pthe united states and make these pdecisions. p>> i think the experience is not pjust what you did but how it pworked out. p>> reporter: rubio fought back pbut listen closely. p>> i would add this. plet's dispel with this fiction pthat barack obama doesn't know pwhat he's doing. phe knows exactly what he's pdoing. phe is trying to change this pcountry. p>> reporter: the repetition of pthat well-practiced line was all pchristie needed to twist the pknife. p>> that's what washington, d.c. pdoes. pthe drive-by shot at the pbeginning with incorrect and pincomplete information. pand then the memorized 25-second pspeech that is exactly what his padvisers gave him. p>> reporter: then astonishingly
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p>> this notion that barack obama pdoesn't know what he's doing is pjust not true -- p>> there it is, there it is, the pmemorized 25-second speech. p>> that's the reason why -- p>> there it is, everybody. p>> reporter: marco momentum pdone. pthe following morning there were probots outside rubio's first pevent. p>> what's your new talking oint? p>> our new talking point is pmarco rubio needs new talking oints. p>> reporter: some of the voters pskeptical. p>> i'm grateful to you for being phere today. p>> marco should have been better repared. p>> he's a young senator just plike obama was. pi'm not so sure he's ready. p>> interesting. pso something like this raises pquestions about his experience? p>> yes, yes, it does. p>> the one i thought did a great pjob was jeb bush. p>> reporter: in salem -- p>> thank you very much for pcoming. p>> reporter: we caught up with pgovernor bush. pthis hasn't been a great year pfor the house of bush. pbut he's hoping new hampshire pwill turn it around. p>> your friend senator rubio has ptaken a lot of flack this pmorning for getting stuck in his ptalking points yesterday. pis he only a sound bite geek?
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p>> he is only sound bite deep in pthat debate. phe's a substantial person. phe's a gifted speaker. precord. p>> welcome to wyndham. p>> reporter: governor john pkasich is do or die in the pgranite state. phe can't afford to be an palso-ran. ptoo. p>> i'm counting on you to help pme if i'm president of the punited states. pwhat do you think of that? p>> reporter: and governor chris pchristie, he's in a great mood. p>> good to see you. p>> reporter: his town hall pmeeting at an exeter bowling palley and bar was packed. p>> governor, any second thoughts pabout your treatment of marco prubio last night? p>> second thoughts? pwhat i would have done twice. p>> reporter: christie, kasich, pbush, rubio, they'd be happy pwith second place, even a not ptoo distant third. pno secret who's strongly pexpected to win, just look at pthis crowd. pif you believe the polls, bernie psanders and donald trump,
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pbut the big question out there, pas both of them would say the pyuge question, is whether the penthusiastic support that pthey've been able to draw to ptheir rallies will actually ptranslate into as opposed tos. p>> i'm a volunteer for bernie psanders, are you planning to pvote in the democratic primary ptomorrow? p>> reporter: the sanders pcampaign says it's prepared. p>> we've got folks throughout pall day just making hundreds and phundreds and hundreds of calls. p>> what is this space? p>> i think this used to be a pdentist's office. p>> reporter: julia florence is psanders' new hampshire campaign pdirector. p>> i was looking at 5:38, they pshow bernie sanders with a pbetter than 99% chance of pwinning new hampshire. p>> i will believe that on pwednesday morning. pi'll believe that wednesday pmorning. p>> okay. p>> we're trying very hard not to ptake anything for granted. p>> reporter: some sanders psupporters have taken pelectioneering to new places. pin iowa some of his young psupporters, presumably single,
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purging prospective dates to pswipe right for bernie. pthis weekend bernie sanders got pa boost from "saturday night plive." p>> pretty -- pretty -- pretty -- retty good. p>> reporter: appearing alongside phis comedy doppelganger larry pdavid. p>> i am so sick of the 1% pgetting this preferential ptreatment. p>> i do not shake disgusting phands. p>> reporter: he did a sketch pfeaturing a bernie version of p"bern your enthusiasm." p>> you did some [ bleep ] -- p>> i hope you all are going to pvote tuesday, i hope i've earned pyour vote. p>> reporter: the clinton pcampaign is pulling out all the pstops. pthis weekend, hillary clinton pwas even out there knocking on pdoors herself. p>> how are you? poh my goodness! p>> reporter: the clintons have a plong history here in new phampshire. p>> i was a supporter of your phusband and i'm a supporter. p>> reporter: they not only keep
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phillary in 2008, they're still pin touch with folks who voted pfor bill clinton 25 years ago. pnow bill clinton is at time psounding angry. p>> -- to defend hillary and pexplain, just explain, why they psupported her, have been subject pto vicious trolling. p>> reporter: this weekend, pformer secretary of state pmadeline all bright named and pshamed women voters who might be ptempted to vote for sanders. p>> just remember, there's a pspecial place in hell for women pwho don't help each other. p>> reporter: a thought that pdoesn't go over well among women pwho do support sanders. p>> does that make you feel pguilty? p>> not at all. pi think that women support women pthat they want to support. p>> you don't want to support phillary clinton? p>> no, i don't. pi absolutely do not. p>> we still live in a country pwhere it's a freedom of choice. pi have been with bernie since pthe beginning. pi feel he's going to do right by pthe retirees, i think he's going pto do right by the kids. p>> reporter: the first votes are pnow in. ptomorrow there will be blood on
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pa king may be crowned. pa queen may be cut down to size pjust a bit. pbut there could also be plot ptwists. pnew heroes or villains. peven a cliff hanger. pas the 2016 "game of thrones" pcontinues. pi'm david wright for "nightline" pin manchester. p next, broncos qb peyton pmanning heads to disneyland to pcelebrate his big win at super pbowl 50. pwhat does he say about whether pit's time to hang up the cleats? p if you have moderate to severe prheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to at rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my jointsr from further damage. this is humira helpingr me reach for more. p doctors have been prescribing p humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. r it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. p humira can lower your ability to fight infections, rincluding tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal
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including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, r liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, r and new or worsening heart failure. r before treatment, get tested for tb. r tell your doctor if you've been to areas r where certain fungal infections are common, r and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. p don't start humira if you have an infection. p talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. what happens when lobster gets grilled, baked, and paired with even more lobster? you get hungry. and you count the seconds until red lobster's lobsterfest is back with the largest variety of lobster dishes of the year. like new dueling lobster tails with one tail stuffed with crab, and the other with langostino lobster mac-and-cheese, it's a party on a plate! and you know every bite of 'lobster lover's dream' lives up to its name. hey, eating is believing. so stop dreaming and start eating.
12:49 am
pyou'd see all the sicknesspyou're spreading. new robitussin cf max severe soothes and delivers powerful relief of cough, sorepthroat, stuffy nose and fever. pnew robitussin cf max severe. pbecause it's never just a cough. hey, need fast heartburnvrelief? 5{ try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves
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the american people can't afford to wait sound good on paper... but will never make it in the real world. the grandmother who has to paying for medicine and paying rent... the single mom who desperately needs a raise... can't wait. the student with a mountain of debt can't wait. p we can make real progress, r right now for people p i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. p hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm p hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm
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t [ cheering ] i've got some real estatet here in my bag counting the carsp on the new jersey turnpike they've all comer to look for america r [ cheers and applause ] all comer to look for america all comer to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message.
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pvictory lap at disneyland after pbecoming the oldest quarterback pever to win a super bowl. pnow everybody's asking, has he layed his last game? phere's abc's chris connelly. p>> reporter: on the day after, eyton manning went to disney pland. p>> the game, the celebration pafter, being here today, all pmakes for a very special 24 phours. p>> reporter: the 24 hours that pbegan a few hundred miles north pin santa clara, california. pat levi's stadium. pyou know, where beyonce was. p p>> reporter: peyton manning may pbe no stranger to electrifying erformances. pby his standards, super bowl 50 pwas not one of them. phis broncos set a new low for pfewest yards gained by a winning pteam. p>> and it's ealey who gets to phim. p>> reporter: but so what? phe's the oldest qulk est est quarterback ever
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pthe underdog broncos beating cam pnewton's carolina panthers. pbut was that the last pass the p39-year-old manning will ever pthrow? pspeculation about peyton's pretirement heating up after he pspoke these words two weeks ago pto patriots coach bill pbelichick. pcaptured on showtime's "inside pthe nfl." p>> hey, listen. pthis might be my last rodeo. p>> reporter: was manning's psecond super bowl victory his plast rodeo? por just the latest ride in a phall of fame career? p>> i'll take some time to preflect. pi got a couple of priorities pfirst. pi want to go kiss my wife and my pkids. pi want to go hug my family. pi'm going to drink a lot of pbudweiser tonight. pi promise you that. p>> reporter: after the cheers pand the beers, the good times pstill roll. pman steerial on the field. pon message off it. eyton manning has been pro pfootball's plu-perfect
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p>> there's always going to be pconsistency out of peyton pmanning. phis professionalism says a lot pabout who he and is what he's pdone for the national football pleague. p>> reporter: week after week for p18 seasons with the indianapolis pcolts and then with the broncos, porchestrating the thrilling pmoments that have sustained the psport's popularity. plike the colts' super bowl 41 pwin in the rain. poff the field a perennial itchman. p>> check out our new epic meats izza. p>> reporter: papa john. pmastercard. p do i really look like this p>> reporter: singing for pnationwide. p>> i've always told players, pcertain players are stars in our pleague. pwe know who they are. pbut there's a unique few that pare celebrities. eyton manning's a celebrity. phe's bigger than a star. p>> reporter: even crossing over pon "saturday night live." pshowing a true performer's comic pgifts. p>> i'll kill a snitch. pi'm not saying i have, i'm not psaying i haven't. pyou know what i mean.
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eyton a far cry from the boy pwho idolized archie manning, a plegendary qb. p>> who's your favorite football layer? p>> my dad. p>> growing up i had my hero in pmy house. p>> reporter: the mannings on ptheir way to becoming a beloved pnfl football dynasty. p>> are you going to be a pfootball player when you grow pup? p>> uh-huh. p>> the legacy of the manning pfamily starts with their father, parchie manning, who i played pagainst when he was with the new porleans saints. phe wasn't on a very good pfootball team but he was an pexcellent quarterback. pthe apple doesn't fall far from pthe tree. pi've always said this. pgood soup like character made at phome. pwhen you think about the manning pfamily it starts with archie, phis beautiful wife, how they praised their children. pknowing that these guys are pgoing to be maybe professional pquarterbacks one time in their plifetime and they've done that. p>> reporter: peyton would pdominate at university of ptennessee before becoming the pnumber one overall pick of the p1998 nfl draft.
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pwith his arm and his mind. phis meticulous presnap routine pearning him the nickname the psheriff. utting up huge numbers even as phis teams sometimes fell short pin the postseason. pwhile younger brother eli pmanning won two super bowls of phis own. eyton at last pulling even with phis sibling, whose unusually pdour demeanor set social media pathe blaze with memes like, when pyour brother brings home a pbetter report card than you. eyton's own high-flying career phas hit the occasional air ocket, teased for his manning pface during losses, and worse, phis body taking a beating pundergoing multiple surgeries in p2011 for what threatened to pbecome a career-ending neck pinjury. p>> the doctors and i have been pin good constant communication pand we're on the same page. peverything they're saying is peverything's right on point, peverything looks good. pi'll be cleared and ready to go. pthat's encouraging to me. p>> reporter: and late last year,
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pclaims that an al jazeera pdocumentary "the dark side: the psecret world of sports doping" pfrom a former employee and an pindianapolis clinic. p>> another time that i worked pwith peyton, him and his wife pare coming after hours to get pivs and [ bleep ]. pall the time we're sending pgrowth hormone, all the time peverywhere. p>> reporter: manning vigorously pdenying any assertion he used phgh. p>> i think i rotate between pbeing angry, furious, but pdisgusted is really how i feel, psickened by it. p>> have you ever used hgh or any erformance-enhancing drugs? p>> absolutely not. pabsolutely not. p>> reporter: the al jazeera psource would recant his pstatement in full. pa rep for manning did confirm to p"the washington post" that pmanning's wife ashley received a pshipment of medication. pthe nfl says it is pinvestigating. pyet now as peyton ponders his pnext move his options abound. phe remains the darling of
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apa john found irjohn schneider pa postgame peck on the field. phe could play one more season. erhaps with the rams moving to plos angeles. pand in desperate need of phollywood star power. por with growing evidence over pthe toll football takes on the pmines pminds and bodies of those who lea it he could walk away into pthe arms of his family, pro pfootball's preeminent passer pgoing long for good. pfor "nightline" i'm chris pconnelly in los angeles. p next, we are on a journey to pa remote place where celebrating pthe chinese new year is stunning pto look at but also very risky. [screaming]
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with intuitive all wheel drive. because winter needs a hero. now get a $199 per month lease on the 2016 nissan rogue. nissan. innovation that excites. with advil, you' ll ask what backache? what sore wrist? what headache? what bad shoulder? advil makes pain a distant memory. nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil it' s the world' s #1 choice. what pain?
1:00 am
from postal workers to nurses... he's been endorsed for real change: bernie sanders. endorsed by friends of the earth action as "a bold, fearless voice for the planet." the nation endorses bernie saying, "you can trust sanders because he doesn't owe his political career to the financial overlords." the nashua telegraph declares: "he's not beholden to wall street money." the valley news says, "sanders has been genuinely outraged about the treatment of ordinary americans for as long as we can remember." i'm bernie sanders
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p finally we're taking you to pthe other side of the planet to pa party that is as beautiful as pit is dangerous. phere's abc's bob woodruff. p>> reporter: in this remote pcorner of china, the night pskylights up with a remarkable pand unique kind of fireworks. pfew people in the world will pever get the chance to see them. pthese breath-taking and extreme yrotechnic displays that pwelcome in the lunar new year pare made by brave blacksmiths phurling molten iron against a pcold wall, causing sparks to prain down. pwhen we travel to the village,
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pon a much smaller scale. pthis is five hours west of pbeijing. pthe name means "warm springs." pand you can tell, whoo, this is preally cold. pthis is one of the blacksmiths pwho puts on the main attraction. p>> how long does it take you to plearn how to do that? pmetal. pin 2,900-degree heat. pregion. pduring the performance the men pare only protected by a
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phat. pdo you feel it's dangerous? pto just throw this burning metal pup in the sky like that? pdo you ever get worried about pit? p>> reporter: that fire from the pcenturies-old tradition still pilluminate the entire town. pthis is the most beautiful kind pof firework in the world? pfor "nightline," i'm bob pwoodruff. p>> thank you, bob. pwe should say bob's story was an pabc news digital feature. psee more like it by downloading pthe abc news app. pthank you for watching p"nightline" tonight. pmorning.
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