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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 10, 2016 4:30am-5:00am EST

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p this morning, "your voice, pyour vote," the blow-out in new phampshire. p>> huge voter turnout and i say phuge. p>> fed up voters delivering pand donald trump. p>> you are going to be so happy, pwe are going to make america so pgreat again. pmaybe greater than ever before. p>> throwing more chaos into the prepublican race, providing john pkasich's campaign, other pcandidates left reeling. pnot unusual. pit's on me. pit's on me. p>> once considered untouchable phillary clinton in a fight of pher life. p>> i know i have some work to
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p>> and appic shake-up from this pfirst in the nation primary. pcomplete coverage and analysis pstarts now. p>> and we do say good wednesday pmorning, everyone. pvoters in new hampshire living pup to their reputation of being pindependent thinkers, you might psay shaking up both sides in the prace for the white house. p>> voters came out near record pnumbers. ptake a look at this scene from pwell into the evening. pyou can see cars as far as the peye can see people rushing to pvote. p>> those voters sending shock pwaves through the democratic prace giving fellow new englander pbernie sanders a landslide pvictory over hillary clinton and pheading the race on the prepublican side an easy win for pdonald trump but ohio governor pjohn kasich in second. pted cruz and marco rubio pstruggling to tube indicate ptheir success in iowa but jeb pbush with a strong showing after pspending the most of any
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pbig thumbs up from donald trump povernight tweeting from his jet pit's "your voice, your vote" and pabc's kenneth moton begins our pcoverage live from new phampshire. pkenneth, good morning. p>> reporter: good morning, reena pand kendis. pwhat a night for politics. pit shows anything can happen in pthis race. pthe polarizing billionaire and pself-described democratic psocialist. pbig victories here in new phampshire. p>> oh, wow. p>> reporter: republican donald ptrump and democrat bernie psanders victorious in new phampshire. p>> we are going to make america pso great again, maybe greater pthan ever before. p>> together, we have sent the pmessage that will echo from wall pstreet to washington. p>> reporter: the outsiders pcrushed their competition. pthe voters in the granite state pangry at washington, worried pabout the economy and looking pfor honesty not electability pemerging from the pack of
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psecond place finisher, ohio pgovernor john kasich. p>> if you don't have a seat belt pgo get one. pwe're going to shake this pcountry from top to bottom. p>> reporter: the fight for third pin the gop race is between ted pcruz. p>> your victory night has left pthe washington cartel utterly pterrified. p>> reporter: jeb bush. p>> it looks like you all have preset the race and for that i pthank you. p>> reporter: and marco rubio who padmitted saturday night's debate pwas his downfall. p>> listen to this, that will pnever happen again. p>> reporter: a tough night for pdemocratic front-runner hillary pclinton who promised supporters pshe's marching on to the pnomination. p>> now we take this campaign to pthe entire country. pwe are going to fight for every pvote in every state. p>> reporter: her opponent proved phe won't be so easy to shake poff. pso, today is on to the next one, psouth carolina. pthe state's gop primary is set pfor next weekend but new jersey pgovernor chris christie is pheaded home to decide if he'll
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p>> yeah, as we look forward to psouth carolina, of course, you pmentioned the one that is set pfor next weekend and, of course, pthe democrats are voting there pon the 27th. phow is the race shaping up in psouth carolina? p>> reporter: well, in the prepublican race who knows pbecause anything can happen and pwe saw that tonight. pbut we do know that according to pthe latest polls donald trump pstill has that double-digit lead pin south carolina. pmarco rubio and ted cruz follow. pfor the democrats, hillary pclinton is leading bernie psanders by a large margin and pthat's the point she's been pmaking over and over again. pshe appeals to the national pdemocratic electorate which is pwhy she's the democratic pfront-runner but we all know pbernie sanders won't go down pwithout a fight. p>> that's true. pwe heard so much from ted cruz pon iowa's primary night, caucus pnight but not so much last pnight. pwe'll have to see what happens. pkenneth, thank you so much. p>> the voters of new hampshire pdealt a disappointing blow to pben carson. phe was the doctor who once
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pin dead last in the primary. pcarson canceled his event in new phampshire last night. phe left the state early and pheaded to south carolina where phe still has scheduled campaign pevents. pcarly fiorina, well, didn't fare pmuch better than carson but papparently not ready to throw in pthe towel just yet. pfiorina addressed supporters in pmanchester last night saying pshe's not going to sit down and pbe quiet. pand playing in the background, ptom petty's "i won't back down." p well, win or lose any pcandidate decide ing to stay in pthe race is looking to south pcarolina and nevada. p>> hillary clinton may be preassessing her strategy. pabc news political analyst matt pdowd breaks it all down for us. p>> i still love new hampshire pand i always will. p>> reporter: first i don't think pshe expected to lose by the pmarriagesen she lost which was phuge in the course of new phampshire. pkeep in mind this was a state pshe won in 2008 against barack
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pthis is going to totally affect plikely to happen, bernie sanders pwill rise coming out of this pbecause of a bump of positive ress. p>> we won because we harnessed pthe energy and the excitement pthat the democratic party will pneed to succeed in november. p>> reporter: so she's in a real pfight for the nomination now. pi think this is the perfect pstorm for donald trump which is phe wins, he exceeds his poll pnumbers and now he has multiple pcandidates to run against, which pis the perfect scenario for him. p>> to be victorious against some pof these people even if it's for pone week but believe me, it's pgoing to be pore many week, pokay. p>> reporter: he doesn't do well pif it's one-on-one and i think pdonald trump goes into south pcarolina heavily favored robably wins. pi'm not saying donald trump pisn't going to fall, mistakes pcan be made as we've seen but i pthink right now donald trump is pthe dominant candidate in this prace. p>> our thanks to matt dowd there pand we learned a lot from exit olling that came out of the
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ptwo-thirds of republican voters psaying they support trump's call pto temporarily ban muslims from pentering the united states. p>> and the youth voters under 30 pbernie sanders beat hillary pclinton by a colossal margin. p>> one more note you can say pthat bernie sanders prepared for phis deliver rg his victory pspeech in a rather unique way. p>> yeah. pyou see sanders there. pshooting hoops at a high school pin concord just as his psupporters were anxiously pwaiting to hear from him. psanders was joined on the court pby his sons and grandkids. pthere's already a hoop at the pwhite house, so you know he is pall set. p>> he might be. p>> okay, check out this little pguy in the backseat upset pbecause he wanted his mom to pvote for hillary clinton. p>> i want to show daddy. pcan you tell me? pmomma didn't vote for hillary
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p>> no. p>> youth vote there. p>> she does. pwell, that didn't happen mom pvoted for someone else. phe'll have another chance by the pway to agree with his parents' pchoices in november. p stay with abc news all pmorning long. pgeorge and robin will talk with pdonald trump and john kasich plater on "good morning america." p well, coming up, the pmorning's other major stories. p>> including a major scare here pin new york city. psmoke seen at the top of the new pworld trade center. p and caught on camera. pa building demolition gone very pwrong. phow they emerged from the rubble
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quilted northern worksp their bathroom experience. conductor randy, who sees all andt forgets nothing. at least he's nott constable bob. belvita breakfast biscuits steady morning energy whether you... love the great outdoors... love the great indoors... or just really love doors. belvita. because we can all use steady morning energy. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? r r this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. p p it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do r r with fewer relapses. p p tecfidera may cause serious
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p pml, which is a rare brain infection p p that usually leads to death r r or severe disability, p p and decreases in your white blood cells. p p rrr r r tell your doctor about t t infections, p p any other medical conditions, r r or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. p p learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at p p t t r and take another look t at relapsing ms. p that is the top of the new pworld trade center in new york pcity getting a lot of attention plast night.
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punit had some people concerned pthe building was on fire. pofficials took to social media pto say nothing was out of the pordinary. p well, a grim morning from pamerica's top intelligence pofficials. pisis will attempt direct attacks pon the u.s. sometime this year. pnational intelligence director pjames clapper, he testified pbefore a senate panel calling pisis the country's top terror pthreat. phe also warns of terrorists osing as refugees to sneak into pother countries. p new warnings are being pissued to airlines about cargo pthat could explode in flight. pthe shipment of lithium-based pbatteries has been linked to at pleast three airplane disasters pin recent years. pthe ntsb recommends that such pbatteries should be separated pfrom other flammable cargo, and pthe faa urging carriers to study pthe fire risk before shipping ossibly volatile cargo. p well, drivers in nine pmidwest states could see gas rices dip below a dollar. pthe dollar gallon by next week, pyears. pright now nearly 90% of pamericans pay less than 2 bucks
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pthe low price is largely due to pa glut of oil on the global pmarkets. p today is ash wednesday, the pstart of lent and pthat means the party is over in lacing like new orleans and panywhere else that mardi gras is pcelebrated. pthe fat tuesday revelry pofficially finished up at pmidnight when police and cleanup pcrews started making their way pthrough the french quarter. plent, of course, ends on easter. p>> got to figure out what i'm pgiving up. p>> you're running out of time. pthis is the day. p>> i know. p when we come back, we do phave breaking news overnight. pa cross country flight diverted pdue to a drunk passenger. pwhy he had to be removed. p plus mile high. pthe celebrations in denver as ptheir super bowl champs return. hey, remember the game when ip set the rookie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what,t 50 times... how about when i had threer events in one night? well, i' ve been working on myp new superhero move all day!
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re non stop, we' ve gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. r zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. p and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero.tbe unstoppable. t mmm dannon see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that i won't stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever,
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muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn's disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me on my way. find clear skin and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. pyou take my breath away... pso i thought i'd return thepfavor. at jared, we only sellpone piece of jewelry pfor valentine's day... the one that puts your heart inpher hands. and it's waiting for you... at jared. announcement:p this storm promises to be the r biggest of the decade. with total accumulationr of up to three feet. roads will be shutr down indefinitely. rand schools are closed. campbell's soups go greatp with a cold and a nice red. p
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p some parts of pennsylvania pand elsewhere across the pmid-atlantic could eventually psee half a foot of snow today. parctic cold moves in this pweekend. p meantime, record highs pare possible today in the los pangeles area. preadings as high as 80 is pexpected once again, and pfurther north in san francisco a pcoast guard helicopter crew prescued an elderly man who was pswept into the pacific by a owerful wave. pit's believed that he went in to phelp his female companion who phad also been swept away. pthankfully both were taken to a phospital. p checking the roads today, pthat snow we mentioned in ennsylvania and the northeast
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pthe dakotas all the way into the pmississippi valley. p if you're flying, airport pdelays are possible in boston pand new york. p i want to turn back to our ptop story right now. pnew hampshire voters resetting pthe race for the white house. p>> as donald trump and bernie psanders take their victory laps, pwe'll have to wait for the dust pto settle to see who is still pstanding. pabc's political director rick pklein explains what happened and pwhat's next. pgood morning, rick. p>> reena and kendis, shock waves pout of new hampshire. pthe democratic party moving left pto go with bernie sanders, and pthe republican party going right pto deliver donald trump his pfirst primary victory, a pstunning series of events for ptwo of the unlikeiest characters pin this 2016 cast. pin addition to that, the prepublican party adding someone pto their list, john kasich, a psurprise second place finish pgives him a head of steam pheading into the next contest pand now hillary clinton in the ptoughest shape so far of her pcampaign dealt a staggering pblow, a blow-out victory to psomeone she was never supposed pto be competitive with.
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preassess his candidacy. pbig changes on the democratic pand republican side. pno end in sight for either pbattle. preena and kendis. p>> all right, rick and the crew pmoving south to south carolina pwhere all eyes are focused. pthe set primary focus e cused for pfebruary 20th. p an alaska airlines flight pwas diverted to denver because pof an unruly passenger. pthe man was reportedly drunk and pabusive. pwitnesses say at one point the pman claimed everyone was going pto die. pthe flight was from boston to pbut the pilot landed in denver pofficers. pdiego safely. p in the meantime, in houston, ptexas, a very different kind of pdanger played out during the pdemolition of a parking garage. pthis eyewitness video pshows the excavator getting pa little too close to pcomfort for the building ptriggering the collapse of that pentire section of the garage praining rubble down on the pmachine. punbelievably the witness tells pus the operator of that machine pwas not injured.
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psuspect pulling a gun on a pconvenience store clerk in pmanchester, new hampshire, but pwhen he noticed the gun was a pfake and made out of plastic, he ounced beating him as he chased pout of the store. phe says in the future he won't prisk his life over a couple phundred dollars. p things can get back to pnormal in denver now that the pbroncos have celebrated their psuper bowl victory. pthey estimated that p1 million people watched the pteam's parade yesterday or pattended the rally that pfollowed. pthe team rode fire trucks pthrough the streets. resident obama made the ptraditional call to the super pbowl winners inviting them to pthe white house hopefully before phe leaves office. pit always takes so long for the pteam -- p>> very long. p>> why does it take long? p>> he's a busy man. p>> a priority. pnational priority. p time now for the morning's phighlights. p>> the nba's best start us off. p>> he's stan. pi'm neil. ptony is producing this and he psaid stan will go first. p>> yep, let's start at the top.
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ptaking on the rocket. pgolden state's win streak 41 and pcounting at home. psteph curry, cut it out. p19 in the first quarter. p26 in the first half, 35 for the pgame, and check out this play. phe'll get the hockey assist here pbut he had nine traditional pbasketball assists in this game pas well. prockets made it a game. pjames harden had 37, but in the pfourth quarter the warriors put pit away, 24-0 at home in season. p123-110. p jazz won six straight but pthey're in trouble at dallas. pfour seconds left, down three. prodney hood out of trouble. phood had 29. povertime. ptell me gordon hayward doesn't phave product in his hair when he lays. pcome on now. pthe butler did it.
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phayward had 20. pjazz beat the mavs. p>> a little brill cream never phurt anybody. p>> yeah this, is my real hair, pby the way. p>> you got any product in there? plet me see. p>> no. p>> you got stuff in there. pthere's stuff in there. p>> problems you don't have. p>> yes, exactly. plong hair problems. pokay, so the nba is great and pall, but we need some high pschool hoops for craziness like pthis. p>> a team in pennsylvania pthought that they had the game pin the bag with the late basket pbut as time ran out, one player punleashed a full court shot and, pof course, it went -- it went pin. p>> it did. p>> what's the saying, the thrill pof victory and the agony of pdefeat. p>> yeah, so what is that? p>> all caught on tape. pboth. p in "the pulse," the p"titanic" set to sail again. p and "frozen" fans not ready pto let it go. phow about the newest disney pclassic will get a new audience
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p i take pictures of sunrises, r but with my back pain i couldn't sleepr and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. p jane didn' t like restrictions. especially when it came top watching her calories. that'
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bursting with rich creamy awesomeness, all for 80 calories. zlight & fit. z feel free to enjoy. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free and lose ten pounds on us.
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p p time for "the pulse" and pwe'll start with another p"titanic" seriously. pwe all know the movie starring pleo dicaprio and kate winslet. p>> "tien ii" will be billed. pthe new ship is the brainchild pof an australian billionaire. p>> it will have all modern psafety equipment and lifeboats. pits maiden voyage will be from pchina to dubai sometime in 2018. p>> couldn't get me on it, sorry. p>> it won't have the same ending phopefully. p mcdonald's has millions of pfans around the world but pserious foodies may not consider pthemselves in that group until pnow. pokay, so check out this spread pthat you see there. pfrom los angeles chef, it looks
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vocado avocado, soup. pthe 40 food bloggers were pimpressed until they figured out pall the ingredients were from pmcdonald's. p>> this can't be real. papparently the fast food pmegachain asked the chef to come pup with a menu based on its psignature foods so most of the pguests werele fooed but one guy pyelled, golden arches. pbefore the end of the meal. psomehow someone caught on. p>> so they knew. p>> they played it well. pit's all about presentation pagain. pthat's what it's about. p>> how you lay out the chicken pfluths. p>> that's right and the dipping psauces have to be -- p>> in six or 12. p letting it go all the way to pbroadway. p>> our parent company has pannounced princess elsa taking pher quest to find her sister to pthe great white way. pthe curtain is set to go up on a pmusical adaptation of "frozen" pin spring of 2018 in a city yet
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pthey will reunite the team pbehind the movie but who will be pcast in the lead roles yet not pannounced p let it go don't hold it on -- p>> more news after this. r and i was worried about joint damage. t my doctor said joint pain from ra p can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. r he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. r enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, tevents including infections, tuberculosis, plymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders r and allergic reactions have occurred. r tell your doctor if you've been someplace t where fungal infections are common, r or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, phave had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, por if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. p don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. rask how enbrel can help
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and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one p rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. at ally bank, no branchesp equals great rates. t it' s a fact. kind of like social mediap equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you tormeet my fiance e, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness.
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to feel like a star. every kiss begins with kay. p checking our top stories, pdonald trump is celebrating a pbig victory in new hampshire pbeating out his republican privals by a wide margin. pjohn kasich pulled off a psurprise second place finish pwhile ted cruz, jeb bush and pmarco rubio tussled for third lace. p on the democratic side pbernie sanders defeated hillary pclinton by a big margin. phe was bolstered by wide range pof voters attracting majority of pindependents, men, women and pyoung voters. p the cruise ship tossed paround in the atlantic set to parrive at its new jersey port ptonight. pone north is calling for a pfederal investigation of why it psailed into a powerful storm. p today's weather warm and dry pacross most of the west. psnow squalls from the dakotas pinto the midwest. psnow also from the northeast and pnew england.
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pnew hampshire primary delivering pextraordinary victories to pdonald trump and bernie sanders. p>> yes, so winners celebrate and ptheir rivals lick their wounds. pwe'll take in the sights and psounds of the day. p p>> good morning, america. pthe first votes being cast in pthe nation's first primary right pnow. p p>> we'll all be on the same team psoon. p>> let me warm that up for you. p>> ooh. pthat turned out good. p>> how are you doing? p>> cold. p>> did you guys just vote? p>> sure did. p>> who did you vote for? p>> not telling you. p>> senator sanders, your rediction for tonight? p>> it's a large voter turnout. pwe're going to do just fine. p>> the first primary in the pnation. pvotes being tallied for some a pmake or break moment in the race pfor president. p>> is tonight your night?
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pnew hampshire. pthe nation's first primary and pwe have two winners. pfor the republicans, abc news rojects that donald trump will pwin. pthat is based on the exit polls pand some votes already counted pand it's looking like a decisive pvictory. pa decisive win for bernie psanders on the democratic side. pthe vermont senator scoring big pover former secretary of state phillary clinton who defeated pbarack obama eight years ago. p>> together, we have sent the pmessage that will echo from wall pstreet to washington, from maine pto california. p[ cheers and applause ] p>> we are going to start winning pagain and we're going to win so pmuch you are going to be so phappy, we are going to make pamerica so great again. pmaybe greater than ever before. p>> that's what i love. p>> small promises. p>> well, that's what's making pnews in america this morning. p>> stay with us for "good


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