tv News 9 Noon ABC February 10, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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perin: now at noon, the ballots phave been cast and the pcarolina. pelection. p>> this was a good plan. pwe all thought it would work. pit did not. psean: election day headache. plong lines and frustrated voters pin merrimack. pofficials are working to make psure this never happens again. pkevin: scattered snow showers in pchangeable sky conditions. pwe will talk about more changes p p[captioning performed by the pwhich is responsible for its p plike we do. pnow, wmur news 9 at noon.
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s first in the nation rimary. pi' m sean mcdonald. perin: i am erin fehlau. pbernie sanders won the pthe vote. pdonald trump won the republican rimary with 35% of the vote. phillary clinton comes in second pon the democratic side with 38%. pon the republican side, john pkasich came in second with 16% pfollowed by ted cruz, jeb bush, pmarco rubio, chris christie, pcarson. pthe 2016 new hampshire primary pis now history. pthe candidates are now turning pcarolina and nevada. s like what happened pafter iowa, political analysts pfiguring out what this means. pray brewer has a take on the pray. pray: good afternoon, sean.
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pspeeches, the political pundits pwill decide what it means, but psome granite staters say the pmessage from yesterday' s vote is psimple. pjim: i think the clear message pis that the political pestablishment needs to rethink. pray: after more than a year of olitical rallies and speeches, pnew hampshire voters got to pexpress their minds. pbig victories by donald trump pand bernie sanders, two pcandidates seen as outsiders. pjim lamb says politicians have pbeen put on notice. pjim: it is about time we got psomebody in, a businessman to pstraighten things out. pray: mike plotino agrees. pno-nonsense person to be in pcharge, and somebody who phopefully will not be beholden pto corporations and wall street. pken: america is tired of all the
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pdemocrats and the public and say pto learn to work together. pray: ken varrato also thinks pafter granite staters were pbombarded with a local ads, the pway things are conducted these pto change. pken: supertex need to go away, plet the american people do -- pken: super pacs need to go paway. plet the american people do with pany. pray: it may have been a record pturnout. aul: it was awesome. pi think it is neat that all the pextra people voted this time. pit was awesome. pray: so now the circus has moved pon. pwhile some voters may miss all pthe attention, no doubt other pvoters will be looking forward pto answering their phone and not phave it be someone asking them pto take a brief survey. preporting live in manchester, pray brewer, wmur news 9. psean: clean up the mailbox, too. pwhi voter turnout may have pbeenle record-breaking --
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pbacked up in merrimack for pmiles. pthe state allowed the own place pto extend our spirit mike cronin pis live with more traffic ptrouble and what officials plan pto do in the future. pgood afternoon, mike. pmike: is visual business as usual pwas a traffic nightmare. pon tuesday to get to the polls. eople described a standstill at ptimes on route 3 throughout the pafternoon and evening. plauren: it was an hour and 10 pminutes to go to what five pmiles. ptiffany: this highway can get pcongested, but it was the worst pi have ever seen. pmike: tiffany klosek plans to pvote, but when she got out of pwork and solve the line of cars, pshe changed her mind. ptiffany: there was no way i was pgoing to sit in traffic that plong. pmike: in 2012, the town pconsolidated polling locations pto just 1 -- the high school. olice chief mark doyle said he
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pwith a traffic plan for primary pday. pchief doyle: we try to comment pthat traffic flux by redesigning pthe traffic around and within pall the arteries to the high pschool, and it became apparent pthat was becoming more of a roblem as well. pdiane: with the high interest, pyou have more people coming to pthe pollster with a national pelection, we do get a higher pturnout. pmike: about 18% of the town' s pregistered voters filled out pballots. pthe state gave merrimack an pextension to allow anyone pwaiting in line to vote. pdiane trippett, town clerk, said pthe last ballot was cast after p8:00 p.m., about an hour after pit was scheduled to close. pdiane: we will have lots of lanning going into the november pelection. plauren: they need more than one olling station. pthere were certainly other pschools. pmike: official not aware of panyone who was turned away to pvote last night, but they are
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plive in merrimack, mike cronin, pwmur news 9. perin: all right, mike, thank you ptiered governor chris christie pis huddling with top campaign pcampaign all indications are pthat they expect him to formally pnomination. s primary. psean: if you head on over to, you will find a full plist of the primaries. palso, be sure to check wmur olitical reporter john pdistaso' s articles in the new phampshire primary source section pas well. pit is another chilly february pday out there. pyou want to bundle up as you phead out this afternoon. perin: this is a live look poutside at manchester where we phave already seen some snow pflurries today. pthe cold is not letting up panytime soon. pwe want to get over to pmeteorologist kevin skarupa with pa look at what we can expect for pthe rest of the week.
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pmoving in. pweekend itself, kind of a pwinter' s version of an untitled attern -- an unsettled pattern. pkeeping an eye on for one or two psnow squalls moving across the pstate' s afternoon. phopefully not time to during the pevening commute itself, which pcould reduce visibility. ptemperatures have been climbing psteadily through the morning, pand we' re back up in the 20' s to plower ranges of the 30' s. pas you can clearly see back to pour north and west, much colder pair awaits. pa couple of other disturbances pto get through before we get to pthat. pwe will have much more on that pwith your forecast coming up in pa few minutes. psean: breaking news now in the pmurder of an 11-year-old west pstewartstown' s girl. pcelina cass vanished from her phome. pthe attorney general' s office is pthis case has remained active
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pinvestigators from new hampshire pstate police major crimes were pat the home of celina' s pstepfather, wendell noyes, on pmonday as part of the ongoing pinvestigation. perin: dive crews are searching a pconway pond for a man who fell pthrough the ice. prescue crews were called to pcollect pond -- to the coptic p pequawket pond. pthe first minister missing. pa man accused of trying to pkidnap a teenager' s trial is punderway. phe tried to abduct her. pwitness heard the victim pscreaming and scared desmond pmighty off. phe was later arrested in the arking lot. psean: new details on two probberies in five minutes in the pcity of manchester a man walked pinto 61 best market on maple
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pthe clerk put up a fight. pminutes later, the same man held pup shaws corner market on psomerville street. pin both cases, he was wearing a pblack mass and a black hooded psweatshirt with black gloves as pwell. pinvestigators were to unlock a iece of evidence in the san pbernardino deadly shooting. pcoming up, why this piece of pevidence is so important. perin: plus, more water issues in pflint, michigan. pwhat residents are being told pto do now. pthe next couple of days. pwe will tell you how low ptemperatures go ahead. s cook' s corner, pwe' psalmon. pstay with us.
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psean: welcome back, everybody. pnew details on the investigation pinto the mass shooting in san pbernardino, california. perin: investigators say they are pstruggling to unlock one of the pshooter' s phones because of its pencryption. pthe phones belonged to the two psuspects and could potentially pshed light on their reparations, modus, and links pto other terrorists. p14 people were killed in that pattack.
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pvirus as more people become pinfected. ptoday, the cdc director will ptestify about the virus on pcapitol hill. p66 cases have now been confirmed pin 19 states and the district of pcolombia. pin nearly all the cases, the atients were infected by the pvirus by traveling abroad. pthe virus is tied to birth pabnormalities. psean: in flint, michigan, a pwater main break is making eople have to boil their water. pthey were already using filters pto make their toxic water pclean. pthis as governor rick snyder is pset to spend $360 million to paddress the water crisis and pupdate water is the structure. pa double whammy for residents in pflint. perin: we are seeing lots of pflurries today. pkevin: a lot of snowflakes in laces. pit is a matter if we see panything in time for the evening pcommute. pwe will talk about that and pwhere we had.
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pon cook' s corner, we are making pseared salmon being topped with pa delicious applejack glaze. psean: it may feel like winter, pboston. pas truck day, which means the pred sox rx acted to hit -- are pexpected to hit the road. perin: and our u local hotshot -- pfirst-time voter. psubmit your own pictures and pvideo and join the thousands of pu local members by logging onto p r today we're going tor run a slalom course. r r v sweet offers a combination of 4wd and an exclusive "auto-locking rear differential" so, if a rear the axle automatically locksp to provide better traction. pfeels like a beast. grips great. rdude, that was awesome. p current qualified competitive lessees can get this p silverado all star v8 for around $269 a month.
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perin: well, it is a cold, pblustery day out there. pspring is in the air in boston. pright now, the snow may be on pthe air. pthe red sox packing up, sending pthe equipment on the road to pspring training in fort myers. pthey started loading at 7:00 pthis morning, and they are pminute. p>> now, meteorologist kevin pforecast. pbaseball. pwe have temperatures in the pto near 30 degrees. ptoday, an overcast sky. pwe have gradually brought in psome light snow. pa few spots out west picking up
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pit has been fairly light. panything falling on area proadways is not sticking in a plot of spots at this point. pit would need a pretty good pfirst of snow. pthere is that potential in a few pspots through the afternoon to ick up one of those heavier psituation. pone or two of those could be pcommute, reducing visibility. pthat is something we will keep ptrack of. pfor the time being, we are plooking at a lot of clouds, pareas of light snow, flurry pactivity, and there is the otential if you see one or two pof those heavier squalls this pafternoon, you could see an inch pbeyond that, the upper-level psystem to our west has yet to pcome through. pwhen it does, replacing it will pbe very cold air coming out of pcentral and northern canada. pthat is heading our direction pfriday evening and early on psaturday. pa lot of that colder air mainly pfocused on the weekend. pareas of light snow right now.
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pit is a matter of where you are pafternoon. pback up to 36 are now in nashua. pthat seeming warm spot with a plot of areas near 30, and peven in the north country, s. pyou can see where the trend is peventually after this pupper-level system kind of pswings through. pit will open the door to the pcolder air coming out of canada. pit looks like it has wind peventually going along with it. phere is what we are looking at pas we stop this for you at 5:00 pthis afternoon -- pockets of psnow showers coming through. pwe cannot rule out one or two pwith a heavier boast of snow -- plower visibility. pit eventually pulls away later pthis evening, partial clearing pfew lingering flurries are up pa couple of snow showers pand sunshine. pa brighter day on friday, but we pwill continue to fall back. pmentioned likely rise after a
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pwinds will pick up on saturday, pand it looks like the coldest of pthe air will be around through psunday. pwe start to moderate monday, and pi think from there it will open pthe door to the next system that ptries to arrive by the time we pget to tuesday. peach of the next five days, ptemperatures slipping backward. pbe below 0 saturday night, early psunday. pagain and back near the freezing pmark ahead of the next system pthat will try to comfort on ptuesday. plet' s head to cook' s corner. psean: you see the heart on the pfive forecast? pbalentine' s day is coming up. pyour sweetheart. pcommon man restaurant joins us. pi appreciate you coming in. pa great place to take a date or pthe significant other. pmichael: definitely. pwhat we have here is a seared psalmon with an applejack daniels pglaze. pour own common man blend secret
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pfirst need to start off with is psaute onions, garlic, then you padd some brown sugar, pgluten-free soy sauce, jack pdaniels, cayenne, lime juice -- psean: you have got all kinds of pstuff in there. pwe should mention it smells preally good. pmichael: reduce it down. pfor too long, right? pmichael: not long at all. pwe will flip it on over. psean: this weekend, you can pbring a date friday, saturday, psunday. pall the restaurants will be roviding lots of good food for pa date on sunday, valentine' s pday. pchocolate. pa fun way to enjoy a meal. pmichael: this is the final ptelevision. pwe glazed the salmon, put it pback in the oven, got it nice
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pwe will bring it on in here. p psean: and you have got -- what pvegetables? pvegetables, saute on there, our ilaf. psean: that looks . pmichael: garnish it with green ponions. pand we are doing a valentines pbrunch until 3:00, dinner pservice at 4:00, and they have ptheir own specials as well. pyou can contact that location pfor theirs. psean: i am not saying guys are plazy, but sometimes they do not pwant to do the cooking. pthis is a great way to have them pdo it for you. pmichael: we will have great poffers, so stop on by. psean: the website is pall right, chef michael hill,
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psean: stunning video of a skier pshredding caught on camera here. pthis is not erin fehlau. pi thought it was at first. pa swiss skier did this with an piphone, a tether, and a lot of ractice. pas difficult as it looks, it ptook him nearly two years to erfect this move. perin: his phone is on a tether? psean: he is spinning around in a pslow-motion while he is skiing. perin: that is awesome. pthat is very cool. psean: i imagine it would take a plot of practice. pkevin: i would be in a hospital pin about five minutes. p[laughter] psean: that is more erin pterritory. pkevin: looking at an extended pforecast that brings an colder
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pcolder than the day before. pif you have outdoor plans for pthe weekend, wind chills likely pat or below 0 pretty much pthroughout except maybe very pearly saturday morning. pthen the next system arriving by ptuesday. perin: that will be brutal pbecause we have not had that. pkevin: we have had a charmed plife through winter. psean: a reminder -- keep the ets inside your to starting ptonight at 5:00, more people pstruggling to make their car ayment. pwhat new england resorts getting pa family friendly makeover. pwe will have the details on pthat. pthat does it for a spirit i pcannot believe it -- a primary pin the books. perin: take care.
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