tv World News Now ABC February 11, 2016 3:05am-4:30am EST
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pof passengers have finally pdisembarked from that royal pcaribbean cruise ship tossed paround in the raging atlantic pstorm. pthe anthem of the seas arrived pin new jersey last night. pone passenger said the ship's pcaptain should be thrown in jail pfor steering into the storm. proyal caribbean says it is pmaking changes to its storm pavoidance systems and the ship's pnext krus is still scheduled to pbegin on saturday. p pope francis leaves the pvatican tomorrow for a high rofile visit to mexico. pyesterday the pope took part in pash wednesday services meantent pto usher in the lenten season of rayer and surprise. phe said this was a good time to ptrain ourselves to be more psensitive and mercy full to pothers. p in texas, hundreds of pfaithful took advantage of a pdrive through ash ceremony. pit was meant for those who pdidn't have the time to on the pholy day. pcome on now. preally?
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p>> you don't have -- more than p2 1/2 minutes to drive through pand get your ash? p>> you can get busy. p>> i'm not blaming anyone. pnot pointing fingers. pjust saying. p>> i understand. p here's all the proof you pneed that true love never dies. pthis was a scene in australia pwhen 93-year-old norwood thomas pwas reunited with 88-year-old pjoyce durant after 72 years. p>> oh. p>> these little cuties they pdated in england in 1944 lock pbefore pbut nor w50d was sent to france. pthey never forget each other. p>> they reconnected thanks to pthe internet and their sons. pthey talked via skype a couple ptimes. pnow thomas is in australia for a pcouple weeks visiting. phe said the reunion was the pgreatest thing that could have phappened to him. p>> i love this story. pisn't that sweet? p>> it is kind of sweet. p>> after all these years they
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p>> once he got to australia, he prealized there are a lot of pofferings on tinder. p>> he did not swipe to the left por the right. p>> swipe to the right. p>> he kept swiping to the right. p>> did you see the hug? pi thought he was going to carry pher away somewhere. pthat's love. p>> 72 years. p>> that's love before the age of ptinder. p>> coming up "in the mix" the pwild fox that went epa over an pordinary bed sheet? pthe safety alert over common pbatteries that can explode. pthe latest test by the faa and pwhat it means for airline assengers. p>> tim laird america's chief pentertaining officer here. pwe've got everything you need to lan a great valentine's day pcelebration. pan easy dinner, decadent dessert pand super sweet cocktails. pwe'll help you do valentine's pday right. pyou're watching "world news pnow."
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and no one wants that feeling to fade. that's why there'st woolite darks. pnit's free of harsh ingredients, p keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for darkr clothes will never fade. t woolite darks. stress sweat. it can happen anytime to anyone. stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat, it smells worse. get 4 times the protection
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invisible solid and clear gel. r there's moving... r and there's moving r with move free ultra. p it has triple-action support t for your joints, r cartilage and bones. r and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. p p (sounds of birds whistling)
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p a day on the mississippi priver nearly turned deadly for ptwo boaters. pthey were lifted to safety by pthe coast guard as their 13-foot paluminum boat started sinking. pthe pair sent out a distress psignal. ponce their small boat began ptaking on water, the chopper psafely took them to dry land. p>> more automakers are recalling pvehicles with defective air pbags, volkswagen, audi and bmw pnow recalling 1.7 millionian pvehicles that have the takata pair bags that can represent tour
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pthe car. pso far 20 million vehicles in pthe u.s. have ever been recalled pdue to these air bags linked to p11 deaths worldwide. p high in the sky meantime, pthere's a new alarm being psounded over what's being called pa ticking time bomb. paboard both cargo and passenger pjetliners. p>> we're learning more about the pfaa's safety alert to the pairlines about lithium ion pbatteries and the potential to pspark fires. pabc's david kerley covers paviation for us. p>> reporter: this is the faa's pown test of what can happen if a pshipment of lithium ion pbatteries spontaneously ignites. pthese batteries can lead to p"catastrophic aircraft loss," pthe faa is warning, and pcurrent fire suppression systems p"cannot effectively control a plithium battery fire." pthey power our computers and ptablets. pand can overheat and ignite. pthink about the house fires and pthe hoverboard fires suspected pof being started by batteries pthat we've seen recently. pwhat if it happens in a cargo phold?
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ptwo 747s have crashed. pthe packages of batteries they pcontributing. pthat's why the national ptransportation safety board is pthat if batteries are carried, pthey are separate from other pflammable materials, and the pnumber of batteries be prestricted. pairline pilots want even more -- pthat the batteries be listed as phazardous. p>> we cannot continue to lose pthese airplanes due to fires pthat are uncontained and will pquickly bring an airplane down. p>> reporter: major u.s. carriers pdon't allow the shipments of plithium batteries, but that's pnot true for all airlines, which pis why the faa is calling on pthose carriers to study the prisks of carrying this otentially dangerous cargo. p>> david kerley at reagan pyou national airport. p>> it only takes eight lithium pbatteries to bring down an paircraft. p>> okay. pmy question about this, a, pwhat's taken them so long to pcome to this point to finally
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pto this, and how quickly is this pau going to get fixed. pwhy they're so dangerous, the pfaa tests over the past year pshow when they short circuit, pthey can emit hydrogen and other pgases that can build up all of pthis in the cargo hold of many lanes. p>> i wish had i taken an extra psemester in chemistry has class. pthe big headline is ban the pbatteries our panel said that plast month. pban the batteries. p>> coming up, the game show pgaffe that's going viral. p>> how one family answered the pquestion tell me another way eople say mother. phere was an outrageous answer pthat even cracked up steve pharvey. p>> but first, countdown to psome absolutely scrumptious pideas for revving up the promance.
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p so it happened again, pvalentine's day snuck up on you pand you forgot to get a preservation. pthere's nothing more romantic pthan a especially planned pevening in. phere to help us out is america's pchief entertaining officer, our pfavorite, tim laird. p>> valentine's day is around the pcorner. pi've got great ideas. pit doesn't have to be a romantic poccasion for two. pit could be a great fun way to pentertain family and friends. pand what better way than to do pmaybe a dinner and a movie pnight. pbut tie your food into what the pmovies are. pi'll show you some ideas. pfirst i want to start out with a pgreat cocktail, what i call the pruby valentino. pit starts out with a glass. pi'm going to put in about four
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erfect for a valentine's day pcelebration. pa beautiful pink color. pthe ruby comes in when i put in pabout ounces of pomegranate pjuice pa couple candy hearst for gar pflish. pthere you go. pthe ruby valentin know. pthe alcohol free version is plemon lime soda and pomegranate pjuice. pdinner and a movie. pthe godfather big night. peven lady and the tramp". pall these talk about pasta. pwhy not set out a big dish of asta. pmy secret to this pasta recipe pand all the res fees on your pfacebook starts out i render two ieces of bacon in a pan. ptake it out then put in some pgarlic, a little bit of pshallots. pand then your tomato sauce. pstir that up, add herbs and you pget this beautiful pasta with a plittle bit of cream in there too pat the end.
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pit bes a lot of people. peasy to do. p>> i'm drooling. p>> how about movie with a pchocolate. pit is valentine's day. pyou could watch willy wonka and pthe chocolate factor or pchocolate would be another movie pinto it looks like black pepper pbut it's chocolate. p>> i bought kettle corn. pmicrowave that. pyou bought it in the bag. psprinkle a little cocoa over it. pyou've got your popcorn with pyour movie. palso chocolate, here's a fun pidea. pthis chocolate decadence. pit's beak a flourless chocolate pcake with a little bit of praspberry sauce garnished with pfresh raspberry ies. psee what you think of that. pis that rich and delicious? pvery easy to do. phere's a fun idea. pred wine in a chocolate rimmed pglass. pbeak take some chocolate chips, pmelt them in the microwave and pdip the rim of the glass in
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pand pour in a merlot, cabernet. pit's just delicious. pevery time you take a sip, you pget the chocolate and red wine. p>> it's genius. pi love it. p>> lastly we have a french ptheme. pthis is ratatouille, famous pfrench movie. pi'm serving this with a little pbit of macaroons and of course, pmy strawberries. pthere is a little chambord in pwith the chipped cream. pyou can dip the strawberries in pthe whipped cream. pwill. palso chocolate cups i filled pwith chocolate mousse. pyou can fill them up with the pchambord or other things. pmaybe whipped cream. pit all comes together. p>> you can find the cups at a plot of party stores. pthey're a lot of fun. pi love experimenting, and like pthey say in the candy man, you pcan even eat the dishes. p>> you would there of it all. phappy valentine's day to you. pthis is a great spread. pi wish you could come over and plaunch it all for us.
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age. pso they're delicious and easy. p>> ptim laird, america's chief pentertaining officer. pyou're watching "world news pnow." if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs
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call now and get started. because the time to think about today. go long. your heart loves omega-3s. but the omega-3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. the difference is easy to absorb. tso how ya doing? penough pressure in here for ya? pugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hitr ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. p and you're coming with me... t wait, what?! pyou realize i have gold status? p do i still get the miles? t t new mucinex r r sinus-max liquid gels. t dissolves fast to unleash max strengtht t medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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sweaters stretch into muumuus. and pilled cardiganst become pets. but it's not you, it'st the laundry. protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. r ...with downy fabric conditioner... rit not only softens and freshens, p it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. wash in the wow. r choose to move freely. t move free ultra
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for your joints, r cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. p and now it's time for "the pmix." pso a new mom, well not a new pmom. pshe had a son that is 12 weeks pold and decides the son's phungry. pshe's at the zoo and decides to pbreastfeed the son. pa curious orangutan happens to pshow up here at the zoo. pwondering what mom's doing. phad his hands over his head and pwatching mom breastfeed little peli there. pmom elizabeth hunt barrett, they pwere trying to celebrate their pdaughter's birthday and then she pthinks that the orangish had preddish hair of her son kind of pattracted the orangutan.
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pthere had for the whole time. p>> with his hands on his head pwondering uh-oh. pthere weren't many negative pcomments when this was posted pthat the mom was breastfeeding pin public. pthe orangutan appeared to be up pcomfortable or curious. p>> it's a very cool shot. pi'm sure she attracted more pattention after that. pgood job there. p so you know, people have psome weird animals as pets. pthere's this one guy who happens pto have a fox as a pet. p>> okay. p>> and this fox has become sodo pmessticated, it's not really pused to the outside world but in pits nature it knows what snow plooks like. pit knows know is might about you pat home he kind of takes. p>> that's his bed. phe kind of thinks the white psheets are a bed of snow pinstead. pso he just kind of like trying
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ull it apart. p>> this is why you can't bring a pfox inside your house because pthe fox might think that the bed pis snow. pthis sounds like a children's pbook, doesn't it? p>> it kind of does. pthe only fox that should be in pyour house is the sman that will pfox cd. p>> fenway, the green monster of pfenway park was sort of poutshined by this 14 foot ramp. p>> white monster. p>> yeah, the green monster out pshined betty white monster, pwhich was part of a competition pfor snow boarders. p>> yeah. p>> you get $150,000 grand prize pat this. pthe u.s. grand prix tour. p>> that thing is huge. p>> several sef olympic medalists articipated in the snow board pevent. p>> look how tall that is pcompared to the rest of the ark. p>> i would love to slip and pslide down it. pthe event is taking place today pand tomorrow. p>> up there in boston.
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p this morning on "world news pnow," scary vacation. pinfuriated passengers aboard a pcruise ship that sailed into phurricane force winds finally parriving home. pwhy some people on board thought pthey would not return. p>> extreme weather from precord-breaking heat in the west pto heavy snowstorms and pdangerous cold in the east. pthe unusual conditions from paccuweather. p>> and new this half hour, a pvalentine's day gift from a wife pto her husband like no other. p>> he needs a kidney transplant pand she is the donor. pwhy this couple and this organ pmatch is just so rare. p>> and later in "the skinny," pthe new sexy swimsuit issue of
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pthe bigger, glossier pictures pand why the models this year are pgetting even more exposure. pit is thursday, february 11th. p>> announcer: from abc news, pthis is "world news now." p>> good morning to you on this pthursday. pi'm kendis gibson. p>> and i'm reena ninan. pi was just telling you i think phaving that out there, more pwomen will be comfortable in a pbikini despite what your shape pis. p>> or what about your age? pcan you be too old to wear a pbikini? p>> i don't think age is the pthing. pi think there are some people pwho in their lifetime have never pbeen able to wear a bikini. pthere's nothing wrong with that. p>> a bikini is an important pthing. p"sports illustrated" kind of panswers that question in this pnew swimsuit edition with a p56-year-old model. p>> i love that. pthat i love. pbecause i look forward to aging. pi think that we have a culture pof looking against women who page. pi think we need to embrace that
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p>> yes. p>> tribes everywhere around the pworld embrace the elders. pi always say that. pyou've got to look for your p>> in bikinis. p>> we're going to start with the pend of what plenty of passengers pon that royal caribbean cruise pship would call a nightmare. p>> the anthem of the seas is now pdocked safely in new jersey at pit arrived last night. pwabc's josh einiger was there. p>> reporter: they cheered as the panthem of the seas" glided into pthe aptly named port liberty. pthousands of passengers now live p-- liberated to tell their p>> i've been through hell. p>> i at one point thought i pagain. p>> reporter: last sunday was the pday a peaceful dream vacation pbecame the stuff of nightmares pwhen the world's largest cruz pship with more than 6,000 people pon board steered directly into a pstorm with 125-mile-per-hour pwinds.
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pso we kept on going underwater pand there was water coming on pour little window. pand it was pretty scary. p>> not only would the boat go up pand then come smashing down pviolently that when you were in pbed you fell out of bed, but at pone point i looked at my wife pand i said it's over. pwe held hands because we thought pit was over. p>> reporter: royal caribbean papologized for in its words pexposing guests to such extreme pweather. pa storm the company says was pmuch stronger than forecast. p>> if we end up with a situation plike this something went wrong. peither we didn't interpret the pforecast correctly or there's psomething. pwe're going to do a complete preview of the situation. p>> reporter: the company says pit's already made changes to pstorm avoidance policies and pit's standing behind the ship's pcaptain though not a lot of love pfor him among his passengers. p>> that guy should be thrown in pjail right now. pthrown in jail. p>> reporter: royal caribbean psays more than 6,000 people were paboard the ship when it sailed pinto the storm but there were
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pstill four too many for the pcruise line which has promised pit will pnever let this happen again. pthe ntsb on hand when the ship psteamed into port. psome lawmakers calling for a pfederal investigation into this pterror on the high seas. pjosh einiger, bayonne, new pjersey. p>> royal caribbean offering them pa discount on their next cruise. pthink that guy's going? pi don't think so. phigh drama playing out 1800 pmiles south of hawaii where the p42-person crew of the american peagle had to abandon ship pbecause of a fire. pthe coast guard sent a plane to pthe area to assess the psituation. pthe american eagle's crew pevacuated on to six small boats pto await rescue. pno injuries reported. p>> extreme winter weather is pbeing blamed for several serious pincidents along an ohio pinterstate. pdozens of cars, trucks and semis pwere involved in yesterday's pseries of chain reaction pcrashes. pnearly 20 people were injured. pthree of them critically. pinterstate 90 was closed in both pdirections northeast of pcleveland for hours.
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pcleveland area this morning. pit made for slick driving pconditions across that region pyesterday. pmore of the same is expected. plake-effect snow likely for the pnext couple of days. pthe first day of spring, by the pway, folks is march 20th. p>> well, california has jumped pfrom winter to straight into the psummer. pthe weather headline out west, precord breaking heat. p>> in southern california, ptemperatures will again be in pthe 80s. pa perfect day to get to the pbeach. pjustin povick has today's pweather extremes. pmorning, justin. p>> reena, and kendis, good pmorning to you, as well. pwhile it's cold in the east, we phave record-challenging warmth pon the way in the southwest. otentially some high fire pdanger, as well into the pmountains just outside of plos angeles. pmeanwhile, to the northeast, pheavy snow squalls, snow pshowers, lighter amounts of psnow. pa coating or so toward the i-95 pcorridor cities. pbut it's going to be on the
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p>> thanks to justin there. p>> the five-week stand off at an poregon wildlife refuge may be pcoming to an end. pfederal agents have surrounded pthe four remaining militia pmembers who are still holed up. pthe four apparently agreed to pturn themselves in at 8:00 a.m. roviding certain conditions are pmet. pthousands of people have been plistening to the ongoing pnegotiations through an open hone line being streamed ponline. p>> turning to politics and the pspotlight on ohio governor john pkasich after his stride psecond-place finish in the new phampshire primary. ptoday he is expected to sign a pbill to strip pgovernment money from planned arenthood. pthe legislation targets funds pthat go to the organization pthrough ohio's health pdepartment. pthe move may help kasich with pconservatives leading some to pquestion the timing of the bill. p donald trump rallying psupporters in south carolina pafter his big win in new phampshire. p4,000 people gathered at clemson puniversity last night to pcelebrate with trump and cheer phim on.
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pand he told the crowd that he pwas running on just an hour of psleep. pbut trump said, when you have pvictory, you don't need sleep. p>> so that's the key. pthe democrats are on the move pafter bernie sanders's smashing pvictory. pthey're each taking steps to win pover minority voters. pit's your voice, your vote. pand abc's cecilia vega covering pthe democrats. p>> reporter: in harlem, a phero's welcome for bernie psanders. phugs from the reverend al psharpton, breakfast at the piconic soul food restaurant psylvia's. psanders reaching out for pafrican-american support, hoping pto build on the momentum from phis big win. psanders now vowing to take his olitical revolution forward. p>> nice to see you again. pthis stark admission. pdo you think you could win south pcarolina and nevada? p>> no. pis not tomorrow. p>> reporter: he faces an uphill pclimb in those states, where a plarge portion of the democratic
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pit explains his visit to harlem ptrying to match hillary pclinton's strong support in pthose communities. phillary clinton now fighting phard for those voters. p>> you have to face up to the phard truth of injustice and psystemic racism. p>> in new hampshire, hillary pclinton putting on a brave face pin defeat. pher team trying to figure out phow she managed to lose women pvoters 44-55%. pand young people 16% to 83%. pclinton already trying to woo pthem. p>> i know i have some work to pdo, particularly with young eople, but i will repeat again pwhat i have said this week, even pif they are not supporting me pnow, i support them. psanders paying hillary clinton a pcompliment during a little game pof campaign word association. p>> donald trump? p>> what can i say? p>> one nice thing. pcome on, bernie.
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p>> nice hair? p>> humble. p>> hillary clinton? p>> intelligent. p>> cecilia vega, abc news, new pyork. p twitter's financial outlook pis improving but it's still pstruggling to oo tract users. pand wall street is not happy pabout it. pthe social media service preported earnings for the end of p2015 and while profits in padvertising are ticking up, pgrowth has stalled. pthe company is promising to make pchanges to improve the service pincluding adding more streaming pvideo. p>> time to mark your calendars, pfolks. pare you ready? phot dogs are coming to burger pking. pnot veggie dogs though. p>> the chain says its national prollout of 100% beef flame pgrilled dogs will be the 23rd of pthis month. p>> yes. p>> that's less than two weeks paway.
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pburn. pthe new item easily makes burger pking the biggest restaurant pseller of hot dogs in the pcountry. pthe classic will cost you $1.99, pa chili cheese dog, $2.29. papparently the burger king north pamerican president says this was plike the biggest test. pthey test these things. pit did really, really well. pthey're as excited as they were pwhen they launched the whopper pthey think it's going to be that pgreat. p>> by feel the burn, you mean pheartburn. p>> that's exactly what i mean. p>> coming up, the famous phollywood actor playing donald ptrump. pwait till you see him. p>> also ahead, the "family feud" pgame show contestant getting pattention. pand it's not because she won. pit's her blunder and her pexplanation. p>> speaking of mistakes, the psurgery that was done on the pwrong baby in the hospital even psent a bill to the baby's arents. pwhat an outrage. pyou're watching "world news pnow."
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but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. jill and kater use the same dishwasher. t same detergent. but only jill ends upr r with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dryr with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's leftt t is the shine. for better results,t use finish jet-dry.
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5{this clean was like pow! it added this other level of clean to it. it just kinda like...wiped everything clean. 6x cleaning my teeth are glowing. they are so white. 6x whitening i actually really like the 2 steps. t step 1, cleans r step 2, whitens. every time i use thisp together, it felt like... ...leaving thetdentist office. crest hd. 6x cleaning, 6x whitening i would switch to crest hd over what i was using before. human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season
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v (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. t a carpet that welcomes you. r and to clean pet messes, r try resolve pet expert. tso how ya doing? penough pressure in here for ya? pugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hitr ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. p and you're coming with me... t wait, what?! pyou realize i have gold status? p do i still get the miles? t t new mucinex r r sinus-max liquid gels. t dissolves fast to unleash max strengtht t medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery.
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p a sweet story. phuh? p>> yeah, very sweet. pjust in time for valentine's pday. pa north carolina nurse, jason pdesperately needs a transplant pafter suffering from kidney pdisease. pdoctors say that he waited up to pseven years for a transplant. pbut that was before his wife who pis also a nurse turned out to be pa perfect donor match. p>> wow. p>> it almost felt too good to be ptrue. pit really did. pi was nervous to get excited. pbecause i -- it's like winning pthe lottery. p>> i didn't know this, but it's pincredibly rare for a spouse to
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pthe chance is less than 1%. pthe transplant is now scheduled pin two weeks. pit will happen near the couple's pwedding anniversary which pthey'll be celebrating 15 years ptogether. p>> and how ironic they're both pnurses, as well. pvery rare all around there. p>> well, from a medical miracle pto a medical nightmare for the atients of a tennessee newborn. p>> the new mom says she thought pher son was taken to another proom for just a routine checkup. pinstead he was taken to surgery pby mistake. pabc's steve osunsami has the pstory. p>> hi there, buddy! p>> reporter: doctors call what phappened to this newborn baby in ptennessee a "never event," psomething that should never phappen. pbut this past december, after pjennifer melton gave birth to pher healthy son, she says the pstaff at university medical pcenter in lebanon, tennessee, ptook baby nate away for what was psupposed to be a physical. p>> at that point, the nurse pstarted to mention the procedure pthat had been performed on him. p>> reporter: when they brought pthe baby back, the parents say
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pterrible mistake. pa doctor had performed a psurgical procedure meant for a pdifferent child. p>> at that point, i began to cry physterically. pessentially, they took our pchild, who was 100% healthy, and pjust took him out of the nursery pand cut his mouth. p>> reporter: the family gave us pthese medical records that show pit was a frenulectomy, where pthey cut underneath the tongue pso it moves better for children phaving trouble nursing. p>> there is no excuse for poperating on the wrong baby. pnone. p>> reporter: in a statement, the phospital says it pcan't comment on the case, pbecause of privacy laws, but psays they "take seriously any pconcerns brought to our pattention." pthe family's lawyer tells us the pdoctor did apologize, but says pthe hospital still billed them pfor the procedure. psteve osunsami, abc news. patlanta. p>> coming up, the full-figured pbeach babes who will grace the ages of this year's "sports pillustrated" swimsuit issue. p>> and johnny depp does donald ptrump. p"the skinny" up next.
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pspecializes in plus size pswimwear has splurged on an ad pthis year that's three times the psize as last year and even more pdiverse. p>> the ad features model ashley pgraham who posed for the pcompany's ad last year as well pfilomena quayle. pbreaking both the size and age pbarrier. p56-year-old nicola griffith. p>> the companies' ads have pbecome an annual must see. pa single full page ad in "sports pillustrated's" swimsuit issue pcan cost around $350,000 and up. p>> i love the 56-year-old woman. pi love this whole thing. pi got to say, i'm going to buy p"sports illustrated" just pbecause i love the concept. pthank you, "sports illustrated" pfor that. plong time come. p> i'm going to read the particles. p next another must see. pjohnny depp like you've never pseen him before. p>> the comedians at funny or die phave released a shockumentary
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pof the deal" it's set in the p'80s spoofing donald trump as pevers trying to buy the taj pmahal casino in atlantic city pfrom merv griffin. p>> donald has me working all day pat the casino. p>> she's talking about the most pelegant sensational trump castle pin atlantic city. p>> oh, yes, i, -- p>> taj mahal is still the pultimate dream. p>> it is a building more pbeautiful than anything. por anyone. p>> that is correct. p>> yes, i know. p>> he make me dress up as the ptaj mahal sometimes. pit's very heavy. pi broke my clavicle once. p>> obviously, ivana's jealous pbecause she won't be buried in pthe taj mahal since she's not my pthird wife. p>> the film is now streaming on pthe funny or die website. p>> lots of people are going to psee that one. p next to a couple of new preleased albums. p>> kanye west has finally pfinally again settled on a name pfor his new album which he will
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psellout crowd at new york's pmadison square garden. phe announced on twitter pit's called "tlop". revious names included "so help pme god," "swish," "waves." pno word on to pablo is. pbut west has in the past pcompared himself to pablo icasso icasso. p>> gwen stefani releasing her pfirst album in a decade on march p18th. pshe'll promote it by filming a plive music video during a pcommercial break at the grammy pawards which is by the way, pmonday night. p>> aired live all over the pcountry. panother highly anticipated prelease across the pond. p>> millions of harry potter fans pare disappointed to hear the psequel to the seven-part series pwas going to be a play. prather than a book. pbut now she's announced the pscript of that play will be preleased as a two-part book. p>> "harry potter and the cursed pchild" is set to debut july p30th in london on harry's pbirthday. pthe script will be released the
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pthe future. pharry is an overworked employee, phusband, father of three and pstruggling with the weight of a pfamily legacy that he never pwanted. pthis is going to be good. p>> it will be interesting. psee harry older with a little pgut and all. p>> beer gut? pi don't think potter's going to phave a beer gut. p>> i'm alex trebek. pif you're age 50 to 85, pthis is an important message. pso please, pwrite down the number pon your screen. pthe lock i want to talk pto you about pisn't the one on your door. pit's a rate lock pfor your life insurance pthat guarantees your rate pcan never go up at any time, pfor any reason. pbut be careful. pmany policies you see pdo not have one, pbut you can get pa lifetime rate lock through pthe colonial penn program. pcall this number pto learn more. pthis plan was designed pwith a rate lock pfor people on a fixed income pwho want affordable plife insurance pthat's simple to get. pcoverage options pfor just $9.95 a month,
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pact now pand your rate will be plocked in for life. pit will never increase. pyour coverage pcan never be cancelled pas long as you pay pyour premiums, pand your acceptance pis guaranteed, pwith no health questions. pyou cannot be turned down pbecause of your health. pcall for your information kit pand gift. pboth are free, pwith no obligation. pdon't wait, pcall this number now.
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take one oft those pillows r and take a big smell. rthey smell really fresh what if we told you we washedp these sheets 7 days ago. really?\ no way v downy? r downy fabric conditioner t give us a week, and we'll changer your bed forever. r want more freshness? p add new downy fresh protect. p p (sounds of birds whistling) t v musicx introducing new k-y r touch gel cr me. p for massage and intimacy. pevery touch, gently intensified. pa little touch is all it takes. t k-y touch. jill and kater use the same dishwasher. t
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r with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dryr with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's leftt t is the shine. for better results,t use finish jet-dry. p p>> empire state building. pall lights. pthere's been yet another erformance flub that involves psteve harvey. pbut this time it's not really phis fault. p>> it happened during the taping pof "family feud." pone family's response to a
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pit's now going viral. phere's abc's byron pitts. p>> tell me another way people psay mother. p>> mommy. p>> mommy. p>> reporter: it's the "family pfeud" fumble gone viral. p>> folks, you've got two pstrikes. p>> reporter: mom, mommy, mama palready taken, contestant sheila pcomes up with this. p>> what about mommee. p>> you want mommee. pnot mommy. p>> reporter: steve harvey might phave had fun with the answer. p>> mommee. p>> reporter: but only got the atterson family a big red x. psheilah will explain her presponse on "good morning pamerica" pamerica"". p>> beak, my nerves got the best pof me trying to come up with psomething else. p>> watch this here. pmomee? p>> when it comes to game show pgaffes, they're in good company. pfor every good feeling like this pone on "wheel of fortune," i've pgot a good feeling about this. p>> that's right. p>> there are plenty of not so phot moments. p>> pointed desert.
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p>> i still have time? pi'd like to solve. p>> say it. p>> the pointed desert. p>> it's not the pointed desert pno matter how many times you say pit. p>> this guy on jeopardy hazarded pa guess. p>> who is this is handsome pgentleman? p>> but not the right one. p>> good for you, aere. p>> the patterson's full "family pfeud" episode airs february p23rd. py'all crazy. p>> reporter: here's hoping they phad better luck with the other pquestions. pbyron pitts, abc news, new york. p>> reena is wondering why did it pgo viral. pi guess it's more of like more psteve's reaction to it i guess. plike mommee. p>> was it your reaction with -- p>> oh, 20 bucks? pwe couldn't splurge? pwe couldn't splurge a little pbit? p>> no. pthe $20 answer was the most you pgot. p>> that's it for me saying pdaddee. p>> don't miss our updates on pfacebook pdaddee. p>> don't miss our updates on
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p good morning. pi'm reena ninan. p>> and i'm kendis gibson. phere are the top headlines we're pfollowing this morning on "world pnews now." p plenty of passenger anger as proyal caribbean cruise liner pthat was tossed around in the patlantic arrives safely in port. pa federal investigation of the pentire incident is a ossibility. pwe've got the full details pstraight ahead. p>> a fire on board a fishing pboat called the american eagle pforcedity crew of more than 40 eople to abandon ship. pthe fire broke out about 00 pmiles south of hawaii. pa coast guard plane was sent to pthe area. pthe crew reports no injuries. p>> the u.s. olympic committee
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pdisease specialists to advise polympians worried about the zika pvirus outbreak florida brazil. pthis comes after soccer star phope solo expressed doubts about pgoing to the games after zika pfears. p>> a north carolina nurse pneeding a kidney transplant pfound a perfect donor, his wife pwho is also a nurse. pexperts say the chances are less pthan 1% that a spouse will be pthe perfect match. pthose are some of our top pstories on this thursday, pfebruary 11th. p>> announcer: from abc news, pthis is "world news now." p good morning. pwe begin this half hour with the psafe return to land for the p6,000 people who were on board pthat storm-battered royal pcaribbean cruise ship. p>> so many stories from those eople. pthe anthem of the seas" arrived pat this new jersey port last pnight. pthe ntsb says it's considering popening an investigation of the pship's rough voyage. p>> when passengers disembarked plast night, they had plenty to psay as abc's brandi hitt preports. p>> reporter: it's a vacation to
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pready to forget. p>> at one point we went all pthe way over and i looked at my pwife and said it's over. pwe held hands because we thought pit was over. p>> we were on the third deck. pwe kept on going underwater. pthere was water coming on our plittle window. pand it was pretty scary. p>> reporter: the royal pcaribbean's "anthem of the seas" pthe ship docked in new jersey pafter hurricane force winds on psunday over 100 miles per hour pand 30-foot waves forced the pship to turn back. p>> i've been through hell. p>> i at one point thought i pwasn't going to see my family pagain. p>> the captain explaining in pthis video broadcast internally pto all 4500 state rooms he pdidn't realize the magnitude of pthe storm when the ship set out. p>> the whole thing was not pbigger than this and it was up phere and it just exploded. p>> reporter: passengers were pordered to stay inside their prooms for eight hours. p>> you never can tell once you pget out to sea, things happen. pyou just have to let the wind pcome on and survive it and ride
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p>> reporter: in a statement, proyal caribbean tells abc news, pweather isn't great so he slowed pdown his speed to smooth it out. pmany passengers don't believe pthe captain should have ever pleft port in the first place. p>> that guy should be thrown in pjail right now. pthrown in jail. p>> reporter: no one has been pseriously hurt and royal pcaribbean apologized to the assengers offering a full prefund and then some. pthe cruise line says the ship's psea worthiness has not been paffected. pbrandi hitt, abc news, plos angeles. p>> all right. pnow to the late developments in pthe oregon wildlife refuge poccupation. pfederal agents surrounded the premaining four members who are pstill holed up. pthe four apparently agreed to pturn themselves in at 8:00 a.m. roviding certain conditions are pmet. pthousands of people have been plistening to the ongoing pnegotiations through an open hone line that is being pstreamed online. p back on the east coast, two psheriff's deputies in maryland phave ever been shot dead in what olice say was a targeted
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prestaurant in abingdon. pthe second died a short time plater outside a senior citizen pcenter. pthe suspect was then killed by pdeputies. pthe sheriff says the two victims pwere targeted because they were pwearing a uniform. p big legal troubles for pferguson missouri 1 months after pthe fatal police shooting of pmichael brown. pthe justice department is suing pthe city over a pattern of pviolations mostly aimed at pafrican-americans. pwith more details, here's abc's ierre thomas. p>> reporter: the justice pdepartment is going to a federal pjudge to force the city pof ferguson to overhaul its olice department. p>> our investigation uncovered a pcommunity in distress. pin which residents felt alienate palienated from their own police pforce and their own local pgovernment. pthe ferguson police department's pviolations in particular were pexpansive and deliberate. p>> reporter: in a blistering ress conference, pthe attorney general has just paccused the ferguson police you phave racial bias against pafrican-americans, calling the ractices egregious and routine pin that city that saw so much pracial unrest in the summer of
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p>> they violated the fourth pamendment by stopping people pwithout reasonable suspicion, by parresting them without cause and pby using unreasonable force. p>> reporter: this new lawsuit pcomes after ferguson"s city pcouncil's rejected a deal the pcity had negotiated with the pjustice department. plynch announced she is suing pless than 24 hours later, highly punusual. ierre thomas, abc news will, pwashington. p>> a former nazi guard goes on ptrial today in germany charged pwith being an accessory to p170,000 murders. p94-year-old reinhold hanning padmits serving at the auschwitz pconcentration camp but he says phe never participated in mass pmurder. phanning is one of four pelderly nazi guards due to go on ptrial in the coming months. p in california, the man pconvicted of killing robert pkennedy had a parole hearing. psirhan sirhan is now 71 years pold. pthe assassination was nearly 50 pyears ago.
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pvictim, now 91. pthe former kennedy aide for gave phim. pbut in the end, the request for arole was denied for the 15th ptime. p>> donald trump is looking a plittle bit more confident than phis usual self by following his plandslide victory in the new phampshire primary, trump is pstill taking his victory lap pspeaking last night to a large pcrowd at clemson university in psouth carolina. pthat's where republicans pwill face-off in their next rimary on february 20th, but ptrump is apparently not all that pworried about the competition. p>> many friends live here, by pthe way. pi have to tell you. pbut many friends up in new phampshire. pand it came out in the original olls came out and they were so phigh. pwhich just came out here were pwe are high. pwe are high. p>> the republican field has been pwhittled down to six candidates. pchris christie and carly fiorina pboth dropped out of the race pyesterday disappointed after
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piowa and new hampshire. p>> fresh from his big win in new phampshire, bernie sanders headed pstraight for new york. psand areas met with the reverend pal sharpton in harlem hoping to plure black and hispanic voters pfrom hillary clinton. phe has extra cash in his coffers praising more than $5 million in pjust 24 hours. pclinton is leading sanders in pthe polls in south carolina and pnevada and her campaign is on pthe attack. pthey're questioning sanders' precord on issues affecting pminorities. pthey're also taking aim at his precord on gun control and pcriminal justice. pclinton is fighting back to win pwomen voters. pa majority of whom sided with psanders in new hampshire. p>> extreme winter weather being pblamed for several serious paccidents along an ohio pinterstate. pdozens of cars, trucks and semis pwere involved in yesterday's pseries of chain reaction pcrashes. pthis is northeast of cleveland. pnearly 20 people were injured, pthree of them critically. pinterstate 90 has been reopened pthis morning. pit was closed for hours while
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pmore snow made for slick driving pconditions across that region. pmore of the same is expected. paccuweather is tracking the pwinter storm system and record pwarmth in the west. phere's meteorologist justin ovick. pjustin, good morning. p>> reporter: kendis, reena, as pwe go throughout this thursday, pwe are looking at some major pwarmth, 80s and 90s around l.a. precords will be challenged and pthe concern is for above normal pfire danger. palso some freezing to start the pday around salt lake city. pon the other side of the pspectrum, major cold continues pin the northeast. pgusty winds, snow flurries and pshowers from boston to d.c. pwe're looking at accumulating psnows again coming off of the pgreat lakes. precord low temperatures in pjeopardy this weekend. plook at the lows saturday night. pbelow zero to right around zero. pagain, these will be challenged pand temperatures on average 20 pto even 30 degrees below norm. preena, kendis, back to you.
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pthere. pthere's a special sort of art roject that's on show there pthese days. p>> it's a modest house in pmanhattan beach that's been pcovered with pictures of the pfamily that's owned the pstructure since 1945. pgary sweeney is selling the phouse that his mother purchased pin 1945 for just $5400. p>> sweeney calls it a final ptribute to what he feels was a psimpler life by the beach. pa developer purchased the home. pthe plan is to knock it down and prebuild on the site. plooks like a lot of good family pmemories. p>> is that cool or creepy? p>> i like it. pit gives me a good feeling. psweet family memories. plook at the inflatable pool by pthe beach. p>> just to get knocked down by a pbulldozer. pall those family members. p-- memories. p>> they'll post it on instagram. pit will be there forever. pdunham opening up about a ainful medical condition. pher message to other women.
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pself-driving cars getting a pgreen light from the federal pgovernment. pfor one passenger, it couldn't pcome soon enough. p>> the passionate couple who got pin trouble aboard the las vegas phigh roller were they looking pfor love in all the wrong laces? p>> oh, boy. p>> if you're looking for love in pgreat falls, it's a great day pfor it. p>> why? p>> 55. p>> there's love at 55 degrees? p>> "world news now" weather pbrought to you by mucinex sinus pmax. p>> "world news now" weather pbrought to you by mucinex sinus pmax. yeah...just wait 'til we hitr ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. p and you're coming with me... t wait, what?! pyou realize i have gold status? p do i still get the miles? t t new mucinex r r sinus-max liquid gels. t dissolves fast to unleash max strengtht t medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. t a carpet that welcomes you. r and to clean pet messes, r try resolve pet expert. r choose to move freely. t move free ultra p has triple-action support t for your joints, r cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. jill and kater use the same dishwasher. t same detergent. but only jill ends upr r with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dryr with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's leftt t is the shine. for better results,t
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p p (sounds of birds whistling) t v musicx introducing new k-y r touch gel cr me. p for massage and intimacy. pevery touch, gently intensified. pa little touch is all it takes. t k-y touch. this is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly and kills 99.9% of germs. to get your toilet truly clean,
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the power of lysol? and to keep it that way for up to 4 weeks try lysol automatic toilett bowl cleaner. p well, in las vegas, a couple pis facing some legal trouble for pgetting frisky on a ferris pwheel. psecurity spotted the loveable pcouple just undressing and told pthem to knock it off. pthey stopped but then kept at pit. pand security cameras on the high proller weren't the only lenses pthat captured them. pthe passengers in the pneighboring pod also recorded pthe activity. pthey were charged with pcommitting a sex act in public pbecause they were, you know, up pthere. p>> in public.
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pnobody would see them. p>> but the security folks told pthem don't do it. pwe see what you're doing. pdidn't deter them. p>> when in vegas, you know, you phave sex in public. p an indiana man is behind pbars for an entirely different preason. ptalk about jaron johnson pallegedly forced his way into a phouse. olice say once inside, he pfainted. pjohnson says he woke up with olice surrounding the house. phe's facing a charge of burglary parmed with a deadly weapon. p>> another mystery over the pserial podcast that sparked a psensation across the country. p>> in another case of the pindustry essentially forcing a pdo-over by the legal system, a pjudge is now considering a new ptrial in the case of a man pconvicted of murder. pi guess it was 17 years ago now. pabc's amy robach has the story. p>> this is a prepaid call from. p>> adnan syed.
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pcaptivated millions since the p20914 launch of the podcast p"serial" turning plisteners into arm chair pdetectives. pthe series recounts a then p17-year-old syed's arrest and pconviction for the 1999 murder pof his high school ex-girlfriend phai min lee. psyed was stlnsed to life behind pbars but has always maintained phis innocence. phis initial attempts to appeal pthe verdict unsuccessful. p>> it is what it is. pif someone believes me or not, pyou know, i have no control over pit. p>> reporter: but the now p34-year-old is getting another pchance. pthis week in a post conviction prelief hearing, his attorney pargued that the law at the time pof the conviction had been pineffective, arguing she made so pmany mistakes that his pconviction should be overturned. p>> to never contact asia mclain, pto never find out if her pstory helps or hurts your case pmakes no sense whatsoever. pthat is not a strategy.
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phighlighted by serial host sarah pkoenig was failure to contact a pkey alibi witness asia mcclain. p>> great, you know. p>> but i think, asia, you might pbe that technicality. p>> after hearing her in the odcast, syed's defense team pcalled mcclain to testify during pthe new hearing. pmcclain maintaining she was with psyed at the time prosecutors pcontend he killed lee. p>> i was sitting in the library pbored to tears, and someone pwalked in that i knew. pi asked him about his breakup pwith hai lee. pshe was dating someone else but pthat he just wanted her to be phappy. phe didn't seem to be disturbed por angry with her. p>> she is speaking out pexclusively to abc news. p>> the biggest thing to us was psetting a good example for our pchildren, leaving a legacy of pintegrity. p>> but prosecutors say justice pwas served 16 years ago. pmcclain admits she does not have
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p>> do i think adnan killed hai? phonestly i couldn't tell you. pby coming forward, i hope that i pwas able to provide enough pinformation to the judge for him pto be able to make a rational pdecision, whatever that might be pis in his hands. p>> reporter: as for syed, after pspending nearly half his life in rison, his attorney says he is pthankful for his day in court. pamy robach, abc news, new york. p>> there's a five-day hearing pand the judge didn't rule at the pend of the five-day hearing. pwe don't know when he'll make a pdecision. p>> to tell su how seriously pthey've taken this, that hearing pwent two days plonger than they expected it to pgo. pso who knows when that ruling pwill come down. p coming up, actress lena pdunham opening up about her phealth challenge. p>> the "girls" star sedding new plight on a painful condition pthat's afflicting millions of pwomen.
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p girls star lena dunham psurprised fans when she p>> "girls" star lena dunham psurprised fans when she called poff her entire media tour for pher hit show. p>> she's opening up about her ainful medical condition shared pby millions of women that's at pleast temporarily putting her pcareer on pause. pabc's deborah roberts has her pstory. p>> reporter: lena dunham's one pof the busiest women in phollywood. pdirecting, writing, starring in pher hbo hit "girls." pi worked very, very hard to povercome the challenges of my pnontraditional body type. p>> reporter: but just two weeks pbefore the season five premier, pdunham made a surprise pannouncement saying she would pnot be able to romote the new season due to pendometriosis writing on pfacebook, i'm going through a prough patch with the illness. pit's time to you rest. p>> she didn't have to announce pbut people love her because she
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shares her truth and phas pdone it in her personal life and palso on screen. p>> reporter: the love on social pmedia came quickly for the pactress with one woman sharing pher own experience. pwriting i'm level four. pthank you for being so honest pand open about this. panother, thank you for your pbravery. pyou could have easily kept this rivate. p>> she doesn't just say like pthere is what's going on with pme. pshe also goes a step further and ptries to help educate. p>> dunham first shared her pbattle with the condition on her pblog called the sickest girl, osting these photos after a psurgery positively diagnosed her pwith the disease. p>> she's learned a lot from the pexperience and saying you know pwhat, i'm going to take time poff. pwhen somebody says that and pthey're honest about it, you pcan't do anything but respect ptheir decision. p>> reporter: deborah roberts, pabc news, new york. p such a big difference when pwomen of hollywood, on ptelevision come forward with pwhatever they're battling. pmore than 6 million women are pfacing this in the u.s. psoto have a big face like lena pcome forward, i think it's preally remarkable. p>> by the way, the whole
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pthat lines the uterus is found poutside of the uterus papparently, usually in the pabdomen or the ovary ies. pgood to see she's on the mend phopefully. pyou said that like a true pmedical doctor. pdo you have an m.d.? p>> yes. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. t a carpet that welcomes you. r and to clean pet messes, r try resolve pet expert. n>> important message nfor residents age 50 to 85. nwrite down this number now. nright now, npeople are receiving nthis free information kit nfor guaranteed acceptance nlife insurance nwith a rate lock through nthe colonial penn program.
4:17 am
nlearn about affordable nwhole life insurance nthat guarantees your rate ncan never increase nfor any reason. nif you did not receive nyour information, ncall this number now. nyour acceptance is guaranteed, nwith no health questions. nstand by to learn more. p>> i'm alex trebek, phere to tell you about pa popular life insurance plan pwith a rate lock pthat locks in your rate pfor life pso it can never increase. pdid you get pyour free information kit? pif not, please call pthis number now. pthis affordable plan through pthe colonial penn program phas coverage options pfor just $9.95 a month. pyour rate is locked in pand can never go up. pand your acceptance pis guaranteed, pwith no health questions. psee how much coverage pyou can get pfor just $9.95 a month. pcall now
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p tso how ya doing? penough pressure in here for ya? pugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hitr i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. p t wait, what?! p do i still get the miles? t t new mucinex r r sinus-max liquid gels. t dissolves fast to unleash max strengtht t medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. introducing new k-y ttouch gel cr me. p for massage and intimacy. pevery touch, gently intensified. pa little touch is all it takes. t k-y touch. r there's moving... r
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with move free ultra. p it has triple-action support t for your joints, r cartilage and bones. r and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. p>> the federal government has ptaken a step towards pmainstreaming artificial pmeans to be a driver by green plighting google's self-driving pcars. p>> this morning we're meeting assenger one, a blind man who pis the first person to give the pcar a test ride. phere's kgo's jonathan bloom. pwith the story. p>> reporter: for steve, ptraveling across town requires lanning.
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pnearest bus stop. pwhen his family is at work, he prelies on the vta's transit. p>> i have to make arrangements pfor those rides a day before. p>> reporter: that's why a ride phe took three years ago was so pmagical. pfor the first time since he pbecame blind, he sat in the pdriver's seat and that's about pall he did. p>> the vehicle was the driver. pthe car was the driver. p>> reporter: but california prules say autonomous cars still pneed a licensed driver steve pcan't get a driver's license. p>> if it is required to have a plicensed human driver in the pcar, it means i could not go any lace in that vehicle without psomeone accompanying me. p>> reporter: and it would throw pon the brakes for google's next roject. p>> isn't that cute? p>> cars without regular pcontrols. p>> there's no steering wheel. p>> reporter: but now in a letter pto goog, federal regulate areas pmade a declarefication. pwhere the law refers to a pdriver, that driver doesn't have pto be human. p>> is this a green light for pautonomous vehicles?
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pyellow light. p>> reporter: this tech futurist psays it doesn't clear cup other plegal requirements. pthe cars still have to have pmirrors. p>> the rear view mirror was punnecessary. pthe side mirrors were punnecessary for me. p>> reporter: but if california pfollows the federal government's plead, it means people like steve pcould he have more independence. p>> i love this. p>> he doesn't miss the pedals or psteering wheel one bit. p>> it's like riding with a pfabulous driver. p>> anybody who spends five pminutes out in that traffic will prealize the danger of the phumans. ersonally, i can't wait port probots to start driving. p>> reporter: in san jose, pjonathan bloornlgs abc news. p>> it's one of the hardest arenting i didn't realize is pdriving the kids to different laces. pdriver? p>> no, there is that. pbut it just takes up so much ptime, taking them to ballet, icking them up from school. pyou know what? pduring the day. pyou could do it for us. p>> this is not driving miss pdaisy. p>> driving my crazy kids around. p>> exactly.
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