tv America This Morning ABC February 11, 2016 4:30am-5:00am EST
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p making news in america this pmorning, southern battleground. pthe race for the white house pmakes a turn through south pcarolina. pthe republican field narrowing pas hillary clinton hopes to gain pground. p breaking overnight, the parmed standoff in oregon. pit's nearly over. pthe fbi moves in and makes more parrests. pthe militia protesters appearing pto give up. p also breaking overnight, penraged cruise passengers pfinally back on land. pwhat they have to say about ptheir frightening ordeal. p and wieners on the go. pthe hot dog coming soon to your plocal drive-through but will one
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pburger chains truly relish this pmarriage of meats. p well, good thursday morning. pwe begin with the next pbattleground in the race for the pwhite house as republicans shift pto the south. p>> yeah, donald trump is still pcelebrating his big new phampshire victory and if this pwas even possible, he sounded pmore confident than ever last pnight as he was cheered on by pthousands of supporters at pclemson university in south pcarolina. phe's facing a smaller republican pfield this morning with chris pchristie and carly fiorina pdropping out of the race. p and that means six pcandidates are still in the prunning. psecond place winner, john kasich phas a new burst of energy and pthe others appear to be digging pin for the long haul. pgearing up to fight trump to the pbitter end. p>> and as for the democrats, pbernie sanders is looking to pbuild a momentum that he picked pup in new hampshire reaching out pto minority voters and hillary pclinton's campaign is on the pattack going after sanders'
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pso that said with just nine days pto go before the next votes are pcast in south carolina and pnevada, the pressure really is pon. p>> and the republican pfront-runner still enjoying his pvictory lap. pit's "your voice, your vote." pabc's lana zak has the latest. p>> we may have to stage a phony rotest. pthat's the only way they show pthe size of these crowds. pthis crowd is amazing. p>> reporter: donald trump with peven more spring in his step pfollowing his major win in new phampshire forcing two more pcandidates, chris christie and pcarly fiorina out of the race. pand now trump says he's ready to ptake on democratic challenger phillary clinton. p>> we're going to beat her. pand honestly women don't like pher. p>> reporter: in new hampshire pclinton lost female voters 44 to p50% and young people 16% to 83% pbut nationally clinton still has pthe advantage over bernie psanders who tells abc's cecilia pvega he has work to do. pif the election were tomorrow do
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pcarolina and nevada? p>> no, fortunately for us the pelection is not tomorrow. p>> reporter: another candidate pgreat for for extra campaign ptime jeb bush who confirms his pbrother will join him on the ptrail hitting hard after his pfourth place finish in new phampshire. p>> he is an entertaining person punless you are a woman, unless pyou're hispanic, unless you're a .o.w., unless you're a disabled erson. p>> reporter: but second place pwinner john kasich says he's punlikely to go on the attack. p>> so i'm not going to be a pin pcushion or a marshmallow but i'm palso not going to spend my time ptrashing other people. p>> reporter: republicans will phead to the polls in south pcarolina in nine days, but for pdemocrats, it's a little bit pmore than two weeks before pthey'll head to the polls. phowever, the next face-off preally is going to happen ptonight at the democratic pdebate. preena, kendis. p>> abc's lana zak live in pwashington. plana, thank you very much. p well, another big day is on ptap for ohio governor john pkasich after his surprise second
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pkasich expected to sign a bill pto defund planned parenthood. pthe legislation targets money pthat goes to the organization pthrough ohio's health pdepartment. pthe move may help kasich with pconservatives leading some to pquestion the timing of the bill. p now, to developing story pthat we've been watching povernight from oregon where the pfive-week standoff at a wildlife prefuge appears to be almost pover. pthe four remaining militia pmembers still holed up in the poffice have agreed to turn pthemselves in this morning. pthe development came after pfederal agents surrounded the prefuge and set up negotiations. pamong their demands the four pwant to meet with reverend pfranklin graham when they walk pout from that ref fugit. p another very many, bundy's pson has been arrested after pstepping off a plane in portland pand pand he faces federal charges prelated to standoff at his ranch pin nevada. pbundy had come to oregon with lans to go to the refuge.
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pthe county jail. p flags are flying at phalf-staff in maryland after two psheriffs were gunned down in a ptargeted shooting. pone was killed at a restaurant pin ab be done. pthe suspect was then killed and pthey were killed because they pwere wearing a uniform. p the justice department pis suing ferguson, missouri, the pmove came a day after the city ptried to amend an agreement to poverhaul its police department. pferguson came under scrutiny pwhen the fatal police shooting pof michael brown sparked pwidespread unrest. pthe city is accused of a pattern pof misconduct that includes proutinely violating the rights pof residents. pattorney general loretta lynch paccused ferguson of racial bias pcalling the practices egregious. p in the meantime, in pcleveland, the city there has psent a bill to the family of ptamir rice, he's the 12-year-old pshot dead by a police officer. pthe city wants the family to pay
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preceived. pneither the officer or his artner officered first aid to pthe dying boy. pan attorney for the family said pthis adds insult to homicide. pthe rice family considers this a pform of pharassment. p some extreme weather on both pends of the country will start pin the beach area in southern pcalifornia where summerlike heat pwill continue today with many eople coming down for a dip. pextra lifeguards are being pcalled in for a rare midwinter pwork shift. psomehow we don't think anyone is pcomplaining too much about this pone or the heat in general. p and just the opposite pextreme in the midwest. pmore snow expected this morning pin the cleveland area, pwhich would make for another penjoyable morning commute. pthe lake-effect snow across that pregion expected to continue for pseveral days. plook at that. p and the tough winter weather pdoesn't look like pit's going to let up any time psoon. p>> so for a look at the forecast pwe turn to accuweather's pmeteorologist justin povick. pgood morning, justin.
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pgood morning to you, as well. pit's a cold start to the day pand, well, it's going to be a pgood finish, as well. pwe add the wind to the chill and pa couple of snowflakes and snow pshowers. pwe're not really concerned about paccumulation unless you're very pclose to the great lakes. pthis is very concerning, though, plater on saturday night, record plow temperatures in jeopardy and psome of these go way back into pthe 19 teens when we're down pclose to zero. preena, kendis, back to you. p>> 2 degrees in new york city. p>> it's always appropriate to pwear sleeveless on days when arts of the country is below 10 pdegrees. p>> you're in the california pmind-set. p>> you're right. p coming up, hot dogs coming pto a drive-through near you. p and the passengers of that pcruise ship that gave them the pscare of their life returned phome. pwhat they had to say about that pcaptain. p and did you see this, an pimage of an american servicemen paired on iranian television. pthe u.s. calling this
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we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we g ive you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. . v r adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spendv at sea. come seek the royal caribbean. book now, offer ends soon. valentine's day so get to kohl's super saturday... 'till 1pm... save on dress shirts or sleepwear and loungewear for her. plus - take an extra 15% off! get kohl's cash too! saturday at kohl's.
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think, "yeah, i could use that kind ofnenergy? pretty sure that's how nuts werendiscovered. p la rabar. food made from food. discover card. i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the discover it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that' s great! it is great! (both simultaneously) thank you. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. eric's gotten used to theplingering odors in his bathroom ryep, he's gone noseblind he think it smells fine, butrhis guests smell this... sfx: ding, toilet flushingr sfx: music begins febreze air effects heavy dutyrhas up to two times the odor-eliminating power to remove bathroom odors you've gone t noseblind to and try febreze smallr spaces heavy duty... continuously eliminate up to two times the odors for 30 days febreze small spaces and air effects' [inhale + exhale mnemonic] two
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preena, kendis, back to you. p you're looking at a coast pguard rescue not at sea but this pis actually in the mississippi priver. ptwo boaters sent out a distress psignal once their small boat pbegan taking on water. pthe chopper safely took them to pdry land. p the u.s. is condemning iran pafter it released video of a pdetained american sailor who pappeared to be crying broadcast pon iranian tv. pthe sailor was among the group pof ten briefly held last month pafter straying into iranian pwaters. pthe state department expressed pdisgust at the use of those pimages for propaganda purposes. p some more automakers pare recalling vehicles with pthose defective air bags. pvolkswagen, audi and bmw pnow recalling 1.7 million pvehicles.
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pbags that can rupture and send pshrapnel at people in the pvehicles. pwe've put all the models on our pwebsite, so far, by the way, 4 pmillion vehicles pin the u.s. have been recalled pdue to these air bags linked to p11 deaths worldwide. p well, it's tax season and pthe irs once again grappling pwith identity theft. pthe agency says that hackers ptried to claim tax refunds for pmore than 400,000 stolen social psecurity numbers. pauthorities say a virus was pfound in the e-file system. pthe irs is notifying taxpayers pby mail if their personal pinformation was used. p and hot dogs will be served pat burger king. pthe chain says its national prollout of 100% beef flame pgrilled dogs will be the 23rd of pthis month. pthe new item easily makes pburger king the biggest prestaurant seller of hot dogs in pthe country. pa classic dog will cost you p$1.99. pa chili cheese dog $2.29.
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p>> yeah. pthe hollywood a-lister ortraying donald trump. p and kobe, there you go, kobe pand lebron hugging it out as pthey faced off. pfull highlights from espn. most people know the four c's of a diamond. now, kay jewelers brings you...the newest c: chocolate. levian chocolate diamonds. only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries... ...makes jewelry with rare chocolate diamonds. save up to 20% on select levian styles, with dazzling designs that she's sure to love. at kay, the number-one jewelry store... america. levian chocolate diamonds... ...for the sweetest thing in your life. every kiss begins with kay. hey, remember the game when ip set the rookie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what,t 50 times... how about when i had threer events in one night? well, i'
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we' re non stop, we' ve gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. r zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. p and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero.tbe unstoppable. t mmm dannon i've been onpmy feel all day. pi'm bushed!t yea me too. p excuse me...coming through! p ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. schollsr massaging gel insoles. they're provenr to give you comfort. which helps you feelt more energized r ...all day long. v i want what he has. phey, jesse. zwho are you? i'm vern, the orange moneypretirement rabbit from voya. x vern from voya? pyep, vern from voya. t why are you orange? that's a little weird. preally? that's the weird part in this scenario? plook, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. psave a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. see? | ah, ok.
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funny. see how voya can help you getp p organized at soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. and 500 calories or less. the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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pmorning in both directions after pa series of chain reaction pcrashes. pdozens of cars, truck, semis all pinvolved. pnearly 20 people were injured. pthree of them critically. pconditions, more lake-effect psnow for parts of ohio, ennsylvania and new york. psnow also in northern new pengland, wet roads in the pnorthwest, clear across the rest pof the nation. p okay, so it was not a quiet parrival as many passengers pwho endured a storm-battered pland. proyal caribbean's "anthem of the pseas" pulled into port in new pjersey last night. pthe 6,000 people on board psuffered through a strong storm pwhich the captain claimed was pmore powerful than he expected. assengers said they feared for ptheir lives. pone of them even calling for pdrastic action. p>> that guy should be thrown in pjail right now. p>> royal caribbean is backing pthe captain's actions and psays it has already pmade changes to its storm pavoidance systems. pfederal transportation officials pare considering an investigation
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p overnight, the u.s. polympic committee prevealed that it will hire two pinfectious disease pspecialists to advise potential polympians worried about the zika poutbreak in brazil, this after phigh-profile athletes like hope psolo expressed concerns about pgoing to the summer games and a ptop doctor tells lawmakers on pcapitol hill it could be the psummer of 2017 at the earliest pbefore a vaccine is developed. p a new study finds that rates pof dementia among white pamericans going down. presearchers say the change is pmost likely due to decreasing prates of heart disease. pthe most common form of dementia pis caused by damage to the blood pvessels that carry oxygen to the pbrain. pthe study also found a link pbetween higher education and plower risk of dementia. p well, an 18-year-old florida pstudent has been arrested after olice say he carry a loaded gun pon a school bus. pstudents on the bus noticed the pgun and texted a relative who pthen called 911.
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pfound a pistol, a magazine ploaded with 12 rounds and a pblack ski mask. pthey later said pthat the gun had been stolen. p okay, so police here in new pyork have a little bit of a pmystery on their hands. pthey're looking for a man who pshowed a gun during a live pbroadcast on tv. pyou can see the smiling man in pthe background here appearing to pwave a silver gun before running paway. pdetectives say they're treating pthe incident very seriously. p an indiana man is behind pbars for allegedly passing out pduring an attempted robbery. pthat's according to police. pjerome johnson says he doesn't premember anything. olice say that johnson forced phis way into the house and once pinside he fainted. pjohnson says that he woke up pwith police surrounding the phouse. phe's now charged with burglary. p>> i'm sure he'll remember his ptime in prison. p all right, so many of the pworld's best golfers are in pcalifornia. ptoday's the start of the famous ebble beach pro-am tournament. psunny skies expected throughout pthe event. p and as for last night's nba paction, some stars you'll precognize were in the action.
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p>> good morning. pwelcome to our "sportscenter" pset here in los angeles. pi'm stan verrett. phe's neil everett. pwho goes first, warriors or pkobe/lebron james? p>> warriors. pcome out and play. plisten, they're looking to go, pwhat, 48-4, and unless you -- punless all of a sudden we start pshowing a bunch of suns making pbaskets, you can guess the pwarriors did, steph curry had p26, 9 rebounds, 9 assists, his psplash brother klay pthompson, 24 points and 5 psteals. pthe warriors are 48-4 at the pall-star break. p kobe bryant, final time on pthe court in cleveland, he's pretiring after this season. ptyronn lue's former teammate pwith the lakers. pwon a couple of championship ptogether, of course, lebron pjames there. pkevin love left in the second
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phas a stinger. pexpect him to be okay. plebron was more than okay. p17 for bryant and a fond pfarewell from the folks in pcleveland. pcavaliers won the game, 120-111. pthose two will face off one more ptime in los angeles next month. p>> oh, really? p>> yeah, the final game between plebron james and kobe bryant. p>> you got tickets? p>> no. p>> ground pass. p>> i can probably make that phappen for you. p>> press pass. p>> we'll talk about that after pwe toss it back. pback to you. p>> thank you, guys. p coming up next in "the ulse," swimsuit revolution. pthe iconic "sports illustrated" pissue now getting a makeover. pthe older and curvier women pmaking a very bold statement pthis morning. p and meet iron boy, the pspecial young hero called upon pby ironman himself to help save pa city and live out his dream. career inr
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i have drawn my inspirationr from around the globe. r jared's commitment to rquality and craftsmanship has helped bringr my designs to life. reach hand set ring in... the vera wang lovet collection p is my modern interpretation r of timeless classics. like all the mosttbeautiful cities r around the world... the ring should takep her breath away. the vera wangplove collection. and now it's waiting for you... jared. i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, r and it was a real easy tswitch to make. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer.
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caused joint pain. rjust like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. r and i was worried about joint damage. t my doctor said joint pain from ra p can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. r he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. r enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, tevents including infections, tuberculosis, plymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders r and allergic reactions have occurred. r tell your doctor if you've been someplace t where fungal infections are common, r or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, phave had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, por if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. p don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. rask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one p rheumatologist-prescribed
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p p time now to check "the ulse" and a new role for johnny pdepp, donald trump. p>> comedians at funny or die preleased a shock mockumentary pbased on trump's book "the art pof the deal." pwe see a 1980s version talking pabout new york city of the '80s. p>> new york should be a place pwhere everyone no matter their prace, religion, creed, color can pneighborhood. p>> that's no way -- it doesn't premarkable. p>> transformative. p>> you know, they were able to pactually keep this project psecret for months until trump pwon the primary in new hampshire pthen they made their big pannouncement.
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prisk ler in it. pi think even alf, christopher plloyd, alf was in it, huge '0s pstars. p "sports illustrated's" pannual swimsuit issue hitting pthe newsstands next week and has plots of pluses this year. p>> well, swimsuits for all which pspecializes in plus size pswimwear has an ad that features pashley graham who also appeared plast year but she's also joined pby fill philomena and finola griffin pand named graham rookie of the pyear. p>> good job. p>> beautiful women. p next up a little fella pcalling the iron boy and another pgreat event put on by the pmake-a-wish foundation. p>> a couple years ago back when pthe charity helped a boy become pbatman for a day in san pfrancisco. pwell, the group's australian arm phas done something similar. p>> so it started with a tweet pfrom robert downey jr. and said
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ptop secret mission today go get phemnani dominic domenic suffers pfrom cystic fibrosis. p>> and he was iron boy today psaving a reporter who had been ptaken hostage before winning a pfinal showdo you on the steps of psydney's famous opera house for phis bravery, domen. pc was awarded a medal by the olice chief. pgreat going by him and everybody pinvolved in that. pinvolving you robert downey. pvery nice. p so like father like son on pthe red carpet in new york city. p>> well, take a look at ben pstiller's son skillfully strikes phis dad's famous blue steel pose pat the premiere of "zoolander p2." pthat gorgeous kid is 10-year-old pquinlan. phe's showing up as strong pentertainment genes mimicking pthe character and there's mom ptoo also playing along. p>> stiller says his kids don't pfind him cool but quinlin, i
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phis dad's character in p"zoolander" series. p>> he's got it. plook at that. uckered lip. pyou got to tilt your head to the pside. p>> is that what it is? p>> and squint your eyes. p>> more news next. from the lindt mastert chocolatiers. a hard outer shell with at smooth center. welcome to the best time oft your day. t unwrap... t unwind... t experience... t the melt. r only the lindor truffle. fall for strawberries thisr valentine's day... try our lindor strawberriesr and cream truffle from the lindt mastert
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t discover card. r hey, i heard you guyst can help me r with frog protection? sure, we help withr fraud protection. if there are unauthorizedppurchases on your discover card, you're neverr held responsible. you are saying "frogt protection"? v fraud. v frog. v fraud! i think we'rer on the same page. t at discover, t we treat you like you'd treat you. r fraud protection. r get it at r if i want to go up... v hello. p or if i want to go down... v no. pbut then if i want to come back again... v yes. t it's perfect. p my favorite part is to be able to lift your legs up a p little bit and it feels like i'm just cradled. (vo) change your sleep, change your life, change to tempur-pedic. v r adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spendv at sea. come seek the royal caribbean.
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p checking our top stories, pthe republican candidates are poff age running in south pcarolina. pdonald trump playing to pthousands of support is while pthe democrats are battling over pminority voters. p the five-week standoff at an poregon wildlife refuge appears pto be at its end, the remaining pmilitia members agreed to leave pthe office this morning roviding certain conditions are pmet. p thousands of passengers who pendured a storm battled cruise pare back on dry land. proyal caribbean's "anthem of the pseas" must be cleaned up before pits next departure saturday. p cold across the east with psnow in new england and plake-effect snow around the pgreat lakes. pwarm for most of the west. psome rain in the northwest, as pwell. p well, the federal government
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pit means to be a driver by green plighting google's self-driving pcars. p>> okay, so this morning we're pmeeting passenger one, a blind pman who's the first person to pgive the car a test ride. phere's kgo's jonathan bloom. p>> reporter: for steve may han plives two miles from the nearest pbus stop and relies on the vta's aratransit. p>> i have to make arrangements pthe day before. p>> a required he took three pyears ago is so magical. pfor the first time since he pbecame blind he sat in the pdriver's seat and that's about pall he did. p>> the vehicle was the driver. pthe car was the driver. p>> reporter: but california prules say autonomous cars still pneed a licensed driver. psteve can't get a driver's plicense. p>> if it is required to have a plicensed human driver in the car pit means i could not go anyplace pin that vehicle without someone paccompanying me. p>> reporter: it would throw on
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p>> isn't that cute? p>> reporter: cars without pregular controls. p>> no steering wheel. p>> reporter: but now in a letter pto google federal regulators pmade a key clarification where pthe law refers to a driver, that pdriver doesn't have to be human. p>> is this a green light for pautonomous vehicles? p>> i think it's the absence of a pyellow light. p>> reporter: paul safos says it pdoesn't clear up other prequirements. probotic cars still have to have pmirrors. p>> it was unnecessary for me. pthe side mirrors were punnecessary for me. p>> reporter: if california pfollows the federal government's plead it means people like steve pcould have more independence. p>> i love this. p>> he doesn't miss the pedals or pstaring wheel one bit. pfabulous driver. p>> anybody who spends five pminutes in frfk will realize the pdanger of the humans personally pi can't wait for the robots to pstart driving. p>> reporter: in san jose, pjonathan bloom, abc news. p>> you know, i'm a florida girl, pi hate driving in snow. pthis could be life changing. p>> what a deal.
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