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tv   Teen Kids News  ABC  September 18, 2016 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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>> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm livia. let's begin with our top story for this week. when it comes to applying to college, or even for a summer job, it's helpful to show that you've held leadership positions. but what does it take to be a leader? amelia finds out. >> leaders -- they're all around us. for example... >> i mean, there are, like, the obvious leaders like presidents and prime ministers and things like that. but i feel like the real leaders are, like, your teachers, family members.
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to get everyone together. they organize everything. they make -- they help make the team what the team is. >> an eagle scout would be one of my personal favorites, because i've known only two. and every single time i've known them, they've been one of the best people i've ever met. you know, they are my top leader i have a leader list list.. >> a leader to me would be, like, a teacher or, like, an academic dean or someone that, you know, does things and, you know, like they do it not because they want attention, but they do it because they want to help other people around them. >> but like just about everything else, there are good leaders and not so good leaders. so how do we become one of the good ones? for some guidance, we turn to jason ma. he wrote the book "young leaders 3.0." hi, jason. welcome to "teen kids news." >> hi. it's great to be here. >> how do you define a good leader? >> a good leader starts
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starts with a good beliefem. syst i think a good leader is one who pretty much influences people to achieve a set of goals or a mission. and the great ones are really good at inspiring others. i think a good leader is good in communication, is compassionate, really cares about the project or the company or the club or the mission, communicates real well, and really brings out the best or brings out the goodness of the team around him or her. and there's many more to leadership, but those are some of the traits that i see that are important. >> there's an old saying that says, "leaders are born, not made." is that true? >> not at all, not at all. i think a leader could certainly been learned. you can learn to be a leader. you get coaches and mentors to help you. do a lot of self-study with google, read books.
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fiction, because i believe in the humility of continuously learning, improving, questioning good things. i think certain things that are so important about leadership is really to continuously hone your mind-set or i call it practical psychology, where it's really about your belief system or story and your management of your state, your emotion, as well as skills. and that with a strongcouple sense of direction, you couldn't >> basketball great michael jordan has said that you need to earn your leadership every day. how can we do that? >> i think it's very important for you to lead by example. so people see you, people feel how you work, people can sense you. and, for example, i guarantee you michael jordan would probably be the first guy who comes in to practice and spend the longest hours practicing, shooting, his moves, his strategies,
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than most other people that are not as great as him. and you look at how great he and, like, other great players and great, successful leaders work, and one thing that i look into when i look at how successful they are is how do they prepare. it's really the quality of the preparation, the heart that has that pretty much result in how great they are. and that example about michael jordan -- a good example, by the way -- is he -- one time, i watched him play, way back and he had the flu, he was still playing, and he was giving 100%. and that is a good demonstration of leadership. >> is being a leader something everyone should strive for? or is it okay to just be a follower? >> i -- well, first of all, needs followers the majority of people are followers. and be a good follower. it's fine. everyone does not have to be a leader per se. now, that said, a leader could also be a follower based on projects.
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but for certain projects, hey, part of your teammates -- one of your teammates might be the lead, and you become a follower, you become a support cast. so in a way, it's situational. make it dynamic and adaptable. i think that's very important. >> that's interesting. any last advice? >> practice, learn. practice, learn. tap into your potential. you know, act -- be outcome-focused, be purpose-driven. know why you do things, because knowiny is more important than hows. and, of course, you have to define how, 'cause the road map, your "execution" plan -- in other words, your action plan to achieve the important goals -- all those are important, too. because without great execution, nothing really matters. >> jason, thanks for leading us to some great information about leadership. >> thank you. >> being a good leader doesn't mean just being the person ordering everyone else around. in fact, many people say that the best leaders have a talent for not making people
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i'm amelia. >> coming up, i'm going to tell you how one kid's sports blog is a home run. >> closed captioning is brought
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>> while a lot of kids play sports, not too many write about them, let alone professionally. scott reports on a teen
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matt nadel decided to start a blog about baseball. >> the reason i started that is because a lot of people in my school, when i talked about baseball history, they didn't. really know about it so i decidemed to teach th baseball history with a blog. >> at the age of 15, matt's blog not only has over000 followers, but he is also one of the youngest sportswriters ever. matt thinks this success is due to one thing -- history. really talk about current stuff. and i think what makes me unique is that i talk about history and i have my own spin off of it, which is just giving my opinion and talking aboutwhat i like to. >> not content with his success, matt has also started a video blog channel on youtube, under his name -- matt nadel. >> hey, baseball fans. matt nadel here in "baseball with matt," live from springfield, new jersey,
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it's basically just me giving information maybe about baseball history. it's usually stuff about current baseball. prediction number 1b -- masahiro tanaka, the newly-acquired pitcher from japan by the new york yankees, will have a very good 2014 pitching season. now, you... >> through his blog, matt has actually been able to interview some of baseball's greayers, as well astest pla some people who are just as big. baseba lynn. pitching hall-of-famertimore ori esji.m palmer from the bal hank aaron, bob gibson, goose gossage, rickey henderson. i also got to interview phil niekro and rollie fingers. why do you think the statistic of the save was added to the mlb in 1967? >> i think just something to give relief pitchers a statistic to, you i, >> if th matt has also gotten to interview movie star billy crystal and former president
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or current jobs weren't necessarily about baseball, but george bush used to own the texas rangers. billy crystal was a huge yankee fan. and so, both of which were great conversations to have. >> along with his blog and video blog, matt wrote a book titled "amazing aaron to zero zippers" about the "a's" to "z's" of baseball history. >> and, basically, it's an alphabet book, so it's 26 chapters. i mean, basically, any aspect of sewhbaetllhe hr isitto brye ,a , a moment, a stadium, an era. >> with the help of summer game books, matt plans to donate all of the proceeds to charities having to do with baseball. >> those four charities are the jackie robinson foundation, the lou gehrig foundation for als patients... the hall of fame's charity, and then derek jeter's turn 2 foundation.
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matt is really just a fan of baseball. clearly a kid with a bright future ahead of him. if you want to check out matt's blog, you can go to or for his video blog,tt nadel". search "ma >> next on "teen kid foolproof tips on proofreading.
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>> christin's back with another "make the grade" report. >> when you hand in a paper, you might not get the grade you want if you miss an important step, because the difference between an "a" a "p"- and a "c" can be "p" for proofreading. yes, i know that computers have little red lines that alert us to misspellings, but you can't rely on that.
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unless you're using papyrus, which is actually a reed, you misspelled "read," but your computer probably won't catch that. however, your teacher will. as for autocorrecting, sometimes it's helpful, but sometimes it's not. first of all, when the computer autocorrects a misspelled word, it often ends up substituting a wrong word. sometimes, you weren't even at fault. before you finish typing the word, the autocorrect guessed at what you intended t and finished it for you. unfortunately, the computer got it wrong. sure, you can deal with that problem by disabling your autocorrect, but the best way to make sure what you wrote is correct is to carefully proofread. here some tips print what you wrote. most of us find it easier to proof on paper than on the computer screen. read very slowly. look at one word at a time. and, if possible, read out loud. i know that sounds like
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actually make it hard for us to catch our mistakes. we tend to see what we think we wrote instead of what's really on the page. the best proof that proofreading works is to give it a try. i'm christin, here to help you "make the grade." >> 50 u.s. states, 50 state flags, each one with its own unique history. here's eric with "flag facts." >> in 1910, a national rifle competition was held in ohio. that's when the members of arizona's rifle team realized they were the only ones without a state flag. but then, arizona wasn't a state yet. that would t years.ake another two in 1912, arizona became our 48th state, the last in the continental u.s. to join the country.
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>> arizona is one of my favorite flags. actually, the last five states added to the union used very simplistic, distinctive designs, and arizona is one of those. it's known as the copper star flag because copper mining was so popular in arizona. >> arizona still produces more copper than any other state in the natio but's also known for its magnificent natural beauty. >> since arizona is in the west, there's a reference to the setting sun the number 13 is chosen as a reference to the original 13 colonies. >> the beams are red and gold, like the arizona sunset. but they're also the colors of the spanish conquistadores, arizona's first european visitors. beneath the rays, a large field of blue represents loyalty. by the way, arizona is sometimes called the valentine state because it was admitted to the union on february 14.
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important message, brought to you by the national road safety foundation. [ engine starts ] [ clicks ] >> hey. >> oh. [ clicks ] >> whoo-hoo!
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>> i'll show you how a "b," an "l," and a "t" spell delicious. my quick and easy recipe when "teen kids news" continues.
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>> the culinary institute of america is a college for those interested so when they come up with a recipe, you know it's going to be good. let's see what's cooking this week. >> the blt -- it's a simple yet delicious sandwich. and for a healthier option, you can use low-fat mayo or turkey bacon. let's get started. first what you'll need, of course, is the most important -- the "b" in our recipe -- the bacon. i've laid a few pieces out here on a sheet tray that we'll get back to later.
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of boston bib lettuce 'cause it's my favorite on a blt. of course, you can use whatever lettuce you prefer. the next is the tomato. i've got a big red tomato here. they come out best during the summer. i've got olive oil mayo, it's a healthy alternative mayo. to regular two slices of whole wheat toast. but let's go back to that bacont here to cook them in the oven. you'll want to pre-heat your oven to about 350 degrees. place it in the oven, and cook for about 15 minutes. oh, that looks delicious. take it out of the oven and allow it to cool a little bit. next, we're gonna take the bread...d a we're gonna adlittle mayo. i'm just gonna spread it evenly on both sides of the toast. of course, you can use whatever bread you like.
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next, we're gonna add the lettuce. just enough so it covers the toast. and then the fresh bacon. we want to do it quickly so the bacon doesn't cool off. i'm just gonna use two slices here. you can either save the rest for later or eat it on its own, like i do. next is a tomato. and then the top part of the toast. that looks nice. let's cut it. voil?. homemade blt. it's delicious. never have three little letters tasted so good. at the culinary institute of america, and for
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[growling] [car horn beeps] [whistles] ??? getting closer to nature can get you closer to your family. go to yeah, but the fire's not out. close enough. close enough? if it's too hot to touch, it's too hot to leave. i mean, the next thing you know, you've torched our whole neighborhood. which is why... we're not going anywhere? exactly.
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>> this report is brought to you by paramount pictures.lts. fasten your seatbe everyone's favorite pizza-lovin. heroes are bac >> whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! oh, this is awesome! >> "teenage mutant ninja turtles: out of the shadows"and. is flying in on blu-ray in this all-new adventure, p suthe turtles must stoper-villan shredder and his henchmen bebop and rocksteady from taking over the world. >> sensei built an >> this will help army. >> this is gonna be good! >> you're a rhinoceros! >> and you're a... >> huh? i'm a little piggy. >> loaded with wall-to-wall laughs, the fun-filled movie is also packedh action. wit >> whoo!
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>> and wait till you see the turtles' incredible new lair. behind-the-scene this specials peek is just one of the many exciting bonus features. rs>>t iti was blown away thme i saw --, and i've bee i'm blown away nown in it for a while -- quite a while. >> the producers were saying that this could be the biggest, best that they've ever seen, which is amazing part of be a >> this lair is humongous. i think you can fit three of the first turtle lair into this ginormous lair here. you can neve gethere's so much --t this one , >> the space is as immense horizontally as it is vertically.look up, so when you you get this incredible pepective of sewer tubesrsstantu and dibway tunnels. and he u ernebew llyoy rkof.they're in t >> there's running water and a slide, like, you know, that we can go down. >> so we can never forget they're teenagers. and who doesn't a water slide? want >> one of the great things did is they builteffects team this wonderful tank behind it, which pumps through using three big pumps, enough water every
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>>om ae,nd t whehe tn ug in htles crash in bedrooms cleverly designed to reflect each of their personalities. >> when you first go up the stairs into the bedroom, leo, who's the older brother and feels like he's a little bit more superior, er" stampedhe has "do not ent on the side of his bed there,ca, be bigger brother. >> leonardo is the best ninja of the group, and training is very important to him, so his bed is perfectly made. and his sword is always being sharpened and his bonsai tree is clean. >> donnie's bed's ut-out in tht. it's got a cwall.ed this sort >> so we creat of mattress that went around so that as a you can actually sleep turtle, a lot better on a round surface than you can on a flat surface. >> and it's got all these computer screens and everything up. >> raphael and michelangelo are bunk mates. >> raph is on this one. and just look at this collection of sneakers that debra found to dress it. it's all these little details and fun elements tha actually make it really coolt >> he's got airplanes,. got the american flag there. >> raph is the one that's also bodybuilding as well,
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and thingsthat. >> mikey, his bunk is beneath raphael's, and he's got, you know, a drum kit next to his bed. >> he has guitars. his bed is definitely not made. so this is much more of sort of like a fun,y interesting elov tero mike here. >> i've never seen anythings be. like thi >> and you probably haven't seen anything like "teenage mutanrtles:t ninja tu out of the shadows."eck out the, ch plus all of the "turtally" on blu-ray combo pack now. for "teen kids news," i'm luke. >> that's our show for this week. but be sure to tune in again next week for more "teen kids news." bye.
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[fire burning]
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