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tv   News 9 at Six  ABC  September 20, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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police say this is a first. >> i certainly think that alcohol played a large role in it. reporter: it was 6:15 on a monday evening, a shopper observes two women and two very young babies in the parking lot at the mall at rockingham park and calls police. >> one of them was laying on the ground in a puddle and a putted nell the parking lot has grease and oil in it and some water, and she was holding the infant above her head. reporter: investigators say 22-year-old baylie lecolst and had had been consuming alcohol during the day. but beyond that they were uncooperative and the booking process took four hours. what about the infants during that time? >> during the booking process we had the babies, our shift commander was holding one for a while as we as our dispatchers were helping out. reporter: one baby is just a month old. thary four months old, according to police. and the shift commander gave an order last night he's likely
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career. >> he had to other her to stop breastfeeding. reporter: around 10:00 the babies were released into the custody of their respective grandparents. the mothers were charged with misdemeanor counts of child endangerment and released on bail, due back in court october 31. >> they were barely able to take care of themselves, let alone a baby of that age who needs a lot of care and attention. reporter: a specialest says if a or two of wine, pump and dumps because although diluted it does pass into breast milk. jennifer: a keene man charged with assaulting a young child, police say they began investigating an allegation of physical abuse earlier this month after a boy under the age of 1 sufferedded a broken left tibia. at this time they are not
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behind bars accused of wielding a rifle and firing several shots into a hooksett neighborhood. he was arrested after a five-hour standoff. this afternoon he defended himself in court. wmur's mike cronin with what he told the j. reporter: christopher garon told the judge that he's never done anything like this before and that he would like to see a therapist. last night officers were called to an undeveloped cul-de-sac off campus drive in hooksett after they say unstable. manchester's swat team responded, police say garon was armed with a semi-automatic rifle and that they heard four or five rounds fired in an unknown direction. eventually garon surrendered. he's charged with reckless conduct and disorderly conduct, and today he pleaded not guilty. >> i'm not a danger to myself or anybody else, i just had a very bad mood.
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firearm in his hand. reporter: in court today garon's mother said that her son has adhd and asperger's syndrome and would like to see him further evaluated. he's being held on $10,000 cash bail but could be released if he agrees to go to a secure psychiatric facility. tom: pressure continues to mound at the division of children, youth and families tonight. jennifer: the that 24-7 coverage isn't feasible with the current staffing situation and attempts to contract services generating zero bids, so that is leaving some to ask what's next. governor hassan's spokesperson says she is, quote, disappointed. dhhs commissioner meyers who was not veil for an interview did say in a statement, the department is committed to the plan extending dcyf's availability to respond to reports of child abuse or
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senator boutin, the former chair of the committee, says he's outraged and does not important the third party solution. >> instead they're going to waste taxpayers money by going out and hiring a third party vendor to take the phone calls which makes it no better than what we currently have. jennifer: he plans to file a letter with the fiscal committee to investigate the authorization of funding provide overnight coverage. tom: tonight some help for those deal with the state's extreme drought in the form of community support in plaistow. wmur's andy hershberger live with what's being done to conserve water and who is already lending a helping hand. reporter: town officials here voted last night to ban all outdoor watering. but several local organizations are already helping residents
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private residents on a well, some water systems could be in danger of running dry. the local ymca is opening to residents who want to conserve in that way. six to 10 people came in to use the showers today. residents can also shower at the local safety complex and fill up with fresh tap water for drinking and cooking at home. fire officials have also instituted an outdoor burning ban until further notice. officials say everyone is drawing from and what you do can affect your neighbor. >> i think people have to realize that as a community we're all in this together, the underground water is something that we all share and maybe a private well. but we all draw from the same aquifer. so what you do is definitely going to affect your neighbor's property. so just keep that in mind, and let's use our water wisely. reporter: town officials say they don't expect the burn or
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andy hershberger, wmur news 9. tom: commitment 2016 coverage now, and a dispute is brewing in the race for the first congressional district seat. jennifer: but this is not between the incumbent frank guinta and carol shea-porter. instead the democratic party is challenging the eligibility of former democratic candidate sean o'connor to run as an independent. wmur plul director josh mcelveen is here now with this. josh: the first time the democratic party filed its beef with the ballot law commission, the panel sided with o'connor sighting no language in state law that would disqualify him. so as the party asks for reconsideration of the matter, o'connor is questioning their motives of when he announced his intention to run as an independent on closeup this summer, o'connor probably didn't win a l. friends in the democratic party. when he said part of the reason he was doing it was because the party was playing favorites with shea-porter. >> i think the dick party needs
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the democratic party needs to be democratic. >> they said o'connor's name shouldn't be on the ballot because roughly two dozen of the signatures required to run as an independent should be thrown out since they signed the same nomination paperwork for other candidates in the race. >> this is a frivolous attempt by the party to exclude me from the democratic process. report in its request to reconsider the decision, a lawyer for the democratic party issued a statement saying he commission misapprehended a key factual issue relevant to its decision. o'connor thinks the motives go beyond. that. >> i think i'm fighting against the two-party system and they obviously have an interest in keeping the two-party system en trenched. reporter: in what was expected to be a tight race in the matchup between guinta and shea-porter, o'connor would have to be considered a look shot to win. but he could siphon enough of shea-porter support to tilt the
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republican in this race. >> he was a supporter of bernie sanders. carol is a supporter of hillary clinton, and mr. o'connor could be be a factor in a close race. josh: further detalls can be found in john distaso's column on josh mcelveen. tom: thank you. straight ahead, a morning commute arrest, how a driver caught a trooper's attention on interstate 89 this morning. jennifer: plus the battle with addiction starting earlier and earlier. the new approach schools are taking to end indicate middle schoolers. mike: a warm wednesday tomorrow. how long until the feel of fall returns. >> in sports, look at a rebound,
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when i first found out that carl had been using heroin on and off for a year. i immediately thought not my son. i found him in his bathroom with a syringe still in his hand and that was the worst day of my life. annie kuster is leading the fight regarding this opioid epidemic.
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she's definitely a leader. i just love annie. i'm annie kuster and i approved this message. tom: clocked at going twice the speed limit landed one driver in cuffs this morning. jennifer: this morning a trooper spotted a car weaving in and out of traffic on 89 northbound, the trooper clocked a. barne 133 miles per hour. barnett is charged with reckless driving and will be facing a judge in november. tom: the u.s. attorney general in kentucky today bringing attention to the nation's heroin and opioid abuse epidemic. loretta lynch focused on the impact of drug problems in schools, saying the department of justice is now tracking prescription pill addictionings in youth as young as 12. local educators say with new hampshire on the leading edge of this problem, they were already at work on prevention and
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to destigmatize addiction. >> when your child has a drug addiction the curtains close and nobody was to talk about it, kids aren't allowed to come over and play or hang out. and we're trying to just say listen this is an illness, this isn't a character flaw. tom: attorney general lynch had one simple message today for students and young people struggling with addiction, don't be afraid to ask for help. and another couple days of summer before cooler. mike: yes, fall arrives on thursday. the last summer warmth is hanging on for wednesday.
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war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. i want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable.
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tom: a grand raising of the curtain today on a new exhibit at the mill yard museum. jennifer: in celebration of the palace theater being the cultural fixture in the city for 200 years, the exhibit, it's show time, a history of manchester's theaters opened today. it also showcases other iconic theaters that live on in the memories of long-time residents. mike: lots of sunshine a good part of the day, but we started off in the soup. this is time lapse out at portsmouth, the time stamp at 6:54 this morning, visibility
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fog started to dissipate, right into full sunshine with scr fair weather clouds the rest of the morning, and full sunshine this afternoon making for a beautiful late summer day. a little bit on the sticky side, but not as humid as it was early this morning, as dew points have dropped a little bit. right now still holding onto that summer feel, 80 to 85 in many spots. a little cooler on the coastline and some of the higher elevations. temperatures r n about three off the highs for the day. again dryer air is building in from the west, so you will notice a big change in how it feels during the day tomorrow. again a little sticky right now, very humid this morning, and then dryer air does build in from the north and west, signaling that nice change for the next couple of days. there will be more changes to come in terms of the temperature starting friday and the weekend, but for tonight back to around 50 up north, on average 50's for
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into the upper 70's and lower 80's tomorrow, possibly a bit warmer on thursday. the start of fall. but 90's not going to be work going here as the winds freshen out north by friday. shutting off the summer warmth and bringing in that classic fall chill. by the way, we still have remnants of a tropical system julia down to our south, but that's not working up to the north. instead fair skies tonight, plenty of sun for your wednesday, and even more sun as we go into the start of fall at 10:21 in the morning. tomorrow there will be a little valley fog, probably not as dense as this morning, but could be low visibility issues through seven or eight in the morning. more sunshine on thursday, then a few cloud will approach late in the day, these clouds signal a chance of a couple scattered showers on friday. also accompanied by a wind shift that will kick summer warmth to our south. but still the summer feel tomorrow, mid to upper 70's lakes region points north, and
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possibly a little bit higher in terms of the temperature as we go into the day on thursday. beyond that time frame it is going to cool down in a big way. we'll update the tropics, tropical storm carl, there is lisa off to our east, well, well off to the east. notice the track on carl moves up towards bermuda and then takes a big turn off to the east and one of the reasons for that is a big dip in the temperature friday, saturday and sunday. notice how much lower the tempat into the first weekend of fall for saturday and sunday. gusty winds out of the northwest, only 50's north and 60's south. speaking of that fall chill, what about the fall color, many are trying to make their trips up north, central and south for the next few weeks in terms of the find. josh is here with an update on the projection. josh j.: yes, mike, the answer, it depends on who you ask, as to what kind of foliage we'll see. the state's travel and tourism division has a foliage tracker,
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account of what foliage usually moves through new hampshire. which is that it usually peaks just before columbus day weekend in northern new hampshire, making it to the seacoast last around early november usually. but it will, will that happen again this year, that's what i asked several experts. and most agreed that northern new hampshire should be close to normal, because that part of the state is not in a drought. some predict a slightly earlier season colors but possibly shorter than normal foliage due to stress put on the trees during the extreme summer that we've had had had. however, another expert says that this year could end up closer to normal, as long as we have some cool nights this fall. but all the experts do agree that if above average temperatures continue and we don't get colder nights and or
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impressive this year, as chilly nights and milder days are what bring out the color that we all love. josh judge, storm watch 9. tom: thanks. jennifer: that was interesting. mike: you've been schooled on foliage. we're going to hear from bill
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narrator: over and over it's been their agenda: anything to defund planned parenthood. kelly ayotte and washington republicans voted 6 different times to defund planned parenthood. they're on a crusade to block services new hampshire women and families depend on: cancer screenings,
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kelly ayotte and washington republicans have put defunding planned parenthood at the top of their agenda... and it's time for that to change. i'm maggie hassan
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vo: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump: trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. vo: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that - defund planned parenthood. and both oppose our right to safe and legal abortion. ayotte: i certainly think that roe should be overturned... matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. vo: ayotte and trump: wrong for new hampshire women. senate majority pac is responsible for the
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>> patriots coach belichick talked to the media today, and reporters wanted to know about the shoulder injury to jimmy garoppolo. coach was asked if he waits for the team doctors to inform him of what a player's medical situation is before deciding on any personnel moves. >> i'm a football coach, name not a doctor. the medical staff is the medical staff. i coach the team. medical people handle the injuries. do surgery. we have a great deal there, works out good. >> we do not want him doing surgeries. and we go on the field at u.n.h. for wildcats football practice, u.n.h. dealing with a tough loss saturday night. they blew a fourth quarter lead and lost 22-21. they will get a chance to rebound against one of the weaker teams on their schedule,
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the fourth quarter and couldn't finish the game. we had some turnovers that cost us. a fumbled punt led to two scores. those are things that are very tough to overcome. >> i think the point of the whole rival kind of thing, like who's got the top end on new hampshire, it's just tough kind of like the rivalry just losing that game to them. >> the pitching matchup as red sox play game two of their series at the baltimore gausman. the end on the numbers would go to kevin. game time 7:00. it is a nascar race week at new hampshire motor speedway, now the big race has a new name and sponsor. sunday's race is now the bad boy off road 3 had -- 300. it makes specialized vehicles including atv's. seventh annual erica's run will take place this saturday in
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run and walk held in memory of h cancer. >> one of erica's wishes was to give back to the community that helped her when she was battling cancer, and erica's run donate all of the profits back to families that are battling cancer right now. we've raised over $100,000 s local families battling cancer. >> that is awesome, so call all runners and walkers to that event. another busy day at the u.s. senior women's amateur golf championship in massachusetts. she won her hound of 32 but then lost in the round of 16 to a golfer from augusta, georgia. how do you beat a golfer from augusta any way. jennifer: i can beat any of them so i wouldn't know.
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20 foods that i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. donald trump says he alone can fix the problems we face. well i don't believe that's how you get things done in our country. it takes democrats and republicans
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e got health care for 8 million kids. rebuilt new york city after 9/11. and got the treaty cutting russia's nuclear arms. we've got to bring people together. that's how you solve problems and that's what
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tonight, breaking news. new surveillance of the bombing suspect, pulling a suitcase, carrying a backpack. authorities say, about to place the bombs in new york city and new jersey. and tonight here, we have now learned, the fbi is questioning someone else. his wife. becaus was he acting alone? and what his own f tonight. the father of four, his suv breaks down, then shot dead by police. tonight, for the first time, the officer's defense. the deadly plane crash. the spy plane crashing down over america. flash point. the syrian refugees coming to the u.s. our year-long investigation. and tonight, donald trump's son comparing refugees to poisonous skittles, asking, would you take the chance?


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