tv Today NBC August 5, 2015 7:00am-10:00am EDT
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this morning a reporter from the wall street journal is noting that with the five polls used to make the decision what separated kasich from kerry was roughly the opinions of 50 people. night. front and center, donald trump at 23%, pulling higher than his two closest competitors combined. the billionaire developer mapping out his strategy overnight. >> i'm not looking to hurt anybody. i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i will. do that. i wouldle the middle. >> reporter: breathing a sigh of relief after barely making the cut, governors chris christie and john kasich on his home turf in ohio. some in the happy hour debate, hours earlier with fewer viewers. among them rick santorum blasting fox news and the
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committee for what he called an incredibly flawed selection process adding they should not be picking winners and lose rs. also, rick perry -- >> donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservativism. >> and lindsey graham. >> stop being a jackass. >> reporter: tomorrow night jeb bush will be asked about women's health programs after he reiterated the plan to defund planned parenthood. >> i'm not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues. i can assure you $500 million won't go to planned parenthood. >> reporter: hillary clinton pounced. >> he has no problem giving away billions to super corporations and the wealthy but women's health isn't a priority for him. >> reporter: bush said he misspoke adding he favors providing women's critical health care services but said federal money should not be spent on planned parenthood.
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also bush released his financial disclosure forms and while he's not a billionaire like donald trump his net worth is estimated between $19 million and $22 million. savannah? >> peter, thank you so much. reince priebus, chairman of the republican national committee, good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. >> well, the debate stage is set. anticipation is high. viewership is expected to be enormous and donald trump as the voters. is this how you thought the debates would start and how you would introduce voters to republican candidates? them. savannah. look at the field. candidates. he's been doing quite a job in the polls. you get governors, successful business people, a neurosurgeon, members of congress. there is a diverse field.
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it's a young field. everyone brings a little something different to the table. i think it will be a great night. that's really what we did anticipate of our party. >> how do you explain though the phenomenon of donald trump? this isn't a couple of points here and there. he's doubling up the competition. no one is coming close to him. one of the candidates, rand paul, called it temporary loss of sanity in the republican party. do you agree with that? >> well, look. what i think is there is a lot of people out there that are frustrated wit government. they are frustrated with both parties. i think, you know, donald trump's tapped into that. i know that it's early. i think donald trump knows it is early. everybody understands it. i think it will be a long process. but ultimately the real where i shall here is hillary clinton, barack obama, and the fact that the country is really not in a good place right w. hillary clinton had a lot to do with it and she has a lot of questions people are asking her in
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uding -- i think yesterday the fbi is now asking questions of hillary clinton. that's what the focus is. we are not going to focus on each other. i think you will see a republican party unified, talking about how to get the country back on track. >> in fact, the fbi, according to a report in the washington post is looking into the set-up of her e-mail server. moment. hillary clinton herself. >> i want to say any time the fbi is sniffing around your computers in your home it's probably not a good thing. looking at? >> let's talk about mr. trump and this final issue. last time we spoke you said you didn't think trump would mount an independent campaign. yet he's still hinting at it as recently as monday saying right now the republican party has been treating me well. but we won't rule out an independent run. it's almost like he's dangling this out there. be nice to me or else. >> well, look.
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i have had great communication with donald trump. we have had good communication with his campaign. we just don't see it. i don't see it. i think he's a person that wants to win. obviously winning requires someone to run as a republican against hillary clinton or joe biden or whoever it is. he gets that. everyone understands that running as a third party is a death wish. i don't see anyone doing that that expects to be a winner in the end. they will just lose and he gets it. >> finally there is speculation that vice president biden might get into the democratic side of the race. would you welcome him to the race? >> well, look. you look at the numbers for hillary clinton. if you're just a casual observer, informed observer, something is wrong. certainly joe biden is more likable. >> is biden a tougher opponent? >> -- votes in america.
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>> is biden a tougher opponent? tougher. i think hillary clinton has a lot of problems. she's an opponent that's easy to define. she's got problems being associated with the state department that didn't get things done overseas. she has problems generally. if you look at the polling numbers, even women are really not even gravitating toward hillary clinton. i think joe biden is someone a lot of people whether they like his politics or not, they like him. likability, you can analyze politics all you want. likability is probably the number one issue on the ballot. >> republican chairman reince prweiebus will have the popcorn out tomorrow wheo the republican candidates take the primetime stage. thank you. >> you bet. thank you, savannah. >> i'll be staying up to watch that tomorrow. >> absolutely. >> savannah mentioned that democratic frontrunner hillary clinton and her e-mails as . andrea mitchell has more on the
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good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. there is more fallout today e-mail server. a government official confirms the fbi is looking into how the system at clinton's home was set up as part of the investigation into how secane it was. this is in response to the two inspector inspectors-general who asked the justice department to look into how classified information was handled o the system. the private system was first set up by a political staffer turg clinton's first run for the white house. it was turned over to a private company after several system failures while she was secretary of state including during super storm sandy. the official told nbc news this is an investigation of the system, not of any person. in a statement, the campaign said clinton didn't send nor receive e-mails marked classified at the time. this has emerged as campaign issue and could have contributed to the sharp decline in
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clinton's favorable ratings, matt? >> thanks, andrea. >> crews in california are getting a grip on the rocky fire, the state's largest wildfi e. they have a long way to go. nbc's joe fryer is there for us this morning. what's the latest there? >> reporter: good morning, savannah. cooler weather is helping firefighters slow the spread of flames. this fire now 20% contained. temperatures should rise and this thing has behaved so erratically they say no one is safe until the fire is out. the rocky fire rages on this motrning, thousands of evacuees are waiting and worrying. >> you could see it just all over there. i'm going, oh, my god, that could be one of our homes. >> reporter: in clear lake the parking lot of the moose lodge is an evacuation center filled with temporary homes. >> not everyone wants to sleep in a tent but you're not complaining, are you? >> not at all. i'm fwrat grateful for my life, the community and everything they have done.
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>> reporter: not everyone is willing to flee. >> i just decided to stay. ni don't w htp to leave my home. i'm too old to start over again. >> reporter: the fire's fury is clear in this time lapse vidao taken over the weekend by film maker jeff frost. >> it was waves of fire going over everything, covering hillsides in seconds. >> reporter: wo dozen major now. the one named rocky is putting st fight. we are not out of the woods on this cand we have done good work but we have a lot of work to go from here on out. reporter: the commander here says he's worried about what's to come this fire season. typically a massive fire like this doesn't happen until late august, september or even savannah? >> joe fryer, thank you so much. >> we could soon find out if the ece of wing was indeed from
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malaysia airlines flight 370. sp ecialists are beginning to examine it. nbc's chief fwloebl good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. we know the part that's inside here is from a boeing 777. the experts will be trying to answer two questions. is it from mh-370? and can it tell us anything about how, why or where the aircraft crashed? the answer to the first question is simpler. is there paint or a serial number on the wing flap here that could identify it as being from malaysian airlines? the second i harder. they will use a machine o magnify up to 100,000 times to look at rips and tears to see if it hit the water at speed and from that work out is the plane intact largely or did it disintegrate on impact. they will look at the shells, barnacles on the wing flap to work out the temperature and
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chemical composition of the water to p point where the plane is. one leading expert told nbc news do not expect miracl .f may know soon if it is mh370. the rest has to wait until possibly the two black box recorders are found. >> thank you so much. so many pe le waiting for answers to those questions. >> hopeful t answers will come very soon. meantime, tamron is here for natalie while she 's in rio. we start with a tragic accident. >> heartbreaktns news for families. two airmen were killed monday during a military free fall training in florida. 32-year-old technical sergeant timothy officer junior and marty betelyune were rushed o the hospito after the accident. the cause is being invest ated. now to the deadly circus tent collapse in new hampshire. authorities are asking survivors for any pictures and video as they try to piece together the tragedy.
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the circus operators are facing tough qutstions. nbc's ron allen is in lancaster. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tamron. investigators saydthe walker brothers circus didn't have the permit for the tent that collapsed here and it is the circus operator's responsibility to be aware of th severe weather warnings like the one issued minutes before this disaster struck killing a father and daughter. investigators are placing the blame on the circus, now accused of not having the permit to set up the massive big top that came spectators. is that a criminal fwags investigation? >> we need to look at the statute before i can say whether it falls in that category or not. >> she was really happy, energetic. loved everything. >> reporter: jonathan young lost his sister anna bell, 6, and his dad robert when the tent was destroyed by a micro burst,
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winds gusting up to 90 miles per hour. thunder, hail. >> the tent came down. the beam came down on top of my arm. my father, crushed his skull. he was protecting my little sister anna bell at the time. unfortunately she didn't make it as well. >> reporter: then there are survivors like megan marian who escaped with her son while her mom was pinned under a huge beam. now hospitalized with head injuries, bumps and bruises. her head. it was scary. i'm hoping she'll be all right. >> reporter: in the chaos she said she's grateful several people stepped forward to help rescue her mom, lifting a heavy steel beam off to free her. no comment from the circus on why this happened but investigators say they are cooperating with authorities. tamron? >> thank you very much. the search for free diving
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great natalia molchanova. she disappeared on sunday. the operation was very complicated because the 53-year-old russian could have become trapped by weights she was wearing at the time of the dive. she's among the most decorated competitors in that sport. frightening moments for shoppers at a houston, texas, goodwill store when an suv came crashing through the front glass. the incident was captured by surveillance video. you can see the suv plowing through rows of clothing racks. four people were sent to the hospital. they have been released. the driver was arrested after a brief struggle with police. it's the question people have been asking for decades. when are we finally going to get a hoverboard? i know you ask that question. i never ask. matt is shaking his head. lexus has given an answer to those who asked. this hoverboard is built from
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super conductor and magnets and cooled with liquid nitrogen. but you can't just take it anywhere y et. this is a specially built kate park. hold off on the trip to the lexus dealer. it's a promising step for you people wishing for hoverboards which is coil. >> that's theofirst ime i have seen video that makes me think there will be flying cars in our lifetime. >> you have asked? >> every day. >> i thought this was in trending. >> i saw your brow moving like, oh, ok . >> in trending is tte time traveling delorean. >> very cool. >> really cool. >> thank you. >> mr. roker, they are still cleaning up from the storms in new england. >> that's right. we have amazing video. first of all, look at the hail. slow motion. just listen to it. that's amazing stuff. i love this we have had dangerous weather
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move through. cranston, rhode island. i dshould say charleston and burlington state park. at least a dozen campers were injured when trees came down causing big problems. this is cranston, rhode island. look at this live. the lawn literally ripped up li01ke a carpet. the tree coming with it. i have never seen anything with it. that's natural lawn, not sod. it got ripped up by the winds. amazing. you can see it was pulled up like that. we have more smrong storms pushing through later today. more in the midwest from tulsa to me his. strong winds, damaging tornadoes, large hail a problem. we look for one to three inches of rain from norfolk to to me ka, kansas. we'll get to your local forecast
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inwthe n starting out in the 70s this morning. 75 astoria. any city itself 6 3. the sun is ing filered by some clouds right now. partly sunny this afternoon. 85 by noontime. nice breeze out there and 84 by 6:00. forecasting high of 87 . backdto high f 84 tomorrow. sun followed by clouds. rain stays south friday 81 with some clouds around. early clouds afternoon saturday 82 and sunday looking good. that's your latest deather. savannah? >> all right, al. thank you so much. let the countd begin and the
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song start playing because the opening ceremony of the 2016 summer olympic cames in rio de neiro is a year away. we'll celebrate all morning long. we start with miss natalie herself who set up a nice storetch of beach for us there. good morning to you. >> reporter: i know you have been practicing portuguese already. they call this place the marvelous city. it's clearly easy to see why with the stunninc backdrop of copacabana beach. rio wants to put on a good show and a spectacular show. everywhere we look we see signs of progress. there have been major hurdles getting ready for the olympics. we took a look at the venues. coming up, the progress at those venues. clearly, most are halfway complete to being nearly complete. some are still major concerns. co
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ng up we'll show you more, take you to venues where there are concerns. water quality at some of the swimming and sailing venues an issue as well. the mayor said for all of the issues that they are on track and on schedule, that they will deliver these olympics on time and in glorious fashion as they do in rio. this year is kruchblg time crunch time. i feel like i'm talking to the countdown music here. with crunch time come the last hurdles. everybody here in rio are confident that rio will put on a spectacular show. >> y, natalie. one more time. what do they call the place where you are standing? si dagi -- >> we need that written down. >> all right, natalie.
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we check in with you in a few minutes. check it out.rby the way, we are hrowing our own party on the plaza. we have a host of olympians and olympic hopefuls, somebody running across. but golf? >> fist time in the olympics. >> table tennis. >> coming up, kelly osbourne. this was a poor choice of words. she's responding to claims of racism over something she said on "the view." >> and the hunting guide involved in the killing o th e lion in court and speaking out. what he's saying about the controversy. first on a wednesday morning, this is "today" on nbc.
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as soon as i saw her. i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at brandon thinks hellmann's is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the best.
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feel like a kid again with dunkin's new cookie-flavored iced coffees. for a limited time, dd perks members can enjoy any sized iced coffee for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. good morning. 7:26. it is 73 degrees as we look at the tappan zee bridge on a wednesday morning. i'm darlene rodriguez. thousands of people on long island are still waiting for power to be restored. they've been in the dark since yesterday's early morning thunderstorms. crews spent the night clearing fallen trees and repairing damaged power lines. but pseg says some customers may not have electricity back until tomorrow. right now there are about 15,000 customers without power. let's take a look at the morning commute. here's lauren scala. >> thanks, darlene. this just in on the long island
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railroad, commuters to expect delays, diversions and cancellations because of issues in one of the east river tunnels. and if you're getting on the trains or at least the subways we have delays and service changes on uptown e and f trains. and still accident 95 northbound by the hutch causing heavy delays. back to you. thank you very much. we'll p right back with chris's forecast. have some high clouds right now but should turn partly to mostly sunny at times this afternoon.
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the key humidity much lower today. temperatures will climb into the mid and upper 80s the with mix of clouds and sunshine. right now temperatures low to mid-60s. once the sun goes to work it will warm things nicely. seven-day forecast we're looking at temperatures again climbing into the upper 80s this afternoon. that's the warmest of the next seven. 84 tomorrow, sun followed by some clouds later in the afternoon. it looks like it's going to stay dry now on friday and friday night as the storm passes to the south, high of 81. weekend looks good too, low 80s. next chance of showers or storms perhaps coming later on tuesday. darlene. chris, thank you so much. coming up on "today" show, how some of america's top cosmetic surgeons are giving back to america's veterans. stay tuned.
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world will be on that beach. it's the opening ceremony of the olympic games. to help us get ready and celebrate the plaza is filled with olympic hopefuls and medalists ready to show off their awesome moves. >> i don't know how they do that. i don't. should we all go for a jog on the beach this morning? >> sure. >> i was thinking speed walking. >> yes. >> let's look at what's making headlines this morning. donald trump will be front and center during tomorrow night's first republican presidential debate. ten. jeb bush, rand paul, scott walker, mike huckabee, ben carson, marco rubio, ted cruz, chris christie and john kasich. >> a new wildfire has forced the evacuation of a small town in washington state. officials ordered about 300 people to leave their homes in roosevelt tuesday after flames damaged several buildings and vehicles. >> investigators in france are beginning to examine that wing fragment found on reunion island
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to determine if it is from malaysia airlines flight 370. if it is, officials hope it will lead to answers about what brought the plane down nearly 17 months ago. >> we begin with the guide involved in the killing of cecil the lion. in an african court overnight speaking out about the charges he's facing. the story. good morning. savannah. the government of zimbabwe is waiting to see if american dentist walter palmer will be extradited extradited. the man who was with him is already facing charges. outrage over cecil's death seems to be growing. outside a zimbabwe court the hunting guide expressed remorse. >> oh, absolutely. i regret shooting a lion called cecil. it was never the intention. >> reporter: he maintained his client, american dr. walter
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palmer did nothing wrong t. researcher tracking the lion disagrees saying palmer should have known where he was and should be punished. >> zimbabwe jail is a harsh place. if you can't do the time don't do the crime. >> reporter: safari officers are calling it murder. >> we believe that the people who were the culprits lured him by using bait to an area where he was then met up. >> reporter: thousands of mile as i way on marco island, vandals scrawled "lion killer" leaving what appeared to be bloody pigs' feet on the driveway. palmer said he trusted his guide to make sure the hunt was legal. another american accused of an illegal kill is speaking out. the con kol gist was in zimbabwe last month. during the trip dr. sesky did lawfully hunt and take a lion. he ensures he was in compliance
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with all rules adding dr. seski wishes to return to his medical practice and continue serving patients. tourism is now a trickle hunting near where cecil was killed is suspended but officials say it is likely to resume next month saying hunting contributes $100 million a year to the nation's economy. likely changed forever as an american and his hunting guide face questions. >> what do you think about the way -- [ inaudible ] >> crazy. it's crazy. absolutely. >> reporter: court in zimbabwe reconvenes september 28. as of now the second american, dr. seski, doesn't face charges. >> we'll watch. thank you. >> how's the weather looking? >> we have heat to talk about stretching from arizona all the way to texas. we are looking at some places with triple digit heat. that's not the air temperature
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or the feels-like temperature. the dome of high pressure dominates the jet stream to the north. from paul springs, california, all the way to parts of arkansas and louisiana we have heat advisories, excessive heat warnings. look what's going on in texas. dallas will be 104. 99 in houston. jackson, 99. here in the northeast we have relief coming. tomorrow it will be 85 in new york. 82 in d.c. 76 in charleston. look at friday. temperatures drop below average from new york, boston, washington and charleston as well. al, thanks very much. a less muggy day out there. warm this afternoon temperatures back to the mid and upper 8 0z. clouds for a minute iltering sun from time to time. clear skies tonight comfortable 67 midtown. tomorrow another nice day, cloudier start, cloudier finish
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forecast high of 84. 81 friday, a lot of clouds, limited sun but looks like storms keep the rain to the south of us. weekend looks good. don't forget. get your weather channel forecast on cable or online. >> the weather is so nice we should do a unity jog after the show. >> you like that idea? >> i love it. >> last time i suggest togetherness. >> i thought unity speed walk. >> we did jog once together. >> do you remember? i jogged and you walked back. >> coming up, how much are you willing to pay to be the first off your flight? how much are you willing to pay to get off this desk? >> i will take it as a compliment. natalie? >> rio is ready to welcome the world for the olympic games. hi. your daddy's getting a camry? yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. he's the best dad ever. best timing ever. it's our clearance event. here dad, it's for the car. the truth is, in ten years
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. we are back now at 7:40 with part of the special celebration. one year to rio. in just 12 short months more than 10,000 athletes and millions of fans and four unity joggers will be in region io de janeiro -- >> let it go. >> -- for the start of the olympic games. >> will the host city be ready? rio's obstacles and challenges have dominated the headlines. we sent natalie to get a look at the preparations. good morning again. >> reporter: good morning once again. that's right.
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this is a city that's been feeling the pressure. with a year to go there are a lot of obstacles to overcome. we are seeing signs of major progress at the venues. this morning we take a look and not only do people expect the glare of the spotlight to be harsh but many say a year from now the spotlight will be radiant on rio. >> reporter: from above the view of rio is stunning. sparkling beaches, postcard views. it's a city of vibrant, happy people who know how to throw a party. on the ground, it's crunch time. every day, every hour, now matters in the massive build-up to rio's summer games. construction sites are everywhere. from infrastructure like the new bus and metro lines to the city's two dozen olympic venues. rio's mayor said the work is on track and on schedule.
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>> most will be ready by the end of this year, beginning of next year. so they are pretty much on time. this means great change. >> reporter: here's where the athletes will call home -- the olympic village. the buildings and grounds close to complete. the international broadcasting center or ibc almost ready to host the world's media. it will kick off in one of the world's most famous stadiums built in 1950 for the world cup and host of last year's finals. this time next year it will host the opening and closing ceremonies. many venues are still major concerns like the velodrome and hall one which will host basketball. there are questions about the water conditions at some outdoor venues. the bay which will host olympic sailing is strewn with trash. recent testing by the associated press found high levels of viruses and bacteria. >> we have a long way to go on sewage treatment in the bay.
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we really challenge these studies. we had a test event in sailing last year and it was fine. >> reporter: the committee said it will keep testing the water and the health and welfare of the athletes is a top priority. the people of rio are not worried. in fact, they are confident and proud to tell potential visitors this will be one of the most speck tack lor olympics. >> it's a city that connects people. it will be a warm experience to whoever comes to brazil. i think they will be surprised. >> reporter: they have already started holding test events here. this past saturday they held the triathlon olympic qualifier here in rio. starting today and on through the rest of the month as well they will hold more trials. horse, sailing, cycling, marathon swimming and rowing. all here, on track. that's the progress report. back to you. >> all right. speaking of trials, are you guys
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going thong shopping? >> no! what? >> i will answer for you. no, no, they are not. i protected you. >> don't give me that look. >> it's against the law. >> or it should be. >> coming up, we'll introduce you to some of the athletes from across the country who hope to make it to rio. >> and kelly osbourne takes a shot at donald trump and ends up being the one under fire. carson explains "ride away" (by roy orbison begins to play) i ride the highway... i'm going my way... i leave a story untold... he just keeps sending more pictures... if you're a free-range chicken, you roam free. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. two wheels a turnin'... [ piercing sound ] daddy! lets play! sorry kids. feeling dead on your feet? i've been on my feet all day. dr. scholl's massaging
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all right. we're back at 7:50. there is a remark that has kelly osbourne apologizing. carson has the latest on that. >> as guest co-host on "the view" on tuesday kelly attempted to call out trump for his latino comments and ended up offending the entire latino community herself. >> if you kick every latino out of the country who will be cleaning your toilet, donald trump. >> oh, no. >> in the sense that -- do you know what i mean? >> no, no. >> in l.a., they always -- only -- >> i didn't mean it like that, donald trump. >> you can hear the initial disapproval from the ladies at the table. minutes later, rosie perez said offend. the damage was done. chart. almost 80,000 tweets about this. people in shock. some calling her a racist.
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she apologized saying i will take responsibility for my poor choice of words but i will not apologize for being a reyesist acist as i am not. it is my hope this situation will open up a conversation about immigration. back to you. >> thank you very much. lenny kravitz was hurry in to the lowe's summer savings event for great deals, like $5 to $20 off paint and primer, select stain and sealant, and resurfacers, plus 15% off
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special order windows and doors. don't miss out on summer's biggest savings at lowe's. many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. clinically proven neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. rapid wrinkle repair... ...and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena . you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness,
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liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. new smucker' s fruit fulls. it' s a delicious snack, made with fruit and whole grains, like oats and chia! it' s like having your own personal orchard, any time, anywhere. with a name like smucker' s, it has to be good. americans. we're living longer than ever. as we age, certain nutrients... ...become especially important. from the makers of one a day fifty-plus. new one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12... ...and more vitamin d. kellogg's frosted mini-wheats ... ...8 layers of wheat... ...and one that's sweet. to satisfy the adult.... ...and kid - in all of us. nutritious wheat for the adult you've grown into. and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrow... feed your inner kidult... ...with frosted mini-wheats
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grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. pnot only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, t but eliquis also had than the standard knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. pdon't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. peliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. pdon't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. pif you had a spinal injection while on eliquis pcall your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. pwhile taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... pand it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. pseek immediate medical care for
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sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. peliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. ptell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. v eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. v plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. i'm so not ready for back to school. with staples you'll be ready. i can get thirty comp books and notebooks at a low price? yep, 50 and 25 cents each. oh, i can save money and have less stress! and less drama. he's the drama teacher.p got it. teachers, this week get 40% back in teacher rewards.
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staples, make more happen. good morning everyone. 7:56. looking at the brooklyn bridge on a wednesday morning. it is august 5th. i'm darlene rodriguez. police have released security video of a man wanted for a string of burglaries in midtown manhattan. the video shows the suspect outside the apartment on a fire escape. but when a woman inside the off. police say he's broken into at february. so far he's stolen electronics, clothing. and we are getting a look at the exact moment a huge sinkhole opened in sunset park, brooklyn. it happened yesterday morning at fifth avenue and 64th street. no one was hurt but it could take days to repair the intersection and reopen it to traffic. let's take a look at the morning commute. here's lauren scala.
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thanks, darlene. subways have delays and service changes on uptown e and f trains. better commute for lirr commuters, all trains are running on or close to schedule right now. and then if you're getting on the roads watch out for an accident northbound on the major deegan at 138th street. check the weather, warm, less muggy, tonight, mostly clear, comfortable, 67 in the city. tomorrow sun and clouds high of 84. friday a chance for rain mainly to the south. 81 is the high. saturday partly cloudy, 82 degrees. coming up on the "today" show, olympic hopefuls celebrate a year until the summer games.
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whole foods under fire once again. this time for selling asparagus water. getting ready for the games a year from today. the eyes of the world will be on rio de janeiro. we have an olympic-sized preview for you today, wednesday, august 5, 2015. [ cheers and applause ] >> from new jersey, celebrating our august birthdays. >> celebrating my third 20th birthday. >> today is my 60th birthday. all i want is three wishes -- to meet al roker, to meet al roker, to meet al roker. [ cheers ] >> 14 years ago i was saying hello. now i brought her with me. >> we came with our grandparents from boston. >> my, grandpa and nani, we're
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at the "today" show. [ cheers ] >> we're back now. 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 5th day of august, 2015. yes, one year from today we'll all be down in rio for the start of the 2016 summer olympic games. natalie is down on the beach -- cope cabana beach. >> our little lola. stories. >> good morning. the field is set and big names are being left out of thursday's can presidential debate. fox news channel said it chose the ten candidates who will appear based on recent polls. billionaire donald trump lead it is pack. barely making the cut for ohio governor tom kasich and chris christie. those shut out include former texas governor rick perry and
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selection process incredibly flawed. the fbi is investigating the security of the private e-mail system hillary clinton used when she was secretary of state. the justice department had been asked to look into whether any sensitive information could have been compromised. a government official told nbc news this is an investigation of the system, not a person. her campaign said mrs. clinton did not send or receive e-mails marked classified at the time. firefighters have made headway against the largest of the california wildfires. overnight the rocky fire north contained. fire crews got help from the weather as temperatures fell along with rain. however, thousands of people who had to evacuate homes threatened by the fire are still living in emergency shelters. a new video is shedding more light on the dispute that led to a life guard beating at california's famed venice beach.
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it shows a small group arguing with a life guard standing in a tower. officials say the guard asked one of the people to stop smoking, which is prohibited after one man tried to climb the tower ladder the life guard dumped water dousing a woman and the man next to her. video of the resulting fight went viral and three people were arrested. that's brutal to watch. what happened -- what appeared to be an unusual new health drink was all a misunderstanding. bottles labeled asparagus water appeared briefly on the shelves of a whole foods store in california at $6 a bottle. it became a target of ridicule on social media. the drink was supposed to be water infused with the essence of vegetables like asparagus but wasn't made correctly. it's been removed. back now to matt and savannah. >> a lot of essence there.
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>> should i return my bottle of asparagus water? tamron, thank you. >> oscar winner gwyneth paltrow heads to capitol hill with a specific message. nbc national correspondent kate snow has the story. >> good morning. members of congress love to invite in movie stars to make a point. today it's gwyneth paltrow's turn. she's joining montana senator hn tester in the middle of a contention fight over whether food labels should tell us if what we are eating has been genetically modified. gwyneth paltrow is a serious foodie. >> it makes me feel happy to think about food and new ways of combining things. >> reporter: on her lifestyle website goop the movie star is constantly talking about how to live healthy. >> you're amazing! cooking and -- >> just annoying eople all over america. >> reporter: today she heads to capitol hill with actress blythe danner, her mom.
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>> what mom doesn't want to know in at's in her kid's food. >> you cannotle conceal what's in our kids' food. >> reporter: they want to know if a product contains gmos or ge tically modified organisms. crops like corn, canola and soybeans are designed to grow faster and be resistant to drought, disease and ins ts and are in most foods. >> the way people want to know there is sugar, salt, fat in their food, they want to know the gmo originated food. >> reporter: it's a cause that's having a moment. >> most of us are eating genetically modified foods and we don't know it. >> reporter: there is a reason dr. oz came under fire for speaking out against fwrks m gmos. the american medical association and scientists say there is no research to show fwrks mos are harmful. >> for controversial sense of humorers eating gmos it is not a health risk. they are approved foods. they are in the food supply and
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have been there for a long time. you are not doing yourself harm if you choose to consume them. >> reporter: a group representing big food lashed out at gwyneth paltrow saying the labels would create a patchwork of state mandates that would slow interstate commerce a drive up food costs for american families. people are really passionate on both sides of the issue. if you a lore worried about it and prefer not to eat genetically modified foods look for labels that say usda organic. those foods aren't allowed to have gmo ingredients. >> it's complicated. >> really complicated. the science says the foods are fine. but people like gwyneth paltrow really are concerned about them. >> kate, thank you. >> just ahead, popstart. who new the pope was a smoker? well, this picture -- >> be careful. >> a little more to it than that. we'll tell you what's behind the picture. >> would you want to go to work every day with your mother?
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mamie gummer on oh starring with her mom i thought activia s for big digestive issues. until i realized our body handles a lot. 1,100 meals a year... 730 rushed snacks... add 300 stressful decisions... no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. so try the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. it works or it' s free! with the hottest styles and brands to stay on your feet. to plus, everyone gets $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent. h, yeah be yourself. kohl's so when my husband started checkups than me, i decided to go pro... th csest pro-health advanced. my mouth is getting healthier. this crest toothpaste is superior nin five areas.
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great checkup- i'm feeling lucky. today is the day. i knew it! (robot voice) activate probe. no way! three rye chips and a breadstick! h allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief for... ...fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do... ...every day. live claritin clear. kids, juicy fruit gum with starburst flavors? yeah. (mmm...) (mmm...) (zipper noise) (zipper noise) (baby rattle shaking) ju sicy fruit chew. .
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flonase allergy relief, the only otc nasal spray approved to relieve nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance, flonase controls six. see the world in a whole new light. flonase, this changes everything. at subway, we bring layers of enticingly tender turkey, irresistibly crispy bacon, and deliciously rich guacamole together on freshly baked bread for one truly amazing sandwich: the new subway turkey & bacon guacamole. only at subway. i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luomxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopaes air reu esher. heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 suppleme ... ...but it's the ingredients
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inside tt really mat hiter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. - this isn't just the start of school, is is the new year. find the styles and brands for every big moment. where? famous footwear. all right. nc8:10. we are back with what's trending today. >> let's talk about airline seats. flying is not what it used to be. they charge for everything. bags, snacks. extra leg om, charge. everything. would you pay for this? say you land and want to get off
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first. would you pay more to be first to exit? >> i think you would be ridiculed. they make an announcement, everybody else sit down while matt gets off the plane first? pretty much. >> that's how it goes anyway. >> j that's not a good idea. >> like jetblue, you pay to get on early. >> i would pay for perks. that wouldn't b one o f them. >> in a new survey half those surveyed would pay. >> do you know what i would pay for, getting your bag off first. >> it's on the list. >> also wifi with streami so you can watch netflix. real-time luggage tracking. priority baggage claim. people are willing to pay. >> good ideas. >> okay. you have heard of the dog days of summer. t are june, july and august e best or worst time of the year? here's what happened gallup conducted a poll and asked about 1,000 people for picks. we hive the dry erase boards. eleveryone first write down your
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pick for the best month of the year. al. >> july. >> may. >> september. it's an extension of summer. erase that. now your pick for the worst month of the year >> may won in the survey. >> worst month. >> oh, boy. >> february. >> january. >> january. oh, yeah. >> holidays are over. our birthdays are over. >> one more.go wesked peoroe what the best day of the week and the worst day of the week. write them on the same board so we don't have to do it twice. best. >> i thought a lot ar ut this. >> did you? >> yeah. >> okay. >> al. >> friday, sunday. >> sunday is the worst day of the week? >> thinking about going to work. >> friday, wedn day. >> friday, wednesday. >> friday, tuesday.
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>> why tuesday? >> tuesday there is no hope. wednesday is the hump oday. you can see the weekend. >> no hope? >> thursday is a good night to go to the bar. you can stay up late if you're willing to be groggy. >> tuesday is work. monday you have hope to accomplish something. by tuesday you know you won't. >> anything is possible. >> friday is the best. >> trending this morntng, it is about what the paper calls summer's most satisfying comfort food. it's not ice cream, not mac and tater-tots. they say it is the wedge salad. >> yes! dressing. >> yes! extra blue cheese. >> this creates controversy with it's lay zy food.
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>> what? >> love it. >> it's useless lettuce. >> iceberg? >> it's so crunch write. >> it's ees it's water. >> it's just to get the bacon and it shall pair it with a baked potato. >> for dinner, i had a salad. >> wave the white flag of surrender. >> i'm not going to piece out the lettuce. >> we'll get savannah some mixed greens. >> arugala. smoke. introducing the rising star just wiz". >> was the pope caught smoking? that would be awesome. it's not true. it is not pope francis. that's jude law in rome filming pope." looking the part with the skull cap, white robe, red shoes t. sight of somebody wearing pope's
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clothing and lighting up took people by surprise. now to why this is the best day, the release of vanity fair's best dressed list. taylor swift makes the cover. i don't care about this issue. first you have eddie redmayne. third time on the list. he says his style icon is his dad. last year it was princess kate. this year it's prince harry. bringing back the top adt. matt said no style list is complete without amal clooney and rihanna with her sultry ul swagger. find the list at you probably heard nbc's next big live musical is "the wiz." tuesday it was announced david alan grier will be the cowardly lion.
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who will be the lead role of dorothy? an exclusive this morning. not really. sounds good. we have your answer. >> you're standing strong >> i saw they were doing the wiz and thought it would be a perfect learning experience. >> for the nbc wiz live, you are dorothy. >> i'm just doing what i love. >> mama, i have to tell you something. >> yes? >> i got the part!y >>li oh, my goodness. i love you! >> yeah! she joins us live. easing on down the road right congratuvitions. that's so awesome. >> thank you, guys. >> you have a great cast with you. you beat out hundreds of other
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young ladies, you're crying. >> it's really hitting me right now. >> so good to have you. >> can i say two things -- diana ross, stephanie mill, and you. >> yeah. >> were you a big fan of the wizard of oz and the wiz growing up? >> i was in it my 8th grade year. my grandma said why didn't you ever go for dorothy. here you go, grandma. this is for you. >> are you ready for how youe life will change? >> i don't knowuthat's in store. this is always what i have wanted to do. i guess i'm ready now. >> the most adorable. >> perfect. >> when you called your mother what did it feel like to deliver the news. >> that's not even the whole clip. you, jesus. i know she's een rooting for me since forever. that. >> we are rooting for you, too. >> we have silver slippers for
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you and maybe -- have they cast toto yet? wrangler could be toto. go in the orange room. we have some stuff for you. congratulations. >> thank you so much. >> the production, they are working on it. watch "the wiz" l ive in december on nbc. that's your popstart. >> congrats. >> mr. roker, a check of the weather. e>> who's the wizard? >> queen latifah. >> that's great. . . . temperatures, upper 70s, city island, 76. upper 50s, low 60s in the distant suburbs. high cloud cover. we will dpet some sunshine and the clouds will tend to thin out. high of 87.ynice night tonight. late clouds tomorrow. the rain stays south and the weekend looks quiet.
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lower 80s for both saturday and l suseay. matt? >> thank you, al. we are exploring the world of plastic surgery on our summer of secrets this week. beyond the facelifts and nose jobs, some surgeons are using their talents to give back. craig melvin caught up with a few of them. good morning. >> good morning to you as ll. here's hands down the best kept secret of plastic surgery. forget the rich and famous. some of america's top doctors are putting their skills to use to help our troops, healing the wounds of war and in the process making america's veterans feel whole again. a nip and a tuck, normally we think just for the skin deep with deep pockets. but in south beach, america's true silicon valley, this surgeon is opening his own heart. dr. sergio alvarez put his life under the knife going from the
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red carpet to the v.a. doing surgery for veterans two days a week. >> maybe my life is full of contrast. there is a sense of duty i have felt over the last few years that's really important for me to give back. >> reporter: dr. alvarez gave retired air force pilot alan jackson a new ear. pretty. >> reporter: at walter reed near washington naval reservist elan singer makes a trip one weekend a month from his new york practice, part of the only reserve unit that performs surgery. >> it is very different h e than manhattan. it's eye-opening and humbling. >> reporter: to a find it more rewarding? >> it is. it's important for me emotionally. it grounds me. >> reporter: working with wounded warriors like captain greg galiaci whose life changed when an ied took his legs in afghanistan. >> i felt like a shell of a man. if plastic surgeons can help guys like me feel more
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confident, it's worth it. >> reporter: removing excess skin helped his prosthetic legs fit better. >> without surgery it is a stumbling block to continue with their life. >> reporter: now galiaci is fourowing the man he calls doc hollywood studying medicine himself. >> i'm a medic. i like helping people. >> reporter: in an instant this army medic became the patient. >> ij-uries were head to toe. you name it, i had it. >> reporter: she's endured more than 30 surgeries. >> once you get put back together you put on the finishing touches, right? >> reporter: before this at walter reed to remove star cars from a roadside bomb. >> if i were a guy my scars would be cool. because i'm a girl, you know, you want to be pretty. time to make me pretty. >> reporter: the procedures we are able to do as plastic surgeons give people the ability to change the way they think, feel and interact on a
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day-to-day basis. i have bien blessed. it gives me pleasure to give back. >> of course a big thanks to the doctors at walter reed who do great work every day. all soft surgeons said they feel drawn to do this as a way of serving our country. >> a big thanks to those who serve our country. >> amen. >> in our next hour we'll separate myth from fact when it comes to plastic surgery. tomorrow, the questions to ask your doctor before undergoing a procedure and how to fix something if it gets botched. savannah? >> all right, matt. thank you. mamie gummer costars with her mom, meryl streep, in "ricki and the flash." take a look. >> uh, i don't have any money. do you have a credit card? >> yeah. but it's still linked to max's account. >> oh, that's not a problem. hop in.
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>> thanks. >> i have to say did you see how daughter? she looks just like her. daughter. what was it like to take on the role and be playing opposite your mom and not just any role but as her daughter? >> it was a wonderful and actually quite profound experience. anticipated. i was nervous leading up to it. there are moments in the movie where i really just blow a gasket and am really kind of eviscerating. >> you're tough on her. you have to be mean to your mom. >> yeah. which is a little bit troubling to look at the person you love the most in the world. but i had -- it was a little bit alarming how quickly it was all
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accessed. i was worried that, you know, i would be wounding to her in some way. but after the first take she had a big smile on her face. >> she was joking that it was good. maybe all her kids should play a role across from her like that to work out the issues. anything you're mad about, get it all out there. >> yeah. >> it's a blessing, of course, to be meryl streep's daughter for a million reasons. tola go and pursue acting, that's not an easy thing to do. everybody says those are big shoes to fill. by taking the role were you like, okay, yeah. let's do it. let's take it head on. >> that's the thing that will precede me no matter where i go, no matter what room. every room that i walk into. getting on top of the elephant and riding it around the room felt like a better way to deal with it. >> how did you like this role? what made you think, okay, this
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is one that's interesting for me to play. >> i like -- dierks a ablo cody writes characters that are messy and ferocious. i like that. i embraced the opportunity to not have to worry about being pretty and just sort of, you know, instead tell a story and reveal the truth of someone who is in a lot of pain. but, you know, because it is also -- diablo isle brilliant. she tows s toes the line between comedy and wit.
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>> it's a great an accident on the deegan in the center lane and delays continue to grow. >> lauren, thanks. we'll check the weather today. warm, less muggy. 87 is the high. tonight, mostly clear. comfortable, 67 in the city, cooler in the suburbs. tomorrow, sun and clouds, high of 84. chance for rain mainly to the south. 81 is the high. coming up on the "today" show, craig robinson gives us the scoop on his new nbc comedy series, mr. robinson. stay tuned. cookie-flavored iced coffees. for a limited time, dd perks members can enjoy any sized iced coffee for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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the frozen download bar. you don't need a magician to fix these things. you need fios internet. get fios 50 meg internet, tv and phone now for $79.99 a month, price guaranteed for 2 years. or, double your speeds for just 10 dollars more a month. and only fios gives you uploads speeds as fast as your download speeds. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past, get fios.
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8:30 now on the 5th of august, 2015. let's get the party started. 365 days until the olympic games in rio. we have samba dancing going on the plaza this morning. nice to have you along. >> so strange. carson almost wore that outfit. >> we have turned the plaza into team usa central. we have medalists here. medal hopefuls and we'll try our hand at some of the events -- [ cheers and applause ] >> you get excited. you said this morning it's fun to be here. we will be throwing ourselves a culinary olympics in studio. >> first a check of the weather. >> that's the reason i keep my feathers numbered for just such
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an emergency. let's see what we have going on now. we are looking today at strong storms making their way across the plains into the mid mississippi river valley. plenty of sunshine around the gulf coast. look for sunny skies up and down the west coast. for tomorrow, more wet weather in the southeast. into the gulf coast. looking at showers and a risk of strong storms into the northern plains. west texas into the southwest, pacific northwest, red flag warnings in effect. we've got hazy skies out there in terms of high to mid-level clouds. the sun will burn on through from time to time. it is less muggy today. another warm day. the rain threat for friday looks like it is tending south and should stay away. the weekend looks pretty nice. 87, this afternoon with lower humidity. it is bearable. 60s tonight, 50s, suburbs. 84, sun followed by clouds. dry for the weekend in the low 80s.
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get your weather any time you need it. go to the weather channel on cable. online. guys? >> al, thank you very much. now more of the one year to rio celebration. getting ready for the 2016 summer games. >> natalie is excited. she's already in rio. good morning. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning. i'm on the beautiful white sands of copacabana beach. this is where beach volleyball will take place and this guy can't wait. taking a little nap here on the beach. common place here. i want to show you our fantastic view of what will be our studio for the "today" show. take a look down at the other end of the beach. that's where we will be right under the beautiful shu fwar ugarloaf
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mountain. it doesn't get more picturesque than that. i can't wait for you to see it in person. in rio, you have to have a party and you've got to have samba dancers. you have yours. i have mine. they are the oldest samba school in rio. one of the most accomplished schools as well. here is a move for you to practice. show me. got to roll the hips. meanwhile from rio to new york right back here. ready? >> all right, natalie, nice toss. >> good hip rolling. >> i pulled a hammy. take a look at who's here. we have beach volleyball legend kerry walsh, how are you? >> we remember her of course. she was in athens and london. now she and her partner april
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ross hoping to get to rio. >> good morning. >> you look fabulous. you have a wonderful smile. >> thank you, mama. >> we'll talk to you about the kids in a moment. first you dislocated your shoulder. how are you feeling? >> amazing. >> frustrating injury. it's unstable and i need to be powerful and dynamic. baby steps. >> you have injured this shoulder before. >> yes. >> when will you know if you can get to rio. >> i can get to rio. nothing will stop me. >> did i ask the question? my mistake. >> i feel good. i'm optimistic. we have a long time to qualify. the hard part is patience. i'm not good at it. >> i know. >> seeing you without misty may trainer is like laverne without shirley. you have a wonderful silver medalist partner. what's it like getting used to each other? you have been competing for a while. >> we have been together a year and a half. april is a champ. amazing playing with a silver medalist. she's hungry for gold. that's fantastic.
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i'm just fwreed greedy for gold. misty is in my heart. taking her with me to rio. april and i are a new team. >> talking about the beach, it has to be fun down there. >> looks like fun. volleyball. it will be a treem come true. >> bringing the kids with you? >> absolutely. camping on the beach. >> kerri says she will be in rio. catch her at the world series of beach volleyball later this month on nbc. our one year to rio celebration is just getting started. we'll try out events with olympic hopefuls. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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because 100% whole grain oats are incredibly good for you. because they're heart healthy because they're good for kids. and granddads and everyone else in the family. everything we do is because of what really matters most. the goodness of oats and the people we love. [ cheers and applause ] all right.
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we welcome back to "today" as we mark a year from the games in rio de janeiro. we are happy to have the plaza packed with athletes hoping to compete there. >> one event we are excited about is the fact that golf is reentering the games. more than 100 years. 1904. we have kristy kerr here. good to have you here this morning. >> thank you. >> what would an olympic medal resume ? >> oh, god. people have asked me. it would be the highlight of my career. i have won the open. i don't know. olympic gold medal? i would have to hang it way high. >> four men, four women get to compete for team usa. what's it going to take to make the team? >> this year is so important. rolling 52-week point system. you have to play well the whole year. >> yeah. can we hit some? >> yeah. >> what does it take -- finesse or strength in rio?
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if it's length carson will hit some. if it's finesse it's me. >> let's watch the pro first. she won that major by 12 shots. >> i know. this is a simulator. it shows how far she hit. >> longest 8 iron i have hit. 230 yards. >> i'll go next. i have an 8 iron as well. >> see if you can out -- >> i want to take this thing with me. >> she got me. >> 8 iron. 230? >> 235 eight iron. >> i didn't know i played on the men's tour. >> right to left. >> i got a lot of that. >> come on! sit, boo-boo! >> go, go! >> good luck. we hope to see you in rio.
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we love watching you play. >> and for the simulator. >> thanks, tamron. >> matt, we are in the track and field area. i'm with heavy metal and we are not talking about rock and roll. we have with us four-time gold medalist sprinter sonja richards ross, david oliver, silver medalist in the high jump eric cannard. three-time gold medalist in the paralympic games. good morning. >> good morning. >> one year to go. how many gold medals do you have? >> four. and one bronze. >> amazing. what are you looking forward to? >> if i make my fourth team, what a blessing it would be. so few athletes have that long history in track and field. i'm looking forward to going with my teammates and hopefully winning more gold. >> david, you're back, strong, ready after injury. scale of 1 to 10 a year out? >> about a 10. ready to defend my title in beijing. in a few weeks the world championships.
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stay healthy for the next year. we'll be in rio with my teammates. >> outstanding. how many jumps have you done today? >> too many. >> you're an olympian. no such thing. >> that's true. >> how are you feeling? london, exciting. this gives you the opportunity to bring home gold hardware. >> another opportunity for me. i'm looking to strike gold this time. >> tatiana, my darling. looking good. >> thank you. >> you have several gold medals. accomplished so much here. one of the things you will do is teach me how to balance in this. >> yes. i will teach you the art of chicharito racing to get a feel for it and how strong you have to be. >> you have the best arms. we have an inside joke. we said no lenny kravitz moment. i have to put this down. your mom is here. she said to take off the shoes. mama knows best. i didn't know i was doing this.
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i have a skirt on. here we go. one leg here. >> yep. >> my bum here? >> yep. >> and sit on my bum. >> got it. lean forward. >> okay. >> this is the racing gloves. this is for your left hand. >> okay. >> thumb in here. and your fingers in here. >> all right. >> if you want to take the other one, right here. >> thumb in there, okay. >> to get ready for the race you have your hands here. you take a push. >> ready? yeah. whoo! you got it. here we go. savannah, what do you have? >> looking good, tamron.
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we are at table tennis with two-time oh olympian jimmy butler and lily yang. jimmy had great success at the olympics in 1992 and 1996. you have been out for 15 years because of a medical issue. what's it like to try to go to rio? >> i feel like a kid again. it's great to be back to hang with champions like lily. happy to play again. >> lily, you were 16 when you competed in london. what was that like? >> absolutely incredible. i was the youngest table tennis athlete there. being among these amazing and accomplished athletes felt so inspiring and humbling. >> we are excited. we feel this is an olympic sport we may be able to dabble in. jimmy, you're my partner. what's the trick? it's a fast game. >> don't get cute. nothing fancy. >> all right. >> the trick is hit it as hard as you can. >> at lily. >> okay. >> good job.
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>> that was off the table. it was off. >> out, out. >> one more. jimmy. >> whoa! >> i'm sorry. sorry. i didn't know my own strength. >> almost pulled a lenny kravitz there. great to have you here. let's go to al. >> weight lifting. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> morgan, you're new to this. >> i am. >> we met in beij ing and london. >> old timer. >> how much weight do you lift? >> about 225 pounds. >> i'm at 475. >> 475. >> morgan will show us the clean and jerk. doing. >> i will explain it. this is a two-part movement. she's about to do the clean. that's going to bring the bar from the ground to the shoulders. this is a split jerk. overhead. and then down.
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110 pounds. >> amazing. >> folks want to get involved. help the olympic athletes prepare for the games. there is the team usa register. >> if people want to get involved and be part of an athlete's journey go to team usa and you can help donate, be part of the team. it's really a cool thing. >> are you excited? >> oh, yeah. so excited. can't you tell? i'm ready, man. >> i bet you are. morgan, kendrick, thank you so much. we want to see our athletes in rio. up next, we have the taste of brazil. we are headed inside to kick off the culinary olympics. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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more of the one year to rio celebration. we have chefs competing for gold in the culinary olympics. >> trash talking has started here. team carson, cynthia presser, daniel noche. one will move on to face another chef in the next hour. our finalists will go for gold with kathie lee and hoda. three olympian judges. swimmer janet evans, christine rampone and from u.s. men's olympic gymnastics team. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's get cooking. who wants to go first? >> start right here, chef. >> we have some tender loin here. you can chop. >> what's the dish? >> the dish is called beef stroganoff brazilian style. we have flavors you don't get in the american one. we have onion.
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that will sizzle with the meat. beautiful flavors together. mushrooms will be later added here. these mushrooms, you will have some rosemary and then when they are nice and hot, doing these beautiful flavors. a little bit of salt. >> what are these spices here? >> this goes here. we have brown shu fwar. ketchup and -- >> carson is an expert at adding cognac. >> is it? >> it really is. >> judges. cognac. >> you can taste now and make a decision. how long does it cook? >> it's pretty much ready now. >> we're doing --
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>> this is a shrimp stew. >> we have olive oil. garlic here, onions and then we are going to put tomato and red bell pepper and tomato sauce. a little bit of coconut oil -- milk. and then the oil. there is brazilian oil. also a little bit of [ speaking in a foreign language ] and here we'll do the shrimp. >> we have a hot pan to saute shrimp. >> really hot oil to saute the shrimp. >> a little bit of salt and pepper. >> exactly. how is it going, judges? how is savannah doing with the shrimp? >> amazing cook. >> how long does it cook down? >> for a minute or so. we have one done.
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>> here we have shrimp stock with manioc blended. >> is this a dish you would make at home? >> yes, of course. this is a really home made dish. >> what was it called? >> bobo du something. >> correct. >> i remember that. >> let's pretend it's cooked down. how do you plate? >> you plate your dishes, too. get ready. >> we have rice. >> we have coconut rice. that's made with coconut milk. here we have a really typical -- from brazil. it's sweet and salty. really good. we serve it with a little bit of cilantro and it's great. >> how do you plate yours? >> rice on the bottom. simple and easy.
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stroganoff on top. >> and a little floater. >> cognac floater. >> judges, you have tasted both. let's start with team carson's dish. that's the beef dish. what score do you give it? >> oh, man. it was really good. i think it was great because i usually don't like mushrooms but this dish made me like mushrooms. >> thank you, judge. >> for me, that deserves a -- 9 . >> turn it upside down there. there we go. >> love the presentation. not a big mushroom fan but love that. >> what's wrong with you athletes not liking athletes. >> i don't like them either. >> very flavorful. 9.5. >> i don't like mushrooms. it is so good but they are tender and good. 9.5, too. >> thank you.
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>> very good. let's move on to the bobo. >> shrimp is one of my favorite foods. i liked it a lot. i think i will give it a 9.5. >> whoa! >> boo. >> not a seafood fan, but tasteful. loed the presentation. 9. do you understand what's happened here? a 9.5 is a tie. >> okay. i'm a beef girl. not a shrimp girl. i love the shrimp but i thought the beef was so favorful. i like this, too. i'm going for a 9. >> which means team carson wins the first round of the culinary olympics. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> nice job. >> how does it feel giving out the scores for a change? thank you very much to our chefs for competing. again, this continues in our next hour. two more brazilian chefs doing battle.
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crews have been busy repairing the power lines. at one point, 70,000 customers were without electricity. right now, about 15,000 customers without power. some may have to wait until at least tomorrow before service is restored. checking the weather today, warm, less muggy. 87 is the high. tonight, less comfortable. tomorrow, sun, clouds and a high of 84. friday, a chance for rain mainly to the south. saturday, partly cloudy skies, 82 degrees. just ahead on the "today" show, craig robinson from the office and hot tub time machine tells us all about his new comedy series. stay tuned. feel like a kid again with dunkin's new cookie-flavored iced coffees. for a limited time, dd perks members can enjoy
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why you will want to join natalie for fun in the sun. that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on wednesday morning, august 5, 2015. that music can mean only one thing. we are a year away from the simmer olympic games down in rio. that's natalie's music pick for the day. she's on copacabana beach in rio de janeiro celebrating a year before the games. while you speak we'll enjoy your stiff drinks you provided us. >> you could make a bartender. whoo! >> that's right.
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that's the national drink of brazil the caipirinha. i will show you how to make it. there have been a lot of hurdles, a lot of obstacles and challenges. the glare of the spotlight has been harsh at times. we saw signs of progress. most of the venues you see at least 50% completion to more than that. the mayor of ru io says by february, march of next year they expect most everything to be up and running and online. the infrastructure as well. they have added on to that with bus and rapid transit lines. the metro lines will be expanded throughout the city which is great news for the city. they need the infrastructure here. i'm on the beautiful white sands of copacabana beach, the venue of choice, the place you want to be not only because the backdrop is spectacular but the hottest ticket in town.
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off to the side, that's where our "today" show home base will be. we have a beautiful backdrop of sugarloaf mountain. it doesn't get more spectacular than this. rio is called the marvelous city. i have lived here as a young girl. you have the samba school, one brazil. you can see they do an amazing job. k. this is the presint of the tourism board. olympi? >> think we are. >> do you think everything will be perfect? >> everything is wonderful. olympics ever.
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>> most wonderful olympics>> this is a wonderful city. >> the beaches are stretching 40 kilometers. you can all come. >> amazing olympics. we have the caipirinha. it has cachaca and muddled lime. a little bit of sugar. it. this is the passion fruit. that's what it looks like. this is where the cashew nut comes from, guys. to give you a taste of brazil. are you enjoying it? >> this is one of the greatest fail shows. we are already buzzed. drink.
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>> this goes down well. >> we can't even talk. >> already stammering through the show. >> and the little biscuits. >> cheese biscuits. >> cheese balls. >> that's good. >> caipirinha. >> thank you, natalie. delicious. >> just a heads up -- >> saude! >> the lenny kravitz trending thing is coming up in pop fix. tamron will have an extended look at that. >> wow! we have a disagreement at the table about it. that's all i will say. a large disagreement. >> 9:22ish we'll discuss what happened to lenny kravitz and why he is trending. [ sighs ] >> and should be proud. >> you're both married. >> yeah.
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>> if someone tells you mething in confidence. >> yes. >> do you tell your spouse? if i came to you and said, al, i have something to tell you, it's a secret. i need your advice. i have come to you before. i need your advice. do you tell debra? >> depends on what it is. >> you have told her? >> innocuous things. other things that -- you have to have a sense. it's a fluid situation. >> willie? >> you're talking about a tim when you say, please don't tell anyone. this is so deeply personal. i would mot tell my wife. >> a man asked the "washington post" if a friend tells you souething in confidence should spouse. the husband believes spouses should have secrets from each other. the wife believes that a secret is a secret. should not. the husband believes spouses should not have secrets while the wife believes -- >> if your friend is going personal or you're e arrassed
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and he needs one person to talk to, he trusted you to do it, i would not tell my wife. >> i will up the ante. your buddy. this is from a movie. your buddy maybe is debating stepping out on his significant other. do you mention it to your wife? like, oh, my gosh -- >> getting a divorce or exploring the waters? >> stepping out. yeah. do you turn to your spouse and say, gosh, i can't believe sam is -- he told me. >> until something happens, i don't think so. >> this is a drinking game. go on. >> until something happens. >> maybe. no. >> you would tell. the post th's answer is i don't think spouses should keep secrets of consequence to each other but marriage doesn't eliminate people's ability to be a vault for their friends. >> you're not a good friend spilling their secrets. >> pillow talk. >> i would tell.
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>> would you? >> i can't keep anything. don't tell me anything. don't commit a crime with me. do t tell me. w>> she'd give you up in a minute. they don't have to threaten to torture. just show her a feather. >> flashlight. >> this is coming your way. >> al did it. here's where we hid the money. >> i don't want to go on and on but i love this story. in the new yorker there is a story in praise of the ramp. the article quotes a new york times film critic who says the rant has its place. article mentions donald trump and kanye west getting notable rants like this one on jimmy kimmel. >> refresh our memory. >> ail we want is a real shot. not -- okay, i'm a celebrity so my line has to cost $10 a t-shirt. i understand about quality. i understand about fabric. i spent 10,000 hours at this. i dedicated my life to this.opeople say, okay, well, you
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know, you have to do music. i'm going to keep doing music. but what if people tell me i coul what would have happened? >> i love a good rant. >> he's still tdalking now. >> dweyou like a good rant? >> i like a good creative rant f. you read a negative movie review and it's mean, i don't ve that. if somebody has g e out of their way to creatively attack a movie that's bad, i like that. >> what if you go down a road and you need bread crumbs to find your way back. >> i don't like rants. i'm direct. but i'm not a ranter. i s it. boom. >> that whole donald trump thing never would have happened if he hadn't started a rant. >>wo when we went off and ad libbed on the speech. >> doesn't he always? >> it's a constant rant. i believe in the rant. >> let's go to the orange room. can we hashtag yes rant and no rant.
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what do you think? do you like a good rant? # yesrant, # norant. we have yes radar. # yesradar, yes thunderstorms moving through the mid section of the country from omaha, making its way to st. louis. we'll see showers and thunderstorms tonight into tomorrow. meantime look at the temperatures. hundreds from texas to oklahoma. in effect now including southern california, arizona and new mexico. nice and cool in the northeast. northern new england. we have a risk of strong storms making their way through the mid mississippi river valley. beautiful in the northeast and midatlantic coast. look for sunshine out west. very comfortable. high temperature of 87. sun filtered out from time to time. tonight, mostly clear a l comfortable.
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67 in mid-town. 50s in the suburbs north and west. a sunny start with a cloudy finish and a high empelprature of 84 degrees. it looks like the rain stays south on fridays. 81. clouds and developing sun saturday, 82. someestorms by tuesday. what the hec happened to your drink? >> i have a weakness. when i have a cocktail with a straw, i drink it faster. >> a shtraw? really? what's coming up next, willie? [ slurring ] tell the people. >> once a music teacher in reel al life. now playing one on tv. >> we love this guy. >> we love him! >> trying to g craig robinson to jam for us right after this. >> i love you, man! >> feel it, craig. >> feel the love, craig. >> bring it on in here! yeah! craig. i love you. >> i love you. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together.
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craig robinson is not just one of the funniest guys around and a pretty face, but he could -- we can say he's the funkiest guy, sfoom showing off his co stmedy skills as darryl on "the office" and his trips to time and space in the hot tub time machine movies. >> and now starring in "mr. robinson" where he's a substitute music teacher by day and front man of a band by night. >> can we please finish discussing the budget? whoa. get out of town. when i say preheat you say oven. >> you're nasty delicious! i'm john dalton, eileen's boss. i have seen your band like a hundred times. what are you doing here? >> i'm subbing music class for the wegk to try to hook up with the english teacher. >>of she'd be lucky to have you. >> craig robinson. od morning.
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>> good morning. >> this is sem auto biographical. >> very semi. >> it happened to you. >> i was a school teacher. i'm from chicago. i have a band named nasty delicious. yeah. i have those things in common. then megan good tle e plays the love interest. >> did you have teachers in your school that looked like megan? >> no, no. >> when you were a teacher in chicago you started to get into comedy. >> exactly. i started comedy, my last year of college. started to dabble a little bit. if i tried a joke and it didn't work i could say, yeur next act. i started getting into it. >> second city. you started taking classes. >> absolutely. sketch and improv.
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>> did the music help with the ladies? >> i'm going to have to say yes. >> it's a great connector. >> did you go on a dating site? is that true? you tweeted about potentially joining a dating website. >> well, that's the alter ego perry. he does profile pics. there's perry. >> yeah. >> he looks like you. >> wow. >> how about some music? >> you're letting him off the hook. as perry who wants to date. music teacher. you will teach us what? >> we'll see what you do naturally. >> that's a disaster. >> we're not going to rehearse. >> naturally where you come in.
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we are starting popfix with kelly osbourne. she's apologizing after the backlash she received for what some are calling racist comments she made on "the view" while ta alking about donald trump's words on immigrants. >> if you cook every latino out of this country, who will be cleaning your toilet, donald trump. >> oh, no, no. >> there's more jobs -- >> in l.a., they always -- >> but latinos aren't the only people doing that. >> i didn't mean it like that, come on. i would never mean it like that. >> that's how it came out. >> kelly took to her facebook page to apologize for her poor choice of words. she added i will not apologize for being a racist as she said, i am not. she hopes it will spark conversation about it saying she cleans her own toilets. it was just five months ago she was critical of her former fashion police co-host for
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comments considered racist regarding zendaya's dredlocks tweeting i don't condone racism. >> let's get to lenny. >> cue the music. i want to get away >> he's al roker's cousin. true fact. that's lenny's song "fly away." one of the best. in a tribute to his fly away literally going away, the rocker is all over social media after he introduced stockholm to a whole new front side of himself. kravitz was jamming to "american woman" when he did a squat and his leather pants just ripped right open. the jaws of life couldn't put these things back together. lenny was commando, exposing his manhood. lenny tweeted about the incident creating a not appropriate for
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morning tv hashtag, bleepgate. we can't say the rest on morning tv. ladies and gentlemen at home, i have said if that happened to me, i would be in a fetal position at home crying. men apparently see it differently. is it embarrassing? >> it depends on what -- >> what your manhood -- >> what falls out you might be embarrassed. if you're okay with that then you're okay with it. >> mr. geist? >> exactly correct. >> we asked craig robinson. same thing. gentle gentlemen, show of hands? who is okay? >> matt lauer said men see it different. i would be horrified. >> if there is something you don't want the world to see, that you are embarrassed of it's a terrible day. if you're doing okay, it's a good day. >> you're all right. >> or if there is jewelry involved. >> i'm going to say, i have to say i felt guilty and i said a little prayer but i looked at it
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multiple times. >> you have showed everybody. >> i looked at the gift -- i can't stop. >> you can't stop. >> i feel horrible. i'm sorry, lenny. i'm sorry. >> he's not. that's the point. >> you have given him the idea for a christmas card. >> come on the show. let's talk about it. he was just here. >> i don't know if he wants to talk about it, but i don't think he's upset. he's fine. >> he's good. >> lenny kravitz is doing okay. >> yes, he is. lenny for president. >> way to go. >> runs in the family. >> stop. i'm stopping the men right now. please stop. step aside kim kardashian and caitlyn jenner. khloe. my favorite kardashian. hotter than ever. the 31-year-old showing off her fit figure on "women's health" magazine. >> she's not upset. >> it's a controlled environment. she lost 35 and calls her body revenge body. she started just before her
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split with lamar odom. saying it began as a release from her marriage troubles she said her new body is just for fat. not anymore. you got the last laugh, girl. we'll be right back. are incredibly good for you. because they're heart healthy because they're good for kids. and granddads and everyone else in the family. everything we do is because of what really matters most. the goodness of oats and the people we love. this morning, people on medicaid who might otherwise be struggling to care
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for themselves won't have to. because homefirst, a product of elderplan, is there... helping them with bathing, so they can remain safely at home. homefirst, a product of elderplan continuing the work of the four brooklyn ladies caring in so many ways. call 1-866-386-4180 or visit live look there. 5:27 on this wednesday, august 5th. good morning.
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i'm michael gargiulo. a water maine break has flooded some streets. a section of anderson avenue is covered in water. it is closed in both directions near lawton avenue. it comes one day after a sinkhole opened up in sunset park, brooklyn. a nearby security camera captured that moment when the street collapsed at 64th street. repairs could take days. checking the weather. warm and less muggy. tonight, 67 in the city, cooler in the suburbs. tomorrow, sun, clouds, 84 degrees. friday, chance for rain mainly to the south. 81 for the high. saturday, partly cloudy, 82. many could go up on the "today" show, billy ike ner stops by to tell us all about his new comedy, "difficult people." we'll be back in half an hour. see you then.
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while diving off the spanish island. searchers think she may have been trapped by weights she was wearing at the time. netflix is offering a new perk to new parents. tuesday the company announced that new mothers and fathers can take unlimited leave during the first year after a child is born or adopted. netflix hopes the move will help it keep talented employees. one official said people perform better at work when they are not worried about home. almost 3,000 children's elephant toys that attach to cribs and strollers are being recalled. my snuggly ellie toys are being recalled for causing a choking hazard. no reports of injuries. for more information go to there was a bad scare at a goodwill store in texas when an suv came crashing through the front glass, plowed into rows of clothing racks.
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four people were hurt. the incident was caught on camera in houston. the driver was arrested. rain or shine, a chinese company has you covered with the world's largest umbrella. guinness certified the record on monday. the umbrella is nearly 50 feet tall and 75 feet across. it can shelter more than 800 people from rain or sun rays. even better? you will never leave it behind in a taxicab. amen to that. now let's get a check of the weather from al. you're impressed? >> one of the biggest umbrella i have seen until wind takes that thing. whee! we have a risk of strong storms from oklahoma to missouri. parts of arkansas. sunshine in the northeast. showers hit or miss into new england. down through florida. west coast could use the rain. they won't get it. into tomorrow, more of the same. clear skies, sunny conditions. temperatures in the 80s and 70s.
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wider swath of rain tomorrow from missouri all the way into the southeast midatlantic states. northeast looking great. cooler temperatures and lower humidity. temperaturewise, a little bit above normal but with the humidity down, it will be bearable. 87, the expected high. a nice warm breeze. a few patchy clouds early. low, 67 in the city. 50s in the distant suburbs. good sleeping weather. 84 tomorrow, sunshine. some clouds late. variably cloudy day on friday. week conditioned looks good. party sunny both days. high temperature, lower 80s. and that's your latest weather. now to our series summer of secrets and debunking common myths when it comes to plastic surgery. >> here to help us separate fact from fiction -- i'm still out of breath from running upstairs --
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dr. anthony yun and sarah eggenburger from new beauty magazine. you have a quiz for us. >> doctor, kick it off. >> is this a myth or a fact? according to the aesthetic society, liposuction is the most popular surgical procedure for men and women in the united states. >> fact. >> it is a fact. it is the most popular surgical procedure. last year about 340,000 men and women had liposuction surgery. >> why do you believe it's popular? >> everybody wants to get rid of fat. it's the gold standard at this point for surgical reduction of fat. problem areas. not a weight loss procedure. if you can't get rid of the fat lipo suction is a proven way to get rid of it. >> if i get breast implants my breasts will never droop ever. >> myth. >> you know the answer. >> getting implants doesn't make you immune to aging unfortunately.
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>> if it happens, do you have to get new implants? >> every 10 to 15 years is standard. the implants themselves will not age but the breast will because of the pull of gravity. you can reshape toward your body because your body will have changed from when you originally got the implants. >> the bigger they are, the faster they droop. >> the bigger they are the harder they fall. unless they are made of the hover boards. >> then they're not going anywhere. >> if you liposuction fat from one area, it will come back elsewhere. >> i have heard that it comes true? >> it is actually a myth. there was a study in 2011 that showed fat taken from the thighs forearms. i call it the popeye effect. subsequent studies, larger studies have disproven it. i do about 200 a year and have never had a patient come back with fat elsewhere.
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>> before the next question, is everyone a candidate for lipo suction if you are healthy but have weight issues? >> not necessarily. the trend now is you guys have been reporting this week toward noninvasive fat reduction as well. >> you have to be healthy before you go under the knife. if you are not healthy, you're not going to have the results you are looking for afterward. >> healthy diet, healthy lifestyle. >> and good skin. >> sleeping on your face will give you wrinkles. >> i believe that. >> tamron, you are the winner. >> permanent wrinkles? >> i bought a pillow to keep me satiny. >> it slides on your face. with a cotton pillow you crunch up your face and that can etch lines into your face over time. sleep lines are different from wrinkles you get from the sun. >> sleep lines come out. >> over time. it has to be consistent. sleep one night on your side.
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>> not for long periods of time at least. >> health insurance won't ever pay for cosmetic plastic surgery. >> what if i'm in an accident. >> cosmetic surgery. >> is it cosmetic if you need your nose redone? >> that's reconstructive. in general cosmetic surgery isn't paid for by insurance. two surgeries it does pay for. breast reduction when the breasts are so large they cause pain and eyelid lifts. every year hundreds of thousands of people have that covered by insurance when the skin is excessive that the person can't see well. >> fascinating. >> you have to have a reason for it. there has to be a medical purpose. >> if you find a good surgeon they do it in a cosmetic way and it looks better. >> as opposed to a ziploc or something. thank you so much. up next on hope to it, not your ordinary summer camp. we visit a place for kids of american heroes after these messages.
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a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded, like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like, car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. the kids are asleep. look what i got. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up!
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loop me! bring back the awesome yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! if your purse is starting to you may be muddling try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. . muddle no more . sfx: (spraying) -that's it. whoa! what are you guys doing? we're making sure nothing sticks. otherwise we gotta scrub all this stuff off. dish issues?
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cascade platinum powers through your as if your dishes were non-stick. cascade. now that's clean. see that? jill's gobbling up our new bird's eye teriyaki broccoli. and look ben is going for more buffalo cauliflower. everybody's a veggie lover now. what do you think? mind blown. new bird's eye flavor full... so veggie good. chronic plaque psoriasis to the grocery store so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block inflammation that in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal including lymphoma, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,
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and new or wor mysening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. progressive insurance here, and i'm a box who thrives on the unexpected. ha-ha! shall we dine? [ chuckle ] you wouldn't expect an insurance company to show you their rates and their competitors' rates, but that's precisely what we do. going up! nope, coming down. and if you switch to progressive today, you could save an average of over 500 bucks. stop it. so call me today at the number below. or is it above? dismount! oh, and he sticks the landing!
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since the attacks of september 11th nearly 14 years ago more than 2 million american service members have deployed. almost half of them parents. >> that means thousands of children have parents who have been injured, disabled or killed in combat. >> where can the kids turn for sunlight during dark times? one place is camp corral, a free week-long summer camp in altuna, florida, for children of our american heroes. >> reporter: camp corral has the sweet sights and sounds of summer. the campers love archery, boating and dodge ball. while they are proud of accomplishments at camp, they are much more proud of their parents. >> my name is sam. my dad served in the army. >> my dad is in the coast guard. >> our dad was in the army. >> at camp corral, all 140 campers are children of wounded, disabled or fallen military service members. >> every kid here had a parent
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brings. >> camp corral helped children who maybe had a bad past come out of their shell and become who they are supposed to be. >> reporter: brody spent three summers at camp corral. in 2004 when he was just 10 months old his father and uncle were killed in action just one day apart while serving in iraq. brody lives with his mom, also a veteran. >> just try to all stay happy, but going with the flow. >> reporter: now 11, brody loves coming to camp where he has the opportunity to build friendships with kids who understand him the most. >> it's helpful because you mainly can focus on being happy. there is no sadness.
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it's just people like you. you're not really different. >> reporter: he and his camp friends often talk about their parents. >> we'll start talking about something and it will lead to parents. we say how awesome our parents are. >> reporter: through the camp program, military kids are often given the life skills they need to become independent and confident. >> we want them to learn how to build relationships, support each other in a team work environment. these are things that build resiliency. and give them the opportunity to really be comfortable when they go home. >> reporter: as camp draws to a close and the kids prepare to go home, they leave with new friends, new skills and memories to last a lifetime. what a great idea. >> it is. >> what a great place. for every military kid who attends camp corral there are two more on the waiting list because the camp doesn't have enough funding.
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you may have noticed the campers and counselors wearing golden corral t-shirts. for more information on how to donate, log onto >> great idea. >> great. >> wonderful. up next, round two of the one year to rio olympic cook-off after these messages. going for the goltd. the thing is people think boys are loud and immature and don' t care about feelings. but they' re wrong. thanks. kleenex. someone needs one. hi. your daddy's getting a camry? yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. he's the best dad ever. best timing ever. it's our clearance event. here dad, it's for the car. who's the coolest kid ever? the truth is, in ten years that toyota will be mine.
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at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a bold 2015 camry. offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit you've invested wisely. thanks. toyota. let's go places. new infallible lipcolor from l'oreal. the new pro-look in longwear. one: intense color. two: l'oreal's conditioning pro-seal balm. intensify without the dry. lasts up to 24 hours. new infallible from l'or\al makeup designer paris. seems like we've hit a road block. that reminds me... anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional digestive issues. with three types of good
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bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ooh pizza rolls! ahh! they're ready! make summer awesummer with totino's pizza rolls. and get a free movie ticket when you spend $10. many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. clinically proven neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula
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available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. rapid wrinkle repair... ...and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena . i called for help as soon as i saw her. i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at soil is the foundation for healthy plants, foundation for healthy teeth. for gum health. a protective shield for 45% stronger gums.
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for stronger, healthier gums colgate total mouthwash. real cheese poeple don't eat pasteurized, processed cheese food. it's only required to contain 51 percent real cheese. with sargento natural cheese slices, you always get 100 percent real. sargento. we're real cheese people. this morning on today food we are making our own culinary competition. >> why are you reading like that? >> we had popular main courses last time. time for round two. tamron faces off against miami chef paula de silva and willie in the appetizer snack round. let's meet our three olympic judges.
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janet evans, four time swimming gold medalist. kristy rampone, in soccer and jim ready? >> ready. >> teams? >> yes, we are. >> let's get started. carolina? >> we are making what people like to make when out drinking in the afternoon. >> we have been drinking in the morning. you're sauteing garlic. >> add cooked chicken. saute that. add some salt. >> yeah. one more. >> then hot sauce. >> the whole thing? why not? >> i love spicy food. >> let's do it. >> saute it down. how long do we saute? >> two minutes. it's already cooked. >> saute that. >> then we are going to add it to the cheese. >> is that cream cheese?
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>> it's the brazilian cream cheese. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> say it again? [ speaking in a foreign language ] if you want to -- >> i will gladly mix it up. >> then eventually over here it shall. >> it looks like this. >> tell me about our dough. >> the dough is made with water, flour, and a little bit of butter. you can use chicken stock. it adds flavor. >> we mix it up. eventually looks like that. >> exactly. >> roll the dough balls. >> put flour in our hands. >> got to have that. it's like the gymnasts. judges? i was baiting you in. >> grab the dough and flatten it a little bit. you want the dough to meat ratio to be spot on. i will scoop some chicken. >> we'll get started over here.
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>> we are making a salted cod fish fritter. here it is important that when you take the cod that you soak it overnight and do a few drains of it. i cook it in milk, bay leaf and pepper corns for flavor. once it's cooked flake it like that in chunks. you can see we have some done hoo. we'll mix it with potatoes that have been milled, scallions. >> scallions. >> egg. take this cod fish that we have flaked in here. mix it really good. you're doing great. >> thank you. >> if you want a job doing something else we're hiring. if this doesn't work out. so once you're done mixing that -- >> while you're finishing up let's go to the judges. janet, what do you say? >> i'm not usually a cod person.
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i love the chicken. i'm going to give my vote. i will give the cod a 9.5. >> wow! >> and the chicken a 9. >> okay. >> delicious. >> next judge. >> both are delicious. love chicken. i will give that a 9.5. >> wow. >> there we go. >> and the cod fish. >> i don't like fish. and this is amazing. i would eat this. i will give this a 10. >> a 10! going with the 10! >> john? >> well done. >> i love bacalao. i will go with the 10. >> boom. >> i think team willie is the winner here. i have to say. team willie is the winner. final competition, dessert round next hour. we are back in a moment.
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it's 9:57. it's wednesday, august 5th. good morning. i'm michael gargiulo our first look at a at ter main break. a section of anderson avenue and cliffside park covered in water. right now, the street is closed in both directions, colombia avenue. a 24-inch water main that broke. crews now at the scene. customers there are experiencing little or no water pressure. so far, don't know how long it will take to restore service. warm and muggy, tonight, down to 67. tomorrow, sun and clouds, 84. friday, chance for rain but maybe to the south. 81 for the high. saturday, partly cloudy. sunday, sun and clouds, 83 degrees. coming up on the "today"
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studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. oh, my! oh, yeah! >> how do you do that? >> somebody came to start some trouble this morning. hello! it's winesday wednesday, august 5, exactly one year -- >> look at that move, what is that move? >> that's not right. >> but how do you do us? show us. >> it's one year to rio, do you know that? in brazil. and we have these lovely ladies here with us. one of you is tabitha, right? and fabiania and they're from the dance troupe samba, new york. so let's get this straight, for the next solid year we talk about the olympics? >> yes, jim said we are so that's what we're doing.
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we're celebrating with a drink called d ed d capriania? how do you say that? as that a, sugar came hard liquor. >> what are those crunchy things? >> oh, dear. i don't know. >> passion fruit and a variety of things. we'll have fun today because wherever this guy is here things go highway. billy eichner is here. he has a new show we talked about called "difficult people." kathie lee is one of the guest stars. >> of course. on difficult people. and then "like mother like
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