tv Today NBC August 11, 2015 7:00am-10:00am EDT
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that's round one. later this afternoon into this evening, the frontal system moves through. that's round two. we are looking at anywhere from 1 to 2 inches of rain. some places could see rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches per hour. locally we are talking three inches. could be more in other areas. yesterday, unbelievable video to show you out of colorado springs. take a look at this. this is a retaining pond that gave way after they got three inches of rain. watch the power of the water just pushing through, literally washing cars away. look at the hail that's also on the ground. it looks like snow. some areas, the hail was up to three inches deep. in other parts of colorado and denver, look at this. this is denver. the rainfall just coming down. we could see more of this again today. monsoonal moisture coming in. in some areas the hail congealed, looked like ice
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floes. folks going through high water taking a risk. you can see people trying to turn off because the severe heavy flooding out there. we'll be looking at more of that today and in the northeast, another round of heavy storms. >> if you have an 11-year-old daughter camping there, bad thing. >> it's very localized. >> thank you very much. >> pack a raincoat. al, thank you. another big story, a new round of clashes, confrontations and arrests in ferguson, missouri, marking a year since the shooting death of michael brown. ron allen is there for us. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. another long, tense night here with rocks and bottles thrown at police. dozens arrested. under the state of emergency declared in ferguson, the message is clear. violence will not be tolerated. late monday under a state of emergency, ale huge police presence in the heart of ferguson. a standoff as hundreds of
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protesters once again moved into position. overnight somal two dozen people were arrested on the same street where gun it is fire erupted near a demonstration marking the one-year anniversary of michael brown's death over the weekend. monday police announced an 18-year-old said to be a friend of brown's and critically wounded was charged with ten felle anies after he allegedly opened fire at the police. the protest spreading beyond ferguson. blocking traffic on a major interstate highway during monday's rush hour. more than 60 people arrested. traffic at a stand still for 20 minutes, frustrating motorists. >> you've got your issues, i understand that. but you are causing problems for other people. >> earlier, mass arrests outside a federal courthouse in st. louis, including scholar and civil rights activist cornell west as protesters demanded the justice department stop what they say is racially biased policing here and across the country.
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>> last time, you know, around last year we saw a city burn. we are not going to see it again. i'm taking every measure possible to avoid that scenario. >> overnight, no shootings reported nor property destroyed. authorities warning they have not ruled out imposing a curfew to keep people off the street ifs the threat of violence continues. matt, savannah? >> ron allen, thank you. new fallout from donald trump's post debate comments about fox news anchor megyn kelly. we are hearing from her as hillary clinton also weighs in. nbc's kristen welker traveling with her campaign in new hampshire. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. hillary clinton kicks off a second day of campaigning in new hampshire, rolling out her plan to make college more affordable. it is donald trump who continues to dominate the conversation. for the first time since coming under fire from donald trump for
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her sharp questions during the gop debate, fox news anchor megyn kelly weighed in monday night. >> trump, who was the frontrunner will not apologize and i will not apologize for doing good journalism. >> reporter: kelly's comments come after many thought trump suggested she was hormonal as she moderated the debate. >> mr. trump did interviews that attacked me personally. i have decided not to respond. >> reporter: the frontrunner will appear on fox news for the first time since the kelly controversy. he remains defiant. >> she should be apologizing to me, you want to know the truth. >> reporter: his former top adviser, roger stone, is speaking out. trump said he fired stone, but stone says he quit underscoring internal strife. >> i was frustrated. i think trump is much better than this. i remain a strong supporter. >> reporter: as the trump saga heats up some of his republican rivals are vowing to stop him. >> if no one stands up to a
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bully, a bully will keep doing what they are doing. >> reporter: hillary clinton seized the opportunity to slam trump for his controversial rhetoric to women. >> he went way over board, offensive, outrageous. >> reporter: while managing to lump in the rest of the gop field, calling them out of touch on women's issues, singling out marco rubio who said he opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest. >> what marco rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the republican party is today as anybody else on that stage. >> reporter: marco rubio firing back. hillary clinton holds radical views on abortion that we look forward to exposing in the months to come. this morning there is breaking news from the campaign of rick perry. sources telling nbc news perry has stopped paying all of his campaign staff. while some staffers are still volunteering, it is an indication the republican
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candidate who struggled to catch on could be in real trouble. matt? >> all right. kristen welker, thank you very much. roger stone, mr. trump's top adviser, joins us now live. >> great to be here. >> does megyn kelly owe donald trump an apology? >> no. this is politics. it's rough and tumble. presidential politics should be about bigger issues, sweeping themes and memorable phrases, not bickering between media personalities and candidates. >> is that why you are no longer with the trump campaign? did you quit? were you fired? just for the record. >> sure. i did quit. i consulted five colleagues and shared my letter in advance, told them. they confirmed it for the new york sometimes and politico that i, in fact, resigned. >> there is a conversation with donald trump post debate. you said basically your comments about megyn kelly were crazy and they are killing us. he responded, no, in fact, i won the debate in part because i took her on.
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close to the truth? >> i'm not going to characterize my personal conversations with donald trump. those are between us during the time i was under his employ. two things drove me from the campaign. one, someone on his staff leaked the fact that he had a private phone conversation with former president clinton. that was not helpful to his campaign effort. somebody did it to suck up to a washington post reporter. >> that happens in campaigns all the time. >> no. republican primary voters are saying why is donald trump speaking to bill clinton? it hurt trump. someone disserved him. secondarily, the trump campaign has been historically successful. he zoomed to the front place by speaking about the economy, jobs. >> you say it but the "wall street journal" says, where is the platform? where are the details? has he given a detail about building a wall and having mexico pay, negotiating tougher deals with adversaries, lower taxes and reduce the national debt, provide an alternative to
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obamacare. does he have real plans? >> yes. >> when is he going to articulate them? >> that's what the campaign is about. there is time but not if you squabble with media personalities at fox. that's why i went rogue to lay out a path. they need to get back to the big picture issues. trump has very specific ideas. lay them out. >> donald trump likes to say, look, i'm so rich i can't be bought. in effect, i am my own political donor. in your opinion, is donald trump prepared to spend the kind of cash it will take to run an aggressive campaign coast to coast? >> that's the single most important thing about the candidacy. i was on eight presidential campaigns. i spent years in the corroded rectum of the two-party system. >> quote of the day. >> our system is broken. >> only gump has the independence to fix it. >> will he spend the money? >> according to his financial statement he has $350 million in
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liquid cash or cash assets. he's got the money. the question is will he spend it. >> you have known him for a long time. does he want to be president? >> he wants to save the country. he's upset. he has a great life. doesn't have to do this. he doesn't want to be president -- >> really? >> he does want to save the united states. >> he said it's leverage for him. do you think he really wants to mount a third-party run if the republican establishment doesn't treat him appropriately? >> that's very smart. we know at least three of the other candidates talked aboutway boycott it is fist debate if he was in it. in 15 state it is republican bosses can keep him off the ballot. why throw away that option until you see if the republican party will give you a fair shake, an even shot. >> couple of things said about donald trump recently from candidates on both sides. he's been called a jack ass, bully, empty suit. hillary clinton called him an entertainer having the time of his life on stage.
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is it possible this is some kind of grand reality show for donald trump? >> absolutely not. i think he is deeply concerned about the direction of the country. those same people saying that said he would never run. then they said he would never file financial disclosures, then would fall on his face in the polls. they have been wrong, wrong, wrong. the conventional wisdom doesn't apply to donald trump. he is a larger than life figure. i want him to be more like reagan. give us a big picture vision. he has the independent from the lobbyists, the koch brothers, the billionaires. we need somebody to stand up to the system. >> you sound like somebody who could go back to the trump campaign. >> i have no plans. i am very strongly for trump. >> roger stone, thanks for your time. >> great to be here. >> savannah. >> officials monitoring the toxic spill that turned a colorado river bright orange is more than three times larger than estimated.
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it has people in several states unsure about the safety of drinking water. miguel almaguer is there for us. >> reporter: farmers use this water to irrigate crops. the city shut down the intake valves. if you stir the riverbed you will see the pollute ants rise to the top. it has many here worried. this morning change is in the water. just below the slow clearing surface, a toxic blum has left behind sludge on the river bed, the reason for the state of emergency. >> the danger of the plume is really the heavy metals, the ph levels. >> reporter: last wednesday that mustard glow, 3 million gallons of sludge began spouting from an abandoned mine in colorado. the epa, tasked with protecting the environment triggered the
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operation. for more than a hundred miles, ribbons of yellow, a toxic soup of lead, arsenic and dangerous metals winding its way to lake powell in arizona, creeping closer to the grand canyon. >> it makes me want to cry. this is a huge disaster. i don't know. again. >> reporter: the epa testing the water every day. now so are residents. many desperate to know what's pouring out of their tap. >> i can't do my dishes, my laundry. can't even drink our water. >> reporter: today, no one allowed in or on the water but the animas is showing signs of life. fish still alive, for now. >> we are concerned about the long-term or chronic impacts to the fish in the animas river. >> reporter: the epa concedes only time will tell how bad the environmental damage will be. for now, reason to worry as pollutants sink out of sight but not out of mind.
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the epa says the water quality tests up and down the river continue to show high heavy metals in some areas. no doubt the river will be shut down for at least another week. wiet possibly longer. savannah and matt? >> miguel, thank you so much. now a surprise move by google getting a lot of attention in the corporate world. they announced the formation of a new parent company called alphabet, a move supposed to streamline the corporate structure by separating the core web advertising business with new projects like driverless cars. while google stock converts to alphabet shares it won't affect our searches or gmail. >> if you are about to jump on a plane you may find the next story troubling. the associated press has released stunning details from a final draft of a study commissioned by the f.a.a. it found air traffic controllers' work schedules lead to chronic fatigue, leaving them
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less alert and potentially endangering the safety of air travellers. according to the study controllers were getting less than six hours of sleep a night. two of ten reported making significant mistakes while on the job like letting planes get too close on runways. half blame mistakes on fatigue citing too little sleep and too few hours between shifts. before it was obtained by the a.p., the f.a.a. was sitting on the report more than three years. since it was written changes have been made to scheduling including nine hours between shifts for controllers and limited consecutive midnight shifts. >> all right. let's turn to natalie with the other headlines of the morning including new fire concerns out west. >> that's right. good morning. another wildfire is raging through northern california just north of napa valley. the jerusalem fire grew to 6,000 acres in less than 24 hours and forced mandatory evacuations for 150 residents in the area. authorities say a man was
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arrested on suspicion of starting a backfire to protect his marijuana growing operation. more than 10,000 firefighters are battling 18 fires now across california. a train trestle in oregon collapsed after being engulfed in flames for hours. the fire started in grass nearby and quickly spread to the train trestle. eventually it collapsed sending huge pieces of burning wood down to the brush below. some area businesses were evacuated. no one was injured. the cause of the fire now under investigation. a new york judge sentenced two base jumpers to community service on monday for jumping off the world trade center almost two years ago. james brady -- the freedom tower -- they were convicted of reckless endangerment. another man will be sentenced next week. the three men jumped from the building which was still under construction early in the
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morning of september of 2013. the judge called their actions selfish and reckless. a dashboard camera captured dramatic moments when a tornado swept through taiwan over the weekend picking up a car off of its wheels. debris is flying through the air. incredible video. suddenly the tornado whips out in front of the dash cam. the white car tossed around like a toy. seemingly disappears into the twister. moments later a woman appears on the side of the road. the tornado was spawned from the typhoon which killed at least 21 people in china and taiwan. >> unbelievable. a cycling accident caught on camera in utah over the weekend on a hairpin tour during the tour of utah. you can see a cyclist come barrelling down the hill and slam into a support vehicle. he suffered rib and pelvic fractures. he'll be okay.
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he tweeted this photo on sunday morning saying, all good in the hood, guys. i guess you have to keep a sense of humor about it. that's scary. coming around the curve you can't see what's coming. >> the psych cyclist in me cringes to see that. mr. roker? visa checkout is such an easy way to pay online. enter your username and password. a few clicks. and check out. simple as that. no re-entering payment and billing info. you feel like you're one step ahead. sign up for visa checkout. visa. everywhere you want to be. flash flood watch continues, city, nassau county,
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northeastern sections of new jersey and central new jersey. here's why, rainfall east and north. heavy rain for at least the next one to two hours. then a thunderstorm late in the day. 80. 85 tomorrow, isolated shower north and west. then it's dry thursday and friday. ather. matt? >> thank you very much. coming up, the white house staffer arrested and placed on leave for a shocking attack on her boyfriend. we'll have the latest on that. plus on our special rossen reports series, step in or step off, wouldle you try to stop a drunk stranger from getting behind the wheel? would it matter if it was a man or a woman? jeff's cameras have surprising results. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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good morning. it is 7:26, tuesday morning. it is august 11th. i'm darlene rodriguez. a heavy rain is moving through parts of our area. chris is here right now to tell us how long this will last. >> let's get right to it. radar shows the heaviest from the city on east. you can see the line off shore but across portions of long island, the five burroughs seeing rain in particular. up into fairfield county and connecticut, west chester county. it moves on east. that will be the trend throughout the day. we have that flash flood watch in effect today. it includes the city, nearby
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suburbs. heavy downpours this morning. break in the middle of the day with a couple of showers around and late in the afternoon toward evening, a gusty thunderstorm is possible, up around 80. the seven-day forecast does reveal it gets better. a beautiful stretch of weather. it will improve. >> we'll be right back with a look at how the weather is affecting the morning commute. stay tuned. we're back for a look at the morning commute. here's emily west. >> a lot of delays, first off
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with the subway, f, g, and 6. you are going to have delays. hopefully things will get back to normal. a lot of airport delays, lawyering, an hour -- laurg, an hour -- la guardia and jfk. coming up on the "today" show who say it might be okay to skip breakfast. we'll have another local update in an hour. see you then.
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>> clothes are wet but spirits are high. storms topping what's making headlines this morning. check out the scene in colorado monday. hail, heavy rain and flash flooding combined to make quite a mess. rushing water carried cars down a washed-out street in colorado springs. >> nearly two dozen arrests in ferguson, missouri, where protesters marked one year since the death of michael brown. they took to the streets again. officers were hit with rocks and bottles thrown by people in the crowd. dare devil nick walenda attempts his longest tight rope walk ever. he said the big problem is staying focused for the entire walk. it could take 30 minutes to complete. >> also, coming up, skip the cereal and toss the toast. breakfast may not be the most important meal of the day. first to a white house staffer on administrative leave
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after being charged with domestic violence. she lengthed her boyfriend, a u.s. capitol police officer with his gun. chris jansing is traveling with the president who is vacationing in martha's vine yard. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. she swroined the white house staff last year. she had a promising career, starting as a capitol hill intern and rising to special adviser to the president. now that career is threatened after an apparent lover's triangle turned violent. this is barveta singletary in happier times, posing in front of air force 1 after being named special assistant to president obama earning more than $126,000 a year. inside her 3500-square-foot maryland home something allegedly went very wrong. according to arrest documents at 2:30 a.m. singletary, described
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as wearing a leopard dress texted reginald cleveland inviting him over for sex. after a brief sexual encounter he be she began asking about another woman he was dating. outside she took his cell phones and his .40 caliber glock service weapon and demanded the pass words. she pointed the gun at him, took aim and fired. >> she said something to the effect of i know how to use this. you showed me how. when he didn't give up the passwords it is alleged she fired a shot in his general direction. he was in fear of his life and fled. >> reporter: when it was over according to the police report singletary wiped down the gun with a towel. she has been charged with two counts of felony assault and reckless endangerment. for now the administration has her on unpaid leave and banned her from the white house
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grounds. this morning single it is tary is out of jail and is due back in court september 2. capitol hill police are looking into the victim questioning whether or not he should have had an unsecured weapon in his car. savannah? >> chris jansing, thank you very much. >> we have a busy guy here. how about a check of the weather? >> we have rain in florida. this time around they are going to see rain on the east side of the florida coast where they need it. where we have been seeing drought. scattered showers and thunderstorms firing up as a front pushes to the south. the same one bringing afternoon thunderstorms in the northeast pushing into florida. heavy downpours, damaging gusty winds, crowd to ground lightning and rainfall amounts from 1 to 2 inches of rain. we could see four to five inches of rain in central florida. al, rainy here as well. we've got heavier showers slightly east of the city.
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there's a little bit of weakening behind that. break in the early afternoon with no rain at all. that line is working its way toward nassau county and fairfield county in connecticut. we look for another round of thunderstorm perhaps later in the afternoon. in between, a little quiet. 80. tomorrow, a little shower, north and west, and then back to dry weather, thursday, friday, and saturday. weather 24/7. weather channel on cable, online. >> coming up, "baywatch" the movie? the new stars who could be hitting the beach in a new version of the '90s hit. i'm sure you will get a call, matt. >> not yet. and day two of our rossen reports series, step in or step off. >> reporter: say you are in a bar and you notice the guy sitting next to you is drinking a lot and clearly drunk. he gets up, stumbles away and he has car keys like he's about to drive out of here. do you step in and stop him or
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is right for you. we are back. more of our rossen reports series, step in or step off? >> how would you react if someone at a bar was drunk and announced he was about to drive home? would you try to take the keys away? jeff rossen is here with his hidden cameras. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you as well. we cover too many of these stories, as you know. people who get drunk and drive. duis, accidents, killing themselves or someone else. a new government study shows more than 4 million americans admit they drink and drive sometimes. how would you react if a stranger was clearly too drunk to drive home, then grabbed his car keys in front of you. would you stop him? what if a woman was drunk? would that change anything? before you answer, check out what we found on hidden cameras. >> it's been a long week.
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>> reporter: this guy is drunk. >> two more. two. >> reporter: he's about to make a really bad decision. >> i'm taking my keys and i'm driving home. >> reporter: will someone stop him before he gets behind the wheel? our hidden cameras are in place at mcquade's in new york. >> i'm tim, playing the drunk. >> i'm joe, playing the bartender. >> reporter: we are watching from a control room next door. first up, these three women. they walk in and our actor is already three sheets to the wind. >> excuse me. can i get one more of these, please? >> one second. >> reporfer: he's sla.ming back shots and the women are giving him dirty looks. >> can i get just one more round, please? >> don't do it. >> reporter: this woman calls over the bartender. >> next time he asks you, don't. >> reporter: tim is ready to go home. even dropping his keys. they watch him leave.
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and no one stops him. hi, ladies. jeff rossen from nbc. u saw he was drunk. >> we just said we were going out there. we knew he wasn't moving. >> reporter: you let him walk out the door. did you think to stop him? >> no. it's a good lesson. he had too many stories about drunken drivers. i said let's get his license plate numbe but we didn't stop him which was amistake. >> when we roll again. je >> be careful with that driving. [ laughter ] >> reporter: everyone seems concerned as tim stumbles out the door. >> i can't believe he's going ts get in a car. >> he's going to kill somebody. >> reporter: but they don't stop him. how are you guys? >> why not get involved? >> i donot feel particularly safe going after someone. i just think it's the establishment's place to monitor what he does. >> reporter: so what if we turn our drunk guy into a drunk girl?
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>> two more. >> reporter: we send inrour tress sarah and she's already plastered. >> having a rough day? >> yeah. >> hope you're not driving. >> reporter: what he doesn't know, the shots are water. she keeps throwing them back, getting a lot of attention at both ends of the bar. but now it's time for our actress to leave. >> you shouldn't be driving. you're not driving. >> no, i'm okay. >> no, you're not. >> reporter: they aren't letting her go anywhere. >> my car is right out front. >> doesn't matter. it will be there tomorr w. >> i have family on the road.vai don't want anybody getting killed or you getting killed. not both it. >> that's so nice of you. >> i'm going to give you a lift. >> reporter: you did an amazing thing. you offered to give her a ride home. >> solutely. >> c reporten: why? >> i don't want her to get killed or kill somebody. reporter: did you consider not stepping in? >> yeah. i said i would rather step in. >> if more people stepped in there would be less drunk driving and people killed. >> reporter: we roll again and get our biggest s
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prise yet. >> why don't you drink some water with that? >> reporter: this man is a eady concerned. >> you're not driving, huh? >> reporter: actually, yes. she's about to. >> thank you! >> reporter: stumbling out the door, he seems conflicted about what to do. mouthing to himself, she's going to drive. he gets up, going after her, even jumping inside her suv. >> i have a driver. can he drive you home? it's not worth it. trust me. >> repter: sir, sir. hi. jeff rossen with nbc the "today" show. th >> is a social expeiement. she's an actress. >> can't let somebody kill herself. god for bid she kill herself. >> rep rter: you got in the car. a>> more people do it, wosll all be okay. >> reporter: we want to know what you would do. click on my facebook page and tell us how you would react. as soon as i walk out of the studio, answer your questions and comments live. go to antarts.
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we all think we would react a certain way. you don't know when you are in the situation. >> you see the moment of conflict in those people. it's nice that some of them chose to do the right thing. >> in terms of the gender divide, what do people say about it? >> i asked for people who didwo mp in for the man would it have changed if they were a woman. they said no. but the answers when they d pt after t man is i dedn't know who this rson was, could stab me, hurt me. could be a nut job. >> you do approach the bartender d tell the bartend they need to take care of it. >> good experiments. what's tomorrow? >> another one ripped from the headlines. we did a story on "today." member the country that makes a fake resume with fake references? how would you react if someone said he was about to use fake resume to get real job. would you rat him out? or keep your mouth shut because you feel bad for the guy? our hidden cameras are rolling. probably the best or worst job interview you have ever seen coming up tomorrow.
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>> jeff, thank you. >> coming up next, candid unpublished photos of princess diana's wedding to princ ch warles. why they are now just being released, righ buatsy d"ay, huh? yup. our annual clearance event really brings 'em in. i can barely keep up by myself. 0% apr financing. tons of amazing inventory. only happens once a year. hmm, hologram numbf 17 seems to have gone rogue. i'm the real jan now! 0%! 0%! at our annual clearance event, t 0% apr financing on a 2015nrav 4, offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit it's all yours. g thanks, jan. toyota. let's go places. [ male announcer ] sun ripened strawberries... fresh local milk... al cream . and no artificial flavors. now you know why nothing else tastes like philadelphia strawberry. rick, creamy, and de cious.
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we snap it. we stack it. we smoosh it. we love it. hershey' s makes it a s' more... you make it special. hershey' s is mine, yours, our chocolate. it's just a summer thing yeah, it was just a summer thing double it up this summer with a hot deal from mcdonald's. (music) the $2.50 double combo... (musice ...a mouth-watering double cheeseburger and small fries for just $2.50. it's just a summer thing (music)
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delicious just got doublan this summer at mcdonald's. (music) pretty shot of backup uckingham palace on an august day. the wedding of prince charles and princess diana was the most watched in all time. we have never before seen photos of the event. janet shyamalan is in london with the story. good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. it's amazing these photos have remained under cover for so long. today, a worldwide audience is getting a first glimpse of them. for a woman whose life became very public it truly is smecking that the photos have never been seen until now. ey are the never before seen photos of one of the world's most photographed weddings. an
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to iutimate fwlims into moments following the fairy tale wedding of charles and di a. >> the wedding itself was stage managed. this little insight from behind the scenes showing a more informal, fun, family occasion is just not only historic but delightful. >> reporter: a dozen candid and previously unpublished photos up for auction in boston next month. diana in the iconic tresz holding 5-year-old clementine, heter one time k dergarten student and the youngest brids maid and queen elizabeth watching a small television broadcasting wed ng coverage to the world. the moments captured by lord litchfield shooting for a family album. >> these are the outtakes that capture candid moments that di i probably never thought would be seen outside of the family. it's pretty incredible.
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>> reporter: perhaps the most striking photograph was taken as the couple greeted the crowd on the buckingham palace balcony. snapped from behind, an alternate view of a moment in time, remembered by millions. so you would think the palace would have a copy right but the photos belong to an assistant of lord litchfield who is selling them now. they asked about the photos being sold and they had no comment. bidding starts at $300. back to you. >> i know what i'm getting our executive producer for christmas. janet -- >> the whole set. >>a thank you so much. dylan is in the orange room to start a conversation on trending. >> good morning. this conversation involve this is man, david beckham. ming up in trending, we are going to take a look at how he came to his daughter's defense.wthe controversy surrounding 4-year-old harper with a pacifier in her mouth.
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why some are criticizing their parenting skills and how he's fighting back on social media. that and more coming up after your local new . food should be good. strawberries should sing. lettuce shouldrde dirty. dressing, clean. debates should be healthy. hatchets buried. tables should be f >>ull. and good food should be good for you. we're not saying these are the rules we should all live by. but it's a good place to start. panera. food as it should be.
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my advice? look on the bright side... with aveeno skin brightening scrub. it has moisture rich soy an gentle exfoliators for brighter, more radiant skin. aveeno naturally beautiful results . hello. our ocean spray cranberry mango juice drinks are a perfect blend of cranberry and mango. tastes like you're in the tropics. [ cracking ] ta-da! why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel? awesome! cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go commando. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on
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good morning, 7:56. looking at the george washington bridge, some traffic there. tuesday morning, it is august 11th. i'm darlene rodriguez. the storm that brought drenching rackin to new jersey is making its way to east. it's east of the city in nassau and fairfield counties. we are expecting more heavy rain and strong winds across the area though in the late afternoon and evening. here's a quick look at the rest of the forecast. leftover showers mainly south and east of the city. tomorrow, clouds and high of 84. saturday steamy an isolatee thunderstorm. 90 degrees. path train reporting delays on the journal square and 33. anpd there are service
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>> whoa! >> from dodgeleball to kickball how some businesses make play time a priority in the office. and cue the slow motion running. "baywatch" is back. >> how two of hollywood's hottest stars are set to reboot the '90s classic, tuesday, august 11, 2015. [ cheers and applause ] >> eight chicks that love the "today" show! >> good morning to greenbow, south carolina. >> all the way from mississippi to see our favorite weather man al roker! [ cheers ] >> we love the "today" show! from grand forks, north dakota. >> here from indiana, celebrating my 40th. >> first time in new york city! [ cheers ]
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>> good morning, rainy day. welcome back to the "today" show. it's tuesday morning, a wet one. not just here but in a lot of places around the country. ou.r darling crowd is soaking it up. >> looks like it's 7:00 or 8:00 at night. it's dark. lots of stormy skies. thanks to those folks for coming by. we'll hopefully get out in this next half hour. >> and your hair doesn't look frizzy at all in this weather. >> meantime we have a heads up for the bargain hunters. today and tomorrow, a special steals and deals including something from the folks at american girl. it's bigger than any deal we have done before. don't miss it tomorrow on "today." >> that's a tease. let's get the top stories of the morning from natalie. >> good morning. police arrested nearly two dozen people in ferguson, missouri, during a fourth consecutive night of demonstrations marking the anniversary of the fatal shooting of michael brown. ron allen is in ferguson.
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an uncertain day after another long, tense night in ferguson. police out in force under the state of emergency that's been declared to try to keep the peace. dozens of protesters were arrested last night in the streets in the heart of ferguson. the same place where gun it is fire erupted marking the anniversary of michael brown's death a couple nights ago t. message from police is that violence won't be tolerated. there was no damage to property, no destruction last night which is a good thing. a lot of people feel progress has been made in ferguson and they don't want it destroyed. authorities are warning if necessary they will impose a curfew to keep people off the street if the threat of violence continues. natalie sp. >> ron allen in ferguson, thank you. in the race for the white house hillary clinton is pouncing on donald trump's controversial comment about women. while campaigning monday mrs. clinton said trump, the are you able frontrunner, was out of line.
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>> i think the guy went way overboard, offensive, outrageous, pick your adjective. >> mrs. clinton said other republicans on the debate stage also made offensive remarks about women's health issues. earlier on "today" roger stone said he believes trump wants to become president to change the country's direction and told matt those who have doubted trump so far have been wrong. >> the conventional wisdom doesn't apply to donald trump because he is a larger than life figure. i want him to be more like reagan. give us the big picture vision to save this country. >> meanwhile, stone said he quit the campaign because trump's provocative fights with the media detracted from his core message of restoring pride and jobs in america. >> the toxic spill polluting a colorado river is much larger than first reported. the epa says more than 3 million gallons of toxic yellow sludge
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fouled the animu as river in colorado. lead, arsenic and other pollution was released while the epa was cleaning out a mine. it wasn't a major leaguer who made the play of the game this weekend when the padres lost to the phillies. matt kemp ripped a sizzling foul ball down the left field line but it didn't get past the ball girl who made a fantastic catch. she had to leap for it. amazing her quick reflexes may have saved a fan from getting beaned by the ball. good thing she was there. right girl, right place at the right time. matt and savannah, awesome. girl power! >> it is. she casually hands the ball to the kid. >> sign her up. thank you. now to something new to consider before you dig into breakfast. for years we have been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day. that missing it could gain weight. but as health officials consider
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guidines some question whether that advice is still sound. to skip or not to skip? >> skipping breakfast is the number one no-no. >> the most important trick is not skipping breakfast. >> has that advice lost its sizzle? the government's current guidelines say beginning your day with breakfast gives you the fuel you need and can help shrink your waistline. now the washington post points out that old advice may be toast. another study out last year found skipping breakfast for four weeks helped over it is weight people shed pounds. >> the science is really still out in terms of skipping versus eating breakfast and obesity and body weight. >> as government health officials prepare to roll out new 2015 dietary recommendations, will it remake our morning routine or just add more to our plate? >> there were many factors that impact weight gain. maybe skipping breakfast or eating breakfast is one of them,
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but not the only one. >> here to weigh in on the great debate is registered dietitian and nutritionist kerry glassman. good morning. >> good morning. >> i was told it was the most important meal of the day because it revs the metabolism and helps you lose weight. why is that wrong? >> i don't think it's wrong actually. you have to remember nutrition is a new science. you have to really look at the old research. the new research. and lifestyle. i have to say when i look at all of the information and even take into account anecdotal evidence from working with thousands of clients for over a decade i'm breakfast. go for breakfast. >> the to be real the reason the study is getting attention they had three groups. people who ate a healthy breakfast, a little something and nothing. those who ate nothing lost more weight. people think should they skip breakfast? >> i don't think so. that was one study. many short studies, there are always different problems.
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much of the debate is the other studies promoting breakfast were observational. a lot of studies show breakfast is better for us. >> as a registered dietitian woul you suggest people try it for a few weeks eating breakfast and for a few weeks without? >> i think you know if it did you want work were you. i wouldn't say there is a large group that i would say go ahead and try skipping it. for the majority of the people out there, i still think it does so many good things for you. there are so many benefits that i would recommend eating breakfast. the bigger issue is getting people to change from poor quality breakfast to high quality breakfast. tossing the pastries for the oatmeal and almonds. that's what we need to focus on. the other research is inconclusive. >> another issue about metabolism. if you get up very early, say 4:00 in the morning. should you eat breakfast right
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away or wait? i know it starts your metabolism but if you start eating really early you will eat more throughout the day. >> just eat consistently. i recommend people eat within an hour to an hour and a half max of rising. your body is sort of powered down at night. when you eat something, you are breaking the fast. it tells your body to rev up again. just eat the right foods to keep you full and satisfied. >> kerry, thank you. appreciate it. did you get the answer you were looking for? >> i did. thank you very much. >> up next, david beckham going after critics after his 4-year-old daughter is photographed using a pacifier. >> and on pop it is start, howard stern spills the beans on jennifer aniston's surprise wedding. dylan? >> we are per scoping and on tv at the same time. it's a packed house in the orange room. howie mandel is here. >> with bethany. we are going live tonight. >> we have a sneak peek of the real housewives imagine - she won't have to remember passwords.
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or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it. and share it. because these kids will grow up with windows 10. get started today. windows 10. a more human way to do. at subway, we bring layers of enticingly tender turkey, irresistibly crispy bacon, and deliciously rich guacamole together on freshly baked bread for one truly amazing sandwich: the new subway turkey & bacon guacamole. only at subway.
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i need to look for a used car. but i just keep putting it off. it's daunting. what if i make the wrong choice? it's like, if i buy a t-shirt and then change my mind i can return it. but a car? you don't reeeaaa eeeeeaaaaaly know until you've driven it a few days. i just want to be sure. as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. i guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity
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in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, r and it was a real easy tswitch to make. i'm feeling lucky. today is the day. i knew it! (robot voice) activate probe. no way! three rye chips and a breadstick! i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family?
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my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. pnot only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, t but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding v than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. pdon't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. peliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. pdon't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. pif you had a spinal injection while on eliquis pcall your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. pwhile taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... pand it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. pseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. peliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. ptell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. v eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. v plus had less
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the article said if she continues to use it she could end up with speech or dental issues. david went on instagram and really let them have it. he said, why do people feel they have the right to criticize a parent about their own children without having any facts? everybody who has children knows when they aren't feeling well or have a fever you do what comforts them best. most of the time it's a pacifier. think twice about what you say about other other people's children. you have no right to criticize me as a parent. so far no further comment from the daily mail. >> amen to that. >> hear, hear. unless the parent is doing something dangerous and it's caught on video or in a photo, leave parents alone. it's a hard enough job. >> step away. >> step off, yes. >> how about this question for the group -- who takes break-ups harder, women or men? >> women. >> well, that was the focus of a study in the uk. they surveyed 6,000 people.
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the conclusion is. >> women. >> women. >> guys, i think. >> women are more negatively affected by break-ups. they feel emotional and physical pain. the good news is they recover fully. men, on the other hand, never fully recover from a break-up. >> really? >> why are you laughing? you're thinking of what you have done to guys over the years? >> my gosh, no. >> the trail of broken hearts. >> i was thinking does that explain anything about you. >> why are you looking at me? >> i don't know. you're right here. >> makes sense. is it that guys move on and don't deal with the emotional fallout. >> guys pretend they move on quickly. no big deal. >> they have the trophy wife on the arm, they have moved on quickly. >> women deal with it. we sit around, talk about it. >> taking an unexpected turn. all right. >> dark natalie. >> have you ever told a story and felt the person stopped listening.
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>> what? >> what did you say? >> huffington post call it the traffic light rules. created by a career coach named marty nemco. here you go. he said you have one minute to say what you want to see. during the first 30 seconds you have a fwrlt green light. people are listening. during the next 30 seconds the person is half listening, hoping you will wrap up. after your minute is up, rmt light. stop talking. >> good rule. >> i have friends and say it's a quick story. hear me out. >> you have to preface it. >> wrap her in quickly or she's gone. >> a minute is long. i bet people tune out sooner. >> matt tuned out already. >> zoned out. i think sometimes -- you are a good story teller. sometimes to tell a good story you have to get all the juicy side facts in there. takes longer than a minute. >> it does. you're good. >> some of your best jokes though. it's the build-up.
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he had a hat! >> all right. i'm going to put up an image. dylan, turn away. >> i can't look. >> how does that make you feel? >> gross. >> disgusting. >> feels good. >> if that image makes your skin crawl, you're not alone. you may have a condition called tripophobia, the fear of clustered holes and bumps. it affects up to 15% of all people. things like honey combs or clusters of soap bubbles even sets them off. isn't that weird? go back to the fruit. >> that doesn't bother me. >> if you can go back to the first image, that one bothers me. >> looks like eyeballs. >> looks like alien eyeballs. >> makes me want to throw up. >> natalie has been showing video of a frog that pops up. >> that toad with babies in its back. >> let's get that video. >> don't play it. >> people will lose their
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breakfast. >> yes! >> i'm happy there is a phobia i don't have. very exciting. now to howard stern spilling details of jennifer aniston's wedding. and the star adding muscle to the baywatch movie. >> that baywatch video is better than anything with holes all over it. howard stern was among many celebrities at jennifer aniston and justin theroux's wedding. he shared details including why he toasted them. >> i'm very friendly with justin. i like him very much. >> he's one of your bromances. >> i even said in my speech totem if one of my daughters brought home a guy like justin i would be pleased except for the [ bleep ] tattoos. >> howard revealed jimmy kimmel officiated and cia performed during the first dance. any invites here? >> i will never tell.
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>> i'm happy for them. >> very happy. >> next we have melissa gilbert. best known for playing laura ingalls wilder. she's now running to represent michigan's 8th district as a democrat to help working families. she moved to michigan two years ago after marrying timothy busfield. >> i didn't know they were married. >> i didn't either. >> that's recent, too. >> we have to watch popstart more. >> what else, dylan? >> this is a good one. the new baywatch movie, we knew duane the rock johnson was suiting up. guess who might join him? zac efron, shirtless in slow motion. not a bad choice. he may play a young renegade life forward. duane said our movie will be fun, rated r like me. someone get me my baby oil.
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zac efron tweeted, baby oil for two, please. >> no the hoff? >> it's a new age. >> a young renegade life guard, like he refuses to save lives? >> you got in. you get yourself out. what do you think these flags are for? geez. oiled up. >> all right. al has a check of the weather. >> i can't be bothered. >> renegade weatherman. >> there you go. let's see. we have ground verification. all our friends out there are getting wet. look at the radar. you can see heavy showers and thunderstorms here in the northeast. they are going to rumble through later this afternoon. one line comes through. we have monsoonal moisture. we showed you the video earlier of the cars washing down the street in colorado springs. we'll see more of that. we are also going to see more of the extreme heat. it will not go away. the big dome of high pressure is stuck over texas.
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look at the temperatures. feels like 112 in houston. 110 in ft. worth. and the pacific northwest getting in on the action. not as hot. look at this. boise, 101. 11 degrees above average. seattle, 85. billings, montana, 97 degrees. al, thanks very much. our soggy tuesday continues. rainfall heavy especially east of the city. out across nassau, sufficient it county, southwest portions of connecticut as well. rain lighter now across western and central new jersey. what we think happens in the city shortly. rain getting lighter into the mid to late morning. a round of thunderstorms later on. seven-day forecasts shows improvement tomorrow. sunshine, 85. 84, beautiful, thursday. 88, friday. back near 90 for the weekend. and that's your latest weather. matt? >> thank you very much. day two now of our be a kid today series.
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this is a chance for you to re discover your youth. >> our "today" kid jenna wolf is back with the fun people are having at work. >> i'll take that. good morning. this is an ultimate dream for a lot of people. no surprise to anyone here that all work and no play is no way to work. guess what. recess is officially back in session. businesses across the nation are making play time a priority at the office. 9:00 to 5:00 got a bad rap over the years. the seemingly grown up hours devoted to time we are supposed to be working. when is the last time work felt like this. hi ho, hi ho >> there is a movement to introduce play back into the work force. i didn't say a longer day or less pay. i said play. >> my controller is broken. >> we need innovation in the work place. that doesn't come in a box where you are doing the same thing over and over again.
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you want to put in fun. >> work is a big part of everyone's day. if they are not happy they are not going to perform. >> pride products belief s s believes in building play into the work day. the day we visited it was a trip to sky zone, a local trampoline sent er. >> when people care about our company, they care about the customers. we grow the business that way. >> reporter: the goal is to find the thing that makes you happy as a kid, go to work and convince your boss to let you do it. whoa! easier said than done but the tide is shifting. some of the biggest, most profitable companies are taking a page out of google's 80/20 mantra. 80% work and 20% innovation time or play. friday. to the outsider it looks like a bunch of people goofing off.
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to them it's all about team building. >> what you are seeing today, the gaming as well as different social events, unlimited vacation time really fosters an environment for not only working hard but playing hard. having the work life balance. >> reporter: whether it's cornhole, kickball, darts or, yes, even a downhill luge, as long as it distracts from the grind and inspires the kid inside to think big, employees say that's when they are at their best. >> the communication that happens here translates to what we do in the office. >> so in my head i was trying to calculate the fun and cool things we get to do, play time at the show. there aren't many. >> that's not true. look. >> it's all i do. that's a joke. >> yesterday you were in the spin cycle thing. >> the vo mitt mit comet.
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>> you say you're jealous. i would think of the person who drilled me at dodgeball. >> that sounds like you. >> it's supposed to generate creative thought, morale boosting, team building. make us feel like a teen. >> blow off steam, good idea. >> there is a lot of steam here. >> like the tough mudder challenge. >> yeah, that was awesome. how about a trampoline instead of the orange couch. get rid of the orange couch. >> dylan? >> hi, guys. coming up, we'll find out what surprises howie mandel is
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planning for the live good morning, everyone. 8:26. it's a tuesday morning. it is august 11th. looking at george washington bridge. 71 degrees. i'm darlene rodriguez. nassau and fairfield counties getting heavy rain drenching new jersey and the city earlier this morning. the stormy weather continues to move across the area west to east. haven't seen the last of it. another round of heavy rain and strong winds is heading our way. storm team 4 expects it to reach us in the late afternoon and evening. as for the rest of the forecast, leftover showers tonight. mainly south and east of city. 69 degrees. tomorrow tomorrow, sun, clouds, low humidity. 84. thursday, more sun. 85 the high. friday, very sunny, 88. saturday steamy, isolated storm. 90 degrees. a tough morning for
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commuters. delays and service changes on the f, g, n and number 6 subway lines and a disabled bus cleared from the lincoln tunnel, but now delays of up to an hour ed heading inbrowned. drivers facing 40-minute delays at the george washington bridge and 10 minutes at the holland. coming up on the "today" show, john leguizamo talks about his new role in "american yacht ultra. another update in half an hour. see you then.
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[ cheers ] back now at 8:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 11th day of august, 2015. for just a moment, the rain has subsided here in new york. we've got -- >> st. louis! >> good to see you. we have damp, lovely people on the plaza. by the way, the song you are hearing in the background, lunchmoney lewis and "bills," one of al's favorites. he caught up with lunchmoney. you can hear the song in person tomorrow when he comes to perform it on the show. >> we have a hearty crowd out here. they are happy. >> so good to see you guys. by the way, there goes the neighborhood. our summer friends are back. howie mandel and the rest of "america's got talent" befwin the live shows at radio city down the block here. howie will have a look and he's live periscoping right now.
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taking lots of selfies. >> i'm teasing them. teasing. i have so much to tell you. >> don't tease us. >> i'm teasing you. >> we can't wait. >> plus another person in the spotlight. real housewife bethenny frankel. we'll talk about the finale and other things in her life. >> kevin mcenroe and tatum o'neal, he'll open up about growing up and his new book. >> we have been cramming all morning. you will test our knowledge of weather to celebrate your new book called "storm of the century." first a forecast. >> let's check it out. it's been raining here. the good news is that's going to come to an end later this afternoon. today, wet weather from boston down to the gulf coast. look for showers and monsoon it is -- moisture. tomorrow, more heat and sunshine up and down the west coast. rain continues in the southeastern atlantic coast into florida.
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showers left over. nort hern new england. mid sections of the country, upper midwest looking at sunshine with temperatures in the 70s. the heat continues through texas and the gulf c al, thanks very much. a look at radar. heaviest rain pushed east of the city. still showers left behind. not done yet for sure. a break in the action. some lulls in the showers, and then another line of shower and thunderstorm active ity could form late this afternoon. a couple showers from time to time during the afternoon. high 80. tomorrow, sun and clouds. back near 90 just in time for the weekend. don't forget. get that weather any time you need it. go to the weather channel on cable, online. savannah? >> all right, al. thank you so much. howie mandel is in his sixth season as a judge on "america's got talent." tonight the live rounds get under way just down the street
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at radio city music hall. good morning. >> good morning. you're on periscope. i want to show my followers what it's like to sit here. so they are getting an inside view. >> it's exciting. >> you people at home get the outside view. >> howie, i hear you have been doing this a lot lately. >> i like to live for the people. i keep nothing sacred. everything for me. tonight is the big night. >> i know. you're live streaming all the time. do you think you will live stream during the live shows tonight? >> you know, they said don't, but i'm going to. >> we said don't and here you are doing it. >> during the commercials, all the time. tonight we have three golden buzz rs. >> yes, i know. >> yes. we have three of those competing tonight. >> let's remind everybody. the golden buzzer is new this season. you can press it and send a person straight to the live shows. >> all three of them are comedians. drew lynch, the kid who stutters. he was my golden buzzer. it broke my heart. he's inspirational, so wonderful.
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piff the magic dragon is neil patrick harris's golden buzzer. >> right. >> and the ventriloquist is mar lan wayans golden buzzer. amazing music, contortionists and everything. all live. we only keep seven to move onto the semifinals. >> it's tight. how many are you getting rid of tonight? >> five. if there are 12 performing and seven left, you do the math at home. >> exactly. >> or on periscope like right now. >> right now. >> i don't think you have made a prediction yet who you think will take it all. >> because this is the tenth anniversary season and i don't know if it is because it is an anniversary season but we stepped it up. this is bigger, better talent than ever. this is my first year in the six years i have been there that i cannot call it. >> really? >> i have no idea. >> it's not like you to be so shy and retiring. >> i am. it will be up to america. you have the hardest vote because ultimately we turn it
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over to you. i don't have to do anything but show up and periscope. >> do you love the live shows? you must wait all season for this. >> you know, i lo the show. this is my favorite job i have had standing there, watching people perform. i was doing it in my underpants at home before they hired me. the feel of radio city music hall, it's electric. it is. >> good-bye, periscope. we have to go now. >> you don't have to say good-bye. these are people. >> good-bye, people of periscope. howie, we'll see you on the show. catch "america's got talent" tonight at 8:00 p.m. >> and tomorrow. matt franco will be on. he won last year. >> he has a magic act, right? >> right! >> i did my homework, dude. i passed the test. >> anything else? there is a publicist here. >> no, we're good. >> if you watch tuesday and wednesday night, 10% off next week. >> good, good. and a side of bacon. up next, al has a special game
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>> announcer: today's books brought to you by the kindle voyage. passionately crafted for readers. >> helmet? >> yeah. >> we all know al knows his meteorology. he's sharing his love even more in a book called "the storm of the century." it explores the deadliest natural disaster in american history. this morning he's putting onr weather smarts to the test. we each have a contestant with us. >> some of the audience members. >> this isi iss antway net. >> tanya from memphis. >> and i have leslie. >> weather questions? >> how is dylan in on this. >> i'm not allowed to answer questions. >> suddenly that's a buzzer.
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here we go. ready? >> yes. >> hands on buzzers. >> my new book is entitled "storm of the century." in which century did the great gulf hurricane, otherwise known as the storm of the century occur. 18th, 19th, 20th -- >> c! >> c, 20th century is correct. that's right. it happened in 1900. the great gulf hurricane. >> excellent. >> did you know it? >> team on the board early. if you have been listening to the weather forecast for 20 years you should know there are three types of clouds. look at your monitors. which kind of cloud is this? >> i can't see. >> put it up. there you go. [ buzzer ] >> cumulous. >> no! >> who said it? cumulus? >> antoinette wants to object.
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>> that's not fair. >> dylan, none of us are giving the answers. >> when did the -- >> that's going great. i'm selling a lot of books. when did the national weather service start naming hurricanes? 19 , 1953, 1978. >> i'm taking a guess. b. >> b is correct. 1953. for a bonus, when did they -- started with all female names. in what year did they start alternating between male and female names? >> 2011? >> no! >> who wants to steal? nobody. 1978. >> there w go. >> you weren't born yet. that's nice. >> sweet. >> last question. before a hurricane there is a tropical storm. at what windospeed dees a tropical storm turn into a hurricane?
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a, 39 miles per hour, b, 74 miles per hour -- >>le 35. >> no. >> c. >> c. >> no. >> b! >> b, 74 miles per hour. you're all winners, ladies and gentlemen. we have a copy of the book for each of you. and we have our lovely the "today" show umbrellas. again, there you go, guys. thank you so much. you need the umbrellas today. hope you had a good time. we have nothing for you guys. because you were horrible sports. >> the book is "the storm of the century." if you want the full weather quiz, head to the website, up next, kevin mcenroe on growing up in a famous family. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> hit the buzzer again!
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tennis and hollywood royalty, john mcenroe and tatum o'neal. kevin mcenroe has his first novel "our town," a work of fiction based oe the life of his grandm her. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> i don't anni moore. you om s met her a few times. >> i did. >> she was complicated, an actress and an addict. ha troubles with alcohol and drugs. why did you want to tell her story? >> she she's always been cote sidered a cautionary tale in the family. somebody with a lot of prh fse, somebody beautiful that wasted her potential. i found there was more to it than that. i don't know why whe i started writing about her at 19 years old, it was -- i didn't know why i found her so compelling. i think i realized it's because her ability to get in her own way is something i also share. >> you talk about she was a cautionary tale. your family, t re have been notorious struggles with drugs and alcohol. >> indeed. >> your grandmother, your mom
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tatum who is right over your shoulder had famous struggles as well and a year ago you also had an arrest on drug charges. >> i did. >> do you think it's in the dna or is it learned behavior? >> it's probably passed down from generation to generation. i also found that perhaps, like i was saying, the ability to sabotage your own potential. i think pairs well with drugs and alcohol. i don't know if it's drugs and alcohol -- it could be more of, you know, a learned behavior ythat you kind of --ha disbelief in yourself. >> talk to me about the sabotage. you say just when your grandmother would experience success, she would get in her own way and mess it up. the fear of success. do you have it as well? >> the - bese example of that, i would ink, is the day i got my bo deal a year ago, that evening is when i ot arrested. >> at the very moment timt your dreams come true - >> yeahd >>me you found a way to potentially screw ir up. >> yeah. the scariest moment of my life
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is feeling when i was in jail for, whatever, the 20 hours i was in jail they would pull the deal and i ad ruined -- like my dreams had come true and i got in my own way. >> as you started to dive into your grandmother's life you wlearned more abou her. i understand after writing this or towardvthe late end of the process you got a tattoo of your grandmother's face and putsu it on your shoulder. why? is doesavhe represento you? >> i got it right when it came out, when i first saw it. for me, she was the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. she's my guardian angel. i think when i got arrested and was able to, you know, start living healthier, better and finish the book for her, it felt like i could fulfill the potential maybe she was never able to. >> your mom has been cle n and sober for a while now. >> mm-hmm. >> she and your dad had a much publicized dispute in court over custody of you and your blings. what's the relationship, the dynamic like in this family now?
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wbetweenouy mether and father? >> you, your mom and dad? >> between mom and dad, there is not much relationship, i don't think. i get along with my mother, father, step-mother in different ways. t i love them all very much. i wish them the best. i'm happy my mom is here to chee me on. u know, i think it's -- we are l in a good place. >> i know your dad. i like him very much. you have said this about your dad. what i have seen in my father is his desire to be great at something. i want to be a great writer. i want to work hard at it. i have seen the discipline it takes from him. put your headudown, work and shut up. i will say the reviews of the book are awfully good. it seems success is once again knocking on your door. >> i'm trying my best. you know, i do. i really admire that in my father. hopefully it was passed down to wme a wl with the problematic stuff, too. >> kevin mcenroe, good to see you.
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point as bethenny frankel andreackmona singer go at it as only the housewives can. >> i'm not personally really mad. it's like -- i don't mean it to sound insulting because i don't think you mean it. sometimes when you have a 4-year-old heyknlap you and after, you can't be mad at a 4-year-o de they slapped you but they don't realize -- >> thank you. >> bethenny franke good morning. is ramona the 4-year-old? >> she thinks it's a compliment. you don't want to be a 4-year-old. >> i get a real kick ou of the show. i missed you when you were gone. >> thank you.r >> for those who aren't familiar you were there for three seasons, took a few years off and you're back. >> yes. >> what has the return been like? >> it's so great. i have a different perspective. i have enjoyed it. i think the show is a comedy, almost like a satire. truth is stranger than fiction. i just think it's funny. it's liberatints o say what i want to say.
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i'm unfiltered and there is something therapeutic about it. >> do you think the show has evolved even if some of the characters haven't? >> i think the show has evolved. the women have really come into their own in different ays. people have gone throu divorc u financial bankruptcy, a lot of different things. it was a different perspective. i am rhally happy to be back. 's crazy, but i enjoy the craziness. you have to put it all out there. that's the job, that's the name of the game. do you feel you've gotten better at that over the years? >> i hink i have always been like that. that's why i have been successful at it. people think anybody could be a crazy lunatic and be on television. t you have to be interesting, compelling and revealing. people have to reveal themselves. not everybody is capable of that. these women are. ramona is a great reality star, i have to say. >> you gave me a good segue. of course you are an open book. you always have been. you're kind of in the news
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lately because of your love life. i want to know if you have anything to share with us about a certain fellow in your life. >> i am dating. i'm having a really good time. in my book, "i suck at relationships." you want something on simmer, ta oking something off, something on boil. >> do you have multiple burners? >> that's what women should do. ier haven't been lucky in relationships. it willibe a while bhaore i profess my undying love. the "today" show will be the first place that i telle -- >> i hope so. >> -- if i have anything to tell. i'm an open book. >> i'm never afraid to ask. around. here. the rumor is about a certain "modern family" actor. >> i'm not making it a habit of confirming or denying anything. then it's like roaches. you have to kill them all. i'm saying i'm happy. you know, in the fall i intend to be very sexually active.
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>> you do? >> i have big plans for that. >> you never disappoint. the finale is tonight. will there be cliff hangers? are you resolving anything? tied up in a neat bow? >> never a neat bow. there are cliff hangers. i came out alive but i'm a little pissed off at some peop. summer is here and i have seen some of the women. we have new stuff brewing if we decide to do another season. it's interesting. >> that was my last question. >> i don't know. i like it. i did three seasons. then i did three seasons of my show. who knows? maybe three seasons of this. i thdon't know. might be one time and out. i don't know. >> you're always entertaining and truthful. we love having you. thank you so much. the season finale of the real housewives of new york city, tonight at 8:00 central on our sister network bravo. >> thank you very much. let's get birthday wishes from willard scott. >> how sweet it is. a little smucker's, some peanut
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butter, a piece of fresh bread, best sandwich in the world. happy birthday. this is the lovely rose salzman from beverly hills, california. 100 years old today. she loves the lakers. shaker heights, ohio, never had a lovelier mary. mary butcher is 100 years old today. she loves to collect perfume bottles. good old ralph chastain. he could be a hollywood star. 100 today. san antonio, texas. walks with his dog lady every day. eet lady. hey, we've got andy here on the show. anaidy zingen. how about him? he's 100 years old today from jefferson, wisconsin. he loves to polka dance. everybody polkas there. there's more to come.
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don't go away, new york. stay with us. >> we will, willard. thank you very much. >> what's shaking in the 9:00 hour? >> lots going on. >> anna clemsky joins us. >> we'll talk more about the book "storm of the century". >> i started it last night. i can't wait to go home and read more. >> thank you. >> lots of great characters, too. >> thank you. >> i can't believe not once was the right answer haboob in the quiz. >> any opportunity to say it.
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>> you like saying good morng, everyone. 8:57. 71 degrees on a tuesday morning. crowded at the george washington bridge. i'm darlene rodriguez. a commuter alert forelong island rail road riders. some trains on the port jefferson and ronkonkoma lines delays up to ten minutes due to water conditions east of the station. delays starting to ease for drivers at the lincoln tunnel. drivers looking at a 30-minute
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wait, down from 60 minutes and a delay of 40 minutes at the george washington bridge, and 10 minutes at the holland tunnel. a look at the forecast now. today, this morning's heavy rain moved east to fairfield and nassau counties. light showers on and off, more stormy weather arrives. tonight leftover showers. tomorrow, sun and clouds. high of 84. coming up on the "today" show, no bosses. sefte how one major retailer is letting employees manage themselves. stay tuned.
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that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> let that sink in a little bit. it's tuesday morning, a drizzly morning, august 11, 2015. the song, they blew us out of the room. i immediately downloaded the album. st. motel is the name of the band. they were great. >> i remember you asked what about the name. their story was it made you think of something -- >> it was the contrast of saint and dirty. they're very cool. great song. we have to start. this is pub date for al roker's book. >> thank you. >> "storm of the century." we'll talk more about it coming up.
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and front page of the usa today life section. al roker. >> roker's "storm" has be layers. >> i'm like an onion to be peeled back. that's me. >> this hour we'll talk about the inspiration of the book and advice you offer for people who find themselves, for example, in hurricane season, what you need to do. >> in fact, i was in new orleans this weekend working on a tenth anniversary piece about hurricane katrina which is coming in a couple of weeks. hard to believe it's been ten years. >> incredible. we'll talk more about al's book in a few minutes. we have to show you this incredible video from utah. a bicycle race, cyclist matt branmire comes down the hill. watch this. >> oh, my gosh. >> t-boned one of the team cars following a different rider. oh, my goodness. >> he's okay. >> there were other -- ten
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he suffered rib and pelvic fractures. again, as natalie said he'll be okay. >> you hear the sound. >> it's awful. you wonder how it happened. it's a hairpin turn. >> almost like he lost focus. >> distracted. >> you're always looking, paying attention. >> that's a huge vehicle not to see. >> i think he couldn't make the turn. >> going too fast. >> too fast. >> all the guys in front of him slowed down to make the turn. he was full speed. >> they are usually familiar with the path. >> he tweeted a cool picture. >> from the hospital with the neck brace on. all good in the hood guys. thanks for the messages. he'll be okay despite what you saw. >> painful. cringe worthy seeing that video again. we have another excellent rossen reports this morning. he 's doing the step in or step off series. the question, what would you do if you saw someone who was clearly drinking too much at the bar. would you step in?
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would you say, give me the keys, take them away or, here, let me find you a ride home or walk away. he obviously put a hidden camera in and you have an actor playing the bartender and the guy drinking at the bar and the woman, too. role reversed here. he did gender to see how it would break down. look what happened. >> excuse me. can i get one more of these, please? >> one second. >> reporter: he's slamming back shots and the women are giving him dirty looks. >> can i get just one more round, please? >> don't do it. >> reporter: this woman calls over the bartender. >> next time he asks you, don't. >> reporter: tim is ready to go home. even dropping his keys. they watch him leave. an.d no one stops him. hi, ladies. jeff rossen from nbc. you saw he was drunk. he walked out of here. >> we just said we were going
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out there. we knew he wasn't moving. >> reporter: you let him walk out the door. did you think to stop him? >> no. it's a good lesson. you hear too many stories about drunken drivers. i said let's get his license plate number but we didn't stop him which was a mistake. >> it's interesting. you saw clearly a lot of people saying he's had way too much. the bartender should stop serving him. but when it came to the man, nobody stopped him. now let's look -- same experiment experiment. this time it's a woman who is playing the drinking part. take a look and see how people responded. >> why don't you drink some water. >> reporter: this man is already concerned. he seems conflicted moth mouthing to himself, she's going to drive. he gets up, going after her, jumping inside her suv. >> i have a driver. he's my driver. can he drive you home?
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i don't want you driving. it's not worth it. trust me. >> reporter: sir, sir. hi. jeff rossen with nbc the "today" show. this is a social experiment. she's an actress. >> can't let somebody kill themselves. god forbid she got into an accident jorks. >> reporter: you got in the car. >> more people do it we'll be okay. >> he did the right thing. what's interesting is jeff explained to us when it came to the men and women it was different, the reactions for the men for the most part everybody -- nobody stepped in. nobody did -- >> do you understand why? >> he said it is intimidating to go up to a man. >> he's belligerent. could be -- >> for the woman, people felt they should do something. >> these were older guys. a young woman. i think they felt a fatherly, paternal interest in making sure she was okay. i think it's sexist on a good level.
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>> we're wired -- sexist or just we are wired maybe that way, protective. i was surprised and maybe jeff didn't show it. i would have called 911. i wouldn't have gotten involved but i would have called 911. >> by the time you call he's gone. >> i know. i'm conflicted but my reaction would have been not to go in front of the guy. i wouldn't have gotten into someone's car. >> you want to get the bartender to to something about it. >> it's hard for them. >> i have done it with friends but not with a stranger. >> with bartenders i was a reporter in dallas-ft. worth 15 years ago. there was a huge case where a bartender was accused of over serving someone and someone lost their life. there was ale legal battle over the responsibility of the bartender. the bar itself. and personal responsibility as well. there have been other lawsuits over the course of time. it's a huge legal battle involving that. >> more bartenders pay attention
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and i think they definitely -- absolutely. they know if they are the ones pouring the alcohol. >> also sometimes you can't tell. it's easy to say in hindsight if those people are driving. drop the key, it could have been a house key. but the gentleman looked out, saw her going to the car and he took action. >> something else we have been talking about. jennifer aniston secretly got married friday to her long-time fiance, boyfriend. howard stern, leave it to our buddy howard -- i don't think he spilled the beans because there is no such thing. he's just telling all the business to his sirius xm listeners. he was a guest. he has a bromance crush on justin. said it was his dream guy. stern said they told him it was a birthday party for justin but he had advanced warning because he was invited to speak which is risky to ask howard stern to
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speak at your wedding. that's a bold -- what? >> proceed at your own risk. >> i would kill to have him speak at my wedding. >> dark natalie, that's bold. >> bring him on, yes. >> that's a bold move. he said everything was kept under wraps. listen. >> they took your cell phone from you. >> right. that's a new thing. everybody turns in the cell phone. >> i said, look, i have things to say. first of all, why can't i have my [ bleep ] cell phone? then i said, in other words, no want to take a picture of you two. i really don't. i want my cell phone so after i make the speech i can call my car and [ bleep ] out of here. >> i love that. jimmy kimmel did a beautiful job officiating according to stern. the part people didn't know is cia performed the couple's first song. we don't know if it was "chandelier" or what song. or if she dressed like that.
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she did show up. stern sat next to ellen deyen degeneres degeneres, portia derossi and orlando bloom. he thought he was sitting next to some interesting handsome guy. >> he had a man crush, too. >> said he's more handsome than johnny depp, brad pitt and tom cruise all rolled up into one. >> that's a lot. >> that's a good party. >> it's august 11. right? >> who is thinking about halloween, anybody? >> i have all the catalogs already. >> guess what. the folks at peeps, as part of the halloween collection. >> oh, the halloween collection. >> yeah. >> it's not the fall collection. >> i'm not into this. >> i know how you feel about purchase pumpkin spice peep. >> i don't like pumpkin spice. >> i don't like peeps. >> i like peeps. >> i don't like candy corn. >> it's not candy.
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it's sugar and wax. i'm sure the candy corn lobby -- >> i'm not a huge pumpkin spice fan. classic peeps. >> is this halloween or fall? >> autumn. >> i guess. >> i love pumpkin spice anything else. i'm not into -- >> don't get him started. you have an issue with pumpkin spice. go ahead. >> no, no. i'm keeping it to myself. you don't want to rant. next thing you know -- >> like the pumpkin spice will be after you? >> candy corn, peeps and pumpkin spice f. you see me beaten half to death, wax coating, dusted with sugar. mouth. >> you will know. >> i'm coming around on these. these are good. excellent. >> you can't eat more than one. it's super rich. it sticks in there. it's tasty. >> it will be available at target by the end of the month. if you're into it, god bless.
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>> our producer adam, go to weather. go to the local. he was. just heavy rain this morning working west to east across the area and slow down for lighter showers late morning, early afternoon. a gusty thunderstorm returning late in the day towards evening. high temperature 80. leftover shower or storm south and east of the city mainly. patchy fog overnight. 60s. looks great for thursday. sunshine, 80s. upper 80s friday. same, plenty of sun. steamier by the weekend. 90 saturday. upper 80s come sunday and monday. this just in. they have a candy corn flavor. why not mix candy corn and pumpkin spice peep. >> 160 calories per three-chick serving. >> i love that. >> what about the guys? >> it's probably protein.
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i'm gonna teach you how to sing it out come on, come on, come on, come let me tell you what it's all about. all right. emmy winning actor john leguizamo, one of the hollywood stars who can do it all. comedy, drama, one-man show, voiced characters like sid the sloth in the "ice age" franchise and stars in block busters like "moulin rouge". >> now he's in "american ultra" with jesse eisenberg who is a stoner sleeper agent for the cia. already laughing. good to see you again. >> good to see you. >> tatted up, shirtless a lot. what was the inspiration? somebody from your past? you pull from people you have known. >> this guy is a purveyor, enabler. okay, he gives people illegal things, all right?
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basically. if you want endangered fish, hot jewelry, drugs, fireworks. jesse needs stuff to get his girl. i come along and purvey. >> explain the premise of the movie. i don't picture jesse as a cia killing machine. >> or a stoner. it's in congress with who he appears to be. he plays a slacker well. the movie is like "the bourne supremacy" meets a weed flick. it's the perfect marriage. >> what about the tattoos? did you get tattooed or do they put them on every day? >> i thought put them all on my body. then i realized it would be four hours of standing still. a word like luck, you move and it's something else.
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i couldn't shower because i wasn't doing it every day. you can't sweat. >> for how long? >> a week. i was ripe. it was new orleans. i was new orleans ripe. >> oh, no. >> like brie or something. >> i was wondering. >> i showered this morning for you guys. >> like brrks ie, he says. >> new orleans ripe. >> you have to do the tattoos every day for four hours. >> what did friends and family say? >> i was in a hotel by myself. my family was in another hotel. >> you have a book coming out. >> i do. my broadway show "ghetto clown." it will be a graphic novel. >> that's cool. >> it brings out the imagery. you see my life through pictures. it's beautiful. >> thank you for always being fun and clearing up things off camera with al. >> don't bring it up.
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not a good look. >> opens august 21. we love her on the emmy-winning comedy "veep" playing a former campaign manager. now anna chlumsky is in a movie getting oscar buzz. we'll catch up with her after this. hey, anna! crisp garden vegetables... fresh local milk, real cream... and no artificial flavors. now you know why nothing else tastes like philadelphia garden vegetable. rich, creamy, and delicious. now with even more crisp vegetables. only philadelphia . my cut hurt. >>mine hurt more. >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria
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bought bounty. bounty is 2x more absorbent and strong when wet. just look how much longer bounty lasts versus one of those bargain brand towels. and that's a good deal. bounty. the long lasting quicker picker-upper. and now try bounty with new minions prints. minions summer 2015. anna chlumsky has been acting since she was a kid. we now know her best as former campaign manager to the president in the hbo comedy "veep". >> now she's in "the end of the tour" about rolling stone journalist david lipsky. she plays his girlfriend. good to see you. >> nice to see you, thank you very much. >> this is getting rave reviews, oscar buzz. has to be a good feeling. >> i'm so pleased for the film.
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it's really good, really well written. jason just kills it as does jesse. they are fantastic. it's under stated. it tells the story. it's about people talking. it's great. i lo it. >> you play jesse or the writer's girlfriend. >> indeed. we are nice and brainy and very '90s. >> david foster wallace is one of the most acclaimed novelists in the history of time. i was going to say of the generation. but of ever which is true. for people who tonight know about the interview back and forth with lipsky, what's going on? >> well, it's interesting. it's a very, very te tail detailed look at one interview that david lipsky conducted with david foster wallace. it's from his point of view. it's based on his book that was also about this interview,
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slash, road trip they went on. i think that's what makes a successful, these days biopic is when you can take a fraction or a little piece of pie of someone's life and look at them through that lens as oh potioned to a cradle to grave thing. this does it well. >> amazing. >> okay. we have a little game. word on the web. we would like to play. i love the first one. is this true. your great-grandfather once owned a trained bear that appeared with the three stooges? >> absolutely, yeah. that's true. can you make that stuff up? yeah. i have a vaudeville lineage, for sure. >> that's the bear? >> oh, my goodness. that was the bear. >> that was the three stooges. yeah. that was big jim the wrestling bear. >> that's fantastic. >> my dad is going to die that this is on. >> al roker with that.
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>> i can't believe it. >> okay. you have worked as a restaurant critic. >> i wanted -- yeah. you know, i think everybody graduating college is like, i like to travel and eat. living. >> we still say it. >> we all do. so i worked -- i wasn't a restaurant critic though. i worked for zagat. that was my position. i was just doing cold calls as a fact checker. it was a step above to feel this special... you need to eat this special. kellogg's special k... made with whole grains and fiber to help a body thrive. folic acid and vitamin d... to make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... in a bowl of special k. eat special, feel special. special k red berries,
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now with more real strawberries. new lipton sparkling iced tea. refreshing tea infused with light, crisp, tiny bubbles. for a taste that lifts you up. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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light rain in the rest of our area. we should get a break from rain this afternoon. by early evening, strong winds, heavy rain. a flash flood watch in effect for most of our area and hearing reports of downed power lines in jersey city. a quick look at the rest of the forecast. tonight leftover rain. 69 degrees. tomorrow, spotty shower to the north and west. otherwise mostly sunny. high 84. thursday, more sun, 85. friday, sunny, 88 degrees. coming up on the "today" show, elvis duran stops by with his artist of the month. stay tuned.
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taking a look at the headlines, fwoogle is learning its abcs. the tech giant is streamlining the corporate structure creating a new parent company called alphabet. the move reflects google's sprawling interest in businesses including online shopping, health care and self-driving cars. the biggest division will still
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be google comprising search, ads, maps, youtube and android. something new is popping up in the soda aisle. pepsi co revamped diet pepsi without aspartame. it should be available nationally this week. aspartame has been replaced by another artificial sweetener known as splenda. this as consumers turn away from diet sodas in favor of other beverages. a new study shows steroid therapy is effective in treating patients with pneumonia. researchers followed more than 2,000 people diagnosed with the condition and patients who received steroids were discharged from the hospital one day sooner than those treated with steroids. steroid therapy reduced the need for a breathing tube and lowered the risk of life-threatening complications. we have heard for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. some are questioning whether the advice is scientifically sound. the current guidelines say breakfast can shrink your waistline. now the washington post points
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out that old advice may be toast. another study that was out last year found skipping breakfast for four weeks helped overweight people shed pounds. government health officials are prepared to roll out new 2015 dietary recommendations. we have to wait and see. science found a link between food and female desire. women who fasted for eight hours were shown a variety of images. their brain activity stayed the same whether they saw romantic pictures like couples holding hands or neutral pictures like a bowling ball. after they ate, the brains were much more responsive to the romantic images. the takeaway, when you are hungry, you are too focused on food to think about much else. usually true. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> i want to see the picture of the bowling ball. >> that bowling ball does nothing for me. >> we have amazing video to show you. this is from colorado springs. watch this. that dark car, there is somebody
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in it. they get out in time. there was a retaining pond that broke free with too much rain. it flooded this neighborhood. look at the hail coming down. the roofs and lawns are covered. this is an unbelievable showing of what happens in that kind of weather. let's show you what's going on today. wet weather making its way from new england down into the gulf coast today. record highs continue through texas. gorgeous day through the upper midwest and the upper mississippi river valley. the warmth continues in the pacific northwest. portland getting up to a high of 91 degrees. heavy rain early on this morning working its way from west to east avoss the area. should wind down into early afternoon. the break period. running the risk of a gusty thunderstorm late in the afternoon towards evening. high to 80. tonight, thundershower south and east.
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patchy fog forms overnight. outlook, temperatures milgds s s middle 80s tomorrow. upper 80s friday and nearing 90 from saturday into sunday. and that's your latest weather. >> as everyone knows, al has covered lots of the most intense storms in history over his long career whether it is a hurricane, tornado or blizzard. seems like al is in the thick of it. >> in his book "the storm of the century" al looks at the great gulf hurricane of 1900, america's deadliest natural disaster. >> believe it or not i wasn't around for that storm. there are major weather events that left a big impact on me over the years. >> what i love about being a weather man is every day is different. you can have a good time, send people on their way to work with a smile. >> here's what's happening in your neck of the woods! >> there is a certain sense of satisfaction that when weather
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turns bad, you are helping them cope, survive. and they are trusting you to help them. that's a big responsibility. but you're honored by it. i think the one that probablile went the most viral, i was covering hurricane wilma. >> oh, my gosh. >> it was really the first hurricane i covered where i really lost a lot of weight. >> i can hear you now. >> the winds were 100 miles per hour. i had a camera guy who was actually holding my legs so i wouldn't fall or blow away. if you're standing in 100 miles per hour wind, eventually something's got to give. it was me. i went down. it was terrifying. jim cantore and i were covering a hurricane in new orleans. i was about a block away from him. it was raining hard. it wasn't that bad. he was in the middle of what looked like 200 miles per hour winds. could barely stand up.
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i joined him. we were literally holding onto each other for dear life. i think during super storm sandy there was a point i was standing on the dunes. my camera guy said, i don't think that's safe. you ought to come down. within 20 minutes the do you know was gone -- dune was gone. the street where we were was covered in three feet of sand. >> they can't get out. >> on the upside, the aftermath, the outpouring of people trying to help by giving of themselves, donating money was impressive to see. >> that's what's great about the weather. it really does bring people together. whether you are having a fun time with something like rokerthon or dealing with a superstorm sandy. i think weather is the one common denominator that doesn't care whether you are black or white, male or female, rich or poor, young or old. it affects everyone. >> you have been right in the
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middle of all those storms. >> yeah. >> how did you choose the great hurricane of 1900 for the book? >> a year ago i started looking at getting ready for the 10th anniversary of hurricane katrina. you are looking at other storms to compare them to. everybody in meteorology knew about the great hurricane of 1900 before they named storms. eric larson wrote a terrific book "isaac storm" looking at the meteorologist at the center of this. i thought what a great story. i saw other amazing stories. i worked with a terrific researcher named bill hoglund who found wonderful stories, interesting facts. i was able to actually string it together and create a real amazing narrative, i think, about an amazing time and an amazing city. not only was it wiped off the face of the earth but it came back stronger than before. >> we showed the video of the
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reservoir and water rushing with someone in the car. you give great advice on what people should do in a natural disaster. that incident you showed with the person in the car. what do you do if that happens? >> for example, the thing that kills most people in a hurricane is flooding. it's not wind. it's not the rain. it's the flooding. so when we tell people to get out. when we tell people not to drive-thru drive drive through standing water. flowing water can knock you off your feet and you can drown. people tape their windows. don't bother. you can see the damage. a little masking tape won't hold your window together. the last thing when we tell people to get out, get out. evacuate. in hurricane katrina, in sandy, in a number of those places where people didn't evacuate, those are the people who lost their lives. >> first responders put themselves at rick to get you out of there. >> the book is out today.
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0% apr financing. tons of amazing inventory. only happens once a year. hmm, hologram number 17 seems to have gone rogue. i'm the real jan now! 0%! 0%! at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015nrav 4, offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit it's all yours. thanks, jan. toyota. let's go places. want to survive a crazy busy day? sfx: cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude... aveeno positively radiant moisturizer... with active naturals soy. aveeno naturally beautiful results . create your own tour of italy while you still can, starting at $12.99. choose three of our nine most loved dishes to enjoy on one plate. served with salad and breadsticks because the best tour of italy is the one you create. hurry! offer ends soon at olive garden. i did it... do it... take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge.
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if your hair, skin and nails don't look more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it... and i feel beautiful. visit for details. soil is the foundation... for healthy plants. just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair toothpaste. it helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. strengthen the foundation r healthy teeth. new colgate total daily repair. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like... my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. ra is changing your view of everyday thengs orodencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source
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of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief ofem ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious si effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, theyolu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. ti heard i could call angie's list if p i needed work done around my house at a fair price. sure can. rso i could get a faulty ght switch fixed? yup! or b make a backyard pizza oven? oh yeah. i can almost taste it now. tastes like victory. and pepperoni... some people may think subway doesn't have enough flavor. i'm here to help 'em think differently. you know that sandwich you always get?
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i can make it even better. you ever try this toasted with monterrey cheddar? you know what, why not. ok how about we spice this up a little bit? that sounds amazing. let's rock this sandwich together. subway. eat fresh. i you have always wanted to be y ur own boss but didn't want to risk quitting your day job head to vegas where zappo's ist based. the company is four months into a new experiment in doing business. employees are now managing themselves. >> with no more managers the goal is to turn employees into entrepreneurs. how is it going? we went to vegas to find out. >> rep ter: it's a city kn n for high stakes bets and winner take all attitude. at the end of the famed las vegas strip the ultimate gamble is now under way at the headquarters of the online shoe company zappo's there are more than 1,000 employees but no bosses. >> a lot of people think it's do
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whatever you want. okay? and you can do what you want. as long as what you want to do intersects with the needs of the business. and also your skills. >> kelly has worked at zappo's for seven y ars. it's always been an un unconventional work place where streamers and stuffed animals are standard office decor. she never imagined this. no job title, no direct manager and if you drink the kool-aid, no limits. >> the biggest question or misconception, assumption people make is it's the wild west. we have no manager so what is it like. >> reporter: this spring ceo tony shay did away with the traditional corporate management structure making headl es by allowing workers to manage themselves, a system called polocracy. instead of a single job and a diwarect boss every employee is part of different circles depending on skills and interests. someone good at sales, event
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planning or customer service could contribute to each of those circles and manage themsel heves. >>e, this system we are moming to does have com licated rules wd procedures. so it has been a big shift in and journey for us as a company. >> reporter: john bunch is part of the circle working out the kinks in the c transition. when zappos switched to self-management in march each employee whi offered three months severance pay. almost 15% of the staff, 210 workers decided to go. now for those who stayed one of the biggest questions is how to get a promotion and maybe more importantly, a raise. >> employees are given what we call badges >>based on the skills that they are using. ine their day to day work. as you acquire skills and use them at work, you get promoted. >> if the talk of ciasles and badges has you confused tiere is
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a steep learning curve but say the switch is already streamlining how they work. >> the thing that's exciting is new initiatives. new ideas are getting off the ground faster than they used to. >> some compare it to learning a new game. >> it's been hard. it is true at some point the rkules disappear like learni how to play monopoly. there are complex rules but at some point you just play. >> in vegas, even the game of monopoly is a gamble and zappos is betting the house. >> interesting. zappos is trying to make it objective based on work performance and tangible results. less subjective tan promotions sometimes can be. the company says the concept is new and still a work in ogress.oalthough a worthwhile one, they said. >> pretty cool. i'd like to go to vegas. that's awesome. >> i didn't go to vegas. you would have seen me in t e piece if i were in vegas. >> youeren't within that circle. your talents are here but you
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didn't have to be there. >> exactly. >> working magic here. up next, it's the tuesday trend. we are showing off a lit le mus mussel mussel. do you think they are divisive? we'll show you with one of my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a imple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the ma brity were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability including es fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; "g have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've bn to areas whfre certain fungal
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and if youeae had tb, hepatitis b, don't start humira if ask your dermatologist be.cause with humira earer skin is possible. my theory is pretty simple. happiness, before cleanliness. gooey. flaky. happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing. are you still getting heartburn flare-ups? time for a new routine. try nexium 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some...
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mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom. lactaid . 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid ice cream. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping rme to lead the life that ti want to live. discover laser-sharp precision. master precise liquid liner, from maybelline, new york. our most defined line. laser-precise 0.4mm tip... for a precise line, every time. all day wear. waterproof. master precise liner, from the #1 liner brand. maybe it's maybelline.
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i already feel like we're the most connected, but i think this solo date will seal the deal. sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i'm a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you! just visit today. ir but right now, it's choosing time. ooh! we hase a "inner. all: what? [chuckles] he's supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here. back now with my tuesday trend. when i was thinking of what to
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focus on, this came to life. i want mussels >> i love seafood so why not throw a summer clam bake for my friends with their bibs on. >> thank you, tamron. >> here to flex hermus sell mussels in e kitchen, season 5 competitor on "top chef," good to see you. >> nice to see you. >> you have traveled all of southeast asia, coming up withth some of the recipes at the restaurant. >> yeah. first of all, food exploration and full disclosure, it is rare to have a chef who owns the restaurant who is a woman. >> yes. >> this doesn't happen in nature. >> it's pretty rare. >> what made you adventurous with food? >> i just love traveling. my mom is from the philippines. i wanted to travel to southeast asia and learn the food that it
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has to offer. ta full disclosure here. >> are they supposed to be open or closed? >> supposed to be closed. sometimes they open. they come open and the way to test to see if they are fresh, they tap it. if they close, they are good to go. >> how do you prepare the dish from pig & cow? >> we start with garlic, ginger and thai chilies. that's the trinity we ust for basically every dish. chinese sausage. >> what's a good replacement? >> a sweet soprasata would be good. it's sweet. >> a sweet sausage. >> for sure. >> add the mussels. >> if you cook them too long you're doomed. >> you don't want them -- once you put the lid on and they open they are done. otherwise they get rubbery. >> what do you have here? >> it's white wine used to degraze.
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we add salt and put the lid on it. >> the full recipe at da acom. let that simmer. >> three minutes to cook and they open. >>plated with parsley. al is in love with these. >> they are buns you can buy at a chinese grocery stre. they are frozen and you deep fry them. >> one tip throwing a clam back for our friends before summer ends. >> the most important thing with a clam bake is to cook the food in order of how long it takes. lobster takes the longest to cook. you want to put it in first and clams and mussels take the longest amount of time. >> this is unbelievable. >> spice, kick. we love it. >> in the itch. how interesting is that. people associate cooking with women. but there are few. >> we hve them right here.
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and good morning. 72 degrees outside. rainy apartment outside. i'm rob schmitt. drivers at the george washington bridge, delays of 30 minutes heading into the city. moving slow. 45-minute delays at the lincoln tunnel and 20-minute delays at the holland inbound. problems on the long island rail road as well due to weather. running with delays of 20 minutes in both directions. mta says due to high water conditions east of the westbury station. also delays at our areas three major airports including 90-minute delays at newark. light showers on and off today. may see a break in the wet weather mid-day then comes back this evening. tonight leftover showers. clear tomorrow. thursday friday looking good and hot for the weekend. coming up on the "today" show, elvis duran reveals his artist of the month, and we'll
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that song is called "love myself" by haley stein felde. >> the actress? >> i think we may be hearing this song for the first time. >> first time ever? >> i think so. i think it's very new. today. the very handsome star -- he has really become kind of a -- he's quickly becoming a big hollywood name. his name is armie hammer and his movie which is much anticipated "the man from uncle." we hear the guy does a mean russian accent. >> we can't wait to hear that. maybe the whole interview. >> let's see if he'll do that. elvis durand is here with an artist you've probably heard of, teen sensation, austin mahone and he's got this song called mmm yeah. >> it's really good. >> a little cranking? are we allowed? with we'll make it up as we
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go >> he's fun. and elvis will tell us more about him. also do you know how the bred sticks they have at olive garden? >> people love them. >> that's all you want, the bread sticks and salad. >> we'll learn how to make the bread sticks. >> and the salad! >> all right, that's all coming up. we want to let everybody know that kathie lee is hearing you and the outpouring of love and support has been amazing. it's been all over our facebook page and all over our twitter page and kat texted me and said to let everybody know how much she appreciates the love and prayers and well wishes and today a lot of people have been asking about cassidy and cody to see how they're doing because america grew up watching those two young kids grew up and cassidy did do an instagram tribute to her dad yesterday and this is what she wrote.
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