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tv   Today  NBC  September 5, 2015 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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the couples finally got their marriage licenses from the clerks. >> i want to go hug my mom. >> reporter: davis's soldiers say she is a fighter. >> she will not resign. she cannot sacrifice her conscience. she is willing as dr. martin ther king jr. wrote, to pay the consequences of that decision. that's why she's here. >> reporter: davis is getting support from politicians in the race for the gop presidential nomination. mike huckabee, a former baptist minister is planning a rala and visit with davis in jail. >> this is the criminalization of christianity. what she did was follow the kentucky constitution. >> reporter: the aclu and the representatives say her continued choices are keeping her in jail. >> she chose not to comply with the law. for every other citizen in the country, you break the law, there are consequences and there
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are consequences for government officials. >> reporter: controversial case that could go on indefinitely. and davis's attorneys are questioning if the licenses issued yesterday are valid since they don't contain her signature. the county attorney and attorneys for the couples assert they are valid. complex issues ethical and legal here in kentucky. peter. >> sarah, thank you. >> matt saber is the founder of liberty counsel and attorney for kim davis. thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> you said your client is not going to resign. she holds the jailhouse keys at this point. she won't resign. sht e could go back and simply not issue those licenses to same-sex couples ithe self. she won't do that. in some ways, that could be a win-win? why not take that option? >> because number one, she was
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elected by the people for 27 years. they want her to serve. if they change their mind, that's up to them. she i doing a great job. she will return $1.5 million in savings to them. she will continue to serve the team people. she cannot sacrifice her conscience. she cannot allow the marriage license that conflicts with her christian beliefs. it cannot go out under her name directly or someone else doing it under her authority. what she does, whether a deputy clerk does it or she does it, it is under her authority, kim davis, the clerk of rowan county issuing a marriage license that directly collides with marriage of the union of a man and woman. all she is asking for is reasonable an accommodation. that is remove her name and thority title off the certificate.
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it put it under the commonwealth kentucky for example. not under her name. >> she is not comfortable with that. thatcs her conscience. how is her imposing that on her staffers? ho cw is that not imposing on them? now they are forced to make the decision. do they disobey their boss or disobey the government? >> she has a great collegiality with her staff and they are long ligme friends. they were coerced by the judge with jail time to issue the licenses. that is understandable. she has nothing but respect for her staff. >> are you saying that is not her imposing her beliefs on them although five of the six said they are okay with it? >> if you had the president under his authority issue something directly, it is the president speaking. in this particular case, whether
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it is her speaking or deputy clerk doing it, voluntarily or under coercion, it ih her speaking. it is her authority. it is her license. she is the elected official. they are not. the people put her there. it is her authority. >> mat, at this point how does this end? >> we don't know how it ends. that is part up to the judge and appellate court. there is so much due process violated by the judge. there was no notice for potential incarceration. the judge did not allow si tgnificant briefing. it was a pre-planned situation. all of the things set up with no notice to kim davis. there are lots of issues we will appeal. we are appealing. we are challenging this contempt order. we want to get her out of jail. she doesn't belong there. she is a prisoner of her religious freedom conscience. we call opinion the governor. he could act and resolve the situation with an executive
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order and the legislature could convene and resolve this not just for kim davis, but all the clerks in kentucky. >> mat saver, thank you. to politics now and hillary clinton on the campaign trail this morning. just one day after offering a public apology of sorts about that e-mail controversy in an interview with nbc news. nbc's kelly o'donnell is in new hampshire with that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. the trail can be chaotic and busy place. clinton has gone from the interview in new york to puerto rico to make a campaign stop and now here today in new hampshire to shore up key parts of her democratic base. some of those voters are uneasy about the e-mail issue. to a degree, clinton is acknowledging what this costs her. >> our country. >> reporter: hillary clinton offers this apology. >> at the end of the day, i am sorry that this has been
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nfusing to people and has raised a lot of questions and i take responsibility and it wasn't the best choice. >> reporter: clinton is paying a st eep political price for her decision to use a private e-mail server at her home instead of the government system while secretary of state. >> well, i certainly wish i made a different choice and i know why the american people have questions about it. >> reporter: in an interview with nbc's andrea mitchell, clinton defended her actions above board and acknowledging polls show damage to her trustworthiness. >> it doesn't make me feel good. i am very confident by the time this campaign has run its course, people will know that what i have been saying is accurate. >> reporter: often the target of donald trump, clinton rejected his blast your opponent style.
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>> he is great at innuendo and conspiracy theories and really deafaming people. that's not what i want to do in my campaign. >> reporter: now trump has tripped himself up on foreign policy with an interview with hugh hewitt. >> are you familiar with general sulemani? >> yes. >> he runs the quds forces. >> yes. i think the kurds, by the way have been horribly mistreated. >> not the kurds. the quds forces. the bad guys. >> reporter: trump turned on the interviewer by phoning in his complaint to msnbc's "morning joe." >> i thought he said kurds. every question was do i know this one and that one. >> reporter: and that interview is well regarded in conservative circles.
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in that very trump way, he came back saying he would know more about foreign policy than hugh hewitt by election day. here today in new hampshire, hillary clinton will meet with democratic women and organized labor. important on this labor day weekend. peter. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you very much. and andrea mitchell conducted that interview with hillary clinton on friday. andrea andrea, good morning. >> good morning, peter. >> you questioned her about the e-mail controversy and the take away was she was more contrite and no more jokes. does this mean the campaign needs to be more serious about the controversy? >> yes. this is clearly a reset. they are going forward. labor day is a good demarcation for them. they know it will not go away. the fbi investigation will continue. the monthly releases, court ordered, will continue. that does overshadow what they
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are trying to do on the campaign. they are trying to adopt a different stone. you saw that in the interview. she was trying to explain she is willing to do. knowing this is an issue that has clouded the campaign. >> and andrea, hillary clinton didn't give any full explanation for why she set up the private e-mail server in the first place. you asked if anyone in the inner circle at the time questioned that decision or move. here was her response. >> you know, i was not thinking a lot when i got in. there was so much work to be done. we had so many problems around the world. i didn't really stop and think what kind of e-mail system will be there. >> it cases judgment questions. >> i don't think so. i think the facts are pretty clear that we had a lot of hard work and hard choices to make in those four years.
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>> the clinton campaign chairman acknowledged headwinds since the story broke. how damaging has it been? >> they believe they can get their arms around it. there was nothing illegal. they are saying they didn't know what the fbi is going to end up doing. it's clearly been damaging. it has created a headwind. a lot of what he called noise out there. i think they are trying to adopt a different tone. you saw that in the interview. she is saying she is sorry it caused confusion. she did not directly apologize. that is one way i would state it. and when i asked if she was too lawyerly. she came back and said i'm very careful about my choices. in a clear contrast to donald trump, we were discussing at that moment in the interview, when you are running to be president of the united states, you have to be careful about what you say.
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she is trying to show herself to be more of a potential leader than some of the owe pponents opponents. >> hillary clinton will testify about the benghazi attacks. this is sure to come up again. andrea mitchell, thank you very much. terrific interview. you can watch "andrea mitchell reports" every day on msnbc. heading overseas now. a glimmer of hope for migrants stopped in hungary. many were finally able to make it to austria. the trip they are desperate to make. nbc's foreign correspondent richard engel is on the border of austria. good morning, richard. >> reporter: good morning, erica. this has created congestion at the hungarian border with austria. buss have begun to cross into
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austria bringing migrants trapped in this country. it is creating expectations. they made it. they won. buses took thousands of migrants from hungary into austria this morning. a simple border crossing, but this was a hard-fought victory which they had to earn one step at a time. from there, many were quickly loaded on to trains for vienna. friday, the migrants and refugees, mostly from syria, finally got fed up and hungry and decided to head for the austrian border on foot. 100 miles away. the hungarian government had been giving them a hard time. corralling them into camps and sometimes beating them. one lost his leg in an air strike. like many, he was angry and confused why the hungarian
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government was hassling. he said we bought train tickets and they won't let us travel. with many following in step, babies in the sun, two in a stroller, it became embarrassing for the hungarian government, which finally gave the migrants what they wanted. passage out of the country so they can head further north and west to wealthier parts of europe. erica, this crisis is in no way over. the march yesterday was so powerful and embarrassing to hungary, the government relented and sent the buses. today, more people are on the march. more migrants and refugees decided to give it a shot. the hungarian government said what happened is a one-time deal. it doesn't want to get into the business of ferrying people through the country. expectations have been raised. people back on the streets. we will see what happens today.
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>> there is much more attention from around the world. richard engel, thanks. another story closer to home. annual pillow fight at west point. sheinelle. >> this is getting a lot of attention this annual summer ritual. it has taken a brutal turn. the military academy acknowledges an august pillow fight meant to let off steam, left cadets battered. pillows stuffed with hard objects injuried 40. one knocked unconscious. officials regret the injuries, but so far no one has been punished and the academy has no plans to end the tradition. a multistate recall underway for salmonella links ed to imported cucumbers. the san diego distribute
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or andrew & williamson says they he are sold in stores and used in restaurants from alaska to florida. and new england patriots quarterback tom brady had some comments after the judge voided the suspension. brady took to facebook to thank supporters for standing with him in challenging times. he said everyone in football had lost because of the controversy. he pledged to make his fans proud this year and beyond. and finally, a hero off the field becomes a hero on the ball field of his hometown. anthony sadler got a heroes welcome. sadler jumped into action on the french train. last night, he got to revel in the applause of his neighbors. he threw out the first pitch. >> talk about lives taking a quick change. >> in one moment. we are talking about the forecast. heading into the holiday? >> it looks like a decent holiday for most.
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a chance of a couple of scattered showers, but it is really back toward the northern plains. the rest of the central and eastern half of the country will enjoy sunshine and warm temperatures with the highs in the 80 85 tomorrow and still sunny on labor day monday. and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thanks. just head, a look back at the
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what a week back on saturday morning with "the download." a week that was in news. >> we begin with the search for three suspected cop killers in illinois. an intense manhunt continues in the search for three people suspected in the shooting death of veteran illinois lieutenant charles gliniewicz. >> police say they now have several significant leads. >> i believe we are making some progress. >> including a video from a home surveillance camera that may have picked up the suspects. police say they are hoping the first set of forensic tests will provide answers. donald trump under the gun. tripped up during an interview with a conservative radio host. >> i don't believe in gotcha questions. >> that is a gotcha question. who is running this, this, this. i will be so good at the
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military, your head will spin. obviously i'm not meeting these people. as joe biden says he is torn about running for president. >> the most relevant factor in my decision is if my family and i have the emotional energy to run. the staffer who helped set up hillary clinton's e-mail server saying he will plead the fifth before congress. >> he called his decision understandable and disappointed. overseas, the migrant crisis in europe taking center stage as a picture of a little boy who drowned touches hearts. >> he just seen the bodies of his two drowned sons. i tried to catch my children, but it was hopeless. we are not issuing marriage licenses today. kentucky clerk kim davis refusing to issue marriage
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licenses to any couples. >> federal judge bunning ordered her into federal custody. and in new england, tom brady scores a huge victory in court. >> the reigning super bowl champion's suspension erased. overturned by a federal judge. >> tom is free. we're at the fjords national glacier park. >> president obama taking a selfie with survival expert bear grylls. and surprises at every turn at mtv's music video awards. >> i have decided in 2020 to run for president. >> and a feud ending and some new ones starting. >> miley, what's good? >> we all do interviews and we know how they manipulate. nicki, congratulations.
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and at the columbus zoo this week? >> he is running around with a 2-year-old gorilla. >> they are not the only ones enjoying time together. after winning a match at the u.s. open, novak djokovic invites a fan on the court. a new doubles team is born. >> you know where he learned those moves? peter alexander.
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>> it
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all right. come back to your tv screen. we are back on this saturday morning, september 5th, 2015. nothing cuter than puppies, but when they are playing with the "star wars" toy bb-8, a winning combination. the hottest new toy from the "star wars" line. we have one here. we will tell you about it coming up in the orange room. christmas is done. >> my kids will ask about this. yours will too. >> my husband is asking about this. >> your husband? >> we will all go out. thank you, bb-8. >> dylan said can i take that home. still to come in the half hour, it seems like serena williams cannot be stopped. how amazing? going for glory at the u.s. open.
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she a few matches way from one of the biggest feats in tennis history. could she get a grand slam this year? we hope so. >> gave up the first set last night. things are interesting. we will take you to alaska for a special group of firefighters. they are called smoke jumpers. they are parachuting down to some of that state's worst wildfires. we will talk to them. we begin this morning with what could be a new clue in the hunt for one of the most wanted men in the world. sheinelle. >> yes. this could be a stunning twist in the saga of the criminal mastermind. we are talking about mexican drug cartel king pin el chapo guzman. you may remember the escape from prison this summer. he may have been undone by a social media post. for nearly two months, law enforcement from mexico to
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united states have been hunting for guzman. also known as el chapo. >> he is one of the powerful. >> reporter: he escaped his jail cell in mexico using a multimillion dollar tunnel. slipping into the shower through the tunnel and carried off with a motorcycle. then a few days ago, his son posted this picture on twitter. the account is not verified by nbc news. that is alfredo in the middle. and partially obscured, a man with a mustache who could be el chapo. >> i saw the photograph. it looks like guzman. i don't think that anybody can say it's him with any great certainty. >> reporter: if the picture is authentic, it may hold a major clue. down at the bottom, a locater
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identified that the shot was taken in costa rica. did his son leave the location feature on identifying his father's whereabouts? >> i suspect this was a fraud. el chapo is not going to be in costa rica sitting in a public restaurant. >> reporter: if guzman were caught outside mexico, he could be extradited to the u.s. >> unless he has a death wish, i don't think he would be leaving that mexico border anytime soon. >> to add to the confusion, there is a town in mexico called costarica. >> sheinelle, thanks. we will head outside to get a check of the weather with dylan.
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>> hey, guys. we are celebrating a birthday out here. you told me. how old? >> i'm 41 today. >> she's 41! looking amazing. you are doing something right. let's look at the weather across the country where it is going to be a hot one this weekend. all weekend long. heat is building through the plains and stretch to the northeast. across up to new england, comfortable. upper 70s and low 80s. heat will build back in tomorrow and monday where we get into the 90s. staying in the 90s through next week and back through the midwest, it is in the upper 90s. humidity is high. temperatures about 15 degrees above average. eventually we get to the 90s in st. louis by the time we get it tuesday. look at the difference in the northwest. temperatures in the 60s in spokane.
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it is going to be a little bit and that's your latest forecast. peter. >> dylan, thanks. now to the world of sports and hard court where another win at the u.s. open on friday night means serena williams could be one week away from completing a career year grand slam. that is a feet that hasn't been accomplished since steffi graf did it in 1988. >> now just four more wins and
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serena williams will be one of only four women to ever win the calendar year grand slam. the match was by no means easy. she even admits the pressure is on. serena williams putting an exclamation point on her latest win. defeating bethany mattek-sands after a tough start. >> serena rarely loses a set to an american at the u.s. open. >> bethany played really well. i had to do things to adapt to her game. i finally was able to get rhythm going to the end of the second. >> reporter: williams turned it around. now the world number one is one win closer to making history. winning the australian, french, wimbledon in a single calendar year.
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only steffi graf and maureen connelly have done it before. williams is just four wins away from joining that elite group. williams is no stranger to winning. she has won 36 major titles, including twice what is called a serena slam. four consecutive majors, just not in the same calendar year. the 33-year-old recently told tamron hall she is not trying to get caught up in the moment. >> after i won the serena slam 2.0. >> you heard that. >> you can't get farther than that. obviously it can. i don't think the calendar defines anything in my career. >> reporter: but crowds want to see it. they have been packing into arthur ashe stadium for a glimpse at williams as she tries for the sport's biggest feat. >> the cherry on the greatest career. >> she takes on madison keys on sunday. her toughest competition could
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come from her sister, venus. if she makes it there, the final next saturday. >> it has been great tennis. >> the best part is she texted her sister before yesterday's match. you can imagine the texts before they play. kristen, thank you. just ahead here, an arrest in the murder of the popular dallas dentist. who would want her dead? and a doctor at your finger tips. mario armstrong is offering apps for face-to-face advice from a
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johnson's believes that bath time is more than cleansing. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? fall is in the air at lowe's... time to get your home ready with big labor day savings, like 20% off sta-green fertilizer. plus select mums 5 for only $5. so hurry in today for fall's best deals at lowe's. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,
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including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. this morning in today's health, the latest in medicine. it means you no longer have to sit in the doctor's office. you can pick up your smartphone or computer and talk to a health professional. there are lots of ways to do that. today's digital contributor mario armstrong will walk us through.
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so this is telehealth or telemedicine. >> some of these actually allow you to have a video chat with doctors and professionals. others give you different information. all done through your mobile. >> the first is the video. >> doctors on demand. >> the app is free. >> you are right. >> the visits are not. walk us through how this works. >> i actually did this. i'm dealing with allergies right now. i open up the app on my phone. it starts a video call. you have to fill in some information. what is the issue. what are you dealing with. do you have allergies. you put that stuff in and it will locate one of the doctors in the 47 states near me. a doctor here in new york said look, get some eye drops. >> so you need a doctor in your state to write a prescription in your state. it is not necessarily your doctor.
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>> that's good to point that out. it is not your doctor. other doctors will do this by video. >> you do pay for it. you pay for the visit. >> $40 for 15-minute visit. some people may think that is expensive. others say this saves a trip to the e.r. >> some people, that is their co- pay. >> some people don't have to leave work. >> is it covered by insurance? >> yes. you can use in that. >> all good things to know. >> our next one is text4baby. i feel this is an improvement on the e-mail alerts back in the day when i was pregnant. >> this is text4baby. free service. a text and app. i love this service. it is great for pregnant or new moms. what it will do is give you tips. it will say things in this part of your trimester, you should feel kicking. you should think about this for diet. at three months, your baby should sit up and recognize faces.
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>>minder reminders. >> that is fun. and rise. this is free to talk to a registered dietician. >> this is all about getting that personal nutritionist in your pocket. a lot of people are trying different weight programs. i have a nutritionist. you open up the app. you find a nutritionist. you read the descriptions that connects with you. they walk you through a program. you upload photos of what you eat and exercises and they help you along. >> that is $50 a month. >> and guarantee you will get weight loss. i will try this. >> i will download apps. mario, thank you. still ahead, jumping into action in an effort to stop the massive wildfires in alaska.
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we're back on a saturday morning with a big problem in alaska. that's wildfires. earlier this past week, president obama was there to highlight the dangers of climate change. he said that could be leading to these big blazes. so far, more than 5 million acres in alaska have burned. that is more than all the other states this summer combined.
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>> the weather channel's dave malkoff got an elite look at the smoke jumpers and how they are fighting the fires. >> been here for the last two seasons. >> reporter: cale donnelly is an elite parachute firefighter. the smoke jumpers. diving into more large wildfires than ever before. >> still a lot of large fires. >> reporter: experts say as alaska dries due to climate change, this disaster will heat up. >> i got you, lynn. >> reporter: firefighting in alaska has taken to 6,000 feet above the ground. beautiful landscape, but it is burning right now at possible record levels. >> there it was. >> flames up to 50 feet. >> reporter: smoke so heavy, you could smell it up here. and close enough to a cabin.
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to call the jump check. >> we went up 100 fires in a week. in one week, 100 new starts. >> reporter: this is one of hundreds of fire camps set up by a tough group of men and women. isolated in deep burning woods. al has been on this one for ten days. >> ten days is nothing. 20 days is something. >> reporter: they spent weeks in the forest cutting fire lines and knocking down flames. food, water and fuel all float down from the sky. all this in the state you may think of as cold and wet. that is changing. >> there's been some work done by modelers working at climate that suggest we will have longer fire seasons and larger. >> the smoke covered us. >> a lot of different weather patterns. >> hotter and drier. >> you think it will be like this in the future.
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>> reporter: a wildfire season and the only way to keep the folks who live here safe is to jump out of a plane over and over again. >> yet, cooling the trigger is something the jumpers say seriously. once they hit the ground, they could be there for 21 days or more. for "today," dave malkoff, high above central alaska. >> 21 days. >> you just have so much respect and appreciate the guys who say good-bye to their families and disappear for months at a time to protect us from the fires. still to come, the adorable "star wars" toy. >> bb-8. >> has puppies clammering for it. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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"stars wars" fans know that sound. ther loe is one toy in particular that has people excited. the bb-8 droid. kids are making their christmas list. i can feel it. >> moms and dads better start watching. dylan is in the orange room. >> we added this to our list. first though, check out a quick scene in the trailer for "the force awakens." that is bb-8 himself. think of him like the new r2d2. he is already the breakout star for the film. that means we have the adorable rolling robot toy. it is not only people who are pumped about the toy. "vanity fair" shot this with puppies who seem baffled by the droid toy. it doesn't get any cuter than this. this is my chance to bring bosco back on tv. hi, bosco.
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we have bosco and the team creator of bb-8. she's a little freaked out about it. this toy is really exciting because it's not just a remote control toy, but app control toy. >> yes. it is a connective play device. it is controlled by the iphone or android. he can talk to you and engage with you. >> you can update it as new apps come out. we'll be right back after this. bosco, look over here.
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usual for bleeding to stop. pseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. peliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. ptell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. v eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. v plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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good morning. it is 8:00. here are some of the stories we arg.e watching. not backing down. the kentucky clerk refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples will not go back on her belief. she is spending another day beyehind bars and could be there through this weekend as same-sex couples celebrate finally able to get licenses. we have all lost. tom brady speaking out for the first time since the four-game suspension was erased. the patriots quarterback thanking fans and saying he is ready get focus back on the football field. a man who claims to be his father lashes out atea radio host in defense of his son. big savings at the pump. gas prices the lowest they have been this holiday weekend in more than a decade. they could drop further. today, saturday, september 5th,
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2015. [ >> this crowd is outrageous. >> i can't hear you. >> amazing. >> wow! >> how about that? >> the energy. it's a little the cool. >> little cool. >> will you indulge me. since there is no stamp on the letter in my house. happy birthday, david alexander. i'm peter alexander. dylan dreyer and erica hill is here. >> we have the band back together. we have a busy morning this morning. sheinelle is at the news desk wiezth more. on the defiant county clerk in kentucky. >> good morning. kim davis refuses to issue marriage licenses. her lawyer says she will stand her ground. sarah dallof joins us with the latest details from kentucky. >> reporter: good morning, sheinelle.
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an attorney for kim davis says she is in good spirits. she is doing bible study. she is prepared to sy there for as long as it takes. she is receiving support locally and nationally, including from some candidates in the race for the gop nomination. mike huckabee plans to visit her in jail next week as well as hold a rally in her support. yesterday, a judge declined to put a contempt order on hold while attorneys prepare her appeal. we spoke with one of those attorneys earlier. mat mi staver. >> she was elected by the people. she had been there for 27 years. they want her to serve. if they change their minds, that's up to them. she is doing a great job. she will return $1.5 million in savings to them by the end of the year. she will continue to serve the people. number two, in serving the people, she cannot sacrifice her conscience. that is something she cannot do.
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couples yesterday who emerged from the office to cheers from their supporters. davis's attorneys are questioning the licenses since they don't contain davis's signature. both questions legally and ethically. sheinelle, back to you. >> thank you, sarah. in an interview with nbc news, hillary clinton stresses the issue of her e-mail server should not raise questions about her judgment. the leading contender for the nomination for the democratic party, sat down with andrea mitchell. she wanted to be clear about the role of the server during her state department years. >> you know, i was not thinking a lot when i got in. there was so much work to be done. we had so many problems around the world. i didn't really stop and think what kind of e-mail system will there be. >> does it raise judgment questions?
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>> i don't think so. i think the facts are pretty clear. we had hard choices to make in the four years. >> clinton is trying to shake off the private e-mail server. migrants are making their way from hungary to austria. they started to make it into austria after thousands clogged the highways determined to walk to their destination. charity workers greeted them with food and a place to sleep. hungary has created a humanitarian crisis leaving nati ons at odds how to handle e crowds seeking asylum. on this labor day weekend, drivers are getting low prices. the average is $2.40 a gallon. that is down 9 cents from last week and more than $1 from the sa smme time last year. finally, a phenomenon that mayobe too much of a good thing for school.
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teachers are seeing double and en some. this school in southern honduras has 23 sets of twins. get this, apparently some of the twins are taking advantage of the fact they look alike. trading classes and taking each other's test. it may be a challenge at time, local teachers and residents in the town consider all of the twins a blessing. >> 23 pairs? >> 23 identical? >> and i heard on the radio on the way in a town in long island had 13. >> something in the water. >> one t an does the coloring, thlde other oes the math. best strengths. dylan is always in charge of the weather. that is how it works around here. >> i pretend to be. a decent weekend for most of the country. you see the cold air back through montan we even have snow through the higher elevations. maybe up to 4 inches of snow. most areas seeing rain showers. the cooler air will settle into
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the dakotas tomorrow.ghere is the timing. just scattered showers. some of the storms producing heavy downpours. keep that in mind this morning. the cold front moves east and pushes the storms into the minneapolis area into tomorrow. today, we are looking at scattered showers across the southeast. nothing widespread. hot through the plains and nice in the northeast. temperatures will get back in the upper 80s and 90s. highs today only around 70 thanks dylan. good morning everyone. 69 degrees outside right now. lots of sunshine. it will warm up to the low 80s. great day to enjoy the beaches, pools and barbecues. watch out tor rip currents. low 807s s today and mid-80s to.morrow. hazy, hot and humid tuesday with a high of 91.
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and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thanks. an arrest overnight in the shooting death of a popular dentist in dallas. family and friends stunned after being gunned down in the parking garage of her apartment complex. this morning, one person who police say is responsible is behind bars. nbc's kerry sanders has more. >> reporter: as friends and colleagues mourn the loss of kendra hatcher. >> we want to remember her. >> reporter: this morning, dallas police announce a suspect killing. authorities say the 35-year-old dentist was gunned down wednesday night shortly after pulling into the parking garage of her apartment building. detectives release a picture of interest of an older model jeep cherokee. that car slipped past the security gate when a driver followed another car through before hatch er er arrived home.
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>> the individual walked in her direction. the individual gets back in the car. >> reporter: the person under arrest, a 22-year-old woman crystal cortez. she is being held on $250,000 bond. authorities say she admitted involvement in the crime. claiming she was paid $500 and drove a man to the scene who shot and killed hatcher. friends and family are stunned by her death. >> she had a really big heart. i don't understand who would do this to her and why they would want to do this to her. >> reporter: a crime left a community shaken this morning. for "today," kerry sanders, nbc news. tom brady, a four-time super bowl winner, victorious in court this week as you heard. a humble brady spoke out to his fans on social media overnight. tom brady speaking out for the
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first time since the four-game suspension erased by a federal judge this week. he posted on facebook last night. i'm pleased to be able to play, i'm sorry the league had to endure this. this is not good for the sport. to a large degree, we have all lost. roger goodell tried to sideline the star by allegations that brady instructed ball boys to deflate the game balls last year. this judge richard berman tossed the allegations out. a man claiming to be tom brady's father called into to a radio show to blast the host. the caller also slamming the nfl commissioner. brady excited to be playing in the nfl season opener thursday night. writing, i look forward to the competition on the playing
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field. i hope the attention of the nfl fans can return to where it belongs. on the players and coaches who work hard every week and sacrifice so much to make this game great. the nfl season kicks off thursday night on nbc. tom brady hosting, not just tom brady alone. patriots hosts the steelers. when i was covering this, goodell will not cover the game. he wants the focus to be on the game and not on the controversy. >> not because he is worry ied about backlash in the parking lot? >> here we go. still to come this morning, actress jessica alba under fire once again for her company honest. and now facing a multimillion all your life you're told to tame your curls.
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when you try to tame my curls, it feels like you want to tame me. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created dove quench absolute. this system deeply nourishes curls... to quench dryness... for 4 times more defined, natural curls. dove quench absolute. ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! stop by your neighborhood sherwin-williams paint store and save 30% on paints and stains, august 27th through september 7th. visit flonase allergy relief, the only otc nasal spray approved to relieve nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance, flonase controls six. see the world in a whole new light. flonase, this changes everything. why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel?
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awesome! cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go commando. many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula... to work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena .
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we're back now on a saturday morning of this labor day holiday week. it is time to trend. we begin with an interesting match up. mash up. have you seen this? it is making the rounds of hillary clinton and tom brady as they try to explain themselves from controversy.
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take a look. >> i did not e-mail any classified material. >> i did not alter the ball. >> i would never do anything to break the rules. >> looking back, it would have been smarter to have used two devices. >> i can't do anything of what happened in the past. >> who handles the balls now? >> i have no. >> it has nothing to do. >> when i take those balls out, those balls are perfect. i don't want anyone touching the balls or rubbing them. >> like with a cloth or something? >> it seemed like tom brady was having fun with reporters in the room. a lot of use of certain language. >> there was. a lot of conversation about that. who here gets stuck on one topic and 20 minutes later, you are still there. google now wants to help you
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with that. rolling out a new feature to give you the random bits of information. uber facts. you google the words fun facts or i'm feeling curious. >> when you are trying to waste time. >> random information to have you looking up other ideas. i think i need to get my phone. >> like you need anymore help finding time to waste time on the internet. >> how many men are in the worl how many women are in the world? random questions. look it up. >> google it. >> google it. talk to it. >> yeah. here is something you don't see every day. a little video. sweet. little girls giving advice to grown men about texts and dating. >> too much facetime. >> i think you should say you're really pretty. >> no, she's not.
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maybe still pretty. >> what could be a sweet text? >> i love you. >> i love you. >> so sweet, right? >> even if she is not pretty, tell her she's pretty. >> i think a lot of guys would do well if they stuck to that advice. big happy birthday to beyonce and jessica alba in trouble. >> her honest company was just slapped with a $5 million claim. saying the company deceptively mislabeled its products as natural. in the past, the company has said it stands behind all of its products. and royals like to watch tv just like us. queen elizabeth is a huge fan of
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"downton abbey." she fact checks the show for fun. and one was wearing a medal only offered in world war i and he was actually in world war ii. speaking of queens. queen bee's 34th birthday. if you didn't know she ruled the world. take a look at social media. her celebrity friends and maria carey and others wished her a happy birthday. and kanye west and taylor swift say there is no bad blood between them after taylor presented an award to kanye. he sent her a giant bouquet of
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white flowers. kanye 2020. kante 2020. combining their names. >> and that taylor swift on the ticket? west/swift. >> could get good quickly. still to come, the movies that could leave you on the edge of your seat this fall. your weekend movie plans.
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but first this is "today" still to come on "today," we will follow the sheriff's deputy over the comment he left on a voicemail that he never meant to happen. plus, we head to the kitchen
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for baking quicker smarter earlier fresher
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harder and yeah, even on sundays. if that's not what you think of when you think of the united states postal service, watch us deliver. if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec . muddle no more . enamel is your teeth' s first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. stronger, healthy enamel. so what about that stock? sure thing, right? actually, knowing the kind of risk that you're comfortable
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with, i'd steer clear. really? really. straight talk. now based on your strategy i do have some other thoughts... multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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goorp. it is 8:26 and still holding. 69 degrees. beautiful morning on this 5th day of september. new this morning, charges filed with a suspect. more than 80 shots fired in the gun fight with harris. this was early yesterday morning. neighbors reported all those shots. harris faces four counts of attempted murder of a police officer as well as wreckless dangerment. around 4:00 yesterday afternoon three women and two men were taken to the hospital. >> some people were screaming.
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some people were just like woe and tried to get out of the way. >> people were sitting down in chairs and people with their backs to it couldn't see really and a couple of people couldn't get out of we. >> officials say a 23-year-old woman was the most seriously injured. she has a broken arm. raphael is here with a look now at the forecast. perfect labor day weekend. >> it's been an amazing summer. temperatures back to the 80s and low humidity. i know we're enjoying that. temperatures back to the low 80s today. loads of sunshine all weekend long. quiet a stretch we got coming our way. 85 tomorrow with lots of sun. monday, labor day back to 90 degrees. you know it's going to come back soon and stays with us again. another heat wave early next week. >> all right. we've been warned. thank you so much. carrie and i are back at 9:00 with the top stories. right now back to weekend today.
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when i'm with you i love it i love it >> weir 're we're from alabama. >> it's our anniversary. >> it's our anniversary and we're on the "today" show. >> it's my 16th birthday. >> we're on the "today" show. >> we're on a mother/daughter trip. >> we have a crowd this morning. we said it earlier. you guys are amazing today. great energy. i love it. >> we are so thankful. we are back on a saturday morning. it is september 5th, 2015. enjoying the beginning of the labor day weekend with our new friends on the plaza. >> starting to feel a bit like fall moving in. a cool one today. >> tomorrow will be back up near 90. >> we appreciate that.
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still to come this half hour on fall. james bond and new from brad and angie. we will run you through all of those coming up. anybody hungry? i don't know if they get to eat it. we are cooking up something with the last of the summer harvest. a raspberry dessert. we begin this half hour with the sheriff's deputy in colorado coming under fire after he left crude comments on a newspaper reporter's voicemail after he thought he hung up the phone. he hadn't. nbc's gadi schwartz has more. >> reporter: chase, this is zach. a voicemail until the deputy leaving the message thought he hung up. >> my wife work add the herald. she [ bleep ]. >> i'm angered.
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>> reporter: mcalister was disgusted. as a reporter for a small paper in durango, she called the deputy about a crash with a bike. never expected to hear farnham and a couple deputies talking about her body. >> she hot? >> not hot. i mean, she's got an okay body. not like quadrupleds. >> the idea that public employees could talk so contentiously of women when they don't think they are being heard is shocking. it is not a frat party. it's the sheriff's office. >> reporter: the conversation continued with the deputies insulting her because she was from the u.k. >> she's a [ bleep ]. it's a u.k. thing. she literally grew up on a [ bleep ] island. >> reporter: the sheriff would not allow us to speak to deputy
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farnham. he got a public information officer to speak on his behalf. >> discipline action was taken on behalf of the officers involved. they apologized to the newspaper and the reporter. >> it was me, but it could be any woman. >> reporter: but mcalister is asking how are women supposed to feel when they turn to the sheriff's office for help? >> i don't know how this message could not undermine women's feeling of safety and they will be treated as equal. >> reporter: a tough question with big implications for a small colorado town. for "today," gadi schwartz, nbc news. dylan is back with a final check of the weather with a helicopter above us. >> you see the camera. >> i love that. >> it will be a really nice labor day weekend for the center and eastern half of the country. it is going to be hot through the plains where we are warming up to the 90s.
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in the northeast, 70s and 80s. we have a couple of heavy downpours up across the dakotas. those move east. stronger thunderstorms across minnesota tomorrow. in the southeast, scattered showers and storms. chilly in the northwest. seattle on sunday, 66 degrees. back in the 70s on monday. for labor day, it looks quiet. scattered showers in iowa and wisconsin and down to florida. the heat building back up to the 90s. in the middle of the country through texas, temperatures near thanks dylan. good morning everyone. we are enjoying a break in the humidity this morning. much more come fy. beautiful day. i mean, look at the stretch we have. 81 today. up to 85. more fun if the sun tomorrow and the heat returns with the humidity a little bit but dry on
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your labor day monday. and tonight there a is a big night of college football when notre dame faces off against the texas longhorns. it is also a big deal. this is the 25th anniversary of notre dame football on nbc. katharine is the sideline reporters and one of my friends. katharine, it is exciting to see you. what is the feeling there now? >> reporter: dylan, this is not just an historic game for nbc, but historic match up in football. two kicking off in primetime under the bright lights on nbc. the 244th consecutive sellout at notre dame stadium. the second highest ticket price on the college football block this year. second only to when notre dame hosts boston college later on this year at fenway park. overhead, private jets making
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its way to south bend. the fans are already in front of me tailgating. dylan, where are you? >> i wish i was there. it sounds like the season is the place to be. notre dame could have a good season? >> we had a chance to sit down with brian kelly yesterday. he laughed when we asked about the high expectations. he says tell me a season when the expectations are low for notre dame. this team is returning 18 of the starters. they have three potential nfl draft picks in the lineup. they are at odds to win the national title. this season, barring any injuries, they are good to go for the season. >> kathryn, you are looking at heat and a chance of storms. keep that in mind as things kickoff. the texas longhorns taking on the fighting irish. coverage starts at 7:30 eastern here on nbc. >> you have the nerd bowl.
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northwestern and stanford. dylan, thank you. coming up next, the biggest movies this fall. we have action, drama. we are covered for families too. what you don't want to miss after these messages i'm jerry bell the second. and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting!
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pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r). power to your mouth ! terry bradshaw? what a surprise! you know what else is a surprise? shingles. and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. c' mon let' s sit down and talk about it. and did you know that one in three people will get shingles? (all) no. that' s why i' m reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. (all) oooh. who' s had chickenpox? scoot over.
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and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. talk to your doctor or pharmacist. about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini.
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in this morning's "weekend movie ticket" a special edition. excuse me. blockbusters hitting the theaters over the months. >> no talking with food in your mouth. there is something for everyone. flicks to bring the kids to and action packed dramas and thrillers. >> everest. >> the 3d disaster movie "everest" will have you on the edge of your seat. matt damon must survive on mars in the thriller "the martian." and a trip to grandma's may never been the same in m. knight shamylan's movie. it has been ten years, but brad
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pit and angelina jolie are back on the big screen in the relationship drama "by the sea." oscar buzz ringing for hollywood heavyweights. johnny depp is all but unrecognizable as whitey bulger. and michael tackles a complex apple ceo steve jobs in the blockbuster bio-pic. if you are looking for family friend. charlie brown and the gang back in "the peanuts" movie. and pixar with "the good dawn saur." you have to wait a while for some of the films of 2015. the final chapter in "the hunger games" franchise and the epic "star wars" don't hit theaters until the end of year.
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and we have editor of fandango here with us. right off the top, what do we have to see? >> my brother is asking me what do i see at imax? every third movie is imax. i'll give you a couple. "everest." mountain climbers who get stuck in a snow storm. based on a real story. check your fear of heights. also, "martians." remember mcguyver on mars? >> not as good. >> a lot of the blockbusters and what is impressive, we have the pumpkins out. some of these don't come out until later. >> the big heavy hitters in november. james bond. and expect a classic vibe to the
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title to the villain as a henchmen. "sky fall" was the biggest one. also "the hunger games mocking jay part 2." this is the most anticipated fall movies. the final "hunger games" movie. expect it to be action packed and emotional. we say farewell to katnis. and then yes, "star wars" on december 18th. han and luke and leia and chewie. all coming back. >> the oscar buzz is starting. awards season is starting. >> exactly. speaking of the polls. the guy that topped our poll for the most likely to get an oscar nod is johnny depp. he plays mobster whitey bulger. the fourth time playing a gang gangster. he looks great.
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early reviews are mixed on the film. they agree this is one of depp's best roles. if you are a fan of his, go see it. also steve jobs movie coming out. this was written by aaron sorkin. he did "the social network." both movies coming out at the same time. i think it could emerge as an early frontrunner. danny boyle directs is. we will see. of course, we have the dannish girl. eddie redmayne in the role. he could repeat here and if he does, he will be the first since tom hanks. >> he was terrific in "the theory of everything." another incredible transformation. how about family friendly movies? >> comedies. we have "the intern."
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this is a good mom movie. take mom to see it. it is charming. nancy meyer directed it. for the kids, i like "the peanuts" movie. the first charlie brown movie in 35 years. a computer generated one. it looks different than we know charlie brown. it will have the classic charm. and second movie for pixar. "the good dinosaur." >> erik davis, thanks for being here. we will send it to sheinelle in the orange room with the today's life hacks. >> we have kim and angie with us. all that good stuff. do you guys like to grill? >> yes. >> we will help you make the barbecue more efficient with the hacks. here is the first one. if you ever grilled fish -- oh,
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did i do something wrong? shoot. here's the thing. when you are cooking fish and it can go in the grill. how about this? put some lemons on the bottom. when you flip it over, don't get me to do that, it gets the lemony taste without sinking in the grill. i never grilled before. that is what the hacks are telling me. here you go. here is the next one. look how nice i did that. how about burgers? no one likes a dry piece of meat. take ice chips. you put them into the patty before you grill. apparently the ice cubes keep your patty from drying out. i wondered about the taste. i don't know. or a bit of apple juice to keep the flavor in there. that is interesting. you are great. >> wow! >> take it away. this is your moment. still to come on "today," a delicious dessert using the last raspberries of the summer. >> but first this is "today" on
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i like that song. this morning in "today's food." we are savoring the last of the summer's harvest with raspberries. carmen is the author of "hand made baking." so good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> what is a pavlova? >> i love this. pavlova is simple and sophisticated and delicious. it is marshmallowy in the ddle. we need basic eggs, sugar, salt, vinegar, heavy cream,
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raspberries and pistachio nuts. >> one of the first things we need to do is beat the egg whites. >> we are making a meringe base. we take egg whites and beat them until they get foamy. you add in the salt and sugar and boost up the speed. you should get a very thick, firm mixture that looks like this. >> it looks like fluff. >> it looks like fluff. it should have a peak where it stands up. >> the stiff peaks. what about the texture? >> check the texture for me. >> here. >> like this? >> rub it between your fingers. >> it is smooth. and sticky. kind of fun. we have that down. >> what we do is we will get rid of this.
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and we are folding in vinegar. >> yes. we are folding in vinegar. this makes it marshmallowy. just casually mix it in. >> does it matter what you use? a metal spoon? >> it should be metal. it prevents it. it takes it and dots it on a parchment baking sheet. i trke a cake pin and trace it. you don't need to do that. you can if you want. >> we will spread it on. we spread it around. this is our finished product. it bakes for an hour? >> bn hour and 15 minutes at 250 degrees fahrenheit. >> we let it cool and bring in the fruits of the season. we will do the fruits of the season over here. >> what you can se is whatever is in season. what i like to do in june is
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some strawberries and pistachio nuts. >> it looks beautiful. we re in raspberries season now. >> we did raspberries and pistachio nuts. >> you drizzle the jam on there. we can drizzle. i think our royal tasters are making their entrance. >> and missing the whipped cream. >> if you want whipped cream, you can use that. it is optional. >> we top it off with raspberries. >> someone said food. >> did somebody say fo ? >> and just a sprinkle. this is so easy. >> and perfect. >> look at that. >> i have a knife right here. cameron, thanks for being here this morning. you can find more on we'll be back right after these messages and our snack. i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family?
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my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. pnot only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, t but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding v than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. pdon't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. peliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. pdon't take eli is if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. pif you had a spinal injection ile on eliquis pcall your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. pwhile taking eliquis, nyyou may bruise more easily... pand it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. pseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. peliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. ptell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. v elaniquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. v veplus had less
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major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ask sherwin-williams during the endless summer sale! stop by your neighborhood sherwin-williams paint store and save 30% on paints and stains, august 2 h through september 7th. visit it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. why do you think the ripples make a difference? grabs more? it's the cleanripple texture. now, do you feel so ean that you would go commando? why not! how do you feel? awesome! ag cottonelle has cleanripple texture so you're clean enough to go mmando. fall is in the air at lowe's... time to get your home ready with big laboc day savings, like 20% off sta-green fertilovizer.
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plus select mums 5 for only $5. so hurry in today for fall's best deals at lowe's. just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda ... calorie sweetener. splenda lets you experience... ...the joy of sugar... ...without all the calories. ink sugar, say splenda shopping for a used car is so intimidating. i mean, you feel like you have to be this expert negotiator to get a fair deal. i hate to haggle. when you go to a restaurant you don't haggle over the chicken parmesan. wh oy can't car-buying be like that? as long as peo e drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them.
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coming up nextfon today in new york. >> three more buildings in the bronx have tested positive for the dangerous bacteria that causes legionnares disease. we'll take a l k at what's being done to keep resident's safe. >> and a shooting that startled a brooklyn neighborhood. >> and waking up tr bea diful sunshine asdwe start this labor day holiday weekend. thfaere's a risk for deadly rip currents. >> thank you. >> today new york your saturday edition coming your way next. like really rain. [clap of thunder] i did not want to go out. [clap of thunder] but then i was like duh, just use your phone. mobile-deposit-techno-thingy to the rescue.
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live, this is today in new rk. >> hundreds of people in the water in the bronx without water after reports of a scary bacteria. >> plus a fallen tree traps people in the park. >> and a holiday weekend crack down. we'll tell you where the checkpoint stops suspected drunk drivers. >> welcome back to today on new york on this saturday morning. >> i'm pat battle and it is the middle of the labor day weekend. we've had picture perfect weather so far andrea identify yell is here to tell us if it's going to hold out. >> good morning, everyone. lots of sunshine out there already. the mugginess is gone.
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we're enjoying that this saturday morning. sunny and warm. watching out for rip currents especially for the jersey shore. if you have beach plans, keep that in mind. here's a look at your storm tracker. mostly sunny skies from new york city to the hudson valley. temperatures are down yesterday a bit from the low 8 0s. it's warm and not too muggy today. that's the big difference from yesterday. we have another heat wave coming your way potentially. back to you. >> all right. thank you, raphael. hundreds of residents are without hot water after more buildings in the bronx tested positive for the legg bacteria. >> reporter: one resident woke up and still does not have hot
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water as crews work to get rid of the legionella bacteria in their buildings. water in four of the buildings has been contaminated with the dangerous bacteria. 304, 320 and 346 east 156th street have been effected. today crews are restoring ionization systems. until is systems are replaced, people are going to have to endure the lack of hot water. they say the water is still safe. >> yes, you can take showers and utilize the water. we've identified some of the preliminary testing. more testing to do but you are safe. >> reporter: one melrose resident has legionnares des and it's unclear where he or she may have picked it up. health officials are telling
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everyone if they feel sick or have symptoms to go to the hospital. reporting live, sheldon dutez, today in new york. >> thank you, sheldon. >> new this morning, nearly a dozen drivers s nding t first part of your labor d weekend in jail. out of the 651 vehicles that passed through the checkpoint, 11 people were arrested. police ramping up efforts to keep drunk drivers off the roads during this busy holiday weekend. new information about a suspect in a shoot out with police in the hospital and in kus can i. that happened in brooklyn. people heard dozens of shots in this gun fight. he led police on a foot chase. they eventually shot him in the leg and this morning he's in stable condition. six officers also recovering
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from the ringing in the ears from all the gun fire. >> also new this morning, surveillance video could be the key in capturing a man who sexually assaulted a woman in a parking lot. this man assaulted a 22-year-old woman after befriending her earlier in the day. if you have any information about his identity, call police. also, right now, police trying to find a man in these surveillance pictures. this man assaulted an officer. he was trying to shoplift at dsw warehous ton east 14th street yesterday and when three officers went in the store to iarrest him, the suspect punched one of them. he was able to escape. two officers were treated at the hospital. >> and a freak accident in bryant park sent five people to the hospital. investigators trying to figure out what caused a tree to just snap sending a huge branch crashing down on to people who


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