tv Today NBC September 28, 2015 7:00am-10:00am EDT
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>> reporter: obama has refused a formal meeting except as part of larger summit gatherings for two years, ever since putin gave temporary asylum to nsa leaker edward snowden and now they whom. the white house said putin reached out and the kremlin disputes that nor can they agree on what to talk about. white house the said first ukraine where russia is backing the separatists and the kremlin says syria where the u.s. suspects russia is making a power play, sending in more weapons and troops to keep its ally bashar al assad in power permanently. >> i think the critical thing is that all of the efforts need to be coordinated. this is not yet coordinated. i think we have concerns about how we're going to go forward. >> and when obama meets putin later today his first priority is to find out just what putin is up to, but there are signs that president obama is moving closer to putin's position,
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years after president obama said assad must go in syria, he's tacitly willing to let him stay. matt and savannah. >> and i yeah, thanks very much. an interesting day where she is at the u.n. >> absolutely. we move to politics now, the presidential race and a revealing new nbc news/"washington post" poll. republicans donald trump and ben carson running neck in neck and on the democratic side hillary clinton is losing ground to bernie sanders. we've got two reports this morning and then we'll break things down with chuck todd. let's start with the republicans and nbc correspondent peter alexander. peter, good morning. >> reporter: hey, with his momentum stalling donald trump will unveil his tax plan today including tax hikes for the have wealthy. this morning he and ben carson, as you noted, all locked up at the top, but two of their challengers are picking up steam. they are not backing down with one of them trashing trump's campaign as a freak show. despite the kurt tans collapsing
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sunday n tht lately it's been anything but light's out for her campaign. the new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll show fiorina and rubio tied for third place and trump and dr. ben carson at the top. trump on "60 minutes." >> i'm on a lot of covers, more than any supermodel. >> reporter: and trying to combat accusations he's light on subs tans trump previewed a new tax plan, including cuts. >> overall a tremendous incentive to grow the economy, and we're going to take in the same or more money, and i think we'll have something that's going to be spectacular. >> reporter: trump may be feeling the heat, most recently teeing off on rubio. >> lightweight. he's a lightweight. you have this clown marco rubio. i've been so nice to him. i've been so nice. >> reporter: in an interview with npr news rubio dismissed trump. >> i'm not interested in the back and forth to be a member or part of his freak show. i would just say this. he is a very sensitive person. he doesn't like to be criticized.
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>> reporter: facing new scrutiny of her own, fiorina maintains that employees were caught on tape keeping a fetus alive to harvest its brain and several media fact-checkers says fiorina's account is not true, that the video using misleading stock footage. >> are you willing now to cron creed that you exaggerated that scene? >> no, not at all. that screen absolutely does exist. >> reporter: meanwhile, following his decision to resign, house speaker john boehner is lashing out at his conservative critics. >> the bible says beware of false prophets, and there are people out there, you know, spread ing spreading noise about how much can get done. >> reporter: as for those false prophets on the right, to use speaker boehner's words, he blasted their political strategies that he said, quote, never had a chance, including the 2013 push to repeal obamacare that led to a government shutdown that boehner
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matt and savannah. >> all right, peter, thank you very much. >> take a look at the democratic side. our poll shows hillary clinton's lead over bernie sanders slipping even further. nbc's kristen welker has that part of the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. secretary clinton will spend the first part of this week fund-raising before she heads back out on to the campaign trail. still looming large though, that e-mail controversially that she just can't shake. as hillary clinton heads west today, she's facing a new reality, the controversy over her e-mails is here to stay, something she acknowledged for the first time on "meet the press." >> it is like a drip, drip, drip, and that's why i said there's only so much i can control. >> reporter: clinton again said she regrets using a personal account while serving as secretary of state but struggled to explain the discovery of several work e-mails sent on her personal account earlier than she previously said she had use the the address. >> you said in march that the e-mail system began if march of
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address popping up in january. explain that discrepancy. >> there was a transition period. you know, i wasn't that focused on my e-mail account, to be clear here. >> reporter: republican candidates have hammered her over the e-mails and the republican national committee said sunday clinton continues to mislead the american people. it's all taking a toll. the latest nbc news/return poll of democratic primary voters nationwide shows clinton has lost ground to vermont senator bernie sanders. she leads him by just seven points, 42% to 35%, a big drop from previous polls. >> william jefferson clinton. >> reporter: the controversy also overshadowing the clinton family charity's annual meeting in new york where former president bill clinton blamed republicans and the media. >> i actually am amazed that she's held up under it as well as she have, but i've never seen so much expended on so little. >> reporter: now when asked why she set up the server clinton
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again said out of convenience, noting her husband already had a system set up at their house in chappaqua, new york. the wild card in this race is still vice president joe biden who is considering a run. our poll shows clinton's lead over sanders grows from 7 points to 15 without biden in the race. sources tell me biden will likely make an announcement in the early part of october. matt, savannah. >> kristen welker, chuck todd moderator of "meet the press" and director of nbc news. good morning. >> good morning. >> you were here months ago when the whole e-mail scandal broke and we all talked about it and said will itlinger? >> it will linger because it's such a ripe target for republicans, not only lingering, it's getting worse. hillary clinton seems to be making it worse. what did you hear in her tone yesterday in that interview that tells you how she's going to fight it going forward? >> well, i thought it was interesting is she's acknowledging, guess what, it's going to linger more, and she would not say that there's no new revelations that may come out. there may be more stuff, but she was attributing it to republicans that are coming after her, and i thought it was interesting that both her and
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president clinton essentially were saying the same things in the different interviews, one with me and one with fareed there on cnn. this is oat 90s all over again. we've been through this before which to me was a message a donors and democrats wringing that are hands. you know how we survive these things, we'll survive this, too. >> sanders has genuine momentum. you look at him in the polls. it's this upward trajectory. is this a protest vote or is he a real threat to her? >> i think he's a real threat to her in iowa and new hampshire? i don't know where he goes after that, a serious threat in both of those places, unique for his message, progressive message, because when you look at her numbers in these places, she's popular enough. it's just that they seem to love bernie. they seem to like hillary. look, i don't think he's a threat to stop her from the nomination, but now you see why i think they are sore worried about biden getting in. >> on the gop side the new polling says it's trump and carson at the top. fiorina and rubio tied in what you would call third place. it's just a snapshot. >> right.
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about what voters are looking for? >> well, obviously three of the four are the outsiders, non-elected officials but watch marco rubio. you have this feeling, and i was sort of comparing it to 2013 and 2004 when democrats were flirting with howard dean and all these other democrats and john kerry was sort of the tortoise hanging around, hanging around. rubio could end up being the compromise, the ones that people want the outsider, a new face and the establishment says but he's kind of establishmenty. if you're concerned that jeb bush doesn't have what it takes to beat hillary you're comfortable with rubio and if you want an outsider like carson or fiorina you might find yourself comfortable with rubio, that to me was the most interesting part of the poll. >> big earthquake of friday, speaker boehner saying he's going to leave congress at the end of october. do you have a big meta theory of everything that explains what happened there and what we're seeing in the republican power right now. >> >> what's powering trump and carson is what basically powered boehner out of this, so i think -- the question is -- did
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essentially through himself on the grenade, is it going to calm the waters for a water, buy the establishment time, mcconnell and boehner and buy sort of the establishment time, or does it sort of -- is there blood in the water and the conservatives go a, a we forced boehner out. now we're going to take over the entire party. >> judge todd coining a new word, establishmenty. >> why didn't i think that of. >> it is a savannahy word. would have been better coming from you. >> see more of chuck's interview on hillary clinton on his new msnbc show called "mtp daily" today and every weekday at 5:00. >> chuck will never have another day off and monday on "today" we'll be in new hampshire we'll talk with secretary clinton and have an interview and an exclusive town hall meeting right here on today. >> meanwhile, al is tracking major downpour flooding parts of the south. al, good morning. >> good morning, guys, all right. we want to tell you, look at this, this is pascagoula, mississippi, one to two feet of rain but that doesn't stop this guy on the motorcycle.
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cars got stuck, but the motorcycle kept going. we also saw major flooding in row neighboring, virginia, this is the back creek one to three inches of rain caused all this, but it fell in about an hour's time. what a mess. and mobile, alabama, one to two feet of rain. look at the major flooding throughout the region there and there's more on the way. why, well, we've got a couple of systems in the gulf. right now we've got an area of investigation we're watching, investigation 99-will, 470 miles south of pensacola, florida, and it has a 40% chance of developing into a tropical entity over the next 72 hours. low pressure, upper low bringing a lot of moisture up into the gulf, and so we're looking at more flooding possible there. are flood watches now from mississippi on into florida. why? we're talking some areas could pick up 8 inches of rain in the panhandle over the next several days. two to four inches though
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beach erosion going to be a big, big problem over the next 72 hours. guys. >> all right, al. such a big, fat, wet week. with natalie on assignment we've got tamron here with the other top stories including pope francis now back home. >> good morning, everyone. pope francis flew back to rome overnight saying he left the united states with a heart full of gratitude and hope. nbc's anne thompson is in vatican city. anne, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, tamron. pope francis came back to the press section of the plane and spoke to journalists for about 47 minutes, and we asked him what impressed him the most about the united states. this was his first visit to our country, ad he said it was the warmth of the people. he found us very lovable, and he said he was struck by the pitie, the prayerfulness of the people. on the issue of sexual abuse he had more strong words calling it nearly a sacrilege when it's committed by priests and said those who covered tohis up are guilty, even some bisho who covered this up.
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states was a big one. he visited a local prison in philadelphia, met individually with some 100 inmats offering them a message of re mption, an d then he celebrated mass before 800,000 adoring fans in philadelphia who gave him a great sendoff. as far as being a star, francis said that's fleeting what. lasts is being a servant of god. tamron? >> all right, anne, thank you very much. big new developments this morning in the volkswagen emissions scandal. german prosecutors have started an investigation of former chief executive martin winterkorn. now the investigation will focus on allegations of fraud in the sale of cars with manipulated emissions data. winterkorn quit last wednesday after almost nine years at helm of europe's largest carmaker saying he had no knowledge of manipulation of emission results. a fifth victim of last week's duck boat crash in seattle has died.
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209d-year-old woman who was not identified was an international student at north seattle college like the other four people who were also killed. the ride the duck tours are on hold ind efinitely after new allegations from an ntsb investigator. it said the duck boat involved in the crash did not have an axle repair that was recommended back in 2013. it's unclear if the company that owns the vehicle was aware of that warning. joyce mitchell, the former new york prison worker who helped two murderers escape faces up to seven years in prison when she's sentenced today. the 51-year-old reached a plea deal with prosecutors this summer admitting to providing tools to richard matt and david sweat who broke out of that maximum security facility in june. under state law, she is allowed to keep her pension after serving her sentence. two big sports stories making headlines on sunday, one of them good, the other you'll just have to see it. let's start with the good. 22-year-old superstar jordan
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spieth capping off an incredible year by winning both the tour championships and the season long fedex cup. he's the youngest player ever to do so, and the only golfer to er win $22 million in prize money in one year. that's a million for each year on this planet. wow. meantime, the mood, not so cheery insid, the washington nationals dugout take a look. frustrations boiled over as the nationals took on the philly. star outfielder bryce harper, pitcher jonathan papelbon exchanging some heated words worse from there. pelbon putting his hands on harper's throats and the scuffle was broken up by other coaches and player apparently papelbon called out harper for not hustling all the way on a popout. afterwards papelbon said he and harper were on the same page what. page that is? >> yeah, they both don't like each other. >> they are also saying -- trying to say that it's like when brothers wrestle at home, and, mus know, the parents have
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to pull two brothers apart. >> never tried to choke out my brother. >> exactly. it was ugly. >> same team, guys. tamron, thank you. >> mr. roker. >> can i just say i missed pope. >> can i just say after all the hits the secret service has taken over the past couple of years for things that went wrong, what an amazing job they did during the six days. >> absolutely. >> and coordinating, you guys look so good. >> can i just say we're going to
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get to your l folks, we're in for a warm and humid day. temperatures should get up to 79 degrees. 9 degrees above where we typically top out. the rain is coming. it's about time. we need it very badly. some of it could be heavy by the end of the week. 1.5 inches expected. a cooldown toward the middle part of the week. as far as the seven-day forecast. check it out. tuesday night, heavy rains into wednesday. that could be wind-driven and then that cooldown. >> and that's your latest weather. >> started the show by saying did you see it, that incredible moon last night? a rare supermoon lunar eclipse had people all across the country and around the world looking to the sky. carson, some amazing pictures online. >> and some not so amazing ones. we'll get to that. >> okay. >> people were trying though. basically two things were going on during sunday's supermoon lunar eclipse, the moon came closest t
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got behind it created the red ows creating the blood moon. we haven't seen these two events happen simultaneously for 33 years and won't again another 18 years, the year 2033. thanks to some nearly 1 million tweets we saw images from las vegas all the way to paris, not the paris hotel in vegas, those are different and some incredible images, time lapse photography, some jifs here condensed down into four seco s, really cool and many social media users have high pectatioat, not all of them turned out so great. not so awe-inspiring as they hoped, but those folks, there's always 2033. >> boy, you're tough. guys, back to you. >> all right, carson. thank you very much. >> if i stayed up late i might have gotten a picture, 10:45. >> then carson could have harassed you. >> upsetting the apple carts. war of words between ceo tim cook and oscar winner aaron sorkin over the new movieion the
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good morning everyone. 7:26. it's 66 degrees out on a monday morning. september 28th. i'm darlene rodriguez. expect more gridlock than usual on the east side today when president obama heads to the united nations general assembly. news 4's brynn gingras is outside the u.n. is more details. brynn? >> reporter: darlene, good morning. we're already seeing a packed third avenue. take note of the closures around the u.n. today and tomorrow. it's shut down from 42nd to 48th. closed to 1st and 2nd avenue. third to lex. expect closures on 42nd street here on the east side. maybe just take a bike or walk around this area. darlene, back to you. >> good advice, brynn. thank you. let's look at the commute with emily west.
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>> darlene, subway delays on the uptown 2 and 5 trains and a lot of problems with the roadways. two lanes blocked with a crash. also heavy delays on the tappan zee bridge. we have a debri spill here. a lot of disabled vehicles. couple of accidents in the ba ckup through way on west nyack. another on palisades parkway. l.i.e. westbound, willis avenue crash here. still the closure on montauk highway westbound around venetian promenade. that's both ways, darlene. >> thanks.
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weather picture looks like this, this morning. rain rolling in. high humidity and high temperatures. getting up to 79 degrees. seven-day forecast. more likely rain tomorrow and heavy wind-driven rain on wednesday. then we cool down. that's a look at your forecast. all right. dave, thanks. coming up on the "today" show, one mom fighting back against unfair stereotypes concerning little girl's halloween costumes.
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7:30 now on this monday morning, 28th of september, 2015, and there's a happy crowd outside our plaza, and we'll go outside and say hello. happy monday morning, everybody. >> that's right. let's take a look at some of the headlines this morning. president obama makes his second speech to world leaders at u.n. general assembly this morning. he's also planning to meet with russian president vladimir putin later in the day. that will be their first
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>> pope francis has arrived back at the vatican after wrapping u his historic trip to the u.s. among highlights of his last day here an outdoor mass in philadelphia before a crowd of nearly 1 million people. >> take a look at this, part of a stage curtain fell while republican presidential candidate carly fiorina spoke at an event in san antonio. luckily no one was injured and fiorina later joked about the situation saying she is plenty tough enough to be commander in chief. by the way, she's now tied for third with marco rubio in our newest poll, trailing donald trump and ben carson. >> we begin this half hour with a very public spat between the head of apple and oscar-winning screenwriter aaron sorkin over his new movie. nbc's joe fryar is here with more on this one. good morning to you. >> reporter: aaron sorkin wrote the screenplay for the new steve jobs movie. before the film is even releaseded there's controversy between sorkin and apple's current ceo tim cook.
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in the four years since steve jobs passed away, the life of the aal co-founder has already been the subject of two hollywood biopics and one full length documentary. >> co-founder steven jobs. >> steve jobs. >> steve jobs. >> i sat in a garage and invented the future. >> reporter: newest version soon to be released by nbc's sister company universal comes from a team that includes "slim dog millionaire" director boyle. >> he was a joy to work, and i love him dearly and miss him every day. >> rep,rter: current apple ceo tim cook spoke warmly about his former boss on cbs' "the late show" with stephen colbert and cook then took a shot at the makers of the new film while admitting he has not seen it. >> i think that a lot of people are trying to, opportunistic, and i hate this. it's not a great part of our -- of our world. >> reporter: screenwriter aaron sorkin, known for his outspoken manner fired back. tim cook should really see the
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movie before he decides what it, and sorkin went on, according to the hollywood reporter. if you've got a factory full of children in china assembling phones for 17 cents an house, you've got a lot of nerve calling someone else opportunistic. apple declined to comment on sorkin's remarks and is taking steps to improve working conditions in its overseas factories. >> i think the controversy surrounding the movie will center on how steve jobs is portrayed and a lot of negative aspects in his life included in the film. >> reporter: sorkin later apologized to cook saying they have both gone too far. >> i hope when he sees the movie i had enjoys it as much as i enjoy his products. >> reporter: and a look at the ceo now literally larger than life. the movie first hits theaters this friday.
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has managed to generated some couldn't ntroversial y but none have been a box office hit. we'll see if this is a game-changer. >> thank you very much. >> now a check of the weather with mr. roker. >> now a check of what's happening along the eastern seaboard. let's see that's going on in the gulf with the tropical investigation and a tropical depression here in the east coast, 420 miles southwest of bermuda and winds moving west at 2 and making its way towards the u.s. coast and what we expect will happen is this thing will get caught up in this cold front, and that will cause heavy rain, gusty winds, beach erosion and coastal flooding from boston all the way down into the mid-atlantic states. look at some of this rainfall next five days. generally one to three inches of rain, but locally could be three to five inches of rain which could cause some flooding problems. wind and looking at rip currents and beach erosion, so it's going to be a mess here towards the
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in our area, the beginning of the week not too great either. today still okay. we have warm temperatures, dry right now. humidity is going to be up there, though. look at that moisture coming in from the west. that's going to give us problems, especially head tuesday night into wednesday. shower activity, the risk actually increases as we head through tuesday. wednesday, wind-driven rain and then we cool down but then get the stuff al was just talking about. >> and that's your latest weather weather. >> all right, al. thank you very much. coming up, touchless tag? one school's attempt to ban. >> you're it. no, you're it. >> we'll tell you about the effort to ban a favorite childhood game. >> and on rossen report watch where you walk. >> hi, good morning. i'm jeff rossen. coming up, dramatic video of manhole explosions across the country, in some cases injuring people. this morning we are underground
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and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting! we're back at 7:40. this morning on rossen reports, a hidden danger across the country, exploding man holes injuring people who are just walking down the street. >> national investigative correspondent jeff rossen is here to show you what cities are doing to protect you. >> reporter: hey, good morning. al told me a secret saying winter is coming and it's starting to get cold outside which is high time for manhole explosions, so right now work
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crews in just about every single city and town across the country racing underground to prevent an explosion, and this really does affect all of us. we drive over man hold covers every day and walk over them, too, but every year people are hurt when the covers suddenly explode, hurling heavy pieces of metal high into the sky and then it comes down on top of people. this morning we finally answer the question why does this happen and we're showing you how to stop it. boom. after deafening boom. man holes exploding without warning. metal discs that can weigh up to 300 pounds rocketing into the sky. >> watch yourself, watch yourself. heads up, heads up, heads up >> reporter: this one in buffalo caught on camera during a news report. another smoking manhole bursting in the middle of a busy new york city street. and in long beach, california, a series of blasts scaring
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homeowners and cutting power to thousands. and these accidents can be dangerous. just last month a woman riding this bus was injured when a manhole erupted under it. the cover, ripping right through the floor. earlier this year this man was hit in the head when one was launched into the sky after a blowout. so why do man holes explode? this morning i'm going underground to show you. it's a pretty tight fit. i've never been in one of these before. okay. so here's what it looks like down here, just a maze of cables and wires. these cables, by the way, powering an entire city. 12,000 volts of electricity running through here, and then most cities and towns, the infrastructure, as you can sao, is incredibly old. they have been through so many winters and summers, winters and summers, expanding and contracting that corrodes the wires and the insulation. on top that have in many places you have rats that get down here
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eating away at the wires and rainwater from the street. there's water in here right now and then during the winter you have salt on the street that gets down here and eats away at them. all you need is one spark, and, boom. here's what it looks like up close. failed cables, corroded wiring, damaged beyond repair. now cities across the country are racing to get ahead of the winter, trying to prevent another accident. here in chicago crews from comed showing us. >> one of the first thing we did is use this thermal imaging camera and check for hot spots along the length of the cable. >> reporter: right now the cable is around 73 degrees. if it's around 80. >> if we get the hot spot we replace the cable. >> reporter: before the explosion. >> correct. >> we also use this camera that takes a 367-degree image of the manhole. >> reporter: people can look at it right on the spot. >> and we also have holes that reduce any pressure buildup in the event of an explosion.
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right out before there's a problem. >> in cities look for the holes in the manhole covers. >> absolutely. >> reporter: it's all about prevention. >> heads up, heads up, heads up. >> reporter: so the ground doesn't open up beneath us. scary video there, and can you see the horns going. these utility companies are out in force, i've got to tell you. comed in chicago is spending five years checking all 33,000 man holes there to make sure the wiring is good and in indianapolis the city is actually now installing extra locks on all the man holes so even if the pressure does build and there is an explosion the covers will stay on and not fly off. >> right through the floor of the bus. >> reporter: zero warning. >> jeff, thank you very much. coming up, "pop start," the newest member of taylor swift's growing squad. this one right up your ally. >> the coolest yet. >> and nasa promising big news on what they found on mars. carson has the rampant speculation on social media.
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mystery and we don't even know the mystery. >> a mystery about the mystery and nasa has social media buzzing. they posted this. mars is a mysterious world. tune into nasa-tv 9:28 as we announce a major science finding, speculation that they have found water on the red planet and some people are having fun with it taking quite lit ral approach to the prediction, water on mars. al, did you do that one? >> i did not. >> conor claiming he has early intel, a leak photo from the press conference. many couldn't resist this movie reference because matt damon plays the martian. >> is it matt damon. >> all jokes aside could be a big breakthrough so we'll be keeping our eye on this massa press conference as it happens a little later this morning. guys? >> i guess there's funny and funny from the internet. >> carson, not fair. carson thought they were cute. >> they were cute.
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his time in rehab that has him for the millions of americans suffering from ringing in their ears, there's no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid, the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid. heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. this season at chico's, statement jackets are all about what's new what's now what's bold what's wow this season at chico's, it's all about you. express your personal style with
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new statement jackets for fall only at chico's and we love, love, chocolaty, creamy, with a little something extra. mmm deliciousness. cookies or almonds. yumminess. hershey' s is mine, yours, our chocolate. i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. he said sure... but don't get just any one. get one inspired by dentists. with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque, and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamond clean. my mouth feels super clean. oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like... my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors,
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ball in the house! flonase allergy relief, the only otc nasal spray approved to relieve nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance, flonase controls six. see the world in a whole new light. flonase, this changes everything. the moment's arrived. the best iphone ever is here. and you're all like... and then you remember there's verizon. which is great, because if you're going to get the best iphone wouldn't you want to have the best network? kinda makes you want to jump for joy. tell all your friends and family. even throw a party. get the best iphone on the best network. go in store or visit us online. and get up to $400 when you switch to verizon
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i'm darlene rodriguez on this monday morning. we're following breaking news. police investigating a fatal shooting in astoria queens. it happened at 4:00 this morning. it appears the victim was involved in a dispute inside a building on steinway street and the gunman was waiting for him outside. the victim was shot several times and died on the way to the hospital. his name has not been released. police in queens are searching for a hit and run driver. investigators say a burgundy-colored jeep struck a 30-year-old man crossing union turnpike in forest hills. it happened just before 10:00 last night near woodhaven boulevard. the victim was taken to jamaica hospital in critical condition. let's look at the commute with emily west. >> darlene, a lot going on with the roadways. it is a mess. couple accidents in the thruway, one at exit 11, disabled mid span of the tappan zee. lot slowing you down there. delays route 3 westbound at valley road. couple lanes blocked with a crash.
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lane and april new accident on the belt westbound. francis lewis boulevard. thank you, emily. let's check the weather. warm, humid, high of 79. tonight, cloudy, chance for evening showers. more rain in the evening tomorrow. 77. wednesday, showers and thunderstorms continue through the morning. 72 degrees. thursday, cloudy with a high of 66. coming up on the "today" show, today's next big thing. see the nine finalists and meet the judges.
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p how much money do you have p in your pocket right now? t i have $40, v $21 p could something that small p make an impact on something p as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that money towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge... (crowd cheering) ...might not seem so big after all. t prudential, r
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it's 8:00 on "today" and coming up, costume controversy. one many's crusade against a major chain goes viral after she vents her frustration over her inappropriate costumes for young girls. >> then are you sitting on the next billion dollar invention? help us as we work with qvc to give a viewer the chance of a lifetime as we reveal the next big thing. and we have a double dose of
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hollywood heart throbs. oscar winner matt damon. opens up about his new out-of-this world movie and his family. >> not something i can really relate to because i have four kids. i just sometimes want 20 minutes by myself. >> and uncle jesse himself john stamos stops by to talk about not one but two new shows, today, september 28th, 2015. >> good morning. >> all the way from texas. >> mornings are fabulous and i'm from oklahoma city. >> i'm here for my 16th birthday. i love the "today" show. >> we are back now, september 28th.
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monday, and we've got a very big fall crowd out on the plaza. a little overcast. and if you look at this seven-day thing you like to show. not the best weekend ahead. >> need rain in the northeast. need a moderate forecast. >> you know what's better than that? >> what. >> john stamos is here. >> oh, man. >> he's a great guy. >> got not one but two new shows. a lot to talk about. john is a guy that just makes us smile and laugh. >> he does. >> just by his presence. >> so glad he's here. that's you, john. love you. by the way, breast cancer awareness month begins on thursday, october 1. once again if you're fighting the disease or you're a survivor hope you'll be here with a special ambush makeover with kathie lee and hoda?
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and friday come to the plaza with your family and friends who helped you in the fight. we'll throw a pink power party for surprises and for more information go to "today".com to sign up. >> a lot of fun last year. >> it was. >> a check of the top stories. natalie is on assignment. tamron is at the news desk, tamron, good morning. good morning, everyone. pop the mah promising to be blunt in his speech to the united nations this morning vowing he would tell some hard true. also on the agenda, his first private meeting in two years with russian president vladimir putin. the white house indicated the president was anxious to discuss russia's interference in ukraine but the kremlin insists the main issue will be syria where russia hats been supporting embattled leader bashar al assad with extra weapons and manpower. pope francis flew back to rome overnight saying that he left the united states with a heart full of gratitude and hope. nbc's anne thompson is in
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anne, good morning. >> reporter: tamron, pope francis said he found washington inial but warm, new york exuberant and philadelphia very demonstrative in his first ever trip to the united states. it's clear america loves pope francis. on the papal plane we learned that affection is returned. what surprised me was the warmth, the warmth of the people, so lovable. welcomed like a rock star in philadelphia by 100,000 adoring fans. >> just an amazing hour, and i just want to feel his holiness. >> reporter: pope's final day of his first ever trip to the u.s., a mixture of joy and faith, and the still painful business of the church. on the issue of sexual abuse francis explained he was not going easy on the bishops when he offered them words of compassion in washington. one must not cover these things up. those who covered this up are guilty, even some bishops who
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on his last day in the u.s. the pope also visited a prison greeting about 100 prisoners and offering encouragement and a message of redemption. and he spent time with the walker family from argentina who drove more than 13,000 miles from buenos aires to see the pope in person. now, as far as his own star power goes, francis is not impress the. he says it's fleeting what. lasts, he says, is being a servant of god. tamron. >> all right, anne, thank you very much. back here in the race for president ben carson is now neck in neck with donald trump. the same nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows carly fiorina and marco rubo tied for third. in a "60 minutes" interview sunday, trump promised tax cuts for the middle class, but he drew booze on friday when he called rubio, quote lightweight and a clown. rubio dismissed trump saying he's not interested in being a member of trump's freak show and fiorina meantime had a scare
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collapsed while she was speaking in san antonio. no one was hurt, and she later went on with her remarks. on the democratic side our poll shows hillary clinton losing ground to bernie sanders. her lead is even slimmer than a theoretical race with joe biden included on sunday and on "meet the press" sunday clinton ad.mitted for the first time that the e-mail scandal is not going away and former president bill clinton defended his wife blaming republicans and the news media for keeping so much focus on the e-mail issue. well, so far so good for a pair of panda twins born less than two weeks ago at a breeding center in southwest china. the two female cubs were delivered by a giant panda whose name translates to celebration in english. the babies were -- had plenty of company. they are the sixth pair of twins born at the center just this year. >> something in the water over there. >> something. >> that's very good. >> cute. >> tamron, thank you. have you picked out your
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kids' halloween costumes yet? >> one mom's struggle to find something suitable with her little girl led her letter to go viral. >> reporter: when lynn went to look for a costume for her daughter she found something more than characters that were scary. there were costumes appropriate-for-boys and girls and now it sparked a nationwide discussion. go on the party city website and you'll find a lot oflcostumes, boys costumes, girls koss toopt and even babaly cost es, in fact, the company says more halloween costumes than anyone else, so lynn kramer didn't think it would be hard to find something for her 3-year-old daughter. >> i was surprised. >> reporter: lynn says she has nothing against any costume, but there's a wide range of career choices for boys, police officer, firefighter, doctor, 16 in all, and just three for girls, cheerleader, cowgirl and
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a police officer with a decidedly different look. >> dear party city. nt>> reporter: so lynn wrote to the company. >> i'm writing in the hopes that you will reconsider some of the content on your website and the ant gated views such content communicates about your company's beliefs. >> reporter: and about those police costumes. >> generally speaking, real life uniformed female police officers do not wear short skirts and low-cut shirtss . >> al reporter: party city wrote back saying it appreciates lynn's insight and wild consider her feedback. then her post disappeared from the party city acebook page. that's when folks on the internet started weighing in. dear lin kramer, are you my new mom hero. i'm standing with lin kramer and boycotting party city until they apologize and others taking an opposite view. party city, i see nothing wrong with how you are marketing your costumes. omg, people are so sensitive. no need for an uproar about this. in a statement to nbc news the company wrote in part party city
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costumes suitable for all yles, tastes and budgets. we believe parents are as involved in their children's costume choices as they are it selecting their everyday attire. but some companies are ehanging. target and disney no longer sepa wte their toys by gender, .d that's just fine with a little girl named riley. >> some girls like super heros and some girls like princesses and some boys like superheros and some boys like princesses. >> reporter: thau video by riley has been viewed more than 1 million times. lin kramer says her daughter should be able to see costumes empowering for boys and girls and after all this what is her daughter going to be? she likes mary poppins so she will be getting a mary poppiy costume homemade by her mom. >> a very cute video and it's an interesting topic as well. >> never thought about it and we went clicking around. all companies, you see a police officer and the boy has, you know, the stereotypical costume
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and the girl has a little skirt, button down, cute little hat so her point is she wants the girls to have both options. >> makes sense. >> thank you so much. onewoman's priceless reaction to a surprkse due between taylor swift and a rock god mick jagger. carson. >> having a little conversation with my friend john stamos, a new hoe "grandfather" and "fuller house." >> the gooa to see you, buddy. >> why are you so far moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but eve managed. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. hut mira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have
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happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. to the couple who set aside the whole day to sell their old car and buy a new one... oops. nana's got the kids til 9... but it's only 2. guess you'll just have to see a movie... ...then get some dinner.
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everywhere you look, there's a face of to feel this special... you need to eat this special. kellogg's special k... made with whole grains and fiber to help a body thrive. folic acid and vitamin d... to make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... in a bowl of special k. eat special, feel special. special k red berries, now with more real strawberries. so...last drop of gogurt, where ya living now? a tube
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so come on out, sign the papers, and this little gem, it's all yours gogurt. whatever it takes to get it all. when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need in a developing country. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide seven million vaccines. make your flu shot make a world of difference. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. 8:13 now. let's do our trending segment. show of hands. who played tag on the playground as kids? >> we all did, right. >> you're it. >> you're it. >> okay. at or certain school that would be illegal. >> really in. >> yes.
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>> wow. >> a student washington state has banned the game of traditional tag. instead implementing what they call touchless tag which i'm pretty sure is an oxymoron. >> that's tag. >> how do you do it in. >> well, don't touch. >> hi. >> the reason kids run after other kids and the kid falls and they fall. >> i'm tagging you right now with the eyes. >> the school officials are trying to respond to the emotional and physical well-being of kids. a lot of parents though didn' care for this and had a little backlash and tag is a much-needed activity. >> yeah. >> so the school has now reinstated traditional tag, people, but they are till seeking a less violent alternative. >> we would play tag with the girls, fun. >> there's the problem right there. now you know what the origin of all of this. >> what's next? >> balless dodge ball. >> touchless football. >> flag football.
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>> i know, but i don't like that. >> let's talk about that -- >> chess. >> let's talk about the famous resting face. >> can we say it? >> you know the one where some people are accused of having a sour expression on their face when they are not realizing that they are being looked at. turns out there's a surprising upside to having an us pleasant natural expression. experts say it's all because you have to work harder to be understood and prevent your emotions from being misinterm ted. the result, you choose your words more careful and this gives you a stronger sense of self-awareness and anybody still awake here and also allows you to adapt quickly in unfamiliar situations. does that make any sense? >> you're not interested because you're not afflictedbot brf. >> my face has a natural downturn. >> no, it does not. >> and that's why i smile so much. >> look at this, it's horrible. >> you have sparkly eyes. >> if you make that face. >> that's my face.
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>> resting face. >> let me see your resting face. >> see, you're scowling. >> it's hard to do it because we're aware. >> anyway. >> people pay attention more, i guess. >> yes. let's talk about weddings. every bride needs something borrowed and something old, too and this may be the best something borrowed and old we're ever seen. bride abby kingston with her fiancee and other big day she will wear a wedding dress that's times. >> wow. >> amazing. gan with her greatgreu grandmother in 1895. since then it's been passed around the family tree and a few changes along the way. some change the the train and added lace and gave it their own personal touch and i think we have abby's take on the dress, do we? >> wow. >> lovely. >> lovely. that's really cool. >> i wonder how much of the ork igatal pattern is from the olden days. how much did it really change
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>> hard to say but they probably get the bodies and adjusted the sleeves a little bit. that's remark. a that's beautiful. >> to keep that tradition going in the family. >> the fabric would hold up. had to be cleaned. >> one would hope. >> now the actor revealing a decade long secret and the latest celebrity duet that has a lot of people talking. carson, time for "pop starts." >>la first up actor danny pinetaro who played jonathan in dlat who's the boss." he sat down with oprah an confessed he's been keeping a secret for more than a decade. >> i'm hiv-positive and i have been for 12 years, and it's just a big deal, you know, like it's not something that people are talking about right now really. >> danny said he's decided to talk about it in hopes of serving as a role model for the
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now the star shined as the global citizen festival, a loud call for global activism. tens of thousands of people attended in central park for the star-studded lineup including beyonce and ed sheerin. if you missed any of it, take a look. >> that was only one of the amazing duets. beyonce and eddie vetter did redemption song and ed sheerin in coldplay and chris martin and ariana grande. the list of celebrities in attendance goes on and on and anothe - r surprise first lady michelle obama came on to hug beyonce asking for the advocatation of girls education and taylor swift, a little bit more rock 'n' roll after adding mick jagger to her squad. he joined her on stage in nashville for a surprise perform-and-ance and lively rendition of "i can't get no satisfaction" take a look.
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i can't get no >> there we go, amazing, right, but if you thought you were excited to see that, just wait until you see this grandma's reaction. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! >> mind blown. >> i love her. >> mick jagger and taylor swift together, grandma there. just can't believe that she's witnessing that. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> that's the person of the day. >> wow, that is your "pop start." what a great reaction. >> actually she just found out nasa's discovery. let her know, mind blown. >> all right, al. >> that's good, thank you. >> thought you'd like it. >> carson, thank you, as well. >> you're welcome, you're welcome. >> smile. >> your resting face. >> time for the weather. >> good idea. glad i thought of it. a cool front is coming in, and it's going to mean a big change to the weather.
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and ahead of it cooling rain and tweeted we've got warming temperatures. look at these temperatures, kansas city 84,ished police 83 and front moves through and boom, chicago 73 by wednesday and 57 in st. louis and it makes its way to the east. temperatures today in the mid to upper 70s to low 82s, but then by thursday it's 61 in burlington, 61 boston and 66 new york city. buffalo will go from a high of 71 to a high of only . . . al told the beginning of the story. let's complete it. the front begins to move on through. the rain rolls in it will drop temperatures behind it. before all of that happens, we get much-needed rain. how much? several inches. maybe an inch and a half to two. tuesday, thundershowers possible
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into wednesday. that could be wind driven. we cool down thursday and friday. >> and that is your latest weather. mr. lauer. >> all right, al, thank you very much. for eight seasons john sameos starred as uncle jesse on the hit show "full house" a role he's revis i hadding in the upcoming netflix series "fuller house" but first he plays a bachelor discovering he's a dad and new granddad in the fox comedy called "grandfathers." take a look. >> i'm a gra -- i grand -- i've never even had a gray hair. sure, i have always wanted a family, but have i, or is that just some line i've been used to go pick up girls? it's a great lines, by the way so when this weird kid and his baby show up and ask me in the realest possible way do i want a family, well, my answer is very honestly is i have no idea. >> sounds like you need some time to process this. >> yeah. >> okay. john, nice to see you. welcome back. >> thank you. >> talking to yourself in the mirror, is that what's going on?
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>> i do that most mornings. >> how are you, first of all. >> i'm good, matt. i feel better than i've felt in a decade. i feel very, very good. >> can i just people what we're talking about. you're here to talk about two shows but you made headlines over the summer saying you spent a month in rehab. was there an episode or experience hat forced your hand? >> i lost my mother last year who was the love of my life, and it was obviously a very difficult time for me. and i -- i had this moment. i had some time off and i had a decision to make and so i -- i -- i took advantage of the time and i made a choice, and i'm just so grateful that i did. >> something you contemplated in the past? >> i had, yeah. just going back and forth and, you know, i just -- i had such goodwill behind me. i really felt, a lot of people, like hey, john, go get healthy and we love you, and so it was time, and i'm glad i did it. >> i'm glad you're well. >> you look great, by the way. good to have you back. "grandfather" is the a show
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where you play jimmy. a single guy. is he 50 yet in, his 50s? >> 50. >> single, does not have a family and does not want a family around found out he's a dad and a grandpa. >> i love this show and i'm so proud of it. i think people will love it. it's very clever show yet it's accessible. a perfect home for fox. the jokes are smart and it's very emotional. >> but he's having a hard time understanding this whole concept that he's a grandfather. i think a waiter in a restaurant realizes and says you're a grandfather >> i introduce my son and this is his daughter and you're a grandpa and i slap him. >> is it harder as an actor to be the guy who slaps someone or the guy who gets slapped knowing it's coming. >> you fell me. can i give you -- >> john -- >> jim, you're a grandpa. >> by the way, he asked me to do this. >> jimmy, you're a grandpa. >> ooh.
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>> real, a grandfather. >> yeah. >> okay. let's talk about "fuller house." >> he wanted to do this before. >> markings i look at it and i think would i be able to hit somebody hard enough to make it convincing on camera or would i wince before i actually got thereto if i was the guy getting slapped. >> you winced allotted. >> did i really. i'm a little sore, too. "fuller house" is coming to netflix. >> like me and tom cruise. >> never quite cross that had line. >> "fuller house," do you have any idea how much fans are looking forward to this? >> yeah, i do. i've been trying to get this show off the ground for years, about six, seven years because i knew how important this show was to people. i think it was cancelled a little premature. we were still going strong. we didn't even know the show was going to be cancelled until a few weeks before. didn't even do a finale of "full house" so for years i've been trying to get this going again. realized how important it is to people. >> there's a cadence with a cast, with a sitcom. did it pick right back up when
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>> oh, yeah, yeah, cadence was saget saying something dirt and me reprimanding him and then saying something dirty. >> he can be so filthy. >> people will be happy, so sweet and has a lot of the original elements. >> how are you going to do both? >> i'm figuring it out. "grandfather" is full time. we're going hard core and we bounced back and forth and did the first two episodes of "fuller house". >> and the entire cast is back except from what i understand. >> me. >> the olsen twiin are not in the shot. might they pull off one of the great surprises and make an appearance? only takes one? >> fer fully welcome any time. i love them. there was a lot of miscommunication in the press. i talked to them and understood why they didn't want to come back. they have which go lives. they haven't acted in a while, but i love them dearly and they are always welcome on our show >> you want roker to make a call. >> i want roker to be one of the olsen twins, too much? >> not going to work. >> you're a grandfather?
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>> john stamos, thank you. >> back in our next house, by the way, and "grandfather" premiers tomorrow night on fox. just ahead, matt damon on his martian adventure on being a dad and if he'll ever share the screen with ben affleck again. it actually hurts. >> did it. >> i'm bleeding internally actually.
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>> i good morning, everyone. it is 8:26. monday morning. 67 degrees out. i'm darlene rodriguez. police are trying to find two little girls in brook lip, a 2-year-old and her 3-year-old sister, were reported missing on saturday. they disappeared after their foster parents dropped them off for a court-ordered visit with their biological mother. police believe the girls are still with their mother. let's take a look at the morning commute. >> delays have cleared on the subways but trouble on the roads, garden state parkway near walnut, two lanes blocked with a crash, another one by the essex towles. new england thruway northbound. a heavy go on the tappan zee. a crash is there southbound at
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the palisades parkway. take a look at the weather. warm, humid, high of 79. tonight, cloudy, chance for evening showers. 68 degrees. tomorrow, more rain in the evening. 77 is the high. wednesday, showers and thunderstorms. 72. thursday, cloudy with a high of 66. friday, we should see more rain. coming up on the "today" show, find out the nine finalists picked for today's next big thing.
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starting to feel fall. a little fally outside. >> fallish outside, yes. >> coming up, "the next big thing" and we need you to help us pick it. we narrowed down the field and this week you'll get to crown the top three as we give one lucky inventor a chance to wear a life-changing appearance on qvc. i mean, you get a great product on qvc. >> you're made. >> and matt damon on his new role. he had's a martian and he'll talk about precious time he spends with his family and a guy who is like his family member ben affleck. >> first a check of the weather. >> starting with today, a lot of wet weather along the southeastern atlantic coast, gulf coast as well and beautiful day in the pacific northwest, plenty of sunshine with temperatures in the 70s and 80s. rain through appalachians. we're also looking tomorrow at more wet weather through the gulf mid-atlantic states and moving into the northeast with the exception of right along the coast. the sunshine continues from the plains into the southwest, and into parts of central california as well.
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all right, al, you talked about it. we are getting those clouds receipt now ahead of the rain. the showers start. the heavier showers tomorrow afternoon into the evening and potentially into wednesday when we'll see wind-driven rain. we need that precipitation a lot. we are about 8 inches below where we should be at this time of the year. as far as the seven-day forecast, we stay dry today. we will include a chance of a shower. same for tomorrow. then, we see that rain continue to kick up into wednesday and cooler temperatures, thursday and friday. >> that is your latest weather. what is your name, young man? >> cody day already. >> nice to see you and your family. thanks for being here and let's head inside savannah. >> all right, al. thank you so much, and now to "today's" "next big thing." over the summer we asked to you submit your inventions for the chance to sell them live on qvc. well, after nearly 2,000 entries we will introduce you to our nine finalists all this week,
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but, first, a behind-the-scenes look at how we narrowed down the field. there's a saying ask and you shall receive, and, boy, did we receive. almost 2,000 entries to be "today's" next big thing all hoping for that one shot, that one chance which could change their lives forever, a segment selling their product live on qvc, and qvc can mean big business. this sparkly sequinned scarf by the late joan rivers sold 88,000 units in just a day, but to get one lucky winner beyond these doors and into these studios we first needed to narrow the field down to nine finalists. from apparel that polishes your posterior to an activity mat for cats and even a wax for your zip their makes it move quicker. >> it gets stuff unstuck. >> with so many ideas, how were we to choose? well, we deferred to the qvc motto, to look for products that
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better, easier and more fun. so whether it's a gadget that protects your purse, files your feet or preserves your passwords, one of these products will become "today's next big thing." and i am now walking through the doors that starting tomorrow our finalists will be stepping through to pitch their products. we'll bring you three each day and then you can vote on them and then on friday the top three will be back as our judges cast the final vote to choose "today's next big thing" and let us meet said doujs, doug howe, executive vice president of merchandising for qvc, jill martin is a "today" contributor and creative director of qvc's g.i.l.i. brand and al roker, everybody. i don't know why i'm here. >> fabulous. >> the top judge. >> doug, you're the perfect person to do this because at qvc you get thousands of pitches every year. >> yes. >> what stands out for you? what makes a really good pitch? >> it's just a great product that addresses a need and often illist its this response of, like, wow, why didn't i think of that?
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>> and, jill, you've done this. you know all about this. how much does personality matter? >> you know what, it really is about energy and personality, but it's really about being authentic, about someone who knows their product and is really going to solve a problem, so that's what we'll be looking for. >> all right. al, you said you don't know what you're doing here. >> yes, i do. >> but you -- you are very entrepreneurial, i would say. i don't know if people know that about you, and you know a good product when you see one. >> i think it's something that brings, as our other esteemed judges have said, it changes somebody's life but it also is value, and, i mean, can you get a great product but if you overpay for it you don't feel good about it. >> doug, what kind of product is just like a slam dunk for qvc? >> usually a product that customers -- solves a problem, addresses a need or something that, again, has a broad appeal, you know, but is really oftentimes combined with a really powerful story so the passion that comes across from the designer, et creator
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directive, the entrepreneur, really powerful. >> jill, having your product on qvc is huge, a game-changer. >> changed my life and the cool thing is by saturday we'll pick the finalist friday and saturday that person is going to pre-sell their product with me on qvc so somebody's life will literally be changed by the end of the week. so amazing we can do this. >> al, you're a entrepreneur and a salesman and a weatherman and a gentleman. what do you think in terms of the sales pitch? what are looking for in terms of that ability to really solve a product? >> somebody who knows their product, believes in their product and -- and has a sincerity about it that they -- that they are not out just to make a buck but they really do want to make people's lives better. i think it really does -- it comes across. >> it's very exciting. we have a whole set and the doors. >> can you walk through that door again. >> i'm going to exit through the door, but first i have some business to attend to, thank you very much. real work begins. we'll meet our first three finalists in the apparel and accessories category and give you your first chance to vote
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we are back. it's 8:38. here's a question. how do you deal with being alone. >> oscar winner matt damon finds himself on mars in his highly anticipated movie called "the martian." and he sat down recently with natalie and they talked about the film and much more. >> it's the ultimate survivor's story, a man stranded on mars with nothing but his wit and ingenuity to keep him alive. what drew youed to the role? mean, you're playing mark watney, a guy basically stranded on mars? >> i'm alone for most of the movie so i didn't have to talk to any other actors so that was one of the big draws. >> tell me a little bit about
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getting into mark wantedy and tappinging into that, i'm all alone, i'm stranded. >> not actually a feeling i can relate to because i have four kids. you know, i just sometimes want 20 minutes by myself in my house. the real draw for me, there's a great book that this guy andy weir wrote that had a premise could a guy survive if he was really highly trained on mars by himself. it's just this real kind of neat story of this guy doing everything that one would have to do to live on this totally inhospitable planet. >> i've got to figure out a way to grow three years worth of food here on a planet where nothing grows. >> andy weir said that he saw the character mark watney as himself but smarter and braver and having no flaws. he saw matt damon. >> well, that's very nice of him, but the bravery of these guys, like when you meet them. >> yeah. >> and it is really humbling, like you haven't hung out with some of these astronauts, you've got to be incredibly smart,
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incredibly fitted. like i threw my arm around one of them the other day it was like hitting iron. >> were you the kind of kid growing up that you wanted to be an astronaut in. >> i played at everything, i think because i wanted to be an actor i was always pretending to be somebody else and certainly i was an astronaut. a lot of this job is totally ridiculous and really great and that's why it's fun because we're playing at the end of the day. >> the movie was directed by ridley scott. it's the first time they have worked together. >> i walked in to meet him, and he said we've never met, and i said, no, no, we haven't. and he said the script is great. and i said, it is, it's great, and he goes it's bleeping great and it's that, too, and he goes why the hell aren't we making this? and i said i -- i don't know. i guess we are, and that was -- >> that was it. that was our first meeting. >> damon also known for playing jason bourne is currently working on the fifth installment of the successful franchise.
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we saw the producer for the latest busch film released a little picture of you as jason bourne is back. >> it's going great and just exciting to be on that set. been about nine years since you did one. >> what made you guys decide it was time to bring it back? >> enough had changed in the world. what would jason bourne think about all of this, in kind of a post-snowden world, what does that character look like? we love those movies as much as anybody and a big part of our lives and we spent a lot of years on that and we wanted to make sure we'd make something good. >> despite his busy schedule family comes first. you never spend more than two weeks away from your family. how do you manage to make that work. >> usually it's pretty easy. usually we're all together. sometimes it's challenging, but it just has to be the priority. >> have they seen your movies? >> no. >> i guess they are a little young. >> well, my 17-year-old has seen all of them, yeah, all the one she wants to see. >> what does she think, is daddy
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the super smart? >> dad is not cool. dad is never cool. >> come on, you're cool. >> you can't -- you're not cool to your own kids. >> are you kidding me? >> yeah. you're -- you're kind of dorky dad i think no matter who you are. >> from family to his famous friendship with ben affleck, naturally we wanted to know when will we see them together again? do you ever see you and ben getting back together on film? >> yeah, yeah. i mean, we have a company together. we're constantly developing stuff. you just have to find the right project. we want to work together. obviously it's just -- you know, we want to get it right. >> i love the whole premise of "the martian." >> could you be alone? >> this idea can you surfive. worth nightmare. >> it's terrifying. >> it hits theaters this friday and natalie and matt sat down before controversy erupted over damon's comments on a recent episode of "project green light. ". >> the a new and uplifting way
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to help kids deal with bullying, but, first, this is "today" on nbc. i'm bobby flay and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world. come fall, i like to get a taste of everything the state has to offer. like this famous winery nestled in the hudson valley. or the award-winning vineyards of long island. this cooperstown brewery belongs in every beer lover's hall of fame. you can even try new york's this fall, drink in the beauty of new york state. plan your trip at
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welcome back to "today." if your child becomes a victim of bullying like many parents you may not know where to turn. today's life-style correspondent jenna wolfe has met somebody who has come up with a pretty good idea. >> reporter: i love this. helpless feeling, your child being picked on in school and one personal trainer in detroit that i b a plan, one he says that's more than just a band-aid on the problem. from the outside it looks like any gym in any town, but inside there's a movement brewing. >> go, go, go, go, go. keep going, come on. >> it's easy for somebody to say something needs to be done and not enough people step up and actually do something. >> reporter: ryan, a personal trainer in the suburb of detroit, has made it his mission to tackle the unsettling and destructive issue of bullying in school.
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instead of teaching kids how to fight back, his thought, why not give them better tools like self-confidence, self-esteem and strength. what are a lot of these kids going through on a day-to-day basis out there? >> all these kids have different issues. some kids are bullied, some bullied daily. >> reporter: 13-year-old reid wilson has been enrolled in ryan's program for three month, a 60-minute class focusing on strength and cardio. >> what we're going to do is our circuit. >> reporter: and most importantly motivation. was there a little part of coming here that helped with the stuff that goes on outside? >> i don't have very many friends at school. well, i have a lot of friends, but i just come here and i feel so much better when i'm done. >> reporter: one out of every four students report being bullied during the school year, and when it comes to those perceived as being overweight 84% of all students say they have observed name calling and teasing during physical activity. >> i feel confident because i come out there stronger, positive, and like just happier
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because i feel like i can be myself, and i'm equal as everybody else. >> reporter: what's the message that you want these kids to walk away with? >> they are betting their lives in the future and they don't even know it. >> reporter: one trainer in one gym helping kids help themselves. what's the message that ryan tries to get through to you guys when you're working out here? >> that it's not about what people say, it's just how you feel. >> reporter: so sweet. what's the takeaway here. ryan isn't reinventing the wheel. he's just talking to these kids in a way that they understand, like a friend would, so the gym helps them get in shape and that in turns builds self-esteem to help build confidence to help deal with everything else. we're seeing this start picking up all over the country and something as simple as that is what the kids need. check your local community center and get your kids active. get them engaged at a young age, get them engaged in different activities to let them feel good about themselves. >> when you get a workout, you feel better about yourself, more
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newsstand today you'll see a couple of familiar faces. savannah on the cover of "guideposts," a magazine of people of faith and talks about vale and the many blessings in her life. >> nice picture, by the way. >> super cute. >> wow, that baby is cute, right? sglib side the pages of "people" in espanol, natalie is listed as women. >> congratulations to her. that's great. let's turn to mr. willard scott with the a check of some birthdays. hey, willard. >> hello, new york. we love you. have some birthdays. i think you're going to like it. jean vasile, brajwater, new jersey, loves to spend time with her family. 100 years old today. happy birthday. hilda holmes, how about that name, new orleans, louisiana, 100 years old and lovers to watch television. james white, north carolina, god ole north carolina, such a progressive state.
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100 years old. loves to listen to books on tape. phil seheier in shoreline, washington state, flew in world war ii, b-26, remember those, workhorse of the war. that's all for right now. hope you've had fun. we had fun. now back to new york. >> willard, look who is here. >> oscar winner, model, mom, humanitarian charlize theron. her africa outreach program works with youth in her home country of south africa. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> we'll talk about that in a second and we learned about you in the last 30 seconds. you're obsessed with "dateline" and the investigations. >> i am a tiny bit, yeah. it's kind of like somebody people have a cup of chamomile tea before they go to bed and i need a little "dateline." >> goes to bed with me every night. the hair, an obsession. >> nothing settles you like a nice cry.
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>> very calming. >> let's talk about your foundation. you're doing great work, and it's really all about prevention. >> yes. >> explain what it's all about. >> well, there's i think a lot of people think that we've come a long way with hiv/aids, and we have, especially over the last decade and hiv and aids is still the number one killer of women of reproductive age worldwide so it's something we still really need to care about because it's really disproportionately hitting young girls and young women. we're seen a stability or a decrease in a lot of the infection rates across the board, but we are seeing an increase when comes to the youth and add lessens so somehow we're not reaching the very, very vulnerable girls, and that's what our project tries to do. we work with grass root organizations on ground, so we're working in villages with people who know the issues that these girls are facing with gender equality, lack of education or not getting the same level of education because
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they are still being treated as secretary or third class citizens. >> and we're only scratching the surface here. coming back in the next hour to talk more. >> oh, i'm staying all day. >> congratulations, another child. >> a little girl, yes. >> you look so well rested. >> all right. and we're going to have much
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gang the next hour montoya good morning, everyone. 8:57. it is a monday morning, september 28th. i'm darlene rodriguez. a fatal shooting is under investigation this morning in a story of queens. a 26-year-old victim was found around 4:00 a.m. with multiple gunshot wounds and died on the way to the hospital. police say it appears he was involved in a dispute inside a building on steinway street and the gunman was waiting for him outside. so far, no arrests. >> let's check the weather. today, warm, humid, high of 79. tonight, cloudy, chance for evening showers. 68 degrees. tomorrow, more rain.
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geist and tamron e ll live from studio 1a in rockefeller pina colada. >> welcome to "today" on a monday morning, september 26th, 2015. i'll willie along with al and tamron. al, i love it. good morning jam. >> a little mix and black magic. >> who picked this, leila in. >> no, i did. >> i -- wow. >> know, i'm sure dads everywhere crank this up on their way to work. >> with the pope heit this past week the feeling of love and togetherness, i thought it would last for awhile. >> i swear i wasn't coming for you. we were at the jets game last night and i saw you with leila and thought maybe she didn't pick it. i didn't picture this as an al roker song, little mix. >> al roker surprises you. >> every day. >> she saw me coming. >> i got scared. i got scared. >> oh, my goodness. you mentioned the jets game
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yesterday. >> yes. >> saturday night. >> tamron and i were both at the global citizen festival at central park. >> you weren't just there. >> we were hosting the coverage. >> a little program. >> it was incredible, incredible night. the global citizen festival, in case you don't know, global group poverty project run by a 32-year-old guy hugh evans who has been doing this all his life and they have a goal to end extreme poverty by the year 200 and, man, do they attract a crowd and attract stars. they attract heads of stayed, world leaders. bill gates, mark zuckerberg, the first lady of the united states, the vice president. there's beyonce. the acts were coldplay and ed toeeran, common, beyonce and closing the night right there with eddie vetter. i was just blown away. it was a six and a half hour concert of the best music you've heard back-to-back-to-back. >> and between, us a pointed out, the music, there were these
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powerful messages, emyusef was there with her message of empouring girls. epic. >> when malala got up there, a hush, over 75,000 people. you're thinking she just turned 18 years old and can command that crowd and deliver that messagnd >> i loved even before they said her name the crowd knew her face and it let me know that there was a level of engagement in the news that she could walk out and instantly before they announce her all of the young people and honestly, willie and i might have been the oldest people there, and that's so inspiring because you hear all of these stereotypes about kids leila's age that they don't care and all about the selfie cu ture, to get to this concert younhad to do some type of volunteer work. >> generation z, if lena dunham is the face of the millennial, as lex from -- from "modern family" is t face of
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>> does z mean it's over? >> it just means they are committed. they are worried about the future. they care about the environment and they are a really engaged group of young people. >> which is why a beyonce will show up two years in a row. we don't have to play a lot of it but eddie vetter asked beans toe come back out and they sit down in microphones and sing bob marley's redemption song and it just took your breath away and they cut in and pause and while playing guitar. they played nelson mandela's speech on poverty. >> yeah. >> to me that was the most powerful moment of an incredibly powerful day. >> and i love these mashups, when ed sheeran came out with beyonce and sang "drunk in love." to see ed singing the lyrics of that, he was even blushing at some of that a sting and common, they performed together. >> great. >> my favorite moment, at some point where back on the msnbc
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i see willie dancing to "single ladies" and there's willie. >> my 8-year-old daughter lucy was there so i had to humiliate her in front of a large group of people. >> that worked out there. >> you and al dancing in front of your bodies, that's what these two men do. also a big weekend, we say see yoinu later because it's never bye, see you soon to pope francis. >> miss him already. >> pope francis wrapped up his u.ds. visit in philadelphia this weekend. 800 thousand people were there. a special moment at the airport when the pope actually got out of his car and kissed a 10-year-old named michael keaton who suffers from cerebral palsy, spotted him and got out of that vehicle. his mother, this little boy's mother was, as you can imagine, weeping. >> yeah. >> and he's the son of a man who wd as directing the band that welcomed the pope, and his mom, just look at that, oh, so special. >> beautiful.
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nice moment at saturday's parade when the pope. >> pope baby. >> baby quinn madden, baby quinn, look at quinn's outfit. how do you not bring baby quinn up. at first it's a little girl. look, you can't tell, all covered in the pope gear. how amazing is that and your family will say remember when we dressed you like the pope and that got you noticed. >> wow. >> this pope has had a sense of humor about all this throughout the visit. the pope dolls and all that. >> such a joy. i've been curious around halloween to see how many people are dressed as the pope. >> pope and trump, man, one or the other. >> talk about -- >> wow. >> both ends of the spectrum there. >> going to be a big halloween, yeah. >> another big moment on saturday night as a young boy sang for pope francis at the world meeting of families event. 14-year-old bobby hill performed
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an a capella version of "pia jesus" which led to a joke from host mark wahlberg. >> that -- that right there was truly the voice of an angel. but then he whispered in my ear that he loved the movie "ted." and i -- and i -- i told him that was not appropriate for a boy of his age. holy father, please, forgive me. >> bobby and keystone state boys choir director steven fisher. how you doing? >> "ted," really? >> awkward. >> it was really funny, like it's a talking teddy bear. what? >> words you shouldn't know out it. >> you learned a lot gein that m.ovie.
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>> don't repeat any of it. >> what did you think that mark wahlberg was the voice of an angel and then he's telling on you. >> mark wahlberg, i'm calling you out. >> and bobby didn't know he was doing that. the keystone state boy and girls choir was brought on to sing in the last number a innd the producers game and said we've get 60 seconds to cover a set change and we don't want the holy father watching a set change and he said i've got bobby, and by the way, it's going to be a capella and he just went out and did it and nailed it. >> amazing. >> and then presented the pope with a rock from and the a rgument can a, we're the first choir to go to antarctica. >> and when do you have here, rita cosby. >> the holy father gave us a rosary that was blessed by him. >> that's amazing. >> did you have school today? >> he's not missing a day of school because they closed because of the pope. >> everything is closed until like 12:00. >> you go back to school tomorrow in.
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>> yes. fo ou understand you're the king of the school. > maybe. >> not too bad, bobby. >> what are you thinking in the five feminutes between you're going to sing for the pope and then you're on stage singing for pope. are you nervous, how are you feeling? >> a little nervous but more excited. >> it showed, it showed. >> what was your second choice, like a more fun upbeat song? >> no, that was it. >> can you give us a little bit of it, come over and do weather with me. >> his agent will not allow it. >> how about doing weather. >> cd' do the weather. >> you're a better looking version of me anyway. >> thanks. >> come on over. did you see the supermoon, rita cosby. >> i did while we were driving up here, but it got covered by the clouds. >> here's some pictures in case you missed it, oh, wow. >> this hasn't happened in 33 years and won't be another one -- how old are you? >> i'm 14. >> you'll be 32 when the next one happens, pretty cool. we're going to do the weather now. you see all the showers and hit the button there for me, boom.
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very nice, and now there's a low pressure system that's going to bring all that moisture up here so we'll be looking at a lot of wet weather along the gulf coast. you know anybody in florida? >> yeah. >> who? >> my friend lives there. >> he's going to get wet. >> hit that button one more time. >> yeah, that's it, boom, and look how much rain. we're talking the panhandle of florida, two to three inches, some places six to inch eight inches of rain, that's a lot of rain. how about you, you worried about rain in -- where you from in. >> philadelphia. philadelphia, guess. what we eve got rain coming there, too. >> oh, man. >> by the mid-week period but you'll be in school, right? right? >> yeah. i'll be in school. >> that's what -- i'm going to say that's what's going on in our area, it's going t pro be another warm day and some high humidity as well. i think we'll keep the rain at bay. a slight chance of a passing shower. for the most part, mostly cloudy skies.
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a chance for the evening showers increases as we head through the next seven days, heris what you can expect. rain begins heavier tuesday night into wednesday. we cool down thurs y and friday. >> it will them what you just said. >> follow me on twitter. >> what's your handle? >> my handle is bobbywhill. let's get a selfies. >> also follow -- >> oh, okay. >> come on in, bobby. >> i take it -- >> we're building a brand over here. >> come on. >> awesome. >> all right. >> okay, bobby. you got the concert booked in atlantic city, what's going on? >> i'll tell you guys. >> all right. >> there you go. >> bobby hill, ladies and gentlemen. >> bobby hill, man. >> love that kid. >> that's how you play. >> coming up he plays a very cool uncle jesse on the hit series -- i call him uncle jesse
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and john stamos is tv's newest grandfather. >> grandfather. >> and we'll talk about that and get the new scoop on the new i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with onl 4 doses a year af whter 2 starter doses... ..'stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority w e rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin
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. oh, my. john stamos has played an ankle, a husband and father and it's only natural that "grandfather would be next. >> is this marl? in his new comedy "grandfather" john plays a bachelor who seems to have it all except a family of his own. >> that all changes pretty quickly. check it out. >> everyone, what's the one thing that i've always said was missing from my life? >> a linen pan that goes from the beach to the bar. >> and the search continues. >> i meant a family, a family, everyone, i'd like you to meet jerald and his doubter. >> you're a grandpa. >> but i did that -- to lauer this morning, and did you see that? >> i did. >> who is getting slapped here, al just requesting it. >> al. >> he wanted it. >> come on. >> thanks for having me on this.
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i mean, earlier -- lauer warms everybody up? >> this is where it all happens, all happens here. >> he's good and deserved the slap, and he should stay with the parades, you do the interviews. >> really, matt, you're a grandpa. >> oh. >> you're a grandfather. >> oh. >> okay. those are good. >> so, you know, they say don't work with kid or animals. you're, you're going back. you've got "fuller house" and "grandfather" and you're working with kids again. you calling saget an animal? >> yes, yes, it worked the first time so i -- i love the kids on "full house" and we have twins on the new show and i'm obsessed with them. like one of those parents that, you know, show their picture all the time and they are not even my kids. but they are great. >> jimmy martineau, ways his story, his dale in.
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>> we started out sort of loosely based on me and i think a guy like me i think people think has it all and, you know, you pulled curtain behind and he's insecure and scared and maybe something is missing from his life and that's sort of what this character is about and then, you know, and the first 60 seconds he gets a son and a granddaughter. >> i don't even know where to go. i can't help but notice the style of the character, your style now, the three button down and the openness. >> i just took these clothes from wardrobe. >> did you really? >> yeah. >> when i watched the pilot, the pilot on e true hollywood story of my life. i really have a great -- these writers are fantastic. >> yeah. >> and we found a great way to get comedy out of someone like me. >> that's kind of you, i mean, you don't take yourself terribly seriously but you have a good time. >> i think so, yeah.
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>> you can't -- especially these days. there's this pedestal that actors used to put themselves on, come on. it's, you know -- i lost fact that we get to show that we're just normal people. does that make sense? >> sure, that makes perfect sense. >> people are going bonkers about "fuller house." "full house" fans coming out, you'll have new fans. you mentioned saget, he's always a problem. how did you get everybody else involved? >> i've been toying with this idea for six, seven years and, in fact, went out to push a spinoff, six, seven years ago and it wasn't right time. we ended the show prematurely so i've always wanted to get back and do a proper, you know, last thing so the -- the netflix is a great place to be obviously. >> oh, yeah. >> i think they could -- they have been very delicate with the legacy which is important to all of us, and it was easy. everybody just wanted to come back and pay tribute to, you know, a show we love. >> and you said the olsen twins are welcome.
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>> tell us about your instagram account quickly. a picture from your account. >> in front of the house. >> photobombing. >> yeah. >> no. >> no, we don't. >> that's the script. >> there it is. >> there it is. >> and they didn't know -- people were going up and had no idea who you were. >> i don't recall being on that -- at that house ever, so when i was in san francisco a few months ago, should check that house out and everybody talks about it. >> john stamos. "grandfather" premiers tomorrow night on fox. >> thanks. >> always great. >> all right. >> just hit me once. >> oh, see one -- >> you gave matt a slap. >> up next. >> there it is. >> he's out. >> she won an oscar for her dramatic performance in "monster" and starred in blockbusters like "mad max" and charlize theron's latest role makes her feel right at home and tells us about it right coughing...sniffling... and wishing you could stay in
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craving the taste of chocolate but watching calories? introducing light & fit greek with chocolate on top. so chocolatey good... you won' t believe it' s 100 calories. try new light & fit greek chocolate on top. back now with ope of hollywood's biggest stars, charlize theron who won an academy award in 2013 for her role as a serial killer in "monsters" and played the wicked queen in "snow white and the hundredsman". >> and now she's doing good in her home country of south africa that has the highest number of people living with aids in the world. >> charlize is with us this morning. good morning. >> so much to talk about.
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>> thank you for having me. >> we wouldn't closed door on charlize theron. do i have to start with this project and the your effort to really educate. went to south africa the last year, the most determined and strong young women that i've ever met. >> resilient. >> resilient, a beautiful word. >> and a lot of work to be done that you're focused on. >> south africa, was -- was when i was growing up in the late '0s and '90s when the epidemic really hit and had little information tons, i remember growing up with a horrifying fear because people didn't know why and today we know why and it's preventable and yet more young girls are dying today than 20 years ago and there's something wrong with that. >> is that why you decided to focus your attention on that right now? >> the organization started in 2007, and the program was really set up to support organizations on the ground, organizations,
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grootd organizations that really focused on prevention. just as much as they did for the immediate care because there was so much immediate care everywhere in south africa and i think all over the world, and we're in the going to stop aids until we actually teach people how not to become positive so what we've been doing is just curbing it. this is an infectious disease. you can't curb that, so we have to stop it. we have to eliminate it completely. and the problem is in the western world we've come so far. don't really see aids on the front page of the newspaper anymore and the problem is we've become complacent and the problem is right now more young girls are dying because of that complacency. >> one of the things that i think is so important that you point out is there's been a lot of progress made, but still this problem persists, and i know our viewers when they have someone like you come on they say, okay, what can i do to help. >> yes. they are watching right now and now have heard the story and what's the problem. >> great, i have your attention.
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>> please head us up. we have a facebook so you can find us on our facebook page and have a charlize africa twitter and instagram so you can find out about everything that we're doing, where we're working. volunteer. there's so many ways to get involved. i mean, just not stopping talking about this, keeping the conversation flowing. that's very, very important, you know. sit at dinner and tell everyone who you're eating with girls are eight times more likely to become hiv-positive than boys in south africa. >> you have to get going. you have a 3-year-old saying where's my mom. >> where's my bottle. the way i see it, you have two choices; the easy way or the hard way. you could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or, you could make things easier on yourself. that's right, the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back
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it happened just before 10:00 p.m. drivers often speed through the area. they are calling for improved safety measures like cameras or speed bumps. warm, humid, high of 79. tonight, cloudy with a chons of an evening shower, 68. tomorrow, more rain. 77. wednesday, showers and thunderstorms. 72 degrees. coming up on the "today" show, we're going to introduce you to an inspirational woman who is a quadriplegic, which didn't get in her way of becoming an artist.
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big news developments this morning in the volkswagen emissions scandal. german prosecutors have started an investigation of former chief executive martin winterkorn. the investigation will focus on allegations of fraud in the sale of cars with manipulated emissions data. winterkorn quit last wednesday after almost nine years at the helm of europe's largest carmaker saying he had no knowledge of manipulation of emissions results. and massachusetts may be the state to think about first if
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you're dedicated to being a teacher. it ranks first in wallet hub's new list of the best state for teachers. virginia, minnesota wyoming and new jersey round out the top five. the list is based on things like salary, class size and spending per pupil. last place on wallet hub's list, west virginia. well, a scary moment for republican presidential candidate carly fiorina sunday night when a backdrop collapsed during a campaign event in texas. carly fiorina was speaking at national women's business conference when the frame piping and cloth fell to the ground. you can see actually several women rushing in to shield her. thankfully no one was hurt. the arena made light of the situation saying i'm plenty tough enough to be commander in chief and hotel transylvania 2 takes a bite out of the competition, the animated feature took in $47.5 million kwnd at the intern" was second and "maze runner. . the scorch trails" was third and
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we thought about "hotel transylvania" because it's a good family film. >> saw it this weekend. loved, it loved it, loved it. let's see if you're going to love your weather. wet weather through the gulf coast for today. showers and thunderstorms in the appalachians and partly cloudy in the northeast and sunshine out west and 80 in portland and tomorrow we've got cooler air making its way through the plains into the midwest and 80 in chicago today and 64 tomorrow. 86 and thunderstorms down in northern florida and look for clouds here in the northeast with rain moving in later on tomorrow night and on into wedn our day begins with warm temperatures and high humidity. shower maybe later today. for the most part, sun and clouds. the rain rolls in as we head to tomorrow night. it could be heavy at times. seven days ahead. let's talk about it. tuesday night, the showers start.
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wednesday, could be wind driven. could see an inch and a half before all is said and done and then we cool down thursday and friday. >> and that's your latest weather. now to the strange sounds your body makes. they happen to all of us, sometimes ringing in the ear or weird sounding cough. when should you be worried in. >> well, here with that in what you need to know is nbc's medical contributor. doc, good to see you. >> good morning. >> news this morning there may be some changes for early breast cancer treatment. >> yes. al, this was just released this morning at european cancer congress, a new study out funded by the nih on something called the onco type dx, a genetic test, blood test on the cancer itself which is used to predict both recurrence and also response to chemotherapy. this is for women with early stage breast cancer. stage one or stage two. lymph node negative and something called hormone
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who test very, very low on this particular test may not need chemotherapy so huge. just reported so we will hear a little bit more, you know, as this evolves today but very, very interesting news in the breast cancer literature. >> when will we see this. >> this test has been available since 2004 but one of the first prospective studies that actually randomized women to either see how they do when they got a low score versus a high score and they found these tremendous results. >> wow, terrific. >> very, very interesting. >> let's talk about the segment here. these weird noises our bodies make. let's get to the first one which is the cough. why would a cough be weird? >> right. when it's really important -- oh. . this is whooping cough and really important in the fall and winter season. i think a lot of parents when they have young children they don't know the difference between what is a whooping cough sound like and what does croup sound like, two very different diseases, whooping cough is caused by a bacteria, pertussis and preventible by vaccination
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and can be ver fatal in children under 1. whooping cough, can we hear it again, what that is uncontrollable fits of coughing, followed by this very whooping type of wheeze when they try to take a deep breath and you heed to see your doctor right away in your child has this cough. what's the next cough? >> okay. this is the cough that is characteristic of something called croup which is caused by a viral infection. it characteristically has that loud high pitch what we call barking cough. this is caused by a virus. it doesn't respond or doesn't require antibiotics. a little bit less serious than the whooping cough. >> all right. and we have another sound here. i think this one is the ear ringing. >> yes. >> ear ringing is obviously very, very common. >> and people actually hear. that's what you would hear. >> and there's something called subjective tinitis ringing in the ear that you here and something objective that the doctor can actually hear. ringing in the ear is not uncommon.
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one of the most common reason, people over the age of 60 can develop this. when is it a sign or something to be concerned about? obviously ringing in the ear that lasts for a prolonged period of time or is associated with vertigo, that is the room spinning, dizziness or hearing loss should be evaluated immediately by your doctor. >> this next one, we've all been subject to this and done it, burping. >> i didn't know we had an audio for that. belching or burping is voluntary or involuntary and you're expelling air from your stomach. one of the most common causes for or some of the more common causes for belching would be, you know, chewing with your mouth opening, drinking carbonated beverages, talking a lot, anything that gets air in your mouth, including smoking. when is it a concern? well, sometimes people who have underlying reflex, acid reflux can belch quite a bit and people7 with underlying gas triedies or inflammation of the stomach or
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have it looked at. >> the wheezing? >> wheezing is high-pitched, typically happens with a whistling sound, happens during expiration breathing out and also can happen during inspiration, asthma, alearningishing reaction or something obstruct aring your airway. should be evaluated by your doctor. >> there's one sound we left out. >> no, no. >> thank you, natalie azar. my goodness, i knew that would happen when i read the notes. of course, best to check this in with your medical provide fer you have serious health concerns. up next, comedian trevor noah gets comfortable behind the achor desk. we'll talk to the star as he makes his "daily show" debut tonight, and he served up the laughs as the creator of "everybody loves raymond." phil rosenthal has something new
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what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. what's that sound? did you leave your hairdryer running? no. something smells delicious. how could something smell delicious when the toaster's broken? i smell sausage, egg, cheese and... eggo? l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. the eggo breakfast sandwich. but the toaster's broken. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. this test paper represents proteins in your skin. watch it react to direct contact with ordinary soap. soap weakens the proteins.
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will be tuned to comedy central tonight as trevor noah takes over the reins of "the daily show" and i'll remind him once more since he never gets sick of hearing this, pretty big shoes to fill. the edgy sometimes controversial comedian is replacing jon stewart who left the show in august after 16 years. trevor, good morning. good to meet you, man. >> thanks very much. >> that's the big elephant in the room. everybody talks about it. how do you fill jon stewart's shoes and how do you react to it when people say it? >> that's funny. i have an elephant in my room at home. you know what? it's the truth. and that's all it is. that jon stewart left a giant void, and i have to work to fill that, and it's not something that will be done tonight. it will not be something done the next night but something we'll work towards and jon said that to me. don't forget. i didn't start the show 16 years in. it took me 16 years to where i am and take your time and do it right and that's exactly what i'll be doing. >> how then, trevor, do you make this show your own?
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one for 20 years and jimmy fallon inherits a number one show and still keeps it there. what does the trevor noah "daily show" look like? >> you find what works and try to bring yourself to every situation. talking about stories, everybody has their own perspective and own place that they have come from so interharntly jon and i are not different in that reregard. we share a lot of views and come to the same place when it comes to a lot of steueries, but for the most we're trying to get to the same place. your background just determines how you get there, your point view and that's really what changes on "the daily show." is it going to change completely? no, it's not going to change but it is going to change but not completely. can do both things at the same time and that's what i'm working on. >> what you know when you were introduced as a successor to jon a lot of people went to wikipedia to see who trevor noah was. time to get to know you. a little on your background. you're from south africa. who were your comedy influences growing up? >> when i first started comedy i had no influences because i didn't know what comedy was at
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the time. eddie murphy was a huge influence and eddie izzard after that and i started stumbling on great comedians, chris rock, louie c.d. and dave chapel, probably within of my i'd dolls and you meet great comedians, comedians that people wouldn't necessarily know are really great influences on me in terms of what they do and how they do it. >> have you been following american politics for a long time because obviously that's the thrust of "the daily show" under jon stewart was putting politicians through the meat grinder every night. are you a lot of fans in. >> yes. a lot of people don't realize you have to follow american politics anywhere in the world because america is the leader of the free world. everyone has to pay attention to that. we're watching american elections no matter where we are in the world. it's a big thing that changes everything, so i've always been keenly watching that for as long as i've been watching news. >> well, we're very excited to see what you put on tonight. you feeling nervous right now? >> of course. i'm nervous or just cold.
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i want you to know it's because of the ac in here. yeah, but it's nerves and excitement at the same time, getting ready for it and amend up. going to be exciting. exciting week launching the show and then you just start the grind. it's a marathon, not a sprint. >> you'll do great. can't wait to see it. >> thank you. >> "the daily show" there's something in me...
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sorry. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. protein from yogurt? yeah, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? it has 0 added sugar, 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. dannon oikos triple zero. dannon i did it... i did it too... they took nature's bounty hair, skin and nails, it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside... with biotin for beautiful hair
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and strong nails. and vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails don't look and feel more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it... and i feel beautiful. take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit for details. in delicious gummies too! he's not just one of the funniest people to eat a meal with, also the man behind one of the funniest and most successful shows all time. >> i can't see the prompter. >> won multiple emmy awards as the co-creator of the hugely successful sitcom "everybody
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loves raymond". >> and now he has a show on pbs i'll have what you're having and i've had the privilege of eating with this man. >> you've had what i'm having. >> i have had, and you've never steered me wrong. you talked about doing this show for a long time. >> yes. >> how much fun was it actually doing to getting it. >> look at this. i brought you, i was in the world familiarous gelato in italy. we heard you wept because this is so tasty. >> all right. you don't have to tell everybody. i want you to taste this. all these ingredients come from italy and actually have a branch on the sixth floor of macy's. >> does it matter, just dig in? >> the one i tasted is crema, milk, eggs, sugar, that's it, but it's the right milk and right eggs and right sugar made by the right lady. >> and the version in the states in macy's is exactly like you got in rome in. >> in florence. >> yeah, you got it.
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i would said experience of eating it on the sixth floor of macy's is about 90% of eating it in florence italy. >> the idea behind the show you is go all over the world. >> yes. >> sample the best of every place you go. >> yes. i want to motivate you get off the couch to come and travel. i know that i live in a world that anthony bourdain lives, the greatest of the greatest and i look at him and i say i'm not doing that. i'm not going to beirut to get shot. a i tell people i'm exactly like anthony bourdain if he was afraid of everything. >> this is delicious. >> i think most people would like. this one is like frozen rice pudding. >> fantastic. >> good night, everybody. we can just stay here. >> what did you bring us from tokyo? >> i brought you something from hong kong. you ready in. >> this is a delicacy in hong kong. this is called the century-year-old egg. you in, tamron? >> i'll have ice cream. >> i'll stay right here. >> we might have a clip of me
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tasting it. >> what? >> take a look. >> oh. >> i'm being very hilarious by pukitting the whole thing in my mouth. that's real. there is no acting involved. i thought i would have to go to the hospital. >> what does it taste like in. >> icei ole tell you. it tastes at first like very, very, very rotten egg. >> oh. >> that's then supplanted by the overpowering wave of ammonia. >> okay. >> i'll taste it. >> this is a delicacy you say. >> i'll taste it. >> are you really going to taste it. >> if you do it. >> can you call 9 and 1 and hold your finger over the 1. i have another show to do it. will i get sick. >> go ahead, tamron. >> hey. >> you went out with bear grylls. >> what the heck in. >> i did eat a dead squirrel. >> i'm sorry, i'm already apologizing. it's not bad at all. >> it hasn't hit you yet.
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ha na o, it's really good. >> you know what you would like, my mother's cooking. >> no. >> oh, man, that smells bad. >> it really isn't bad. >> you thought this was bad? >> i didn't have this exact one. maybe in new york they tone it down a little. >> bring me my egg cream, i want to show you something. >> i went to tokyo. >> oh, look at you, i love you. >> what's that? what's going on here? >> this is -- i don't know if she's going to like this because she liked that. >> still okay with it? >> i hate the whole thing, it's delicious. >> i went to tokyo and went to this restaurant that specialized in eel. >> while you're making that i'm going to tell the folks "i'll have what nil's having" premiers tonight on pbs.
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>> signifi [instrumental music playing] windows are the eyes into the soul of the home. ugly soul. go to blinds to go with the largest selection of blinds and shades custom sized and guaranteed for life. they're a designer's best friend. trust me, they make window decorating easy. back to school? how about...back to blinds! during blinds to go's early fall savings sale, save 20 to 30% on all the season's latest looks in cellular shades and cascade double shades. that'll really make you look smart. blinds to go.
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i'm michael gargiulo. expecting more gridlock than usual. president obama heads to the u.n. general assembly. several streets around the united nations closed, including first avenue, 42nd to 48th stg reet. 42nd from the fdr drive to sevent avenue. a complete list of closures on ou r website, checking the weather, warm, humid, high of 79. evening showers, 68. tomorrow, more rain, 77. wednesday, showers, thunderstorms throughout the morning, 72. thursday, cloudy with a high of 66. friday, more rain and it will be 65 degrees. coming up on the "today" show, ann romney joins kathie lee and hoda to t k about her life after her multiple
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year since george and amal got macorried. they're already having an anniversary. >> good for them. they say it wouldn't last. they seem settled and happy. >> we'll talk with dave carter and a lot of stuff about taylor swift and her concert. alolways making news there. >> "twilight" star nikki reed is back with us. she's a newlywed. she'll show why she has heads turning, just in time for halloween. >> plus with his number one hit song "replay," he's singing with a very, very special guest. >> you'll meet a very inspirational woman, an arti who triumphed over tragedy and creates incredible paintings with.her mouth. she's got a surprise for us. los like piers broz ce brosnan to me. >> hoda and i -- >> hi. >> we were inseparable. >> you left my side long enough to go off to spend time with the girl scouts.
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tennessee earlier. and spoke to a great group r girl scouts. there were 600 people. these are some of the girl scouts, those wacky kids. those are the grown-up girl scouts. had a great time. >> how long does that continue? can you be a girl scout -- can you be a woman scout. >> ask amanda avery. she was a girl scout through her senior year in high school. nothing looks better than a senior with a girl scout uniform on. you rocked it. congratulations. >> that's great. you? >> right before the last picture was at sirius xm, buzz's show. all those crazy people drink and do their show. >> you're not one to judge, neither am i. >> when i did get off the plane a friend texted me and said go to this bar in nashville called losers. i said is there a bar called losers? yes, next to winners. everybody goes to losers. guess who we saw? >> look at this.
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>> blake shelton. >> with your friend jamie. >> what was blake doing at losers. >> he was schmoozing fans. it was a fun meet and greet. >> there is such sexual tension when the two of them get together. >> and then -- >> then you came up to greenwich, greenwich food -- wine and food festival was in full swing. >> yes. >> and there i was. that was a couple nights before with geoffrey zakarian. he opened a fabulous new restaurant, the national in g etreenwich in a couple weeks. he and i had become good pals. that's sonny unger from serendipity magazine who pull on the whole thing. it's second or third year. what is it, chris? second or third? >> it's a big hit. >> look at what we're doing. >> that's me and sheila mara the giants. i did an interview with kimberly from little big town that
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