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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  September 4, 2016 7:00pm-7:48pm EDT

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captioning funded by cbs and ford. we go further, so you can. >> sharyn alfonsi: you've probably been warned to be careful about what you say and do on your phone. do i need to connect this? >> yes. >> alfonsi: okay. but afe what we found, you won't need to be warned again. >> so, are you connected? onam. >> and i have your email ane al i hav e cred cardsoctewith that account. he pdef the united states called me on my cell ph so if the hackers reng in, they would know that phone conversation. and that is immensely troublg. >> alfonsi: is everything hackable? >> yes. we live in a world where we n'trust the chnologyhat we use. >> my failure to say something can only be described as cowardice. i was a coward.
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apologizing for sending an innocent man to death row for 30 years. in 2014, glenn ford was finally exonerated and released by the district attorney, who still fends the system. have you no compassion for what mr. ford has been through? >> well, you don't know me at all, do you? but you have no problem asking th question. >> wtaker:o, i am asking because i am seeking an answer. >> i'm n in the compassion business. >> stahl: secuty is tight at the large hadron collider. you need an iris scan toet inside. >> thank you. you have been identified. >> ...power, cooling... >> stahl: the entire complex is buriedeep underground. >> stahlit's believed to be the largest and most complex machmahas er created. the things it's searching for
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oh, no. really? >> i'm steve kroft. >> i'm leslie stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm sharyn alfonsi. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories, tonight on "60 minutes." >> this portion of "60 minutes" is sponsored by the lincoln summer invitation. e, taking the legwork out of stop and go traffic. and even hills. that's the more human side of engineering. hurry in for limited time offers during the final days of theoh oret 0% apr for 60 ms and 00 dolrs mmer invitation bonus.
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get this one done.
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if you've gone to extremes to escape your naall rgies... try clarispray. from the makers of claritin. clarispray provides 24-hour, prescription strength relief from sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congeson. return to the world. try clarispray today. >> alfonsi: a lot of modern life is interconnected through the internet of things, a global empire of billions of devices and machines. auto navigation systems, smart tvs, thermostats and home security systems. telephone networks and online banking. almost everything you can imagine is linked to the world wide web, and the emperor of it
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you've probably been warned to be careful about what you say and do on your phone. but after you see what we found, you won't need to be warned again. we hea we could find some of the world's best hackers in germany, so ea berlin. just o a trendstreet and ugh thiswe rth i'm karsten. rs whee >> come on in. engineering from the university of virginia. you can lead the w security research labs. during the day, the lab advises fortune 500 companieon
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but at night, this international team of hackers looks for flaws in the dices we use everyday: smartphones, usb sticks and si cards. they arerying to find vulnerabies before the bad guys do, so they can warn the public about risks. at computer terminals and work benches equipped with micro lasers, they physically and digitally break into systems and devices. >> nohl: hang up. >> alfonsi: now, nohl's te i pring thsecurity of mobile phone networks. is one phone more secure than another? is an iphone more secure thaan android? ohl: all phones are the sa. >> alfonsi: if you just have somebody's phone number, what could you do? >> nohl: track their whereabouts, know where-- where they go for work, which other people they meet when-- you can spy on whom they call and what they say over the phone.
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>> alfonsi: we wanted to see whether nohl's group could actually do what they claimed.sf ipne from "6nutes" in new york to representative ted lieu, a congressman from california. he has a computer sciencdegree from stanford and member of the house committee th oversees information technology. he agreed to use our pho to talk to his stf knowing they would be hacked. d theye. all we gave nohl was the number >> alfonsi: hello congressman? it's sharyn alfonsi from "60 nutes." as soon as i called congressman lieu on his phone-- good. how are you doing? nohl and his team were listening and recording both ends of our conversation. i'm calling from berlin. i wonder if i might talk to youe workin l:hat hacking story? >> alfontheyere able to do it by exploiting a security flaw they discovered in signaling
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las vegas. >> john hering: three days of non-stop hacking. >> alfonsi: that's where john hering guided us through the unconventional convention where 20,000 hackers get together every year to are secrets and test their skills. >> hering: it's proving what's possible. any system ce oken break it. about knowg how to mself.onsi: herings cker he's the thirty-something whiz who co-fnded the mobil security company "lookout" when
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lookout has developed a free apr maare and alerts the user an attack. how likely is it that somebody's phe has been hacked?day'world, there's really only two types of woes of peopleicare those who hn hacked and realize it and those who have been hacked and haven't. >> alfonsi: how much do you think people have been kind of ignoring the security of their cell phones, thinking, "i'veot a passcode, i must be fine?" people have t ally that most and that that's really starting to shift. >> alfonsi: and that's what you think? it'shavi lap >> hering: oh absolutely. one ctivy a supercomputer in your pocket. there's more technology in your mobile phone twa know, the space craft that took man to the moon. i mean, it's-- it's really unbelievable. >> alfonsi: is eingveth hackable? >> hering: yes. >> alfonsi: everything? >> hering: yes. >> alfonsi: if somebody tells you, "you can't do it." >> hering: i don't believe it. >> alfonsi: john hering offered to prove it.
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hackers at our las vegas hotel. each of them a specit gungut how to protect them. >> adam laurie: would you put your money in a bank that didn't test their locks on their safes? we need to try and break it to make sure that the bad guys can't. >> alfonsi: how easy is it to break the phone right now? >> john oberheide: very easy. >> laurie: ayoveeen, pretty trial. >> alfonsi: do i need to connect to it? okay. it started whe logon e hotel wi-fi. at least it looked like the hote-f hering had created a ghost version. it's called spoofing. i mean, this looks legitimate. >> hering: it lookverygima. so you're connected? >> alfonsi: i am. >> hering: and iave your email. ( laughs ) >> alfonsi: you have access to my email right n-- >> hering: yeah. it's coming through right now. i actually can s-- i know have a ride-sharing application up here, all the information that's being transmitted, including your account i.d., your mobile phone, which i just got the
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all the credit cards associated with that account. >> alfonsi: jon erheide pointed out the greatest weakness in mobile security is oberhde: wiocial en y cfix thhuman element. humans are gullible. theyta mious applications. passwordsy d 'srd tfix that human element. >> alfonsi: john hering warned us he could spy on anyone the phone's camera had a clear view. we propped up the a phone on my desk and set up cameras to record a demonstration. first he sent a text message with an attachment to downad. >> hering: we're in business. >> alfonsi: thenering caed from san francisco. ( desk phone rings ) and pr the haced. >> hering: i installed some malware in your device that's broadcasting video of your phone. >> alfonsi: my phone's not even lit up. >> hering: i ustd,eah. >> alfonsi: that's so creepy. >> katie: it's pch black for us.
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hering was able to take control my phone. but coressman lieu dn' all karsten nohl's team berlin needed to get into e congressman's phone was the number. res7that little-known global phone network we told you about earlier? >> nohl: i've been tracking the coressman. >> alfonsi: the'it th allowed nohl to d recoonessm lls and track his movements in wainacme been in california,, me ecifallyhe l.aea zoom in re a little bit, >> mobi phone companies use ss7 to exchange billing information. billions of calls and text messages travel through its arteries daily. it is also the network that allows phones to roam.
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location services and turns that off? >> nohl:. the mobile network independent from the little g.p.s. chip in your phone knows where you are. a choices that a congressman could've made, choosing a phone, choosing a pin number, installing or not installing certain apps, have no influence over what we are showing because this is targeting the mobile network. that of ur, not controlled by any e customer. >> alfonsi: despite him making good choices. you're still able to get to his e. >> nohl:ct team wlelld to ss7 by several internatiol llhone carriers. xchange, thearriers want nohl to test the network's vulnerabily k. that'sause cminals have proven they can get into ss7. >> nohl: mobile networks are only place in which this problem can be solved. there is no global policing of ss7.
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their networks. and that is hard. aths th ugh ss7 than arhone trade association to ask aboutacks o beenepor of securityged the breach networks were secure. congressman lieu was on u.s. tw berlin. i ju w plafor u meg wee t your phone. >> hi ted it's marc, how are >> rselieu: i'm good. >> i sent you soevisions on e letto the n.s.a., regarding the-- the data llection. >> reprentative lieu: wow. >> alfonsi: what is yo? were listening to all of yr two.
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and second, it makes me angry. >> alfonsi: makes you angry, why? >>epseative lieu: they could hear any call of pretty much anyone who has a smartphone. it could be octrad you >> alfonsikarstenohl'sea toll tumbers of every phoneha which means, there's a lot m just intercepting that o p to target and attack every one of the other phones too. give us aidea, without being too specific, of the types of people that would be in a congressman's phone. >> representative lieu: there are other members of congress, other elected officials. last year, the president of the united states called me on my cell phone. and we discussed some sues so if the hackers we listeni they wouldnow that p convertion thmmenly troub.
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of hh value to hackers. on7 ability to intercept cell network is an open secreamong the world's intelligence agencies, including ours, andeyt ho plugged if you end up hearing from the is extremely valuab this ao e formation that they'rle to get from it, what would you say to that? >> alfonsi: should be fired? >> alfonsi: why? >> representative lieu: >> representative lieu: you cannot have 300-some mlion absolutely. americans and really, right, the global citizenry be at risk of having their phone conversations intercepted with a known flaw, simply because some intelligence agencies might get some data. that is not acceptable. >> hering: i'd say, that the e person is not going to be exposed to the ty of attacks we showed u today.
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louisiana's governor says last month's flds caused more than an wnesday apple is expected to unveithe in a new apple
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>> whitaker: there may be no
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have likely never heard a prosecutor's confession. injustice he calls so great it fo's h owntwo lives-- glen >> marty strd: i ended up, wit anody else's help, puttina on i mean, the end of the day-- e begiing, eddle whatever y want call it-- i disomethg that was very, very bad. >> whitaker: it wa83 shreveport, louisiana, and 32- year-old prosecutor marty ro was assigned h first death penaltcase. a local jeweler, ido rozeman, had been robbed and murdered. quickly, stroud zeroed in on
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man to be a petty thief, and he admitted he had pawned some of the stolen welry. all that was enough to mhim the primary suspect. stroud knew a conviction wou boost his career. >> stroud: i was arrogant, narcissistic, caught up in the culture of win >> whitaker: win regardls of the facts, the truth? >> stroud: looki back on it, yes. people's involvement. i shld have followed up on that. i didn't dth. >> whitaker: why didn't you? >> strou thifailur say something can on be described as cowardice. i was a coward. >> whitaker: strnow admits the cards and the system were stacked against ford from the beginning-- his court-appointed lawyers had never practiced criminal law. what kind of law did they practice? >> stroud: one individual d general civil practice, and
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>> stroud: here they aren a rder tri ilosiwhe a n was on trial for his life. and at the time, i sawothing wrong with that. in fact, i snickered from time to time, sinthat this was going to be... we're going to get though this case pretty quickly. >> wtaker:troud's case wasn't strong. there was no physical evidence linking ford to the crime. the main witness incriminating ford admitted in court she been coerced by police to make up testimony. but what was more important to marty ud washe composition of the jury. >> stroud: there were no african americans on the jy. >> whitaker: was that by design? >> stroud: at the time of the case, we excluded african- americans because we... i felt that they would not consider a death penalty where you had a
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fil call on the case with respecurs. and i was... i wasrong. >> whitaker: caddo parish, white.a, is predominately yet 77% of those given the death >> stroud: so, wn glenn ford walks into that coooe's got a count of 0 and 2 against m, a fast ll's coming >> whitaker: it took the jury lessthurs to finduiy. afarroud and his legal team went out and celebr sending ford to death row. >> stroud: i h ds. i slappepeople on the ck. we sg s. that was uttly dissting. you know, it... you see mother juste metimes and... a statueanhaa t night
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that wasn't justice at all >> whitaker: ford was put in solitary confinement in one of e mostnfamous lockups in america, angola. the maximum security prison has hanalties and harsher temperatureon deathr mmonly exceed 104 degrees. >>ou dth row, you have maybe a five- by seven-foot cell
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rmation ere was "cree evidce. glenford rticant in, the robbery and murder of isadore rozeman." ud's reactn whene was to fs innocent? >> stroud: i thought i was g u . ce was just that yours truly had all is pain... >>hitake in 2014, rd onerat and rsed an. ures ohis first frees capted ran thsky and a smile on his whatof that prison? lenn le stepdvping in
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bee the judge said hwas ti, anted to put a death date on me. >> whiker: did mr. ford get ju >> dale cox: i think he has gotten delayed justice. hitaker: dale cox wathe acting district attorney of caddo parish. he got glennorreed aft receiving the informant's information.he jti ud
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between 2010 and 2014, his caddo parish office put more people on death row per capita than anywhere else in the country. >> cox: i think society should be employing the death penalty more rather than less. >> whitaker: but there have been ten other inmates on death row in lisna have been exonerated. early, system is not flawless. are u sure that you've gotten
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that... that i've gotten it right. >> whitaker: reasonably confident? >> cox: am i arrogant enough, am i narcissistic enough to say i couldn't ma mistake? of course not. >> whitaker: but until this information came out, the stat was convinced that mr. ford was guilty. >> cox: yes. >> whitaker: he could have been killed. >> cox: yes. >> whitaker: and it would've been a mistake. >> cox: yes. >> whitaker: it sounds like you're saying that's just a risk we have to take. if i had gotten this information too late, all of us would've been griev beyd script we don't wanto do this to people who are not guilty of the crime they're charged with. >> whitaker: according to louisiana law, glenn ford was entitled to $330,000, about $11,000 for every year of wrongful imprisonment. but the state is denying him the money.
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prosecutors said ford knew a robbery of rozeman's jewel shop was going to take place. but he didn't report it. ford was never charged with th crime, but the state says that's asnoh to deny him. ted foe time be ent in prison? : and the stute not rested for ae other crimes. mr. ford prove he didn't do these other crimes. until proven innocent, in this case? >> cox: no, because it's not a estionf guilt or innocence. it's a question of whether he's entitled to money, taxpayer money. >> whitaker: but you say he has to prove that he's innocent of these other charges, these oth crimes for which he's never been charged, for which he's never been tried. >> cox: that's correct. >> whitaker:e s to prove that he's innocent of them in order to get the cpensation?
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he was punished for something that he might have done. thatoesn't seem fair. >> cox: you want fairness... suosed to provide fairness? >> cox: it is supposed to provide justice. >> whitaker: youonnk he deserves compensation. >> cox: i think that taw ord: what law is this? i never heard of such law where
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>> whitaker: after 30 years in prison? >> ford: right. >> whitaker: 30 years on death row in... in solitary confinement, and the state of louisiana releases mr. ford with a $20 gift card. >> cox: you're trying to portray the state of louisiana as some kind of monster. i got hioul qckly as i could. that what the oblition of the state is. >> whitaker: and that's the end of the state's obligation? >> cox: as far as i'm co >> whitaker: what about compassion? have you no compassion for what mr. ford has been thug >> cox: well, you dot know me at all, you? but you have no problem asking that question. >> whitaker: no, i'm... i'm asking because i'm seeking an compassion business, none of us as prosecutors or defense lawyers are in the compassion business. i... i think the ministry is in
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we're in the legal business. so to suggest that somehow what has happened to glenn ford is abhorrent, yes, 's unfair. anit's n eveimmoral. it just fit est ur perception of fairness. >> whitakeould say people would see this as unfr. >> cox: i agree. >> whitaker: for his part, marty stroud says glenn ford deserves evernned he wto seeorto apologize. w do y apologize to someone for taking 30 years of his life from him? >> stroud: well, there's no books you can read that. i just went in and apologized. >> whitaker: do you forgive him? >> ford: no. he didn't only take from me, he took from my whole family.
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forgive him. >> ford: well, i don't. but i'm still trying to. >> whitaker: do you think you deserve his forgiveness? if somebody had done that to me, i don't know if i could forgive them. >> whitaker: you say you destroyed his life. sounds like this incident destroyed your life, too. >> stroud: i've got a hole in me through which the north wind blows. it's... it's a sense of coldness, it's a sense of just disgust. there's nhi out there that can fill in that hole that says i... it's allight. well, it's not all right. it's not all right. >> ?eeyour eyeon the prize ldn ? hold ... >> whiker: thr weeks after we met him, glenn ford died, penniless. his final months, he lived off charity. donations covered the cost of
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>> cox: there was a tragic outcome. and these tragic outcomes happen the time in life. it's not like the glenn ford se is the on tragedy you'll ever see or i'll ever see in our lifetime. the question is, was there anytng illegallyon improperly done that led to this. and... and i can comfortab record, no, there was not. >> whitaker: in glenn ford's will, he directs that any state money he might receive go to his ten grandchildren so they can ha a better chance than he did. and marty stroud? he has asked the louisiana bar association to discipline him for his role in the ford case. >> stroud: it was a train to injuice and s th engineer. glenn ford will be a part of me
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>> stahl: the large hadron collider is one of the wonders it's believed to be the largest and most complex machine mankind has ever created. buried hundreds of feet beneath switzerland and france, the collider smashes subatomic particles together with enormous energy. by studying the collisions, scientists have already made a
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particle." the ping to learn a lot more because, after two years of repairs and upgrades, the collider is smashing particles at nearly double the power. as we first reported last fall, the things it's searching for now sound like they're straight out of science fiction security is tight at the large hadron collider. you need air >> thank you. you have been identified. >> stahl: the entire complex is buried deep underground. >> greg rakness: you can see power, cooling... >> stahl: and this is the heart of it. is this where collision takes place? down this pipe, down this orange pipe. >> stahl: american physist greg rakness showed us one of the four decto where
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nearly the speed of light to simulate conditions th are believed to have existed when the universe began. is there a boom? is there noise? >> rakness: there's no noise, but there's a flash of light and the particles fly off. and you're taking a look into the... basically, a microscopic view of e big bang. >> stahl: this is what the inside othe deor loo like. it's stuedith magnets, electronics, and sensors. creating a miniature version of the big bang isn't easy. before the particles get here, they travel through a long tunnel that rakness took us down into during a maintenance break. for 17 miles? >> rakness: 17 miles. >> stahl: in a big loop, a big circle? >> rakness: in a big loop, that's right. >> stahl: the loopbeneh the countryside of switzerland and france, not r from geneva. the tunnel is so vast, workers
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the particles zip through these pipes, gde ser-cooled magnets. when the protons are going through the tunnel, it's very cold. how cold does it actually get? >> rakness: it's somewhere on the orr of negative-450 degrees fahrenheit. >> stahl: is thacoerhan ousp>> rness: that's colder than outer space. >> stahl: oh, it is. now, i hear thhen the collision takes place, that the temperatures spike. they go way high. how high do they go? >> rakness: they can be up to the order of ten thousand times hotter than the center of the sun. >> stahl: no! >> rakness: yeah. >> stahl: so it goes from the coldest ever to the hottest ever. >> rakness: yeah. in ( snaps fingers ) >> stahl: like that? >> rakness: yeah. >> stahl: the data is analyzed by thousands of computers here d arou the world. this is what an image of the collisions looks like, with particles flying off in every direction. >> rakneevery time there's a smaldot here. >> stahl: yeah?
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ieer particle known as the higgs thout , molecules would not exist; treesrocks, mountains would not exist. we would not exist. >> rakness: there are collisions 40 million times per second. >> stahl: oh, my gosh. the higgs may have been found switzerland, but it was conceived incolmosas hard to fds e particle itself. peter higgs don't have much for couters, email, or cell phon, and doesn't own a tv. in 1964, he was a junior ofes t he w5 t time, and not taken seriously.
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theydoing other things, which was why it was left to a few people, a feeccentrics to t. >> stadid youse any machines or any special equipment? >> higgs: . >> stahl: a pencilnd per? that's all you used? >> higgs: wethat'sll you need for... fowriting ons. s se and
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etthe llid had proved higg theory. >> rakness: it was like theolymn "money" plot. the picture that made it clear that there was a bump which cod be tiger gasps a n e e, becauset was absolutele tt had to be something that we hadn't see >> i think we ve it. ( laughter : the>>ta ( applause ) fabio gianotti: it was... it... hd in >> stahl: in january, italian came cn's fea gianotti eral she overse the speup $8
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on, as they search new revoluone societ waysuld at are hard to ths- fiction-- thathere's wholet? >> gianotti: absolutely. ere are theories... theories in particle physics that predicts the existence of onalon string theories, for inse, the ladron clider, just abt the universe.ttle wew >> gianoi: whewe look at the
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the rest, 95%,dark. t vie our instrument.lso indicr igrae. we don'tnow what's the mps paf the univ.e know there is such a thi >> gnotti: whaome
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e coider.r but al plad detectdeepmineaftsnd tind team of scists reive data from a $lltector ve placed theernaonal in theto h.. >> stahl: so we have now a detector thas sitting on our
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so aignifica portion of ouretery technical seminar. >> stawh think i ignited so much icest? >>au jeanty: think ultitely, what we're doing has t of plosophical motivations. e inedn ience eshearod our understain
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now? >> ghavedfarb:ig questis,y g estion >>tahl: for instance, can they find something smaller than thet particles dihus r? quar gdfar we've thought ny, ny hlyo sothina >> sta: t moment,e think not, but whonows? ndamta goldfarb: b wstil..
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a acce groupt ss >>uslyn "big r" nile fes and natalie >> us fo, are we working together moving forward? >> i feel likee nounce but then madene with paul andal four! >>og him tower t mak a bribe. bealtor. act nicole, spposed


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