tv CBS This Morning CBS November 1, 2016 7:00am-7:21am EDT
7:06 am
what's your name, th c chfrancivi fer irish,ld you? , w! y wouldn't be no. po. of course i'm irish! from mneof me dress, weyo at i am. now, don't tell me. leme gss. kles ] from mneof me dress, weyo at i am. now, don't tell me. you're a nut. i am a leprechaun. oh, sure, sure and i'm the wicked old witch of the west. whimsyis it? your mother was english! now, flattering will get you no place. now, will you step in, or shall i throw you in? i'entl to a telephone call. all right, all right but do you hava lawyer? a mner peak yes. tee ]
7:07 am
are you? heil he i iil what jail? oh, well, brian, i don't think, um... well, wait a minute. let me speak to darrin. darlin you want to go down and spring him, right? mus be in som o it cldn't happ don't ntrian to stay in jail, do you? rr? darrin afabtemore w l ri bri. mt , yeis[ ding! ] mt samantha!ing! ] eautiful and charming. that's eh of that, brian. mi
7:08 am
7:14 am
-- and then youomou wckt toobinsouse with brian after i told you not to! it's just a lucky thing yodi'tet caught. we did. mr. binson caught us there. , eat, great, great, great! that does it! well, if you'll just let me e - no, no, no, no. the is nothing, nothing you could possibly say that would make me feel any different. you deliberate wto that house after i told you not to. mcmann & tate have the robinson account, and you're going to handle it. mrrobinson is irish. he was delighted to see a leprechaun. brian has his pot of gold back, and he got you the account. now... do you feel any difftly? what can i say? yosay you love me.
7:15 am
i don't mean to rush you, sweetheart you almost ready, honey? -- captions by vitac -- samantha: right there. i promised larry we'd be there at 7:00 sharp. ill w. . it takes women longer to get dressed than itmen. uh-huh. oh! and, honey, be particularly niceaker to miwill you? i'll kill her th kindness. you know what an important client mr. kabaker is. and his daughter carries a lot of weight with him. i understand. so if she has a good time, then he will, too. of crse. it'll mean a lot to larry and the agency. well, how are you doing, sweetheart? we better get going. oh, i'm hurrying, sweetheart. hey, you're getting faster. i only beat you by a handkerchief. i saved a lot of time by taking a shower with my dress on. well, let's go.
7:20 am
[ ano pling ] nice party, isn't ? [ ano pling i'll say. other mad whirl with the jet set. mind if we borrow you for a moment, j.k.? ohcuse m dear. we'll bring your father right back, miss kabaker. it just a little we'll bring your father [ si]t back, miss kabaker. so is th party i'm sure it seems that way when you d know ny people. stauody ndyour father's account, you have to mingle like you had something in common. stauody ndyour f it must be very trying. one but u ainly chose has taste, mrs. stubbins. my compliments on your dress, mrs. step oh, thank you. it's really difficult to tell thinive copies
7:21 am
do you know dr. haa, dear? i beg your pardon. dr. hafta, the plastieon.c surg does beautiful nosrk. , i n't know him. that's fun. i could've sworn when you -- oh, well. see. oh, we no, thank you. you look like darrin justcancel. that miss kabaker's the most diseae little snob i've ever met. well, cheer up! there's always a sour meatball in the chafing dish.
7:22 am
sigh ] have you tried the meatballs? no, i never eat them myself. oh. [ sighs ] well, i hope i'll be seeing more of you. maybe we couldet together for lunch some afternoon. you lot, ll i wie . carefreenot give a darn whfigureooks like. tinkle [ sques ] tr? threw it at me! oh! od heavens! ! oh! e die deliberately that at me! nemind, dahtller. ake you home. really, larry. the estsofomof leaves a lot to be desired. i-i-i'm sorry, j.k. i-su m. stephens wouldn't do anyt like that.
7:23 am
hi, larry. i, uh, guess i passed "upset" pretty u at 3:00 this morning. right now,i'm . mr. kabaker was pretty mad lastig. is morng mr. kabaker was pretty mad i ow what m thin, ?u to pas aboua woman. let'sut it isay. if i saw that your wife wagoing to be hit by a falling safe, d ju stand there and smile. laice. ?? i passed "nice" and smile. laice. right teed ccel bar accoun fortunately, i wbl tok him out of it. well, i'm sorry about that, larry, but sas proved into doing what she did. as tughtless and inexcusable!
7:24 am
7:25 am
well, let's add my vote to thato prosal and make it unanimous!r great! you keep your big, flat feet out my office, and i'll keep mine. i'll keep my feet and everything that's attached to them out of the entire building! i it! good! you just saved me two weeks' severance pay. cheap. cheap! cheap! hi. i thought i heard you come in. what are you doing home so early? i got sick. sick of working. i quit! quit? quit! evacuated the premises! ceased working! hit road! happened?
7:26 am
because we're nolking! well, if we were talking, did it have anything to do with what happened last night? well, larry and i got into an argument, and he said some things about you i didn't like. you said some pretty unkindngs abt me yourself. that's different. i'm your husband. well, i appreciate your defending me. but whateve id he was right. d were you. i should've had more control last night. well, kabaker's daughter deserved it. well, i still could' d he i wouldn't let you ignore h you did rit ing. darrin, when you pick a side, will you please stick with it? now, it's all over and do w i've already got another job lined up, and got thurry over to an interview. another job? darrin, that's ridiculs. diculous? the ames advertising has had feelers out for me for a long time. well, they're gonna get me. i hope you don't get it. [ drawer closes ] i can't miss.
7:27 am
louise, it's ridiculs. anrrinare mply bei. now, we haveo figure a outay to get them together. agreed. larry always did have a stubborstreak. like when we were dating, t to mention the word "marag" i w. w'd yofinall acry get e ids? , ona e rit i stuck my finger thh it and said, ""i do. [ chuckles ] oh, men are such little boys, really. they don't know wh'sood for them. right. and it's up to us to show them that they can live happy, contented lives, even if it makes them miserable. so, how do we get r two muletoge when they're even talking? do y have any ideas? mm-hmm oh, it's very simple, really the way to unite people is to give th a common eny. oh, i'll that. now, in darrin and larry's case, the common enemy wilbe us. us? you mean a war of the sexes?
7:28 am
war. just skirmish. 'll not only get them together, we'll teach them a lesson. so, what's your plan? i cawa thear it. , i just had a terrle tho. what? it's too lat you said darrin was taking that other job. oh, . i wouldn't w about that. rrsn'tave a chance of landing that job how can you be so sure?ertisin i'm a witch. you saidon it, [ chuckles ] didn't how about that? ?. well... stephens, i'm very gd you could get ino see us. was the traffic bad? no. actually i came in on the choo-choo. choo-choo? i meant, the train. i hadn't eaten, so it gave me a chance to relax
7:29 am
yes. sthens, your credentials are mostmpive. but it's that old track record that makes thoroughb. a tail, stephens? mm what are you doing? i'm sucking my thumb. sucking your thumb. uh, yes, i've always sucked my thumb when i'm afraid. you're joking. oh, no, no. i wish i had my teddy bear. mr. stephens, i'm sorry, but this interview is over. oh, oh, mram i-i-i don't know what to say. this isn't me! i don't re! whoever its, his intew is a end! mr, plse, if youst let m??e explain.
7:30 am
7:33 am
7:34 am
where it doedon't try to deny i! al right, ion't. come on, sam, don't make me drag it out of you. i ly did it to save you from making the biggest mistake of your life. that i did on a day long ago, which we now laughiny call our anniversary. go ahead. rave on. let me know when the steam comeout ofour nose. you can help me with the ironing. when will you learn to stop meddling in my business?
7:35 am
too bad. ve got lovely hoe, a nice car, lovely clothes. but you, i suppose, i'm sta mbhead. i didn't say that. yo thinking it. but you, i suppose, head, with it.. oh, really, darrin. ok, a big dumbhead. oh, really, darrin. oh, calling me nes now. if you talk t you are a dumbad and i'll tell you one more thing -- old it. the wld. weret the word from tigh . if you had any sse weret the woyou t do from ti yhad knees well, at ifl excu me, i have to fix dinner. wedot ther setting a place for me, because i'll be outeang good. more for me. and don't bother turning down my side of the bed, because i'll be sleeping on the sof as why dot you eep out, too? what? sam, this isn't like you. it is now.
7:36 am
7:39 am
u wb?kwalkut i ghyou didn't lsamant. i thought you didn't like loui what gavyou that iura? ig mou. said those things inng. sh'. u so did i. and if you wen't so thick-heade sh'. u you'd know i'm crm.azab ??sis ]up of numskull6@ you said it. $ [ th chule ] llwe can o b helorhood toge. $ right.chule ] frdo it's wonderful 's frdo it's pl poker. go bowling [y?- veryeekend. more time at the club. [ sighs ] i hate poker and bowling.
7:43 am
7:44 am
louise, don't forget your ouioard b wasn't that fun? fascinating. good night, samantha. t, darrin. night, larry. louise. night, samantha. night, night. did i justetect a sly smile your upper lip? ile? it sudnly occurs to me that it's more than coincidence hapened. thseci ani'll tyo wiou let me tell you something. nk fyo ani'll tyo wiou let me tel righomething. - a manan be?+ [ giggles ]
7:45 am
la -- cans goorng, major nelson. oh, hello, alice. you never call me anymore. uh, well, i'm sorry. i'm-- i'm engaged in a little experimentawork. experimenting, huh? see you later. a robbery by someone in this base? that'sto believe. nothing hihe hey,ony, havyo oh, wel ritc thbase, i hope ty catch hi wh sn, s sol7 be vaab p oh, wel ritc of o spp w exhibit thbase, i hope ty catch hi ye
7:46 am
7:50 am
7:54 am
7:55 am
ere i don't want to pouany trble. oh, it's no trouble, master. lon oh, it's no trouble, master. youe a. lon 's be. mm. i'm hungry too. m going toth you mean we're not bac ll youu goit, never thought i'd see these again. we t to wst? i' got to do ifo my meeting with dr. bells. can weup a cheeseburger or something? he's got the stolers in a shoebox. that's right, gene i don't believe it. i saw it myself. right l cahim. , if you're wag ain-- ne if i'm wasting your time, i'll eat the shoebox. t'go.
7:56 am
i caught you! i don't ow'v to fd wa ft. wait, it, . aha! wait, it, . aha! how was maxim's? maxim's is not open for lunch. yo. am gtu you t into a three-. wait, don't do athing you're going to be sorry for. i've never seen a three-headed toad before. jeannie, i'm sorry i lied to you. i was desperate. [squeals] well, e you going to turn him into a three-headed toad? roger, will you stay out of this? terson i'm waing you, doctor. this is the tim jeannie! there it is, general. i guess i beer yoay rhter be runninglong right heresir. i guess i beer avt yoayinhe box?be runninglong box,ir? the bo o yes. seb. oh. in shoox?sher es, waited a long time foneon. i have no teion of gloating.
7:57 am
7:59 am
my slippers? yeah, yeah. but don't worry. i'll work it out. well, very wel master. i will get dressed, and when you come ck, l goilut to dinner. i ma a lile dayed. how long? i'd rather not think about that. oh, hey, tony, you've got to get out of town. bells ha. museum guard in his office now. ah, yeah, i know. m ony way re right now. shower? yeah, i know, i know. t t dr. b he did yoe that shoeb thn this time he's got me. yo au t ood fi thanks. oh, don't forget about my uncle. the insurance siss. ? jeannie, i'm leaving now.
8:10 am
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