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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 5, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

7:00 am
(applause) ("the jack benny program" theme song) dennis. dennis. hello, margaret. hello, mrs. mitchell. is dennis home? well, he must be over at tommy's. they were out here playing a minute ago.
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all those mouths to feed. how are they? they're all teething. oh. well, bye, mrs. mitchell. goodbye, margaret. [music] there she goes, tommy. yeah, dumb old margaret. she can't help it if she's a girl. can i use your bathroom? sure. come on. hey, mom. i'm home. so i hear. hello, tommy. he's polite, mom. he's just in a hurry. okay. do you know who was just here? sure. it was margaret. but i was hiding in the bushes. mrs. mitchell: why were you doing that? 'cause girls are no fun.
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'em because they're a girl. first thing you know, you end up playing house. true, true. no tv for you tonight. [phone ringing] i'll get it. i'm not complaining. i became interested in playing house when you stopped-- dennis: hello. --making mud pies and began making apple pies. guess what we've got out there on the phone, a long-distance call for you. long distance? hello. daddy. grandpa? how are you? where are you calling from? i'm at home. but if you can put me up for a few days, i'll come for a visit. of course, we can put you up. grandpa's coming to see us. great. yeah. when? when are you coming, daddy? i thought i could start early tomorrow morning, should be there by noon. i can hardly wait to see dennis. oh, he's anxious to see you too. hurry, honey.
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istance, and you don't wanna run up a big bill, so--hmm? oh, all right. he wants to talk to you. oh. hello, dad. how are you? good. been working on any new inventions? no fooling. he's invented a new carburetor. really? what's a carburetor? dear, it's long distance. oh. well, it's good talking to you, dad. we'll see you tomorrow. yeah. oh, sure. just a second. he wants to say hello to dennis. hi, grandpa. what's a carburetor? oh. what's combustion mean? oh, sure, i know what burning means. that's what mom did to dad's new shirt yesterday when she was ironing. alice. i'm sorry. it happened when i was trying to get dennis' foot out of your ukulele. what's his foot doing in my-- never mind. i don't wanna know. hey, grandpa, do you still have all that hair in your ears? dennis. when you get down here, can we show joey? i told him about it but he wouldn't believe me. dennis, this is long distance.
7:04 am
do you still snore? dennis. what's your favorite tv show? mine too. it was swell last night, all about that mysterious stranger. dennis, hurry up. hey, grandpa, you wanna hurry up and say hello to tommy? please. daddy, if we don't stop talking, you won't be able to afford the trip so-- wait a minute. i wanna make one more point. this trip, i don't want you to do any of your matchmaking. well, how about that widow you brought around? what was her name? mrs. elkins. she about drove me crazy. well, i'll admit she was an unfortunate choice. all right, daddy, i promise. no more matchmaking. goodbye. see you tomorrow. well, i've got just about a million things to do to get ready. what can i do? let's see. you will be a big help if you'd clean the front walk.
7:05 am
hey, look, tommy, here comes a mysterious stranger. [music] that's just mr. dorfman, the mailman. can't you pretend? sure i can pretend. okay. who's coming? a mysterious stranger. that's right. and he's wearing a mr. dorfman's disguise. mr. dorfman: good morning, boys. good morning, mysterious stranger. oh, i'm mysterious all right. good old mr. dorfman wants to play the game with us. what do we do now? don't you watch tv? when a mysterious stranger comes along, you follow him.
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are you boys trying to play some kind of trick on me?
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you didn't read your car insurance policy. you just stuck it in a drawer somewhere and forgot about it. until a dump truck hit your pickup truck and now you need a tow truck. does your policy cover the cost of a tow truck? who knows? you didn't read it. you can't even find it. the liberty mutual app with coverage compass? makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at coverage compass? gives you the policy information you need at a glance. available 24/7 on your mobile device. switch to liberty mutual
7:10 am
call that's liberty stands with you?. liberty mutual insurance. are you okay, mr. dorfman? do you know what happened? you tripped over my wagon. i know i tripped over your wagon. it's because you were walking backwards ouldn't see where you were going. i know that. come on, tommy. let's help good old mr. dorfman up. okay. did you decide not to get up? i can't get up. you're standing on my mail sack. excuse me, mr. dorfman. look, fellas, boys, i'm not a mysterious stranger. do you understand? sure, mr. dorfman.
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our mysterious-stranger game. sure he does. what can we play now, mr. dorfman, huh? shh. i'm hiding from miss cathcart. why are you hiding from miss cathcart? if you were a bachelor my age, you'd understand. i'm a bachelor. yeah. but you're not my age. i see you, mr. dorfman. did miss cathcart win the game, mr. dorfman? not yet, not yet. why, mr. dorfman, anybody would think you were hiding. i wasn't really, miss cathcart. then why did you tell us that you were-- shh. now, you come back in the house. i have a cup of tea waiting. yeah, but, miss cathcart, i have to deliver the mail. oh, a cup of tea will only take a minute. i'll sing a nice rousing song to speed you on your way. she has a swell voice, mr. dorfman. this morning, g for the milkma, he speeded up so much that he was practically running when he left her place.
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oh. oh, dad, it's so good to see you again. i'll say, i've been up waiting since pretty early. since 5:30 this morning, to be exact. yes. you know why i was up so early? why? because i was worrying about a question i wanna ask you. can i ask it? sure. did you bring me anything? dennis. young man, you're talking out of turn. whose turn is it? dennis, if grandpa has brought you anything, he'll tell you about it. well, i guess it's your turn. you bet it is, and i did bring you something. it is in my suitcase. swell. why don't me and you go up and unpack? good idea. i'll carry it up for you. [music]
7:13 am
you know what i learned to do last week? what? when i'm pouring milk into my glass, i learned when to stop. you know, henry, father is so young and vital. don't you think he should remarry? oh, leave him alone, honey. but i could introduce him to someone nice. like mrs. elkins? she made his last visit miserable. i guess this is just about the swellest present anybody ever gave me. say, why don't me and you walk around the block and show it to everybody? i'm a bit tired after my trip. i'd like to take a nap first. you know, dennis, you slow down a little when you reach my age. would you like to be speeded up? i sure would. i know somebody that can do it. she sings to people. well, dennis, if it's a friend of yours, i'd like to meet her. i bet she'd like to meet you too.
7:14 am
[singing] oh, i was expecting the laundryman. so, dennis, how are you today? fine. i brought you my shell to listen to. i'll listen to it for just a minute. i'm pretty busy vocalizing. oh, that's the sea, isn't it? well, that's nice. dennis: my grandpa brought it to me. oh, is he visiting you? he sure is. well, is your grandmother with him? he doesn't have one. why don't you come in and have a cookie while we have a little chat? okay. will you let me see you spin? spin? sure.
7:15 am
thank you. would you say no to a lot more money? [excited scream] no thanks. nice balloons, though! or no to more vacation days? janet, i'm giving you an extra week's vacation! oh, ah... nooo. what? no way. who says no to more? time warner cable's all about giving you more. like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day. call now. and don't forget the free tv app. get ultra-fast internet with secure home wifi
7:16 am
mobile data fees, helps big time. switch to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month you'll get free hd channels, 100 meg internet and unlimited calling to half the world. we can call aunt rose as much as we want now. switching is easy. get our exclusive 1-hour arrival window, a money-back guarantee with no contract to sign. plus get free installation, tv equiment and epix included. really?
7:17 am
[music] hello, margaret. hello, mrs. mitchell. is dennis home? no, i'm sorry, he isn't. the trouble with playing house alone is that there's no husband. i know. the only time dennis will play house with me s to be a cowboy that never comes home. is his grandfather here yet? yes, he is. he just came down from his nap. gee, has dennis been telling me some stories about him. can i meet him? of course, you can. come in. wait. i'll get my dolls. daddy, i'd like you to meet a very nice young lady. oh, alice.
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oh, daddy, this is margaret wade, a friend of dennis'. how do you do, margaret? i'm always glad to meet any friend of dennis'. so are we friends? sure, we are miss cathcart. and are you gonna introduce your friend to your grandfather? sure. are you gonna sing for him? well, of course, i am. now why don't you go over and get him right away. i'll just take a cookie with me some poor kid that's hungry, okay, miss cathcart? i enjoyed meeting you and your babies, margaret. will you come back to see me some time? i will if my babies are well. have they been sick? it's been just awful. yesterday, they were all teething, and today, they've all got the croup. oh. what are you doing for them? i rub their chests with liniment. smell.
7:19 am
hi, grandpa. you up from your nap? i sure am. i've been waiting for you. say, you missed a friend of yours, little margaret. i know. i saw her buggy out in the front. that's why i came in the back way. hey, grandpa, you wanna meet another friend of mine? the one that sings? i sure do. wait. i'll get my jacket. i'm looking forward to it. so is she, boy. she's even gonna change her dress. aren't you afraid your friend will wanna play house with you? heck, no, not this one. she just sings and gives me cookies. oh, what a surprise. this is my grandpa. how do you do? i'm charlie perkins. i'm so glad to meet you. i'm esther cathcart. won't you come in? thank you.
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well, you have a very nice place here. well, it's my little nest and i try to make it cozy. any special place you want me to sit? oh, well, perhaps you'd like to go out and play. no, i think i'd rather stay with my grandpa. well, wouldn't you like to sit over there? no. i think i'd rather sit on my grandpa. why don't we have some refreshment swell. for you, i have a piece of candy. i thought your friend lived here. she does. good boy, good boy. thank you.
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thank you. i made it myself. it's delicious. oh, i'm so glad you like it. of course, i suppose i really should give credit to my mother. you know, she believed that a girl's place was in the home, making her husband happy. she prepared me very carefully for marriage. that's nice. oh, i'm looking forward to meeting dennis' little friend. what little friend? the little girl. your daughter. well, i have no daughter, and i'm not married. but who sings? she does and she's gonna do it for you. that is if you'd like to hear me.
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? just a song at twilight when the lights are low ? isn't she swell? ? softly come and go ? esther cathcart: ? though the heart be weary ? ? sad the day and long still to us at twilight ?
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hours of it, henry. two whole hours. she's not a singer. she's an air raid siren. it must have been murder. well, dennis was at least an accomplice. boy, what he got me into. with such good intentions, i don't know how he always manages to get such bad results. well, i didn't wanna hurt his feelings about good old miss cathcart, so as far as he knows i enjoyed myself. well, it's over now, and alice isn't gonna do any matchmaking so you can just relax
7:24 am
you tell your insurance company they made a mistake. the check they sent isn't enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn't make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. excuse me? let me be frank, he says. you picked the wrong insurance plan. no. i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement?,
7:25 am
than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call liberty mutual for a free quote today. at 1-844-756-4653. that's 1-844-756-4653. liberty stands with you? liberty mutual insurance. [music] hey, mrs. elkins, wait a minute. i wanna show you something. hello, dennis. how are you? swell. i've been riding around the neighborhood letting people listen to my shell. well, that was very nice of you. i know it. i even let a dog that was a total stranger listen to it.
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you wanna listen? well, of course, i do. oh, it's the ocean, isn't it? did you get any in your ear? of course not. where did you get this shell? from my grandpa. oh. he sent it to you? no, he brought it to me. he's here? sure. i got him right in my house. oh, i wish i had him in mine. but daddy, just because dennis saw mrs. elkins out front doesn't mean she's going to bother you. i hope not. she's an intelligent woman, dad. she knows if you were interested, you'd be in touch with her. [phone ringing] i'll get it. hello? sure. just a minute. hey, grandpa, guess what we've got out there on the phone,
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too intelligent, huh? oh, don't blame me if you have an irresistible personality. very funny. daddy, maybe she just wants to say hello. if that's all she wants to say, she's a changed woman. [music] oh, hello, mrs. elkins. tter writer. you write swell letters to us. shh. oh, what's that? no, i'm afraid i can't make it tonight, mrs. elkins. oh, no, it's not that. you're a fine cook. she's on the prowl again. oh, she is not. well, she asked him for dinner. what if she does? it's probably just because she's very polite and wants to be nice to somebody from out of town. i'm afraid i'm gonna be busy for dinner tomorrow night,
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polite like a bulldozer. i expect i'll be pretty well tied up for the rest of my visit. if she's made some cookies, i could come. shh. oh, pardon me? well, as a matter of fact, there is someone else. i spent most of the afternoon at her house. she's a singer. dennis introduced me, and she made an immediate impression. i never met anyone quite like her. thank you very much, mrs. elkins. i wish only the best for you too. goodbye, mrs. elkins. hey, miss cathcart. guess what grandpa said about you. [music]
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that's what he said. and everybody said i was wasting my time taking those singing lessons. i'm home, and look who i've got with me, good old miss cathcart. grandpa, where are you? dennis, don't shout. hello, miss cathcart. hello, mrs. mitchell. where's grandpa? i thought he was in here. irs? i haven't seen him. hello, miss cathcart. hello, mr. mitchell. well, if you don't mind, i'll just sit and wait. margaret: dennis. oh, dennis. oh, no. margaret: dennis. grandpa, what are you doing in here?
7:30 am
[music] [music] hi, mom. hi, dad. dennis, how many times have i told you not to slam-- are those the clean overalls mrs. mitchell: i put on you this morning? i put them on, mom. all you did was hand them to me. never mind that. how did it get that way? on account that mr. wilson's got a dirty tree. ask her. oh, yeah. is it 10:00 yet? just about.
7:31 am
wait a minute, fellas. i've got a lot of figuring to do. gee whiz, dad. this is the day captain blast is gonna land on mars. and the mars guys got a real mean king and he's real mean and everything. all right. keep the sound low. tommy, did you just sit in some mud? yeah, mrs. mitchell. but it's okay. i just now washed it off with the hose. hey, lieutenant peep, can you think of a way out of our dilem?
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why, that's a wonderful idea, lieutenant. boys and girls, lieutenant peep has a wonderful idea and we'll tell you all about it captain blast: right after this word from our sponsor. [music] oh, i'm sorry, dear. i'll wait till captain blast is finished. no, that's all right, martha. do you know what that middle-aged nincompoop is telling the poor kids today? well, if he annoys you so, every saturday? because he's so scientifically inaccurate he fascinates me. he's got those children believing that his partner, a monkey, came all the way from venus. he ought to be horsewhipped. i tell you, martha, if i-- now, now, george, it's only fantasy. after all, the fairy stories we learned as children didn't hurt us any. yeah. well, if i could find the legal grounds, i'd sue that fathead. martha: oh, george-- hmm? a mr. sandy loomis called.
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where you bought your new telescope. president? nothing. he's just an eager beaver clerk. oh, what did he have to say? he said he's bringing over the new telescope today. that's just great. i thought you'd be pleased. are you through watching your program? forever. captain blast: and that come the corner of first and maple. and now, boys and girls, here is lieutenant peep's plan. i'll tell the martians that i have a huge private army down on the eart. now, of course, the martians won't believe this, captain blast: so we'll have to do something to prove it to them. and here's where you come in. okay. what should we do? at 7:30 tonight, and every night this week, right after the sun goes down, i want every blast cadet to fire his terrestrial tracer gun up into the air. twenty-five. three.
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remember, the little hand will be on seven and the big hand will be on six. captain blast: remember, the little hand on seven and the big hand on six. eighteen. fourteen. big hand on six. captain blast: when the martians look down on the earth tonight and see all these terrestrial tracer bullets being shot up into the air, they'll be frightened at the size of my army. so don't let me down. we won't. boy, that lieutenant peep sure is smart. and, remember, if you're the winner, lieutenant peep and i will come right down to your house. shh. i think the martians are coming back. now, don't forget: shoot those guns tonight. we won't forget. we won't forget.
7:35 am
well, let me look. it's my telescope. simply checking the adjustments, mr. wilson. after all, this is a-- and not a spyglass. i know what it is, mr. loomis. i picked it out and paid for it. if you recall, i traded a smaller telescope in on this one, so i'm not entirely new to the field. you should see the beautiful penumbra on this sunspot. well, let me see. it's hard to believe that a penumbra could has such majesty. well, let me look. mr. wilson, you're jiggling the-- wait until tonight. wait until tonight when the entire universe is in blossom. oh, how i envy you. you might even be the very first to see our new satellite. my golly, i might at that. has there been any word? well, canaveral thinks it's in orbit and-- say, why don't i come over tonight and i'll-- oh, no, thanks, loomis. i can handle it myself, thanks and goodbye.
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you can come over and visit her someday. bye. thank you. [music] what a beauty. you tell your insurance company they made a mistake. the check they sent isn't enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn't make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. excuse me? you picked the wrong insurance plan. no. i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement?, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. call 1-844-231-7721. make the switch to liberty mutual and see why we've been awarded highest in customer satisfaction by j.d. power.
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that's 1-844-231-7721. liberty stands with you?
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7:39 am
[music] you wanna see a couple of real swell balloons, mr. wilson? oh. go away, dennis. they give 'em to you when your mom buys you shoes. well, that's swell. what are you lookin' i was shooting the sun. gee. where do they put the bullets? dennis. this is a telescope. it's a very expensive telescope. it's a delicate instrument, so i don't want you anywhere near it ever. jeepers, o. hey, can you see up to mars on that telescope, mr. wilson? yes. goodbye, boys. we got a friend that's up there. fine.
7:40 am
wait a minute, what friend? his name is captain blast and-- lieutenant peep. he's a venus guy. why, they're up there right now. lieutenant peep is not a venus guy. he's just a plain, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill monkey. oh, you're wrong, mr. wilson. all of the venus guys look like monkeys. sure, they do, mr. wilson. all right, boys. you're about to get your first real science lesson. this is a refracting telescope, and in it, so we can look at the sun. gee, can we look? no. well, all right. but be careful. don't let go of the balloon, mr. wilson. on account that i don't think tommy's gonna get any shoes for a long time. well, how can you worry about a stupid balloon when you're about to look into a real telescope? it's real easy. all right, get up there. that's it. put your eye right there. oh, wait a minute. is your eye clean? sure.
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a little while ago. oh. dennis: gee. impressive, isn't it? boy, i'll say. that's the first time i ever saw a round screen. round screen. all right. that's--all right, dennis. let tommy have a look. here, take this balloon. here, take this balloon too. that's it. now put your eye-- that's it. well, do you see it? yeah. anything? that's the sun, boys, the real sun. it gives us light. it makes the plants grow, the grass, the flowers, and not one of its life-giving rays is wasted. then how come it shines on the sidewalk? we will now take a look at the moon. get down, tommy. [music] is it 7:30 yet, dad? just about. oh, boy.
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why is 7:30 suddenly so important? he is making mars safe for captain blast by shooting bullets into the air. bullets? ping pong balls, dear, special ones that glow in the dark. oh. oh, she'll reach almost as far out into space as some of the big telescopes, martha. loomis says i might even spot the new satellite. wait till you see the moon through this little beauty. you look at the moon, dear, and describe it to me. kapow. martha, i saw it. saw what, dear? i saw the missing satellite. it passed in the west-to-east orbit. oh, check those readings. here, mm-hmm. time, 7:31. orbit, west to east.
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to call the papers. [music] oh, oh, mitchell. mitchell. mitchell. good morning, mr. wilson. you're up bright and early. i've been down to the corner to pick up a few extra copies of the paper. it seems there's been a little write-up about me. yes, i read it. it's wonderful. all it says is that i happened to sight that missing satellite on my new telescope last-- eakfast. congratulations. oh. oh, did you read it in the press telegraph or the news? the news. oh, the press telegraph handled it much better. i'll read what it says. mr. wilson, could we do that later? i'm quite late. oh, oh, i'll tell you what. see, i've got it folded to the right place. you can read it at stop signals. oh. thank you. oh, say, mitchell, some of the boys from the press are coming over tonight on the chance that i might sight it again. now, you're more than welcome to attend. i might do that.
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the time to spot satellites, you know? i see. oh, say, are you sure you don't want an extra copy for the boys at the office? ah, thank you. we'll share this one. all right, mitchell. i'll see you tonight. bye.
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well, i guess it's about that time. she's all in position, ready to go. shall we see what we shall see, gentlemen? is it 7:30 yet, mom? yes, dear. hey, where's my gun? right where it belongs. no, it isn't. look. gee whiz, mom. captain blast is liable to get killed. try looking in the living room. [music] i'm afraid we'll have to be going, mr. wilson. oh, no, please.
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i know it'll come. kapow. wait a minute. i'm sure i saw something, fred. it crossed from west to east, a sort of a light. i know. so did i. you did? i did. right over there. pow. there it goes again. pow. dennis. i'm afraid so, mr. wilson. you see, every night at 7:30, he helps captain blast out. dennis: pow. what's that, mr. mitchell? well, it seems that this tv fellow, captain blast, is in a little trouble up on mars-- dennis: pow. so all of his fans shoot phosphorescent bullets into the air to help him out. oh, no.
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henry, dennis won. won what? the contest that captain blast is coming over here this afternoon. dennis will be so thrilled. i'll have to go tell him. oh my goodness. what's the matter? listen to this. "thanks to the scientific investigation "of one george wilson of this city, "the mystery of the missing satellite is now cleared up. it emanates every night from a little boy's pop gun." there's more but i haven't the heart to read it. let me see. [music] now people have been laughing at me all day. i never wanna see another heavenly body as long as i live. from now on, the sun is nothing but a hot rock. as far as that miserable moon is concerned-- he's hysterical. i am not hysterical. i just wanna get rid of that blasted telescope, so take it back to your store
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you take a delicate instrument like this and you put it in crates. why-- just take it back. if you can't sell it, then throw it away. please reconsider, mr. wilson. after all, this is an age of discovery. oh. our satellites have gone beyond the sun. soon, we'll know what's on the other side of the moon. why, i even know a man who's received a radio signal from one of the moons of saturn. morse code, no doubt. oh, really. the signal--look, a man from space. really, loomis, you'll do anything to sell a telescope, won't you? how can i arrange something like this? who do we call? the coast guard? oh, we don't call anybody. the little one's a monkey and the big one's captain blast. captain blast?
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[doorbell] gee. dennis mitchell? gee. lieutenant peep. gee. gee. george, what are you going to do? that captain blast is just as middle-aged as i am. i'm going to take him by the throat and make him admit to dennis that he's a fraud. please, george. ennis and all the children. you'll break dennis' heart. well, maybe. dennis may not like it right now, but when he's 30, he'll thank me. [music] oh, hello, mr. wilson. come on in. dennis won a visit from that tv man, captain blast, and he's in the living room now telling the children stories. they're absolutely spellbound.
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you'll find him fascinating. i'm making some lemonade for later on. [music] now, after the venus people found out that i meant them no harm, they invited me to a banquet in one of their tree castles. well, dennis, is this your grandfather? no, sir. this is mr. wilson. he got his picture in the paper and everything. wonderful. come sit down, mr. wilson. join us. with a real celebrity like you, is it, lieutenant? then what happened, captain blast? well, while i was enjoying the banquet, my good friend, the professor was exploring the famous caves of titan. gee, where's that, captain blast? titan is one of the moons of jupiter. saturn. saturn.
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well, these caves had never been explored before, and the professor had his hands full, captain blast: i can tell you that. gee. well, fortunately for the professor, just then, a gust of wind came up and blew his hat right off his head. and that isn't easy when you consider the atmosphere of titan is mostly ammonia, crystals, and methane gas. i'm sorry. but who knows what's down in those caves? captain blast: now, when the wind blew the hat off captain blast: the professor's head, it frightened captain blast: the snake people because they had never seen a hat before. oh, what did they think it was, captain blast? an oxygen helmet? the professor feels that too much attention
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atures. they lose interest at this age. may i say that's only the professor's opinion? did the snake guys come back, captain blast? well, yes, they did, only this time, the professor knew what to expect. you didn't read your lieutenant peep, come back here. car insurance policy. you just stuck it in a drawer somewhere and forgot about it. your pickup truck and now you need a tow truck. does your policy cover the cost of a tow truck? who knows? you didn't read it. you can't even find it. the liberty mutual app with coverage compass? makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at coverage compass? gives you the policy information you need
7:55 am
on your mobile device. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call that's liberty stands with you?.
7:56 am
here, here. now, now, now. now you tell mr. wilson you're sorry. you deliberately sicked that monkey onto me. no, no, no, mr. wilson, i assure you. i-- he's not a monkey, mr. wilson. he's a venus guy. now, you children are going to listen to me for a change. don't you wanna listen to captain blast, mr. wilson? captain blast here has never-- he's just back from mars, mr. wilson.
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well, he's just-- mars is so far away. you can go to any zoo and see a monkey just like-- just like that. gee. can you, captain blast? well, dennis, let's see what mr. wilson has to say. is he just an ordinary monkey, mr. wilson? well-- [music] --well, it's just-- now that i take a better look
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er like him in any zoo i've ever seen. i'm sorry i make such a fuss just because a venus guy jumped on me. heck, that's okay. he doesn't care, huh, lieutenant peep? well, now that the professor knew what to expect from the snake people, he got out his ray gun right away and hid behind a big rock. what, lieutenant? to tell you thank you very much. dennis: did the professor shoot the snake guys? well, no. no, he didn't, dennis, because just then, the king of the snake people came in and he looks a little bit like a mongoose. well, everybody knows how afraid snakes are of mongooses, so the-- and then, martha, i just couldn't bring myself to do it.
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looked at him, why, it would have been pulling the rug out from under mother goose. it would take a pretty mean man to destroy a little boy's legend. no, partly that and partly because-- [doorbell] --i remember how i felt when i found out about the tooth fairy. well, dennis, what can we do for you? hello, mrs. wilson. mr. wilson forgot his card that captain blast left for him. hmm? what card, dennis? this one, mr. wilson. "this is to certify that george wilson "has been made an admiral "in the space fleet navy. "signed, captain blast. countersigned, lieutenant peep." now, how could he make me an admiral if he's only a-- george-- oh, well, this is just fine, dennis. thank you very much. that's okay. mr. wilson? yeah? if you ever buy a pair of shoes and they give you a balloon and you don't want it, can i have it?
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[applause] [music] and jane wyatt (giggling) with elinor donahue, billie gray and lauren chapin in father knows best. telling who is the woman of the house around here. how do you like this for a chair? -well, it's a... it is very nice.
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they're sturdy make 'em myself. cut my own wood for 'em. -yes um... well, i don't think we need any. -no, probably not. -but i have got one item you'd like. a woman like you in a fancy house like this outta have one. that's the chaise. -the what? -well, what they call 'em is chaise lounge. that's french. (laughter) it's sort of couch bent up at one end. women folks like to lull around on 'em. and they do give a bedroom a high class touch. but... i'm afraid i couldn't afford one. -well, they are expensive, hard to make. made one up for mrs. kermit, that's my wife. worked her name into the bent up part. pearl, that's her name. (laughs) she loved it something wonderful. -yes. well-- -made it for her when she come home from her operation three, four years ago.
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(laughter) how about a nice model for your kitchen? nice rustic frame, only a dollar? -well yes, yes that'll be fine, i'll take one. -good, now you can have a model about home or mother-- -well, you just pick out one now if you will excuse me, i have some cookies in the oven. -i'll pick you out a nice one. well, hello there son. was that your mother? -yes sir. a real jewel! do you think your mom would like? through joy and sorrow, there is no other than the one whom we call mother. a pot is always on the stove-- -why in the world do you want to buy a framed model of all things? -well, he needs the money. -oh mother, you're such an easy mark. anyone could sell you anything. -go on in. -come in! -the boy picked you out a nice one mrs. anderson. oh, thank you.
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-the boy thought you'd like it. -there is a sunbeam in our kitchen her name is mother dear. beams of joy she spreads around us and dries up every tear. sunbeam honey, spread me a little joy. -all right, go ahead, make fun. -where in the world did you get that? looks like fourth place winner at the well, i brought it from a man who needs the money. he has a little girl, his wife's had an operation-- -yeah, he talked mom out of all the cookies she baked too. (laughter) -oh, he did not. -well, i'm glad you helped him. in fact, if the man ever comes back, order a model for me too. some about dear old father. -oh he'll be back all right. talked mom into a big repair job on the patio furniture. -he didn't talk me into it. i asked him to do it. and it's not a big repair job.
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that little job myself. (laughter) -but how many years have you been planning that? -all right fine, go ahead and let your man do it. i'll try to bear up under the disappointment some how. (laughter) -well, morning mr. anderson. -good morning. -on your way to work? -yes. think you can get those chairs back in working order? -oh sure, sure, it won't take long. -well, you know, some days it's slow but other days it's punk (laughter). what line you in mr. anderson? -insurance. -well, that's nice work thought of taking it up myself once. where's your office, downtown? -yes. -well, i'll have to look you up next time i'm downtown, only trouble is i never get a chance to get down there. you know, i've been carrying some films around for about a week. -mrs. kermit took some snaps of little opal but by henry,
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-here, let me drop them off for you. -oh no, i couldn't ask you to do that. -well, it's no trouble. -well mr. kermit has father delivering films for him now. i wonder what his next move will be? -i'll get it. -betty, stop being so suspicious. mr. kermit is a perfectly nice harmless person. -all right, just a minute. mommy? mrs. kermit wants to talk to mr. kermit, -me?
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they're very simple cookies to make. you-- i'll send you home the recipe with mr. kermit. oh, it's no trouble. oh no i-- well uh-- here's mr. kermit. -i tell you little opal sure did admire those cookies. fact is both her and mrs. kermit did. mighty fine, oh thank you. pearl? isn't mrs. anderson nice? yes, she does. hone voice. what's on your mind pearl? what? everyone of them? oh me, if that don't beat all! i got her a second hand washing machine and it blew out every fuse in the house. well, i can't bring any fuses now pearl, i'm working. well, sure i know the icebox is off too. but the food won't spoil that fast will it? (laughter)
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why not? -mr. kermit, i have to go to the market. i could pick up some fuses for you. -oh no, no, you've got troubles enough of your own. (laughter) -oh, it's no trouble, i have to go anyway. -well, it sure would help out. you are a jewel. pearl, mrs. anderson's gonna pick up some fuses. -i bet you've been standing out there trying to ring the bell and it doesn't work. our fuses are all burned out. -well, here are your new ones mrs. kermit. -oh, my stars alive you must be mrs. anderson! come in, come in. i feel as if i already know you.
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could i fix you a donut and a cup of coffee? -oh no, thank you, my son is waiting for me in the car. -well he doesn't want to sit out there all alone. son, come on in. (laughter) come on inside son, come on. my he's a nice looking boy. and mr. kermit tells me you have two nice girls too. -yes, that's right. and speaking of girls, my youngest has outgrown these dresses, i was wondering-- -son, come on in i want you to meet my little girl opal. now what were you saying about the dresses? -well, my youngest has outgrown these and i was wondering-- -opal, this is that very nice mrs. anderson. she dropped these fuses see. and this is her son, what was your name? -bud. -bud. -hello, bud. -opal, why don't you take bud out in the kitchen and fix him some milk and donuts. -oh no thanks, i'm not hungry. -oh yes you are, go on. (laughter)
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ot. (laughter) they make a nice couple. you were saying about the dresses? -oh, it was nothing. i just... well, yes it was. i had thought maybe these would fit opal. -oh, that's a good one. but it was thoughty of you. now if you're sure you can't use these, there is a neighbor lady across the street has a little one about this size. m and bless your star forever more. -well, she's certainly welcome to them. -oh, she'll admire them. a deserving woman too. i don't know her too well yet, we just moved from wattsville about a month ago. it's hard to break into a new town you know. -well, yes, i know. -all these are nice, i was gonna do her washing for her today but my machine broke down and it's beyond repair. worst thing of it is, both opal and mr. kermit
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-i see. -and i'm not supposed to tub scrub on account of my back. sit down. all the things are gonna work out some how. if it isn't half a dozen of one thing, it's two or three dozen of something else. -you mean you're actually doing their washing! -i'm just helping out. -honey, you have more than you can... they can't ask you to do this. -but, they didn't ask me. it was my idea. in fact, she practically fought me -but you stuck in there, and won (laughter). you know what, you've got a big hole in that pretty head of yours. -oh no i don't. it's just that... (laughter) well, it does seem a bit peculiar now that i think of it. but you know at the time it seemed like the logical, normal, decent thing to do. -sure.
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-i'll tell you how, you're too tender hearted. now i think this is wonderful and i love you for it. but the point here is these people are taking advantage of you. they're spongers! -oh no, they're not. -i think i'll just tell mr. kermit-- -no jim. now don't say anything. he's really very nice. -i won't if you promise not to volunteer anymore. -oh, i promise. john, we're giving you a raise. that's fantastic! but i'm gonna pass. ok? honey, you got another present. no thank you, dad. who says no to more? time warner cable internet gives you more of what you and those little data hoggers want. like ultra-fast speeds up to 300 megs. that's 50x faster than dsl. this internet speed is sick. get 50 meg internet starting at $39.99 a month. call now. and with home wifi, the whole family can be online at once.
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you'll also get our exclusive 1-hour arrival window, a money-back guarantee, and there's no contract to sign. get 50 meg internet with no data cap starting at $39.99 a month. plus, free installation and access to over 500,000 twc wifi? hotspots nationwide. would rex pass up more beef stew? i don't think so.
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boyfriend mother. -oh, mrs. anderson. -boyfriend? oh, mr. kermit. -remember now miss sunbeam, no volunteering. -he probably wants mother to come over and shingle their roof. and she'll do it too. -no she won't! -morning mrs. anderson. howdy folks. i don't want to bother you but mrs. kermit sent this over to you. banana bread. mrs. kermit baked them extra low 'cause she thought you folks might enjoy it. -oh well, that was very nice of her.
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ne for us. -aw, i've done nothing. incidentally, your laundry and opal's dress are ready. so don't forget to take them when you leave. -i won't, you are a jewel for doing that, a real gem. i hope you enjoy the banana bread. don't forget to give mr. anderson a slice. he delivered some films for me yesterday. (laughter) -any one care for a slice of banana bread? -just a come on. he's softening you up to ask you to build him a new barn. -[mr. kermit] mrs. anderson, hate to bother you but have you got a hammer? -see! -yes, i think i have one right here in the kitchen. -like a simpleton i left most of my tools in my truck which is down the street at the garage being fixed. the darn rear end went out on me this morning driving over here. -that's too bad. -well, it never it rains but when it pours they say. much obliged for the hammer. oh, by the way, i've been thinking about that chaise lounge for your bedroom
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d, we couldn't afford that. -well they're not cheap i'll say that. it's my deluxe item. -[mr. kermit] but you would like one wouldn't you? -[mrs. anderson] well yes but... -hello? oh yes, he's here, just a minute. mr. kermit, it's your wife. -oh, much obliged. you keep thinking about that chaise lounge mrs. anderson. oh, i sure am getting to be a nuisance around here bothering you people. what's on your mind pearl? my truck's broke down. oh don't go on, never rains. little opal's got a chance for an interview for a better job and she hasn't got anything nice to wear. well couldn't she go for the interview tomorrow? oh. hasn't she gotten anything else nice to wear? -mr. kermit? -yes mrs. anderson?
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ok, ok, good bye. (laughs) more darn trouble. much obliged for the use of the phone. -look, if it's make you feel any better i'll take the dress and stuff out to their house on my way to work but this is the end! now, is this the stuff here? i don't want them making a slave out of my wife. and remember this... no chaise lounge, you understand?! (knocking) -come in, come in. oh my stars, mrs. anderson.
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excuse me if i don't stop. once you get this do-it-yourself paper wet you gotta keep right on going or it'll be ruined. -well you go right ahead. i brought opal's dress. mr. anderson thought is was in the box of laundry he brought over but it wasn't. -i know, it was so nice of him. (telephone rings) oh, wouldn't that phone ring right now. -well, i'll get it, where is it, in here? -right through there dearie. i don't know what i'd do without you. when i opened that box this morning i just didn't know what to do. opal a' be coming back from the dime store busting in here expecting to wear the dress and... -all right, i'll tell her right away. well, it's your neighbor she sounds quite frantic. her baby has a bad case of the colic and she wants you to come right over. -oh yes, i fixed her up once before. well, i'd better dash right over, poor thing. oh dear, now i'll ruin this paper.
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-what do you do, just stick it on? -well, the stick ums on the back of the paper. you just smooth it on. oh my, you are a jewel. i'll be back as quick as i can. (laughter) be careful there it's gonna go up looking a little ragged. -oh that poor baby... you finished it! oh you shouldn't have. oh, it looks so nice. ever since we moved in here i wanted to brighten up this dingy place but i couldn't afford a paper hanger.
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i swear, you people are the nicest humans on the face of the earth. -you papered their living room? (laughter) you actually... you must be kidding? -no she's not, in fact i helped her do it. -well it was your fault, if you'd taking opal dress over-- ok, i'm sorry about that, i thought it was in that box. -you know the funny thing about this is that at the time, papering their walls seemed -there, you see. -look i have no objections to doing people a favor. i'm all for it. but this... don't you see they're using you? imposing-- -they are not! they've never asked me to do a single thing! -no but they make it mighty easy to volunteer. now they're involving the whole family. bud's chauffeuring, betty papering, you doing the laundry and i'm delivering it! (laughter)
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what about what apples? -nothing, nothing. -well, before we left there to take opal to her interview some woman called and said that mrs. kermit could have some apples if she could get out to her place to pick them herself. so tomorrow, she and mother are-- -what, a fruit picker now? -oh, it's a chance for her to get them for nothing. well, she needs them to can. you know for applesauce in the winter. not with her back. -oh, that does it! bud, get mr. kermit on the phone for me. -oh no, now jim, bud, bud come back. -bud, keep going! i'm not gonna stand by and let them make a slave of you. this has got to stop. you have more than you can do right here at home. this time they went too far. they threw down the straw that broke the camels back. -i can't get him dad, the phone's been disconnected. -disconnected? yeah, that figures.
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-no jim, come back! -don't stop him mother. he's probably right.
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ou, come in. -i'm sorry. mr. kermit, i want to talk to you about a couple of things. -sure, sure. have yourself a seat. oh my goodness, would you mind waiting outside? i'll be right out. (laughter) i guess the cat's out the bag. you must have seen it when you came in. i believe this is the finest chaise i ever made. of course it had to be, it's for a mighty fine woman. i got a blue pad goes on it too. -now, see here mr. kermit, we didn't order this! -oh no, oh it's a surprise. a present for her. -a present? -well sure (laughs). of course in comparison with what she's done for us.
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you can't afford to give this away. -mr. anderson, there are some things you can't measure with money. and the goodness of your woman is one of those things. you know i enjoyed every minute i worked on this. the other night i was working away first i know it was three a.m. i had no idea! (laughs) but i tell you, she sure deserves it. how do you think she'll like it? -shame it isn't finished, you could just take it along with you. -oh, no no. no, i'm sure this is something she'd rather receive direct from you. -oh, well i would kinda like to deliver it myself. i was just thinking as long as you're here why you... hey, by the way i got so wrapped up in work
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the film! the film you gave me to take to the drugstore it'll be ready next wednesday. -well now, that sure is swell of you to drive clean out here to tell me that. you know mr. anderson, it's kinda hard getting adjusted to a new town but by henry if the other folks in springfield are as nice as you folks, i think we're gonna be real happy here. , i... i'm sure you will be. goodnight mr. kermit. -goodnight mr. anderson. (laughter) -goodnight. -goodnight.
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robert young and jane wyatt with elinor donahue, billy gray and lauren chapin in father knows best. - so, i was wondering if you'd jot down an outline for me. i'm not supposed to write a theme on american systems of courts and trials. you are! - i know that. - all the legal material is right here in these books. - yes, but you've actually seen court trials in session. i haven't. all i've seen are in the movies. - well-- - hi, daddy. - hello, kitten. why don't you go down to the courthouse and watch a couple trials? they're open to the public. - i haven't time.
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you see, they claim this woman murdered her husband, but she claims that she was, let's see. she was smoking these cigarettes blind folded, and, well, that was the commercial. anyway, it's real good. come on. - well, mr. krausman. i haven't seen you in a long time. - hello, mr. anderson. is this your boy's jacket? - oh, yes. thanks. where did he leave it this time? i was sure it was his. i don't like to go around accusing any boy if he's not guilty. - accusing? what do you mean? did bud do something wrong? - he sure did. he damaged a lot of property over at my place. i figure the damage will run at least $100. and then he ran off. - oh, now wait. i'm sure bud would never-- - i never thought he would neither,
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- bud, we want to ask you ... my goodness, your hair is soaking wet. what happened? - well, we always take showers after gym class, you know. sometimes, a guy doesn't have a chance to dry it. - gym class? well, your gym class is during school. - yeah. well, i didn't mean gym class exactly. this is more of an after school deal. bunch of guys. we're playing basketball. well, i better go dry my hair. - just a minute, son. where's your jacket? - jacket? oh,i, i must have left it at school or somewhere.
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- mr. grausman? - that's right. mr. grausman was just here and told us the whole story. - what story? - i think you know what story. mr. grausman said he didn't mind if you boys pick an apple now and then off his tree, but when you damage $100 worth of property doing it, that's another matter. - 100? what did i do? - what bothers me, bud, is you weren't man enough to tell mr. grausman what you'd done. instead, you ran. - dad, i don't know what you're talking about. - come now, bud. don't make it worse by denying it. - well, bud, if you didn't do it why was your jacket found there? - i don't know how it got there. - did it just walk into mr. grausman's back yard? - dad, i don't know! - how come the jacket's covered with white wash which you fell into? - fell into? - bud, you're just making it tougher on yourself. - but, i didn't-- - wait a minute. - the first thing i want bud to do is go upstairs and dry his hair before he catches his death of cold.
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- okay. but, i didn't do anything. - boy, oh, boy. it's sure a sad sight to see someone convicting himself the way he did. he couldn't have done a better job if he'd come in here with a big sign saying, "i'm guilty"! - actually, it's still all just circumstantial evidence. now, if this were a court trial-- - oh, betty. - [betty] really, father. - [betty] no one actually saw bud in mr. grausman's yard. - mr. grausman said he saw a boy, but he admits he only guessed it was bud. betty's right! - bud, i told you to go upstairs, and you shouldn't be eavesdropping. - well, i wasn't hardly. but, you're convicting me without any sure proof. - look, son, you-- - you want to punish me and make me pay $100 damage without even giving me a fair deal. your own daughter says that. - all she is that circumtstantial evidence-- - bud has a point. in here it says that in our country, a man is presumed to be innocent until he is proven guilty beyond
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d? - yes, of course. but in this ... what do you want us to do? have you arrested so you can have a trial? - no. i would like a fair shake. - hey, why don't we put on a trial? - betty,now-- - no, really. bud'll feel better if we convict him fairly. and it'll help me. i can write this up for my theme on the court system. oh, let's do it. - well, would you feel you were getting a fair shake if we did this? gave you a trial? - well, sure. it'd be better than what i'm getting now.
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you left school til the time you got home? - are you just going to stand there
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elp you, stupid! if you want to spend the best years of your life paying off a $100 damage bill, go ahead. - i'm sorry. i'm sorry. - that's better. now, if you were at the gym, we can prove that by the fellows you were playing basketball with this afternoon. now, who were they? - i can't remember. - oh, come now, bud. even you can't be that dumb. just give me one name. - that's what i figured. bud, in spite of what this does to my theme, my advice is for you to go to father and confess that you-- - well, now there you go again. you think i'm guilty. - well, what else can i think? you won't tell me where you were. - maybe i got reasons. - all right. what are they? (knocking) - time's up. come on. court is about to convene. - we're not ready yet.
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sam, i don't know what we're going to do. luckily, the prosecution has to give their side first, so it will give us a little time to think. come on. - just remember, we've got one thing in our favor. no one can prove he saw me do anything. - you sit there, judge. oh, don't sit down yet. everyone stand. oh, not you. hear ye, hear ye. the maple street court, township of springfield, portia anderson presiding. be seated. - hey, where do i sit? what am i in this trial? nothing? - you're the bailiff, the clerk of court, sergeant at arms, and court reporter. - is that good? - sure! you swear in the witnesses. - oh, you mean, do you swear to tell the truth bit. - that's right. all right, your honor. - proceed. - thank you, your honor. i wish to call as my first witness, mr. jim anderson.
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- well, i don't really. can he? - he can. - he can. - he can. all right, kathy. i'm a witness, so you swear me in. - don't tell me. i know what to do. raise your right hand. do you swear to tell... do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and gee, i wish i could be the witness. - i do. - state your name. - [father] jim anderson. - be seated. pretty good, huh? - the prosecutor, of course. mr. anderson, did you have a caller this afternoon? yes. mr. grausman came to our back door with a boy's jacket. excuse me, mr. anderson. is this the jacket? it is? thank you. - [father] your honor,i would like to introduce this as exhibit a.
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now, mr. anderson, why did mr. grausman bring the jacket to your door? to ask if it belonged to my son, bud. and it did. then he said that bud, in attempting to pick an apple from his tree-- - i object. he didn't know for sure it was bud. - oh, objection, what's the word? - [betty] sustained! - [father] overruled! - well, anyway, betty's right. however, we'll withdraw the name "bud" for now. mr. anderson, just what was the damage? and how was it caused? well, according to mr grausman, there was a stepladder standing
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- hey, you! boy! boy! hey you! come back here! come back, you! he brought the jacket here to me.
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would you say no to a lot more money? [excited scream] you just won a million dollars! no thanks. nice balloons, though! or no to more vacation days? janet, i'm giving you an extra week's vacation! oh, ah... nooo. what? no way. who says no to more? time warner cable's all about giving you more. like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day. call now. and don't forget the free tv app. internet with secure home wifi to connect all your devices. saving on mobile data fees, helps big time. switch to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month you'll get free hd channels, 100 meg internet and unlimited calling to half the world. we can call aunt rose as much as we want now. switching is easy. get our exclusive 1-hour arrival window, a money-back guarantee with no contract to sign. plus get free installation, tv equiment and epix included. really?
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just three things, mr. anderson.
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- that's right. - in other words, he did not know for sure. two, when mr. grausman saw "a boy" through his upstairs window, he shouted, "hey, you boy!" is that right? - yes. - he did not say, "hey, bud!" - yes, but that was before he'd identified- - thank you. just answer my questions, that's all. three, did you see any of the events you've just described? - in other words, it was mere hearsay. and according to those books, not admissable testimony. no more questions, mr. anderson. with no eye witnesses, they're whipped! - well, what do we do now? - hmm? oh,yes, well.
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i don't have any others. - let me be a witness, please! -no, no, kitten. - what about bud coming home with wet hair? - mom! whose side are you on? (doorbell rings) - oh, my. probably someone coming to spend the evening. - oh, dear. come on, help me straighten up the furniture. i don't want anyone to see the house this way. - oh no, mother. you can't. not in the middle of a trial! especially not when we're on the verge of winning. - why, mr. grausman. - sorry to bother you again, mr. anderson. but, i know that you weren't convinced that your boy was the culprit. and she saw bud. - she did? - she sure did. she was an eye witness. - i'd like them to hear what you have to say. - but, she's telling the truth. - why, i don't doubt that at all. - [father] i think you know everyone. - oh yes, of course.
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her] we were-- - [father] we were playing sort of a game with the children. won't you sit down, mrs. lester? - thank you. my goodness. i feel almost as if i were in court. - raise your right hand. do you swear to tell the whole-- - she's been seeing too many trial movies. - oh, i see. of course, honey. i always tell the truth. exactly what you saw. - well, i was in my kitchen. and, this is kind of an unpleasant task. i've always thought so well of bud. and i don't like to say anything against him. - no, of course not. go on. - well, i happened to have glanced out my kitchen window,
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- from what direction was he coming? - from the direction of mr. grausman's house next door. - go on. - well, i thought he was acting strange, so i watched him. then he did a very peculiar thing. he stopped by my garden water faucet near the alley, and washed his hair! - i couldn't for the life of me understand why he was doing that until mr. grausman told me later about him falling into the whitewash. - what time did you see him doing this? - about 4:30. i remember because i had just looked
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- it was about 4:20. just ten minutes before mrs. lester saw him. - yes. - well, thank you for taking the trouble to come over and tell us, mrs. lester. we appreciate your interest. - i made out an itemized list of the damages. i tried to keep it down. it comes to $98. - yes. well, i'll see that this is - bud! why didn't you tell us the truth? why did you try to make us believe that silly story about a shower at the gym? what's happened to you, bud? - wait, mom. you can ask me questions if i'm not on the witness stand. - oh, i'm through with all that court stuff. i'm talking to you as your mother. - your honor, i guess it goes without saying
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've ever been so disappointed in you. -gosh, you're saying these things before we've had a chance to present our side of the case. go on,, let's-- - bud, we're not going to drag this farcical thing out any longer. - but, mom! - we're all through! - mom! dad, didn't you agree that i was - yes, that's true, but-- - okay, then. come on, betty. get up and start our case. - are you out of your mind? we have no case left. - what do you mean? - i've got an alibi you can use. you claim that you were in pittsburgh at a hardware convention. - kathy! - well, this morning i saw-- - all right, all right, kitten. - look, dopey. that little case we had to begin with mrs. lester pulled the rug right out from under it. - now wait. mrs. lester only saw me washing my hair. did she see me climb the ladder in mr. grausman's yard?
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sist in the face of all we know? - gosh, everybody's against me. no one will even listen to me. - bud, if you had anything to say we'd be more than eager to hear it. but, so far -- - even if you had anything to say you wouldn't say it. you won't tell anything, not even to me. - try the pittsburgh alibi! - [mother] shh, kathy! - do you have anything to say? - well-- - and if you have, will you tell it? would you talk? - well, exactly what does that mean?
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but i guess the first question to ask you is did you enter mr. grausman's yard around 4:20
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- oh, bud, are you still going to-- - now, mother, let him tell whatever he has to say. - if you did not enter mr. grausman's yard at that time, will you please tell the court and me too, where you were and what you were doing? - i was getting my hair curled. - hair curled? i knew you would, but that's the truth. - go on. - well, i carried april adams' books home for her, and she invited me in. somehow, she got to talking about how cute i'd look with curly, wavy hair. and, well then, somehow, i swear,
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put some waves in my hair. and, well, when i started to leave, i saw fatty beamer going by. well, i couldn't let fatty see me looking like that, so i went out the back way instead and snuck down the alley. that's why i was sneaking, see. and, when i saw mrs. lester's water faucet i stopped to rinse out my hair. f it. well, that's how it happened. well, it did! - the one about pittsburgh would have been better than that! - you be quiet. - well, do you want to ask him anything? - no, only this.
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jumped off his back and tiptoed into mr. grausman's yard? - dad, i told you. i don't know how it got there. - all right. we won't discuss it anymore. your problem now is to figure out how you're going to pay that $98 bill for the damages you did. - dad, why should i pay for it? - i said we weren't going to discuss it anymore. - dad! - the trial is over, and i don't want to hear anymore about it. - but, dad! - you heard what your father said. (phone rings) - hello? yes, he's here. do you want to talk to him? are you sure about that? yes, it's wonderful! i'll tell him. bye. why didn't we think of that? hey! hold everything. we want to reopen the trial. - oh now, betty, no. we're not going through any more of this. - but, i have something that changes the whole complexion. - look, betty, tricks aren't going to help him now. - this isn't any trick. honest. and we did agree to give bud a fair deal, didn't we? - yes, certainly. - all right, then. court's back in session. come on.
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t bud is finding his jacket at the scene of the crime. right? okay. now, bud, you put on your jacket. go over in the corner behind the big chair, and put it on. - what for? - go on. okay. now bud, as soon as you have it on, you come out as though you were sneaking into mr. grausman's yard. [betty] okay, bud. come on. - that's right. it's not his. that was april adams on the phone just now, and she called to say that bud left his jacket at her house after the hair curling. - well,i'll be. it just never occured to me it wasn't his. wait, then whose is that? - search me. hey, wait. fatty beamer. he has one exactly like this. and remember? i saw him right near there
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- i think i ought to become a lawyer, mother? - well, maybe. but i know i'm not much of a judge. oh, i feel so ashamed now for being so ready to believe the worst about bud. - yes, i think this court owes the defendent a big apology. bud, i hope you'll accept our apology. and i hope we've all learned something from this. - boy, i sure have.
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narrator: today on animal atlas. we'll ride the waves with the walrus. (roaring) roll in the kelp with the sea otter. and bask in the sun with the elephant seals. coming up now on animal atlas. welcome to animal atlas. come with us around the globe and explore the animal world (jungle cacophony) and desert creatures. (chimpanzee screeching) we'll meet wildlife on the savanna, (hippo roaring) and see our underwater friends, (dolphin chittering) and animals from the arctic circle. (cow mooing) anywhere, everywhere animals live, it's always an adventure when you tour the planet with animal atlas.


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