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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  November 14, 2016 4:00am-4:30am EST

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- i had no idea what the girl's name was. i never saw her until i took sgt. delaney to her apartment today. - there's nothing else you wish to add? - that's everything that happened. - well, would you sign here
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like to call my husband. i know he'll believe me. there's a phone in our bedroom. i'd rather use that one. - go ahead. - really is a beautiful piece of fur. - what's mink got for you women, - how would you understand? you've never had a chance to wear one. neither have i. - maybe if you got that permanent you would. - hah! oh, did you get your call? - the circuits were busy. is there anything else, sgt.? have i completed all the necessary formalities? - yes, thank you. - then why don't you get out of here? both of you! - very well, we'll be in touch
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- aren't you going to take exhibit a? - well, mrs. hudson, you've told us the stole is yours and at the moment we have no legal evidence to the contrary. [doorbell ringing] - mrs. paula hudson? - yes? - my name is jonas. i am the adjuster for the indemnity insurance company i've come about a fur piece that one of our clients has reported as missing. a crystal mink stole. - your client was less polite. she accused me of stealing it. - oh, de between ourselves, mrs. wilson is a very tactless person, but she doesn't mean all she says. - maybe you're right, but don't think i'm going to anything to help mrs. wilson. - i'm not asking you to. i am asking you to do something that would benefit my company and incidentally yourself. - what is it? - well, it's like this. mrs. wilson's stole is insured with us for $2000, and that's what we'll have to pay unless it's returned to her.
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as i understand it you only paid $400 for that stole. now rather than take a total loss, we're willing to offer you $600 for it. i'll give you the cash, you give me the fur, and everybody will be satisfied. - it isn't a question of money. this is my stole, i paid $400 for it and i intend to keep it. - but you'll be getting a 50% profit and no questions asked. - what do you mean no questions asked? - don't be so defensive, mrs. hudson. lots of people make the mistake of buying bargains that - if this fur were stolen, mr. jonas, it would be a matter for the police, not you. you're wasting your time. good night. - look, my name isn't jonas.
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i'm a two-time loser already and i got a wife and kids. if i go up this time they'll give me 10 years. - then all this time it really was mrs. wilson's fur? - yeah, and my only chance of calling off the heat is to get it back to her. look, this isn't the only mink stole in the world. i'll get you another one. a full-length coat if you like, and it won't cost either of us a penny. - you mean you'd steal it? - why sure, only this time i'd be more careful. you see my kid was sick, i needed the money. i couldn't wait to mail the stole fence it here. please, you've got to give it back to me. - i can't! the police will want to know what happened to it. - tell them you lost it, tell them anything. - you don't realize position i'm in. the police already half suspect me of having stolen the fur. they're sure to be back to question me tomorrow. if it had suddenly disappeared, why they'll be certain something was wrong [telephone ringing] that's probably my husband. please go!
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well good luck to both of us. - hello well keep trying please. [music] operator, get me the police department. sgt. delaney, please. - good evening, mrs. hudson. - sgt., i don't know what one does in a case like this but well i've packed a night bag
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i don't see how i could arrange bail. - oh, i see. - sgt., may i ask a favor? my phone call from my husband hasn't come through, but they expect him any time. could we possibly wait a few minutes? - oh, i think so. do you mind if i wait inside? - yes of course. - oh yes, certainly. - thank you. - may i offer you a drink? i'm not sure there's anything in the house. - oh that's not necessary, mrs. hudson. - i knew you'd never believe me. it it must've sounded a ridiculous story. > what's your husband going to say when he hears about it? - i don't know i i don't know how i'm going to explain it to him.
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mink stole, but all my friends had one and and they think if you don't have a mink your husband isn't doing as well as theirs. we we were so happy he he was so proud of me, the way i managed this house is almost paid for and then well now i've ruined him. that's what so terrible. he trusted me, and now i've let him down. - well, maybe you'll remember that the next time you're offered a ai - thank you for the lead, mrs. hudson. when you phoned that the fur had been stolen back from you, we guessed what charlie harper had planned to do with it, so we were waiting for him at mrs. wilson's when he tried to dump it. he gave us the whole story. about himself, your hairdresser, that young friend of hers ms. dawn, and cleared you. - you mean you're not going to
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[telephone ringing] - yes mark. yes, i called you. no, it really wasn't important, i just wanted to talk to you. when are you coming home? yes, darling. do drive home tomorrow night even if it's late. yes dear, tomorrow night. [music] i'll be waiting. - good night. - how about that apology? - what apology, mrs. hudson? - well you believed i stole the fur. - well as a matter fact, i never did. - what did you think then? that i bought it knowing it was stolen? - that's right, i did. - well, you don't think that now, do you? - well, mrs. hudson only one person knows the answer to that
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- hitchcock: so much for the case of the stolen stole. i think i'll give up my diet. exercise, that's it. i think i'll take up sports again. i'm quite an athlete, you know. i particularly excel in chess, falconry, wife beating, that
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thank you for coming. please call again. our next visiting hours will be just one week
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meme music] - hitchcock: good evening. i've been examining the fingerprints on the inside of your television screen very unusual. they are all thumbs. that's it, they must've been left by your television repair man. you know, i could use this to watch television. i have a 27


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