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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 19, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST

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ght, folks. i'll be seeing you soon. (applause) a zortsouch? - [louis] zortsouch. [music] on his hi-fi, tommy? he's got a record with a lion on it. i got a book with a lion on it. this is the sound of a lion, the roar, just like you hear in the circus. i'd rather hear it at the circus. is your dad gonna take you? i don't know. he's still mad on account of i had to blow my balloon up while he was snoring. boy. hey, look at that. wow, what is it?
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i wanted one of those all my life. careful, it may be alive. don't you know anything, tommy? what we got here is the front, half of the reindeer. you're supposed to use them indoors. what for? to hang things on. help me put it in my wagon. i'm gonna take it home to good ol' mom. dennis: i'm home. don't slam it-- mr. mitchell: here is the fastest slammer in the west. well, you've got a dirty face for one thing. what else? a surprise for you. close your eyes. you, too, dad. i'll be right back. i wonder what it can be. oh, it's probably a flower he picked up from someplace. i hope he didn't get it out of the wilson's garden. one thing i can count on, it'll have a broken stem. well, you can always throw it away. not on your life.
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till i tell you. all right. okay. [music] bye, dennis. bye, tommy. it's right in front of you, mom. can i smell it? do you want to? of course, i do. okay. bend over. now smell. this doesn't smell like a flower. of course not. open your eyes. don't be scared, mom. it's not alive. where did you get that? in somebody's trash box. i figured we could put it up in the dining room.
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you'd have one of these, did you? no. would you rather put it up in your bedroom? what do you say, mom? dennis, you shouldn't bring things like this home. it was a tough job, but i wanted to. you know why? 'cause you're the best mom in the whole world. oh, thank you, dennis. where are we gonna put it, mom? well-- hey, dennis, the wilson's just drove up out front. uh-oh. what's he, your lookout? i--i think i'll go straighten up my room. uh, just a minute young man. it's for mom, dad. she's been trying to get me to do it all day. dennis, you have to tell mr. wilson sooner or later and you might as well do it right now.
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n, dennis. [music] hello, henry. how are you? fine, thank you, mrs. wilson. how are you? i'm fine, too. hey, mr. wilson, you're wearing a smokey the bear hat, aren't you? uh, dennis. smokey the bear. oh, dennis, it's good to see you. it's good to see you, too, mr. wilson. i missed you. dennis has something to tell you, mr. wilson. oh? go ahead, dennis. well, the day after you left on your trip, there was this swell little kid who was playing baseball. a swell little kid named dennis. uh-huh. i hit a homerun. wonderful. right through your kitchen window. oh? oh. well, i mean, boys will be boys. i mean, after all, what's a broken window?
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well, the ball sort of bounced across the kitchen and turned on the water faucet. well, so we lost a little water down the drain. i mean, boys will be-- you didn't lose it down the drain, mr. wilson. the baseball ended up in the sink, acting as a drain plug. so you lost all your water on the floor. oh my goodness. i looked in through the window and saw what was happening, so i called mom and dad. oh well, how could you look in the window? i climbed up on the trellis, dad's already fixed it. oh? oh, then what happened? well, alice and i came over and cleaned up the mess. it didn't hurt anything. oh, thank you, henry. of course, i had to jimmy the back door open to get in. oh, you did? boy, was that door a mess. of course, i fixed it later and the window, too. well--well, then everything's all right. i guess boys will be boys. well, that's not quite all, mr. wilson.
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dennis played baseball again. a homerun? i'm a regular willie mays. same window. oh my lands. but it didn't hit the water faucet. i'll pay for the window, of course. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates. maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24/7. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you?.
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what are you laughing about, mr. wilson? oh, that's a very funny story. i'm happy you can see it that way, mr. wilson. oh, mitchell, you know, i've been an old grouch in the past, but that's all over. from now on, dennis and i are gonna be good friends. really, mr. wilson? do you wanna take me to the circus? it's gonna be right over in the park. dennis. well, by golly, i just might do that. wow, that would be swell. mr. wilson, i hope you don't mind my commenting, but you're a changed man.
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i mean, how could i be otherwise? i've been communing with nature. i've slept beside a babbling brook under the stars. i've listened to nature's creatures calling to me in the night. did mrs. wilson want a drink of water? mrs. wilson? no, i--dennis, i was referring to the animals and the birds. one night, i heard an owl hooting. [hooting] boy, you sure sound like one. do it again. all righty. [hooting] and at that moment, all the primitive instincts of my ancestors came back to me. oh, what did you do? well, i slipped quietly out of my sleeping bag, picked up my flashlight and went looking for him. boy, you're just like daniel boone, mr. wilson. did you find him? well, no. now martha,
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oh yes, it was. fine. he was walking along, shining his light up into the trees, and he walked right into the brook. that's 'cause you didn't wanna leave a trail, huh, mr. wilson? dennis, you're a good friend. you know, you ought to go camping sometime. boy, that would be swell. can i help you bring in the rest of your gear? well, sure. come on. dad, can i sleep out in the backyard tonight? dennis, i don't have a tent. oh, don't be a killjoy, mitchell. he could borrow our camping equipment. swell. oh, that's very generous of you. say, can i get tommy to sleep out with me? oh, you can go ask his mother. i'll envy you, dennis, being out there under the stars. you know, mitchell, that's the only trouble being home. i'll miss the sound of the wild creatures calling in the night. can i wear your smokey the bear hat,
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now i'm gonna go see if tommy can come. oh, he's a wonderful kid. [ringing] hello? oh, hi ted. uh, henry, i was wondering if you and alice would like to come over tonight. we'll, um, play a little bridge? you sure you wanna play bridge or you got another one of those crazy sound effect records you want to show off? well, we might play a little bridge. henry, wait till you hear this one. it's the greatest. it's a train wreck from the actual soundtrack of a motion picture. boy, you've never heard anything so realistic. well, how about it? can you come over? well, i don't think we better tonight, ted. uh, dennis is sleeping out in the backyard, and we've got to keep an eye on him. well, look, you could watch him just as easily from over here as you can from there. uh, look right over the fence.
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any objections, honey? no, i guess not. okay. fine, ted. about 8:00? and--and ted, i do wanna play some bridge tonight. okay. bye. so do i. last saturday evening, we did nothing but listen to that crazy wild animal record of his. don't blame him, honey. he's only had that hi-fi a couple of weeks. dennis: i'm home. alice: in here, dennis. tommy can camp out with me. he'll be here in a few minutes. hey, you better take that hat off so you can see where you're going, young man. that's too big for you. no it isn't. it's perfect. here. tommy wishes he had one. let me put a little paper in it and try it. i don't need it. well, just try it, huh? there. isn't that better? yeah. hey, mom, how come you haven't put up the reindeer? oh, that isn't a reindeer, dennis. it's a moose. and i have a wonderful idea of where to put it.
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n't we put it out in the backyard and then you can pretend you're right out in the wilderness tonight? wow. and the tent can be your teepee. you mean, like we're indians? like real indian braves. you know what she is, dad? she's the best squaw in the whole world. she is on my totem pole, too. well, here i am. what do you got blankets for? we got sleeping bags. i know it. i even got to wear my underwear under my pajamas. boy, i'm glad my mom isn't like that. what are those for? for you. i don't want you to catch cold. oh, mom. hon, do you know where the hot water bottle is? holy baloney.
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sheer ambrosia. hey, mr. wilson, you did "shave and a haircut six bits." i most certainly did, dennis. do it again, mr. wilson. all right. henry: dennis, that will be enough knocking. oh, mr. wilson, how are you? i'm sorry, mitchell, sheer animal spirit. that's quite all right. come on in. oh, no thanks. i just dropped by to tell dennis the good news. is it good news, mr. wilson? dennis, what would be the best possible news you could hear in the whole world? that i'm getting that two-wheeler. are you getting me one? henry: oh, dennis. well, no, no. it's not that.
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you see these two circus tickets? well, we're going to the circus. oh, boy. i think you boys will be pretty comfortable out here. sure, we will. oh. honey. oh, henry, that moose head looked so real, it startled me. thank you. oh, you did a wonderful job of hanging him out here for the boys. come on, dennis. dennis: i'm filling the hot water bottle. honey, do you really think he needs it? it's pretty warm out tonight. are you sure? he said so. well, here i am. oh, hold on. i wanna see if it's hot enough. it's hot enough. i don't know. i'd have made it hotter than that, but i guess it's all right. come on, tommy. all right. now, if you fellows want anything, you just sing out. we'll be right behind the fence at the milton's. we won't want anything.
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well, good night boys. good night, mom. good night. good night, men. night. you're gonna have a wonderful time. hey, dennis, what are we gonna do if we get thirsty? hot root beer. wow. [music] the kids are fine, i hope they get some sleep tonight. oh, relax, honey. it's only quarter to nine. you know, martha, those old sleepless nights are gone forever, not even 9:00. and i'm going to sleep like a schoolboy. now what are you going to do? i think i'll give dennis and tommy a thrill and do my owl imitation.
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oh, come to bed, george. wait a minute, martha. you know, i bet they think that's a real owl. [hooting] you know what that was, tommy? that was mr. wilson doing his owl imitation. he's pretty good at it. yeah, that's because he heard owls and things all the time when he's out camping. animals too? sure, all kinds of them. mr. wilson? heck, no. he said they calmed his nerves. now that he's back, he's gonna miss them. [train whistles] what was that? hey, it's mr. milton's hi-fi. he was gonna play a train record for mom and dad.
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george? huh? do you hear that train? yes, it's unusually loud tonight. or else they're using that old spur track over in the park. they must be. it sounds as if it was right next door. must be some rare atmospheric condition. martha, i know why they're using the spur. that must be the circus train arriving in the park. good heaven. that sounded like a head-on collision. boy, did you ever hear anything more realistic? i should say not. it was wonderful. now, can we play another rubber? boy, that train wreck sure sounded swell. well, how did you hear it? you got the speaker in the patio turned on. for heaven's sakes, ted, i hope you didn't wake anybody up.
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. how about playing your wild animal record, so ill be like we're camping out in the jungle? all right, dennis. and i'll bet your folks would enjoy hearing that one again too. oh, we'd love it. we can play bridge later. come on, tommy, let's get back to camp. [lion roaring] martha. that was a lion. great scott, [elephants trumpet] and the elephants are loose too. dennis and tommy are out in the yard. i've got to get out there. you can't go out there. i've got to, martha. those boys are in danger. i'll do what i can with my log sword.
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he forgot his glasses. sure is swell being out here in the wilderness. yeah. dennis? what are you doing, mr. wilson? i'm going to save you from the lions. boys, get back in your tent. mr. wilson must be playing he's out in the wilderness too. and please hurry,
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i hope martha phoned for help. george, i brought you your glasses. steady, martha. are you all right? yes, so far. i haven't met any of the lions yet, but i just cut the head of a moose. oh. you boys all right? we're pretty scared. well, you stay where you are. now, there might be a lion behind any bush, martha, so you stay right close to me. here are your glasses, george. you come out to play too, mrs. wilson?
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hear the animal roars? sure, i heard them. that's because mr. milton had the speaker in his patio turned on. what? sure. they were on a record he was playing on his new hi-fi. nonsense. what about that moose i decapitated? he wasn't playing that on his hi-fi. george, will you please put on your glasses. well, i will. [music] oh, no. martha, not a word of this to anybody.
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oh, lord, i feel so humiliated. now, george, you were only doing what you thought was right. it was a very brave thing to do, mr. wilson. oh. sure it was. you thought there were lions out there. have the police left? yes, dear. the reporters? yes, dear. and that police psychiatrist? yes, dear. you know what i heard him say, mr. wilson? he said you're as nutty as a fruitcake. when did he say that? right after i told him you do swell owl imitations out of your bedroom window. and to think i dumped out all my nerve medicine. oh, martha, take me home and put me to bed. of course. dennis: hey, mr. wilson, what time are we going to the circus tomorrow? oh, that-- [applause]
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alice. m detwiler's department store? what does it say? i don't know. i can't read it. they always manage to get the amount clearly enough, but what you're paying for is a mystery. i think it's a store policy to keep husbands from knowing what their wives buy. let me see. it says one dozen golf balls. honey, that television set's got to be fixed. i don't play golf. i know, honey. that television--
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honey, i know. i wonder who around here could have bought one dozen golf balls. well, i could tell you, but my mother always said, son, never talk with your mouth full of crow. your mother is a very wise woman. seriously, though, honey, the bills this month are just fierce. doctor, dentist, lights, water. there's even a two month bill here from the quigley grocery store. how did that happen? he back of the drawer and i overlooked it. i'm afraid there's something else you don't even know about yet. what's that? i've lost my engagement ring. honey, i'm just sick about it. here in the house? well, i remember putting it up on the sink last night when i started to do the dinner dishes, and it must have gone down the drain. well, i'm not paying a plumber to come and get it out. i'll borrow a wrench from mr. wilson
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hey, dad, the mailman left a letter for you. if it's another bill, i'll shoot myself. shoot yourself? he's only fooling, tommy. dennis, have you seen my engagement ring? i've lost it somewhere. no, mom. i haven't seen it. now, this is what i've been looking for. "harassed by creditors? "haunted by overdue bills? "borrow in confidence from the sincere loan company." i'm gonna put this right up here where i can find it easily. speaking of finding, honey, while you're up there, you might as well change your clothes. we'll be heading for downtown pretty quick. do you need money, dad? i sure do. but i thought we were rich. i always felt rich. well, in the way you mean it, son, we are. see? but not where money is concerned. there we're a long, long way from being rich. i knew it. that's why i have to work my fingers to the bone. if i didn't, we'd lose the house.
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the bank owns the house and if i don't keep up the payments, they'll take it away from us. jeepers. the same thing is true with the car. how about the tv set? well, the store could take that. we make payments to them even though it only works about half the time. you're a very important member of this family, and, well, you can help me by not wasting food and turning out lights when you leave the room. things like that. i'm gonna help you all i can, dad. and from now on, if mom puts it on my plate, i'm even gonna eat liver. do you know what we're gonna do while mom and dad are downtown, tommy? we're gonna make some money for good old dad by selling bottles. you're gonna give the money to your dad? i'd keep it. that's 'cause you're just a little kid. i'm a very important member of this family and dad needs my help.
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jeepers, only two? let's look in the refrigerator. they're all full. the bottles aren't worth anything full. that's all you know. i'm gonna start up a root beer stand. i'm gonna make so much money that i'll probably take dad downtown and buy him a new car. how much you gonna charge for a root beer? a penny for all you can drink. you won't make much money that way. tommy, you just don't understand business. root beer! delicious root beer for sale! root beer! hey! hello, tommy. hi, mrs. elkins. you wanna buy some root beer? he's earning money to help his dad.
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sure, he does. he told me so. dennis is helping pay off the tv set so the store won't take it back. oh, tommy. how much is your root beer? a penny for all you can drink. you won't make very much money that way. yes, he will. you don't know dennis. how much do you think i can drink? about that much. that's all i'll give. well, all right. i think that's about a nickel's worth. thank you, mrs. elkins. here you are. thank you. you know, tommy, i don't see why dad's having such a tough time.
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of finishing your car before 5:00. 5:00? henry, and we have a dozen errands to run. well, i'll tell you, my son brought his car in for a lube job. you could use that this afternoon. say, we'd sure appreciate it. well, there she is. oh, i'm afraid we couldn't. what time did you say your hair appointment was, honey? that's what i was saying. i'm afraid we couldn't possibly make my hair appointment unless we used your car. you're welcome to it. the keys are in the dash. thanks a lot. be it ever so humble, there's no place like transportation. just in case we see anybody we know, slink way down in the seat so they won't see us. [cloth rips]
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that coat was ready for the salvation army anyhow. say, mr. mitchell. you may hot have noticed that sharp place on the door when you got in. watch it or you could tear your clothes. thanks a lot. i'll watch it. there we are. there are your peaches, mrs. burns. all right. hi, mr. quigley. mrs. burns. oh, hello, dennis. tommy. keep away from the bananas, dennis. you always say that to me, don't you, mr. quigley? i sure do. is that on account of the time i unzipped 'em for you? that's right. i was out back in the storeroom. couldn't have been gone more than two minutes. when i came back, he'd taken the skins off about 60 bananas. i thought they'd sell faster. they did. your father bought them. now, dennis, don't bother me while i'm waiting on mrs. burns.
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no. oh, yes. a dozen eggs and you can just put all these things on my account, mr. quigley. a dozen eggs. dennis, if you'll carry this bag to my care for me, i'll give you a nickel. i don't think i'd do that, mrs. burns. why not? with dennis, something always goes wrong. oh, nonsense. dennis, you want to earn that nickel? sure, i do. my dad needs the money so they won't take our tv set away from us. they could even lose their house and car. what? nis. i'm in a hurry. yes, mrs. burns. i told you. whoops. it's your own fault. you shouldn't have put the eggs on top. i think some of them got broke a little. there's some yellow coming out. i'll give you a new box and carry your bag out myself. good-bye, boys. good-bye, mrs. burns.
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i guess he didn't mean these eggs, tommy. let's pick 'em up for him. hand 'em to me, tommy. you might drop 'em. careful. careful now. well, boys. we meet again. what are you doing with those eggs? we picked them up for mr. quigley. they got dropped 'cause he put 'em on top. mr. quigley's carrying mrs. burns package out for her. i wanted the job, but he got it. she's paying a nickel. things must be a little slow for mr. quigley. i think he's broke like my dad. oh, dennis. how's your mother? not so good. she lost her engagement ring. oh, what a shame. hello, mrs. elkins. dennis, what are you doing with those eggs? i'm holding them for you. hold still. you might drop 'em.
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ways get excited when he comes in. when i was a young man, i drove a nitroglycerin truck in the texas oil fields and i was cool as a cucumber, but five minutes of dennis and i'm a total wreck. now, what was it you wanted, dennis? i got six pop bottles in my wagon and i wanna turn 'em in to get 12 cents to give to my dad 'cause he needs the money. all right. all right. i'll give you your 12 cents and get you out of here. oh, for pete's sake. hey, mr. quigley, you busted a couple of eggs. yeah, i know. did you see that, tommy? mr. quigley was putting those bottles on the counter and he busted a couple eggs. i guess he didn't see 'em. didn't you see those eggs, mr. quigley? you put 'em there. for two cents i'd sell this store and buy a nitroglycerin truck. here. here's your money. now run on home. for two cents?
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well? what are you waiting for? i'm trying to make up my mind about buying your store. see what i mean? he drives me out of my mind. you boys better run along home now. okay. bye, mr. quigley. good-bye. good-bye. bye, mrs. elkins. good-bye. i'll be back later if i can find some more bottles to sell you. my dad needs all the money i can get. bye.
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otottle of cider vinegar, quigley. oh, i'll get it, mrs. elkins. i wonder what all that talk was about his father needing money. i don't know. dennis said something about repossessing the tv set. that's hard to believe. and the other boy mentioned the bank foreclosing on the house and the car. the mitchells? say, come to think of it, they haven't paid their last month's bill. if they don't pay it pretty soon,
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charge it. all right, mrs. elkins. bye. bye. [telephone rings] hello? oh, yes. mrs. elkins. i wondered if you heard about the trouble the mitchells are in. well, let me tell you. they're driving an old wreck because the bank has repossessed their car and mr. quigley is about to cut off their credit and little dennis is out selling bottles so they won't lose their tv set. why, you've never seen such a brave little boy
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well, that isn't all. mrs. mitchell has lost her engagement ring. she's probably pawned it. well, i'm just gonna have to go over there and see for myself. i've always thought of them as one of the pillars of the community. what do you think? well, i don't know, mr. mitchell. i think i'd better take it back to the store. it's too big a job to do here. okay, if you have to. honey, i'm going next door and borrow that pipe wrench from mr. wilson. all right, dear. when will we get it back? not for a couple of days anyway. don't get up, mrs. mitchell. i can make it all right. well, bring it back as fast as you can. our little boy will miss it.
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yes, ma'am. had to do it. oh, what a shame. yeah. little boy's gonna miss it. oh, mrs. holland. i just happened to be in the neighborhood and i thought i'd drop by and say hello. i'm so glad you did. won't you come in? henry will be right back. he just went next door to the wilsons to borrow something. i hope i haven't come at a bad time. oh, not at all. i was just mending henry's old coat here. we're going to give it to the salvation army. of course. could i get you something cold to drink? why, thank you. yes. you come right in and sit down.
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we're going to have to speak to dennis. there isn't a cold drink in this house. i just bought six bottles yesterday. yes, sir. that boy's gonna have to have a little talking to. well, come on in and say hello to mrs. holland. she just stopped by for a minute. it's so nice of you to drop by, mrs. holland. well, i'm glad i caught you home. you'll have to pardon the way i look. i was just about to do a little plumbing job. of course. i could get a plumber, you know, but a penny saved is a penny earned. believe me, i understand. why don't we all sit down. i'm sorry i can't give you
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oh, my dear, don't give it another thought. mr. mitchell, may i ask you a question? certainly. well, let us say that a young couple with a little boy are in financial difficulty. now, do you think that they should forget their pride and accept charity from their friends and neighbors? it would seem to me that that would depend on the actual circumstances dennis: we're home! in here, dennis. this is not a hypothetical couple, mr. mitchell. their little boy just entered this room. hey, dad, have i got a surprise for you. not now, dennis. but dad, it's very important. dennis, not now. are you sure of your facts, mrs. holland? we know, mrs. mitchell.
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we know. well, in that case, i'm sure every member of the family would be grateful for any help that's given. you mean you wouldn't mind if we brought a few things here during the next few days? we'd be happy to volunteer our house as a collection center. oh, thank you, mr. mitchell. that was very delicately put. now, if you'll excuse me, i must go mobilize the neighborhood. mom, can i have something to eat? i'm starving. oh, that boy. he's always hungry. oh, i'll hurry just as fast as i can. i think this is a wonderful thing you're doing. in this town, we always take care of our own, mrs. mitchell. good-bye. good-bye, mrs. holland. good-bye. hey, what's going on here?
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your mother called and she wants you to come right home. okay, mrs. mitchell. bye, dennis. bye, tommy. poor little tyke. i'm amazed. i was talking with mrs. anderson only yesterday and she seemed so cheerful. honey, mrs. holland isn't one to jump to conclusions. hey, dad, guess what i got for you. 36 cents. i've been selling root beer and empty bottles. so that's what happened to the root beer. [clears throat] i did it for you 'cause i knew you needed the money.
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it's awfully nice of you to give up your sunday afternoon to bring these things over.
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yes, they certainly have. is mr. mitchell home? no, he's over at the club playing golf. that seems a little peculiar. he always plays golf on sunday. dennis usually tags along. well, i'm glad circumstances haven't forced him to change his routine. good afternoon. good afternoon. well, i wonder what's the matter with him. dennis: we're home. in here. hi. oh, honey, good news. i found my ring in the clothes hamper. what happened to your eye? it's black and blue. it's the best one i ever saw. let me see. [gasps] henry, how did it happen? tommy's dad did it in the clubhouse.
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i was just about to walk up and tell him off when he walked up to me. what did he say? he said, mitchell, don't you think a man ought to provide for his family before he plays golf. i said, i certainly do, anderson. boy, dad and tommy's dad were looking at each other so fierce they were practically touching noses. and then he said to me, mitchell, don't you think that a man who plays golf under these circumstances is taking advantage of his friends and neighbors? i said, frankly, anderson, i think a man like that's a parasite. ought to happen to a man like that? and i said, i think someone ought to punch him in the eye. and you were right, son. gee, was i? i didn't even know what you were talking about. i was just about to haul off and sock him when he hit me in the eye. no! i was gonna hit him back, but the fellas held us apart. [doorbell rings] boy, everybody was so mad at mr. anderson
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hello, mrs. holland. i heard about your eye, and i must say, you deserved it. what? out at the club playing golf. what's the matter with that? you were playing golf while your neighbors were feeding and clothing your family. i'll tell you what i think. i think you're pretty contemptible. henry: but mrs. holland... honey, she seems to think we're the needy family. where would she get an idea like that? from me. i told her what you said about you being poor. i've been telling everybody. that's terrible. no, it isn't. remember when you were in the shower room putting the cold towel on your eye? henry: yes. i took up a collection for us in the lockerroom.
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and jane wyatt (children giggling) with elinor donahue, billy gray, and lauren chapin - oh, boy, dad this is only fun. yeah, this really swims. - is that good? - good, it's pale green. who'd you say you got this from? - wes coglund, he's an old friend of mine. i don't believe you've ever met him. - is he that bachelor friend of yours? - yes, he won it in a raffle at a sportsmen's luncheon.
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- well, you're a good boy, dad. i'm proud of you. when are we going to try this out? - what about this weekend? - this weekend, are you kidding? - no, i thought we'd pack up and pull out early tomorrow morning make a weekend of it. what do you think? - well, i'm with you. in fact, i'll get the gear out of the basement. we can start packing it right now so we won't have to do it in the morning. - good. - dad? - huh? - are we really going, i mean actually? why do you act so doubtful? - well, you know what happens to a lot of these trips we plan. something comes up and we can't go. - well, we're going. i have a free saturday and sunday and i'm dying to get out in the country so start packing boy. - yes, sir. (audience laughing) - take that with you.
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- sorry, squeegee, but i got work to do. me and dad are going hunting in the am. - really, can i go? - nope, this is just for men, just for masculine male members of the hearty homo sapien species. so scram, squeegee. - sapiens is right. - you look happy. you must have had a good day. - oh, pretty good. i was just telling bud i have one of those rare free weekends. - oh, well i'm glad to hear it - so i thought that -- - because we just must drive out and see aunt ione. you mean tomorrow? - yes. oh, i know it's a long drive, but i had a letter from her and she's not well, jim. she needs a sunlamp and was wondering if she could borrow ours. - i see. well, i don't suppose we could drive out there next weekend? - on, no. no, we mustn't put this off. she's sick and lonely and she needs us, and as long as you have this weekend free. oh, you didn't have any other plans for tomorrow did you? - plans?
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- bud? i, well, something has come up and -- - yeah, i know, i heard mom telling you. - oh, then you know why we can't go? you see, aunt ione isn't well, and your mother -- - you do? - sure. i know how things are. - well, it's (laughs) i was sure you'd blow the roof off. - why should i? you can't fight city hall. - no, i guess not. i'll tell you one thing though. we'll go next weekend for sure. - sure, dad, sure.
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he's married and really trapped. -can you fix a wobbly leg? - well, later on i'll try if you'll put the salads on for me. they're in the refrigerator. - okay. mommy, why don't you and i ever go on a hunting trip? - hunting, you and i? - sure, like daddy and bud are going to do tomorrow. -well, in the first place, they're men, hunting tomorrow. - yes, they are. bud's in the basement now getting the camping stuff ready. so i don't see why you and -- hmm. - jim, what's this about a hunting trip? - huh? oh, well, there's no hunting trip. - well kathy said that you and bud were planning one for tomorrow. - well, we did mention it sort of, but we're not going. -well, now why didn't you tell me? we could have worked this out somehow.
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(laughs) i can just see you climbing on a bus with a sunlamp. besides, this is more important than a hunting trip. - but i feel guilty - well, don't. i don't care. really. and it also proved that our boy is growing up. you should have seen how philosophically he accepted the disappointment. - you're not going anywhere tonight are you father? - well, i don't think so. - well, i'm going bowling with ralph, but i have to type a history report. actually, it's all done in pencil i mean so you'd just have to copy it no thinking. would you do it? - well, i don't know. maybe. - poor old buzzard. - oh, father, you're a doll. - betty, just a minute. - what's your problem, sonny? - no problem. i just don't like the way you take it for granted that poor, old dad is supposed to stay here
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would like to go out for the evening himself? - look, i'm not trying to make him stay at home. all i said was --
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come on in. i'll see if the grand duchess is ready. - thanks, bud. - hey, tallulah, ralph's here.
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inutes she says. that'll take her at least a half an hour. - oh, no, betty's pretty prompt for a girl. you should see some of them. - ralph, are you planning to marry betty? - well, -- - what i mean is are you thinking of getting married someday? - well, sure, but i want to finish college first, take care of her properly. - yeah. ralph, have you ever really thought this thing through? - what do you mean? - well, look, here you are healthy fairly young, independent. tonight, for example, you're going bowling. now do you think you'll be able to go bowling after you're married?
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o it together. i think a husband and wife should do things together. - oh, you'll do things together, but they won't be the things you want to do. they'll be the things she wants to do. - oh, i don't know about that. it won't be that way at my house. - ah, well, that's what you say now, but just wait. take my dad for example. now there's as nice an old guy as ever came down (mumbling). now you might not believe this, but he was young once, him, poor, old duffer got caught on the old flypaper. - well, now he doesn't seem that way to me. - oh, well, he tries to pretend he likes it. i will say this, he sure takes it without a whimper. - oh, bud, you've got the wrong slant on this whole -- - suit yourself. i can tell you it's not for me. - ah, when you grow up bud -- oh, hi. -hi, sorry i took so long.
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but isn't that kind of an odd outfit to go bowling in? - i tried to call you, but you'd left. there's the most wonderful movie playing at the rivoli and marge and i thought it would be much more fun to go there. we're going to pick her and ray up at her house. you don't mind, do you? - well, i'd rather go bowling. - now, ralph, don't be like that. we can bowl next week, but this is the last night for the movie. - i hope you enjoy the movie, ralph. maybe he'd rather bowl. - just a minute, bud. i want to talk to you. - oh, sure, dad. what's on your mind? - i happened to overhear your-- - [margaret] jim, would you come here a minute please? - just a second. - you better go dad. - in a minute. now look, son. - [margaret] hurry, jim, the water heater's broken. water's running all over the kitchen jim.
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- hello, jeannie? this is bud. oh, okay. say, jeannie, about our date tomorrow night, i'm afraid i won't be able to make it. oh, i got an awful lot of work to do. oh, well, me too, but that's the way she goes. i'll see you around, jeannie. so long. what a shame. she seems like such a darn good kid too. hi, mom. - oh, bud, i wonder if i could get you to do a job for me,
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- i know how much you hate to do this sort of thing, but that basement just has to be cleaned up. - okay, i'll do it. - hmm? you will? - whatever you say, mom, you're the boss. - i wish you'd stop calling me the boss. it's just that there are some things that have to be done. - it's okay mom. why fight it? is this broom okay to use, mom? - yes, but i'm not the boss. would you say no to a lot more money? [excited scream] you just won a million dollars! no thanks. nice balloons, though! or no to more vacation days? janet, i'm giving you an extra week's vacation! oh, ah... nooo. what? no way. who says no to more? time warner cable's all about giving you more. like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies
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an binge all day. call now. and don't forget the free tv app. get ultra-fast internet with secure home wifi to connect all your devices. saving on mobile data fees, helps big time. switch to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month you'll get free hd channels, 100 meg internet and unlimited calling to half the world. we can call aunt rose as much as we want now. switching is easy. get our exclusive 1-hour arrival window, a money-back guarantee with no contract to sign. plus get free installation, tv equiment and epix included. really?
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how's the boss tonight? - oh, not you too. - that's all i've been getting from bud this week that boss stuff. it's making feel as though i were a slave driver with a big whip. - oh? - but just now for example, i asked him to clean up the basement, and you know what he did? well, he went down to do it. - (laughs) well, isn't that good? - well, yes, but for bud that's not normal. it's the way he agreed to do it. as if i was hopeless to fight against. - i think i'm beginning to see.
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- well, i wasn't going to bother you with any of this because i thought it would pass, and also because i was afraid you'd think it was your fault. - my fault? - well, it started last weekend when our hunting trip was cancelled because you wanted me to drive out to aunt ione's. - well, yes, but -- - which is the right thing to do. don't misunderstand me. - well, i don't understand anything. - well, from that bud got the idea that poor, old dad, that's what he calls me now, i'm getting mighty sick of it. he got the idea that i'm living a miserable, in the hopeless trap of marriage. - then it is my fault. - no, there you go. i knew you'd think that, but it isn't. - but don't you see what this does to me? i now represent that miserable, hopeless trap you're caught in. - yeah, that's a development i hadn't figured on. - i can tell you right now, i don't care much for my role. - well, i'm not crazy about mine either.
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er my skin. oh, i know it's silly to let a ridiculous little thing like this bother me, but it does. - can i see you for a minute? - uh oh. - go talk to him and be firm this time. - well, i hate to risk that again. - dad? - coming. father. ah! what do you want? - dad, about this gun you bought from your friend, - what are you whispering for? - you don't want mom to know you bought it do you? - i don't care if she knows. i don't care if she knows it. in fact, i've told her. - you did? good for you, dad. anyway, i was cleaning up the basement and got to looking at it. well, i was wondering if i couldn't borrow it saturday. claude and i might go hunting. - i thought you and i were going. - oh, well, yeah, sure dad, but just in case you can't get away from mo-, uh, here. - now, look son. - don't misunderstand me.
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om. - no! you're not going to talk to mom. - i understand. - no, you don't. - i would like to see you squeeze a little fun out of life. - look, son, for your information, i have a fine time in life. i enjoy it. and you and i are going hunting this weekend. do you understand that? - sure, dad, sure. - now get back down there and clean that basement. (audience laughter) kind of pitiful. - honey, i'm going hunting saturday. - well, well good. after all this trouble you need a little fun. - this isn't for fun. in fact, i don't even want to go, but it's an absolute must. i have to prove to bud once and for all
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well, try to prove something about me to him too. - don't worry, i will. he'll feel differently up in the hills and the trees, and if he doesn't i'll pound a little sense into that head of his. - good, want a croquet mallet? - maybe i better take one. no matter what comes up this weekend, nothing must stop me from taking that trip. - don't worry. i'll throw you out of the house and lock the door. - our standing as parents depends on it, yea, the whole institution of marriage. - you know what i heard? i heard that bud broke up with his girlfriend, jeannie. - well, that figures. now he thinks he's playing it smart. they're not going to trap me the way they trapped poor, old dad. - i've been listening to bud explain life to me, and i'll bet you anything that's where ralph's been getting his ridiculous ideas.. - you're right. i heard bud giving ralph a big fatherly talk. - why that meddling little -- oh, wait til i get my hands on him. - whoa, hold it. i'm going to handle this. i have an important date with that young man
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( laughter) - [margaret] jim, jim! oh, hurry, jim, the hot water heater's broken again. - oh, no. - jim! t know what happened. i thought that you fixed the water heater yesterday. - it's not the heater. it's this water pipe behind it. i knew this would happen. i should have gotten a length of pipe and fixed it right while i was at it. bud! bud, crawl under the house and turn off the water. - betty's trying to call a plumber, but so far -- - that's it, call a plumber. no matter what it costs. take me at least a half a day to do this job, and i can't do it now, not today of all days.
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- oh, golly, that's right. there must be one that's open. - you mean they're all out on jobs? yes, sir, i see. all right, thank you. well, that's the only shop that was open, and they were so busy that they can't send him out here until monday. - well, i guess that's that. i'll go down to the hardware store, and see if i can get what i need. - oh, okay. oh, i guess you'd better -- - put the camping gear away. oh, wait a minute dad. - what do you want now? - i know what a disappointment this is to you. so why don't you go hunting anyway. - no, i can't go. they can't go a weekend without water.
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maybe i can get claude's dad. - no. no, i don't want to go hunting alone. - i thought of that too. why don't you call your friend, wes coglund. he's a bachelor. he can go anywhere anytime. he's got it made. - no, i can't go. wait a minute. wes coglund. maybe that's a good idea. - sure it is. you just go and forget all this. at least you'll have this one weekend. - yeah, this one weekend. he can go you can drive me over to his apartment. we'll go in his car so your mother can have ours. - good. oh, and i'll kind of, you know, smooth things over with mom. - oh, to heck with her.
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transferring your gear from our car to his? - not yet. i want you to meet wes first. you'll like him. he's your kind of guy. - well, jim, i'm glad to see you, come in. - wes, this is my boy, bud. he was going along, but well something came up. - oh, that's too bad. i wish you were going bud. come on in. i'm just about ready. i sure was glad you called jim. - well, i never expected to find you in. i figured a footloose guy like you would have - oh, no. i don't go much anymore. i don't even hunt much anymore. it's no fun going alone you know? when i do get some ducks or pheasants, there's nobody to bring them home to. oh, don't get your hopes up about this. it's not hot coffee. it's milk. - milk? you? - yeah. well, the old stomach isn't what it used to be. it's the way i eat, i guess. you know i get sick of eating in restaurants
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- i'm sorry to hear that. i have some nice juicy steaks i was going to cook over an open fire. - oh, well that's different. it's okay when you got somebody to eat with. it's this eating alone that gets a fellow. well, i guess we got just about everything. oh, wait! my medicine. got to keep the old stomach machine working. - who's this gorgeous thing, wes? you been holding out on me? - oh, no. no, no, this is a girl i went with a wonderful girl. i don't know. i guess i was worried about getting involved or trapped or something. i don't know. biggest darn fool mistake i ever made. you know, funny thing, i guess i've got just about everything a man needs around here, but it doesn't mean anything,
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care about, care for. well, come on let's get going. - yeah. - i really shouldn't be going the shape i'm in. - i shouldn't be going either. i should be home fixing the plumbing. - plumbing? - all the connections in the back of the water heater are falling to pieces. - well, let's go over and fix it. - no, we're going hunting. - well, you can't leave your family in a fix like that. - well, bud said he'd -- - no, wait a minute, i'm serious. i don't get a chance to do that very often. i'd rather help you with the plumbing. - do you really mean that? - sure i do. - (laughs) well, all right then. i'll tell you what. i'll throw in one of margaret's home-cooked dinners. i guarantee that will make a well man of you. - oh, let's go. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, woah. where'd that piece come from? doesn't that fit on here?
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- here, let me get that for you mom. you women shouldn't have to do things like this. that's what us men are for. there you are, mom. - thank you, bud. (dialing phone) - hello, jeannie. i suppose you're all dated up for tonight, and probably don't want to see me anyway, but i sure would like to take you somewheres tonight. - it worked, wes. worked even better than i hoped it would thanks to you. that was a convincing act you put on at your apartment. - act?
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and you can have it. (audience applause) - robert young and jane wyatt (laughing) with elinor donahue, billy gray, and lauren chapin (playful music) - and that's where my new office building's going to be. right on that corner. - [bud] what are you going to call it, dad? the anderson building? (jim laughs) - (chuckles) no, it's not my building. the insurance company's putting it up, not me. i couldn't afford that. - [bud] why not, a little short this week? (audience laughs) (jim chuckles) - well now, that property's out near betty's college. shouldn't an office building be downtown?
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of parking space, ventilation, fresh air, and enough room. (opens door) those drafty, dingy cubicles we're in now, it's so crowded you get crushed every time you pull out a filing cabinet door. - well it sounds wonderful! what's this little black square on the very corner of the property? - oh, that's the one thing that's been holding up the deal. (shuts door) a fellow holds a lease on that building, he could've renewed it for another five years if he had made certain improvements, so his lease is now expiring. - well, will you have to tear that building down? - no, a good, stiff wind would blow it down. it's sort of a off campus coffee hangout for the college kids. - oh, i know the place, betty says they call it "the hovel." - the hovel? oh, dear. - well, the official name is hanno's place. actually it's a small monstrosity. (romantic music) - look, we can't just sit here, and let them move hanno out. - but how can we stop them? this lease looks awful legal.
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the one we want is the office that's trying to buy the property. - hanno, how many more days do you have? what's the deadline? - in the lease, it tells. a few days more, six, maybe ten. - oh, here's the date. your lease expires on the 20th. let's see, today's the 11th, wow, only nine more days, that doesn't give us much time. - that means we'll have to work that much faster. - hanno, how come you goofed on this provision here? - if you'd only put a new roof on, and modernized the front a little, meant to do it, just never got around to it. - for the last five years, you never got around to it? - well, time flies, you know? (audience laughs) - it's too late to worry about that now. we'll have to figure out another way of keeping hanno here. say hanno, may we borrow this lease for a bit? - the less i see of that, the more i don't care if i don't see it too much again. - we can show this to my father. i know he'll be able to figure out some way
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- hanno, i give you my pledge. you are going to stay right here for a long, long time. - good, i'm with you, viel glk! (joel speaks german) (audience laughs) (door jingles) - we want to discuss something very important with you, father. (door shuts) you know both ralph and joel. - sure, sure, sure. (boys greet him) i've seen their pictures on the post office walls. (audience laughs) - now, father, you believe in justice, don't you? - and you believe in loyalty to old friends and traditions. - and a man's right to run his business. - and not get shoved out in the street. - i'm with you so far. (pats) (audience laughs) - father, we're enlisting you to find out the name of a crass, heartless individual who's trying to pull the rug out from under a very good friend of ours. - get the dirty rat's name, and we'll write him a scorching letter. (audience laughs) - get a box of stationery for your birthday or something? - will you do it, father?
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- well, some miserable sneak. - yes. - is planning to put up an office building. - an office building. - right where our friend has his place of business. - and your friend's name is? - hanno. (audience laughs) - hanno batreul. - uh, look, did it ever occur to you there might be two sides to this matter? - oh no, it's obvious that some greedy welp neat pile for himself. (audience laughs) - how do you know, you don't even know him. - well it's obvious. - here's hanno's lease. maybe you can find some loophole in it. - well, betty. - [ralph] you got any ideas how we can throw a blockbuster at this land-grabbing gorilla? (audience laughs) - betty, could i talk to you alone for a moment? boys'll excuse us, won't you.
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- what's the matter? (jim shushes) (concerned music) - [betty] why this sinister mood? - well, i thought before our discussion concerning the land-grabbing gorilla went any further, you'd better know that the gorilla in question is-- - yes, well. (audience laughs) you! - well, not me personally. ny who's putting up the building. but it will be my new office's. - no, you're joking, aren't you? - no, i'm afraid not. - but, father, you can't do this! tell them to build some place else. - we've been hunting for a suitable site for two years. this is the first piece of property the company's ever approved. the papers are being drawn up now. - hanno's lease hasn't expired yet, read it.
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your friend hanno'll have plenty of opportunity to renew his lease. - yes, i know, but he never could afford to put on a new roof and all that. - he must be a pretty poor business man then. - so maybe he is, but he, father, don't you understand, if hanno moves out, the college might just well fold up. - oh, well, betty, that's-- - better they should burn down the administration building (audience laughs) than tear down the hovel. - well i don't believe it's that serious. besides, why can't he find another place? ramshackle thing he's in now. (audience laughs) - ramshackle? oh, no, no, it's a wonderful place. it's just right the way it is. it's oldness has meaning. and warmness and friendliness. and tradition, you feel all these things when you step inside. - betty you're just romanticizing now. - romantic-- father of all people, i thought you'd understand. - well i do see your point. - you know i gave hanno my pledge
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you should look into all sides-- - but i believe it was the right thing to do, and i still believe that. i'm giving you fair warning, father. i'm going to have to fight you. - well, if you believe in it, that's what you're going to have to do. (chuckles) but you might as well know now, the battle is already over. - maybe it is, maybe it isn't. we'll see. (audience laughs) (playful music) - hey what's talulah so hacked about? - i am? (audience laughs) - you remember what king lear said. i think it was lear. "o, how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is "to have a thankless child." (playful music) (audience laughs) - good to get that cleared up. (audience laughs) - [ralph] wait, let me get this straight. your father knows who the gorilla is, but you won't tell us?
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well, this just puts a different light on things. we'll have to figure out another approach. see, how many days have we left? - only nine days until the deadline. - nine. alright, ralph, find a contractor. find out how much it will cost to put a new roof on the hovel, and whatever else has to be done to meet the terms of the lease. joel, you're head of the fundraising committee. - betty, we only have nine days. - ok, so we have to make every second count! are you with me? - you're darn right. (audience laughs) (determined music) hi. - hi. - i talked to another contractor today, and he'll give us a better deal than any of the others. only 500 bucks. - wonderful. - he can do the whole job in two days, maybe less. - well now we're cooking! (jingles coins) - how much loot do we have? - well, not much more than we had yesterday. about 123 dollars, and the deadline's bearing down on us. - yea, well how much did joel turn in today? - he hasn't even shown up yet.
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(door jingles) (door shuts) - look what i got, kiddies. pennies from heaven. 65 ones. - 65, look joel, you're a doll! - all cheerfully donated, on threat of death by torture. - oh, that's beautiful, stop! by george, if we keep this up, we can make it, betty, we can beat the deadline! (gathering money) (audience laughs) - come on, johnny, cough up! - ralph, you know i'm 200% for hanno, (audience laughs) - [betty] don't you understand, they're going to tear the hovel down! - sweetie, i'd give hanno the shirt off my back! but, the only one i have is at the laundry. (audience laughs) (sad music) - well, that's it. only 272 dollars. we didn't do it. - we started out so good. and then nothing. - oh this may be the blackest day in the history of our school. - well, now, wait.
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that's when the lease expires, we'd have to have the work done before then. we'd have to have them working over on the job right now. - yea, that's right. poor old hanno. - where are we going to go when the hovel's gone? - who's going to tell hanno we failed him? - yea, i know i couldn't face him. (thoughtful music) i was the one that opened my big, fat mouth, and made the big pledge. - maybe you could write him a letter.
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would you say no to a lot more money? [excited scream] you just won a million dollars! no thanks. nice balloons, though! or no to more vacation days? janet, i'm giving you an extra week's vacation! oh, ah... nooo. what? no way. who says no to more? time warner cable's all about giving you more. like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day.
8:44 am
and don't forget the free tv app. get ultra-fast internet with secure home wifi to connect all your devices. saving on mobile data fees, helps big time. switch to time warner cable. for $89.99 a month you'll get free hd channels, 100 meg internet and unlimited calling to half the world. we can call aunt rose as much as we want now. switching is easy. get our exclusive 1-hour arrival window, a money-back guarantee with no contract to sign. plus get free installation, tv equiment and epix included. really?
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- i can't do it. - well, what's the matter with my beloved enemy? (audience laughs) - can't you guess? - the hovel fund failed? - the worst part of it is did all that you could. it was hanno who failed himself. - oh no it wasn't. - sure it was. i found out he does a good steady business. that he's always way behind in paying his bills. - ok, so he's no good at business, but, he's a wonderful person. now he's finished, and it's our fault. - betty, you mustn't take it so hard, dear. things usually work out the way they're supposed to.
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would go down there and tell hanno the horrible truth? - me, oh, no, i don't even know the man. - but you know how to tell people grim things without making them want to leap off a bridge. (audience laughs) well, after all, you caused all this. - betty, that's not true. and i think it's much too much to ask of your father. especially after the way you've treated him. - i guess you're right. what a calamity this is! what hanno and the hovel mean to us! - now, wait, i'm convinced it does mean a lot to you. why it does, i'm not quite sure. but, maybe i will go down there. i want to tell him that you didn't fail him. and i also want to explain to him that no one, the insurance company, me,
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and break the news to him, very gently. - why do i always fall heir to these happy jobs? (audience laughs) (door jingles) (cheerful music) (door jingles shut) - oh, no, hanno, i didn't order this. just coffee, i said. - yea, well, i guess the mistake is on me. (laughs) so, go ahead, eat. - no, no really, hanno, i'm not hungry. - eat, how do you expect to become a big, famous lawyer on an empty stomach?
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- and what's for you, sir? - oh, just coffee i guess, but mainly i want to talk to you hanno. i'm betty's father, betty anderson. - betty! that woman, oh she's the one. do you know, if it wasn't for that betty of yours, i would be in sad trouble. - yes, that's what i want to talk to you about. you see, - excuse me, hanno may i speak to you for a moment? excuse me please. (playful music) - i'll get it back to you next week for sure, hanno. - next month is ok.
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- ya, that betty of yours, she is so great, at finding a knothole in my lease, (audience laughs) so i don't have to move. - but hanno, the lease expires tomorrow. surely you don't think they can still do anything. time is up. - you don't know these scholars like i do. - [jim] but, hanno, - excuse me. sam, how did it go with the examination? - worse, i didn't pass it. (crying) all i can do now is, drop out. - oh no, quitting only forms the habit of quitting. we have to form the habit of fighting. walt whitman says, "never yield or falter."
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get through that head of yours. ask him to help, he will do it. that's why he's a professor. you tried it. (thoughtful music) excuse me, please. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car.
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with liberty mutual new car replacement?, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. make the switch to liberty mutual and see why we've been awarded highest in customer satisfaction by j.d. power. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you?.
8:53 am
as they do about you. but, all that does is just make my task harder. hanno, i'm going to be blunt.
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kept you here. - yea, it's so. - and i can see why. you give everything away, food, money, advice. - oh, no, if i give anything, it comes back a hundredfold. in memories, in their successes, and on top of all of that, they are educating me! look, walt whitman, thoreau, and look here, these are all like my own children. these scholars. - yes, but hanno. - i see them come, i see them begin to scratch their brains. i see them leave, and become people.
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- hanno, i understand all that, but. - this one just got married. this one is in the state assembly. this one is a doctor, and they all sat here, in these chairs, at these tables. each one left a little part of himself here in this room, in these walls. - hanno, this is, all well and good. but the facts of the case-- (door jingles) - [man at door] hanno! - old richie, he was one of mine! - hanno, my son tells me they're trying to move you out of here, is that true? - well, they say. - some kind of an office building going in, is that right? - i didn't know i would have to move, but now they say the deadline is coming.
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ver do a nickel's worth of business with any of the alumni, you can bank on that. - [hanno] well, i just don't know, i just don't know. - excuse me, hanno. don't start packing up, yet. just tell me where the nearest telegraph office is. - telegraph office? - there's one two blocks down. - thank you. - now, hanno, don't you worry, nobody's going to move you out of here. (door shuts) i'll get the alumni together. - go on, read it, it's a copy of the telegram i just now sent to my insurance company. - have discovered serious drawbacks to our building site. will explain in letter to follow. suggest we abandon site, and continue search for more suitable location, father! did you really send that? - yep, i called carter, the real estate man too. when i told him the deal was off, he thought i had rocks in my head. (chuckles) saving the hovel didn't seem very important to him. - jim, why did you do it? - well, i learned a lot down there. i'm still for progress, but there are values
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(picks up phone) hello. yes, carter. what? uh oh, i hadn't figured on that. no, no that doesn't change my mind. we still don't want the property. no that's definite, carter. ok. (hangs up phone) how do you like that? hanno's going to be moved out anyway! - [betty] what? - well the owner's going to sell the property whether we buy it or not. the only way he can sell it is to get hanno out of there. - oh, no! ade those improvements on the building. - yea. that's the only thing that could've saved him. - why oh why did we fail him? - let's see, the deadline is midnight tomorrow. betty, how much money did you kids raise? - not even 300, just barely enough to buy the materials. a contractor wanted to buy-- - well, wouldn't do any good
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? - then get on the phone and start calling them, go on. - ok. - tell them to wear their old clothes. if they have any of those study lamps, bring those along too. and lots of extension cords. come on, honey, i'm going to need you. - [margaret] but jim, what are you doing? - hello, ralph, would you get a hold of 10 kids, will you, and tell them to call 10 more. (construction sounds) - hey, it's beginning to look like a roof! what do you think boss, think we'll beat the deadline? - we will, if we can keep up this current pace! i'm beginning to get hungry again. (shouts of agreement) think i'll go down, and see what's holding up the food. hey, how about some more of those hot dogs! - more hot dogs, get them there, boss, coming right up! more hot dogs! - more hot dogs! - more hot dogs! - coming, coming, ya, ya! - (sings in german) hot dogs! - (sings in german) hot dogs! - (sings in german) donuts!
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- hot dogs, donuts! - hot dogs, donuts! - hot dogs, donuts! - [whole group] hot dogs, donuts, hot dogs donuts! (audience laughs) (group chanting "hot dogs, donuts" on roof) - to think all this was nearly destroyed. ok crew, don't waste a lot of time eating!
9:00 am
narrator: today, on animal atlas... we'll run away with the antelope, chase with the cheetah. and play catch with the lions. it's all coming up now on animal atlas. welcome to animal atlas. come with us around the globe and explore the animal world. ngle animals. and desert creatures. we'll meet wildlife on the savannah. and see our underwater friends. and animals from the arctic circle. anywhere, everywhere animals live.


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