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tv   North Carolina News at 430AM  CBS  November 28, 2016 4:30am-4:59am EST

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- hitchcock: good evening, and welcome to alfred hitchcock presents. thank you. see you next year. we thought you'd like to see this. so many of you have expressed an interest in knowing how i was paid. now i
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diet. tonight's play is about a body not mine. however, the title is: john brown's body. since john brown's body is not quite long enough to fill the entire half hour, we have sublet this next minute to a certain party with a passion for notoriety. i'm not sure what they plan to do with their time, but it might
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[music] - in my opinion, john, this is the type of furniture we should be making. - remarkable. what is it? - it's a chair, made out of a wrought iron and plastic. it's the latest modern design. - that's a copy of a new swedish reversible sofa. - hmm, does a set of instructions go with them? i'd be afraid to get into that thing. - unfortunately, john, our customers are not quite so old- fashioned. the public is demanding modern furniture now. take this sofa , - my boy, that is not a sofa. that is a sofa. constructed, not turned out. quality, my boy, that's what we are selling. - people are looking for something new. we've got to give it to them. - chairs made out of scrap
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brown and company. - we'd get new customers with a line of modern furniture. - now harold, our sales are fine. we're making money. we'll end the year with our usual nice profit. - we could triple our profits. - and we could go bankrupt. - so you won't even consider it? - i'm afraid the answer is no. - but listen, john, if you'd just - hello oh, did i interrupt anything? - no, no, my dear, we've finished. - how are you, harold? - hello, mrs. brown. - you didn't tell me you were coming into town today. - well, i thought it would be you can take me to lunch. - i'm afraid i have an appointment. if you'd have mentioned it this morning - well, then it wouldn't have been a surprise. - i am afraid i can't stand many more surprises today. maybe harold will volunteer to take you to lunch. - well, i am sure harold has his own plans, dear. - nothing important, mrs. brown, i'd be happy to volunteer. - but you do have an appointment. - i'll change it. it's no problem for a junior partner.
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- [speaking french] - yes. it must have been a girl. - pardon? - [speaking french] - yes. - your lunch date. it was with a girl, wasn't it? - as a matter of fact, yes, it was. - [speaking french] - oui. - now i'm going to spoil your fun. how dreadful of me. - don't tease the animals, mrs. n, - my, we're in a bad mood. - [speaking french] - nothing for me, thank you. - why were you in john glaring at each other when i came in? - i told him our product was 20 years out of style. - a lot of people still buy it. - three times as many would buy furniture like this. - what's that? - sketches of a new line of
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- may i look? - you can have them. - are these your own ideas? - well, some of them. i had a designer working on it. - why, i think they're awfully good. i really do. - well, thanks. how about our going into partnership? or do we have to ask john's permission? - he's a charter member. him? - i never interfere in his business. - but you just got a share of it now. you just became a partner. are you as conservative as your husband, mrs. brown? - no wonder my husband thinks your ideas are too advanced. - i just meant we could make a lot of money. - well, now you're angry again. you sorry john made you take me to lunch. - i wasn't drafted, i volunteered. - i shouldn't tease you. your sketches are wonderful and most women would like to make a
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it. - that's a low blow. i'm very fond of john. - i'm sure you are. [knocking] - good evening, mister skinner. - hello, ellen, i'm a little early so if mister brown hasn't finished his dinner - well, he's not here. he left for philadelphia late this afternoon. supposed to meet him here to go over some statements. - would you like to speak to mrs. brown? - oh, no, no, no, don't disturb her. i'll just leave these with you - what is it, ellen? - it's mister skinner, ma'am. - harold. what a surprise. you're just in time for dinner. - oh, no thanks. - well, i owe you a meal. remember, you bought my lunch a few weeks ago under pressure. - well, thanks, i've eaten. i had an appointment with john, but he seems to have forgotten
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imagine john getting his appointments so mixed up. your act was absolutely priceless. - darling - hmm? - what are we going to do it about john? - do you have to worry about that now? - well, let's face it. we are running out of ways to meet. we will be suspicious. and if i take you to lunch once more, john's going to start asking questions. - yes, i know. - have you talked to him about bringing out the new line of modern stuff? - he won't discuss it. - i've got to find some way to make money. why doesn't he just retire and let me run the business.
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life and he's still in his prime, except for his absent mindedness about appointments. - you know, i think you've got something. - what do you mean? - the old boy's losing his grip, he doesn't know what he's doing. when you can't remember business matters, it's time to retire. - john's got a memory like a file cabinet. he never forgot anything in his life. - ellen thinks he forgot about my appointment, doesn't she? had an appointment. - i know it. but does john? don't you get it? he prides himself on his memory. if we can convince him that he's getting forgetful, then will be able - [laughs] he'd be a nervous wreck in no time. oh, what a horrible thought. - it was only an idea. - i think it's a wonderful, horrible idea.
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[buzzer] - something i can do? - something you should have done three weeks ago. why haven't the contracts been sent to the credit people? - just waiting for you to sign them? - what are you talking about? i signed them a month ago. - i'm sorry, john, they are still in your drawer unsigned. - [scoffs] now i know very well that these. why didn't you remind me? - i did remind you, several times. and there's at least three memos on your spike.
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immediately, and attach a letter of apology. - certainly. - well, what is it? - i hate to mention this, but the safe was open again this morning. - i distinctly remember locking it last night. - no, i checked it. there's nothing missing, it wasn't a burglar. - then it was somebody in the office. - john, you are the only one who has the combination. - well, good evening, ellen. - good evening, sir. - i lost my keys. - well, you left them on the table this morning, sir. - here's john now. - i was sure i put them in my
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early. - good evening, john. - oh, hello, sam, i was so busy i didn't notice the time. - are you working too hard? - oh, no. i don't know perhaps a little. - dear, why don't you go up and change so we can have dinner. - well, that's a good idea. i'll wash and then we'll eat. oh, will you stay for dinner, sam? - well, i i was. thank you john. - that will be nice. - didn't you tell him i was coming to dinner? - doctor, it was his idea to invite you tonight. i reminded him just this morning. - i can hardly believe it. why, his memory is phenomenal. how long has he been like this? - it's been months. i kept trying to get him to see you, but he wouldn't. i begged him to take it easy, retire, but he just goes into a rage. what's wrong with him, doctor? - well, it certainly can't be anything physical. i gave him a thorough checkup only a few
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having a specialist examine him? - a specialist? well, what do you mean? - i mean a psychiatrist. - you don't think he's - now, now, now, don't jump to conclusions. it may be nothing more than just mental fatigue. but i do think you should take him to see doctor croatman as soon as possible. now, there, there, there. [knocking] - good morning. - if doctor hilke thinks i'm himself? why does he slough me off on a strange doctor? - sam thinks is best, or he wouldn't have suggested it. - mister brown. - yes. - doctor croatman will see you immediately. - may i use the phone, please? - certainly. - how do you do, mister brown? i'm doctor croatman. won't you sit down? i want to have a little talk. - there's nothing to talk about. if you want me to take some medicine, give me the prescription, let me get out of here. - i don't prescribe medicine, mister brown.
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- just what kind of a doctor are you? - oh, hello, harold. i'm afraid john won't be able to come to the office today. i've had to bring him to see a doctor. - oh, really? what's the matter with him? - well, we won't know until doctor croatman completes his examination. will you be able to have to take a long rest? - if it's long enough, i'll have this business cleaning money. - that's what i thought. - let me out of here! stand away - all we can hope is that the doctor finds nothing wrong. - he thinks i'm insane! i have nothing wrong with me, i'm getting out of here! - doctor - mrs. brown. - is he ? - [sighs] you saw for yourself. your husband needs help. i advise you to place him in a rest home as soon as possible.
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can't talk to you now. it seems that john is much worse than i thought. - sure, i heard. he's mad as a hatter.
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