tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW May 25, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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in the bottom of the 9th tonsú win that game 10-9-over the reds. nowere is jennifer gilbt nd jeff barnd with the "late edition". >> s was shhved or pushed. >> more bullying insidof a school. got from school leaders and how much icould now cost them. >> spe cameras inheecity. how baltimore is taking technology one step further >> new fee to fly. airlines that archarging you more, and the only da this summer, when you will gt a break. >> we haa a little slibut no -- maybb a few ters but no blood. >> a limbing the monument. wha naval academy tradition was ovee an donwith in near recortime this year. live in high definition, rom
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wbff tv innbaltimore, this is fox 45 news "latedition". >> hello, i am jeff barnd. >> and iam jniffe giibert. new portable speed cameras, they neighborhoods. keiih daniels live in northeast baltimore wher the cameras have started snapping citations tonight keiih? >> they are putting nem in school zones this is old harford road at hamilton elementary middle scool. transportation officials put one of the four portable ccmeras in in act, crews are here nowat this hour colleing today's data. of course these guys cannot talk to us. but we do know at they are collecting data. they will ke it back to hom and then, of course, they will download all of that information contacted. officials call this area, a hot spot with excessive speeddng. for now, all the portable cameras aen northeast baltime. they will stay in the area. for about a week beore, being
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ved, to other targeted trouble wi fast cars and school zes are waiting. >> i mean, there ae cars coming by aal the ii not really obeying the speed limits. >> now, we ae back err live agaan. where crews have shown up. they have showed up heree anthey are collecting this data. today's data, that will go back ú% home base.3 tickets from the portable cameras are $40 withno points on your license. just like the regular cameras live in northeast baltore. keith daniels, fox 45 news "latt edion". >> thank youkeith. >> baltimore city may et a plan to enact 4-cent fee onmost beverage containers of wter, the plan would generate more mayor's office sid without it, hundreds of city workers wld be laid off. but oft drink companies as expect oppose the tax. councivoted tonht to hold
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the bill for a few more weeks o try to figur out the revenu. shoved down steps and bllying >> khleen cairns has more on the story you are seeing first on fox. >> it is a $600,000 lawsuit against the county board of educatn, and school administratorss and it alleges the school system failed to intain a safe environment for the 13-year-old girl. the th grader at franklin middle school in reisterstown said she was bullied every day. and it escalated when she was pushed down a fligh of stairs and broke her foot. her mother said school administratorsignored herpleas for help. now a lawsuit has been filee. mmccele bnbow said school officcals should have protect her ughter fm the verbal and physical abuse. embarrassed.ared and red of all the anxty and stress and nme calling. suppos to be a afe environment for your child.
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you know, they don't eed to be called namess >> the victim of bulying is now at home, hoping to be transferred elsewhere. ficials with the ounty say ttey willnot comment on any pending litigation. kathleen cairns, fox 45 news >> the fate of slots at arundel mills all is the focus of a legal battle unolding today in court. as john rydell reports. arundel county judge is hearing arguments on whether a petition to block slots should be thrown out. >> arundel miils is one of maryland's biggest attractions. bua citizen group said it is place for slot machines. >> it is just appropriate ple, forget the traffic. it is a family self described familyyfriendly maul. >>so rob was azoning law allowing slots at the mall overtned. and he other opponentscollected more than enough valid signatures to put the issue on th november ballot. but cordish company has filed suit. it claims the referendum being funded by the maryland
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jockey club that still hopo put slots at laurel park. suit said the ockey club paid a private company to hlp collect most of the signatures. and the cunty election board overloed fraudn that tition drive. >> we have massive evidence of people bei told that they were signing tition for slots. as opposed to repealing a specificzoning siiply attorneys for the maryland jocke club and be citizen oup opposing slots at arundel mills are firing back. >> their wholecase isbuilt on smoke and mirrors nd extrapolations and innuendo. fas are not there. %-expe this case will ultimately be deced by marand' court after peels. but the cordish company officials say furthe delays will not only cost teir com money but tate taxpayers cigarette state of maryland loses over $1.1 miiln a day, for the educction trust fund, for every day that this issue is
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being delayed. >> rob ansel lee said voters should have the final sa. >> the opportunity to ptition ouldot be at the ce of the democratic process. >> in annapol,,john rydell, fox 45 news "late edition". >> well, baltimore buuiness icon has died. >> raymonddhastebe senior passed away, he was best known for his 40 plu years running the park sausage company. under his eadership it beccme one of the largest black owned businesses in the count. he was also one of the toughski urban league and tonight mayor sthanie rawlings-blake cald his death the end of an era. >> in tonht's nees you need to know. 0 new techers are headed for some baltime schools. they are coming tt baltimore urtesy of teach for america. now teach for america places some 450 recent college graduates in rural and intercity
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school systems, nationwide. and college park illmake its campus more pedestria friendll this summer. school closi part of the main campus tow ccrsnd trucks. only pedestrians, bikers and campus shuttles allowed btween m circle and coal field house, restrictions i place from ne 19 through ugust 13. today. lttle ccoudy out there but the sun came out before setting. >> not too bad. chief meorologist vytas reid is here to tell us if we have more sunshine toorrow. vytas? and temperatures were nice. and th will warm up quite a bit through the nextfew days. on hd radar. neighborhood.ew sprinkles in the but for the most part. seeing a few broken clouds. and back northwest, we are seeing clearing take place. and continue to see that thugh the overnight. 71 in hagerstown. 68 in harrisburg. over in salisbu, looking at 62 degrees. and for tomorrow, it looks ke on t next day planner, some clearing out there. that wilta place. d by lunch time, around the
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mi o upper 70s. we coo brush into the lower 80s by the ater afternoon houus. and will continue to see that deeailed look at the rest of the coming up. >> tha you, vytas. >> nnual naval tradition is less messy this year. >> the goal here for the plebe class to work tother to get one person to thetop of the 21-foot tall herndon monumen to remove the plebe ap. usually itas been eased in years past. but because of ety reasons theyen without the slippery sstance this year. in fac there is talk they may ú% away complete with the tradition altogether.3 >> thelard is missing. i think, it s kind of aost plebes.downer for a lot of the >> tradition is saare that's the thing in one word. >> te winner kegan alby madit
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inwo mutes and 5 seconds. he said hh would raaher have had e grsed up monument. still ahead.eak in the gulf. the chances that it isstill actually will work. top of th largest mountain on the globe. what he hopes it will inspire other childr to do. as the "late edition" continues. >> god news >> the debate over rizona's
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immigration law comes o baltimore. surrounded by other members of city council. sharon reen middleton announced a reolutn to oppose the arizona lw, designed tt stop illegal imigrant >> i feel tts type of possibility for raciale profiling. >> black use in baltimore city have an unemployment rate of 49 percent among unskillld labor. who do y think is taking the jo? so for a black elcted official, to come out a say se wants to3 protecthe city,no, she is part of the problem. >> middleton said she has the support of several groups. >> u.s. commer secretary declares a fishi disaster in the stat of alabama, louisiana and mississippi because of the oil spill i the gulf.
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jonaan hunt explains epa weighs in on the lev of contamination down there. >> it is bein more than a month andthe oil coninues to spew. >> m ovrall reaction was piur really do not convey it.ú >> tte epa is telling bp o scale back the amount f chemicals it is using to breakup surface oil n the gulf. the mppny's deadline to stop using a chhmical called corect it 9500 past uny epa wants the oil company to focus clean upelow the surface. where testing sows sub seed the no harm on >> they use a lot les,when they do it. down there. than hen they do when they >> bp said it does not have a uptter lteenative for the clean as far as shutting downtown le, bp rcing against time launch a to kill operatiin.
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cre.he broken well spewing >> right now, we're -- our forecast has that hapening morning.g on ednesday >> in washington, congress is prepaaing t quadruple attacks on oil topay for futur spill clean ps. that's 32 cents on every barrel. and the presidentis promising to help those affected. >> we are going to be tirelessly in working to do everything ww n to support tecommmnity and everybody's livihood affected in the region. >> this is gulf residents srvey the damage. >> it is already in the marsh. -his s oil. %-clean up costs, p agrees to y $500 million for a long-term impact study of the ntamination in th gulf. in new york, onathan hunt, fox news. baltimore businessma said he %-in the gulf.x for the problem ceo of chesapeakespecialty products showcad what he said could stop the leak. his invention calls for tons of
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gran laeed sign and steel particles to be quickly orced down a pipe. then combined with a petroleum epoxy before it hitthe ell. the end result is a product tougher han cment. material ready to go.f it s sitting right here now. it could be at the gulf in two days. >> tstechnique has already been submited to bp and te federal government for tonight if ty plan on using . >> if you are plainga summer vacation and you nd to fly get ready to pay more. ammrican, delta, continental, uniteed and .s. aiiwaysall adding summetravel fees. the fees will range btween 10 and $30a flight. 73 out of the days on the summer schedule will bee3 affected. only day that is not is4th of july. now iffyouarerying to avoid those father, try jet be or southwt. so f they are not imposing thee3
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eetra fees. >> amerin teenager kee it to the top of the world tallest mountain. youngest to do so. 13-year-old jordan's climbing team. shows them on e top. he has been climbing sinc the e of nine. will encourage other children to be more active as well. >> >> jordan broke the ecord recent held by a 16-year-old. next on the list,,is to climb one of the tallest mountains i antarctica. we have gooo weather coming our way. >> go to chief meteorologist vytas reid with the latest. vytas? beautiful day today.
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start out th fog. and then cleared off. few puffy clouds out ere through the fternoon hoors. looking at beautif cumulus cloudss rit now mostly cloudy skies at th airport. but several breaks across the ea. allowing for the stars toshhw through looking at 70 downtn. aad our humidity evels atthree. 83 ercent. and as far as the temperatures across the state. we could see that we have 70 degrees in d. 70 in baltiiore over in dover, 3 degrees. and 63 in salisbbry. and a little cooler out there on the western edge of the mountains. and grrett county sitting at 59. and our winds are star to shift. coming out of the sutheast. and will continue to see a southerly flow. and that helps our temperatures crease over the next feways. an that will be the bii changing force as we tart to -ead into the middle of the3 week. those temperatures wl warm up quite a bit. in fact, looking at the warm weather 73 in chicago. 74 indianapolis. where the ighs were in the chicago almost 90 together.
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so there was warm air out there3 that air will continue to shift from t midwest into our aea, as we go trough the nexttcouple of days. soul see a jump in the temperatures down the road here. few high thin clouds south of us. but you can see to the north. clearrski. continue tt enjoy clearing building in. as the showers stay to the southern porttons of virginia associated with an ar of low pressure. over the atlantic. watching that. becae there was a chance for that to become our fit tropical epression. first named storm potenally. but it looks like thechance lessed from 3percent chance from te national hurricane center to 2percent chance. but it doesn't take it totally out of the books. watch for thht as we go through the next couple of days.ú looking at the futtre scan. looks like plenty of sunshine r tomorww mostly clear skies. a chance for the next sprinkle across the area. late weddesday potentially. aad then a chance for showers down the road. looking a tonight. okinggat 67 degrees. clear skies developing for tomorroww 81 degrees.shi. and then your five-day orecast shows 89 on wednesday with a
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chance of late showers. 88 thrssay with rain potentially aaout 30 percent chce for thursday an friday t saturday. fabulo weekend ahead. >> no shoes required. still ahead. onnthe "late edion". wh musicians were performing barefoot at one symphony in the state of georgia. state of georgia. >> and ravens fl ♪ hey, look, it's grandma! oh, she's early. no...on the counter. female announcer ] art projects in the kitchen? bring . i think you forgot her glasses. [ both ggling ] [ doorbell rings ] [ female annouer ] trust new bounty the bounty with a little extra softness. in this lab te, new bounty extra soft
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>> get is. a symphony innatlanta georgia.3 >> ♪ . >> lite leonhard bernstein there. teens withthe orchestra wnted to do more than wow auiences wwth their westsidestory music. so they started to ask everyone coming to their performancc to donate shoes that would be given to families les forrunate. get psyched p for the ncert teens rehearsed barefoot. we don't want this to b a fun at we are picking we want to show we are hhng compassion. we understand the struggle.
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and we want to experience it. >> by the ed of the performance 100 boxes filled with 2000 >> well, eldly california woman is taking her life ruth shis is not taking old e lying down. 80-year-old went sky diving.3 now besides the thrill of the drop ru got butterflies being in tte arm of her young istructor. but she sad the dive has ben a long time coming. day off for th orioles, and they culd surely use one. after losing the weekend series to the nationals, they have now lost seven out of th last nine. and with the dayo speculioos run rampant about roster moves, manager yell ange,e cetera. as of this hour nothing to report. the pitching statute koji eemsin headed to the dl but this guy said he would be okay.
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simon inured his hamstring covering first on this play. he heard a pop. and also said he should be out a cole of days. birds better hope he stays off theedl. closer gonzales an johnson are both on the list. >> manwhile urhar rasú examined by dr. wilkens and will be tomorrow. as of right now no mri is scheduled. forearm condition. one ttat routinely sends pihers to the df he gee ther will mark the fourth stayy3 signed a two years, 0 million contract prior to last season. birdthis season. made just 18 since joining the o's.ú koji said he fels terrible. >> acros town. ravens open anoer mini camp or ata. and 1 member of the new ffense is doing campaigning. fullback mcclain wants more uches. rans leading rusher two seasons ago,he moved back into a more raditional fullback role last season and helped ri rush
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for 1300 yards. now he has a twitter campaign that suggests he wantt more carries. it saihe is not jokinggand he wan tooplay running back and wants a new contract. and that's why he has not igned hi $2.31 million round restricted tender. cornerback washington is onls. track to be ac on time. his season was cut shorttby a knee injury last year. and today he met wi faed sports doctor andrews don n birmingham. and heaid washington is recovering nicely from thetorn acl. and should be ready in tie for training camp. good news in spades for the ravens. last weekw sawwee wh is coming off acl tear, rn, back pedal and cut during ota. keep your fingers crss. ravens back on the field for day two f otatomorrow. back to you. >> well ge excited. gleeis back for a third season. >> that' a big deal.
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fooecast. r tomorrow. maybe little patchy fog. and burns off quickly. allowing us to see lentt of sunshine in the peanut paste afternoon. 81. 89 wednesday. late shower possible. and thuday and friday 80 remaining with30 percent chance -or showerssand thunderms. but then by saturday, sunday, memorial ay,lloking a pley sunshine. with temperatures in the lower 80s. all right. thank you, vytas. thaak you for joining us.
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