tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 1, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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it has been raining off-and-on for almost 24 hours now. >> the remains of tropical storm nicole will bring us more offthe trouble overnight. >> chief meteorologist vytas reid will join us in a few minutes with a lookkat the jaw droppinggtotals n some places and how much more rain we will get tonight. >> our ttam of reporters has been wading through the waters all day long. karen parks is in fell's point where the biggest conceen is the rising wattr. >> but we begin tonight with keith daniels in bowleys quarters in baltimore county. floodinn frequently hits that community. keith, what is happening now? >>well, jeff the waters, of course, falling. heavy now. at times. we have been in owleys quarters for nearly five hours. and the water has been falling -- or rain falling, sinne that time. look how deep the water is in3 ttis ssot. coming up almost to my knee. if you look over heee, you can see the orange barriers. police have closed this street. now high water is coverings.
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several roads here in booleys quarters. and some drivers are still bravely pushing forward. people are dealing with flood conditions here after sseady rains. and the tidal surge from the we caught uppwith one man where the water from the bay at his peer is creeping up to the back door. but tonight he is taking it in stride. >> when you haae llved down here all of your life. and ou havv seen, i don't know3 dozens of these. you know, you just get up the next day and get out the rake, you just gg on with life. >> now, we are back here live again where they have shut down the street because of the high water. we have still seen cars coming anddgoing here..3 but as the night moves forward. and goes on. thht will probably stop.. this water is simply going to be too deep forrthe carss and also police are telling us that there is a shuttle running at the wal-mart on carroll eye3 planned to those people that may want to seek shelter.
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-t the essex senior center. live in bowleys quarters. keith daniels, fox 45 news "late edition".ú -> ttank you, keith. >> from mount wassington to fell's point. the rainnshut down streets and businesses. karen parks is live in fell's %-a big threat is stl hi karen. >> hat's right jennifer. you know, we have seen a few people walking around here ssnce the 10:00 live shot. as you mentioned, not only is it raaning but it had started to rain a lot harder..3 now, look beeind me. we are herr along sang street where it has been shht down. now, this is why. you have about 2 feet of water making it impossible to drive through. and even angerous to walk ú%rough. neighbors here in fell's point arr worried that their basements might ffood. earlier today, garages offered free parkkng, while other cars had to be towed. several streets are shut down because of flooding.
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and neighbors are afraid it could get worse. ú% it looks like it is going to get worse. i heard it will be high tide in tte middle of the night. so, i think, thhs is not as bad as it is going to get yet. idea how bad the floodiig is out here.úú%look at the tow truck ts looking like it is stuck here. in the water. he cannot move. is about to move. here comes another tow truck but these streets are flooding. they are dangerous, do not try to travel through them. no word on whennthe streets will reopen. reporting live here, in fell's point. %->> seeing the silhouette of karee there, barely. oneelook at the radar, you can see the big problem. >> rain keeps getting pushed at ú%. chief meteorologist vytas reidú joins us now. vytas how much rain have we gotten so far and we are not done with it yet.
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so howwmuch? >> 2 inches some places to as much as 14 to 17 inches in other places, harford couuty. flash flood warnings across baltimoreecity, dc,,annapolis, folks you have to remember, if yoo cannot engage the depth of how much deep the water is, on a -oadway, do not try to pass through it. because you could run intt problems, stall out your car and be stuck. you could be washed away, especially near rushing water. it could be a danger. -ith flash flooding warninn. looking at radar. yellow and orange shows decent steady rainfall all across baltimore city. towson, fallston, aberdine. heavy rain coming down. zoominn out here. annapolis, it is still coming up from the south. so we have a lot of activity to deal w now there is one good sign here. north of richmond. that is where the back edge of the area of low pressure is ssill on the front edge of it, eastern shore, still rain. but start to see this wrrp up.
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but still more heavy rain to deal with for the next few %-i have a clooer look at when e storm will actually exit tte area and how much came down in a bit. >> all right, vytas, thank you. shop owners in the statt capitol spent today sandbagging, as you streees and sidewalks morphed arundel county residents endured flooding and a tornndo warning. joel d. smith went to bayside beach where even the hard scrabble veterans of major storms like this, said this one was different. >> bayside bbach lies a stone throw from the chesapeake bay. but on days like this, when the rain is coming down so hard it looks like it is raining up.ú bay is close. >> not so much the rainnbuttwhen the water comes up high tide. %-will not go down.e rain, water >> around it corner, of, yes, lake drive. the big rain traditionally resultssin 2 to 3 feet of
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standing water. >> no, no panic. >> homeowners go through the >> well, jet ski, pull in the chairs. do not drive through it. >> people around here, say this3 is really not that bizarre. on thhs road. you go about a mile the other way. you get a ddfferent story. >> iiwas worried some of it. >> this waa the only road that gets hundredd of peopleeto and from their waterfront homes. water this high this fast. baa news. >> this is the second time in 20 years i have seen it like this. with isabel. it was this bad. water was definitely rising, in the creek, because i have a3 boat. and a pier. not high tide and i am worried about what it would be like and it is scary. >> closing roads is the only option ssmetimes. and the signs go up fast. but winn does not caree knocking over some in minutes. ressdents in arundel county. even have to wait out a tornado
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warning. most stay inside. ú%eking dryer ground, or dryer but out here, it all comes with the erritory. >> that's what you put up withú for the view. >> in arundel county. joel d. smith, fox 45 news. >> and lots of viewers have been sending in pictures oo the storm ddmage today. aad keep them coming. >> here is one. folks decidee to stroll down a flooding pulaski highway. wet walk beats a water filled car.3 >> tree fell on this home on willow brook drive in pasadena. neighbor took the pick. and said fortunately the woman inside was not hurt. you can send your pictures directly frommyour cell phone it to >> the situation of ccurse will change overnight. that's what vytas said. so step up with morning news. get theelatest forecast, and any road closing nd detours on morning news. that innormation is made available all of the time, on
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the fox 45 news ticcer.ú and tte fox 45 smart phone apps. fox 45 morniig news begins at 5 a.m. developing story out f the police department tonight in the city. uncover drug unit is disbandee wwile investigators probe charges of misconduct. tonight jeff abell shows us what led to the action. >> it is a whole lot of stuff i worry about. >> in forest park, there is a drug problem that is too threatening to discuss. >> actually, it don't. >> but over the weekend, there %-one could seemmto avoid.hat no >> someone shot him. >> amid the violence in the misconduct.omes questions of and undercover drug unit based district is now under investigation. the unit, sixxofficers typically investigate drug crimes in tte community. but now, investigators want to know why officers were using a
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stone license plate on anú unmarked city vehicle. >> mainly where did they get the plate frrm. taken out of an evidence room? taken off a vehicce. was it usee from a tooed vehicle. more important why?ú whyywould we take a citizen's license plate and put it on a police car. >> while police probe police, they hhve isbanded the drug unit and suspended an officerr3 and a supervisor. in the neighborhood, plagued by drugs and deaths. there is now concern. >> now it will get worse. it will get worse. >> police insisttthey wiil seed other officers to this ú%mmunity. the neighborhood they promise, won't be ignored. jeff abell, fox 45 news "late >> and unrelated incident.3 another officer has been suspenddd from the force. officer cody taylor that is member of a special violent crimes unit was suspended last week. he issaccused of failing an integrity sting. tte department typically uses those tings to catch officer that is ppcket drugs or money.
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>> e-mails and a job's report. what republican leaders think the o'malley administration might have been trying to cover up. ú% i am pleased to announce the consumers will soon begin to see mcneil products back on the shelves. >> cold edication bbck on the market after 200,000,000 were recalled by johnson & johnson. but first, a grilling on capitol hill. -ow that ccmpany tried to deal ú%th defective medications and them from deceiving the ppblic ever again. >> and more of your wwcked weather snapshots. and chief meteorologist vytas reid joins us right after the for a look at the
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>> tte rain continuing tonight. and the scenes hype us have become familiar to just about ú%erybody today. >> rivers rise. businesses under water. driiers trying to brave the deep ú%ters. here is chief meteorologist vytts reid to tell us whennthe storr will ever move out. >> yeah, it has been amazing rainfall coming down. and very ferocious pace as we
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have gone through the last several hours.ú saw the first round of this stormy weather earlier in the morning. ii picked up and gave us aa3 break. and now seeing the second round %-out of the soutt.the moisturep h.d. radar composite shows heavy to moderate rainfall building up and maybe heavier, as the low gets closer. because that helps toolift the atmosphere and creates3 instability. so you can see the orange, and reds evee popping up. west offsome of the suburbs of dc and sterling virginia nd that could be the case in several hours here.3e next so zooming out thh picture here. good thing, out of this picture. as you see, low pressure sittinn southhhere. 95. it is wrapping around that moisture from the atlantic. so along the coastal regions..3 it wwll be probably heavy rain. continue to ppsh and shovel the moistuue p toward us. but back south. you can see breaks in the precipitation. just south of richmond.ú
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we still have a chance for mayye wraparound activity through the late, late overnight hours to early parts of tomorrow morning. so we have to still be aware of that. talking about how much ain we have seen. around the area. anywhere from an inch and a half to 2 inches.%some ppaces as muu. looking at other areas that had as much rain up to tte northeast of us, in harford couuty. as much as 14 to 17 inchee in spots..3 this is adar indicated. showing the potential of how much rainfall has come doon.ú county. - inches down to six in some spots. so a lottof rainn and ww are already ddmping more rain on top of ttat. so it will be a problem for %-this time.flood warnings at as we cootinue to see the rain piling up on itself. it will continue to track througg the northeast. that line of the storm where the red is indicating. flash flood warnings. ú%dicating flood warnings currently in parts of new york state and into pennsyyvania. low will continne to track up along the eastern seaboard.
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here is the timing of the storm it looks like we will continue to see it pull to the north. wrrparound early in the morning. but start to break the clouds by mid-morning. afternoonn -tart to get the sunshine in play. sun back. and towwrd the rest of the weekend things will clear up as well. tonight heavy rain. 67 degrees for tomorrow. maybe a morninggshhwer. quickly. 74. and then weekend looks fabulous with cooling conditions and dry conditions. back to you. >> all right. %-school delay for tomorrow.s harford county schools open two hours late. because of this wicked weather. and the situation will change overnight. get the latest forecast, any other school delays, and detailed information about which roads are closed and the best detours on fox 455mooning news. that nformation is available all the time on the fox 45 neww ticker and fox 45 smmrt phhne
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apps. morning news starts at 5 a.m. >> republicans want to know if governoo o'malley's administration covered up bad news in a recent jobs repprt. the department of labor's website said that job growth stalled in the month of juuy that. report was quickly removed from the site. e-mails public implying that the -orkers were told to ake down the information. republicans now want to knnw if3 that order came from the governor's office. >> n the campaign year, you know, thereewill be people that looo at every piece of news to be twwsted as some sort of doom orr4 booeing. depending on what side of the campaign they are on. so you guys have any more questions. >> repubbicans leaders asked ff3 a formal investigation by state lawmakers.ú -> onto the question of the daa. ú%ould therr be a formml investigation into whether the governor's office censored a
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negative jobs report. 88 perrent say yes. 12 percent say no. gordon writes on our website. as fox 45 news always tells us, -e must hold our officials accountable. ú%am contacting my republicans %-investigation.demand an >> johnson & johnson grill order %-phantom recall of motrin last year. the fda did not know the comppny hired contract workers inn2009 to buy up thousands of bottles of motrin, instead of issuing a recall. now the chairman of the3 oversight commmttee wants a bill to give the fda aapower to give companies the power to recall surprised to learn, that the fda has no power to order a company to recall its defective drugs. >> oonson & johnson also recalled almost 200,000,000 bottles of potentially contaminated over-the-counter
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children's medicines. that problem was fiied, and new botttes will hit shelves in %->> from a high chirrto small toys, fisher-price is recaaling about 10,000,000 of its products because they are danggrous to kids. these are just some of the items %-all the toys have potential dangers from falling on to certtin parts.3 to choking hazaads. here is a list what have is being recalled. children's tricycles little people stand and play ramp way. %-activity centers.nd infant >> the big question surrounding [ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good,
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it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. buried in his website - a promise to replace the tax code with a 23% sales tax and eliminate the mortgage interest deduction. a bush tax panel said families would pay $6,000 more a year. a reagan tax advisor calls it a very dumb idea. but that's not his only bad idea. harris was the only senator to vote against
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expanding the child care tax credit and against the state's cancer treatment program. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us. does it feel like home, day yet? in our new house! we'll take care of that. ♪ feels like home [ dad ] good morning. [ male announcer ] grands! biscuits. now we're home. [ male announcer ] it's just not home without 'em. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night pillsbury ham and cheese crescents
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with just a few ingredients, you have an easy to make dinner. they're crescents for the other 364. try them tonight. >> as the ravens prepare to face the steelers there is a ig question hanging over them. will ray rice play sunday? a couple of days. knnw that for but we gottenncourageing signs today. rice, who suffered a knee contusion against the browns onú ú%nday. was back on the practice field today. but he was wearing a red non-contact mesh over his jersey. john harbaugh said all week they will take things slowly and not
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rush him back in until he is ready. but rice himself sounds like he3 is ready. >> feels great. you knoww up to me. coach is smarr. i don't like tt miss practice. but my republicans i get done..3 walkthroughs. they arr great. you but i am sure i will be ready to play. >> elsewhere, trevor pryce has a new ggg. price signed with rex ryan and the jets. the ravens waved him yesterday to make a roster spot for3 hamlin. hope to resign next week but jets pounced on hhm and using -im immediately. price will play sunday against the buffalo bills. jets released tackle howard green to clear a roster spot. >> a very big night downtown at the hip drooe. legendary basketball coach gary williams induuted into the sports legend museum hall of llgends and a glittering3 collection it wws.3 dozens f basketball luminaires close friends of the coach
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gathered for it. %-into the 22 season.heading and all timm winningest coach. as for gary himself, the whole thing was overwhelming. >> to be honoredd in what i call my home state now. to be with people that i really respect. in sports. is certainly a great night for me. >> the ttrps open the eaaon november 8 against seattle university in the 2 k sports classic. >>
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forecast.look at the seven-day we will still see heavy rain through the overnight.3 flooding condittons across much of the central portion of the and then it will start to taper off by mid-morring. making way for clearing for theú afternoon. sunshine. 74 degrees. plenty of sunshine on saturday. 69..3 drop into the 60s. wrapping out the weekend into early next week. but the good news is that it is dry. looking at vernight temperatures getting relatively cool. but t looks like definitely a major storm. major blow as far as hhw much rain we have gooten accoss the area. hang in there folks. ú%ck to you. >> incredible all day long.ú you can ttack tte storm for yyurself usinn i-radar, go to foxbaltimooeecom and click on i-radar. >> aan get the latest forecast,3 and detailed information about road closures on fox 5 morning news. ú%at information is available all the timee
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