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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  October 2, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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edition of "sports unllmited". the "late edition" is next and %->> a popular singgr accused by his own mother. what some believe is the reason behind the allegations. >> a debate with a man in a chicken suit. the latest twist in a very unusual election season. >> a sinkhole swallows the road3 why the earth opened up and the other damage it caused. ú% and, a 1400-pound pumpkin. why it was surprisingly easy to grow. wbff tv in baltimore, this is fox 45 news "late edition".
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>> heelo gain, i am karen parks. >> and i am jeff barnd. r&b star mmrio arrested for >> but myranda stephens said th3 singer's attorney said there is more to thh story. >> mario's arrest comee as a shock to many ffns. -ut his attorney said the situation is not what it seemss >> the r&b star and baltimore morning after police say he assaulteddhis mother inside of investiggtors found broken glass and maaio's mother hardawayytol3 officers this was the second %-weee.r son assaulted her this but mario's attorney said hardaway has a known drug addictioo, and the allegations are completely false. >> sad that his mother has sworn out the charges. aggin we will figure it out. and mario will continue to support her in any way he an..3 >> nowwmario was released on $50,000 bond. we should note he has no
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criminal record. but his mom, on the other hand, has been convicted on several charges, includingg robbery, theft, drug possession. headquarters. "late editionn"s, fox 45 news fire at an abandon building ttis afttrnoon. fire started after 4:00, on sollers point road n dunnalk. at the old seagram's building. no injuries reported. crews had the blaze under connrol as it began to burn itself out. the building is destroyed. people in tte area say it has ú%en vacant for years. >> oh, they were golling..3 over the roof. there was black smoke all over the neighborhood. all over the streett. >> it is just too early to tell if foul play wassinvolved in this fire. >> the case of threeemen accused of kklling former councilman ken harris is now in the hands of a the jury heard closing arguments yesterday. jurors must consider 29 separate charges agaiist all three defendants. harris was shot and killed
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%-run aaay from a robbery outsie of the jazz club two years ago. >> politics and a chicken suit. and tonight organizers and g...p. supporters say democrats arr responsible for thii feathered frenzy. confrontation was caught on camera. the unusuaa interruption happenee yesterday at a political rally on the eastern americans for prosperity roups say they gathered to, in their words, educate ttkendys on kratovil's board the rematch with his republican challengee harris. but then they say fiie individuals, including chuuk cook, the man wiih the beard. who is a democratic staff worker, stoomed the meeting, witt alleged harassment and intimidation. >> we can disagree peacefully that's what makes america great. intimidation that's why we want3
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party. >> tonight a spokesperson for the party released a statement that reads in part. the ones that should be apologizing are the leaders for back by big corporation shipping -obs overseas. ú% departure from thh white house. rahm emanuel is stepping down as chief of staff. he is considered theegate keeper to the ooal office. emmanuel is leaving to run for a job he has openly desired. mayor of chicago. >> ou have lived thaa american dream, mr. president. as have i. my father, my grandfather, came to this country for opportunity. >> senior adviser pete roush will ttke over, at least for now. he was chief of staff to obama ú%%-his style is a bit contrasto rahm emanuel's, roush is described asthma to the cal and quiee. >> stay with fox 45 news for the
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latest on the mii term elections. go to 2010. >> fight back and help to clean up the streets of baltimore city, e're teaming up with baltimore police to track down suspects in the fugitive files again. joy lepola is standing by live with a team deeectives tonight. in the warrant apprehension task headquarters with the latest. how are we doing joy? >> receevingga lot offcalls. hoping you will pick up the are phone aad call us. a small tip could lead to a ig 410-637-8970. number here is and you will speak to one of these offfcers, and your call will be kept strictly confidential. information on the whereabouts of the fugitives could nee you money if it is credible infoomation on the whereabouts of these fugitives. here is a look at them. 18-year-old terrance ellis. wanted for attempted murder. ellis is 5'6, and weighs about
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150. and at 16-years-old, christopher ccmper is wanted for attempted murder. cammer is 5'7 and weighss210. and then we have 27-year-old deion barnee wanted for punching an ex-girlfriend in the face. and he goes by kevin parker. 55foot 11 and weighs 215 pounds. again, if you have any information on the whereabouts of these threeeindividuals, please, pick up the ppone and call us at 410-637-8970. our after 11:30 call 1-866-7-loccup and go to our website and simply click on ffgitive files. again, if yyu have any informationnon the whereabouts of these three fugittves. this is a way to get involved and clean up the streets of baltimore. i am joy lepola. , reporting livee fox 45 news "late edition".
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>> flooded streets aad soggy basemeets, many across the state of maryland. spent the day cleaning up affer yesserday's soaking storms. >> the national weather service said a tornado hit a neighborhood in lake shore. passed within half a mile of chesapeake higg school. and had winds of 80 miles per ú%ur. and the heavy rain leff a trail of destruction behind. including this dundalk basement which had over a foot of water -i it. crews spent the morning crane draining it. home is no stranger to the rising water either. it was flooded last year when a city watermaan broke sending water rushing nto the streets of dundalk. >> you can see the floor, and the rug cominn up. and t is a mess. it is llke a swimming pool. sounds like i m swimming. >> the damage to the homm, and its belongings, is estimated in the thousands. >> the wicked weather caused all kind offproblems across the state. take a lookkat this sinkhole in
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severn. ú%00 this morning. this portion of gamble road gave way leaving a watermain exposed. and electtic lines ripped in the hole. ú%ys to fix. shut down belair road for hall. several hours this morning. but it now is fixed. and the rrad has reopened. >> despite receiving some of the heaviest rainfall, many harford county communities escaped with minor damages. as the marine in havre de grace, homeowners expected to find boats flooded. but instead only a couple of boats were damaged. owners chose toorrde out the pier and parking lot were flooded. >> potential foo trouble. and bad trouble, if you know. if it was worse, most boats if it was higher, llke it did during the last hurricane. a lot of the boats would have beenndamaged probably. >> some wners credit a lull in
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the storm. aad a shift in the winds for >> if you have been watching the weather, you saw the rain we saw move northbound. >> that's riiht. now new york aad new jeesey arr dealing witt the same problems we had. -entral park recording nearly 4 inches of rain..3 torrential rains earliee today, turned the morning commute into >> and today was like night and day. >> it wws. >> a lot better. >> it was clear. >> it was very nice. >> what can we expect for the weekend? meteorologist emily gracey is here wiih a first look t the sky watch fooecast. hi emily, you were out there tooo >> i was ut there. you were out there. we wereeall wet. nobbdy voided ii. today different.3 tomorrow a different story..3 so clearer weather in the forecaat. coooer weather as well. looking at that here on thh radar. looking out at the radar. not seeing any rain showing up. that system has departed. and is bringing wet weather to tte northeast right now. and it has not complltely moved off land. but hhs moved out of the
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mid-atlantic. at least for now we areein the clear as far as wet ccnditiins are concerned. later in the forecast.3 we do have wet weather to talk about. right now talking about cool temperatures. 55 degrees riggt now in balttmore. ú%oling down quiikly this evening. and some spots will be down to thee40s. only getting into the mid to upper 60s or tomorrow..3 like i said, more rain on the way. i will have the details on when it will arrive, coming up innth3 full forecast. %-drivers eed to know about.d drivers on the highway are requireddto move an eetra lane away frommemergency workers. if they can do it safely. the law is iitended to give those workers more safety. >> a massive redevelopment project ii southwest baltimore is officially unddrway. >> yeah, public officials took for theenew up land community. six years since the city acquired the old up land aparrment complee. failed low income housing complex then.
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new project will lead to 1100 mixed iicome housing units on an area that cooers more than 100 acres. why this 1400-pound pumpkin wws so easy to grow. >> but next, some unusual statements within osama bin
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>> thousands of homeowners fearing foreclosure this fall, ú%y be staying put for longer than they thought. ttmporarily stopping foreclosures in 23 states. the bank said it needs ttme to examine whether they rushed the foreclosures without fully reading all documents. thh move comes after workers at ssveral banks say they approved month without reading the documents. ú >> al-qaida leader osama bin laddn is sending messages again. a new tape has surfaced showinn the terror leader speaking ouu against the pakistani government deadly ffoods. he also calls for relief on climate change. -his is his third message in the authenticity of thh tape has not been verified. >> it has been an autumn of extremes. firss it starts off hot. now wet. >> so my question is: what's3
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next? emmly gracey is back with the sky watch forecast. %->> hi guys. wild couple of months and year for weather. we saw the pass couple of days, ú%all caam over the harbor.g, temperatures cooling down. we are down to the mid 50s here in balttmore. clear skies aiding in the cooling. and calm winds as well. so the humidity at 80 percent right noo. we have seen aalot of rain over the past couple of days. reeord breaking rain, at bwi tturgood marshall airport. 6.09 innhes yesteeday, 4.99 in washington and up and dowwnthe westcoast we dealt with the3 weather. moving out..3 and dry conditions right now. although imppcting new england as it continues to depart to the north and east. at home. high pressure is building into thh forecast. and that will be the case for, at least, a day and day nd a half possibly, until the next weather system comes in. watching a couple of weather systems impacting us by the end of the weekend. a low pressure system cooing in
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from the west. and then also a low pressureú coast of the carolinas coming in together. right about sunnay evening during the day on monday. so most of the weekend looking dry, saturday mostly sunny. sunday startiig off with sunshine. and clouding up quickly. as that low approachhs. and sunday evening to monday. againn -nd we will be dealing with wet weather ll the way through until about the middle of the week.ú overnight tonight. no wet weather. cool temperatures. down to 50. with mostly clear skies. then a nice ay tomorrow. cooler day out there. it will feel more like fall. 68 degrees for the affernoon high. pleasant conditions..3 -nd light northerly wind. and then by sunday evening, to monday. %-we have a good chance of raan. and a very good chance of cool temperatures monday and tuesday. we will start to dry out heading into the middle of the week. tuesday evening to weenesday morning. the rain will departt temperatures get close to wwere they should be this time of yeaa. mid to upper 60s. then back into the 70s as we
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head to the end of the week. ú%will have the latest on the seven-day forecast coming up in a few minntes. >> good news for tea and coffee drinkers you may fight off brain tumors with every sip. study suggests they fight off ú
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>> there might be another believe it or not you will love this, "harry potter" book some day. >> get this. author jk rrwling told oprah she may write another novel about the boy wizards. right now shh hhs moved tt to a new phaae but not rullng out a returr to "harry potter". may be an incentive to write more, selling more than 400,000,000 copies. >> incredible. >>the group that parodds the nobel prize gave out awards last night for useful research.ú for example, the engineering
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prize went to the grouu thaa figured out how to collect whale is not using rrmote controlled helicopters. prize for medicine went to scientists that discoverrd roller coasters can reduce asthma symptoms. %-peace prize that shows swearig reduces pain. how did they do it? that group that swore that got hit by the whale is not claimed %-match p between the ravens ad steelers is will we see ray rice on the field? raven's running back is listed as questionable for the game. but he was back at practice today. after sitting ouu, and wearingga red non-contact jersey this week with a bruised knee. %-quarter of sunday's game agait the browns. mri showed no ligament damage. rrceed he would be ready to play but will not know how much he
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can contribute until he gets in the gaae. >> steelers get ready for ray ricc nd they are getting ready for mendenhall. he is a similar running style to hillis that hasn't ran for 144 yards laat week. steelers are a smash mouth team. and it all starts upfront. >> the challenge is, you knnw, their wollrunning eam perioo. ú%and they like to, ou know, gt on people, and you know, clear holes for him. watch a couple of games, you overtime in atlanta. but you see things that could have been corrected easily. but thhy do a good job running the ball. >> he is a typical nfl back. big guyy makes thh cuts. can get physical withhyou. and also run n the perimeter. so he is a really good back. >> the torrentiaa rains yesterday postpone the orioles
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first game against detroit causing themmto play a double header today. we will gt to that early game. but first guthrie gets his final sttrt offthe season. ú%d gutherie hopingg o pick up the 11th win in the sec. top of the third. santiago tries to steal sec. %->> and they also won their eay
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game, 11-6, they have 65 wins on the season. and that's one more than last year.
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>> just in time for all halloween. wisconsin manncrowned kinn of the pumpkins.
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johh barlo of gay mills 1440-pound pumpkin. just for the fun offit. it started to grow, back in may. and said bbcause of the ain this summee. pumpkin patch was loww3 maintenance. he haa been growing the large gourds for 19 years. >> lots of pumpkin envy in the state of wisconsin tonight.ú >> i know. how about the weathhr next week? >> meteorooogist emily gracey is back with the seven-day forecast. >> fall-like weather foo the week. dry tomorrow. 68 degrees. for the afternoon high. mostly sunny skies. for sunday, clouds come in. 66. %-and dealing with more wetsday. weather before we dry out toward the middle and eed of next week. back to you..3 >> all right. emily thank you. that will do it for the "late
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