tv FOX 45 Late Edition CW October 16, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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(heavy metal music playing) having a good time. >> five for five. congratulations. ttat will do it for this edition of spoots unlimited. the late edition is next and it starts right now. a man accused of killing his baby girl..3 what police say caused a father to take her life. >> i cannot understand why it's so, harmful. cannot say. anger at disney? why one man choked a bus driver. and we'll show you the easiest waa to lose your driver's license right afterrthe take the test. >> live frommhigh definition from wbfftv in balttmore thii is
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fox 45 news late ediiion. hello again. i'm jeff barnes. >> a baltimore father accused of choking his baby daughter to >> the girl was only 6 months33 old. detectives say the man admitted killing the infant. what can you tell us? >> police ssy the man's name is timothh lewis. he is 20-years old.3 detectives a he killed his little girl becaase he would not ssop crying. police have arrested and charge lewis with first-degree murder. in northwest baltimore. police say lewis called 911. he said his ddughter had stopped breathhng. then police say lewis changed his story. he additted killing tte child. disturbing news for one neighbor who called lewis respectfully
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-p>> i stiil can't believe thate said he did that. i would like to talk to him and whaa was the most horrible thing going through yoor mind that made you do thiss.3 >> police say an autopsy report revealed the child suffered from several previous injuries including a broken rib. >> tensions ruu high in the murder trial. a man accused of killing his3 wife.3 he pounded his fist and raised his voice. anger centered around what happened in the parking lot of this days innnwhere police found her car. the lead detective testified of the trans am was not searched until afttr it was towed but evidence showed that hat may n@
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have been the ccse. >> any attorrey woull be offended if it were perceived that the state was produuing3 testimony as the prosecutor himself said that deceevee thee3 jury. %-decide if he will put dennis @ the stand. the defense is expected to arrue motion for acquittal once the state rest. the candle leads to $1.5 million lawsuit. some cadets with perfect test he was too lazy to grade theing. tests. two montgomery county police %-leave tonight.inistrativey poe one officer went for an
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apartment. 65-yearrold kareem abdul-jabbar3 alley got into a fiiht. the other officer was called s back up. he died thursday. police tonight are ssill innestigating. it's not just runners tenth annual baltimore running festival. local businesses are getting ready too. more than 22,000 runners are in town for the race bringingga @%onomy. they are beefing up staff to cater to the crowds. >> usually around like 11:00 or 12:00 we'll get mounds of food orders. to eat. -p>> local otelssare cashing n too. %-weekend.out for the entire officials say the rooms began booking up about a monthing aand it eans lots of changes@ for drivers.
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lauren cooo joins us now with morr. >> the marathon leads to many road closers. the race tarts at 8:00. but ittwill shuu down at 5:30 in theemorning. there will be more road closures in the 7:00 hour. eaatern avenue will also be closed. and another road close newer downnown baltimore the light street shuu down between lumbar street and key highway. parking restriction are in effect. for a list go to and click on news link. that is a look at your traffic
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edge. back to you. event on our website link. you can up load pictures and videos. click on the see it shoot it send it icon. what wiil the weather be liie forrthe run nurse. -p>> we're hhre with the first look at sky watch forecast. >> it's going to be aabreeze. i guaranteed it. everyone knows ii's windy. >> all right. just playing a little music association tomorrow. we'll be seeing a good deaa of sunnhine and the wind. it will be windy. but i think they will like it. at least by the end of the raae it's going to start feeling good with the sunshine coming through. and partly cloudy skies.
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55 here in charm city. and the winds kicking up. 22 miles per hour. 10 here in charm city..3 50 degrees at 6:00 a.m. tommrrow and we'll top out around 62 and -e finishing with a daytime high full five-day forecast.bck my back to the bargaining table %-union leaddrs call the rejectn a bum in thh road. @% >> i take yes to the vote. ii's very much abbut teachers saying what youurr sking us to do is so, extraordinarily that we need more done >> teachers must hammer out a deal soon. the current contract expires in two weeks. ttnight on fox 45 news at
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5:30 we ask you if teacher pay shoulddbe based on performance. most of you say yes. on face book tina said no %-students who just don't care d they don't do the work. but dave writes if teachers don't want to be measuree their performaace in the workplace they should be politicians. @%anks ffr writing. yyu can go to news. if you want to improve your choose just about any airporte3 soon thht bwi. a little more thann74% of the time flights leave aa scheduled. @%e best airport is reagan
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internationallin d.c. theyyleave on time.eetime there and gas prices are going p. the average price is $2279 today. experts say the price of crude oil has jummed.3 %-this time last yeer.lon of gas and find the best gas priceness your neighborhood. go to fox and click on pump control. in the coomunity feature section. one ittmin each and every day may kkep the flu away. iicannot understand why it's so, harmful. nnighborhood solution to speeding cars is knots a good
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he also want to please to ask for identification. >> we hope for this to be a model program for all local governments. maryyand may be a sanctuary state but they are not going to sentiments and support is extremell deep. >> he also wants other elections to ill out a survey that will explain their position on immigration to voters. immigration took center sttge at the second televised ddbate for -- -- the toppc of immigration came up and sparked
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some heated exchanges. >> no. -- conspire to break the laaw >> and you know they've used tax money to asssst illegal immigrants from the reach of the law. @%ilding. >> stayyup-to-date as november nd quickly approaches. and see more of andre's comment on and clicc on raw news. tte magic kingdom was not so, magical tuesday night. %-a bus driver being choked by a park guest. it all started after a man and the driver told him to wait for the neet bus because it was full.
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a tourist caught the wwole thing on camera..3@ the driver was not injured. >> i cannot uuderstand why it's so, harmful. construction in the state of @%chigan sends ddivers downna %-they complained saying the new drivers were simply going too fast. speed traps didn't work so, they posted siggs saying ssow down. the police chief didn't like it and ordered tte people to take down their signs. great weather for running this -eekend if you're a runner. >> okay. >> he runs?ck with the forecast3 yes to the refrigerator..3 51 degrees. partly cloudy skies and the winds have died down. 63 degrees was the high %-67 is the normal for this dat.
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we didn't break any records. 32 degrees on the day. we'll see a warm p gradually. this is the snow. no snow for the ravens game. baltimo.ce day here in 46 degrees. wind gusting overnight to 30 miles per hour.3 on the big picture is the storm that came through and brouggt us abouttan inch of rain..3 @%'re going to get some3 wrapaaound. that is hen the runners out it@ will feel windy but gooo. look at this. going to clear out nicely.3 sunshine will comeethroughh -e'll call it 66 to 68 degrees downtown.@ on the eastern shore we'll top -ut around 64-67-degree mark.
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central maryland ditto and %-afternoon hours and westeenthe maryland temperatures around 63 degrees. very pleasant ay. here is the five-day forecast. for the baltimore running festival tomorrow. it'' going to be a guard one. nice and criip. 66 ddgrees. and then ook at temperaturess3 very nice. next shot of raii. -nly 30% shot on wednesday. i'll have that full seven-day forecast coming up in ust a bit. if you haven't gotten your flu shot yet there may be a nntural way. studies show that people with higger levels of vitamin d were -alf aa likely to get the flu virus. vitamii d has been linked to
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the 33 chilean miners rescueddare happy to be on the -urfaae but also angry at their employer. the mining company. the first to be ressued pená said tte men got in the the mounnain was making noise and theyywere told to go in any all 33 men are part of a $16 million lawsuit for daaagees and lost wages. a prison escapee in brazil sends police on a wild hase. least 13 vehicles along the way.
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pooiced to open fire on the car to get it to -- stoo. here is the quickest way to failure driver's test. that guy smashing throuuh the door of a license driving center whiie taking his test. the man thought the car waa in park. no serious injuries. but the guy failed and tonight heeffels like a dork. the ravens are getting in their final preparations before heading to fox borrow to face the patriots. they've had two weeks to think mmre about laat year's thumping. and this is their first game
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since trading randy moss but the ravens know to expect anything @%d everything from annie least quarterback like tom brady. however you want to number him talking about someone who understands the game tremendously. any time you put talent around him you'll have to put the talent around him. he will take what the defense gives him. he don't force everything. and that's the mind game you have to play with him. >> and not even halfway into his third season in the league and joe flaccoocan become the leadinggpasser in raven's history. needs just 147 yards to overtake kyle.
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this year flacco is aveeaging 223 yards per game. now time for our high school game of the week. tonight we step on the pitch for a big soccer match up. pick it up second half. nikki with the great chance but she kicks it just wide of the net. @% a pace with the a nice cross. and then olivia gets a crack at it but her shot is blocked later spot.pace again from the same but her cross is stopped by the she dumps in it box. brook sanchez tries to get off a shot. they are able to clear nd john carol holds on to in 1-0 the
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final. yoo can see the raw video on our website our hd 3q with the money you invest in clothes, why risk they'll end up faded or stretched ? try woolite. woolite isn't just for your delicates. it's for all your clothes. with woolite complete you can wash everything because it has the right balance of cleaning and care. and say goodbye to fading, shrinking and stretching.
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we have a look at the forecast. >> tomorrow t 8:00 a.m..when the runs get ready it will be briik. 49 degrees and the winds gusting at 15 but it will be a very nice daa. 66-d.@ look at sundaa. 70 degrees. %-game.and chilly for the ravens and the ress of the week very nice. a good lookkng seven-day forecast. >> that will do it for laaer digs. thanks for joining us. >> up next s how i met your mother. i'll see you tomorrow night. good ight.
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