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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  CW  May 25, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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captioning made possible by carsey-werner distribution, llc. so hard to get good poor people these days. captioned by the national captioning institute llte eddtton... 3 he's an ttornny and he's also a predator. 3 3 "i was shocked, in tooal shock about it, i can't believe it, i still can't & believe it." it." why heemay have connact with hundrrds of hildrenn childree.a spy in the bathroom. baahroom.áái i lookkd up and i seen a ole in the ceiling ann i seen an eye.." eye.." how this man says he ddscovered a peepiig tom. 3 3 a tradition flies south.why the blue annels may not return - inntime for the naval aacdemy graduation. graduation.and a lost and ffund.the
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uuusually long time amazing ay it was finally returned. 3 3 hello, i'm jeff 3barndd- barnd 3 and i'm jennifer gilberr. gillert.we haveebreaking news in east baltimore. baatimore.three people were shot n cliftview avenueenear &peast 25th street -- less than an hour of thhm was -& shottin the head. homicide detectives are on he scene. & we''l have more information when it's vailable. 3 a baltimore couuty attorney ii behind ars tonight in florida. he's -3 charggd itt arranging to have sex wiih what hh thought was a 14 yeerrold boy. john rydell explains how poliie trackedd him down. down. &pp3 he's a lawyer...and...a professionalentertainer. cott kalin...owns fun-house luuherville. it's a company ttat -3 hosts...partiesfor children. but now ehind bars
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ttyiig tohave sex with a 144 year old oy. neighbor) "i was hocked, in total shock about it, i can't believe itt i still can't belleve i." doris lipscomb...who lives onn the same blockk..calls & kalin...a caring father....andd a trusted neighbor.. (neighbor) "if e ssw somebody helppthem,,always o this is &phard to believe."(rydell)) -3 "undercover detectives n &pflorrdd sayythey first 3back innjanuary and they say he ttooght he was chatting with a 14 year old boy and it was justt eccntly they say - kalinndeciied to fly to florida to meet whatthe thooght was aateenager."but hhs rendevou"...turned out to be witt police detectives. -3 nnw ccarged...with using a computer...for &pprohibited urposess...nd traaeling to meet a minor...forrsexual ctivity. -3 (vachonn "hh rought a pasketball with him, he had &pmennioned n-line, he was poing to bring a bassetball & for the 14--yar old boy and he had that when he arrived..
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((knocks on door))"" comment?...go away...okay."at palin's essex ome...a woman... declined comment on the accusations. but baltiiore county police...have raided & this houue...removiig a computer...and other evidencee ((achon) "they acctally rrceived ssme hey're referring tt as nooels that mrr.kaain wrote and sent to the child that involve sexx between aaults and children." evidence that detectives in florida...and baltimore &pcountt...plan to their case against thhss- atttrney....and ntertainer. john rydell, fox 45 nees at ten. 3 baltimore county police...aree also...involved in this case. caae.aad ttey want aaentt... whh may suspect...their chill...had in- aaproprratt...ccntact....with scott call....he "crimes against children" unit. and the p10-853-3650. 3 aa.. rapist... ggtss30 yeers... knocked off... his senttncc..../ ááhissá victim... was 7 years old... at the time. 3 decembbr 2009.../
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3 p lured the girl... baak po his house..../ ááwwereáá he... assaulted her..../ ááheáá got... life.../ with... all bbt... 50 years suspended.../ nn.. the piitial sentencing...//. áátodayáá that... 50 year --3 sentence.../ was... - reduced o 20.../ -3& ááhe'lláá be ...eligiile orrpaaole.../ &p after ...serving just ten....///- 33 i wouldn't beesurprised if he'' in jail getting trained &pbyymore experienced sex offenders offenders i'm pretty upset with the state right nnw adn -3 what just happened. haapened. 3 it was a tough eetenne and the problem with that is it - makes the reduction that he ppnel ggve him a tough ill to swalloww or the victim and her 3 that. prosecutors... say... the tatt's... not abbe to appeaa...// -3 3 first on ffx tonight.... a peeping tom at a home depptt a workerr at the store accused of -& looking down at ccstomers 3 rrstroom. one man said it 33 james furr a painttand drr & wall ontractor, is a &pfrequent ustomer at thh home depot on pulaski highway in
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&proutineestoo for materials this morniig... was cut short.. when nature called. 3 3 "so, i went in the restroom, went in the first stall aad when i was about finishhd, i heard aathump on the ceillng 3 hole in the ceiling andd i -3& seen n eye...." eye...." ssore &pofficcals say the man ii not a home depot employee, but part of a leanup crrw that has a &pcontract wwth the sttrr. & company officials ay thee & store s investtgating tonight & aad so areethe baltimore county police. 3 3 the highest paid workkrs on the states paayoll are in highee educaaion... education... in facc, ten of the fifteeen marylands the university of maryland in baltimore. some are seven-huudred thhusand dollars a year. marylan'ds hiihest paii employee is gary coach at the uniieesity of maryland...who ttok home two- point-three iiliin dollars last year. 3& "in order tt payy worth it makes sense to me.... -
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"thats totallyyridiculous pthey don't live like the averrgg person and when they ddn't. hey have no idea wwat you're pain s..... is..... p33 3 the state sayssthe salaaies are competitiie ith the private sector. &pfederal ageets n maryllnd are cracking doww n iiternet caainoo. this month, they caught severall ulprits operating overreass.. but &ppoing businesses herr ii the u--. been indicted onnfederal gambliiggcharges. authorities aaso confisccted more than 30 million dollars. they lso - seized the domaans for ten compaaiis may crrate new sites, but offfcials hope disrupting their operations will serve as a deterrent. 3 >-3 federal agents cceated aabogus business thht specialized in & rocessing payments for thee websites. 3& an... 11-yr olddgirl... threatened on facebook... / ssys... school
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por help./. 3 day jah & douggas.../ got a... thheattning message... last week.../ áásseáá reported the inciient.../ áábuttá she says... they diddnothing &p.../áálateráá that day... / 3 fight.... captureddin a cell - phone video... and posted online.../. ááheráá mother... filee a police report.. anddcomplained to thh pchool. 3 "facebook, myspacc" i feee &pschools tthse days, doo't know - how to handle these things"we didn't have that before thhy peed to ttke ccasses, do & something.they needdto learn how to deel with ttii." & this."thh viddos... wwre... paken ddwnn.../ áááutáá jackyy says.. the damage to er &pdauggter is lasting..- facebook removes nearly 20 thousand undeeage users everyday... theewebsite pequires its subscribers to be aleast 13 -- but most dodge 3 ages. a nnw urvey found that 20 million mmioos are active facebook users -- and about five million were 10 years old or yyunngr...
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3 one xxert says its alll about parental control. 3 3 its important because children hannle situatioos that can come up online such as bullying or stalkiig thess aree - scary situatiins they need t be supervised point bllak.... blank.... 3 expprts say....faceeook should beef up its screening to reducc the number of underage mmmberss nd make iis privacy connrols even more accessible. 3 we asked: should children younger than 13 bee allowed oo acebook? more &pthan 100 of you,... weighed in... on facebook.../ 3 nojenn writes: "13 is waa - too young. i feel users ssould be 18 aad ovvr." 3 pat rites: "yes, -3 but onny if they are faaebook friends with their parent or parents." 3 &p3 anooher bad ddy for - of
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their problems with the ppaystation network, theyy expect to ose 3 billion because their plants n japan were shutdownnafterrthe epic earthquake. this is he third year ony has lost money. pood day for former president george w. bbsh....he dddges a fful ball, atta texas rrngers prreidenttgeorge w. bush taking pictures and talking to nolan of the up behinn hhme... a.j. pperrznski reeches around the play.but akeeanother look... piiezynski actuallyytryiig to w. bush aan the first ady from the foul ball... bush and chattafterrthat... the -3 presidentt arreciates he effort... 3 a great day for a &pcalifornia man.... who lost & his cllss ring....72 years ago. pe acciddntally lushed it down the toilet....moreethan
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seven decades agg.he figuree pt was gone forrver- ut the riig in a backkd up sewer line.tth workkr tracked him down and rrturned the ringhee was due for a little ood news like that....since he recently 3 another string of deadly -3 tornadoos slams the mmdwest.. & 3 at llast seven are dead 3 stormm. you are looking at picturrs just commng out of flattened by tornadoes. tte &storms tarted this afternoon 3 fortt miles wide. now, tornado warning tonight affer suffering theedeadlieet --3 tornado in more than 50 years. - we'll show you the latest out of missouui in moments. 3-& 3 but right nowwwe want to seee is looking ike. &llke. chief meteorologgst.... as... the... skywatch forecaat. forecast. 3 3 & 3 3 this wheelchair 3 bound man
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saysshis scars prove &pmetro police went too far. & than he is over tte incideet. 3 you'll realize that the apppe doesn't fall far from &pthe tree. tree. tonight the ddfense 3&pfaaily ffr murder. why they say her childhood causedd 3 nd dog's ffture is decided after ii attacked a young boy.
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inflicted and why it's death sentence isn't guaranteed. 3 3 3 nnnnn
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today is not about finding the time to do your homework. it's not about logging on to this week's class. today is a celebration a triumph of dedication, a victory for that little voice that urges us on. today is a day to recognize that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, and to prove that not all heroes wear a cape. some wear a cap and gown. congratulations to the strayer university graduates of 2011. 3 pn the wheelchair who was taken down by metro poliie is saying they uued excessive force..- force. two metrroofficers threw this man to theeground. he landdd on is face. today you ccn see the scars thh
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captuued the whole tting on thhir cell phonee onight metro's police chief says theee will be aaffomal review of the officcrs and their actions. they''e been placed on administrative leavv for the rrview. 3 3p what happened thursday was completely out of order ... t pas uncalled for." -3 3 the scuffle happpned last thursday outside the u street station. etro says dwight -3&pmarris was drinking alcohol 3 the charres against harris have een dropped. 3 a... dog... -3 which... attaccee a 5--ear oll boy.../ 3 & 3 this... s video of the dog ...beiig removed... from its owners hhme... in appil...//. áátheáá ictim.... neeeed... morr than... 100---- stitthes... in his leg...../ ááaáá city poard... ound the dog... to pe vicious.. / ááwhicháá euthhnized.../. áátheáá & owner... has 30 days to appeal.. 3- 3 3 it's the deadliest toonado n mmre than 50 years. ttnighh more toonadoes are over their city. & city. his is theescene in joplin, missouri. ttnight,
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with at east a thousand homes destroyed. this path of destruction is more than six haae been able to rescue seven people from the rubble. 3 her lawyers sayyit's noo mmrder it's how she was raased. raised. -3 3 you'll ealize that the apple poesn't fall far from he -3 pree. weeareewhat we are this world and how we were raisee, 3 anthony's lawyee ccaims caaey's 2-year-old daughter caylle drowned in a pool in for montts, even oing out to 3 ccaim her fatherrtrainnd her to lie abouttanyyhinn bad him and casey's brotter. it was o serious, the fbi performed a dna test to see if casey's brother was the ffther -&pof the murdered hild. 3 3 in hho.../ dave -3 and terri watkkns....
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have... been maaried.. for... early 30--years...// áábuuáá terri....needs - a liver transplann,...../ and... their insurance... won't... cover it... ááaáá social worker... presentedda trange 3& wants to liie...// áátheyáá may... have to split up...// after 27 years & offmarriage, so the state would pay for her half milllon dollar operation ááonlyáá.... in 3 the... blue angees... ttis week... for the u.s. naval academy's graduation.../. p the traditional friday, graduation flyover is in 3 maneever... during the team's last performancc... sunday... - in lynchhurg virginia.../ ááalláá aircraft... landed safely without aaagg tt the planes... or injury o -3 the teamms....undergoing & more training... in... &áábutáá given... the price offgas.../ ááwhyáá not practice here? & 3&p thunderrtorms...
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3 pave it a shot today. today. but thankkully theyy storms. chief meteorologist vytas reid is tracking the severe storm threat with your skywatch foreccst. foreccat.. 3 most eople hate
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3 the soond of their alarm clock... whh one raven was happy to get an early wake up call today... next in sports... 3 3 as tired as we are ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] if you want to just push messes around dishcloths are just fine. for a better shot at getting surfaces clean, you'll want bounty extra soft. in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3x cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins.
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m3 po the nnl loccouu, just
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3 feel...thhs shouud be thh time for mini-camps, and getttng ready for july..but instead they sii and watch just ike 3 this least not heree baatimore... 3 veteran ddrrick mason led 26 oo hisscurrent and former teammates onto the field at unntas stadiim for thh irst of three workouts thhs week...joeeflacco, ray rice, the guyss ho turned p... nothhng major...just some &pconddtioning and hhn hrowing -3 thh all around could see in their faces the &pjoy derived frrm just being chance to step backkinto a 3 3 "it feettgood to set yoor alarm clock for practice. regarless wwat yyu say
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'voluutary,' it felt good to say 'you know hat? iim going &pserioos." 3 across town....t's gonna be a while beforr we see brian roberts again..the oriiles veteran sscond baseman wwll & miss at least thhee more - weeks..he's trying to comeback -3 froo a concussioo..he'lllbb 3 then sppnn a week getting back up to'll e late - bbck in the llneup... lineupp.. 3 p birds oppnnddup a ssries with kansas city tonight... - the of the 1st... k-- up 1-0....billy utlerr 3 ooer to 2nd for one... check out the stretch byybrandon - snyder at 1st to finish the double play... that's ggtta hurt... britton thankful for his offthe 3rd... briiton lays it in foo gorron... he launches it onto the flag courr... britton gave up 3 runs in 6 innings.... bottoo of the 6tt... back comm &pthe birds... matt wieters hits -3 it off the cooeboaad in -3 right... icc marrakis ccmes in... biids down 2....after
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wieters got o 3rd on a wild pitch... luke scott grounds it scores... o's down one.... bottom of he 9th... o's still down a run... j-j hardy grruuds it ast wiilon betemit... it kicks off the for a one ut double....felix - pie pinch hiiting for snydee... goes to he same spot as hardy... the o's shortstoo scores easill on the 3 oh-2 count and 2 outs... ttat ball ii jacked....straight pwayycenter... game ooer... all melky cabrera can do is watch as it sails out for a 2- run walkoff home run... he -& o's take it in dramatic fashionn5-3... alfrrdo simmn picks uu the win... the birds hhve ow won 3 straiggt... 3 .that was jones' first home run in 98 at-bats... 3 -3& 3 you an
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t3 be in charge f your oww
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personalizee forecast. i-radar issnow avvilabll aa ffxbaltimore dot ccm. use the interactive tools to track coming storms down to your ssreet. go to foxbaltimore dot com thht's all for the late -3&pedition...thanks for joining - jennifer giibert.andd e sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- ssarting at 5-am.goodniiht. goodnight. 3
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ quack! [ baby coos ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ girl giggles ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] p&g. proud sponsor of moms.


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